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2020-11-04 17:18



成人英语三级 “词汇与语法结构”之词汇题

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30 %)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

. The boy is a student.
. I’d like a cup of tea.
Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday.
woman和man作定语修饰其后面的名词时需要用复数, 如: men pilots (男飞

Reagan was elected (as) the thirty-second President of the United States.

22. For the sake of her daughter’s health, she decided to move to a warm ___.
A. weather B. temperature
C. season D. climate
答案为: D。
考点1: 考察词义相关词或相近的名词的辨析(可能考察可数与不可数的辨 析
(deviceequipment), 或搭配习惯的辨析(ablecapable)等)
解题提示: 备选项均为名词时, 要注意备选项的可数与不可数的差异及备选
项的搭配习惯(与修饰词的搭配(large housetime), 与动词形成的搭配(produce
carsnewspaper)或与介词形成的搭配 (arrive at schoolChina))

weather n. 天气, 气候
. The weather has been dry this week.
under the weather adv. 有病, 不舒服
climate n.气候,(社会)风气,一般(社会)趋势
political climate 政治风气
temperature n. 温度;体温
. In hot weather the temperature gets very high.
. When I was ill, I had a high temperature; I felt very hot.
have a temperature 发烧 (= run a temperature)
take sb.'s temperature 量(某人的)体温
season n. 季节,赛季
. Summer is the hottest season.
. During the football season, Sandy is busier than ever.

33. It is a good idea for parents to monitor(v. 监控) the __________ as well as the
kind of television that their children watch.
A. number B. size C. amount D. screen
分析: number与amount互为近义词, 因此该题的考点很可能是“近义词的
number n. 数, 数字, 数量, 号码
. I don’t know the number of girls in this class.
. A smaller number of families may raise children.
size n. 大小, 尺寸
amount n. 数量 v. (与to连用) 等于;总计
. They have large amounts of money.
. Their traveling expenses amount to seven hundred dollars.
screen n.屏, 银幕

考点2: 结合常考的语法结构考察常用名词的意义
提示: 当被选项为常见小词时要注意可能该题间接涉及某个语法结构的考察
23. It is no _____ talking to him, because he will never change his mind(改变主意).
A. help B. use C. time D. way
答案为: B。
help n. 帮忙, 助手v. 帮助
help oneself v. 自助, (进餐时)自己取用
can’t help doing ... v. 情不自禁地...
use vt. 使用, 利用, 耗费 n. 使用, 利用, 用途
. What is the use of waiting for her
make use of v. 利用,使用
of use adv. 有用
use up v. 用完,用光
time n. 时间, 时侯, 节拍, 次数
kill time v. 消磨时间
spend time (in )doing sth v. 花时间做...
. It's time for school.
. It’s time you went(should go) to school.
相关语法点补充(It's time + that clause):
在该结构中time可由high, about修饰,从句中的 谓语动词有两种形式,或者用
动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。此句
times: n. 时期, 次
way n.方法, 道路, 路途
by the way adv. 顺便说一下, 顺便问一句

. By the way, what happened to the money
go out of one's way v. 尽力
in a ...way adv. 以某种方式
no way adv 不,决不
. There was no way of explaining.
41. Have you any __________ that you were not there at 9 o'clock last night
A. statement B. cause C. words D. proof
statement n. 陈述,叙述, 声明
. The man made a statement (作陈述)to the police.
cause n. 原因, 事业 vt. 引起
. She has made up her mind to fight for the cause of peace all her life.
word n. 字, 词, 话, 消息
. No word has come from the battle front(前线).
eat one's words v. 承认说错了话
in other words adv. 换句话说
word for word adv. 逐词地
proof n. 证明;证据
. There is no proof that he was on the crime spot.

考点3: 结合短语结构考察名词的使用
提示: 空格前后面出现了介词时要注意该题可能考察固定搭配的短语结构
33. Please join us. We can easily make _____ for one more at this table.
A. seat B. place C. room D. space
make room for v. 为...腾出空间时间
seat n. 座, 座位vt. 使坐下
take a seat v. 坐下
be seated v. 坐下
place n. 地方, 位置, 职位, 住所, (比赛的)名次vt. 放置
. He got the first place in a contest.
in place of adv. 代替
take place v. 发生,举行
take the place of v. 代替,替代
room n. 房间, 屋子, 空间, 机会
. This desk takes up (占据)a lot of room.
. He needs room to develop his skill as a painter.
space n. 空间, 距离, 余地
. There is no space for another chair in this room.

