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2020-11-05 04:40




摘 要:本文阐述了发展压缩天然气汽车(CNG)的环保低污染性 、安全性、经济性及CNG
目前,我国一些大城市的汽车 尾气排放是城市大气污染的主要源头,因此,发展清洁能
源汽车已成为刻不容缓的的选择。压缩天然气汽 车(CNG)以其能耗低、污染物排放量小而受
到各国的欢迎,是国际公认的最理想的车用替代能源。发 展天然气汽车对于解决环境问题和
为保护环境减少污染,许多国家政府颁布了一 系列法规及出台一些鼓励性政策,促进燃
气汽车发展,如制定更严格的汽车尾气排放标准,在天然气供应 、汽车购置税费,设备供给、
美国联邦 政府1992年颁布的《能源政策法》,对于购买或改装代用燃料汽车及加气站
的建设减免税作出详细规 定,同时还颁布了使用天然气的减税政策,并免征天然气公司的汽
车燃料销售税。有40多个州根据联邦 政府的政策、法律,制定了本州有关强制和鼓励使用
CNG等清洁燃料汽车的政策和措施,推动了CNG 汽车发展和加气站建设。目前,全世界
已有40多个国家拥有燃气汽车,主要分布在天然气资源丰富的意 大利、新西兰、阿根廷、
20世纪80年代中期,我国引进了部分CNG加气站设备,在 四川建立了我国第一个
CNG加气站;1993年中国石油天然气总公司系统引进国外有关技术并于 1 996年将加气站
装置和汽车改装部件引进技术国产化、技术标准规范化。1999年全国清洁汽车行动 协调领
门统计数字 ,截止到2004年我国一些地区共有天然气汽车20多万辆,加气站700多座。
l、降低污染,改善大气环境:天然气是一 种清洁能源,具有热值高、效率高、污染小等特
点,燃烧比较完全,不易积碳,CO、NOx和微粒的排 放量均低于汽油,排气污染明显降低。
机动车尾气是城市大气污染主要来源之一,其中主要有害成分是一 氧化碳(C0)、碳氢化合物
(HC)、一氧化氮(N0)和二氧化氮 (NO2)等。据有关资料显示 ,使用天然气作为汽车燃料与
汽油作燃料相比可以减少排放90%CO、90%S02、72%HC、3 9%NOx、 24%CO2、无
粉尘排放,对改善城市环境有显著作用。典型的柴油机与汽油机及天然 气机排放情况比较见

(1) 天然气爆炸下限为5%,比汽油(爆炸下限为l%)高,甲烷燃点为645℃ ,比汽油燃点
高 218℃,相比不易点燃。甲烷密度低,相对密度为0.55左右,泄漏的气体很快会在空
气中散发,在 自然环境中难以形成遇火爆燃的条件,一旦压缩天然气从储罐或管路中泄漏,
泄漏点周围会立即形成低温 区,使天然气燃烧困难。因此CNG是一种相当安全的汽车燃料。
(20MPa),其材质及制造、检验试验在各国均有严 格的规程控制,在我国有《汽车用压缩天
车碰撞或翻覆 造成失火或爆炸,而汽油汽车的油箱系非压力容器,着火后容易爆炸。
我国经济正处于高速发展阶段,汽车数量以100万辆 /年以上的速度递增,对汽油资源需
求大量增加,我国每年需要进口大量原油、成品油和LPG。使用燃 气汽车可优化
汽车燃料供应结构,改变了汽车燃料只有汽油、柴油的格局,既缓解了汽油供应紧张的问 题
4、可延长发动机寿命。天然气容易扩散,以气态进入发动机 ,在发动机中容易和空气均匀
混合,燃烧比较完全、干净;可以提高热循环效率,加快燃烧速度,充分利 用燃烧热能;同
时CNG辛烷值高,抗暴性能好,使用时不需要添加抗暴剂,不会稀释润滑油,因而使发 动
都 会降低汽车的保养和运行费用,从而提高汽车使用的经济性。 5、有较高的经济效益。
目前,国内汽油 价格持续上升,价格体系已和世界接轨,使用CNG汽车将能节省近40%
l、汽车保有量的飞速 增长、石油资源和环保的严峻形势,决定了发展天然气汽车成为解决
部件等关键技 术,将进一步促进天然气汽车的发展。
3、我国天然气资源大规模开发及管道建设步伐加快使发展 CNG和加气站成为可能。根
据我国天然气利用规划,近十年“西气东输”、“陕京二线”等一大批输气 管道及沿线城市燃气
管道相继建成,我国大规模利用天然气的基础设施逐步完善,天然气加气站也将逐步 形成网
4、发展CNG汽车具有稳定的气源保证,以天津为例,目前天津市已建立了完善 的天然气
输配系统,由陕北、大港、华北等油田向天津供气,2005年年供气量近6 亿m3,200 6年
预计达8亿m3,管网长度6894km,其中,高压管线591km,为“十一五”期间天津市大 力

