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中考英语 阅读理解题材Topic 11 世界与环境

2020-10-31 15:33



Topic Eleven The World and The Environment 世界与环境
本话题是谈论世界与环境问题。世界与环境相互依存 ,但是近年来人们为了自身的发展,
破坏了环境,环境问题日益突出。中考阅读理解对本话题考查是通过 阅读小短文理解大意,
从短文中归纳、分析出环境与世界的关系,以及了解环境对世界的重要性和作用。 目的是培
养学生的环境意识,提高学生对环境问题的认识。这就要求学生在日常生活中重视环境问题,< br>养成热爱环境、保护环境的好习惯。
Cut the Carbon Footprint
Everything you do leaves a 碳足迹).For example,when you
travel in a taxi,the car gives off(排放) CO
into the air.CO
is a greenhouse
gas.Greenhouse gases make the earth become warm.To protect our environment,we
need to leave less of a .How big is your carbon footprint? To
get an idea,take a look at the following numbers.
Living areas
★ TV sets and DVD players produce 723kg of CO
a year.
★ If you turn them off when you're not using them,you can cut that number by
Laundry room(洗衣房)
Drying clothes in a dryer produces a lot of CO

★ If you use your dryer five times per week,you produce 185kg of CO
per year.
★ Dry your clothes in the sun instead.
★ If you take an eight-minute shower every day,you produce 616kg of CO
a year.
★ If you only use six minutes to take a shower,you can cut that number by 154kg
a year.
( ) 1.CO
is a greenhouse gas that can make the earth warm.
( ) 2.Watching TV and traveling in a taxi can produce little CO

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( ) 3.If we use a dryer five times per week,we produce 154kg of CO
per year.
( ) 4.If we spend less time taking a shower,we can cut the number of CO

( ) 5.The less of a ,the better our environment
will become.
1.T 根据第一段第三句和第四句话可知 CO
2.F 根据“TV sets and DVD players produce 723kg of CO
a year.”和文章标
题,可知看电视和开车能产生很多 CO
3.F 根据“If you use your dryer five times per week,you produce 185kg of CO

per year.”可以判断此句是错误的。
4.T 根据每天洗澡 8 分钟和每天洗澡 6 分钟产生的二氧化氮的对比说明,时间越短,
5.T 根据“To protect our environment,we need to leave less of a 'carbon
footprint' ,可知此句正确。

June 5th is World Environment Day.This makes us
pay more attention to our environment.When Wang
Boxuan,a Beijing high schoolboy,uses up his exercise
books,he does not throw them away.Each one is kept
at his school with hundreds of exercise books that
are given by other students.Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.
The paper is recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school.At
the same time,the money that is made from the sales goes to schools in Inner
Mongolia(内蒙古).The government there uses the money to plant more trees and
grass.This place is one of the sources(源头) of the sandstorms(沙尘暴) that often
attack Beijing during springtime.
Wang's school is one of the schools in the capital that take part in the
promiseenvironmental protection activity.So far,nearly 210000 students have taken
part in the activity,collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.
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( ) 1.Wang Boxuan and his schoolmates _______ waste exercise books.
A.throw away
B.keep and sell
C.cut up
D.give away
( ) 2.The money made from the sales is used to _______.
A.buy new exercise books
B.help poor students
C.plant trees and grass
D.be kept
( ) 3.From the third paragraph,we can know that _______.
A.many years from now,students will have no exercise books to use
B.many years from now,there will be no waste paper
C.many years from now,the sandstorms will be less serious in Beijing
D.many years from now,Beijing will be much dirtier
( ) 4.World Environment Day is on _______.
A.六月十五号 B.七月十五号 C.六月五号 D.七月五号
( ) 5.Which of the following is right?
A.The paper is recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school.
B.So far,all students have taken part in the activity,collecting more than
87 tons of waste paper.
C.At the same time,the money that is made from the sales goes to schools in
D.Each one is kept at his school with few exercise books that are given by other
1.B 细节判断题。根据第一段段意可知“存着卖掉”(废纸)。
2.C 由第二段第三句可知这些钱用来植树、种草。
3.C 根据第二段最后一句可推出“许多年以后,沙尘暴现象将会得到缓解”。
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4.C June 5th 为六月五号。
5.A 可用排除法。根据短文内容可知只有 A 正确。