40. - How did you pay the workers -As a rule(通常), they were paid by ___.

A. the hour B. an hour C. hour D. the time
by the hour adv. 按小时

45. If the wounded soldier had been given first __________, he would not have died.
A. help B. aid C. care D. attention
答案为: B。
first aid: 急救
pay attention to v. 注意
care n. 注意, 照料, 忧虑vi. 关心, 照顾, 喜爱
take care of v. 照顾
care for v. 喜欢, 照料

34. I'm afraid that there isn't __________ for you in my car.
A. place B. seat C. corner D. room
at a corner of... adv. 在...的拐角处

考点4: 拼写相似词的辨析。
36. The old people often raise(饲养) __________ for the sake of (为了)
A. pets B. pipes C. pills D. pies
pet n. 宠物, 受宠爱的人
. She's the teacher's pet.
pipe n. 管, 导管, 烟斗, 管乐器
. The man was smoking a pipe.
pill n. 药丸
pie n. 馅饼

economic, economical
economic adj. 经济的;economical adj. 节省的

efficient, effective
efficient adj. 效率高的;effective adj. 有效的

historic, historical
historic adj. 具有历史意义的,历史上著名的;historical adj. 历史的,与历史有


industrial, industrious
industrial adj. 工业的,行业的;industrious adj. 勤免的,刻苦的

intense, intensive
intense adj. (程度或感情)强烈的,激烈的;intensive adj. 集中的,精深的

later, latest, latter, last
later adj. 较后的,较新的;latest adj. 最新的,最近的
latter n. 后者; last adj. 最后的

late, lately
late adj. & adv. 迟,晚;lately adv. 最近,不久之前

principal, principle
principal adj. 主要的,首要的;n 校长,主要人物;principle n. 原则,原理

satisfactory, satisfied
satisfactory adj. 使感到满意的(主动);satisfied adj. 感到满意的(被动)

sensible, sensitive
sensible adj. 感觉到的,有见识的,合理的;sensitive adj. 敏感的

successful, successive
successful adj. 成功的,顺利的;successive adj. 连续的,相继的

worth, worthwhile, worthy
worth adj. 值钱,值得的(作表语,一般后接表示钱数的名词或表示被动意义, 但
. It isn't worth waiting for him. 不值得等他。
worthwhile adj. 值得干的,有价值的(作定语表语,其后常跟不定式)
. It is a worthwhile job. 这是一份值得做的工作。
worthy adj. 有价值的,可尊敬的(作定语表语,常与of搭配)
. He is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们表扬。

考点5: 考察常见单词的“非常用法”(fire开除; work起作用)
39. Don't leave matches or cigarettes on the table within the __________of little
A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance
reach vt. 到达 n. 延伸, 区域, 范围(伸手可及之距离)
hand n. 手, 掌管, 协助vt.交给
. Hand me the plate, please.

hand in v. 交上
distance n. 距离, 远离, 一长段时间
. What distance do you have to walk to school
at a distance adv.相距,相隔

ticket n.车票, 入场券, 交通违章罚款通知单
buy a ticket
play n. 游戏, 比赛, 剧v. 玩, 扮演, 播放, 进行比赛
play a role in... v. 在...中扮演角色, 在
成人英语三级 “词汇与语法结构”之词汇题

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30 %)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

系动词 (link verb)


--- 及物动词
--- 不及物动词


17. The idea _____ to him in his dream and he decided(及物动词vt.) to carry it out.
A. happened B. struck C. appeared D. occurred(不及物动词vi.)

