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2020-11-25 21:31
tags:精品文档, 英语, 英语考试




1. abol = to do away with废除 abolish废除
2. ab-sum = not present离开 absent不在
3. abyssys = bottom底 abyss深渊
4. ac = an oak栎属植物 acorn橡树子
5. acer = a field原野 acre英亩
6. acer = sharp尖锐的 acerbity酸
7. acidus = sour发酸 acid酸
8. acu = sharpen削尖 acumen敏锐
9. aedes = a house住宅 edifice屋宇
10. aequus = equal相等的 equal平等的
11. aer = air空气 aerate充气
12. aer = before以前 ere在…之前
13. aesth = feel发觉 aesthete审美家
14. aestimo = to value估价 esteem尊重
15. aeternus = of endless duration永久的 eternity永恒
16. aevum = age年龄 coeval同年代的
17. afen = evening晚上 eve黄昏
18. afre = always永远 ever永远
19. ag = act行动 agency力量
20. agan = to own承认 owe感谢
21. aggelos = a messenger通信员 angel天使
22. agger = heap堆积 exaggerate夸大
23. ago = lead引导 pedagog教师
24. ago = to do做 agile敏捷的
25. agon = contest争夺 agonal濒死
26. agr = field原野 agrarian土地的
27. aither = burn烧 ether太空
28. alb = white白的 alb白长袍
29. ali = another又一 alias别名
30. alo = to nourish营养 aliment食物
31. alt = high高的 alter祭坛
32. alter = the other of tow两者的另外一个 alter改变
33. ambio = I go round about我在周围到处走 ambition抱负
34. ambulo = I walk我步行 preamble序言
35. amo = I love我爱 amiable可亲的
36. ampl = wide广大 ample广大的
37. an = one一个 any什么
38. ancestre = one who goes before走在先前的人 ancestor祖宗
39. ancien = old古代的 ancient古代的
40. anemos = wind风 enemograph风速计
41. angl = a corner角 angle角
42. ango = to choke呛 anguish苦恼
43. anim = breath呼吸 animal动物
44. anism = mind心 animosity敌意
45. ann = year年 annual周年的
46. answer = to declare in opposition回答 answer up应对迅速
47. anth = flower花 anthology选集
48. anthropos = man人 anthropocentric以人类为宇宙中心的
49. antiqunus = ancient古代的 antic古怪的
50. apell = call by name叫 appeal要求