件, 其经济政策是影响其发展的重要因素,应在法律方面予以保障,在燃气汽车生产、改装、
零部件生产,加 气站建设,燃气汽车购买和使用、维修等环节制定价格、税收、投资、补贴
等方面配套的优惠政策。燃气 价格是影响燃气汽车发展的重要因素,只有燃气价格与汽油价
格形成足够大差价时,燃气汽车的发展才具 有经济基础和推动力。
2、加强领导,实行统一管理。发展CNG汽车必须建设优质、便利的加气站, 需要规划、
3、在市政规划中,加气站与加油站应统 筹考虑,合理布局,协调发展。尽量利用现有土地
资源,在确保环境安全的前提下建设油气合一站。 < br>4、遵循CNG汽车与加气站同步发展的原则,只有在加气站成网的条件下,CNG汽车才能
真正 发展。同时也只有CNG汽车规模到了一定数量,加气站才能正常运转,实现盈利。
5、严格法律制 度:制定严格的汽车尾气排放法规,切实做到不达标车辆坚决不予以上路,
对CNG汽车改装厂的资格进 行严格审查,认证。首先应将城市城市公交车、出租汽车作为
CNG汽车发展的重点,杜绝部分公交车冒 黑烟污染环境的现象。
6、加大宣传力度。目前,天然气汽车尚处于起步阶段,社会公众对它的环 保性,安全性,
经济性,可靠性还不充分了解,所以,要进行广泛的社会宣传,努力提高人们对汽车尾气 危
会 各方面的认可和支持。
压缩天然气汽车由于其显著的经济效益和社会效益将成为天然气市场开发应用的 一个新领

Abstract: This paper describes the development of compressed natural gas vehicles
(CNG) on environmental protection of low- pollution, security, economic and CNG cars and
filling stations and prospects for the development of countermeasures.
Key words: compressed natural gas vehicles; stations; development prospects;
At present, China's major cities is a urban vehicle emissions a major source of air
pollution, therefore, the development of clean energy vehicles have become the choice of
the delay. Compressed natural gas vehicles (CNG) in their low energy consumption and
emissions by all countries small and welcoming, is recognized internationally as the best
alternative energy vehicle. The development of natural gas vehicle to address the
environmental issues and energy issues are of great significance.
First, the development of natural gas vehicle
l, development of foreign natural gas vehicle
Reduce pollution to protect the environment, many countries have issued a series of
government regulations and the introduction of a number of incentive policies to promote
the development of gas vehicle, such as the development of more stringent vehicle

