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高级英语(上)英语专业(本科段)-全国高等教育自学考试指定教材王家湘 课后题及答案

2020-11-04 18:51



指定教材王家湘 课后题及答案
Lesson one Rock Superstars : What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves
and Our Society ?
A. Answer the following questions on the text:
1. what is the function of the two quotations ? Are they
appropriate ?
2. What does the author attempt to illustrate with the three
examples at the beginning of the article?
3. According to Irving Horowitz , what is the sociological
significance of rock music ?
4. In what sense did Elvis Presley prove what Horowitz and Rundgren
believed ?
5. How did Bob Dylan , the Beatles , and the Rolling Stones differ
from each other politically ?
6. What other major subjects did rock music deal with apart from
politics ?
7. What rewards did rock superstars get ?
8. Has the author given a complete answer to question he raises in
the title? Why do you think the
author ends the article the way he does ?
Key A

1. The author uses the two quotations to introduce his ideas . Yes ,
they are .
2. The author uses the three examples to show that the young people
worship the rock superstars
very much , but the adults find they are sick , The examples show
that young people and adults have a
totally different attitudes towards rock music .
3. Rock music can express its times . He sees it as a debating forum
where American society
struggles to define and redefine its feeling and beliefs .
4. When he appeared on the Ed . Sullivan Sunday night variety show ,
a debate took place . The old
people frowned while the young viewers applauded.
5. Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection. The Beatles urged
peace and piety . The Rolling
Stones demanded revolution .
6. Apart from politics , the rock music dealt with feelings and
7. The rock superstars got applause , praise and money .
8. No , he hasn‘t . He want s to leave the question to the readers
and let them think .
B Translate the following into Chinese :
1. ―Jagger,‖ he said , ―grabs a half –gallon jug of water and
runs along the front platform , sprinkling

its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners .
2. How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship ?
3. Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown , perhaps because
he acts out your wildest
fantasies ?
4. Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a
lot about what you are thinking
and about what your society is thinking –in other words , where you
and your society are .
5. It‘s just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage
spirit of the 1950s .
6. Feelings always a part of any musical statement were a major
subject .
7. This country element , Horowitz feels , helped its audience
express an urge to ―get away from it
all , ― to ―go back to the old days .‖
8. In one 1972 national opinion poll , more than 10 percent of the
high school boys and 20 percent of
the girls said their hero was a rock superstar.
1他描述道:‖贾格尔拿着半加仑水, 顺着舞台前沿,边跑边把水洒向前排汗流
2. 你如何看待这种赞美和英雄崇拜?

3. 还是由于他把你狂热的幻想用行动表现出来,你神不知鬼不觉地被这个不可
4. 一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答,很能说明你在想什么,社会在想什
么..换句话说, 可以说明你和社会的态度.
5. 只不过艾尔维斯的演唱表现了50年代青少年那种沮丧的精神状态.
6. 感情总是任何音乐表达的必要成分,也是一个重要议题.
7. 霍罗威茨认为这种结合表达了听众欲‖摆脱现实一切‖‖重归昔日‖的强
9. 在1972年的一次全国民意测验中, 10%以上的高中男生,20%的女生表示他
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box below,changing
its form when necessary :
Sprinkle swelter in other words lazy rather than reject act out idle
worship reverence drive embody
9. His paintings embody the spirit of the modern era .
10. How do you act out your frustrations , by throwing glasses or
something ?
11. The peddler sprinkled some water over his vegetables to make
them fresher and heavier.
12. In such heated air ,the sweltering students could hardly keep
their minds on their lessons .
13. That‘s idle gossip . Don‘t listen to it .

14. She sent in her application for the job , but was rejected as
unqualified . 15. The salesman considered it safe to go along with the
boss rather than to contradict him . 8. Everybody should have a sincere
reverence worship for the laws of his country .
D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the following sentences : 1. The whole nation watched the two
candidates (arguing , debating ) the issue of raising taxes on
TV .
2. It was a (proud , arrogant ) moment for my cousin when she shook
hands with the President . 3. Even if you (mix , blend ) oil and water ,
they will not (mix , blend ). 4. Some people watch television so much
that they cannot (conceive , imagine ) of living without it . 5. As it
was an informal dinner , most people (wore ,were dressed ) in their
comfortable clothes . 6. Do you think those young people are
(idealistic ,ideal ) or pragmatic ? 7. Filled with great (adulation ,
admiration ) for their integrity and courage , he was determined to be
a man like them .
8. Deep at night , they could still hear gun-fire (rambling ,
rumbling ) in the distance . E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. ―They think he is sick , sick , sick , ― Mike said .
2. Newspaper editorialized against him .
3. He poke of change and of the bewilderment of an older generation .
4. The Beatles … urged peace and piety …

5. His most notable songs …while the lyrics celebrate the simple
joy …
6. … these rock musicians mirror feelings and benefits ….
7. Horowitz sees the rock music arena as …a place where ideas clash
and crash . 8. What does he ---or any other current rock success ---tell
us about his fans ? Key E
1. disgusting
2. Editors ? articles attacked and criticized him
3. the confusions of the old people
4. had a strong desire for peace and piety
5. The words of the song praise the natural happiness of the old
days .
6. reflect emotions and outlooks
7. a place where ideas come into opposition and contradict to each
8. other successful rock stars at present
F . Translate the following into English :
摇滚乐于20世纪50年代末举起于美国. 它不仅是一种新型的音乐形式,更是
美国的青年人表达他们对世界和人生看法的论坛. 在这个论坛上, 歌星们唱出了青
唱出了他们对社会的不满,也唱出了爱与恨之间的各种情感. 总之, 在这个论
坛上, 青年人把他们对美国社会的信仰及情感给以全新的解释. 早期的摇滚乐的主

歌星加诗人鲍勃.狄伦 甲壳虫乐队以及滚石乐队等等.他们都是青年人崇拜的
Key F
Rock music began in America in the late 1950‘s . It was not only a
new musical form , but a forum
for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life .
In this forum , the stars sang out the
attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the
disaffection of their society , and a range
of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the
American youth redefined the beliefs
and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the
early rock music were Elvis Presley ,
singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so
on . They were the culture heroes
whom the young people worshipped .
G. Write a short passage of 150—200words in English on the topic
―Do you Agree that Rock Is the
Music of Teenage Rebellion ?:‖
You should cover the following points :
1 A general statement of your position
2 Two or three arguments with a supporting example for each .
Key G
Do You Agree that Rock Is the Music of Teenage Rebellion ?

Rock music began in America in the late 1950‘s . It was not only a
new musical form , but a forum
for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life .
Music expressed its times . Rock music was a sociological expression
rather than a musical force . It
embodied the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. At that time
young people might be dissatisfied with
the society or they had some hatred toward the adult world , but
they could not protest it openly . So
they would use music as an outlet . Then they could get some balance
in their minds .
Another aspect is that the young people could make their ideas and
beliefs known to the world
through music . By music , they could show their felling and dreams .
So all in all , young people
combined invention and exaggeration ,reason and motion , word and
sound , music and politics as a
whole .
Lesson Two Four Choices for Young People
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. How do American young people look at the adult world in general ?
2. What does ―drop out ― mean ? Why does the author say that the
dropouts lead a parasitic
way of life ?

3. In What way are those who flee different from the dropouts ?
4. Why is this solution no longer practical on a large scale ?
5. What kind of young people tend to follow the strategy of armed
revolution ?
6. Why does the author say that the most unfortunate are those whose
revolutions have
succeeded ?
7. What are some of the new problems faced by the young people ?
8. What is the fourth alternative ? Why does the author favor this
alternative ?
Key A
1. They view the adult world with great skeptism .
They think their world is in pretty much of a mess , full of
injustice ,poverty and war .
2. ―Drop out ―means its practioners escape the traditional way of
life , refuse to take any
responsibility and live a parasitic life . Because its practioners
batten on the society which they
scorn and in which they refuse to take any responsibility .
3. Those who flee are not are willing to support
themselves and to contribute
something to the general community .
4. Because our planet is running out of noble savages and unsullied
landscapes , except for the

polar regions , the frontiers are gone .
5. The young people who have no patience with the tedious workings
of the democratic
process or who believe that basic institutions can only be changed
by force tend to follow this
strategy .
6. Because they live in bitter disillusionment to see the
establishment they have overthrown
replaced by a new one , just as hard –faced and stuffy .
7. The unprecedent problems of an affluent society , of racial
justice , of keeping our cities
from becoming uninhabitable, of coping with war in unfamiliar
guises , and of population
explosion .
8. The fourth alternative is to try to change the world
gradually .Because it offers a better
chance for remedying some of the world ?s outrages than any other
available strategy .
.B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries .
2. During the last few years , I have listened to scores of young
people ,in college and out ,
who were just as nervous about the grown –up world .

3. They are willing to support themselves and to contribute
something to the general
community , but they simply don‘t like the environment of
civilization that is ,the city , with all its ugliness and tension .
4. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to
the bucolic life .
5. To them it offers a romantic appeal ,usually symbolized by some
dashing and charismatic
6. For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world
they had dreamed of ,
cleansed of all human meanness .
7. The revolutionary state , under whatever political label , has to
be run –not by violent
romantics –but by experts in marketing , sanitary engineering , and
the management of
8. About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes works –
that in this particular time and place it offers a better chance for
remedying some of the world ?s outrages than any other
available strategy .
Key B
1. 很显然他所说的代表了许多同龄人的想法.

2. 在过去的几年中, 我听到过许多大学内外的年轻人的谈话, 对于成人世界,
3. 他们愿意自食其力,并对社会大众做些贡献.他们不喜欢文明的环境,也就是
说, 不喜欢那种丑恶紧张的城市生活.
4. 一些极富有的乡绅可以回到农村的田园生活.
5. 对他们来说,这有一种浪漫传奇的色彩,通常是以某个有闯劲魅力超凡的
6. 即使革命成功,胜利的曙光也不会照在光灿灿的梦想的消除了人类一切自
7. 革命的机器,无论贴上什么样的政治标签,还得由市场销售卫生工程官僚
机构的行家们来 操作,而不是由那些极端的浪漫主义者们去操作.
8. 这种方法的惟一优点是, 它有时真的有效,--在一个特定的时间和地点, 与
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box below ,
changing its form when necessary :
Strike run out of cleanse disappoint insoluble unprecedent satisfy
virtual contribute available
symbolize vehement
1. For many Americans , it is their lifelong dream to buy a
satisfying satisfactory two-storied house with a garden .
2. To make Beijing our worthy capital , we must get it cleansed of
polluted air , among other things .
a lot of cultures , red roses are used to symbolize love .

unately , their car ran out of fuel , just ten miles short
of Chicago .
5. An unprecedented event in history took place in 1969 , when two
American astronauts
landed for the first time on the Moon .
6. The detective finally gave up , declaring the mystery insoluble .
7. Though high-sounding , his speech struck everyone at the meeting
as totally irrelevant to
what was discussed .
9. If you travel by plane , Beijing and Guangzhou are virtually
neighboring cities . D. Choose the right word or expression in the
brackets to complete each of the following
sentences :
1. The professor looked over our papers with a hasty (sight ,
glance ). 2. Before ordering their dinner , they considered the
(relevant , relative ) merits of chicken and
roast beef .
3. The little boy‘s constant noise (exhilarated , exasperated ) his
father , who was busy writing
a paper for a symposium .
4. Isn‘t it (wholesome, noisome )to live in a city with so many
vehicles passing day and
night ?

