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2020-11-04 19:05





xt>1. what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?

哪个五个字母的单词当你去掉两个单词后还剩 6 个?

key: sixth 答案:sixth,去掉后是six

2. a big indian and a little indian are walking down the street,
the little indian is the son of the big indian, but the big indian is
not the father of the little indian, how is this possible?

key:the big indian is the mother of the little indian

3. what has four eyes but cannot see? 什么有四个眼睛,但是看

谜语答案:mississippi 谜语解析:有 4 个i,但是因为是地名,所

did the egg floating down the mississippi river come


答案:from a hen . 是母鸡生下来的。

5. whats the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space;
the beginning of end,

and the end of every place?

的结束? key: the letter e.答案:字母 e, 看这四个单词的结尾就明

6. what stays hot even if put it in a fridge? 什么东西即使放到冰
箱中也是热的? 答案:pepper(胡椒粉)谜语解析:hot也有“辣”的

7. what fruit is never found singly? key: pear 什么水果永远都不
会是单数? 答案:pear(梨) 谜语解析:pear和pair(一双)读音相同

8. with which hand do you write? 你用哪只手写字呢?

key: neither, i use a pen! 答案:都不用,我用笔

9. what man cannot live in a house? 什么人不能住在房子里?


10. what never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?


谜语答案:dictionary (字典)

11. what question can you never answer yes to? 什么问题你永

谜语答案:are you dead?(你死了吗?)are you asleep? (你睡着

12. what goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,
and on three in the



谜语答案:people. they crawled when they were babies and
walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old


14. what do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing


答案:a bird that knocks on the door when delivering


15. where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


答案:in the dictionary. 在字典里。

16. what do you know about the kings of france? 你对法国君主
有什么了解? 答案:they are all dead. 他们都死了。

17. what must you do before you return a book to the library?


key: borrow the book from library.答案:从图书馆借书

18. how many sides does a circle have?一个圆有几个面?

key: two,the inside and the outside 答案:两面,里面和外面

19. what tree is always very sad? 什么树总是很伤心?

key: weeping willow 答案:垂柳.

谜语解析: weeping willow的意思是垂柳, weeping是哭,

20. when can you get water with a net? 什么时候你可以用网拿到

key: when water is turned into ice 答案:当水变成冰的时候

21. why are people tired on april fools day? 为什么在愚人节人

key: because they have just had a long march.

答案:因为他们刚过了长长的三月。march 三月;行军.

22. whats the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最贫穷的银行是

key: the river bank答案:河岸。bank还有河岸的意思

23. what is heavier in summer than in winter? 什么东西夏天比
冬天重? key:traffic to the beach

答案:去海滩的车流 解释:heavy除了重的意思,还有“交通量大

24. what bird lifts heavy things? 什么鸟可以举起来很重的东西?

key: crane答案:crane(鹤,另外一个意思是举重机)

26. what is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?


key: your name 答案:你的名字

27. what always goes up and never goes down? 什么东西永远
只升不降 key: your age 答案:你的年龄

28. what will you break once you say it?什么东西你说出来就打
破了它? key: silence 答案:沉默

29. why is the library the highest building? 为什么图书馆是最
高的建筑? key: it has the most stories?

答案:因为它有最多的楼层 (story有两层意思,一个是故 事,一个

30. what do every couple have in common? 每一对夫妻都有的
共同点是什么? key: theyre married on the same day 答案: 他们

31. what word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of


key: wrong答案:wrong(错)

32. what animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什么动
物坐着比站着高? key: a dog答案:狗

can move faster, heat or cold? 冷和热谁跑得快?

key: heat, because you can catch cold.热跑得快,因为你追
得上冷。 cold n.冷;感冒 catch cold追上冷;患感冒

34. what can you catch but cannot throw? 什么东西你能抓住但
是不能扔掉? key :a cold 答案:感冒(catch a cold),英文中感冒
为catch a cold

35. what is full when its used and empty when its at rest?


key:a shoe答案:鞋

36. what has a tongue but cannot talk? 什么东西有舌头但是却不

key: a shoe答案:鞋

37. what has teeth but cannot eat? 什么东西有牙齿却不能吃东西?


38. what goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


key: keyhole 答案:锁眼

39. what weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?)

答案:when its raining cats and dogs. (下大雨。rain cats and
dogs 下大雨 )

40. when do dogs refuse to follow their masters? 狗什么时候不

答案:when their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市
场时。flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场

41. 4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指是什么?

答案:wonderful 谜语解析:弯的four

42. 汽车会飞(猜一种饮料) 答案:咖啡 谜语解析(car 飞)

43. if you were to throw a white stone into the red sea, what
would it become?