Two magazines recently listed the best cities to live in.Here are two of the
cities listed as .
comfortable weather all year round(15℃ to
26℃).Housing is not very expensive in San
Jose.Also,many of the city's older
neighborhoods are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafes(咖啡馆).Beautiful
mountains are around the city.You can visit them easily from San Jose.So lots of
people go sightseeing there every year.But air pollution is a problem in the city
HONG KONG,CHINA This lively city — once a small fishing village — is today
an international business center.It is an interesting mix of East and West,old
and new.Modern tall buildings are next to small temples(庙宇).Popular nightclubs
are close to traditional teahouses.Busy people fill the streets at all hours of
the day.But outside the city,there are parks for walking or relaxing.Hong Kong
is famous for its wonderful native dishes.There's also food from Europe,North
America,and other parts of Asia.However,this small city has a large
population.Nearly seven million people live in Hong Kong! That's why housing is
often very expensive.Traffic and air pollution are also problems.
( ) 1.Which of the following is not mentioned about San Jose?
A.The weather.
B.The mountains.
C.The air.
D.The traffic.
( ) 2.The writer thinks housing in Hong Kong is expensive because _______.
A.it was a small fishing village
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B.it is a mix of East and West
C.it is famous for its wonderful food
D.there are too many people in the city
( ) 3.what do the two cities have in common(有共同之处)?
A.They both have beautiful mountains.
B.They both have a large population.
C.Air pollution is a problem in both.
D.They are both crowded.
( ) 4._______ are around the city of SAN JOSE.
A.Small hotels
B.Small cafes
C.Beautiful mountains
D.Older neighborhoods
( ) 5.Nearly _______ people live in Hong Kong!
A.70000 B.700000 C.7000000 D.70000000
1.D 纵观第二段对城市 SAN JOSE 的介绍,只有 D 没有提到。
2.D 根据倒数第一段倒数二、三句可知原因是人多。
3.C 由于第二段和第三段最后一句都提到了 air pollution,故这是它们的共同之处。
4.C 根据第二段第四句 Beautiful mountains are around the city.可知。
5.C 由于 seven million 为七百万,故答案为 C。

I can't remember when I started collecting litter(垃圾).But it was when I got
tired of seeing litter near my home and realized that
no one else was going to pick it up.
I live close to a forest in Ohio,America.I can walk
there in three minutes! I used to love going there to
play with my dog.But one day there was so much litter there that I became very
unhappy.I decided to clean up the forest.I wanted to feel happy going there again.
I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon.I took a big black rubbish
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bag with me.Ten minutes after starting to pick up litter,my bag was full! It had
cans,bottles,broken glass and newspapers in it.
Since that first trip three years ago,I've gone to the forest four times a year
to pick up litter.I'm often there for three hours.It makes me feel great to do
something for the environment.
After each trip,I look at all the litter I've found.If any of it is recyclable(可
回收的),I keep it.I can't understand why people drop litter.But I will keep picking
it up until they stop dropping it.
I know I can only do a small bit to help the earth,but I still think it is
( ) 1.When did the writer begin to collect litter?
A.When he was very young.
B.After his home moved to a new place.
C.When he realized no one else was going to pick it up.
D After he left school.
( ) 2.The writer lives _______.
A.in a forest
B.near a forest
C.far away from a forest
D.in a place with much litter
( ) 3.The writer collects litter _______.
A.in order to make money
B.in order to make fun
C.in order to get a prize
D.in order to make the place clean
( ) 4.The writer collects litter _______.
A.in the forest
B.in the street
C.in the park
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D.in the school
( ) 5.From the passage we infer(推断) _______.
A.the writer will go on collecting litter
B.the environment will be more beautiful if everyone tries his best to protect
C.the writer always collects a lot of litter
D.the writer thinks he does a great thing
1.C 根据第一段第二句可判断。
2.B 由第二段开头一句“I live close to a forest in Ohio,America.”可知,其
中 close 意为 neat。
3.D 根据第二段最后两句可知他捡拾垃圾是为了使那个地方保持干净。
4.A 纵观全文可知是在森林。
5.B 由于这里是问能推断出什么,选项 A 和 D 都在文中提及,故不用推断。C 项说

