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七升八英语衔接暑期新八年级英语新初二英语第11讲 数词讲义(含练习答案)

2020-11-02 12:54



学员姓名: 学科教师:
年 级:七升八 辅导科目:英语
主 题
学习目标 2.掌握序数词的用法


was not built in one day.
时 间
a million. 非常感谢。
2.a good man in a thousand.
father can support ten children; ten

talk nineteen to the doze
dog,one bull
sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
to one 十拿九稳
bitten,twice shy.
children cannot support one father.

4. A horse may stumble though he has four legs.


由于此部分是 复习课,建议老师采取以教代学的方式让学生各自负责一个知识点进行讲解,其他学生进行提
问。老师在 过程中进行补充和总结。
1 17

1. 基数词注意事项:
1) 基数词several + hundredthousandmillionbillion, 其中 “hundred, thousand, million, billion” 只能用
several hundred years ago
two thousand students over seven hundred people

表示“几十年代” 或 “几十岁”时,用基数词的复数形式。
in 1970s in one's twentiesthirtiesforties…

2) 含基数词的复合形容词: “基数词–名词单数(–形容词)” + 名词。
a two-week holiday
an eleven-year-old boy
The street is eighteen metres wide.
The boy in blue is eleven years old.

3) 基数词与“多少又一半”的表达。
① “数词 + n.(单复数) + and a half” : a hour and a half, two months and a half
② “数词 + and a half + 名词复数” : one and a half hours, two and a half months

1. Each of us has to write a report every two weeks.
A. two-hundred-word
C. two-hundreds-words
2.A new study proves a_________ walk every day is enough to keep people away from becoming fat.
A. 30-minute
3. More than ________ years ago, people knew little about the universe.
A. two thousands
1. ---Do you know what Taiwan Island was like t_________ of years ago?
---Yes. About 20,000-30,000 years ago, it was part of the mainland.
【答案】thousands of
【解析】:以T开头后面有of,为thousands of.
boy has collected more than _________(四十)stamps from different countries.
2 17

B. two-hundreds-word
D. two-hundred-words
B. 30 minute’s C. 30-minutes D. 30-minutes’
B. two thousand C. thousand of D. thousands of

3. ( ) How do we say “99,118” ?
A. ninety-nine thousand and one hundred and eighteen
B. ninety-nine thousands one hundreds and eighteen
C. ninety-nine thousand one hundred and eighteen
D. ninety-nine thousands and one hundred and eighteen
【解析】:基数词的读法。注意:1,000以上数目的读法 :自右向左每三位划一个分节“’”,第一个分节读
thousand, 第二个分节读million, 第三个分节读billion或thousand million ,且hundred, thousand,
million等用单数形式。注意,百位数hundr ed与十位数(或个位数)之间要用and连接。十位数与个位数之间

1. 60名工人
2. 15本英语书
3. 8杯咖啡
4. 4把椅子
5. 40年前
1. sixty workers
2. fifteen English books
3. eight cups of coffee
4 .four chairs
5. forty years ago

1. The action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.
A. 130-minute B. 130-minutes C. 130 minute D.130 minutes
2. — Is there in today’s magazine?
—Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw “stay-home children” May 25
A. anything special; hundreds of; on
C. special anything; hundreds; on
3. I think ______ should not be allowed to drive.
A. sixteen years old
A. sixties
A. three hundred
B. sixteen-year-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-years-old
D. sixty
D. three hundreds
4. Linda’s mother looks young, but actually is in her ________.
B. sixtieth C. sixty years old
B. hundreds of C. hundred of
3 17
B. something special; hundred of; at
D. anything special; hundreds of; in
5. The chairperson received about ______ applications to join the Bird watching Club.
6. Can you imagine what life will be like in ______ time?

A. 20 years’ B. 20 year’s
A. 90-words
8. Kate is
B. 90-word

C. 20-years’
C. 90 words
D. 20-year
D. 90 word’s
7. In this exam, you’re asked to write a composition of about ________.
girl. She’s very happy at school.
B. an eighteen-year-old
D. a eighteen-years-old
A. a eighteen-year-old
C. an eighteen-years-old
Keys:A A C A B A C B

1) 单词拼写

2) “the + 序数词”;
特例: ① 当有人称代词 (my, your, his, her…) 时,省略 “the”

② “aan + 序数词” 表示“又一;再一”(不强调先后顺序)。
Though he had failed twice, he wanted to try a third time.
The little monkey has had three apples, and he wants to eat a fourth one.