5. He was born in a small town (lived , inhabited ) by about 500
people . 6. Her desk was all (jumbled , cluttered ) with old papers ,
strings , and other odds and ends . 7. He thinks they are extremely
(idealistic , ideal ) , for all their pragmatism . 8. She made one last
(attraction , appeal ) to her father for permission to go to the party .
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1….who were just as nervous about the grown-up world .
2. Unlike the dropouts , they are not parasites .
3. This strategy also has ancient antecedents .
4. …that is , the city , with all its ugliness and tension .
5. For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world
they had dreamed of …. 6. At first glance , this course is far from
inviting .
7. …it offers a better chance for remedying some of the world ?s
outrages than any other
available strategy .
8. …another one looms just ahead .
Key E
1. They are doubtful and critical about the way the older generation
is running the world . 2. They don‘t batten on the society . They
support themselves .
3. This strategy is not new . We had similar ones in the old times .
4. The city is ugly and full of pressures .
5. Their success doesn‘t bring about a new world .

6. This strategy is not attractive .
7. Compared with other strategies , it can change the world for the
better . It can stop some of
the world ?s violence or crulty .
8. Another problem appears before them .
F. Translate the following into English :
60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代. 他们看到美国这个富裕社会充满了贫困不
平等和虚伪.他们不再相信这个不属于他们的成人社会, 拒绝信奉它的信仰和价值
观. 很多青年人积极投入到反对贫困反对种族歧视和反对越南战争的斗争中去 ,
有些青年人甚至试图以武装革命的方式推翻这个社会. 还有很多青年人以消极的方
式表示他们的不满. 他们吸毒,过着不承担任何社会责任的寄生生活, 或者跑到未
开垦的乡村去, 过着原始公社式的生活.
Key F
The American young people in 1960‘s were a generation of rebellion .
They found that the
affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and
gypocrisy . They didn‘t trust the
adult world that didn‘t belong to them and refused to take their
beliefs and values . Many young
people took active part in the struggle which protested against
poverty , racial discrimination and
Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world
by armed revolution. Many

other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They
took drugs , refused to take any
responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped
to the frontiers and lived a
primitive way of life .
G. Write a short passage of 150-200 words in English on the topic
―My Comment on the
Fourth Choice .‖You should cover the following points :
!.what the fourth choice is
you agree on with the author and reasons for your agreement
you disagree on with the author , if any , and your
explanation .
My Comment on the Fourth Choice
The fourth comment is to change the world gradually , one clod at a
time . Maybe at the first
glance it is not inviting . It lacks glamour . It has no quick
result . It demands patience . It depends
on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and
democratic decision making .
I think the author is right . Reforming the world is a little like
fighting a military campaign in the Apennines , as soon as
you capture one mountain range, another one looms just ahead . The
problems are the same , too. Once some problems

are brought under some kind of rough control , new problems take
place . So we can‘t solve all the problems at a time .
We have to deal with one problem each time and change the world
gradually and steadily . So problems can be handled
in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before –
piecemeal , pragmatically ,by the dogged efforts of many people . so I
think in this particular time and place the fourth choice offers a
better chance for remedying some of
the world ?s outrages than any other available starategy .
Lesson Three The Use of Force
By William Carlos Williams
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. why wasn‘t the sick child in bed ?
2. why were the girl‘s parents eyeing the doctor up and down
distrustfully ?
3. What made the girl refuse to open her mouth to the doctor ?
4. Why did the doctor insist on examining her throat ?
5. Why was the doctor not able to see her throat since he already
had the wooden
tongue depressor into her mouth ?
6. How did the doctor finally get see the girl‘s throat ?
7. Did the girl‘s physical beauty have anything to do with the
outcome of the
incident ?Explain .

8. Can you find any fault with the doctor‘s behavior?
Key A,
1. Because it was damp there .
2. Because they were the new patients to him and they were nervous .
3. She didn‘t want others to know that her tonsils were covered
with membrane.
4. Because the doctor took a trial shot that the girl might have
5. Because she gripped the wooden blade between her molars and
didn‘t open her mouth to let the doctor have a look .
6. The doctor overpowered the child‘s neck and jaws , forced the
heavy silver
spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged .
7. Yes , it did . Because she was very beautiful and didn‘t want
others to know her shortcomings . She thought tonsils covered with
membrane were ugly .
8. Yes . The doctor grasped the child‘s head and tried to get the
wooden tongue
depressor between her teeth . He had grown furious at the child . He
could have torn
the child apart and enjoyed it .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. When I arrived I was met by the mother , a big startled looking
woman , very

clean and apologetic who merely said , Is this the doctor?And let me
in .
2. He tried to get up , but I motioned for him not to bother , took
off my overcoat
and started to look things over .
3. As often , in such cases , they weren‘t telling me more than
they had to , it was
up to me to tell them .
4. I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the
child‘s first name I said , come on , Mathilda, …
5. At that I ground my teeth in disgust . If only they wouldn‘t use
the word ―hurt
―I might be able to get somewhere .
6. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject , crushed ,
while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of
effort bred of her terror
of me .
7. …she opened up for an instant but before I could see any thing
she came down
again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars she reduced it
to splinters
before I could get it out again .

8. The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy ,
one says to
one‘s self at such times .
Key B
1. 我到她家时先遇到她的母亲, 她一副惊讶害怕的表情. 她穿着很干净, 只
是礼貌地说, 您是医生吗?就让我进去 了.
2. 他试图站起来, 我示意他不要麻烦,脱去外套, 开始检查.
3. 像往常一样, 在这种情况下, 他们不会告诉我更多的情况, 而是理应由我
4. 我尽量露出我的职业微笑,询问小女孩的名字.我说,过来,玛蒂尔…
5. 此时我已厌恶地咬牙切齿,要不是他们使用‖伤害‖这个词,我可能早就采
6. 在接下来的斗争中,他们变得越来越可怜,被制服,甚至精疲力竭,而小女孩
由于害怕我而产生的狂怒却 达到了顶点.
7. 她的嘴张开了一下, 我还没有来的及看清楚,她又闭上了嘴.,紧紧地用臼齿
8. 那个可恶的小家伙很愚蠢,但我应当保护她, 此时我对自己这样说.
B. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :
Apologetic motion apprehension distrustful profusion admonish
terrifying coax
contemptible ensue desist overpower

1. They heard of the traffic accident and immediately rushed to the
hospital , full
of apprehensions about the safety of the passengers .
2. The terrifying explosion occurred early in the morning .
3. As he entered the newly decorated building , an overpowering
smell of paint made him feel quite sick .
4. The old man yelled over and over again ―stop thief ,stop
thief !‖ But nobody did
anything . The indifference of the onlookers was really
contemptible .
5. The police motioned for the crowd to move on to the next street .
6. In Kunming , flowers grow in great profusion all the year round .
7. The fans shouted and clapped so loudly that in the ensuing
confusion nobody could hear a thing .
8. The boys were frightened , but the police managed to coax them
into telling him what they had seen that night .
A. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the following
sentences :
1. The girl looked at the doctor (terrifyingly , terrified ).
2. ―If you finish all the homework tonight , we‘ll go for a picnic
tomorrow , ― he
(admonished ,coaxed).

3. He thought their behavior was (contemptuous ,contemptible ),but
he didn‘t say anything in front of the host .
4. Summoned by the boss , he approached his office full of
(apprehension ,distrust ).
5. He was sincerely sorry for what happened at the party , so people
accepted his
(excuse ,apology ).
6. They were walking in the forest when they heard a
(terrifying ,terrific )roar which made their blood freeze .
7. Obviously they were getting nowhere with the meeting , so he
decided to (desist ,resist )
from making a final decision that afternoon .
8. ―How can you say that you don‘t want to see your
grandmother ?‖the father
(admonished ,coaxed ).
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1…very clean and apologetic…
2…it was up to me to tell them …
there‘s been a lot of sickness around .
g doing .
5.I‘m here to look at her throat on the chance that she might have
diphtheria …
‘re going through with this .
7…I too had got beyond reason.

face was burning with it .
Key E
1. polite
2. It was my duty …
There has been a lot of sick people near our home .
4. She did nothing . There was no action .
3.5. probably , possibly
6. We‘ll continue to the end .
7. became unreasonable
8. pleasure and enjoyment
ate the following into English :
玛蒂尔达病了三天了,母亲给她吃了药也不见好, 只好请来了医生.由于玛蒂尔
达的学校里有 学生患白喉,而且已经有两个孩子死去,医生到奥尔逊家后首先要检查
但是无论怎么劝,她就是不肯张开嘴,于是医生只得用压舌板伸进她的嘴里. 然
而玛蒂尔达竟 然把压舌板咬碎了.为了保护玛蒂尔达本人及其他的儿童,医生必须弄
清玛蒂尔达是否患了白喉,以便给 予及时的治疗.于是他让玛蒂尔达的父亲抓紧她的
手腕,自己用力掰开了玛蒂尔达的嘴,发现她果然得了 白喉.这个故事使我们想到这
在有的情况下, 一定的强迫似乎是必要的.
Key F.
Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some
medicine, but it didn‘t

do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been
a number of cases of
diphtheria in Mathilda‘s school and two of them had been dead .
When the doctor arrived at Olson‘s home , he wanted to examine
Mthilda‘s throat first . But no matter how he coaxed ,,She
wouldn‘t open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue
depressor into her mouth . But
Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda
herself and other children , the
doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not , so that
he could treat her in time .
Letting Mathilda ?s father hold her wrists he tried his best to open
her mouth and found she really
had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a question that
something in life can‘t only
depend on self willingness . Under some circumstances , certain
force seems necessary .
G. Write a short passage of 150-200words in English on the topic
―Comment on the Doctor‘s Behavior . ―You should covre the following
points :
Why he wanted to examine the girl‘s throat
2. how he tried to coax her to open her mouth
3. what made him decide to use force to see her throat

your opinion of the doctor‘s behavior .
Key G.
t on the Doctor‘s Behavior
After the doctor arrived at the girl‘s home , he wanted to see her
throat . As there had been a
number of cases of diphtheria in the school to which the girl went
during that month , the doctor
also thought that of the girl . So he smiled to the girl and asked
her to open her mouth and let him
have a look at her throat . No matter how the doctor coaxed , the
girl shut her mouth firmly .
Thinking that the girl might have diphtheria and possibly die of it ,
the doctor decided to use
force to open her mouth . He had seen at least two children lying
dead in bed of neglect in such
cases . He felt that he must get a diagnosis now . So he grasped the
girl‘s head with his left hand
and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth . But
when the doctor got the
wooden spatula behind her last teeth . She gripped the blade between
her molars and reduced it to
splinters . In the final unreasoning assault the doctor outerpowered
the girl . He forced the heavy

silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged .
Her both tonsils were covered
with membrane.
From that the doctor had done , I thought he was a responsible
person . In order to save the lives of the patients ,
especially those children who did not know how to co-operate with
the doctor ,he had to take some measure .
Otherwise a good or suitable time of treatment would be missed .
Lesson Four Die as You Choose
the following questions on the text :
1. Is euthanasia openly practiced in Holland ?
2. Why did the doctors in the mes secretly practice
euthanasia without
consulting the dying patients ?
3. What is the difference between passive euthanasia and active
euthanasia ?Do
you think they make any difference ?
4. What is a ―living-will ―?
5. Did Hippocrates prohibit euthanasia ?Did most ancient Greek
doctors and
thinkers agree with his ban ?What did the author want to tell the
reader by presenting
this historical fact ?
6. What is the danger involved if euthanasia is legalized ?

