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百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

Unit 61 It's up to you.

1 星期天,同学问你今天要不要一起出去玩。你说,那要看他的了:
It's up to you.
2 妻子想去读夜校学英语,问你的意见。你回答说,学不学完全由她自己决定:
It's up to you whether you'll learn or not.
3 你说时间不早了,还去不去逛街。丈夫说,去不去你说了不算:
It's up to you whether we go or not.
4 丈夫同意你待在家里,也同意你去找工作。他说,全部依着你:
It's up to you entirely.
5 你表示你乐意为朋友效劳,只是不知道他需要不需要。你就说,你可以尽力,就看他的了:
It'll do as much as I can. It's up to you.
6 你问上级,明天客户来了怎么安排住。他说,他准备让你拿主意:
I'm going to leave it up to you.
7 你买了一条宠物狗,一时想不出好名字。你对妻子说,这由她来起名字:
It's up to you to give it a good name.
8 那父母埋怨孩子举止粗鲁是老师之过。你则认为,应该由父母教给孩子礼节:
It's up to parents to teach their children manners.

注:be up to sb 由某人决定,随某人,靠某人;由某人做某事

Unit 62 I can't help it. I was born a beauty.

1 你说她今天看起来很漂亮。她打趣地说,她也没办法,生来就是美人:
I can't help it. I was born a beauty.
2 你夸奖他善于经营。他说,那是没有办法的事,他的家人都擅长经营:
I can't help it, my folks are all good at business.
3 朋友认为,刚才的事不应该发那么大的火。你说,没办法,那是本能的冲动:
I can't help it. It's an impulse.
4 你上课不停地打瞌睡。你说,没办法,昨晚没睡:
I can't help it, I didn't sleep last night.
5 母亲说你干嘛不按时回家。你说,你也没办法,遇上了塞车:
I can't help it. I was in a traffic jam.
6 弟弟因犯规在比赛中被淘汰出局。他说,只好这样了,抱怨也没有用了:
It can't be helped. it's no use to complain.
7 你问他为什么在下班之后另打一份工。他说,这是无法避免的事,他急需用钱:
It can't be helped. I'm in dire need of money.
8 他对那些小孩子循循善诱,不辞劳苦。他说,没办法,他是个教员:
It can't be helped, I'm a teacher.

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

can't help it 是没有办法的,没有办法,控制不了
can't be helped 是没有办法的事,只好这样

Unit 63 He's something of a liar.

1 那人在你面前撒谎,被你发觉了。等他走后,你说,他有点不太老实:
He's something of a liar.
2 朋友家里藏书不少,上至天文下至地理,应有尽有。你惊叹地说道,他可以称得上书籍收
You're something of a book collector.
3 晚上你演唱了白天创作的歌曲,并得意地说,你有音乐家细胞:
I'm something of a musician.
4 你告诉妻子孩子的小床不必买,你可以自己做。你说,你可以算得上是个木匠:
I'm something of a carpenter.
5 旅游时你希望哥哥同去,好帮你们拍摄。你说,他懂点儿摄影:
He's something of a photographer.
6 朋友的房子装修得很有风格。你赞扬他说,他有点儿艺术才能:
You're something of an artist.
7 你的演讲完毕。朋友对你说,你颇有点政客味道:
You're something of a politician.
8 朋友抱歉为你准备的茶点太简单了,你却说,可以称得上一顿正餐了:
It's something of a dinner!

something of 有点...;可说是一个;在某种程度上是
something like 大约,约模;有点象
liar n.说谎的人
musician n. 音乐家
carpenter n. 木匠
photographer n. 摄影师
politician n. 政治家,政客

Unit 64 When are you going to clean your apartment?

1 新年快到了。你的朋友想知道你什么时候清扫你的公寓:
When are you going to clean your apartment?
2 你的厨房墙壁旧了,你准备重新漆。你朋友问,你准备把它漆成什么颜色:
What color are you going go paint your kitchen?
3 母亲听说你要去度假,就问你准备去哪里度假:
Where are you going to spend your vacation?