1. How was your weekend?
—Great! It was my grandfather's ____________ birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.
A. seventy
2.—Our school is going to hold the ____________ Culture Festival.
—I see. And we can take part in ____________ activities.
A. tenth; tenth
3. Please turn to page __________ and look at the ____________ picture in this unit.
A. twentieth; one
4 17
one two three
twenty hundred
first second twentieth hundredth

It’s my third time to visit Yu Garden in Shanghai.
Her second answer to this question is still wrong.
B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. Seventeenth
B. ten; tenth C. tenth; ten D. ten; ten
B. twenty; one C. twentieth; first D. twenty; first

Keys: thirty-first of December
first of July
ninth week

one--- two--- three---
nine--- fourteen--- twenty--- thirty-five---

one---first two---second three---third nine---ninth fourteen--- fourteenth twenty--- twentieth
thirty-five thirty-fifth
1. There are ____________ teachers in our school and ____________ of them are women teachers.
A. two hundreds; three-fourths
C. two hundred; three-forths
2.-How old is your daughter ?
-____________. We had a special party for her ____________ party yesterday.
A. Nine, nineth
A. first

B. three
B. a fourth

C. twice
C. fourth

D. second
D. four
D. Six; the seventh
4. To finish the task, we’ve tried three times, and after dinner we’ll try ____________ time.
A. the fourth
5. Unit ____________ is easy but ____________ unit is difficult.
A. Sixth; seven B. Six; seven
Keys: B B D B D

1. 分数
? 分子基数词,分母序数词。
① 当分子>1时,分母用复数。
one-fifth two-thirds
5 17

B. two hundred; three-fourths
D. two hundreds of; three- forths
B. Nine, ninth C. Ninth, ninth D. Nineth, nineth
3. On February 25, 2013, Li An, a Chinese director, won the best director again. It is his time to win an
C. Sixth; the seventh

② 当分母=2 or 4时,分别可以用half和quarter代替。
a half
one quarter
three quarters
2. 百分数 (percent)
? 当分数、百分数 + 可数复数时,谓语动词用复数形式;
? 当分数、百分数 + 不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。
Eighty percent of the students in our school come from Henan.
Three fourths of the students in my class are interested in English.
Two thirds of the water on the earth is sea water.

1. It’s said that_________ of the water around the world_________ polluted.
A. two-third; has
2. Christmas Day is on ______ of December.
A. twenty-five
3. There’re forty-five students in Class One. Thirty of them are girls, _________ are boys.
A. a quarter

1. They were told that several_________ enemy soldiers were coming.
A. hundred
2._________ of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable.
A. Three- fourths; are
3. Three-fourths means_________.
A. zero point seventy-five
C. zero point seven fifth

34 three fourths或 three quarters
13 one third或a third
2425 twenty-four twenty-fifths
12 a half
6 17
B. two-thirds; have C. two-third; are D. two-thirds; is
B. the twenty-five C. twenty-fifth D. the twenty-fifth
B. a half C. one-third D. two-thirds
B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of
B. Three-forths; are C. Three-forths; is D. Third-fourths; are

B. zero point seventy-fifth
D. zero point seven five

14 one quarter或a quarter
50% fifty percent 百分之五十
3% three percent 百分之三
0.12% zero point one two percent 百分之零点一二

1) 在规定的时间内学员独立完成测试;
2) 老师给出答案,学员相互批改;
3) 在规定的时间内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂;
4) 老师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)
I. Choose the best answer.
1. A report says that about ________ of the English teachers in Shanghai are under the age of 35.
A. three-fifth
A. hundreds
A. eighties
A. hundreds of
A. thousand of
A. three hundred
A. quite a few

B. third- fifths C. thirds-fifth
B. hundreds of C. ten hundreds
B. eighty C. eightieth

D. three-fifths
D. ten hundreds of
D. the eightieth
D. three hundreds of
D. two thousands
D. hundreds
D. a pair of
D. Several hundreds of
D. sixty
D. a good many
D. hundreds
D. Third-four
2. It is reported that ________ people in the world are suffering from the H1N1 flu.
3. Jack will hold a party to celebrate his grandfather’s ________ birthday.
4. The High Speed Rail Trains between Wuhan and Guangzhou can run over ________ kilometers an hour.
B. three hundreds C. three hundred
5. Tom will sell________ stamps to help the poor children in the west of China.
B. two thousand of C. two thousand
B. hundred C. hundreds of
C. a lot of

