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2020-11-02 11:22




本文 关于七夕的英语作文有哪些?,仅供参考,如果觉得很不


每年农历七月初七是我国汉族的传统节日七夕 ,也是中国的情人
经是众多 情人最为重视的一个日子,往往他们会在这天晚上虔诚的礼
拜牛郎和织女,乞求爱情婚姻的姻缘巧配,能 够使将来婚姻生活幸福

“伫灵匹于星期,眷神资于月夕”,在晴朗的夏 秋之月,天上繁
亮的星星, 隔河相望,遥遥相对,那就是牵牛星和织女星。

The seventh day of July is the traditional festivals of
the Han nationality, and also the Chinese Valentine's Day.

Tanabata Festival is one of the most romantic festivals in many
of our traditional festivals. In the past was a lot of lover most
attention to a day, often they will be in this evening devout
worship Cowherd and weaver, beg for love marriage marriage
coincidence, to make the future happy marriage.

In the clear summer and autumn months, the sky stars
flashing, a white galaxy across the north and south, in the river
on both sides of the East and West, each have a shining star,
across the river Looking around, far relative, that is, Altair and


挺大。我想给大家讲一个关于“七夕”下 雨的故事。

郎 很可怜,就帮助牛郎种地、做饭、洗衣服,后来他们俩结了婚,过

派人把织女抓到了天上,关 了起来。牛郎很伤心,他带着孩子去寻找
织女。到了天上却被一条大河拦住了,他只能隔着大河呼喊,却 见不
自己的身体搭一座桥, 让牛郎和织女相会。于是到了每年的七月七日,
牛郎和织女就会在鹊桥上相会,见面后他们就会抱头痛哭 。于是天空

这就是我所知道的“七夕”的传说,我被深深地感 动了!牛郎和
在它们的帮助 下牛郎和织女才能见面。这是不是一个动人的传说呢?

Morning up my mother told me outside the rain, I
opened the curtain a look, Oh! Under the big quite big. I
would like to tell you a story about the

According to legend, a long time ago, there is a fairy
woman called the weaver came to earth, she saw the Cowboy
very poor, to help the Cowboy farming, cooking, washing
clothes, and later they both married, had a happy day. But later
was Jade Emperor and Queen Mother found, they sent the
weaver caught the sky, closed up. Cowboy very sad, he took

the child to find weaver. To the sky was a river stopped, he can
only shout across the river, but do not see the weaver. This was
known by the magpie, and they decided to take a bridge with
their own body on the Milky Way on July 7 to meet the
Cowboy and the weaver. So on July 7 each year, the Cowboy
and the weaver will meet on the magpie bridge, and they will
cry when they meet. So the sky will rain.

This is what I know the legend, I was
deeply moved! Cowboy and weaver too poor, a year to see a
face. I would also like to say
in their help with the Cowboy and weaver to meet. Is this a
moving legend?


老远就听到了婉 转的戏曲音乐,传说每年的七月初七,牛郎和织女相
遇,这时一件多么浪漫的事啊。街头小巷都贴满了七 夕节的活动海报,

妈妈也不安分了,虽然他已经过了 貌美如花的时期,但是他还是崇尚
这种纯洁浓郁的爱情。七夕节,一个多么浪漫的节日啊,情侣们一起< br>去赏花,最甜蜜的还是年过花甲,已到金婚的老夫妇,这种年久的爱


thinking about who?
the mildly opera music, the legend of the seventh day of July
each year, Cowboy and weaver meet, then a How romantic
things are. Street alleys are covered with Tanabata Festival
event posters, my mother is not restrained, although he has
been a beautiful period, but he still advocated this pure and
rich love. Tanabata Festival, how a romantic holiday ah, the
couple went to spend the flowers, the most sweet or over sixty,
has been married to the old couple, this age is no one can get
the love.

Here, I hope that everyone in this romantic festival,
live romantic, happy, I wish you happy Tanabata Festival.