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
4 雨下得这么大,把你们的足球场都淹了。你父亲问,你明天的课打算怎么上:
How are you going to have your classes tomorrow?
5 朋友听说你要辞职,就问,你为什么不干了:
Why are you going to quit your job?
6 你看那小男孩挺可爱的,就上前跟他聊天,问,长大后他准备干什么:
What are you going to be when you grow up?
7 父亲知道你要出远门,就问,你将要呆多久:
How long are you going to stay?
8 那位老农对天气变化很有经验。他说,就要有一场暴风雨了:
There's going to be a thunderstorm.

注:美语中:going to 有时拼写为 gonna

Unit 65 It's a piece of cake.

1 你一直以为驾车很难,不敢开车。朋友告诉你说,那是小菜一碟:
It's a piece of cake.
2 同学问你考试考得怎么样。你说,这次考试没想到简直是轻而易举之事:
The exam is a piece of cake.
3 你奇怪儿子怎么进得屋来。他说,太容易了,卧室的窗户是打开着的:
It's a piece of cake, the bedroom window is open.
4 你方拳击队员今天状态不佳。你问那位拳击手,是否有把握击败对方。他说,那肯定不算
Absolutely it's a piece of cake.
5 你主动承担这份工作。你说,你认为对你来讲是小菜一碟:
I think it's a piece of cake for me.
6 大家说没有人能劝服班长改变主意,你说你有把握。你说,那还不是件容易的事:
Won't it be a piece of cake?
7 你奇怪公司守卫森严,他怎么进来的。他说,那还不容易,他告诉那些人他是你的未婚夫:
That's a piece of cake, I told them I'm your fiancé.
8 你说与Mary相处不太容易,不知她怎么才算高兴。朋友说,那太容易了,告 诉他你一直
That's a piece of cake, just tell her you have been expecting to dine with her.

a piece of cake 相当于中文中:小菜一碟,没什么
absolutely adv.绝对的,在答语中相当于“当然是”
fiancé n. 未婚夫
fianée n. 未婚妻
dine v. 吃饭,请...吃饭


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
Unit 66 I'm working on it.

1 你打电话询问你的车修得怎么样了。他说,他正在修:
I'm working on it.
2 老板仍未改变主意。你告诉大家,别担心,你正在努力:
Don't worry, I'm still working on it.
3 你不知道哥哥在忙什么,家都顾不上回。他说,他在搞一项新设计:
I'm working on a new design.
4 客户说这种保健品开发的不错。你说,这是你们一直在努力研制的:
That is what we've been working on.
5 你对朋友说,他看起来疲倦得很。他说,昨夜他研究文件到深夜:
I stayed up far into the night working on the documents.
6 你下班后不能立即回家。你告诉家人,你要起草一份文件:
I'm going to work on a document.
7 孩子们问你星期天会不会陪他玩。你说,你要在办公室里写一本新书:
I'm going to work on a new book in my office.
8 你让同事先走一步。你说,你要写一份报告:
I'll work on a report.

work on 从事某事(译法很活),有:造,创作,画,做,草拟,撰写,制定,设计,研究,
work out 制定,拟定,定出;想去;算出,估计出;理解,弄懂,看出,说出,判断;(情< br>况)发展...进行;锻炼(身体)
document n. 文件,票据

Unit 67 I can't stand it.

1 那人力图用英语表达自己,可他的英语蹩脚的要命。你说,你受不了:
I can't stand it.
2 你做推销员做得不开心,每每碰钉子。他说,他忍受不了做推销员的生活:
I can't stand the life as a salesman.
3 父亲劝你劳逸结合。他说,没有人能够受得了这么长时间的讲话:
Nobody can stand the long speech.
4 妹妹从来都是在赞扬声中长大,受一点委屈都不行。你说,她受不得批评:
She can't stand criticism.
5 上司对你讲话时盛气凌人。你说,你受不了他那样对你讲话:
I can't stand his talking to me like that.
6 你的作品工艺很差。你说,这样的活经不住仔细看:
The work will hardly stand a close examination.
7 要干成一件事可真不容易,你遇到了很多麻烦。你说,你必须忍受这些烦恼:

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
I have to stand through these troubles.
8 这孩子娇生惯养连去学校都要车送。你说,他一点儿不舒适都受不了:
He can't stand the smallest discomfort.

stand v. 站,站起来

Unit 68 Who knows the answer?