7. Why did the author say that West Germany will not be able to
legalize any form
of euthanasia for a long time to come ?
8. What is the author‘s view on euthanasia ?
Key A
1. Yes, it is .
2. Because they could rarely discuss euthanasia openly with patients
and voluntary
euthanasia was taboo , the doctor had to make the decision himself .
3. Passive euthanasia means the doctor lets the patient die without
giving him any
treatment on his own request . Active euthanasia means the doctor
kill the patient by
giving him an injection or enough painkillers . No, I don‘t think
they make any
4. ―Living will ―is a will made by a person when he is living that
he does not want
life prolonged when he is dying .
5. Yes , he did .
No, they didn‘t .
The author wanted to explain that when in ancient Greece doctors and

had the courage to disagree with Hippocrates , we should support
euthanasia today .
6. It may pose dangers for society by setting a precedent for
killing .
7. West Germany will not legalize any form of euthanasia for a long
time because
of the shadow of the past .
8. The author has an appositive attitude towards euthanasia . He
supports it .
A. Translate the following into Chinese:
1. The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer .
2. In Holland mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment
and openly
practiced a few thousand times each year .
3. The debate on euthanasia will rumble on into the autumn, when
may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia .
4. Many people accept that it is sad , undignified and gruesome to
prolong the
throes of death with all the might of medical technology .
5. How long can the distinction between killing and letting die hold
out ?
6. Is he then necessarily wrong if he administers enough painkillers
to kill ?Does

the fact that the doctor performed an action, rather than an
omission , condemn him ?
7. It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most
resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities .
8. Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have
less to fear
from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia .
Key B.
1. 现在迫切需要制定有关安乐死的法律.
2. 在荷兰,安乐死已经被医疗机构所接受,并于每年公开实施数千次.
3. 这场有关安乐死的辩论将持续到秋天,直到加利福尼亚人投票表决了一项
4. 许多人认为用所能使用的医疗科技来延长死亡前的痛苦是悲哀的不高尚的
5. 这种主动实施与被动使用安乐死的区别还能维持多长时间呢?
6. 如果他使用足够数量的止痛片来为其实施安乐死就有错了吗?医生采取行动,
7. 这不是一种巧合,当时荷兰医生就英勇地反抗用人体做医学试验.
8. 不间断提倡思想和行动自由的国家对主动实施安乐死进行限制性规定,就没
B. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :

Dodge drown intrude legalize oath withhold precedent rumble taboo
arguable usher
1. She skillfully dodged the questions about her private life .
2. It was very rude of him to intrude on my privacy .
3. The schools decided to withhold payment until they had completed
construction of the building .
4. Reform and Open-door policy has ushered in a new ear of economic
development .
5. They started a campaign to legalize abortion.
6. If you let the boy go without punishment , he will use it as a
precedent for doing wrong again .
7. After the exposure of his lies the Congressman is no longer a
credible politician.
8. It is arguable that primary school students should pay any
tuition .
C. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the
following sentences :
1. The warrior managed to (evade, dodge )the arrow that came flying
through the
air .

2. The speaker‘s last few words were (drowned out , stopped ) by
the audience ?s thunderous applause .
3. Would I be (intruding , invading ) if I joined in your
discussion ?
4. The ( omission , exclusion ) of a full stop at the end of the
sentence is a
deliberate act by the writer .
5. The newly –recruited soldiers swore an (oath, promise ) of
loyalty to their
country .
6. The suspect was accused of ( preventing ,withholding ) some
important evidence from the court .
7. Whether or not he is the best person for the promotion is
( debatable , arguable ).
8. He has established himself as a (credible , believable )
businessman .
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer .
2. The letter was probably written for polemical impact .
3. Thus , because voluntary euthanasia is taboo…
4. …with all the might of medical technology…
5. …by setting a precedent for killing
6. …only squeamishness demands a firm difference between…
7. Active euthanasia-killing –remains controversial .

8. Yet if a patient‘s philosophical views embrace euthanasia…
Key E
1. mercifully easy and painless death for persons suffering from an
incurable and painful
disease , esp. the doctor let the patients die on their own request .
2. resulting in arguments
3. something that religion or custom regards as forbidden
4. everything could be used or done
5. creating an earlier example of killing
6. those who are too modest and scrupulous
7. polemical ,arguable
8. support , be in favour of
ate the following into English :
现在迫切需要制定 有关安乐死的法律.大多数国家禁止安乐死.在这些国家医生
只能偷偷地给病人实施安乐死.但是,也有 的国家公开实施安乐死,例如荷兰.越来越
当一个病人长期遭受疾病的折磨而又无治愈的希望时, 为什么要让他继续痛苦
但是,如果安乐死合法化,也存在一种危险 ------有人会利用安乐死进行谋杀.
Key F

The need for laws on euthanasia can‘t be dodged for much longer .
Euthanasia is a taboo in
most countries . In these countries doctors can only practise it
secretly . But it is openly practiced
in some countries , such as Holland . Right now more and more
countries are going over the
When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no
hope of curing it , why do
arguments about legalizing euthanasia .
we let him polong the throes ?Why can‘t we practise euthanasia to
stop the throes ?
But if we legalize euthanasia , there will be a danger Someone may
use it for killing . All in
all , euthanasia is question we can‘t dodge .
G .Write a short passage of 150-200 words in English on the topic
―How Is Euthanasia
Handled in Different Countries ?:‖ You should cover the following
points :
1. How euthanasia is practiced in Holland
2. the situation in America , Britain and many other countries
3. what the biggest worry is if euthanasia is legalized .
Key G
How Is Euthanasia Handled in Different Countries ?

In Holland , mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment
and openly practiced a
few thousand times each year . The government has rules for
euthanasia and so doctors can police
it effectively .
But in America , Britain and many other countries , euthanasia is
condemned by the medical
establishment , secretly practiced many times more often , and
almost never comes to light . Now
it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again . The
doctors in America can rarely
discuss euthanasia openly with patients ----even when those patients
beg them for it ----doctors
tend to kill only when the dying are too far gone to consent . The
doctors have to make decision
themselves . That is one price of keeping euthanasia secnet .
Fortunately most American states
have ―living-will‖ legislation that proteets doctors from
prosecution it they do not try to save
someone who has said he does not want life prolonged .
Some people suggest legalizing euthanasia . But other people worry
that if government permit the doctors to comply
with a dying man‘s request in prescribed set of circumstances , it
might pose dangers for society by setting a precedent

for killing . But if the government set up some rules , there will
be no problems . In Holland , the tenacious respect for
individual liberty stop them killing healthy people but lets them
help dying people .
Lesson Five I‘d Rather Be Black than Female
By Shirley Chisholm
A . Answer the following questions on the text :
1. In what sense is the author quite an extraordinary person in the
United States ?
2. Why does the author say it is a still harder and longer struggle
to eliminate
prejudice against women ?
3. In what way are women prejudiced against in politics ?
4. What helped her defeat her male opponent in the local election ?
5. How are women discriminated against economically ?
6. What are the occupations usually taken by American women ?
7. What are some of the problems the author is determined to help to
solve ?
8. What fine qualities do wonen have that men don‘t have according
to the author ?Explain why you agree or disagree with her.
Key A
1. She is the first black woman elected to congress .
2. Because the men don‘t realize the prejudice against women and
the women are

much more brainwashed and content with their roles as second-class
citizens .
3. The women only do the tedious work , such as stuffing envelopes ,
card- party , making difference between victory and defeat on
election day , but they
are not allowed to run for offices .
4. The women who registered to vote in her district helped her
defeat her male
opponent .
5. The women are paid less than men even when they do the same job .
6. The American women predominate in the lowerpaying , menial,
unrewarding ,
dead-end jobs , such as secretaries , librarians , teachers and so
on .
7. The problems are (1)the children going to bed hungry (2)There is
not a good
school for every child (3)spend wealth on hardware to murder people
against minorities (5)unfair housing and employment .
8. The good qualities that women have a empathy ,
tolerance ,insight , patience
and persistence . Yes , I agree with the author . The women
naturally have these

qualities .
A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese :
1.I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once .
will take years for whites –including those who think of
themselves as liberals
–to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes they all actually
have .
such a job , she gets a number of free trips to state and
sometimes national
meetings and conventions , where her role is supposed to be to vote
the way her male
chairman votes .
1. When a bright young woman graduate starts looking for a job ,why
is the first
question always :‖Can you type ?‖
2. Plenty of others have advised me , every time I tried to take
another upward
step , that I should go back to teaching , a woman‘s vocation , and
leave politics to the
men .
3. But until that happens –and we all know it will no be this year
or next –what we
need is more women in politics because we have a very special
contribution to make .

4. It is women who can bring empathy , tolerance , insight ,
patience , and
persistence to government ---the qualities we naturally have or have
had to develop
because of our suppression by men .
5. At present , our country needs women‘s idealism and
determination , perhaps
more in politics than anywhere else .
Key B
1. 我是第一个克服这两个不利因素的人.
2. 美国白人-----包括那些自认为开明的自由主义者 ------需要很多年的时间
来发现, 并消除他们所有的种族主义态度.
3. 在这样的职位中, 她们可能会获得几次免费参加州或全国会议, 或民主党
4. 当一位聪明的女大学生毕业后开始找工作时, 为什么第一个问题总是::‖
5. 每一次我试图再上一个新台阶时, 许多人会劝我回到妇女的职业, 做一名
教师, 把政治留给男人.
6. 但直到这些发生 -----我们知道这不是今年或明年的事------因此我们所要
做的是要更多的妇女进入政界, 因为我们对此有特殊贡献.
7. 妇女善解人意宽容,具有很强的洞察力耐心和毅力------ 这些都是我们与
生俱来或由于受男人的压制而形成的品质, 女人能把这些品质带到政府中来.
8. 目前, 我们的国家也许在政治上比其它任何领域更需要女人的理想主义和

B. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :
Rather than register think of aware of predominate instead of lie
behind prejudice
menial separate make the difference phenomenon
1. Don‘t overlook the job of a secretary . It makes the difference
between failure and success for the company .
2. The newly –launched satellite is expected to obtain data on
solar radiation , sky
brightness and other important phenomena.
3. How can you be content to do such menial tasks as washing dishes
here in the
States ?
4. A prejudice is a judgement formed before examining the evidence .
5. We all listen to music according to our separate capacities .
6. Knowledge will always predominate over ignorance .
7. When this corporation entered the Chinese market 8 years ago ,it
aimed to
occupy a larger market share rather than to make profit in the short
run .
8. Of all the animals , the ape is thought of as the most forgiving
animal .

C. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the
following sentences :
1. His story of having discovered the treasure buried by some
pirates seemed
(incredible, incredulous ) to everyone .
2. ―But the piano is out of ( tone, tune ) , ―she said in a
disappointed ( tone, tune).
3. Her friends expressed great (sympathy , empathy ) to her when her
died .
4. They are now enjoying a short (vocation , vacation ) at the
seashore .
5. A (content , contented ) person is one who is happy with what he
has .
6. All the streets will be ( eliminated , illuminated )tomorrow
evening for the
celebration .
7. Her ( perseverance , persistence ) in wearing that old-fashioned
hat surprised
her husband .
8. The effect of the officer‘s speech was such that the army
recovered its (moral ,
morale ) at once .

D. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. Of the two handicaps , being black is much less of a drawback
than being
female .
2. part of the problem is that women in America are much more
brainwashed . ..
3. …which is invariably the lot of women in politics .
4. It is still women ----about three million volunteers ---who do
most of this
work …..
5. When I tried to break out of that role in 1963….
6. ….I faced the undisguised hostility because of my sex .
7. A few years ago , I was talking …about a promising young women
as a candidate.
8. …when the law .. was enforced instead of evaded …
Key E
1. Being a woman is a greater obstacle than being black .
2. American women have been continuously told to accept certain
ideas for a long
3. fortune , fate or destiny
4. women who offer to work in politics
5. when I didn‘t want to work as a district or county vice-chairman
6. Many people showed their enmities to me without concealing them .

7. I recommended the bright young woman to the political leader to
let her run for
office .
8. when they put the law into practice rather than keep it out of
the way .
F Translate the following into English :
美国妇女对美国的发展做出了重要贡献, 但她们却一直受到各种形式的性别
歧视.政治上,她们做的是那些乏味却又决定决定选举胜败的琐碎事, 很少有机
会升到高层职位, 得到好处的是男人. 经济上, 大部分妇女做的是那些工资低和没
有前途的工作, 她们的工资也永远低于做同样工作的男人. 很多美国人不承认
这是歧视妇女,说这只是 社会分工的不同.很多妇女甚至也满足于自己作为次等公
民的角色. 所以作者说, 妇女要获得真正的平等将是一场长期而艰巨的斗争.
Key F
The American women made great contributions to the nation‘s
development , but
they received different forms of prejudices because of their sex .
In politics , they did
all the tedious details that made the differene between victory and
defeat on election
day and seldom had the chance to reach a better position , while the
men reaped the
rewards . In economy , most women did the lower-paying and dead –
end jobs and they were paid less than the men for the same job . Many
American people didn‘t

admit it was prejudice against women . They said it was only a
different division of
labour in society . Even many women were content with their roles as
citizens . So the author said it was a long painful struggle for the
women to get real
equality .
G. Write a short passage of 150—200words in English on the topic
―Why Does
the Author Say that America Needs More Women in Politics ?‖ You
should cover the
following points :
1. Problems that need to be solved in the U.S.;
2. women‘s special qualities that the country needs .
Why Does the Author Say that America Needs More Women in Politics ?
The author is the first black woman elected to Congress . In her
opinion , being
black is much less of a drawback than being female . Very Few woman
works in
political World in American .Most women predominate in the lower ---
paying ,
menial , unrewarding , dead ----end jobs .
The author thinks more women are needed in politics . There are many

that need women to solve. In this rich nation there are many
children going to be
hungry .There is not enough good schools for every child . The
government spend the
wealth on hardware to murder people . The people have prejudice
minorities ..And there are unfair housing and unfair employment
practices in
America . These are the problems that need to be solved in this
country .
So the author thinks the American political world needs more women
women can make special contributions . Women can bring empathy ,
tolerance ,insight , patience and persistence to government . The
women of a nation
mold its morals , its religion , and its politics by the lives they
live . So the country
needs women‘s idealism and determination .
Lesson Six A Good Chance
By Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. who is the person ―I ― in the story ?
2. Why did she want to find Magpie?

3. What happened to Magpie during the years when the narrator and
Magpie were
out of touch with each other ?
4. Did Amelia think that Magpie would accept the offer of the
university ? Why
(not )?
5. What made Salina agree to help the narrator find Magpie ?
6. What do you think was the police car doing there ?
7. Did Elgie think that Magpie might want to accept the
scholarship ?What made
him think so ?
8. What does the ending of the story tell you ?
Key A
1.‖I ― is a woman who knows Magpie and brings the good news for
him .
wanted to talk to him about the good news and let him fill out
some papers.
1. He took part in the protest at Custer and was arrested and sent
in prison .
He was on parole at this time.
2. No, Amelia thought he would not accept the offer of the
university .Because she
thought Magpie was happy now . He was in good spirits , handsome ,
free and strong .

She would not like to be afraid for him now .
3. What the narrator had said persuaded her to think Magpie had a
right to know
the whole thing and made the decision himself .
4. The police car was there watching and checking up Magpie.
5. Yes, he did. Because he knew Magpie wanted to get freedom , but
he couldn‘ t get it here when the parole officers watched him all the
time . He thought Magpie
needed some relief from his constant surveillance , constant
checking up .
6. From the end of the story we know the American Indians were
cruelly treated .
They could not get freedom , human rights and equality in American
society .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. When he was saying all those things against the government and
against the
council , he became more and more ugly and embittered and I used to
be afraid for
him .
2. Well, you can think what you want ,but have you talked to him
lately ? Do you
know him as he is now ?

3. If he is Indian as you say , whatever that means , and if he is
back here to stay
this time and if he tells me that himself , I‘ll let it go .
4. A police car moved slowly to the corner where we were parked and
patrolmen looked at the three of us intently and we pretended not to
notice .
5. I think it‘s good that you‘ve come, because Magpie needs some
relief from this
constant surveillance , constant checking up .
6. ―There are things about this though , ―Elgie said . ―Magpie
shouldn‘t have been
there , see , because it‘s a part of the condition of his parole
that he stays away from
friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody ..‖
7. But the silence which hung about the place filled me with
apprehension , and
when we walked in the back door which hung open , we saw people
standing in the
kitchen .
8. I held the poems tightly in my hands , pressing my thumbs , first
one and then
the other , against the smoothness of the cardboard folder .
Answer B

1. 在他反对反对政府,反对美国印第安人委员会时, 他变得越来越可怕,充满
2. 好吧, 你愿意怎么想就怎么想吧, 但你最近和他谈过吗?你知道他现在的状
3. 如果像你所说的他是一名印第安人, 不管这是什么意思, 如果他亲口对我
说他这次只是回来呆在这儿, 我也不再劝他了.
4. 一辆警车缓慢地驶向我们停车的拐角处, 假释监督官目不转睛地盯着我们
三个人, 我们假装没注意到.
5. 我想你来的正好, 因为在这种不间断的监视检查之下, 喜鹊需要一些宽慰.
6. ―还有一件事‖,埃尔吉继续说, ―喜鹊不应该在那儿,明白吗?因为 假释的
7. 但是一片寂静笼罩着整座房子, 我感到有些忧虑.当我们走进敞开着的后门
8. 我用手紧紧握着他的诗, 两个拇指使劲按压平滑的纸板文件夹.
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :
Whereabouts segregate click noncommittal scoff embitter hesitant
tentative agitate incredulous intent
1. His wife is in very poor health , so he is rather hesitant about
telling her the bad news .
2. He is a very busy person and has so many engagements that only
his secretary

knows of his whereabouts .
3. In some areas , in order to provide education to girls , they
have segregated classes in schools .
4. As they didn‘t have enough time to discuss the plan fully , they
could only draw
a few tentative conclusions .
5. The old man heard the click of the lock and knew that the son‘s
family had left
and he would be alone again .
6. ―Can I go swimming on Sunday , Dad ?‖ ―We‘ll see , ―he said
noncommittally .
7. The children were so noisy that she had to listen very intently
in order to catch the conversation .
8. The new created a lot of agitations in the community .
A. Choose the right word or expression to complete the brackets in
each of the following
sentences .
1. South Africa used to be a country where black people and white
people were
( separated ,segregated ).
2. The letter from her sister so ( embittered , agitated ) her that
she stayed awake half the
3. ―You haven‘t seen him for over a year ?‖he sounded
( incredible , incredulous ).

night , trying to think of a way to get back at her .
4. No matter what he said , the response he got from him was a
(noncommittal , tentative ) ―I
5. That plan was too ( unture , unrealistic ) to be adopted .
6. When people looked at him too ( intently , tentatively ), he felt
very uncomfortable . 7. Since she didn‘t know anybody in that city ,
she was rather ( hesitant , tentative ) when
accepting the job offer .
8. ―Do you really think he will give up the position ?‖he
( scoffed , scolded ) . B. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. He‘s gone from me now .
2. …he became more and more ugly and embittered . ..
3. You see that ,don‘t you ?
4. ―…but you‘ll see…‖
5. …and she became agitated as she talked .
6. The patrol car inched down the empty street …
7. Always tentative about letting you know …
8. …that freak that‘s his parole officer is some mean watch-dog .
Key E
1. has left me
2. frightened and full of hatred
3. understand
4. find

