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2020-11-04 09:16





music in my life

music is an important part in my life,i even cant live without

actually,i like many kinds of music,id like to talk about my
favorite music ,i like irish folk music best,new age is
irish style,and its mixes some morden melody,it sounds very
nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream
land,just relax,and forget all the problems.i like enya,she is a
very famous new age singer,her song just like the voice of
heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself!

im not keen on american pop songs,they are terrible for
me!the melody is not soft and nice at all!so fast and strong
beat,too exciting,and cant hear them clearly.i cant stand the
strong beat,that nearly make me fainted!

in a word,music has an very important place in my for
the importance of music to my life,i think you can guess,it just
like meals and sleeping,i cant live without anyone want
to take it away from me,im gonna fight him and never give up!


其实,我喜欢的音乐种类很多,我想 谈谈我的最喜欢的音乐在这里。
不土地你,只是放松,忘记所有的问 题。我喜欢恩雅,她是一个非

亮 可言!这么快,强拍,太令人兴奋的,并不能清楚地听到他们的
声音。我不能忍受强烈的节拍,几乎让我 晕倒! 总之,音乐在我生
猜 到,它就像吃饭,睡觉,我不能没有它。有没有人想从我出去了,

1. many people, especially young college students, like pop

2. various opinions about the influence of pop songs on
young people.

3. my attitude to pop songs.

many people, especially young college students, like pop
songs. they hum

small tunes all the way to their schools and seem to be never
tired of this. some of them are even mad about pop songs,
rocknroll in particular. they shout and shout until their voices
become hoarse.

others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love
songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. despite such
popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss
such kind of songs as crude and worthless. they hold that
these songs are easy to sing and they are usually
characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth.
based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have
gained such popularity. whereas many others stick to pop
songs. their lives seem to ha dull without songs.

in my point of view, pop songs should not be banned. true,
their tunes are

simple and sometimes repetitious, but this is not to say that
they are of no artistic value. folk songs are also quite simple in
tune but no one could dismiss them as trash songs. there is no
denying that some pop songs are equally excellent. why?
because they are widely sung and widely remembered. for
example, yesterday is of high artistic value. no one can deny
its beautifulness in tune. of com-se, there are bad songs that
will not last long, but pop song fans will give these songs their
due by choosing to sing them or not.

要点:1. many people, especially young college students, like
pop songs.

2. various opinions about the influence of pop songs on
young people.

3. my attitude to pop songs.

many people, especially young college students, like pop
songs. they hum small tunes all the way to their schools and
seem to be never tired of this. some of them are even mad
about pop songs, rocknroll in particular. they shout and shout
until their voices become hoarse.

others will submerge themselves in the romance of the love
songs, with tears streaming down their cheeks. despite such
popularity of the pop songs, however, some people dismiss
such kind of songs as crude and worthless. they hold that
these songs are easy to sing and they are usually
characterized with simple tunes which lack variety and depth.
based upon this, they say that pop songs should not have
gained such popularity. whereas many others stick to pop
songs. their lives seem to ha dull without songs.

in my point of view, pop songs should not be banned. true,
their tunes are simple and sometimes repetitious, but this is
not to say that they are of no artistic value. folk songs are also
quite simple in tune but no one could dismiss them as trash
songs. there is no denying that some pop songs are equally
excellent. why? because they are widely sung and widely
remembered. for example, yesterday is of high artistic value.
no one can deny its beautifulness in tune. of com-se, there are
bad songs

that will not last long, but pop song fans will give these songs
their due by choosing to sing them or not.

【篇二:benefits of music听音乐的好处】



melody melodious

to sum up

all in all

in shortbrief

firstly i would like to talk about classical music and its
representative composers, then i will move on to jazz music,
and finally i will focus on pop music in the last century.