答案:it remains a white stone.(他仍然是个白色石头)

you throw a stone into the red sea,what will it become?




txt>diana golden was 12 years old when she found out she had
cancer. she was

walking home one day after playing in the snow when her
right leg simply gave out. doctors diagnosed the problem as
bone cancer. they recommended removing her leg above the

when diana heard the news, she asked the first question that
came into her mind: “ will i still be able to ski?”

“when the doctors said yes,” she later recalled, “i figured it
wouldn?t be too bad.” that attitude was characteristic of
diana?s outlook on life. losing a leg would

cause most children to lose confidence and hope, but diana
refused to dwell on the negative. “losing a leg?” she?d say.
“it?s nothing. a body part.”

most of all, diana didn?t want to let cancer stopk her from
doing what she loved. and what she loved was skiing. diana
had been on skis since the age of five. her home in lincoln,
massachusetts, was just a couple of hours from new
hampshire?s cannon mountain. after the operation, diana
worked hard to get back to the mountain. “i always skied, and i
intended to keep on skiing. there was never any question in my
mind about that,” she declared. seven months after losing her
leg, diana met her goal. she was back out on the slopes.

skiing wasn?t quite the same with just one leg, but diana
made the best of it. she learned to go faster on one leg than
most people could go on two. in high school, diana became a
member of her school?s ski racing team. and in 1979, when
she was just 17, she became a member of the u.s disabled ski

after high school, diana golden went on to dartmouth college.
there she saw how top two-legged skiers trained. determined
not to be left behind, diana began training with the dartmouth
team. when they ran around the track, she followed them on
crutches. when they ran up and down the steps of the football
stadium, she went up and down the steps too—by hopping. “i
had to adapt,” she later explamed. “i was an athlete. i had one
leg, which meant i had to do it differently.”

in 1982, diana entered her first international ski race. she went
to the world

handicapped championships in norway, where she won the
downhill competition. in 1986, diana won the beck award,
which is given to the best american racer in international

skiing. the next year, she placed 10th in a race against some of
the best nondisabled skiers in the country. and in 1988, she
was named ski racing magazine?s u.s. female skier of the year.

as a result of her courage and determination, diana has
changed the way the

world looks at disabled athletes. people have begun to see
them as strong and

competent. “everyone has some kind of ?disability?, diana
says. “it?s what we do with our abilities that matters.”

in 1990, diana retired from racing for good.

comprehension exercise

1. when diana lost her leg, she was__c______

a) very discouraged

b) quite unhappy

c) still optimistic

d) unaffected

2) in 1986, diana won the beck award, which is given to the
best american___c___

a) disabled skier

b) woman skier

c) racer in international skiing

d) olympic skiing champion

2. the author probably wrote this passage to___b___

a) inform you about disabled skiers

b) inspire you with diana?s courage

c) describe the events in international ski competitions

d) tell about the disadvantages of being a disabled skier

3. which sentence below correctly restates the following:
“determined not to be left behind, diana began training with
the dartmouth team. c

a) diana began training so she could make the dartmouth team.

b) diana trained with the dartmouth team so she wouldn?t
finish last in her races.

c) diana wanted to keep up, so she trained with the dartmouth

d) diana wanted to be as good as the dartmouth team so she
trained with the team.

4. which of the following is the best summary of the passage?

a) after diana lost a leg to cancer, she learned to ski on one

b) after losing a leg to cancer, diana trained hard and won an
olympic gold medal.

c) after diana lost a leg to cancer, she was still competent in
many sports events.

d) after losing a leg to cancer, diana worked hard to become a
champion skier and a respected athlete.




这,就是戴安娜对生活的态度。 对大多数孩童来说,失去一条腿,
意味着失去信心,没有了希望。但是戴安娜却一直很乐观。她常说:< br>“一条腿没了?没事,不就是身体的一部分嘛!”

更为重要的是,戴安娜不希望癌症 阻挡自己所喜爱的运动——滑雪。
雪场,戴安娜积极接受恢复治疗。 她说:“以前一直滑雪,自己也想
坚持下去。在我看来,这没问题。”截肢7个月后,戴安娜实现了她< br>的目标,重新回到了滑雪道上。

与正常的滑雪相比,单腿滑雪截然不同。但是,戴安 娜充分发挥了
中学的时候, 她成为了校滑雪队的一名成员。1979年,17岁的她进

人锦标赛,并且获得了速降滑雪比 赛的第一名。1986年,她荣获了
获得了第10名的成绩。1 988年,她被美国《滑雪竞赛》杂志评为

她的勇气 和决心,改变了全世界对残疾运动员的看法,人们开始承
认他们是坚强的,也是有能力的。戴安娜说:“ 每一个人在某些方面


as dream comes true

we all have dreams. yet so few of us fulfill (履行,实现)them.
often , a dream dies as quickly as it is born because we lack
the confidence to keep it. when i was old enough to
understand the realities of life , i realized that society puts a
high value on youth , beauty and intellectual(智力的,聪明的)
achievement. this discovery gave me some idea to develop my