5. turned anxious and worried
6. moved slowy along
7. making a trial about
8. just like a dog kept to protect a house
C. Translate the following into English :
当我得知喜鹊获得了加利福尼亚一所大学的奖学金, 可以到大学的艺术学院去
候, 我为他感到十分高兴.我知道他一直想成为一名诗人, 我也知道他很有才
能. 对他来说,
这个机会太好了. 因此我回到鸦溪,要把好消息告诉他,让他填一些表格.我在
他家里没有找到他. 他的妻子说他们已经分居了, 只听说他在钱柏林. 于是我又去
找赛利娜, 让她帮我找到喜鹊.赛利娜说喜鹊在被捕入狱后有了很大的变化, 她认
了. 但我说喜鹊应该知道这个消息, 由他自己决定是否去上大学. 她同意了,
When I knew Magpie got a scholarship of a California University and
could go to the Fine 好朋友埃尔吉. 但当我终于就要见到喜鹊时, 他已被警察
开枪打死了. Arts School to study , I was very pleased for him . I knew
he wanted to become a poet all the time.
I also knew he had a good talent . It was a very good chance for
him . So I went back to Crow
Creek to tell him about the good news and let him fill out some
papers . But I didn‘t find him at

his home . His wife said they had not been together for a while and
only heard he was in
Chamberlain . Then I went for Salina and asked her to help me find
Magpie . Salina said Magpie
had changed a lot since he was taken into prison . She thought he
was not interested in going to
the university of white people . But I said Magpie had a right to
know this news and make the
decision whether to go or not by himself . She agreed and took me to
his good friend , Elgie . But
when I could really see Magpie at last , he had been shot by the
police .
D. Write a short passage of 150-200words in English on the topic
―What do the people in the story think of Magpie‘s opportunity of
going to study in the university ?Why ?‖ You should cover
the following people‘s points :
1. Amelia
2. salina
3. Elgie;
4. the narrator.
What do the People in the Story Think of Magpie ?s Opportunity of
Study in the University ?Why ?
The narrator has got some good news for Magpie . He has his poems
and a letter of

acceptance from a university in California where they want him to
come and participate in the
Fine Arts Program they have started for Indians .
So first the narrator goes to Magpie‘s wife . She thinks Magpie
would not go to California
because he is happy now and he is in good spirits , handsome and
free and strong . She thinks he
no longer needs the things that people like the narrator want him to
Then the narrator goes to Salina . She doesn‘t think he has those
worthless , shitty dreams anymore .. After the narrator
insists Magpie have the right to know , she leads him to see
Magpie‘s best friend Elgie . At first Elgie doesn‘t think
Magpie would go . But the narrator insists that it be a chance for
him to study , to write and that should be a satisfying
isolation . Then Elgie changes his mind . He also thinks it is good
for Magpie because he needs some relief from this
constant surveillance , constant checking up . So he admits to let
the narrator see Magpie . But before the narrator sees
Magpie , he has been shot .
Lesson Seven Miss Bill
By Katherine Mansfield
A. Answer the following questions on the text :

1. What was the day like when Miss Brill went to the public park
that Sunday ?
2. How did she feel about her fur ?Explain .
3. Why did Miss Brill think the band sounded louder and gayer ?
4. Why was the disappointed when she found that the old couple
sitting beside her
was silent?
5. How did she feel towards those sitting on the beches and green
chairs ?Who
were those people ?
6. What kind of woman do you think the ermine toque was ? What makes
think so ?
7. What did Miss Brill discover from the scene around her that made
her so
joyous ?
8. What work did Miss Brill do to make a living ?
9. Why did she go straight home that Sunday afternoon ?
10. How did she feel when she put the necklet back to its box ?
Key A
1. it was brilliantly fine ---- the blue sky powdered with gold and
the great spots of
light splashed over the park . The air was motionless and it was a
faint chill .

2. She liked her fur very much . She thought it was very nice to
feel it . She had
put it in the box . Only this afternoon she had taken it out of its
box, shaken out the
moth ---powder and given it a good brush .
3. Because the season had begun .she had a good spirit and a very
happy feeling
that afternoon .
4. Because she was always looking forward to the conversation .
5. She thought they were nearly always the same and there was
something funny
about nearly all of them . They were old , odd and silent . She
thought they were
coming from dark little rooms. Those people were the same as her who
came to the
park on Sundays .
6. She was kind of woman who wanted to attract and lure the man .
When the man
breathed a deep puff into her face and walked on while she still
talked and laughed .
When she was alone , she smiled more brightly than ever . Soon she
turned to a much
nicer person .

7. She found that the funny old man with long whiskers hobbled along
in time to
the quick music and was nearly knocked over by four girls walking
abreast . She
found it was like a play . Everybody was not only audience , but
also had a part and
was acting .
8. She made a living by teaching English pupils and reading
newspaper four
afternoons a week to an old man .
9. Because she heard the boy and the girl said she was silly and
stupid and her
favourite fur was like a fried whiting .
10. When she put the necklet back to its box she heard something
crying .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. Although it was so brilliantly fine –the blue sky powdered with
gold and the
great spots of light like white wine splashed over the Jardins
Publiques –Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur .
2. It was like someone playing with only the family to listen; it
didn‘t care how it
played if there weren‘t any strangers present .

3. And sometimes a tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the
open from
under the trees , stopped stared , as suddenly sat down ―flop ,‖
until its small high
–stepping mother , like a young hen , rushed scolding to its
4. But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played
softly , played tenderly , and the drum beat ―the Brute !The
Brute!‖ over and over .
5. The old head lifted two points of light quivered in the old
eyes .
6. And then she too ,she too , and the others on the benches ---they
would come in
with a kind of accompaniment ----something low, that scarcely rose
or fell ,
something so beautiful ---moving.
7. If there was an almond it was like carrying home a tiny present -
--a surprise
---something that might very well not have been there .
8. She hurried on the almond Sundays and struck the match for the
kettle in quite a
dashing way .
Key B.

1. 天气很好,阳光明媚-----蓝色的天空金光灿烂, 犹如白葡萄酒的巨大的光

2. 就像一个人只为家人演出, 而没有其他人在场, 是不会在乎演出的.
3. 有时一个蹒跚学步的小孩突然从树底下摇摇晃晃地走出来,停下看看,突然
‖扑通‖一声坐在地上, 其娇小的妈妈高抬脚步,像只老母鸡一样跑过来, 一边责
4. 但是乐队好像知道她的感受, 演奏的更轻松更柔和,鼓声一遍又一遍地敲
5. 他抬起衰老的头, 一双老眼中闪出两个光点.
6. 她也会加入. 那些坐在长凳上的其他人----他们也会加入进来, 一起合唱-
---低声唱,音调平缓,很好听的 -----很动人的.
7. 如果有杏仁, 就像带回家一件小礼物----- 一份惊奇 ------一件本来可能
8. 有杏仁的星期日, 她精神抖擞地跑回家, 迅速地划根火柴, 准备烧开水.
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :
Clasp rescue splash get used to flap drift make a point of doing dab
scrape share
stroke swoop
1. She gently dabbed the dust from the vase before she put it back
on the shelf .

2. The students stood on the top of the hill , enjoying the
beautiful view below,
their coats flapping in the wind .
3. It was very hot and the kids were all happily splashing in the
pool .
4. He scraped the mud from his boots before he entered the room .
5. They moved to the south three years ago , still they can‘t get
used to the humid summer .
6. I don‘t think it is safe to stroke the monkeys .
7. She sat in the moonlight, her thoughts drifting back to the last
Autumn Festival
she spent with her parents.
8. the firemen rescued all the people from the burning building .
D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets in each of
the following
sentences :
1. She told the children about her life on the farm all those years
ago, how she
( got used to , used to )get up at four every morning to milk the
cows .
2. The teacher told the boys first to (pour , splash ) some water on
the floor before
mopping it .

3. When he was discovered ,the pick-pocket (waved , flapped) a knife
to threaten the people around him .
4. The eagle suddenly (drifted , swooped ) down and snatched the
piece of meat .
5. With the help of the specially trained dogs , they were able to
(rescue ,save ) ten
people buried in the snow .
6. His feet were numb with cold , as soon as he got into the room he
( rubbing , stroking ) them vigorously .
7. The kitchen floor has to be ( scrubbed scraped ) every other day .
8. Every night before he went to bed , he ( made a point , made a
plan ) of checking all the doors and windows .
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. Miss brill was glad she had dicided on her fur .
2. And she‘d gone on the whole time about how she ought to wear
spectacles .
3. The funny old man hobbled along in time to the music and was
nearly knocked
over by four girls walking abreast .
4. And yet it explained why she made such a point of starting from
home at just
the same time each week …
5. Why doesn‘t she keep her silly old mug at home ?

6. It was her Sunday treat .
7. She hurried on the almond Sundays ..
8. But today she passed the baker‘s by .
Key E
1. She had made the decision to wear the fur .
2. She talked all the time .
3. He walked to the music and was almost run down by four girls who
walked side
by side .
4. She insisted on leaving her home .
5. Why doesn‘t the stupid woman stay at home ?
6. A special dinner for Sunday .
7. Sundays which she had almond .
8. She walked past the baker‘s without going into it .
A. Translate the following into English:
布里尔小姐是一个生活在法国海滨城市的英国人. 她年老而贫穷. 每个星期日
到公园去. 她总是坐在同一张凳子上, 听周围的人谈天, 或看展现在她眼前的
那个星期日下午她突然产生了一种感觉, 觉得自己是这个集体中的一部分, 觉
得生活犹如一部戏剧, 她在其中也扮演着自己的角色. 这时, 孤独感开始离开了她.
一对年轻人以轻蔑的口气谈论她. 男青年甚至低声叫她走开. 短暂的幸福感消
失了. 她怀着

Key F 一颗破碎的心回到家中.
Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France .
She was old and poor . She
would go to the park on every Sunday afternoon . She always sat on
the same bench , listening
people around her talk , or watching other people‘s lives in front
of her . She suddenly had a
feeling on that Sunday afternoon . She felt the life was like a play
and she was one part of the
community . She had a part in the performance . At this time , the
feeling of loneliness began to
escape her .
But just at this time she heard a couple of young people talk about
her with contempt . Even
the young man asked her to leave in a low voice . The short feeling
of happiness disappeared . she
went home with a broken heart .
B. Write a short passage of 150-200 words in English on the topic ―
A Description of Miss
Brill . ― you should cover the following points :
1. How she made a living
2. What she enjoyed doing in the park on Sunday afternoons;
3. the special feeling she had that particular Sunday afternoon
4. the blow to her

A Description of Miss Brill
Miss Brill taught some English pupils an Sunday afternoons . She
also read the newspaper for
an old man four afternoons a week while he slept in the garden. She
also had a habit of going to
the park every Sunday afternoon . The band played all the year round
on Sundays. She liked
sitting on the bench and watching the people around her.
This Sunday only two people shared her ―special ―seat . They did
not speak. This was
disappointing , for Miss Brill always looked forward to the
conversations. Fortunately there was
always the crowd to watch . This Sunday she had a special feeling .
it was like a play and they
were all on the stage . They were not only the audience , but they
were acting . she was part of the
performance . That was why she started from home at just the same
time each week so as not to be
Just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old
couple had been . They regarded Miss Brill as the
late just the same time each week so as not to be late for the
performance . stupid old thing . They said not one wanted her silly old
mug and her fur was like a fried whiting, although it was

carefully chose for this Sunday . Miss Brill was very unhappy and
angry . It was a blow to her . So she returned home .
She went into the little dark room and sat down on the red eiderdown
for a long time , with tears coming down her
face .
Lesson Eight A Lesson in Living
By Maya Angelou
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. Did Mrs. Flowers know what had happened to Marguerite ?
2. Why and how did s try to make Marguerite talk ?
3. How did Mrs. Flowers give Marguerite her lesson in living ?
4. What did she mean when Mrs. Flowers told Marguerite to be always
intolerant of ignorance
but understanding of illiteracy ?
5. Was Marguerite a good student in the school ? What was her
problem in class ?
6. Was Marguerite born a quiet girl ? Why was she so quiet ?
7. Why did Mrs. Flowers take special care of Marguerite ?
8. How was Mrs. Flowers a source of enlightenment to Marguerite ?
9. What was the image of Mrs. Flowers in the child‘s mind ?
10. Were the blacks and whites equal in the town of Stamps ?
Key A
1. Yes, she did .