Think of all the things you throw away:juice bottles,
soda cans,candy covers.It adds up.How much rubbish do
you produce? Americans throw away about 1 ton of rubbish
per person every year.That's 2000 pounds of rubbish! Most
of the rubbish gets covered in big holes in the round called
A lot of this rubbish can be recycled,or turned back to something useful.The
main things we recycle today are made from metal,paper.
People recycle for many reasons.One of the main reasons is to protect
resources(资源).Making new cans out of old ones means less aluminum(铝) is needed
for new cans.
This leads to a second reason people recycle:it saves energy.Recycling old
aluminum cans take much less energy than making new aluminum.To make new aluminum,
you need to mine metal ore(矿石) from the ground,remove it,and refine it,into
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a finished metal.
Recycling also protects valuable land.By recycling,we produce less rubbish.That
means fewer landfills are needed for dropping our rubbish.
Because metals are some what costly to make,they are the world's most recycled
materials.About two-thirds of all steel(钢) is recycled.
Almost all drink cans are made of aluminum.Americans recycle about one-third
of their used aluminum cans.Empty cans are sent to special factories.There,they
are cleaned,melted,and made into new pieces of aluminum.
Americans use lots of paper — mostly in the form of newspapers,magazines,
and cardboard boxes.In fact,paper takes up more space in landfills than any other
Old paper can be cut and made are into new paper.Americans recycle a little
more than one-third of their paper rubbish.New papers are made from trees,each
ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees!
( ) 1.You can most probably read the passage in _______.
A.a science book
B.a Chinese book
C.a history book
D.a geography book
( ) 2.The underlined word .
A.销毁 B.收集 C.熔化 D.回收利用
( ) 3.Why do people recycle rubbish?
A.To protect resources because it's hard to make new resources.
B.It can save energy,because the resources are limited(有限).
C.To protect valuable land,because there is no place to bury rubbish.
D.To protect resources,save energy and protect valuable land.
( ) 4.Which one is right?
A.People recycle paper from the trees.
B.Papers take up less space in the landfills.
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C.Americans recycle a little more than 13 of their paper rubbish.
D.To recycle paper can't protect their environment.
( ) 5.The main idea of the passage is _______.
A.To let us know it is a big job deal with rubbish.
B.To explain the reasons for rubbish recycle.
C.To describe know to recycle metal,paper.
D.To explain how to recycle rubbish and why to do so.
1.A 本题为综合理解题,通读本短文可知本文为一科普知识类的文章,可能在科普类
书籍上看到,故应选 A。
2.D 本题为单词理解题,读短文可知,本文主要分析了垃圾回收再利用的原因;再由
关键句“The main things we recycle today are made from metal,paper.”可知 recycle
意思应为“回收利用”之意,故本题只能选 D。
3.D 由短文的第三、四、五段可知,垃圾回收再利用的原因主要有三个,故可知,选
项 A、B、C 所述的原因不全面,故应选 D。
4.C 本题为综合理解题,我们可以用排除法,再由关键句“Americans recycle a little
more than one-third of their paper rubbish.”可知本题应选 C。
5.B 本题为综合理解题,我们可以用排除法,从而可以确定仅有选项 B(解释垃圾回

Who would guess that those blue green waves hide
a world of wonder and danger far below?
Sunlight cannot reach there,so plants cannot
grow.Yet 10 million kinds of sea animals live under
the waves.There you will find some of the earth's
most strange creatures.
The sea covers more than 70 percent of the earth.About 97 percent of the space
for living things is there,too.At its deepest,it goes more than 11000 metres (6.9
miles) down.
Why has less than 5 percent of this amazing world been explored? Because it takes
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more than courage to explore the oceans.It also takes money.Only with very expensive
tools can we deal with the danger of the sea.But now several countries are exploring
the oceans more than ever before.
( ) 1.Many plants are growing in the deep ocean.
( ) 2.1000000 kinds of animals live under the waves.
( ) 3.5% of the world of deep oceans has been explored so far.
( ) 4.The correct meaning for the phrase the wavesis the sea.
( ) 5.People have never explored the oceans before.
1.F 由文中“Sunlight cannot reach there,so plants cannot grow.”可知。
2.F 由 10 million 为一千万可知错误。
3.F 由最后一段 Why has less than 5 percent of this amazing world been
4.T 词义理解题。这里意思是指“海底的”
5.F 由前面提到已开发 less than 5% 以及最后一句。可知人们并不是从来没有开发。