i know beauty is something i will never have. so i didn?t
dream of becoming

beautiful. but i didn?t see it as something bad because it
forced me to concentrate my energy to develop my other
qualities. what people see in the handicapped(障碍,不利条件)
is only their appearance of being handicapped. people are not
impressed with the ability that lies inside every handicapped

my dream was simple. i dreamed of becoming a typist(打字员)
when i was in secondary school. i always hoped to be able to
master the typewriter. this magic machine would be my
passport(护照,通行证) to getting a job. i come from a poor
family of five children and the best that my parents could give
us was a good school education. but, of course, this
achievement proved to be no sure guarantee of getting a job in
an office. the employment field was a highly competitive place.
it gave not only keen(强烈的,热心的) competition to a
handicapped job-seeker but also the unfriendly treatment from
the physically strong and healthy. they see the handicapped as
the back row of society.

however, i refused to sit in the back row. i took a brave step to
break through

the wall that isolates(使隔离) the handicapped. i decided to
take a course in typing run by the governmnet. i filled in the
detailed information in the application form and wrote down
typing as my training course. when i handed over the form to
the interviewer, she looked at me then moved her eyes to my
body. she left and

you can earn while at home ? you cannot hope to compete
with college graduates,” she said. “ offices prefer to hire
smartlu dressed, pretty girls with beautiful hands, ” she added.

i knew i didn?t have those qualifications. but i was determined
to stay with my choice of typing, “ i will be a really good typist,”
i told her. she accepted me. the typing instuctor admitted me
into his class to give me one month as a trial(试验的) period
to find out whether i could really handle the course well. i had
tried my very best to master the machine. i was allowed to
continue with the course after the trial period.

on the fifth month of the six-month course, i was called to the
office of the chief instructor. i was one of five students in our
class who was chosen to do some copy typing from the files
(文件,文档) of the department. i knew i would was chosen
to do some copy typing from the files of the department. i
knew i would be very efficient. while i was working hard on the
typewriter, taking every care to neat(整洁,整齐) and fast,
my other companions spent their time talking and reading. i
finished half of the work given to all of us.

more work came to me after this test. i could see quite clearly
the way to

achieving my dream. i was taken on as one of the typists in
one of the offices

immediately after my graduation. i did not mind starting at the
bottom of the ladder. being a typist was just the beginning of
the climb. having achieved one dream, i set

out to achieve others. i worked and studied at the same time,
which was no easy task. but the sacrifice proved rewarding.

overcoming one challenge after another gives me self-
confidence. the

challenges help strengthen my courage and build up my
positive attitude toward life. all these elements are necessary
for the dream-come-true formula(公式),

dreamers should keep reaching out for their dreams, no
matter what the pain, until they get what they want in life. when
they are settled comfortably, they can sit back and tell the
world, “ i did it alone .”

select the most appropriate answer for each of the following

1. the theme of the article is______

a) that typing is suituable for handicapped people

b) to tell how a handicapped person fulfilled her dream of
becoming a typist

c) to encourage the handicapped to become typists

d) that it is not easy for the handicapped to become typists

2. the tone of the article is _______

a) encouraging

b) sad

c) hopeful

d) disappointing

3. for the writer, being physically unattractive is ______

a) unfortunate

b) a good force to develop her other abilities

c) fortunate

d) an obstacle to becoming a typist

4. the sentence “ i refused to sit in the back row. ” ( para.4 ,
line 1) means that the writer ______

a) didn?t like sitting behind everybody else

b) liked to sit in the front

c) wanted to change her seat

d) didn?t like being looked down on by other people

5. the writer eventually _______

a) became the cleverest student in the typing class

b) achieved her dream

c) failed in her attempt to get the right qualifications

d) gave up dressmaking




1.你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb)

would you like to share your experience with the rest of the

2.你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of)

if your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.

(block;only to) she turned up the driveway, only to find her
way blocked

involved in)

he went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want
to get involved in that matter.

5.最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段 (marketing;

ultimately, the success of the product depends on good

1.我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣。(find ... doing)

i found myself having great interest in spoken english

2.驱车行驶在高速公路上,我 意识到近几年来,中国的公路系统发
生了巨大的变化。(realize; enormous)

driving on the expressway, i realized that enormous changes
had taken place in china’s highway system in recent years.

3.我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会了操作计算机。(can hardly
believe; work)

i can hardly believe that he has learned how to work a
computer so quickly in such a short time.

了。(in less than) three years have passed by and the final
moment has come. after three years, the time has come. in
less than two weeks, i will return home go back to my country.

待在国内。(can’t wait) i know a lot of people who can’t wait to
go abroad, but i prefer to stay with my family in my own


1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚。 (put ones finger on)

something is wrong with the piano, but i can’t put my finger
on what it is.