的丰盛大餐而准备。我和妈 妈买了鸡、鱼,许多蔬菜,当然还有我最
爱吃的大虾。回到家,我就帮妈妈洗菜,爸爸打下手,妈妈炒菜 。忙
子开始吱吱乱叫。妈妈 听见了笑着说:“那我们开始吃吧!”我草草
洗完手,就坐在餐桌前,等着吃了。哇,当我吃饱的时候, 已是下午

由于没事干,我就打开了电脑。网上关于情人的祝福更是花 样多


Just after the Tanabata, really a little something more
to say. why? Because this Tanabata flies is really interesting!

Morning, I get up early, wash finished, and my mother
to buy things for our rich meal and prepared. I and my mother
bought chicken, fish, many vegetables, of course, my favorite
prawns. Back home, I help my mother to wash vegetables, my
father hit hands, mother cooking. Busy morning, our rich meal
ready, left to eat. At this time do not live up to the stomach
began to squeaky barking. My mother heard a smile and said:

the table, waiting to eat. Wow, when I was full, it was three
o'clock in the afternoon.

I did not do anything, I opened the computer. Online
blessing on the lover is a lot of tricks, of course, I will bless
them about. Then I chat with my QQ friends, but also on the

The sun is falling, my mother is also clamoring to the
Internet, I gave her.


七夕节,传闻它是来自一个传说故事,七夕节无非是我国 有浪漫
结局,它才会被世人 永远的传诵,永远的记住。

但是往往那些凄美的爱情故事总是容易被人们提起,也许爱 情真
郎织女的爱情故事,像 白娘子和许仙的故事,还有国外的梁山伯与祝
英台,每一个能经得起时间考验而流传下来的故事,在人们 心里刻下

Tanabata Festival, rumors that it is from a legend story,
Tanabata Festival is nothing more than our country's most
romantic festival. I do not know is not every love story should
have a poignant ending, it will be the world forever chant,
always remember.

But often those poignant love story is always easy to
be mentioned, perhaps love is really the world's most beautiful
things, so we are willing to talk about it, like Tanabata
Valentine's love story, like White Snake and Xu Xian's story, As
well as foreign Liangshan Bo and Zhu Yingtai, each can stand
the test of time and passed down the story, in the hearts of
people carved a deep impression, are that a poem of the


丝几万条 。”每当我读起这首古诗,就会想起一个美丽的传说。

从前有一个男孩名叫牛郎,他以 放牛为生。有一天他骑着一头神
后来牛郎蹑手蹑脚地把衣服拿 走了。过了一会儿仙女们出来找衣服,
只有织女找不到,其他仙女都纷纷飞走了。织女走来走去还是找不 到。


从此, 他们男耕女织,过上幸福的生活。又过了几年,他们有了
一个儿子和女儿。可是好景不长,这事被王母知 道了,王母大发雷霆,

把他们送上天。牛郎求了王 母一个月,铁石心肠的王母还是不答应。
这事被天上的众神知道,也向王母求情。最后王母终于答应了。 允许
侍女喜鹊想到办法,她 就叫伙伴们搭成雀桥,他们终于相聚了。


crossing the river bridge. Every family begging Qiao Wang,
wearing red silk tens of er I read this
poem, will think of a beautiful legend.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Cowboy,
who made a living with cattle. One day he rode a god of cattle

passing through a forest, Cowboy heard a burst of water,
suddenly his gods said:
walked over, pick up the smallest clothes that can Marry her as
a wife.
while the fairies came out to find clothes, only weaver can not
find, other fairies have gone away. Weaver walking or can not
find. Cowboy came out to the clothes back to the weaver.
Weaver see Cowboy honest and honest, and he married
husband and wife.

Since then, they are male and female weaving, live a
happy life. After a few years, they had a son and daughter. But
it did not last long, this thing was the king of the mother know,
the Queen Mother furious, decided to call the days of heaven
to the weaver back to heaven, and punished her in the east
side of the Galaxy day and night brocade.

Cowboy and his children are very sad, had to ask the
Queen Mother. So the cow resorted to all the way to send
them to heaven. Cowboy seeking Queen Mother a month,
stone heart of the Queen or do not agree. This is the heavenly
gods know, but also to the Queen Mother pleaded. Finally, the

Queen finally agreed. Allow them to meet each other on July
7th. But the Cowboy is mortal, not the long Galaxy. Maid
magpie think of the way, she called partners to take the bridge,
they finally met.

July 7 that night, you looked up at the moon, may be
able to see them get together the beautiful scenes.