6. About ________ students in this college will be the volunteers of the World Expo.
7. Nowadays people usually get ________ information from TV, newspaper and the Internet.
B. a number of
8. _______ people gathered in front of the hall, waiting for the president to meet them.
A. Several hundred
A. the sixtieth
A. a variety of
A. hundred of
A. Three quarter
A. two thirds
B. Severals of hundred C. Several hundred of
B. sixtieth C. sixties
B. a great deal
B. hundred
B. Three-fourths
B. two-thirds
B. thousands
C. a large number of
C. hundreds of
C. Three -fourth

9. The People’s Republic of China will celebrate its ______ birthday this year?
10. Many scientists say that it’s important for us to have ______ food in our diet.
11. Five _______ students from different schools took part in the English contest last Saturday.
12. _______of the newspapers in the world are written in English.
13. It is reported that of the fruits in that supermarket are from Hainan Island.
C. two-third

D. two three
D. thousands of
14. The earthquake in that country left________ people homeless.
A. thousand C. thousand of
7 17
15. The country has ________ soldiers in its army.

A. million of

II. Choose the best answer:
B. millions of C. several million of D. several millions
Keys: 1-5 DBCCC 6-10ACABA 11-15 BBBDB
In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these
pets and have them as their good friends. Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to
give them injections(注射) so that they won’t carry diseases. They have special animal food stores, though they can
get animal food in almost every kind of stores. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on
animal food.
When you visit people’s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them.
You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come
and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a
law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run
over by a car, people would be very sad about it.
People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be: Their family ties are not as close as
ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets
can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.
1. The passage mainly talks about ______.
A.how to keep diseases from pets B.Canadians have pets as friends
C.how to take good care of pets D.life of the old in Canada
2. Pets are given injections in animal hospitals ______.
A.in order to keep them safe B.after being taken home
C.because they carry diseases D.because they are sick
3. The word “bird feeder” in the second paragraph probably means ______.
A.a person who gives food to birds B.a container that has food for birds
C.something that catches birds D.an animal that eats birds
4. In Canada, children leave their parents when they grow up because ______.
A.they don’t love their parents any more
B.they can only find jobs far from their parents
C.their parents’ houses are too small
D.they wouldn’t depend on their parents any more
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.People buy animal food only at the animal food stores.
B.Pets eat better than people.
C.Almost every family has a birdcage(鸟笼) in his house.
D.Any bird can come to the bird feeders to eat.
Keys: 1-5 BABDD

1. ________of the students in our class ________ money to the disabled people these days.
8 17

A. Two- thirds, have risen
C. Two-three, have risen

B. Two- thirds, has raised
D. Two-thirds, have raised

D.Two-fifths; are
D. 20-metres high
D. fifteen metre
D. three fives
D. her sixtieth
D. thousand
D. Two hundreds of
D. five-days'
D. 20-metres high
D) Second-three
D) 2-kilometres-long
D) two-thirds
D) seven-day
D) hundreds of
2. ________of the land in that district ________ covered with trees and grass.
A.Two-fifths; is B.Two-fifth; are C.Two-fifth; is
3. The classroom building in our school is about .
A. 20-metre high B. 20 metres high
4. The newly- built bridge is about wide.

C. fifteen-metre A. fifteen metres B. fifteen metres'
C. 20 metre high
5. About of the teachers in our school are under the age of 40.
A. three-fifths B. three fifth
6. One of my friends learnt driving in ________.
A. sixty B. the sixtieth
A. thousands B. thousands of
A. Hundred of

C. her sixties
C. thousand of
C. Two hundred
C. five-days
C. 20 metre high
C) Two-thirds
7. The new couple spent five yuan on these electrical appliances.
8. ________ policemen took part in the search for the students lost in Yellow Mountain.
B. Two hundreds
9. I paid a visit to Athens. I was attracted by those famous historical places.
A. five days B. five-day
10. The classroom building in our school is about ________.
A. 20-metre high B. 20 metres high
11. ________ of the earth is covered with water.
A) Two-three B) Two-third

12. We can go to Shanghai Forest Park easily through Xiangyin Road Tunnel which is ________.
A) 2-kilometre-long B) 2 kilometres long
A) one-thirds B) two-third
A) seven days

