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2020-10-31 18:47



【租房常用词汇】房间类型: single room 单人间 double room 双人间 basement 地下
室 lobby 大厅 living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 balcony 阳台 main bedroom 主卧 涉及
人物:landlord 房东 tenant 房客 flatmate 合租者 housing agent 房屋中介

The less you care, the happier you’ll be.在乎的事情越少,拥有的快乐越多。

Trust should be like the feeling of an one year old baby when you throw him in the air, he
e he knows you will catch him. That's Trust. ~~~信任就如同一个一岁小孩
的感觉,当你将他扔向天空的时候他会笑,因为他知道你 会接住他。这就是信任。

【各种风】风=wind;微风=breeze;和风=moderate breeze;清风=fresh breeze;强风
=strong breeze;疾风=moderate gale; 大风=fresh gale;烈风=strong gale;狂风=whole
gale;暴风=storm;台风=typhoon;龙卷风=tor nado;旋风=cyclone;飓风=hurricane

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.一人独行走得快,与人

Don't waste your time looking back on what you've lost. Move on, for life is not meant to
be traveled backwards——别把时间浪费在回首你已经失去的东西上,向前看吧,因为时光

【地道表达——各种人】 the new kid on the block 新来的人;sore loser 输不起的人;
drama queen 小题大做的人; party pooper 扫兴的人;neat freak 有洁癖的人; shrinking
violet 害羞的人; pack rat 什么东西都舍不得丢的人;backseat driver 爱指手划脚的人;
foodie 吃货

【实用英语口语】 easily 易如反掌;’t have a cow 别大惊小怪; it 冷
静一点; the gun 草率行事; again 再说一遍; up in smoke 成为泡影;
7joy ride 兜风;8push around 欺骗。

【如何用英语表达各种心情】embarrassment 囧;surprise 惊;nervous 紧张;annoyance
恼火;sulk 生闷气;anxiety 忧虑;depression 沮丧;anticipation 期待;despair 绝望;
fear 恐惧;rage 愤怒;excitement 兴奋;worry 担心;unpleasant 不愉快的;indifference

【人生的十项修炼】(1)孤独 solitude(2)寂寞 loneliness(3)痛苦 pain(4)压力 pressure
(5)诱惑 temptation(6)挑战 challenges(7)暗箭伤人 back- stabbing(8)丢脸 losing
face(9)责任 responsibilities(10)失败 failures

To live a beautiful life, one must be tolerant, without complaint or explanation。要生活

【描述人物】handsome 英俊;thin eyebrows 眉毛很淡;long eye lashes 长睫毛;attractive

eyes 迷人的眼睛;long straight nose 高鼻梁;oval face 鹅蛋脸;flat nose 塌鼻梁;pointed

chin 尖下巴;double chin 双下巴;square face 方脸;bald 秃顶;plain face 大众脸

We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present.

【各种“关系状态“】single 单身;engaged 订婚;married已婚;widowed丧偶;divorced
离婚; separated 分居;be living together 同居;spouse 伴侣;In a relationship有对象;
It's complicated说不清; In an open relationship有对象,但开放;In a civil union已婚同性

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。

As long as your heart is sunny, no rain in your life. 只要你的心是晴朗的,你的人生里就

The healthiest response to life is joy.对生命最佳的回应,是生活得很快乐。

No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone.~~~没有

【生活的忠告】1 Read more books and watch less television.多看点书,少看点电视。2 You
can't hold onto yesterday.不要纠结于昨天。3 Whenever you make a phone call smile when
you pick up the phone, because someone can feel it.无论何时打电话,摘起话筒的时候请

The best accessory a girl can own is confidence. 一个女孩最好的饰品就是自信。

【天冷了怎么说】1. It's freezingchilly out there! 外面冷死了! 2. There is a real nip in the
air today。今天寒气袭人。 3. The wind really chills me to the bone. The wind is
bone-chilling。 这寒风真是刺骨。4. I can't stop shivering from the cold。我冷得不停打哆

【受欢迎的人格特质】1.当好的倾听者 Be a good listener 2.负责任 Be responsible 3. 不
道人是非 Never gossip 4.愿意帮忙 Be willing to help 5.看起来舒服 Be pleasant to the
eye 6.说话有条理 Speak logically 7.不咄咄逼人 Never drive people up the wall 8.替人着
想 Stand in others' shoes

