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2020-11-02 13:23



Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.
Section B 知识讲解
一.resolution n 决心,决定
make a resolution 下决心 New Year’s resolution 新年决心
resolute ['rez?lju:t; -l?t]
adj. 坚决的,坚定的;果敢的;不屈不挠的
①You should make a New Year’s _________(resolute).
( ) ② — What’s your New Year’s _______? — I’m going to eat more vegetables.
A. idea B. resolution C. job D. subject
二.foreign 形容词 外国的国外的 foreigner 名词 外国人
his foreign friends 他的外国朋友
a foreigner from Europe. 来自欧洲的外国朋友
①I can talk with the ____________(foreign) . I’m sure of myself.
②There are more and more ______________(foreign) working in China.
( )③ Wow, this _____ can speak several ____ languages.
A. foreign; foreign B. foreigner; foreigner C. foreigner foreign D. foreign; foreigners
三.sound like
1. sound like 听起来像,后跟名词或代词。
The voice doesn't sound like Lily. 这嗓音听起来不像莉莉。
2. sound v. 听起来,后接形容词作表语。
The music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很美。
3. 【拓展】sound n. 声音(指自然界中的一切声音)
noise n 噪音,(指不悦耳的一切吵闹声)
voice n 说话声(指人的声音及鸟叫声)
The ___________ of the wind is very sweet. 这风的声音很悦耳。
类似sound like的短语还有look like,feel like,seem like等。
The woman looks like your mother. 那个妇女看起来像你的妈妈。
The man seems like a kind person. 那人看起来像个好心肠的人。
①听,那声音听起来像什么? Listen!______ does the ______ ______ ______?
②The man ______ ______ ______ ______(看起来像警察).
【例2】His plan ______ great.
A.sound B.sounds like C.sounds D.sounding
【例3】①That piece of music ________(sound) very beautiful
【例4】( ) ②His plan ____ great.
A. sound B. sounds like C. sounds D. sounding
四.can 和be able to
1. 纯粹表示主语的“能力”时,can与be able to属同义词,两者可以通用
be able to 能够做某事=can 表示有能力做某事,后接动词原形。(able 能够 )
I can swim = I am able to swim.
与其它情态助动词连用时,表达将来的“能力”时,一般用be able to;表达完成概念时,则
只能用be able to。例如:
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One day people will be able to travel to the moon. 有朝一日,人们会到月球去旅行的。
They have not been able to go to school for two weeks. 他们已有两周没能去上学了。
You might be able to persuade her. 你也许能说服她。
be able to
( ) Lucy could read story books at the age of four.
A. is able to B. was able to C. should D. would
( ) husband was able to drive a car last year.
A. can B. may C. must D. could
1. v. 表示疑问;怀疑;提问;质询
She questioned me something about the technical problem.
2. question n. 问题
Can you answer my question?你能回答我的问题吗?
(1)question 问题;疑问;询问,指一般的问题。常与ask,answer搭配。
(2)problem 问题;难题,指已存在的,需要解决的问题。常与solve,deal with搭配。
I can answer your you can't solve my problem.
【例】 I can answer your ______ . But you can’t solve my ________.
( ) I want to ask a _______: Can you deal with the math _____.
A. question; question B. problem; problem
C. question; problem D. problem; question
【例】The policeman ______ the man what he did last night in the police station.
A.question B.ask C.asked D.questioned
【例】I want to ask a ______:Can you deal with the math ______?
A.question;question B.problem;problem
C.question;problem D.problem;question
六.meaning 名词
1. the meaning of ….的意思
What's the meaning of the word? 这个单词什么意思?
2. mean v.意思是;意味着
He doesn't mean what he says. 他言不由衷。
What does the word mean? = What’s the meaning of the word.
3. means n. 方式;方法;手段
This is a means to an end. 这是达到目的的手段。
4. meaningless adj.毫无意义的;意思不明确的
I can't understand him because what he said is meaningless.
【例题】The ______ of the word “physical” in Chinese is “身体的”.
A.mean B.means C.meaning D.meanings
If you are clever enough , you can guess the ________ (mean) of the text.