an idea occur to sb. 一个想法被想到
carry out v. 完成, 实现, 执行

21. A library with five thousand books _____ to the nation as a gift.
A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered
考点: 该题考察主谓一致性及语态。

gift: n. 礼品,天赋,才能
. He has a gift for poetry. 他有做诗的天赋。
offer n. 出价, 提议vt. 提供, 出价

考点1: 考察非谓语结构中的实义动词。
提示: 出现的太容易的答案可能存在陷阱。
24. The way I thought of _____ the animal was of great value(很有价值的).
A. protecting B. protect C. being protected D. to protect

27. The novel I bought last week is worth ____, I think.
A. reading B. being read C. to read D. to be read
答案为A。 该题考察特殊介词worth的用法
worth后面的动词- ing形式一般用主动形式表示被动意义,而不能直接用被动形

worth prep. 值…的,值得…的
e.g. How much is this bicycle worth It's worth £50.
e.g.It isn't worth waiting for him.
worth前面可受到well, really, very much, hardly等副词语修饰,但一般不
. The work is really worth doing.

31. If Mary catches _____ her diary, she’ll be angry.
A. you reading B. yours reading C. you read D. you to read
答案为A. 该题考察现在分词作宾语补足语
catch sb. doing sth. 无意中发现某人正在...
. He was caught cheating in the exam.
end up doing sth. (= end up with sth. ) 最终(却)...
. He is very clever, but ended up failing his English exam.
turn out to do sth. 结果...
. Things turned out to be exactly(正好地, 正确地) as the professor had foreseen.
42. If anyone happens to drop in (拜访)while I am out, _____ him or her leave a
A. have B. get C. ask D. tell
答案为A. 该题考察“动词+宾语+宾补(不带to的不定式结构)”

have sb. do sth. 让某人...
have sth. done 让某事被做
get sb. to do sth. 劝说某人...
get sth. doing 开始启动
. I'll get the car going.
get done 被...
. He got caught in the heavy rain.
tell sb. to do sth. 提醒某人..., 警告某人...
. I told him not to come back home late.
. Tell me what happened.

35. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only __________ the film stars had
A. to tell B. to be told
C. telling D. told
only to do sth. 结果却...
if only to do sth. 哪怕仅仅是为了...
strange to say 说来奇怪
to be brief 简言之
to tell the truth 实话说
to begin with首先
to be exact确切地说
to be frank坦言之
to conclude总之
28. They started off (出发)late and got to the airport with minutes to__________.
A. spare B. catch
C. leave D. make
通常作定语的不定式结构中的动词与其所修饰的名词之间都是动宾关系. 如:
a book to read
a room to live in

spare: v. 节约, 节省, 分让, 提供给某人 adj. 备用的,多余的
. If you have a spare bed, may I stay tonight
catch v. 捕获, 赶上(车船等), 发觉, 感染(疾病)
catch on v. 流行(地)
. The new folk song caught on really quickly.
catch up v. (常与with连用)赶上,加紧弥补
. You'll have to work harder to catch up with the top students in your class.
. I have to catch up on my work so I can't come out(外出).
leave v. 前往;离开; 使...处于...状态中;剩下;留下
. The train leaves in five minutes.
. The window was left open.
. When I went to school I left my books at home.
make vt. 制造, (使)成为, 认为, 迫使, 产生, 获得, 构成
. If you work hard, you will make a good sailor.
. I can't make the horse go.
make it v. 及时到达;成功
make one's way v. 前去;去
make out v. 勉强了解
make up v. 和好;化妆;虚构;配(药);整理;收拾

. She made up her face to look prettier.
make up a bed 整理床铺
make up for v. 补偿
. How can we make up to you for what you have suffered

考点2: 考察结合时态考察实义动词。
提示: 组合时态是常考点.
25. In another year or so, you _____ all about it.
A. forget B. would forget C. have forgotten D. will have forgotten

36. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She __________ for twenty years by next
summer. A. will teach B. would have taught
C. has been teaching D. will have been teaching

考点3: 结合虚拟语气考察实义动词
21. She says she'd rather he __________ tomorrow instead of today.
A. leaves B, left
C. leave D. would leave

would rather + 从句是一个常用的虚拟语气句型, 从句中的谓语通常用一般过去时态表示对现在或将来的发生事情的希望。如果表示对过去发生事情的希望时,
谓语则用过去完成时 。









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