七夕,原名为乞巧节。七夕乞巧,这个节日起 源于汉代,东晋葛
习之”的 记载,这便是我们于古代文献中所见到的最早的关于乞巧的

“七夕”最 早来源于人们对自然的崇拜。从历史文献上看,至少
在三四千年前,随着人们对天文的认识和纺织技术的 产生,有关牵牛
他们认为 东西南北各有七颗代表方位的星星,合称二十八宿,其中以

< br>北斗七星最亮,可供夜间辨别方向。北斗七星的第一颗星叫魁星,又
称魁首。后来,有了科举制度 ,中状元叫“大魁天下士”,读书人把
七夕叫“魁星节”,又称“晒书节”,保持了最早七夕来源于星宿 崇

木、金、土五大行星合在一 起叫“七曜”。七数在民间表现在时间上
阶段性,在计算时间时往往以“七七”为终局。旧北京在给亡人 做道
在日语中尚有保留。“ 七”又与“吉”谐音,“七七”又有双吉之意,
是个吉利的日子。在台湾,七月被称为“喜中带吉”月。 因为喜字在

Tanabata, formerly known as Qi Qiao Festival. This
festival originated in the Han Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty
Ge Hong's Miscellaniesthere are color female
often to July 7 to wear seven holes in the cardigan, people
learn therecord, this is what we The earliest records of the
ancient literature about Qi Qiao.

From the historical literature point of view, at least three or
four thousand years ago, with the people of the
understanding of astronomy and the emergence of textile
technology, there are records about the skyline star actress.
People worship the stars far more than the Altair and Vega,
they think things north and south have seven representatives
of the stars, collectively known as twenty-eight places, of
which the Big Dipper brightest, for the night to identify the
direction. Beidou Qixing the first star called Kuixing, also
known as the leader. Later, with the imperial examination
system, the champion is called
the Tanabata called
book festivalto maintain the earliest Tanabata originating
from the stars worship traces.

is also the source of ancient people
worship of time.
day are giving a sense of time. Ancient Chinese
people to day, month and water, fire, wood, gold, soil five
planets together called YaoSeven in the civil
performance in the time stage, in the calculation of time often

dojo often to do full
Japanese. and homophonic,
sevenand double Kyrgyzstan meaning, is a lucky day. In
Taiwan, July was called with the Kyrgyzstanmonth.
Because the hi word in the cursive in the shape of similar to
write the so the seventy-seven years, also
known as


场,世人称为乞巧市。宋罗 烨、金盈之辑《醉翁谈录》说:七夕,潘
楼前买卖乞巧物。自七月一日,车马嗔咽,至七夕前三日,车马 不通
的盛况,就可以推知当 时七夕乞巧节的热闹景象。

人们从七月初一就开始办置乞巧物品,乞巧市上车水马龙、 人流

喜欢的节日之一。人们传 说在七夕的夜晚,抬头可以看到牛郎织女的
银河相会,或在瓜果架下可偷听到两人在天上相会时的脉脉情 话。

时令瓜果 ,朝天祭拜,乞求天上的仙女能赋予她们聪慧的心灵和灵巧
的双手,让自己的针织女工技法娴熟,更乞求 爱情婚姻的姻缘巧配。

七夕的小资料大家都知道了吗?是不是很有趣?我也想听听你< br>们的资料,可以告诉我吗?如果想,就让我听听,好吗?

Song and Yuan Dynasties, Tanabata Qi Qiao quite
grand, the capital also has a monopoly Qi Qiao goods market,
the world called Qi Qiao City. Song Luo Ye, Jin Ying of the
series anabata, Pan floor before the sale
of beggars. Since July 1, car horse chewing pharynx, to
Tanabata the first three days, the car does not pass, the phase
of the obstruction, no longer come to the night scattered.
Here, from Qi Qiao City to buy beggars of the grand occasion,
you can infer that the tribute to the funny scene.