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
1. Mum has washed the carpet and now it's spotlessly clean. (two)
2. Mr. Baker is still very strong in his , and he often goes out for a walk. (ninety)
3. It will be Mike's birthday next Saturday. (four)
4. I bought a new flat in Puxi last year. It is on the floor. (twelve)
5. The story tells us that the strange animal is the ________ son of the dragon(龙). (nine)
Keys: 1 twice 2 nineties 3 fourth 4 twelfth 5 ninth

9 17
C. third-fifths
C) 2-kilometre long
C) one-fifths

13. About ________ of the students in our school took part in the school sports meeting last Friday.

14. We will have a ________ holiday in February soon. What about going to the West Lake?

B) seven-days
B) hundred of
C) seven-days’
C) a hundred
15. Twenty people died and over ______ were injured in the accident.
A) hundred
Keys:1-5 DABAA 6-10 CDCBB 11-15 CBDDC

the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words.
A survey has been published which shows that British people don't like theft neighbours very much. 80% of the
people who took part in the survey feel that their neighbours h___1___ pay attention to others' feelings. 25% don't
talk to file people who live next door and 10% don't even know their names. In fact. one million people in Britain
would like to m___2___ because they don't get along well with their neighbours.
According to the survey, the h___3___problem is noise. Many of the complaints about noise came flora people
who live in flats and old houses. These places often have thin walls which can't s___4___ the noise from next door.
The other main problems are disagreements (不和) about car parking spaces, and old people complaining about
the young. Some disagreements last a l___5___ time. In one case, people who live in the same building haven't talked
to each other for fifteen years. Sometimes the disagreements end in violence. In one of the worst cases, a man killed a
neighbour because he kept parking in
Another survey shows that 90% of the neighbours never share a meal, 80% have never had a drink t___6___
and 20
offer help, as we can see in many parts of the world.
One solution to such problems is to talk about them with a professional organization end, if necessary, to sign a
written agreement. Now people can get this service in more and more towns.
Keys: 1-7 hardly; move; biggest; stop; long; together; friends

10 17

are ___ days in a year.
A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty- five
C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five
are____ students in this school.
A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six
C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six
3. ______people visit this museum every day.
A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of
are two___ people in the meeting room.
A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of
5. Every year ___ watch NBA on TV.
A. million people B. millions of people
C. millions people D. million of people
6. ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years.
A. Thousands of B. Two thousands
C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of
! There are ___ in the sky.
A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars
C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star
8. My brother is in____.
A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One
C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one
9. We are going to learn___ this term.
A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six
10. Please turn to___. Let's read the text aloud.
A. Page Two B. the page two C. second page D. page second
can say the number 78, 645 in English like this____.
A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five
B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five
C. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five
D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five
A. nineteen and ninety-nine
B. nineteen ninety-nine
C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine
D. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine
will come here ____ tomorrow morning.
A. at fifth ten C. on two D. till tenth
11 17

14. Every day he begins to do his homework ___.
A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass ten
C. on ten past seventh D. until ten
was doing some washing ____.
A. at eight yesterday morning B. yesterday morning eight
C. yesterday morning at eight D. by eight yesterday morning
Keys:1-5 C C D A B 5-10 A C B D A 11-15 C B B A A 16-20D C A D

II. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.
A. invent B. exciting C. a kind of D. often E. trouble
Basketball is just over a hundred years old. In the winter of 1891, a certain college was having some
__16______with its boy students. The weather was bad and the students had to stay indoors. As they couldn't play
outdoors, they were unhappy, and some even got into fights from time to time.
Some of the teachers, at the college asked Dr. Naismith to ____17____a game so that the students might have
something to play with. It was not easy to invent such a game because it had to be played indoors , and the court (球
场) was not very large.
Dr. Naismith thought for a few days and invented ____18___ ball game. It was a fast, ____19____ game with
much moving and passing of the ball. It was played between two teams. To make a score , the ball had to be thrown
into the basket ten feet(英尺) above the floor on the wall .
Keys: EACB

A. machine B. possible C. take D. moving to E. in a short time
Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in today's world to find work for everyone. The
economy ( 经济 ) of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often
this is not ___20_____, and so more people are out of work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines
can do the work of many people ____21____. Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holiday. In all of
the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms.
One ___22___can often do the work from forty people. About 75,000 people are ____23____ the cities a day to
look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.
Keys: BEAD

I. Choose the best answer.
began to work there
A. on his fifty B. at age of fifty C. when he fifty D. in his fifties
moved to Beijing
A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 ' C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980's
all like the boy.
A. of ten years old B. ten-year-old
12 17