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七.discuss v. 讨论;商量
1. 是及物动词,其后直接加宾语。
He didn't want to discuss the movie. 他不想讨论这部电影。
2. discuss doing sth.商量做某事
Mary and her sister discussed joining the club. 玛丽和她姐姐商量过加入俱乐部。
3. discuss+疑问词+to do
We discussed what to do next. 我们商量下一步做什么。
4. discussion n.讨论have a discussion 讨论
We had a discussion about the house. 我们讨论了一下关于房子的事。
【例1】I'm sorry to fail the 's discuss ______ good grades.
A.what to get B.to get C.how to get D.how get
他们和我讨论了有关比赛的事。 They ______ a ______ with me ______ the match.
【例3】After an hour of ________ (discuss), they work out the problem at last.
1. n. 承诺;诺言,是可数名词。
make a promise to sb.=make promises to sb.向某人许诺
Don't make a promise to others easily.不要轻易向他人许诺。
keepbreak one's promise 保守打破诺言
2. v.许诺;承诺,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式、从句作宾语,也可接双宾语。
promise to do sth 允诺做某事;答应做某事 He promises to help us.
My teacher promised to help us.我老师答应要帮助我们。
promise .=promise sb.
He promised me the book.=He promised the book to me.他答应给我这本书。
promise do sth.答应某人做某事
You must promise me to be early tomorrow morning.
例 ( ) 1. The young man made a ______ to his parents that he could study hard.
A.plan B.decision C.promise D.discussion
( ) 2. This morning,my son promised me ______ his homework for an hour.
A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing
( ) 3. He _____ to save his pocket money for later use, but he spent it on a toy soon.
A. asked B. founded C. Promised D. knew
( ) 4. — I won’t have time to go shopping with you this afternoon?
— But you ____ me yesterday.
A. ordered B. mentioned C. promised D. knew
九.begin v 开始 → beginning n开头,开端
1. at the beginning 起初;开始时 反义;____________________
At the beginning I lived across from her. 起初我住在她对过。
the beginning of 在……之初;在……开始时 反义;____________________
She left here __________________________________ this month. 她在这个月初离开了这儿。
3. from the beginning 从开始
Read the text from the beginning.从头读课文。
4. from beginning to end 从头至尾
He knew the truth from beginning to end. 他从头至尾了解了真相。
5. begin v.开始
begin to dodoing sth.开始做某事
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begin with 以……开始
We often begin our class with a song. 我们经常以一首歌来开始我们的课。
( ) 1. ______ the beginning ______ this term,he made a resolution.
A.From;on B.At;of C.From;with D.On;of
( ) 2. Lily ______read the book from ______ after supper. “莉莉晚饭后从头开始读这本书”
A.began to;beginning B.began;beginning
C.began;the beginning D.began to;the beginning
( ) 3. We usually make a plan for work ____ every term.
A. in the beginning of B. at the beginning of
C. on the start of D. in the start of
4. 根据汉语意思完成下句
你们怎样开始你们的工作?How do you ______ ______ your work?
十.have to do with
1. 关于;与……有关系
What does it have to do with you? 它与你有什么关系?
2. have nothing to do with 与……没关系
My brother has nothing to do with the fight.我弟弟和打架没关系。
I heard you ______ to do with the person.
A.have B.have nothing C.had D.has nothing
十一.improve v 改进,改善 = make better
1. sb. improve sth. sb.某人提高了某物或某人。improve oneself 提供自己
sth + improves 某物提高了改善了
( ) — We will do what we can ____ ourselves this term.
— It’s high time for you to work hard. 到了你该努力工作的时候了。
A. improve B. to improve C. be improved D. be improving
2. self improvement 自我改进,自我提高
十二. write down 写下,记录下 宾格代词放在write 与down之间
补充:take down 记下;写下
但take down 还指“取下来”Please take down the books from the shelf.请把书从架上取下来。
( )1. There are some important words in this unit. Please ____.
A. write down them B. write down it
C. writer them down D. write it down
( ) 2. Let me ______ your phone number and I’ll call you when I’m free.
A. cut down B. turn down C. let down D. write down
( ) the beginning of new term,teachers usually ask their students ______ their plans.
A.write down B.take down C.to write down D.taking down
十三.too…to… 太….而不能….
1. too +原级+to do sth
【注】⑴ 该词组本身有否定含义,句子中不再加not
⑵ too… to 中间用形容词或副词原形。
⑶当主语是物时,to do 后不再加宾语 The box is too heavy to carry.