1 老师出了个测验没人回答。等了一下,他问,谁知道答案:
Who knows the answer?
2 那人回答问题时含含糊糊。你让他给你一个确切的答案:
Give me a definite answer.
3 你问人事部的人,你到底是否被录用了。他说,他现在还不能答复:
I can't answer you now.
4 看到母亲手中有活儿放不下,你说,你去接电话:
I'll answer the telephone.
5 有人敲门你不愿意起身,就告诉弟弟说,去开门:
Go and answer the door.
6 你买了一辆旧车。你说,这车不好,但也能应付需要:
It's not a good one but it will answer my needs.
7 你给朋友介绍了一处旅游景点。他回来以后对你说,根本不像你描述的那样:
That doesn't answer the description you gave.
8 市长把那人送到学校。他对负责人说,要是孩子受到伤害,唯他是问:
You'll have to answer to me if any harm comes to the child.

answer v.回答
成语有:answer for 对...负责,对...承担责任,保证
answer the purpose 适合需要,解决问题
answer to 适应,符合

Unit 69 Give me a hand and clean up this room, will you?

1 你正在打扫房间,朋友进门来。你说,请帮忙打扫一下房间:
Give me a hand and clean up this room, will you?
2 你说想帮母亲干点家务。她说,那你就帮忙洗一下餐具,好吗:

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
Give me a hand with the washing up, will you?
3 你想让朋友顺便帮你搬一把椅子,你说:
Can you give me a hand with this chair?
4 你看到那位女工正在提一只重箱子,你想帮她一下,就说:
Let me give you a hand with that trunk.
5 你想让朋友帮你一个忙把东西提上楼去,你说:
Lend me a hand, please.
6 你想让他帮你把钢琴移过去一点,你就说:
Give me a hand in moving the piano.
7 你很乐意帮助妻子准备晚饭,你就对她说:
I'm willing to give you a hand at preparing the meal.
8 朋友说他有事要你帮个忙,问你愿不愿意去帮一下:
Will you give me a hand?

give me a hand 帮一下忙
give sb. a big hand 为...鼓掌
on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面...另一方面.

Unit 70 Will it be convenient for you?

1 你通知代表们五点钟在会议厅开会。你问,这对他们是否方便:
Will it be convenient for you?
2 你约定到他公司楼前去接他,就问他,四点钟下楼是否方便:
Will it be convenient for you to come downstairs at four?
3 秘书向你口头汇报完关于那块土地的情况以后,你就客气的问,把那份文件送来是否方便:
Will it be convenient for you to get the document to me?
4 你怕朋友的电话打扰你的午睡,就客气地问,她三点以后再打电话方不方便:
Will it be convenient for you to call after 3 o'clock?
5 你要去上海,就问秘书方便不方便为你订张票:
Will it be convenient for you to reserve me a ticket?
6 你要安排总裁为大家讲几句话。你问他,什么时候可以来:
When would it be convenient for you to come?
7 星期天你想与朋友在一起。你对她说,如果方便的话,你要去她那里:
If convenient for you, I'll come round.
8 你希望还能再次来看望她。她也很乐意地说,什么时候方便什么时候你就来:
Come whenever it's convenient for you.

convenient adj. 方便的,合适的
convenience n. 方便,合适,方便的东西


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我

Unit 71 There's no seat available.