51. aper = open打开 aperture口

52. apt = fit配合 apt合适的

53. aqu = water水 aqua水

54. ar = plow犁 arable耕地

55. arbiter = a judge法官 arbitrate仲裁

56. arbor = a tree树 arbor棚架

57. arc = a bow弯曲 arc弧

58. ardeo = I burn我烧 ardent热心的

59. are = circle环 circular环形的

60. area = vacant place空地 area地面

61. arena = sound活动场所

62. argent = silver银 argent银

63. arguo = I prove我证明 argue证明

64. arid = dry干旱的 arid干旱的

65. arktos = bear熊星 arctician北极探险者

66. arm = arms兵器 arms兵器

67. ars = art艺术 art艺术

68. asketikos = ascetic修士 ascetic苦行的

69. aspectus = look外表 aspect样子

70. asper = rough粗 asperate使粗糙

71. asthmamatos = asthma喘息 asthma气喘

72. astigmamatosic = astigmatic散光的 astigmatic散光的

73. asulon = refuge庇护 asylum收容所

74. athletes = athlete运动员 athlete运动员

75. atmos = air气 atmograph呼吸气息计

76. atrox = savage野蛮的 atrocious凶恶的

77. aud = hear听闻 audible可闻的

78. audax = bold大胆的 audacious大胆的

79. augeo = increase增加 augment增加

80. aur = gold金 auriferous含金的

81. austeros = austere严厉的 austere严厉的

82. av = bird鸟 aviary鸟屋

83. ax = axle轴 axial轴的

84. axios = worthy有价值的 axiom公理

85. bac = back后 backer支持者

86. bacan = to bake烘 batch一批

87. bacteri = bacteri细菌 bacterium细菌

88. balaution = baluster栏杆 baluster栏杆柱

89. balig = bag袋 belly胃

90. ball = dance跳舞会 ball跳舞会

91. ballo = throw投 emblem象征

92. bana = death死 bane祸害

93. baptein = bathe给…洗澡 baptism洗礼

94. barba = a beard须 barb倒钩

95. barbaros = rude原始 barbarian野蛮

96. baros = weight重 barodynamics重力学

97. bas = short短的 base低级的

98. basis = step步 base基础

99. bat = beat打 abate减少

100. beacnian = to nod点头 beckon召唤

101. beam = a tree树干 beam光线
102. beatan = beat击 beat打
103. beatus = blessed神圣的 beatific赐福的
104. bed = a prayer祈祷 bead水珠
105. bel = fair美丽 beldam老太婆
106. bell = war战争 bellicose好战的
107. bene = well好 benediction祝福
108. beodan = to proclaim宣布 bid吩咐
109. beorgan = to protect保护 burgh自治市
110. beran = to bear生 bear负担
111. betan = to amend改正 better改善
112. biblia = book书 biblical《圣经》的
113. bibo = I drink我饮 bib常常喝
114. bindan = to bin捆 bind装订
115. bio = life生命 biochemistry生物化学
116. bitan = to bite咬 bite咬断
117. blanc = white白 blanch漂白
118. blasan = to blow吹 blast一阵
119. blawan = to blow吹 bladder囊
120. blowan = to bloom开花 blow开
121. bodian = to announce宣布 bode预兆
122. bodig = body身体 body身体
123. bon = good好 bonus奖金
124. botone = plant植物 botanic植物的
125. brad = broad广阔的 broad宽阔的
126. brecan = to brak打破 brake刹车
127. breowon = to brew酿造 broth肉汤
128. brev = short短 breve短间符号
129. bronch = tow main divisions of windpipe支气管 bronchus支气管
130. buan = to till耕种 boor农民
131. bucan = to use用 brook容忍
132. buffalo = ox水牛 buffalo野牛
133. bugan = to bend使弯曲 bay湾
134. burs = purse钱包 bursar掌管财务者
135. byman = to burn点 burn烧毁
136. cad = to fall降落 cad抑扬
137. caed = cut切 caesura休止
138. camer = vault地下室 camera暗箱
139. camp = field原野 camp营
140. cancellare = lattice栏杆 cancel取消
141. cancer = a crab癌 canker口疮
142. candeo = I shine我发光 candid公正的
143. canis = a dog狗 canine狗的
144. canistrum = a basket篮
145. cano = to sing唱 cant假话
146. cap = to take拿 capable有能力的
147. capit = head头 capital主要的
148. capr (capere) = goat山羊 caper跳跃
149. carcer = a prison监狱 incarcerate监禁
150. carn (car, carnis) = flesh肉 carnage屠杀

151. carta = card纸 chart海图

152. carus = dear亲爱的 caress爱抚

153. castigo = I correct修正 chasten惩戒

154. castus = pure纯 chaste纯洁的

155. causa = a cause原因 cause原因

156. cautum = to take care留意 caution当心

157. cav = hollow穴 cave洞

158. ceald = cold冷 cool凉的

159. ceapan = to form形成 form形成

160. ceapian = to buy买 keep保持

161. cearcian = to crack劈啪地响 crack裂开

162. cearu = care关心 care小心

163. ced = go行 cede让步

164. celer = swift快 celerity迅速

165. cennan = to produce生产 produce出产

166. censeo = I judge我审判 censor检查员

167. cent = hundred百 cent分

168. center = center中心 center中央

169. ceowan = to chew嚼 cheek面颊

170. cern = separate区别 concern关系

171. certus = fixed一定的 certain确实的

172. character = character性格 character性质

173. charte = papyruscard海图 chart海图

174. chasma = an opening开 chasm陷窟

175. cheer = a state高兴 cheer高兴

176. cheir = hand手 chirognomy相手术

177. chem. = belonging化学的 chemical化学的

178. cheval = horse马 chevalier骑士

179. chil = lip唇 chilognatha唇颚类

180. chlor = green绿 chloral氯醛

181. chole = bile怒 cholesystectomy胆囊切除术

182. choros = chorus合唱 choir歌唱队

183. christos = anoint抹油于 chrism圣油

184. chromato = colour颜色 chromatic色彩的

185. chron = time时间 chronic长期的

186. chrys = gold金 chrysalid蝶蛹

187. cine = movement运动 cinecamera电影摄影机

188. cing = bind束 pre-cinct境界

189. cito = summon叫 cite引用

190. civ = citizen公民 civic城市的

191. clam = a bond契约 clamp夹子

192. clamo = cry out乞求 claim要求

193. clarus = clear光明 clarify澄清

194. claud = close关闭 clause分句

195. clemens = mild温和的 clement温和的

196. cleofan, cleovan = to split劈开 cleft裂缝

197. clifian = to adhere粘附 clay泥土

198. clin = bend弯 incline低

199. cliniqueklinike = clinical临床术 clinic门诊所

200. cliv = slope坡 acclivity斜坡

201. cnawan = to know知道 ken眼界
202. cniht = a youth青春 youth男青年
203. cnotta = a knot结 knotty有节的
204. cnytta = to knit编织 knot结
205. cogn = know知道 cognition认识
206. col = to till耕耘 colony殖民地
207. color = heat热 caloric热
208. commod = fit合适的 commodity物品
209. communis = common普通的 common公共的
210. cone = peak高峰 cone锥形物
211. coquo = to boil烧 cook煮
212. cor = heart心 core核心
213. corn = horn角 corn鸡眼
214. corona = a crown王位 corona冠
215. corp = body体 corporal肉体的
216. cosmos = world世界 cosmic宇宙的
217. cranio = skull头脑 craniology骨头学
218. creed = believe相信 credence介绍信
219. creo = I create我创造 create创造
220. cresc = grow增长 crescent新月状的
221. crimen = a crime犯罪 crime罪
222. crux = a cross交叉 crucial决定性的
223. cryo = frost寒冷 cryobiology低温生物这
224. crystallo = ice水晶 crystal水晶
225. cubi = cube立方体 cube立方体
226. cubo = I lie down我躺下 incubate孵
227. culp = fault错 culpable有罪的
228. cumbrous = heap积累 cumber麻烦
229. cunnan = to know知道 can能
230. cur = care注意 cure纠正
231. curr = to run跑 current通用的
232. cwellan = to kill杀 kill杀死
233. cwethan = to say说 quoth说过
234. cwic = alive活着的 quick快的
235. cyclo = a circle圆周 cycle周期
236. cyno = cynic狗 cynic玩世不恭的
237. cyst = bladder囊 cyst胞
238. cyt细胞 cytochemistry细胞化学
239. daeg = day日 dawn黎明
240. daelan = to divide分 deal分配
241. daemon = spirit鬼 demon恶棍
242. damno = I condem谴责 damn攻击









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