2.这条裤子不但太大,而且也与我的夹克不相配。(apart from)

apart from being too large, the trousers don’t match my jacket,

3.不论理由是什么,反正我喜欢流行音乐。 (whatever)

i love pop music, for whatever reasons

4. 他对外国文化怀有浓厚的兴趣,经常博览群书以寻找有用的信息。
(browse through) he has great interest in foreign cultures,
often browsing through piles of books to look for any useful


opinions on whether we should start a new society vary a
great deal.

1.要去那座岛,除了搭船以外,别无他法。 (other than)

you can’t get to the island other than by boat.

(classical)。 (while) some students are crazy about pop music
while others prefer classical music.

3.传媒 (media) 在引领时尚方面正起着越来越重要的作用。 (play
a ... role)

the media are playing an increasingly important role in leading
fashions and trends.

愿。(try every means) i tried every means to get a copy of his
newly issued album, but failed.

5.要是没有朋友的鼓励和帮助,我可能已经辍学了。 (if ... not

without the encouragement and help of my friends, i would
have quit school. unit4

(resume, cover letter, fax)

i have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company,
but i haven’t received a reply yet.

2.当别人遇到困难时,约翰会毫不犹豫地提供帮助。(not hesitate a

john will not hesitate for a second to offer help when others
are in trouble

证不容易。(admit, abroad, visa)

i have to admit that i desire very much to work or study
abroad for some time but i know it is not easy to get a visa.

4.他到伦敦2年后才在一家国际银行找到一份工作。(it was not
until …that)

it was not until 2 years after he arrived in london that he found
took a job in an international bank.

(travel throughout, before)

after finishing his teaching, tom traveled throughout china for
2 months before returning home in america.

里听不 太懂他在说什么。(have trouble doing something)

it was the first time for the freshmen to attend an american
professor’s lecture, and they had trouble understanding what
he was talking about for the first twenty minutes.


there are still ten minutes left. now that you have finished your
test you may hand it in now.


it took them nearly three months before they made their final
decisions without hurting anybody’s feelings.

外语。(it is appropriate…, keep up with)

it is appropriate for chinese college students to learn at least
one foreign language before they graduate so that they can
keep up with the world’s advanced science and technology

亲。(at the same time)

mr. smith was a hard-working movie director and at the same
time he was a responsible father.


评价的。(speak highly of, must have done)

the audience must have missed their musical performance, or
they would have spoken highly of it.

(somehow, sense)

somehow she could sense her mother’s deep concern though
she was far away from home.

( spend, or so)

the operator had to spend two hours or so on her way from
her home to the workplace every day.


he appreciated her sympathy and understanding, which meant
a lot to him during that time.

5.她终于来到电话亭,投入硬币后便开始拨打巴黎。(finally, dial)

she finally arrived at a telephone booth and put in the coins
before dialing paris.

(the more…the more…) the better you can use a computer,
the more likely you are to find a job as a secretary.

(share…with…, rather than) he likes to share information
with his colleagues by email rather than by telephone

(imagine doing)

for americans, it’s hard to imagine living in a place where
there are no cars.


a survey shows that 30 percent of the university graduates
depend on their parents for a house within five years after

5. 这些日子他一直在忙于寻找有效的网址。( seek out )

these days he has been involved in seeking out effective


2.无论你多忙,都应该抽时间回学校参加同学聚会。 (no matter

no matter how busy you are, you should try to make it back to
the class reunion. 3 离婚后她需要一个能给她安慰的人。 (a
shoulder to cry on)

after her divorce she needed a shoulder to cry on.


he graduated 20 years ago, so he could barely recognize his
former classmates. 5什么都无法替代亲密朋友之间的友谊。

nothing can replace the friendship between intimate friends

(in advance)

he ordered a bunch of roses for his sweetheart in advance
from the florist for valentine’s day.


she couldn’t endure to live in loneliness and solitude after her
husband’s death.

3.如果我弄清楚她的地址,我会马上转告你。(should i ever...)

should i ever find out her address, i’ll forward it to you

4.如果你想让她高兴的话最好带上巧克力。(in case, cheer up)

you’d better take some chocolates with you in case you want
to cheer her up.

5.这是一本非常有趣而浪漫的小说, 它一定能引起你的兴趣。

this is such an amusing romantic novel, it should certainly
provoke your interest.


























本文更新与2020-11-04 19:05,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/439807.html


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    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任心的作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它

  • 爱心责任作文题库

    1.有关爱心,坚持,责任的作文题库各三个 一则150字左右 (要事例) “胜不骄,败不馁”这句话我常听外婆说起。 这句名言的意思是说胜利了抄不骄傲,失败了不气馁。我真正体会到它