1 他的讲座场场爆满,你只晚来了几分钟就没有地方坐了。那人对你说,没座位了:
There's no seat available.
2 你订货的机会没有找到。你说,已经没有现货了:
There're no goods available.
3 诊所非常拥挤。你问值班员:找得到医生吗?
Is there a doctor available?
4 催帐的滋味真不好受,他又一次把你推到下周了。他说,下周你可以拿到钱:
The money will be available next week.
5 你说这要查询十年前的统计表格。你问他:现在能拿到这个表格吗:
Are the statistics available right now?
6 店员看你有心购买,就上前热情地招呼你。他说,这里这种衣服所有的尺码都有:
The dress is available in all sizes here.
7 你告诉经理本周五出差走不成了。你说,星期五的票都没有了:
There's no ticket available for Friday.
8 你介绍你这个地区经济发展的优势。你说,这地区有一些可以利用的自然资源:
There are some natural resources available in the region.

available adj.可以找到,可以利用,可以使用
natural resources(复数形式) 自然资源
region n. 地区
statistics n. 统计数字(表格)

Unit 72 Good night, Thomas. Sleep well.

1 与Thomas晚间通电话。你看时间不早了,就说,Thomas晚安,睡个好觉:
Good night, Thomas. Sleep well.
2 母亲示意父亲不要出声,怕扰醒安睡的孩子。她说,别弄醒他,让他睡吧:
Don't wake him; let him sleep on.
3 早上你问同事脸色看着如何。你说,你昨晚连眼都没有合过一下:
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
4 父亲叮嘱孩子晚会玩得不要太晚。他说,不然新年的第一天就要睡过去了:
Otherwise you'll sleep away the first day of the new year.
5 朋友说今天喝得实在太多了,头都在痛呢。你说,不要紧,睡一夜就没事了:
Don't worry, you may have a night to sleep it off.
We can sleep on it and go on discussing it tomorrow.

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
7 丈夫一进门就说给女儿买了个礼物,想立即拿给她。可妻子说,她正在酣睡呢:
She is in a sound sleep.

sleep v. 睡觉
n. 睡眠,睡觉,睡意
口语中说的go to bed去(上床、准备)睡觉是入睡前的准备
go to sleep,fall sleep
get to sleep与start sleeping都表 示即入睡,睡觉的意思;而sleep是指上述过程结束,人的

Unit 73 If only I could pass the exam.

1 这次考试关系重大。你说,你要是能过关该多好:
If only I could pass the exam.
2 成绩不如你的Tom得了第一名,你后悔没有参加比赛。你说,当初要是多一点勇气就好
If only I had more courage.
3 你后悔当时因为一点小事就争吵了。你说,要是有一点儿幽默感就好了:
If only I had enough of a sense of humor.
4 你开车撞了人家的宠物。你说,要是不开那么快就好了:
If only I had not driven so fast.
5 他才知道昨天有一场精彩的音乐会。他说,他要是早一点儿知道就好了:
If I had only known.
6 生日那天你接到送来的一束花,没有署名。你说,你要知道是谁送来的就好了:
If only could know who sent the flower.
7 野餐因为天气影响而取消了。大家说,要是雨停了该多好:
If only it would stop raining.
8 站在领奖台上,你想起了父母。你说,要是他们现在能看到我该多好:
If only they could see me now.

if only...但愿,要使...就好了
if only 之后一般用虚拟语气,但个别情况也有陈述语气,表示惋惜,遗憾,后悔等情绪,表
courage n.(不可数)勇气
couragous adj. 勇敢的
humour n.幽默,美音拼写为humor


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
Unit 74 I can speak only in general.

1 主持人让你就这个主题谈一谈。你谦虚地说,你只能泛泛而谈:
I can speak only in general.
2 你向大家介绍你的设计。你说,这个设计已得到广泛的接受:
The designing has been generally accepted.
3 你问人的寿命长短有没有规律。他说,一般来说,女性的寿命比男性寿命长:
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.
4 第一次乘飞机时你有点担心。空姐说,飞行一般都比较平稳:
The flight is generally smooth.
5 你在会上汇报工作。你说,你先要对总的情况作一个介绍:
I'll make a general introduction.
6 父母到学校询问你的学习情况。老师说,总的来说,他是个令人满意的学生:
He in a satisfactory student in general.
7 妹妹煮汤不知要不要加胡椒。你说,这是常识,你怎么还要问:
It's general knowledge. Why do you bother to ask?
8 老板责怪你怎么还不把表格制出来。你反驳说,你已经搞完了,众所周知:
It's generally known that I've already had it done.

general adj.总的,普遍的,公众的,普遍的;一般的,大致的。泛泛的
satisfactory adj.满意的,符合要求的,称心如意的

Unit 75 He wears simples clothing and eats simple food.