2. Because Mrs. Flowers heard the teachers had trouble getting
Marguerite to talk in class .
She invited her to her home , made cookies for her and read her
favourite book to her and then
asked questions to her .
3. Mrs. Flowers gave Marguerite her lesson in living by inviting her
to her home and having a
little chat with her .
4. She could not stand those who wouldn‘t study , but she could
understand those who didn‘t
have a chance to study . She also encouraged Marguerite to learn in
every possible way .
5. Yes, she was . But she seldom talked in class .
6. No , she wasn‘t . Because something unfortunate happened to her
when she was eight .
7. Because Mrs. Flowers knew what had happened to her and wanted to
change her life .
8. From what Mrs. Flowers had done to her , she knew she was liked ,
which made a great
difference .
9. Mrs. Flowers was the measure of what a human being can be in the
child‘s mind .
10. No, they were not .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :

1. Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if
snagged .
2. Another Negro woman of her health and age would have been
expected to carry the paper
sacks home in one hand.
3. Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her arms and picking her
way over the stones .
4. Words mean more than what is set down on paper.
5. It takes the human voice to infuse words with the shades of
deeper meaning .
6. She suggested that I try to make a sentence sound in as many
different ways as possible .
7. It occurred to me that she expected a response .
8. That in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of
generations .
1. 她的皮肤黝黑,如果被尖锐的东西弄破, 就会像李子皮一样剥落下来.
2. 如果是另一位与她健康状况年龄相仿的黑人妇女, 就会自己把装好东西的
3. 弗劳尔斯夫人走在前边, 摆动双臂, 小心地躲开石头.
4. 词的含义不止写在纸上的那些.
5. 人的声音可以赋予它们更加深刻的含义.
6. 她建议我尽量用不同的方法大声朗读同一个句子.
7. 在我看来她期待我的回答.

8. 她说这些质朴无华的话语表达了一代又一代人的集体智慧. C. Fill in
the blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the box
below ,
changing its form when necessary :
Infuse the measure of intolerant let alone memorize cascade ruffle
couch swirl single out
inclusive sop
1. The wind ruffled the surface of the lake .
2. All the children in the class did wrong , but David was singled
out for punishment . 3. He can‘t even read the alphabet , let alone
speak the language . 4. His speech infused his countrymen with
patriotism .
5. You are expected to memorize all the transitive verbs in the
text . 6. She is the measure of what a college student should
accomplish . 7. He can‘t be a good manager . He is intolerant of any
criticisms about his management .
8. When it rained , water would cascade down the hill .
D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the following
sentences :
1. Students of English are required to ( remember , memorize ) the
listed 2,000 words . 2. You should not be ( intolerable , intolerant )
of different religious beliefs . 3. He tried to ( infuse , fill ) the
awkward situation with humor . 4. We have a sense of working towards a

( common , ordinary ) goal . 5. The virus can only be transmitted
through ( familiar , intimate ) contact . 6. It suddenly ( happened ,
occurred ) to him that he had worked for twelve hours without
eating anything . ]
7. The students waited in ( respectable , respectful ) silence for
the Nobel Prize winner to
make his speech .
8. The children suffer most when their parents ( divide ,
separate ) . E . Explain the underlined words in English :
1…..the lady who threw me my first lifeline.
takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper
meaning .
followed that Mrs. Flowers would have ice on an ordinary day…
4.I was liked , and what a difference it made .
1. It occurred to me that she expected a response .
2. I didn‘t question why Mrs. Flowers had singled me out for
attention .
3. That do my heart good to see settled people take to you all .
Key E
1. threw me the rope to rescue me
2. produce , put
3. showed, indicated
4. it made a great difference
5. came into my mind

6. selected , chose
7. like
F. Translate the following into English :
人类创造了语言, 使语言成为人与人进行交流的工具. 口头语言和书面语言一
个不同之处在于口头语言能用声音表达字所具有的细微的意义差别. 弗劳尔斯朗读
<双城记>时就像是在唱歌, 好听极了。 她的朗读使我认识到语言的神奇。弗劳尔
我从这些书中学到了人生的价值, 认识到了文学作品的语言是多么美。
Man created language . It was man‘s way of communicating with his
fellow man . The
difference between oral and written language was that oral language
could take the human voice to
infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly
singing when she read A Tale of
Two Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the
wonder of language. Mrs.
Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of life from
these books and realized how
beautiful the language of literature works was .
G. Write a short passage of 150-200words in English on the topic ―
The Lesson Mrs. Flowers
Teaches Marguerite .‖you should cover the following points:
1. What Mrs. Flowers told her
2. what she did to influence her

3. how she skillfully and gently guided her out of a dead alley into
a world of knowledge and
The Lesson Mrs. Flowers Teaches Marguerite
enlightenment .
For nearly a year , Marguerite stopped round the house , the store ,
the school and the church .
But everything changed when she met Bertha Flowers . Mrs. Flowers
was the aristocrat of Black
Stamps . One summer afternoon , she stopped at the store to by
provisions and then invited
Marguerite to the home . She prepared cookies and lemonade for her
when they had a little chat .
Mrs. Flowers appealed to Marguerite because she was one of the few
gentlewomen and
remained the measure of what a human being could be . She told
Marguerite that language was
man‘s way of communicating with his fellow man and language alone
separated him from the lower animals . She said words might mean more
than what was set down on paper and human
voice could infuse them with deeper meaning . Mrs . Flowers also
read a book for her . It was like
poetry to her . She gave her some books and asked her to read them
aloud .

Mrs. Flowers also taught her a lesson in living that day . She told
her she should be intolerant
of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy . She encouraged
Marguerite to listen carefully about
what country people called mother wit .
What Mrs. Flowers had done made a big difference . For the first
time she realized she was liked and respected . She
was happy that she was allowed and invited into the private lives of
strangers . When she left Mrs. Flowers‘ home , she
ran down the hill and had the good sense to stop running before she
reached the store.
Lesson Nine The Trouble with Television
A prominent anchorman warns of TV’s adverse effect on America’s
By Robert MacNeil
Answer the following questions on the text : A.
1. Why is it difficult for Americans to escape the influence of
2. What other things could a person possibly have done in those
hours spent on
watching TV ?
3. In what way does TV discourage concentration ?
4. Why is the appeal to the short attention span so important to TV
5. What does the author think is wrong with TV news ?

6. Why does the author say TV is decivilizing ?
7. Why does the author say that television cannot provide right
solutions to human
problems ?
8. What do you think is the author‘s purpose in making this speech ?
Key A
1. Because they have spent too much time on television . On the
average , by the
age of 20 they will have been exposed to at least 2,000 hours of
television .
2. They could have got their bachelor‘s degree or become
astronomers or
engineers . They could have learned several languages fluently .
They could have read
Homer in the original Greek or Dostoyevsky in Russian. They could
also have walked
around the world and written a book about it .
3. Television encourage us to apply no effort . It seels us instant
gratification. It
diverts us only to divert , to make the time pass without pain .
4. Because programmers fear of losing anyone‘s attention. They keep
brief and provide constant stimulation through variety , novelty ,
action and

movement in order to not to strain the attention of anyone .
5. It results in inefficient communication . It tends to make things
boring and dismissable .
6. Because TV tends to cultivate casual assumptions that complexity
must be
avoided , that visual stimulation is a substitute for thought , that
verbal precision is an
anachronism .
7. Because everything about this nation has become more complex .
But TV sells
neat resolutions to human problems that usually have no neat
resolutions .
8. The author finds a lot of TV‘s adverse effects on America‘s
culture . He
suggests us to spend less time on TV and do some important and
constructive things
in this period of time.
B . Translate the following into Chinese :
1. The only things Americans do more than watch television are work
and sleep .
2. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some
constructive ,
consistently applied effort .

3. The dullest , the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem
miraculous to
those who never concentrate on anything.
4. It has become fashionable to think that , like fast food , fast
ideas are the way to
get to a fast –moving , impatient public .
5. It may be old –fashioned , but I was taught that thought is
words , arranged in
grammatically precise ways .
6. And , while I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that
television is the
cause , I believe it contributes and is an influence.
7. Where before has virtually an entire nation surrendered itself
wholesale to a
medium for selling ?
8. if I am wrong , we will have done no harm to look at the issue
skeptically and
critically , to consider how we should be resisting it .
Key B
1. 美国人所做的, 比看电视花费更长时间的只是工作和睡觉.
2. 几乎所有生活中有趣的和有益的事都需要建设性的和不懈的努力。
3. 我们当中最笨的最没有天赋的人所能做成的事情, 在那些从不集中精神

4. 它已成为一种很时髦的想法, 就像快餐一样, 速成观念正是走入高速活
5. 这可能有些过时, 但我所受的教育是, 思想是准确语法排列的语言。
6. 尽管我还不会简单到认为电视是造成这一现象的主要原因, 但我认为它起
了一定的作用, 有一定的影响。
7. 以前什么时候把整个国家都交给新闻媒体了呢
8. 如果我错了,用怀疑和批判的眼光来看这件事, 考虑如何抵制它, 也不
C.Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when necessary :
The least gifted divert statistically speaking in place stimulus
novelty skeptical
anachronism evade expose grammatical assume
1. If discovered , the soldiers hiding down in the valley would be
exposed to the
enemy ?s fire .
2. Listening to music diverts her after a hard day‘s work .
3. The suspect tried to evade an important question by saying he
could not
remember .
4. Statistically speaking the number of births and deaths rise and
fall in nearly
parallel lines .

5. It is an anachronism to speak of Mark Twain as satirizing people
Television .
6. Under the stimulus of praise , the students will work even
harder .
7. Staying up late on the New Year‘s Eve was a novelty to the
children , and they enjoyed it .
8. If Mr. Pulman were not a successful lawyer , he would be very
much in place as
a teacher .
the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the
following sentences:
1. The teacher ( allotted , divided ) the children into several
small groups for the
trip to the Palace Museum .
2. Around mid-night , she received a ( mysterious , miraculous )
phone call from someone she did not know of .
3. Do you think soil samples are ( obtainable , absorbable ) from
the Mars by an unmanned aircraft in the near future ?
4. She was so dear to him that he still kept her picture in a
( preeminent ,
prominent ) position on his desk .