10 benefits of listening to music

music, the language of the soul, is as old as humanity. its no
secret that people love music. while taste in music differs from
person to person, almost everyone enjoys some type of music.
but by common observation, professional medical
practitioners(习艺者) have linked music to our well-being and
general health. a recent study concludes that listening

to music has positive health effects on people of all ages.
below are musics health benefits explained in detail: 1) pain

killer: music has the ability to reduce pain through release of
endorphins(脑内啡;安多芬;内啡肽) which act as natural pain
killers. it can also divert attention away from the pain and
encouraging relaxation. according to a study published in the
journal of advanced nursing, listening to music daily can
reduce chronic pain by up to 21 percent. the study also found
that listening to music made people feel more in control of
their pain, reduced depression, and made people feel less
disabled by their condition. 2)reduces stress: stress has been
associated with many illnesses, including several mental
illnesses that seem to occur only in people with exceedingly
high stress levels. in a study conducted, subjects were made
listen to a half-hour of soothing music twice daily for two
weeks. it showed significantly greater reductions in stress and
anxiety levels in the subjects. 3)cardiovascular(心血管
的)benefits: listening to soothing music also helps reduce your
heart rate and blood pressure. as a result of a lower blood
pressure, it also reduces the risk of stroke and other health
problems over time. in a new italian study, researchers found
that people

with mild hypertension (high blood pressure) who listened to
classical, celtic or indian (raga) music for just 30 minutes a day
for one month had significant reductions in their blood
pressure. good music helps to calm down the cells and tissues
that make up the lungs thereby bringing down the patients
breathing and heart rate to normal. 4)stimulate brains cells:
research has shown that music with a strong beat can
stimulate brainwaves to resonate(产生回声、共鸣或共振) in
sync(同步) with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper
concentration and more alert thinking. on the other hand,
listening to soothing classical music improves ability to focus
for longer time and promotes a calm, meditative state. it brings
about a sense of well-being and creativity, a change which
lasts long after the music has ceased to play. 5)boost exercise
performance: listening to music while you exercise may have a
considerable impact on your exercise performance and
commitment. music diverts your attention in repetitive
exercises thus the feeling of fatigue, exhaustion and boredom
are evaded. music can also act as a stimulant which can

increase your performance. respiration and cardiac rate is
increased from music which can help you intensify your
workout. according to a study conducted in 2005, listening to
music while exercising boosted participants weight

loss and helped exercisers stay consistent. 6)promote a sound
sleep: listening to music as we drift off to sleep ensures that
we get the rest that we need from our sleep. sleep puts your
body in a healthy condition as it takes away the effects of
stress, depression and anxiety from a person. 7)increase
optimism: depression leads to weakness, headache, confusion,
and loss of concentration. music can also be used to bring a
more positive state of mind, helping to keep depression at bay.
good music also makes one to remember happy moments or
good days. it also increases self-esteem and self-confidence.
8)helps in cancer: research suggests that music may offer a
number of benefits for people coping with cancer. it reduces
anxiety in patients receiving radiation therapy, as well as eases
nausea and vomiting resulting from high-dose chemotherapy.
9)helps socialize: music is a great way to get together with
people who share a similar passion. it helps you to meet new
people, socialize and give you a sense of belonging. 10)helps
in spiritual health: there is a unique connection between music
and spirituality. chanting or some kind of music helps people
worship in a meaningful way, and makes them feel closer to
god. music performs unimaginable wonders and is
fundamental to a humans well-being. so




? 听英文歌曲对学习英语有好处吗

? 探究英文歌曲对我们影响

? 探究成果的分析与讨论

? 探究成果的意义与心得

为之动容。而在我们 享受这些英文歌曲的同时,我们也在潜移默化
中积累了大量的单词更锻炼了我们的口语及听力 。多听英文歌曲对

● 英文歌曲的收集与整理

无论影视或者在很多的音乐频道中,我们总能听到 很多动人的声音,
是那些美 丽的嗓音为我们勾勒出的动人的英文歌曲。我们收集了很
多的经典好听的英文歌曲,其中也有触动到你内 心的歌曲吗?