1 那个富翁生活很简朴。人们说,他吃得简单,穿得简朴:
He wears simple clothing and eats simple food.
2 人们说,他房间里的家俱也很朴实无华:
The furniture in his house is simple.
3 那位演讲者不善辞令,却也别具特色。你说,他朴实的语言深深地打动了你们:
His simple speech moved us deeply.
4 寓言适合儿童阅读。孩子说,寓言故事的语言简单,但道理深刻:
The language is simple, but the truth is profound.
5 弟弟听说纸制品生意很好赚钱。你说,你怎么能头脑简单到相信这样的话:
Are you so simple-minded and naive as to believe these words?
6 提及父亲,真让你感动。你说,他是个单纯的人,也是个伟大的学者:
Father is a simple person and a great scholar.
7 这个职位一直没有人能够做下去。你说,简单的事实就是老板太难对付:
The simple truth is that the boss is hard to deal with.
8 你说,如果达不到指标会怎么样呢?这个问题很简单,每个人都能明白:
The question is simple. Everyone can understand.


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
simple adj. 简单的;朴素的,朴实的;易懂的;简单的,普通的;单纯的,纯真的
simple-minded 头脑简单的,笨的
furniture n.(总称)家具
profound adj. 深远的,意味深长的
schoolar n.学者

Unit 76 Do you go along with me?

1 你把自己的想法讲清楚以后,就问对方,是否同意你的想法:
Do you go along with me?
2 父亲在谈论他对国际形势的看法。你听了之后,说,你不赞成他的观点:
I don't go along with your idea.
3 同学说Mary是个好姑娘。你说,你同意这个看法:
I go along with that.
4 他听过你的建议之后,他说,赞成你的建议:
I go along with your suggestion.
5 父亲问你的主意朋友们是否赞同。你说,没有人赞同:
Nobody goes along with that.
6 哥哥问你,是谁让你这样做的。你说,母亲赞同你:
Mother goes along with me.
7 他对你有成见。你说,他说的任何话你都不赞同:
I'll not go along with anything he said.
8 虽然大家都不接受你的观点,但母亲说,她赞同:
I go along with your opinion.

go along 和...一道去,和...一样干
opinion n. 意见,看法(多作可数名词);当知众人舆论时,多作不可数名词
public opinion poll 民意测验
in my opinion ...依我看...

Unit 77 Do you follow what I'm saying?

1 讲话过程中,你不断地问大家,是否听得清:
Do you follow what I'm saying?
2 他做了一番推理。你说,你听不明白他的推理:

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
I can't follow your reasoning.
3 丈夫进门来。妻子抱怨说,孩子们围着她转了一天了:
The children followed me around all day long.
4 你和朋友各开了一部车去旅游,路上停下来加油。你说,让他先走,你随后:
You go first. I'll follow you.
5 祖父讲述他小时候经历的一场灾难。他说,暴风雨之后随之而来的是洪水:
The storm was followed by the flood.
6 弟弟说那个人主动地借钱给他。你说,这并不意味着他很善良:
It doesn't follow that he is good.
7 你说父亲最开通明智了。母亲却说,这并不意味着他会同意你的建议:
It doesn't follow that he will agree with your proposal.
8 你说他一直都很关心你。母亲却说,这并不能说明他爱你:
It doesn't follow that he loves you.

follow v. 跟随,追踪
reason n. 理由
v. 讲道理
porposal n. 建议,提议,提案
what I'm saying (是名词性从句话)指我所说的话
what I'm doing 我正在做的事
what he was thinking about 他那时在考虑的事

Unit 78 The coat fits me nicely.