5. A soft background music will ( enhance , increase ) a delicious
meal 6. He was so disappointed when the manager said that his plan was
( dismissable , disposable ).
7. The baby –sitter kept the kids ( accompanied , company ) until
we got back from the theater.
8. will the financial ( reverse , adverse ) prevent you from taking
a holiday this
summer ?
E . Explain the underlined words in English :
1. The viewer is on a perpetual guided tour…
2. In short, a lot of television usurps one of the most precious of
human gifts … 3. The surest way to avoid doing so is … not to strain
the attention of anyone … 4. Consider the casual assumptions that
television tends to cultivate :… 5. …General Sarnoff , or one of the
other august pioneers of videop … 6. I think the technique fights
coherence .
7. And , while I wound not be so simplistic as to suggest that
television is the cause …
8. Literacy may not be an inalienable human right …
Key E.
1.A person guides us to different places all the time .
ully takes one of the most valuable talents of human being
to exert anyone‘s all attertion

1. TV intends to make some undersigned assumptions
2. the majestic explorer on TV
3. the way destroys consistency
4. I would not be simple –minded to think
5. The ability to read and write is not the human right that can‘t
be taken away . F. Translate the following into English :
人们的注意力跨度很短, 因此, 为抓住观众的注意力, 电视必须通过多样
和动作不断地提供刺激。 这样做的结果是, 新闻过于简短,不能提供有效的
短的做法, 还
会降低文化水平。避免了复杂性,也就牺牲了思考。 成年美国人中“功能性
增长, 他们甚至不知道如何回答招聘广告或读懂药瓶上的说明, 电视对此起
Key F 责任。
People have a short attention span . So in order to capture the
viewer‘s attention , television
must provide constant stimulation through variety , novelty , action
and movement . The result of
doing so is that news is too brief and results in inefficient
communication . Many news programs

are like ― machine –gunning with scraps ―and fight coherence of
appeal to the short
attention span will decivilize as well. To avoid complexity means to
give up thinking . The
― functionally illiterates ― among adult Americans are continually
increasing . They even do not
know how to answer the want ad. Or understand the instructions on a
medicine bottle . At least
television should be responsible for part of it .
a short passage of 150-200 words on the topic ― Do You
Think Television Is
Decivilizing or Enlightening ? You should cover the following
points :
1.A statement of your points
3.a supporting example for each argument .
Key G
Do you Think Television Is Decivilizing or Enlightening
Television is very popular in our daily life .
An investigation shows that the only things Americans do more than
watch TV are work and
sleep . So it is very difficult to escape the influence of
television .

Just as each coin has two sides , the television has both advantages
and disadvantages . It
depends on how you use it . If we don‘t use it properly , it will
have bad impact on us , such as
decivilizing people . People will have less concentration and just
use it for a musement . People
have calculated what can use that time to get a bachelor‘s degree ,
or learn several languages
fluently or walk around the world and write a book about it .
On the other hand , if we make good use of TV, we can benefit a lot
of from it . Some programs on TV can broaden our
views and give us more knowledge . we can know more things about the
world . We are enlightened by the television .
By Graham Greene Lesson Ten The Tenth Man
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. Where and when did the story take place ?
2. What had happened to two German soldiers and a French girl ? 3.
What did the Germans decide to do as a retaliation ?
4. Did anyone volunteer to die ?
5. What did they finally agree to do in order to choose three men to
be killed next moring ?
6. Who got the three death draws ?
7. How differently did they act when they got the death draws ? 8.
What did Chavel decide to do to save his life ?

Key A
1. The story took place in a cell at three the next afternoon . 2.
They were murdered .
3. They decided to shoot three Frenchmen in the camp as a
retaliation . 4. No, No one volunteered .
5. They agreed to draw lots to choose three men to be killed next
morning . 6. Voisin, Lenotre and Chavel got the three death draws . 7.
Voisin gazed at it with astonishment . He sat down and felt for a
cigarette , but when he got
it between his lips he forgot to light it .
Lenotre sat down against the wall next to Voisin and drew out a
writing pad to write home .
Chavel threw the slip upon the ground and cried . Then he implored
others to die for him . He
would give a hundred thousand francs to the person who would die for
him .
8. He decided to implore another man to die for him and give him a
hundred thousand francs .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. He spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he
did not possess.
2. The clerk prepared the draw , sacrificing for it one of his
letters from home.

3. They shuffled the pieces on the floor and then dropped them into
the shoe .
4. One couldn‘t mock the condemned man by any sign of relief .
5. ….and a sense of grievance nagged at his mind when the tenth man
had drawn.
6. This time chavel felt no joy even though the elusive odds were
back again overwhelmingly
in his favour at fifteen to one .
7. From that point the odds seemed to move toward Chavel with a
dreadful inevitability .
8. He drew one out of the shoe and then feeling certain that this
one had been willed on him
by his companions and contained the penciled cross he threw it back
and snatched another .
Key B.
1. 他讲话很突然,想给人一种气力很足的印象,而实际上没有丝毫气度。
2. 老职员牺牲了一封家里来信, 开始准备签。
3. 他们把这些纸条在地上混合起来, 放入鞋中。
4. 没有人用得到宽慰的任何表示来使将要被枪毙的人失望。
5. 当第十个人抽完后, 一种怨恨感困扰着他。
6. 尽管他抽到死签的可能性是15比1, 对他极为有利此时查维尔没有感到一
7. 从那时开始,死签对于查维尔来说越来越可怕,越来越不可避免。

8. 他从鞋中抽出一张, 感到这张是他的同伴的意志强加给他的, 带有铅笔
划的十叉, 又把它扔了回去, 抓了另一张。
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box below,
changing its form when necessary :
Delude beforehand compassionate daunt implore legible odds overdone
shuffle sum up undo
1. You are deluding yourself if you think you can change his
characterby just teaching him a
2. The statistics show that the odds of getting killed in a plane
crash are around a million to
lesson . one .
3. The conclusion sums up all his investigation and arguments about
the deplorable state of
economy in that country .
4. The captured Japanese soldier implored the villagers to spare his
5. A caring , compassionate man , he is always ready to give and
forgive .
6. What is done can not be undone..
7. He was daunted by the difficult examination questions and was at
a loss how to answer
them .

8. Could you please let me know your itinerary in Kunming beforehand
so that I can make necessary arrangements ?
D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the following
sentences :
1. The ( distribution , allotment ) of funds to these universities
is decided by the Ministry of
Education .
2. The employees are openly ( contemptuous , contemptible )of their
corrupt manager.
3. The gardener was asked to cut the bushes ( even, equal ) with the
fence .
4. His handwriting was so tiny that it was hardly ( readable,
legible ) .
5. The ( shameful , shameless ) family secret was brought to light .
6. The bus came to a ( quick , abrupt ) stop , and some passengers
lost their balance .
7. Mary aired her ( grievances , grief ) at not being treated fairly
by the salesperson .
8. He felt ( daunted , discouraged ) by the enormous difficulties
involved in completing the construction of the airport
in one year .
E. Explain the underlined words in english :
1…..while our men work and fight .

are quite indifferent as to which three.
have responsibilities …
are going the wrong way about all this .
1. this is the last gamble some of us will have .
2. It was like a constriction .
3. …and they didn‘t at first eve attach the idea of cowardice to
his actions .
Key E
1. our German officers and soldiers .
2. don‘t care about which three people.
3. burndens , duties
4. we do wrongly about the whole thing .
5. the last time to draw lots
6. a feeling of being constricted
7. think his behaviour as a coward
F. Translate the following into english :
一天晚上, 两名德国军人被法国人打死。 第二天, 一名德国军官向30名法
布:“我命令你们从每10名囚徒中选出一人, 明天被处死。也就是说, 你
天要有三人去死。至于哪三个人, 我们不在乎。 这由你们自己决定。”

人说未婚者应先死, 因为他们没有家庭责任。最后,大家一致同意用抽签的
个人去死。一名富有的律 师不幸抽中了死签。他说:“谁要是愿意为我去死,
Key F
One night , two German military officers were murdered by Frenchmen .
The next day , a
German officer declared to thirty French prisoners , ― My order is
that one man in every ten shall
be selected and shot tomorrow . That is to say , three of you thirty
people will die tomorrow . We
are indifferent as to which three . You can choose for
yourselves .‖
The prisoners had a heated discussion about who should die. Someone
said the old people
should go first . This was the way of nature . Some people said the
unmarried should go first
because they had no responsibilities . At last , all consented to
drawing lots to decide which three
went to die . A rich lawyer unfortunately got the death draw . He
said , ― I ?ll give a hundred
thousand francs to anyone who will die for me . ―
G. Write a short passage of 150-200words in English on the topic ―
The Death Draw .‖ you

should cover the following points :
1. The orders of the German officer;
2. the discussion of who should die;
3. the reaction of the three men who had drawn the death lots .
The Death Draw
It was three in the afternoon . A German officer came into the cell.
He said there had been
murders cast might in the town . So three men would be shot in this
camp . The funeral rites would
begin at seven the next morning .
After the German officer made the order , the people in the camp
began to discuss who should
go to die . Some suggested volunteers . Some suggested going by ages
----------the oldest first .
Some thought the unmarried should go to die . At last they all
agreed to draw lots . And everyone
must draw lots . So the clerk prepared the draw , using one of his
letters from home . Then he tore
it into thinty pieces . He made a cross in pencil on three pieces.
At last they decided to draw in
alphabetical order .
Voisin was the first to draw the death lots . He sat down and felt
for a cigarette , but when he got it between his lips he

forgot to light it . Then lenotre drew the second slip . He went
over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad .
Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write . Chavel was the
cast . He implored others to die for him . He
would like to give a hundred thousand francs to the person who was
willing to die for him .
Lesson Eleven On Getting off to sleep
By ley
A. Answer the following questions on the text :
1. What does the author think about the power of humor ?
2. Does the author think that most people he knows have no
difficulty in getting off to sleep ?
3. Does the author fall asleep easily ?
4. Does the author feel sorry for not having an iron will ?
5. Does the author think it natural for a person to fall asleep as
soon as his head touches the
pillow ?
6. How does the author think about the matter of sleep ?
7. What happens to the author when he lies between the sheets at a
late hour ?
8. What does the author think is the best way of inducing sleep ?
Key A
1. The author thinks that humor is the saving grace of human being
and we should die of

vexation without it .
2. Yes , he does.
3. No, he doesn‘t .
4. No, he doesn‘t .
5. No, he doesn‘t .
6. The author thinks those who fall asleep as soon as their heads
touch the pillows have
something inhuman , callous and almost bovine. He thinks only those
who are the victims of
insomnia have human sympathy or depth in a man .
7. When he lies between the sheets at a later hour , he can do
anything but sleep .
8. The best way of inducing sleep for the author is to evoke the
phantom of a crushing ,
stupendous Bore .
B. Translate the following into Chinese :
1. What a bundle of contradictions is a man !
2. Our thoughts and mental images are perfectly tangible things .
3. I used to read , with wonder, those sycophantic stories of the
warlike supermen …
4. The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion, and are only
alike in their ineffectuality .
5. When her mind became disgusted with the monotony of life, sleep
drew the curtain.

