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高一必修一知识点总结unit 1

2020-11-03 23:49




Unit 1
1. get sth done
We got the job done soon. 我们很快就将工作做完了。There is
something wrong with my bike. I am going to get it repaired. 我的自
2. calm down vi. vt. 平静下来;使平静下来
The excited old woman soon calmed down. 那个激动的老太太很快
就平静下来了。The roaring sea gradually calmed down. 咆哮的大海
逐渐平静下来。The nurse calmed down the little boy by giving him
some candy. 保育员给那小男孩一些糖果,使他安静下来了。
3. have got to do sth 不得不做 have to do sth
Every day I have got to do a lot of work though I don’t want to. 每天
4. be concerned about 关心;关注;担忧
An increasing number of people are concerned about the pollution of
the environment. 越来越多的人关心环境污染问题。He’s concerned
about his mother’s state of health. 他很担心母亲的健康状况。
5. walk the dog 遛狗 I used to walk my dog along the river every
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6. get loose 松脱
The dog got loose and ran to the middle of the street. 够挣脱了绳子,
7. pay the bill 付账
I have to pay this bill by Tuesday, but the trouble is that I don’t get
my salary until Friday. 我必须在星期二以前付清这笔账款,但麻烦
8. cheat in the exam 考试作弊
9. end-of-term exam 期末考试
10. should have done 本来应该做
I should have told you about the accident earlier but I was afraid you
would get angry.
11. go through 经历;检查;穿过;完成
Anne went through years of sufferings. 安妮经历了几年的苦难。He
went through all the letters one by one. 他一封一封地检查了所有的
信件。They went through the forest. 他们穿过了森林。
12. hide away 隐藏
Anne and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before
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they were discovered. 安妮和她的家人隐藏了25个月后被发现。Why
do you hide your opinion away from me? 你为什么对我隐瞒你的观
13. set down 记下
I don’t want to set down a series of facts as most people do. 我不想
像大多数人那样在日记中写一系列的事实。I wanted to set my
thoughts down on paper. 我想把自己的想法写下来。
14. a series of 一系列
The government has taken a series of measures to prevent the
air pollution. 政府采取了一系列的措施防止空气污染。I hope you
will give me a chance to introduce our series of cosmetics. 我
15. grow crazy 发疯
I have grown so crazy about everything to do with nature
because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long.我长时
16. can well remember 清晰的记得
I can well remember that there was a time when everything to
do with nature could never have kept me spellbound. 我清晰的
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17. stay awake醒着
I stayed away all night thinking about whether to go or not. 我
一夜未曾入睡,考虑着是去还是留。I find it so difficult to stay
awake during history lessons. 我觉得上历史课不会打瞌睡实在
18. on purpose 故意地;特地
He went there on purpose to see what had happened. 他特地
去那里看发生了什么事。He said he had left the door open on
purpose. 他说他是有意让门开着的。
19. in order to 为了…
In order to catch the 5:30 train, he had got to get up in the
early morning. 为了赶5:30火车,他一大早就起床了。
20. far too much 太多;非常多
I've written far too much and had better sign off. 我这封信写得
太长了, 最好就此落款结束。We get far too much work at this
time of year. 每年这个时候,我们有太多的事情要做。
21. happen to 碰巧
He happened to be free that evening. 他那天晚上碰巧有空。He
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happened to be watching TV at home. 他碰巧在家看电视。
22. at dusk 在黄昏;在傍晚
After a long drive they finally reached the town at dusk.
23. in one’s power 在…能力以内;就…能力所及
I will do everything in my power to help you。我愿尽我的力量帮助你。
24. It iswas the first time that…
It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the
night face to face. 一年半来,我第一次面对面地看着夜空。It is not
the first time that Julia has said something without thinking.
25. face to face 面对面
I sat face to face with her. 我和她面对面坐
着。Ever since then I've been expecting to meet him face to face. 从那时
起, 我一直渴望和他面对面地聚会

26. get tired of;be tired of 对…厌烦了
Tell me if you get tired of driving and we’ll change over. 如果
你开车累了请告诉我,我们可以调换一下。Do your eyes get tired
easily when you read books? 您看书时眼睛容易疲劳吗? He’s
tired of living in cities, and wants to get back to the country.
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27. pack up 打包;收拾行李
Children were busy packing up for a trip to Shanghai the next
day. 第二天就要去上海了,孩子们正忙着整理行李。Graduates are
busy packing up for their working posts. 毕业生们正忙着整理
28. get along with 相处;进展
How are you getting along with your English studies? 你的英
语学得怎样? His business is getting along well these days. 他
29. fall in love with 爱上 be in love with
Why do you always look at her like that? Do you fall in love
with her? 你为什么总是那样地看着她?莫非你爱上她了吗?I was
in love with a very pretty girl. 我爱上了一个漂亮姑娘。
30. join in 参加(活动);一块儿做…
They came out for their morning exercise. I also joined in. 他
们出去做早操, 我也参加了。All the family join me in wishing you
a happy future. 所有的家人同我一道祝你未来幸福。Do you know
how many of them joined in the research project? 你知道他们
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