(4) 当动词不定式的逻辑主语与整个句子的主语不一致时,动词不定式的逻辑主语做
成“for sb.”结构,放在不定式前,如:
① The desk is too heavy for me to carry it. 这课桌太重我搬不动。
此结构也可换成 “not … enough to do … ” “不够……可以……”和 “so …
that …can’t ” “如此……以至于不能……”so 后跟. that 后跟从句。

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The child is too young _____________(go ) to school.
=The child is not old enough___________(go ) to school.
=The child is so young that she _________ go to school.
( )① They are ____ tired ____on.
A. too; to walk B .too; walking C. can’t to work D. very to walk
( ) ②– This box is ___ heavy for me to carry. Can you help me? —Certainly.
A. so B. much C. very D. too
( )③ Lucy isn’t old enough to carry the box.
A. is so young that she can B. isn’t young enough to
C. is too young to D. is so young to
( ) ④The kid isn’t old enough to go to school. 的同义句。
A. is too young to go to school B. is too old to go to school
C. is so young that he can go to school D. can go to school
十四. agree v 同意; 赞成; 允许
1. agree with sb.同意某人的话 Do you agree with me? Do you agree with what I said ?
2. agree to do sth. 同意做某事 He agree to go with me.
3. agree on 在……方面意见一致 We agree on the question.
( )1. ____ this reason. I didn’t agree ____ her.
A. For; with B. For; to C. About; with D. About to
( ) 2. I don’t agree _____ you. I think she has something to do ____it.
A. to; about B. with; with C. with; to D. to; about.
( ) 3. — I think drinking milk is good ___ our health. — Yes, I agree _____ you.
A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with
( ) you agree ______ me ______ the question?
A.with;to B.to;on C.with;on D.on;with
十五. make
1. make your life easier 使你的生活更容易
make my family happy 使我的家人高兴
make sb. sth. + adj. 使某人某物
— Dad, how can I get on well my classmates?
— Try to be friendly to them. That will make it much _____.
A. easily B. more easily C. easy D. easier
2. make sb. do sth.
她使弟弟哭了。____ _______________________________________.
十六. take up
1. 学着做;开始做 He took up swimming last summer.他去年夏天开始学游泳的。
2. 拿起 He took up a pen.
3. 占(时间。地方等)The table takes up too much room. 这张桌子占用太多空间。
4. 和up 有关的短语:
cut up 切碎;get up起床;put up 搭建;举起 stay up late 熬夜;
wake...up 把……叫醒 make up 编造;dress up 乔装打扮
( ) 1. Are you going to ______ a new hobby next year?
A.put up B.make up C.get up D.take up
( )2. I _______ the hobby of singing when I was a child.
A. built up (
B. set up (
C. kept up (
坚持; 维持; 继续; 不低落;
) D. took up
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( )3. The lady ____ dancing as a hobby in her sixties, and she is really good at it now.
A. dressed up B. looked up C. took up D. put up
十七. hobby n业余爱好→ (pl) hobbies
( ) ①Selian has many _____, such as drawing, dancing and taking photos.
A. hobbies B. resolution C. promises D. schoolwork
( )② Cici enjoys dancing . It’s one of her ____.
A. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies
十八. relationship n 关系
relationship with 与….. 的关系
relationship between … and … 与….的关系
拓展 friendship 友谊
( ) Do you know the relationship _____ sleep ____ health?
A. for and B. between and C. from to D. between to
1. adj. & pron. 自己的;本人的
常放于形容词性物主代词的后面。his her my your our own …自己的…
You can see with your own eyes. 你可以用自己的眼睛看。
2. own v.拥有;占有
I own a building with a beautiful garden. 我拥有一所带着漂亮花园的楼房。
3. owner n. 所有者;物主
Who's the owner of the watch? 谁是这块手表的主人?
【例】—Is that car ______?—Yes,it's ______ car.
A.yours;own my B.yours;my own
C.your;own my D.your;my own
【例】My father owns the new house.(改为同义句)
My father is ______ ______ ______ the new house.

2. I can’t find the ________ (own) of MP5.
二十. week →weekly 每周的 地

The students have lots of homework to do every _______, so they have to make a _______ plan
for schoolwork(week)
十一.person名词 → personal 形容词 个人的; 私人的
Most of the people have their ______ (person) computers .
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