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2020-11-04 22:20





万事如意。Best ishes for a onderful ne ear. 献上最诚挚的
祝福,祝您新年愉快。Wishing ou and ours a onderful ne ear
filled ith blessings. 祝福您及您所爱的人新的一年万事如意。
Please extend m ishes of good luk to our famil. 请将我的祝福
转达给您的家人。Ma suess and happiness follo ou throughout
the ear. 愿新的一年里成功和快乐与您相伴。Happ ne ear! Wishing
that e ill be together soon. 向您致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们
就能相聚。Season's greetings and sinerest ishes for a
bright and happ Ne Year! 献上节日的问候与祝福,愿您拥有一个充
常用英语祝福语大全 常用英语祝福语大全提高英语口语不但要去
专业的培训中心,更要在平时 自己多加练习。接下来就为大家带来一
些,有关常用英语口语——问候语的介绍。 需要大家特别注意的 是,
语来表达日常交际的话 语吗。今天我们就来学习一些日常交际英语对
1、初次见面如何用英语打招呼 每个人都将经历过上班第一天。
但是你知道如何在上班第一天 让你的同事对你有个好印象吗。打招呼
是非常重要的。 Peter: Good Morning. Ma I introdue mself?M
name's Peter King and I'm ne
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a: Pleased to meet ou. I'm Anna White, the assistant
to the Personnel to our pan. Peter: Could ou
introdue me to the Manager? Susan: Of ourse. Mr. King This
is …



r promotion, making her part of the exeutive management
team. Jane leads b example and man people here find her
enthusiasm and dediation both inspiring and motivating. As
part of the exeutive management team, Jane has orked hard to
build authenti relationships ith the emploees. Her efforts
have reated a happier and more produtive team. I believe
Jane exhibits man of the qualities that are essential to
business managers and business students. An eduation at our
esteemed business shool ill help her hone these qualities,
hile enhaning her areer opportunities. I highl remend Jane
Glass for our program and hope that ou ill arefull onsider
admission appliation. Sinerel, Debra Max Senior Coordinator
Heartland Commere Some tips on riting a letter of
remendation A good remendation letter an be an asset to our
ollege appliation. During admissions, most business shools-
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undergraduate and graduate- expet to see at least one,
preferabl to or three, remendation letters for eah appliant.
Remendation letters provide admission mittees ith information
that ma or ma not be found in our appliation, inluding XXdemi
and ork ahievements, harater referenes, and personal details
that set ou apart from other appliants. Essentiall, a
remendation letter is a personal referene that explains h the
shool should reognize ou, our ahievements, and our harater.
Just as a good remendation letter an be an asset, a bad
remendation letter an be a hindrane. Here are some do’s and
don’ts to keep in mind hen seuring our remendation letters:
Do’s ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do hoose someone ho knos ou ell enough to
give ou a remendation. Do get remendations from emploers,
professors, shool administration, and anone else ho is
familiar ith our ork ethi. Do ask for the remendation in
person, rather than sending an email. Do tell the letter
riter h ou need the remendation letter. Do mention speifi
things that ou ould like to see inluded. Do send a thank ou
note afterards. Do keep opies of the ma need to
use it again in the future. Don’ts ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Don’t
ait until the last minute. Seure letters of remendation as
soon as possible. Don’t ask someone to lie. Don’t ever
forge signatures. Don’t hoose someone onl for their title.
Pik someone ho has a title AND knos ou ell. Don’t hoose
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someone ho is a poor riter. Don’t hesitate to get as man
remendation letters as possible. Choose the ones that sho ou
in the best light. Don’t be surprised if the person ou are
asking for a remendation letter asks ou to rite a letter that
the ill later modif and sign. This is a mon pratie. Don’t
forget to sa please and thank ou. A letter of remendation is
a valuable resoure. Good Letters vs Bad Letters Most
business shools request to see at least to letters of
remendation during the appliation proess. Remendation letters
provide admission mittees ith information that ma or ma not
be found in our business shool appliation, inluding XXdemi
and ork ahievements, harater referenes, and personal details.
Good Business Shool Remendations A good remendation letter
ill supplement our business shool appliation. It ill also
provide speifi examples of our aplishments andor ork ethi.
It is ver important to hoose the right person to rite our
business shool remendation. Do not pik someone based on their
name and title alone. It ill hurt ou in the long run. You ill
be muh better off hoosing someone ho knos ou ell. This person
ill be able to provide ou ith an honest, detailed, and
heartfelt remendation. The best business shool remendations
e from someone ho rites ell, speaks highl of ou, and gives
speifis that bak up their laims. Bad Business Shool
Remendations Business shool remendations that are poorl
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ritten an and ill make ou look bad. Before turning in our
remendation letter, make sure that it is up to par. Begin b
heking for spelling and grammar errors.
英文信范本 英文信范本 To Whom It Ma Conern:
It is m great pleasure to remend Miss ZiYi Zhang to ou,
as she as one of m finest students in our department.
( Miss Zhang began attending m English lasses in the
Department of Information Siene Shool at Oxford Universit
in97 and graduated in spring of 200
1. Though it has been over six ears sine I last sa her,
the deep impression she made on me has not faded in the least.
She is ver intelligent, honest, reative, artiulate, adaptive
person. Her high XXdemi ahievement speaks for itself: she
onsistentl sored in the top 5% in lass. I am ertain that
Miss Zhang ould make great ontributions to our pan, and I
strongl remend her for the position. Please do not hesitate
to inquire further if I an be of help to ou. Sinerel, And
MaAlister Dr. And MaAlister Professor, Dean Information
Siene Shool, Oxford Universit. U.K

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本文更新与2020-11-04 22:20,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/439985.html


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