Jane Goodall first made friends with a
chimp(黑猩猩) when she was one year old.On her
first birthday her mother carried her to the zoo
near her home and bought her a toy chimp.She loved
her furry(毛绒的) friend very much.At age 7,
Jane Gooddall read Dr.Doolittle,a book about a doctor who could talk to animals.She
wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal,too.She expected to go to Africa
some day so that she could learn more about chimps.When Jane grew up,she still
dreamed of going to Africa.She got her wish when she was 26 years old.She went
to Gombe National Park where many chimps lived in the forests.
Jane watched the chimps closely day after day.She saw that they were a lot like
people.They could think and make plans.They used tools.They showed their fear,
pain,or pleasure.Sometimes,they fought.Often,they hugged(拥抱) and kissed.
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Scientists were surprised by what Jane saw.They knew that the relation between
chimps and humans was the closest.However,they did not know they acted so much
like us.
Jane still has the toy chimp she was given as a child.She has studied her furry
friends for over 30 years.Now,she speaks for them to groups around the world.She
hopes that what she has to say will make others do something to protect chimps from
being hurt.
( ) 1.When Jane was 7,she wanted _______.
A.to read Dr.Doolittle again
B.to talk to animals,too
C.to buy another toy chimp
D.to meet a doctor at once
( ) 2.Jane went to Gombe National Park to _______.
A.have a trip there
B.train a baby chimp
C.learn more about chimps
D.protect the chimps there
( ) 3.The scientists were surprised when they heard that _______.
A.the chimps could act so much like humans
B.Jane had been in Africa for such a long time
C.Jane watched the chimps closely day after day
D.Jane still had the toy chimp she was given as a child
( ) 4.Jane speaks for chimps to groups around the world to _______.
A.help the scientists learn more about chimps
B.study her furry friends in some other countries
C.make more people do something to protect chimps
D.let people know that chimps are lovely animals
( ) 5.From the passage,we can learn that _______.
A.Jane found more about chimps than the scientists did
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B.Jane dreamed of going to Africa when she was 26
C.Jane could talk to chimps with the help of the scientists
D.Jane knew nothing about chimps before going to Africa
1.B 由文中第一段“She wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal,too.”
2.C 根据下文可知她去的目的是进一步了解黑猩猩。
3.A 根据第三段可推出是对黑猩猩行为举止与人如此相似感到惊奇。
4.C 由文中最后一句句意可知。
5.A 根据倒数第二段可知她了解的比科学家们还要多。

1970 was the World Conservation(保护) Year.The United Nations wanted everyone
to know that the world is in danger.They hoped that governments would act quickly
in order to conserve nature.
Here is an example of the problems.At one time there were 1300 different plants,
trees and flowers in Holland,but now only 860 left.The others
have been destroyed by modern man and his technology.We are
changing the earth,the air,the water,and everything that
grows and lives.We can't live without these things.If we
go on like this,we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more
important to ask
be living in the world of tomorrow are the young people today.A lot of them know
that conservation is necessary.Many are helping save our world.They plant trees,
protect wild animals,and so on.In a small town in the United States a large group
of girls cleaned the 11-kilometer-long banks of the river.Young people may hear
about conservation through a record called ONEIS GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD.It
was made by the Scatles,Cliff Richard and other singers.The money from it will
help to conserve wild animals.
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( ) 1.From the passage we know that there are _______ in Holland now.
A.more trees
B.more flowers
C.fewer plants
D.fewer animals
( ) 2.This passage is mainly about conserving _______.
C.wild animals
D.wild plants
( ) 3.What's the meaning of the sentence we go on like this,we shall destroy
A.We can't live on the earth someday.
B.We can't see plants.
C.We can't see animals.
D.Our life will be hard.
( ) 4.The money from a record will help to conserve _______.
A.wild animals
( ) 5.Which is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Planting trees.
B.Protecting wild animals.
C.Cleaning the banks.
D.Collecting waste paper for recycling.
1.C 根据“At one time there were 1300 different plants,trees and flowers in
Holland,but now only 860 left.”可知。
2.B 纵观全文,既提到植物又说到动物,故是保护自然界。
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3.A 由此句上句“we can't live without these things.”可知“我们某天将不能
4.A 根据短文最后一句可知是保护野生动物。
5.D 纵观全文可知只有收集废纸循环利用没有提及。