1 你与哥哥身材相仿。你试了一下他的衣服,说,这衣服正合身:
The coat fits me nicely.
2 医生看他很虚弱,就说,还要一周才能上班:
It'll be a week before you're fit for work.
3 大家说,等主任回来问问他怎么办。你说,他不是最适合拿主意的人:
He is not fit to decide what to do.
4 看来锻炼真是大有起色。你说,他看起来脸色比往常都好:
You look more fit than ever before.
5 他讲述自己的健身经验。他说,多运动才能身体好:

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
We must do plenty of exercise to keep fit.
6 朋友征求你的意见。你没有意见。就说,让他看着合适就去办吧:
You may do it as you see fit.
7 应聘时,你表示,自己的工作经验正好符合这份工作的要求:
My experience fits me for the job.
8 看他有点得意忘形了,你提醒他说,他的行为应当与他的重要身份相称:
Your behavior must fit your important position

The coat fits you nicely 衣服(的尺码)很合身
The coat suits you nicely.你穿这身衣服(年龄,场合,身份)很合适
plenty 很多,大量的,绰绰有余的
experience adj. 有经验的
behavior n. 行为

Unit 79 Would you do me a favor and open the door?

1 你正忙着做菜,有人敲门。你问丈夫,可否帮忙开一下门:
Would you do me a favor and open the door?
2 厂长说这个厂搞到如今全靠自己。他说,从没得到过国家的优惠:
We've never received any special favors from the state.
3 你想帮他个忙,他却说,他不喜欢求人:
I hate asking favors of people.
4 你想求人帮忙,可以说:
May I ask a favor of you?
5 也可以说,可否请他帮下忙:
Would you Please do me a favor?
6 妻子说女人也应参政。丈夫说,他不赞成女人参政:
I'm not in favor of a woman taking part in politics.
7 观看比赛对方选手连连进球。你说,情况对你方不利:
The situation is not in our favor.
8 你身处困境,朋友伸出友谊之手。你说,你永远也不会忘了他给你帮的忙:
I'll never forget the favors you have done for me.
9 朋友问父亲最喜欢你们兄弟中的哪位。他说,他偏爱最小的儿子:
Father favored his youngest son.

Do you a favour 这是一句日常生活中常用的口语,意为帮个忙

百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我
favour 美语为favor n. 恩宠,好感,欢心,偏爱
v. 宠爱,偏爱,给与优惠

Unit 80 I'm fed up waiting for you.

I'm fed up about all of this.
I'm very fed up with this rainy weather.
I'm really fed up with the life here.
I'm fed up with talking to you.
I'm fed up with what you're doing.
I'm fed up.
I really don't see why you're not fed up with it.

1 妻子一出门就打扮个没完没了。你说,你真是等得不耐烦了:
I'm fed up waiting for you.
2 哥哥生了病,弟弟又闯了祸,你也在旁边添了好多麻烦。母亲说,这一切令她烦透了:
I'm fed up about all of this.
3 一连下了一个星期的连阴雨。你说,你很腻烦这样的雨天:
I'm very fed up with this rainy weather.
4 那个乡下的姑娘来城里住了半年,就说再搬回乡下。她说,这儿的生活真让她受够了:
I'm really fed up with the life here.
5 他不听你的劝告把事情搞坏了,还又来问你怎么办。你说,你不愿意同他说了:
I'm fed up with talking to you.
6 兄弟们在房间里嬉戏。父亲对他们说,他不喜欢他们的玩法:
I'm fed up with what you're doing.
7 朋友问你怎么不做打字员的工作了。你说,你烦透了:
I'm fed up.
8 你一打电话就是几十分钟。姐姐说,真不知道为什么你就对此不感到厌烦:
I really don't see why you're not fed up with it.

be fed up 表示:受够了,腻了,厌烦,不高兴等











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