emission standards, in the natural gas supply, car purchase taxes and fees, equipment
supply, gas station construction grant funds, tax incentives.
In 1992 the U.S. federal government enacted the
the purchase of alternative fuel vehicles and the construction of stations in detail the
provisions of the tax relief, but also enacted a tax cut that the use of natural gas and
natural gas companies exempt from motor vehicle fuel sales tax. There are more than 40
states in accordance with the policy of the federal government, law, drawn up on the
mandatory state and encourage the use of clean fuel CNG vehicles, such as policies and
measures to promote the CNG filling station development and construction of motor
vehicles. At present, more than 40 countries around the world have a gas car, mainly in
the rich natural gas resources in Italy, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil and other countries
and stricter environmental regulations the United States, Japan and other countries.
2, China's Natural Gas Vehicle Development
80 In the mid-20th century, the introduction of some of our CNG filling station
equipment, set up in Sichuan's first CNG filling stations in China; in 1993 the China
National Petroleum Corporation on the introduction of foreign technology systems in 1996
installations and will be filling stations modified car parts made of the introduction of
technology, standardization of technical standards. 1999 National Clean Automobile
Action Coordination Leading Group was established to start the Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai,
Xi'an, Shenzhen and other cities in 12 pilot areas to promote the application of clean
energy in the popularization and application of CNG vehicles and filling stations has made
an unprecedented building results. According to relevant statistics, as of 2004 there were
some areas of China's natural gas vehicle more than 20 million vehicles, more than 700
filling stations Block.
Second, natural gas vehicle (CNG) fuel and other environmental and economic benefits
Compressed natural gas vehicles:
20MPa compressed natural gas in the car to compressed natural gas cylinders in use by
the supply of internal combustion engine after the pressure reducer.
To CNG fuel for vehicles compared with gasoline has the following advantages:
l, reduce pollution and improve the atmospheric environment: natural gas is a clean
energy, with a high calorific value, high efficiency, pollution, etc., the comparison is totally
burned, not carbon deposition, CO, NOx and particulate emissions than gasoline,
significantly reduced exhaust pollution. Motor vehicle exhaust is the major source of urban
air pollution, one of which is carbon monoxide harmful ingredients (C0), hydrocarbons
(HC), nitric oxide (N0) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and so on. According to the data, the
use of gas as a motor fuel and gasoline as fuel can reduce emissions compared to 90%
CO, 90% S02, 72% HC, 39% NOx, 24% CO2, non-dust emissions, to improve the urban
environment has a significant role in . A typical diesel engine and gasoline engine
emissions and gas machine is shown in table l.
2, CNG vehicle for a higher security
Compared with gasoline, compressed natural gas is a relatively safe fuel.

(1) natural gas explosion limit is 5% higher than gasoline (lower explosion limit for the
l%) high, methane ignition for 645 ℃, ignition than gasoline high 218 ℃, compared to not
ignite. Low density of methane, the relative density of about 0.55, resulting in leakage of
gas will soon be distributed in the air, in the case of the natural environment it is difficult to
form a hot combustion conditions, once the compressed natural gas from the tank or pipe
leaks, leak immediately surrounding the formation of low- temperature zone, so that the
difficulties of natural gas combustion. Therefore is a fairly safe CNG motor fuel. Natural
gas and fuel properties of gasoline is shown in table 2
(2) Department of natural gas vehicle cylinder pressure vessel
(20MPa), its materials and manufacture and testing in order that all States have strict
control, in China there are
Cylinders fitted with explosion-proof facilities, pressure reducer, valves and other
equipment, strict standards high, and gas supply system is safe and reliable and will not
tip over due to vehicle collision or cause fire or explosion, and the petrol tank of motor
vehicles department of non-pressure vessels, fire easily after the explosion.
3, will help ease the contradiction between energy supply and demand tension.
China's economy is in a stage of rapid development, the number of vehicles to 1 million
year above the rate of increase of a substantial increase in gasoline demand of resources,
our need to import large quantities of crude oil per year, refined oil and LPG. Optimize the
use of gas cars
Motor fuel supply structure has changed only motor fuel gasoline, diesel patterns, not only
eased the problem of shortage of petrol and transport services to meet the needs of the
4, extend engine life. The spread of natural gas to the gas entering the engine, the engine
easily and uniformly mixed air, burning the comparison is totally clean; can improve the
thermal cycle efficiency, speed up the burning speed, full use of combustion heat; CNG
octane number at the same time high performance uprising, when agents do not need to
add the uprising will not dilute the lubricating oil, making the parts inside the engine
cylinder greatly reduce wear and tear, so that the engine oil life and increase the use of
the period. All of these vehicles will reduce maintenance and operating costs, thereby
enhancing the economy of the use of vehicles. 5, have a higher economic efficiency. At
present, domestic gasoline prices continued to rise, the price system and the world has
been the use of CNG vehicle will be able to save nearly 40% of fuel costs, as shown in
table 3.
Third, CNG vehicle development prospects
CNG cars and filling stations will have broad prospects for development, mainly in the
following aspects:
l, cars of the rapid growth of oil resources and environmental protection, the grim
situation, the decision of the development of natural gas vehicles as a solution to energy
issues and environmental issues an important way.