People from the beginning of the beginning of July to

start Qicao items, Qi Qiao City on the busy, crowded, to the
day near the Tanabata, Qi Qiao City has become a sea of
people, the horse is difficult, view the style, it seems no In the
most festive festival - the Spring Festival, that Qi Qiao Festival
is one of the most favorite festivals. People legend in the
evening of Tanabata, the rise can see the Cowherd and the
Weaver's Galaxy meet, or in the fruit rack can be
eavesdropping two people meet in heaven when the pulse of

Girls in this romantic night, facing the sky Lang Lang
moon, put the seasonal fruits, overturned worship, begging
heavenly fairies can give them the wisdom of the soul and
smart hands, so that their knit women skills skilled, More
begging for love marriage marriage coincidence.

Tanabata little information we all know it? Is not very
interesting? I would also like to hear your information, you can
tell me? If you want, let me listen, okay?



习俗不尽相同:有的地方吃 乞巧饭、对月穿针;有的地方的少女偷偷
躲在南瓜棚下,听牛郎织女相会时的悄悄话;有的地方的姑娘“ 拜仙

在我的家乡,传说 七月七日早晨,仙女要下凡洗澡,喝其洗澡水
可以避邪治病延寿。此水名叫“双七水”。人们在这天鸡鸣 时,争先

傍晚,我去 游泳,听别人说今天早上和中午很多人到河里去游泳,
泡泡避邪治病延寿的“双七水”。说来也巧,我们 下水不久,下起了

各有一颗闪亮的星星,隔河相望,遥遥相 对,那就是牵牛星和织女星


tonight to see Bi Xiao, pull cattle weaver
crossing the river bridge ... ...

Today is Tanabata Festival, is the Cowherd and the
Weaver once a day together. Around the Tanabata Festival
customs are not the same: some places begging Qiaofan, on
the month of the needle; some places the girl secretly hiding
under the pumpkin shed, listen to the weaver when the
whispers meet; some local girl
the gods赛 clever

In my hometown, the legend of the morning of July 7,
the fairy to descend to take a bath, drink its bath water can
cure evil death. This water is called seven water
People in this day when the cock, scrambling to the river to
take water, get back with the new Weng Sheng up, to be used

In the evening, I went swimming, listening to others
said today morning and noon a lot of people to the river to

swim, bubble evil cure life seven is also
clever, we went into the water soon, starting a little bit of stars
little rain, which is Cowherd and Weaver's

Night, we came to the roof, looking up at the sky. A
galaxy running across the north and south, the banks of the
two sides have a shining star, across the river, distant relative,
that is, Altair and Vega?

Tanabata Festival is the most traditional Chinese
festivals in a romantic holiday!



哥嫂子抚养长大 ,牛郎十几岁的时候就和哥哥嫂子分了家,只有一头

助下,他找到了自己心爱的娘子,她 是王母娘娘的外孙女,名叫织女,
就这样,牛郎和织女结婚了,生了两个可爱的儿女。不久,织女私自< br>加嫁给牛郎的事情最终被王母娘娘知道了,派人把织女抓了回去。后
来,老牛死了,在临死之前, 它帮牛郎出了一个主意:只要穿上老牛
的牛皮,就能飞上天去。可是,王母娘娘用她头上的金簪把天上划 了
善心,准许他们每年七月 初七相会一次,这一天,无数只喜鹊飞到天


Today, is our traditional Chinese festival, but also
China's Valentine's Day
about the

In the past, there is a child of cattle, he called the
Cowboy, Cowboy from the small parents died, by the
brother-in-law to raise up, Cowboy when he was a teenager
and his brother sister-in-law, only a cow and his With the old
cattle is the first god of cattle, often help the Cowboy, and
later in the help of God cattle, he found his beloved lady, she is

the Queen Mother's granddaughter, called weaver, so, the
Cowboy and weaver married And gave birth to two lovely
children. Soon, weaver secretly married to the Cowboy thing
finally be the Queen Mother know, sent the weaver caught
back. Later, the old cow died, before dying, it helped the
Cowboy out of an idea: as long as the cowboy put on cattle,
you can fly to heaven. However, the Queen Mother with her
head of the hairpin to draw a heaven and waves of the Milky
Way, the Cowboy and weaver separated. Later, the Queen
Mother finally made a kind heart, to allow them to meet each
year in July seventh day, this day, countless magpies flew to
the Milky Way, to form a magpie bridge, so that they meet in
this magpie bridge.

This is the origin of anabata









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