The U.N.Climate Change conference opened in Copenhagen,Denmark Monday.More
than 15000 officials from 192 countries attended the
Copenhagen Climate Change Conference from Monday to December
18th.It is reported that it was the last best chance for
an agreement to combat global warming.
Their task is to find common ground,including on
reduction(减少) of greenhouse gas emissions(排放),promotion and transfer of new
more eco-friendly technology and the necessary funding to make this possible,
especially for the less developed and poorer nations.It also means coming up with
long term vision(设想) and cooperation for the future.
The Copenhagen conference was to come up with a binding agreement to succeed
the 1997 Kyoto Protocol《京都议定书》 which mandated emissions cuts.But as we know,
it was not signed by some of the world's biggest polluters,including the United
States.Kyoto ends in 2012.But many say a political framework is more likely at
Copenhagen,with a binding accord to be worked out possibly next year.
Denmark's Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen reminded delegates the time to
act is now and for everyone.warming knows no borders,it does not
discriminate(区别).It affects us all and we are here today because we are all
committed to take action,.The prime minister said he believes a deal is
possible.Delegates have just over a week to prove him right — before more than
100 heads of state and government come here.Conference organizers hope they'll have
a deal on the table for signing.
( ) 1.The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference was from Monday to _______.
A.November 16th
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B.December 18th
C.December 16th
D.Next Monday
( ) 2.The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference _______ an agreement to combat
global warming.
A.was the last chance for
B.had the most countries to come up with
C.has come up with
D.was the last best chance for
( ) 3.The task of the U.N.Climate Change conference is _______.
A.to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas
B.to come up with a short term vision
C.to end up the 1997 Kyoto Protocol
D.to change the climate
( ) 4.Conference organizers hope _______ will have a deal on the table for
A.Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen
B.the world's biggest polluters
C.the less developed and poorer nations
D.more than 100 heads of state and government
( ) 5.From the passage we know _______.
A.The Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1979.
B.195 countries attended the Conference
C.Global warming affects us all.
D.The United States signed the Kyoto Protocol.
1.B 细节判断题。由短文的第二句话“More than 15000 officials from 192 countries
attended the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference from Monday to December 18th.”
2,D 细节判断题。由短文的第一段中的“It is reported that it was the last best
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chance for an agreement to combat global warming.”可知。
3.A 短文的第二段讲述了该次大会的主要任务,综合所有的任务我们可以排除 B、C、
D 三个选项,故只有选项 A正确。
4.D 综合短文最后两句话的意思,可知约有一百多位国家及政府 的领导人来到哥本哈
5.C 综合判断题。我们可以用排除法,将 A、B、D 三个选项排除,可知只有选项 C“全

Fresh(淡的) water is very important to us and animals.(1) If there is no water,
we all could not live.
Many places in the world need more fresh water.Every
country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into
In some places,(2) the sun is not hot enough,or it
doesn't shine every day.
In such places,(3) heating(加热),ways,sea water,
used,can,be,of.These ways cost more money,but they work
faster than the sun.By boiling(煮沸) sea water with high heat,a lot of fresh water
can be made quickly.
(4) 但加热不是用海水制取淡水的唯一方法。Other ways are tried.
One way is freezing(冷冻).The flesh part of salt water freezes first.(5) To
get fresh water,the bits of ice are taken out.
Which of the ways is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least
money.It may be a different way for each place.
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1.We all could not live without water.改为简单句关键是要用介词 without 替
代 if 条件状语从句。
2.太阳不够热或者不是每天都照射光芒。此处 or 译为“或者”之意。
3.Ways of heating sea water can be used.连词成句关键是找出主语、谓语和宾语。
4.But heating is not the only way to turn salt water into fresh.
5.可参照上下文翻译。为了得到淡水,一块块冰被取出来。此处关键要弄清 to 的意思。
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    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊重的作文题库

    1.作文关爱与尊重议论文 如果说没有爱就没有教育的话,那么离开了尊重同样也谈不上教育。 因为每一位孩子都渴望得到他人的尊重,尤其是教师的尊重。可是在现实生活中,不时会有

  • 爱心责任100字作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它