6. Her favorite device was to imagine a picture not hanging quite
plumb upon the wall , and
then to proceed to straighten it .
7. But I have not yet given up all hope of finding some way of
hastening the approach of
8. This very night I will dismiss such trivial phantasies as jumping
sheep and crooked
sleep . pictures .
Key B
1. 人是一个矛盾的集合体!
2. 我们的思想和头脑中的意象是完全有形的东西。
3. 我过去常常怀着惊奇的心情去读那些吹棒好战的超人的故事`````` 4. 人
5. 当她的大脑对这种单调的生活感到厌倦时, 睡眠自然就会来。 6. 她最喜
欢的方法就是想像一幅画在墙上没挂正, 她去把它弄正。 7. 但是我还没有放弃
8. 今天晚上,我就要抛弃诸如数跳羊和扶歪画之类的想像。
C.Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box below ,
changing its form when necessary
Clench crook eventful inhuman of no avail meditate monotony refresh
remonstrate straighten
slumber torment
1. He clenched his fists ready to defend himself .

2. I felt greatly refreshed after drinking a glass of iced water.
3. The newly –recruited soldier was asked to straighten his hat .
4. The mother remonstrated with her son about his behavior.
5. The villagers searched the whole area for the missing child , but
it was of no avail . 6. 1949 is a (n) eventful year to China.
7. The commander –in –chief has meditated for three days before
making the final decision . 8. The blacks suffered from inhuman racial
discrimination .
C. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the following sentences .
1. There is a ( contrariness , contradiction ) between what he says
and what he does . 2. It was in the ( dark , dim ) light of the early
dawn that I saw a man moving towards me . 3. The poor , sick man is
( abused, tormented ) by the policeman‘s endless interrogation . 4. Too
much food ( induces , tempts ) sleepiness .
5. He ( wondered , meditated ) fro a whole week before making that
important decision .
6. A( n ) ( literal , exact ) translation is not always the best .
7. The author declares that the plot and characters of the novel are
( imaginary , imaginative ) .
8. We walked for miles along the ( twisted , crooked ) path in the
forest .
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1. With me , nothing illustrates the contrariness of things ….

2. Even then , I proceed half –heartedly , in a kind of dream.
3. …to whom sleep is a coy mistress , much given to a teasing
inconsistency …
4. Fascinating subjects and noble ideas come pell-mell…
5. …and command the immediate presence of sleep .
6. Taking these fables to heart , I would resolve to do likewise …
7. Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them ?
8. But I have not yet given up all hope of finding some way of
hastening the approach of
sleep .
Key E
1. things that are opposite to each other
2. went on with little interest
3. not always the same tantalizing
4. come quickly in a disorderly way
5. coming
6. Remembering these stories , I decided to do the same…
7. make a protest
8. letting the sleep come quickly
F. Translate the following into English :
有的人头一碰枕头就睡着, 有的人在床上躺上好几个小时也睡不着。 他越想
睡着就越睡不着。 我属于后者。 我一写文章就困的要死。 可是一上床, 除了睡
觉, 别的什么事都能干。 我能谱写出宏伟的交响乐,画出壮丽的画卷, 写出好

文章。 人为的催眠法很多, 可是,它们全都无效。 当我晚上睡不着时, 我就同
一个想像听朋友对话, 直到我大笑或睡着为止。 我发觉这是入睡的好办法。
Key F
Some people will fall asleep as soon as their heads touch the
pillows . Some people can‘t go to
sleep although they have been lying in bed several hours . The more
he wants to go to sleep , the
more wakeful he is . I belong to the latter . When I write an essay ,
I feel an overpowering desire
for sleep . But when I go to bed , I can do anything but sleep . I
can compose grand symphonies ,
paint magnificent pictures and write good essays . The artificial
ways of inducing sleep are legion ,
but they are of no avail . When I can‘t go to sleep at night , I
imagine a dialogue with a friend till I
either laugh or fall asleep . I find this is a good way to go to
sleep .
G. Write a short passage of 150-200 words in English on the topic‖
The Humor an
Exaggeration the Author Uses in the Essay . ―
You should cover the following points:
1. The instances of exaggeration and touches of humor;
2. how the author uses sleeplessness as an example to illustrate the
contrariness of things and

the large bundle of contradictions a man is confronted with
3. the author‘s belief that insomnia is a praiseworthy agony
inherent in an active and
intellectual mind .
The Humor and Exaggeration the Author Uses in the Essay
A man is a bundle of contradictions . The author uses humor and
exaggeration to say nothing
illustrates the contrariness of things better than the matter of
sleep . When he wants to write an
essay , he feels an overpowering desire for sleep no matter what
time of day it is . But if let him be
between the sheets at a late hour, he can do anything but sleep .
The author uses humor and ironic tone to criticize the men who fall
asleep as soon as they get into bed ------those ― as
soon as their heads touch the pillow‖ fellows . He thinks they are
inhuman , callous and almost bovine. There is a lack
of human sympathy or depth in them . He thinks that insomnia is a
praise worthy agony . people can cast up the balance
of the day‘s pleasure and pain after a most eventful day .
Lesson Twelve Why I write
By George Orwell
A. Answer the following questions on the text .
1. what kind of books did Orwell want to write ?

2. what are the four great motives for writing according to George
Orwell ?
3. What was Orwell ?s political stand ?
4. What are Orwell ?s views about the relationship between political
content and
aesthetic from in writing ?
5. What was the political and social environment that shaped his
orientation ?
6. Did Orwell propose to stick to one style only ?
7. What did Orwell think of purple passages ?
8. Do you agree with Orwell ?s theory of fusing political purpose
and artistic form
into one whole ?
1. He wanted to write enormous naturalistic novels with unhappy
endings , full of
detailed descriptions and arresting similes , and also full of
purple passages .
2. According to George Orwell , the four great motives for writing
are : sheer
egoism , aesthetic enthusiasm , historical impulse and political
purpose .
3. He was against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism .

4. He thinks the more one is conscious of one‘s political bias ,
the more chance
one has of acting politically without sacrificing one‘s aesthetic
and intellectual integrity .
5. He worked in an unsuitable profession in Burma for five years ,
which gave him
some understanding of the nature of the imperialism . Then he
underwent poverty and
the sense of failure , which increased his natural hatred of
authority and made him
fully aware of the existence of the working classes . And Hitler ,
the Spanish Civil
War and other events in 1936-1937 helped him shape his political
orientation .
6. No, he didn‘t . He finds that by the time you have perfected any
style of writing , you have always outgrown it .
7. He thought the words of purple passages were used partly for the
sake of their
sound .
8. Yes, I do .
B. Translate the following into Chinese:
1.I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular
throughout my schooldays.

a very small child I used to picture myself as the hero of
adventures .
3.A yellow beam of sunlight , filtering through the muslin curtains ,
slanted on to
the table .
1. His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in .
2. I think there are four great motives for writing , at any rate
for writing prose .
3. The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is
itself a political
attitude .
4. This increased my natural hatred of authority and made me for the
first time
fully aware of the existence of the working class .
5. The Spanish war and other events in 1936-1937 turned the scale
and thereafter I
knew where I stood .
1. 而后形成了不讨人喜欢的癖性, 使我在整个学生生涯中都不受欢迎.
2. 作为一个小孩, 我常常想像着自己是令人激动的冒险故事的主角.
3. 一缕金黄的阳光透过平纹薄棉布窗帘, 斜射在桌子上。
4. 他写作的主题是由他生活的时代所决定的。
5. 我认为有四种写作动机, 至少写散文是这样。
6. 认为艺术应当与政治无关的观点本身就是一种政治态度。

7. 这更加深了我对当局本能的憎恨, 第一次真正意识到了工人阶级的存在。
8. 1936年至1937年发生的西班牙战争和其他一些事件改变了这种情况, 我
C. Fill in the blank in each sentence with the best word or
expression from the box
below , changing its form when nesseary :
Efface fluctuate outgrow outweigh perverse readable reconcile shiver
thrilling undervalue unsuitable
1. Part of the address on the letter has been effaced .
roof began to slant leftward .
you imagine that the child has outgrown his clothes in three
months ?
1. That fascist derived some kind of perverse satisfaction from
torturing people .
2. In the teeth of the cutting north wind we were all shivering with
cold .
3. My love for freedom outweighs everything else .
4. The general and the minister had quarreled but later they were
reconciled .
5. She complained that the contributions she had made for the
company were
undervalued .

D. Choose the right word or expression in the brackets to complete
each of the
following sentences:
1. We advise girls below twenty not to marry , because they are
still emotionally
( na?ve , immature).
2. Her feelings ( fluctuated , changed ) between excitement and
fear .
3. The police will not hesitate to use ( force , compulsion ) if the
bank robbers still
refuse to surrender .
4. After twenty years of antagonism , the two countries were finally
( reconciled , friendly ) .
5. To call the air strikes against Yugoslavia peace- keeping is a
( downright , thorough ) lie .
6. “As red as blood ― is a (metaphor , simile ) .
7. The sight of the snake gave me the ( trembling , shivers ) .
8. Although the children found the fables most ( readable ,
understandable ) they sometimes missed the messages of the stories .
E. Explain the underlined words in English :
1….I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular
throughout my
schooldays .
2….and holding conversations with imaginary persons ….

3….there was the made –to –order stuff which I produced
quickly …
4….and my initial concern is to get a hearing .
5….with the whole top crust of humanity .
6…and store them up for the use of posterity .
7. My starting point is always a feeling of partisanship.
8.I happened to know …that innocent men were being falsely accused .
Key E
1. unpleasant personality
2. people who are imagined , not real people
3. the usual kind of writing that I was obliged to do
4. attract listeners
5. those most respected in society
6. collect them for the future use by the descendants
7. the same group , party or cause
8. knew by chance
ate the following into English :
我童年时就决心将来要做一个作家. 当我成为作家后, 我最大的愿望是把政治
色彩的写作变成艺术创造.那种认为艺术与政治不相干的论点是错误的. 写作既是
同时也是一种美感体验. 《动物庄园》一书便是我把政治目的和艺术追求融为
写作要为社会为公众服务。 这是我必须遵循的原则。 一个作家如果缺乏政
治目的,他就只会写出一些华而不实的文章, 甚至一大堆空话说废话。









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  • 爱心与尊严的高中作文题库

    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊严高中作文题库

    1.关于爱心和尊严的作文八百字 我们不必怀疑富翁的捐助,毕竟普施爱心,善莫大焉,它是一 种美;我们也不必指责苛求受捐者的冷漠的拒绝,因为人总是有尊 严的,这也是一种美。

  • 爱心与尊重的作文题库

    1.作文关爱与尊重议论文 如果说没有爱就没有教育的话,那么离开了尊重同样也谈不上教育。 因为每一位孩子都渴望得到他人的尊重,尤其是教师的尊重。可是在现实生活中,不时会有

  • 爱心责任100字作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

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