C. at ten old D. of age of ten
4. She was _______ her early twenties when she went abroad.
A. At B. on C. of D: in
A. twelve; twelve B. twelve; twelfth
C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth
_______ century, the world population has already reached 6 billion.
A. twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth D. the twenty
is the____ day of the week.
A. seventh B. first C. second D. third
is season in a year.
A. the fourth B. the third C. a third D. the threeth
was to get to school and I was ______.
A. first; ninth B. the first; the ninth
C. a first; a ninth D. the second; the nineth
10. -What's the date today?
A. Friday B. time to go C. Cloudy D. June 4th
11. Jenny was born
A. on July 10, 1987 B. in July 10, 1987
C. in 1987, July 10 D. on 1987, July 10
12. Monday is the second day, and_______.
A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is the fifth
C. the second is Tuesday D. the second is Thursday
_______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.
A. four-fifth B. four- fifths C. fourth-fifths D. fourths-fifth
14._______ of the students are girls in our class.
A. Two three B. Two threes C. Two thirds D. Second three
15._______ of the world's books and newspapers are written in English.
A. Three quarters B. Three quarter
C. Thirds four D. Threes fourth
Keys:1-5 D C A D B 6-10 B B B C D 10-15 D A B B C

II. Reading comprehension
Humans have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. We use these senses every day of our lives when
we work, play, eat and drink. Animals have senses too, and sometimes they work much better than ours. We have our
food prepared for us-but animals need to find their own food using their senses. For example, animals that hunt
other animals often have very good sight. Some birds can see a mouse at a distance of 1.5 kilometres. However, they
don’t always catch the mouse. Mice have very, very good hearing and this helps them get away from danger!
Insects sometimes have senses that are different from ours. For example, butterflies don’t taste with their mouth
13 17

are_______ months in a year. December is the_______ month of the year.

-they taste with their feet. Crickets(蟋蟀)don’t hear with their ears-they hear with their legs. Chameleons have
two eyes separately and look in two different directions at the same time!
Some animals seem to have a special sense that tells them about the future. Birds, ants and many other animals
are busier looking for food just before bad weather. This helps them stay alive because it’s more difficult to find food
when the weather is bad. They know that bad weather is coming. Birds also use this ability to get out of bad weather
when they fly long distances. For centuries, people have noticed that animals often behave strangely before an
earthquake. For example, in January 1975, a lot of farmers in one part of China told scientists that their horses and
cows didn’t want to go inside their barns(畜棚). A few days later, there was a large earthquake in that region. Do
animals have a special sense that knows when earthquake will happen? The answer is probably yes, but scientists do
not yet understand how it works.
( )1. Some animals have very good sight ________.

III. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.
An old carpenter(木匠) is ready to retire. He tells his boss he is going to leave the house- building business and
live a happy life with his wife.
The boss is __1__ to see his good worker go and asks if he can build just one more house as a personal favor(按个
人的心愿). The carpenter says yes, but it is easy to see that his heart is not in his work this time. He works very
When the carpenter ____2____his work, the boss comes to see the house. He hands the front-door key to the

building his own house, he is sure to do it very carefully.
14 17
A) because their hearing is bad
C) to catch other animals to eat
A) help them get food
C) tell when earthquakes come
A) use their feet to taste food
C) use their legs to hear things
B) because they do not have two eyes
D) to tell when bad weather comes
B) keep out of danger
D) hear when mice are coming
B) use their feet to hear sound
D) use their legs to smell things

( )2. Some animals have very good hearing to ________.
( )3. A butterfly’s senses are different from ours. They ________.
( )4. What senses do animals have that we can’t understand?
A) Insects have senses that are different from people.
B) Seeing in two directions at the same time.
C) Knowing when they need to look for food.
D) Telling when bad weather is coming.
A) Animal senses.
C) Human and animal senses.
B) Different animals in the world.
D) Ways to know animal senses.
( )5. Which is the best title of this passage?
Keys: C B A D A