【学几句英文狠话 该出手时就出手 】1、You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 2、Stop
complaining! 别发牢骚! 3、Don’t bother me. 别烦我. 4、Knock it off. 少来这一套。5、
It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 6、You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted. 不要后悔做


【“无所谓”的各种说法】1、give a damn - 不在乎。2、suit yourself - 随你的便。3、
up to you - 听你的。4、do whatever you want - 爱咋咋地。5、whatever - 他呢。6、as you
wishif you want - 随你吧。7、I don't care - 我不在乎。8、be ok(fine) with - 对……无碍。

【与海相关的词汇】 海; seasopen sea 远海; 海湾; 海峡;
r 港口; 浪; 海岸; 大洋; 海角; 悬崖
峭壁;nd 岬;nk 沙滩; 礁石。

【游乐园词汇】ent park游乐园; wheel 摩天轮;塔; stride
旋转飞椅;il单轨列车;ce入口;ng boat秋千船;-go- round
旋转木马;9. excursion boat观览艇;ing boat碰碰船;-train小火车;

sharpener铅笔刀;文件夹;ule尺子;int pen圆珠笔;
brushwriting brush毛笔。

【生理词汇】 肺; 肾; 肝;h 胃;ines 肠;
脑; 心脏; 喉咙;gus 食道; 脾; 主动脉;
as 胰腺;r 膀胱; 直肠

【各种“珠宝”词汇】 琥珀;l 水晶;d 钻石; 黄金;
玛瑙; 白银; 珍珠; 玉;翡翠; 石英;re
蓝宝石;st 紫蓝色宝石;紫水晶;um 铂金;白金

【易混淆英文】 someone's leg 开某人的玩笑(不是“拉某人的腿”);n jobs
待业中(不是“在工作之间”); house 白宫(不是“白色的房子”); fish 吹
牛(不是“谈鱼”); potato 大人物(不是“大土豆”); two twos 立刻(不是“两两

【秋天】chilly寒冷的 crisp干冷的 sleet雨夹雪 frost霜 mist雾 haze霾 fog浓雾
decidious落叶的 mellow成熟的 harvest收获 ripeness成熟 Listen to the foot leaves
rustle,See the fruits hang full branch,The joy of harvest hanging in the face脚踩落叶,看硕

【open常用词组】 open up打开; be open to对...开放的; break open砸开; bring out
in the open揭露; in the open公开的; leave open未解决; open into通往;通向 open out
展现打破沉默 ;open the door to 给...造成机会;open upon朝向 俯瞰;open with以...
开始; open up to打开心扉丨

【谢耳朵损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference

半斤八两;You just don't appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing
with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don't play innocent!别装蒜;That's rubbish!胡扯

【与时间有关的10个短语】 time 准时; time 及时; the time 总是;
time to time 有时候; of time 提前; one time 曾经,一度; any time 随
时; no time绝不;9. in no time 立刻,马上; time腾出时间!

【形容男人的词汇】sharp 机智的;stylish潇洒的;virile刚健的;attractive迷人的;admirable令人尊敬的;aristocratic考究的;clean-cut棱角分明的;comely清秀的;e legant文雅的;
fair白皙的;fashionable时髦的;good-looking好 看的;graceful优雅的;personable风度

【交通禁止标志】1. No joywalking 禁闯红灯;2. No Parking 禁止停车;3. No Entry 不准入
内;4. Keep Right 不准左转;5. Keep Left 不准右转;6. No Turns 不准掉头;7. No
PassingNo Through Traffic 禁止通行;8. No honking 禁止鸣喇叭;9. No Waiting 不准等候

【烹饪配料】食醋vinegar;盐salt;酱油soy sauce;茴香fennel;太白粉cornstarch;干辣椒
dried chillies;葱spring onion;蒜瓣garlic;花椒peppercorn;姜ging er;糖sugar;番茄汁tomato
sauce;芥末mustard;麻油sesame oil;蚝油oyster sauce;味精monosodium glutamate;香菜
【各类费用】admission 入场费;charge 要价;cost 成本;fare 公车、火车、轮船、飞
机等交通费用;fee 医生、律师等专业人士的佣金,手续费,停车费;freight 运费;postage
邮费;rent 土地、建筑物、屋舍等定期的租金;toll 桥梁、公路等的通行费,话费;tuition

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.
Nur für den pers?nlichen für Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.
Pour l 'étude et la recherche uniquement à des fins personnelles; pas à des fins commerciales.
только для людей, которые используются для обучения, исследований и не должны
использоваться в коммерческих целях.










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