1.《my heat will go on》——celine dion

曲奖。 歌词动容人心,讲述了相守的恋人间的深深执着之情,曲风

2.《i will always love you》——whitney houston

1992年,美国著名黑人女歌手惠特尼?休斯顿(whitney houston)
与凯文?科斯特纳(kevin costner)联袂主演电影《保镖》正在寻找适合的电影主题曲。一开始惠特尼?休斯顿选中的是摩城传奇
jimmy ruffin的歌曲what becomes of the brokenhearted,但是
该曲已被电影《fried green tomatoes》所使用。后来凯文?科斯特
纳推荐惠特尼?休斯顿使用她的多年老友linda ronsta在 1975的翻
唱版本《i will always love you》,于是惠特 尼?休斯顿对该版本进
电影《 保镖》的主题曲。尽管她的唱片公司不喜欢这样的一个阿卡
贝拉型(a cappella)的开头音乐,但所幸的是两人都坚持这样的处

3.《there youll be》——faith hill

这是影片《珍珠港》主题曲,faith hill那浑厚而朴实的声音总是勾
起我们对珍珠港的记忆。 歌曲的旋律更是华美感人,歌词的意义值

4.《angle》——sarah mclachlan

来自影片《天使之城》的经典主 题曲,点题之作《angel》在我看来,
是最为清澈温暖的曲。sarah mclachlan舒缓 的嗓音,行云流水般
过去的伤 痛与苦楚。当你闭上疲惫的双眼,在静夜里聆听这首歌,
你能看到天使在夜空中缓缓飘过。当它消逝之时 ,淡淡伤感中绽放

performance),最佳rb歌曲(best rhythm blues song)三项大奖!< br>作为一个篮球迷、飞人的球迷我们都会相信这首歌完全是飞人的写

● 听英文歌曲对学习英语有好处吗

学习英语学好英语有各种各样的方法与技巧,比如看英文杂志, 阅
读英文名著,欣赏英文影片等等,可 是多听一些英文歌曲也会对英
呢,或者还有什么其他的学习方法呢? 为 此,我们做了一份问卷调

? 探究英问歌曲对学习英语有哪些帮助



一 .音乐对学习的帮助

虽然在 学习的时候听音乐有时会使人注意力不集中,醉听于音乐,
往往忘记了本应该做的事情。但音乐的确是一 门益远远大于弊的科


与大脑的研究领域,最有争 议的话题是,音乐与数学成绩之间的相

这一研究立即 掀起了巨大的争议,一时间,专家们众说纷纭。于是

影响,那些进行实验的科 学家也只能归纳出结论,却无法真的从中
做出令人信服的解释——在研究大脑的路上,科学家们还有很长 的

二. 英文歌曲对英语学习的具体帮助


经常的听英文 歌曲,可以很好的培养对学生的语感。在任何的语言
里,语感都是最重要的部分之一:比如,我们在看到 或听到一个中
是去感觉那个句 子是否读的通,看的顺——我们几乎可以用这个方
法应付所有类型的中文句子,事实上,不管是日常交流 还是考试时

其实英文也一样,中国的英语教材在很早就引 入了语法这一环节。
更好的 理解句子。但它的缺点也显而易见——过早的接触大量的语
法知识使的学生们把学习英语的中心转移到了 语法知识点而非英语

< br>成绩的时候,便不再去注意英文能力的培养,尤其是英语语感的培
养。为了考试而考试,这样以来 很多考试变得失去了意义。

实际上,就算是用于考试,语感的优势也十分明显——不用花时 间
高正确率的做出大量的题目 。


那么 ,经常处于英文歌曲所创造的英语环境中,可以使大脑潜移默
化的接受语感的培养的训练——语感也是一 个人对语言掌握的熟练
以在很 轻松的环境中掌握很多语言表达。









本文更新与2020-11-04 09:16,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/439086.html