So it is with us, we build our lives every day. We often put ____4____our best into the building. Then to our
surprise we realize we have to live in the house we have built. If we can do it again, we will do it very carefully.
____5____we cannot go back.
You are the carpenter. Each day you hammer a nail, place a board, or put up a wall.
project,someone has said. Your attitudes(态度) and the choices you make today, build the you live in
tomorrow. Build wisely!
1. A. happy B. afraid C. sorry D. sure
2. A. begins B. finds C. looks for D. finishes
3. A. angry B. surprised C. satisfied D. happy
4. A. more than B. less than C. no more than D. no less than
5. A. But B. And C. Or D. So
6. A. House B. Work C. Carpenter D. Life
The morning was 1 cold, but Li Yanbo quickly got out of his warm bed 2 his cellphone
alarm rang at 7:30. He picked up two plastic buckets and rushed to the centre of the village 3 a fire engine
arrives once a day to provide water for residents. Li, a 24-year-old farmer, lives in Liguan village, Songming
county—about 60km away from Kunming. 4 the last three months, he has risen early to meet the fire truck
because the village's only 5 has dried up. Rain hasn't fallen for six months. The queue is extremely long 6
the time Li arrives.
1. A. a lot of B. a bit C. a lot D. a bit of
2. A. before B. while C. when D. as
3. A. when B. where C. that D. how
4. A. Among B. During C. For D. On
5. A. lakes B. ocean C. reservoir D. pond
6. A. from B. by C. before D. until
【keys】 BCBCCB

. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.
Middle school days are both fun and busy. Students spend their days in class, listening to the interesting and
sometimes boring words of the teacher. They spend the short breaks(课间休息) running, playing and shouting happily
b____1_____ going back to the classroom again. But how should students spend their free time outside school?
In Western counties, students usually have a part-time job after school and at weekends. Students can make their
own money and learn m___2____ about the ‘real world’. They enjoy the independence(独立) and the money, and
parents enjoy the quite house. H_____3_____ in China, parents worry about their child’s studies, and they prefer to
see their children spending most of their free time studying and preparing for all those exams.
Is is natural for parents to feel that way in China, but I believe we should f____4____ a balance(平衡).
Sometimes, Western school children work long h_____5____ after school to make money, and so they become too
tired to listen in class or have no time for homework .But Chinese students spend too much time on their studies that
15 17

all else becomes less important until they want that new MP4 player.
So, find a good and healthy balance! If you have a part-job, you’ll be happy and your parents will also be happy
because you’re spending your own money and not t____6____!
1 b_________ 2 m__________ 3 H_________ 4 f_________ 5 h__________ 6 t_______
Keys: before much however find hours theirs

Reading for p 1 is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important
way for the students. Some students say they don't want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their
time to learn the r 2 of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too e 3
Many experts say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert
on learning languages, says that pleasure reading

h 4 you learn many important things about English.
Students learn more grammar and more words w 5 they read for pleasure. They also learn more about
good w 6 . Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different w 7 . Each
student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it p 8 for each student to learn what he
or she needs.

1. _________ 2.________
4. __________
5. ________ 6._________ 7._________ 8.__________
【keys】1. pleasure 2. rules 3. easy 4. helps 5. when 6. writings 7. way 8. Possible

V. Answer the questions.(根据短文内容,回答下列问题。)

Dear Sir/Madam
I have seen your advertisement for a teacher in the magazine Guangxhou Education. I think I’m suitable for the job.
I am 28 years old. I finished my high school education in Xiamen, and then went to university in Fuzhou. I studied
languages, with English as my major(主修课). I always got good scores for all subjects. At university I was a very
active student. I was chairman of the English Film Club and a member of the university volleyball team.
I have traveled to a number of English- speaking countries. I think my English language skills have improved as a
result and I can teach senior classes without any problems.
I have worked as a teacher for four years. I have taught at a well-known language school in Hangzhou. This has
been a good experience. I have taught students how to write good business letters. All these experience would help me
become a good teacher.
I am a warm and friendly person, and my students enjoy my lessons. I like my students to work hard, and I think
language learning can also be fun. I encourage(鼓励) students to use English outside the classroom, do projects and
take part in English language activities. I have helped students put on plays and give conceits of English songs.
I really wish to live in Guangzhou and teach in your school. I hope for an interview so I can tell you more about
Yours faithfully
William Fang
16 17

1. What job does William Fang want to do?

2. What countries has William Fang traveled to?
A number of

3. Where has William Fang taught in Hangzhou?
A well—known

4. What has William Fang helped students do?

5. What do you think about William Fang?

【keys】1 To be an English teacher.
2 English—speaking countries
3 language school
4 Put on plays,give concerts of English songs,etc.
5 A warm and friendly person(Answers may vary)

This is another joke in which unsightly things are
intended to be good-looking. The buzzword comes from a
sentence of Jolin's song
extended to describe weird things. For example, when you
see a very shocking picture, you can use this sentence to express the visual or
psychological impact:
scared to open my eyes.

17 17









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