continue to organize and implement a variety of clean energy vehicles of major scientific
and technological projects, the focus of support, including natural gas vehicles, including
vehicles, parts, etc., will further promote the development of natural gas vehicle.
3, large-scale development of China's natural gas resources and pipeline construction
to accelerate the pace of development of CNG and LPG filling stations make it possible.
According to China's natural gas use planning, for nearly a decade,
pipeline along the cities have built large-scale use of natural gas in China's gradual
improvement of infrastructure, natural gas filling stations will gradually form a network.
4, the development of CNG auto gas source with the stability of assurance to Tianjin as
an example, at present, Tianjin has established a perfect system of natural gas
transmission and distribution, from northern Shaanxi, Dagang, Tianjin, North China Oil
Field to supply, gas supply is nearly mid-2005 600 million m3, 2006 was projected to
reach 800 million m3, the length of pipe network 6894km, of which high-pressure pipeline
591km, for the
of CNG filling stations car provides a guarantee.
Fourth, CNG cars and filling stations to explore the development of countermeasures
In order to speed up the use of natural gas as a clean fuel vehicle development, makes
the following recommendations:
1, the Government has introduced policies to encourage and support: the development of
all countries in the world experience shows that government support is a necessary
condition for accelerated development, the impact of its economic policy is an important
factor in their development should be guaranteed in law, in the gas automobile production,
modification, parts and components production, station construction, vehicle purchase
and use of gas, maintenance and other aspects of pricing, taxation, investment, subsidies
and other aspects of the preferential policies supporting. Gas prices affect gas vehicle
development is an important factor, only the gas prices and gasoline prices when the
difference is large enough to form, gas car before the development of an economic
foundation and driving force.
2, strengthen leadership, the implementation of unified management.
The development of CNG vehicles to the construction of high-quality, convenient filling
stations, the need for planning, public security, fire safety, labor, technical support
supervisor and other departments.
3, in the municipal plan, filling stations and gas stations should be considered
co-ordination, rational distribution and coordinated development. To make full use of
existing land resources and in ensuring the environmental safety of oil and gas under the
premise of building one station.
4, followed by motor cars and CNG filling stations in the simultaneous development of the
principles, only in the stations into a network under the conditions, CNG vehicle can really

develop. At the same time scale of only CNG car to a certain number, the normal
operation of filling stations in order to achieve profitability.
5, the strict legal system: the development of stringent vehicle emissions regulations, and
make sure that standards are not road vehicles are determined not to be on the
qualifications of CNG vehicle Modify-Factroy critical examination, certification. First of all,
the city should the city bus, taxi, as the focus of the development of CNG vehicle, bus stop
some of the phenomenon of black smoke pollution of the environment.
6, step up publicity. At present, natural gas car is still at the initial stage, the public nature
of its environmental protection, safety, economy, reliability, do not fully understand, so, it
is necessary to carry out a wide range of social advocacy, efforts to increase awareness
of the dangers of automobile exhaust, to make people aware of CNG is a clean, safe and
economical fuel, so that the development of natural gas vehicles have been recognized by
all sectors of society and support.
Compressed natural gas vehicles because of its remarkable economic and
social benefits the development of the natural gas market will become a
new field of applications. More and more importance in the environmental
protection situation, along with natural gas resources in the area of the
development and application of the widening, which will reduce the
environmental pressure is to ease the oil shortage and achieve sustainable
development of a reliable guarantee.









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