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2020-11-26 07:53
tags:六年级语文, 语文, 小学教育


On life education in junior high school mathematics teaching in Chinese and English.
设实践活动和探 索的情景。
活动中促进心理的全面健康发展。本文主要论述了新课程背景下如 何在初中数学课堂中渗透
[ Abstract ] the junior middle school mathematics classroom teaching under the new curriculum
background, must according to the characteristics of the psychological development of students,
the creation of practice and exploration for the students. Let students explore learning in action, to
understand the nature of the world and life, and promote comprehensive development of
psychological health in positive activities. This paper mainly discusses how the new curriculum in
the context of Infiltrating Life Education in junior high school mathematics classroom, promote
the development of students' healthy personality.
[ key ] new curriculum; junior high school mathematics; Life Education
新课程理念下的课堂教学要以学生的发展为本,要树立“生命化课堂” 的观念。生命课堂
是基于教育的生命意识,从学生的生活经验出发,通过师生互动共同创设出新的生活经 验,
The new curriculum classroom teaching to student-centered development, to establish a life
experience of students, through the interaction between teachers and students together to create a
new life experience, make life into the new matter, so as to promote the development of students'
lives. Therefore, we should improve the life teaching consciousness, create the harmonious
atmosphere, improving teaching methods and evaluation mechanism, make the life education in
junior high school mathematics classroom teaching.
1 create a harmonious learning atmosphere
“生 命”都得到发展,就必须创设和谐的学习氛围,建
在和谐的课堂里,学生生命只有在宽松和谐的课堂气氛 中才能成长。
是学习的主题,是知识的积极建构者,教师承担的是“人格引领”和“学业指导”。教师用 自
生 命真切体会,用自己的生命表达方式,去与学生交流、碰撞,使双方都得到感悟,从而提
高生命的质量。 教师还要用“师之爱”激发“生之情”,用真挚的感情去滋润学生的心田,帮助
学生克服心理阻碍,增强 学生学习自信心,使学生在一种轻松、愉快的气氛中学习。
In mathematics classroom teaching, to make each a
a harmonious learning atmosphere, establish an equal relationship between teachers and students.
Life can only grow in a relaxed and harmonious classroom atmosphere. In the harmonious
classroom, students are learning the subject, is actively construct knowledge, teachers
personality is leading
accept, assimilative material, get their own soul, that is their teaching ideas, their life experience,
expression way with his own life, to exchange, collision and students, so that the two sides are
feeling, so as to improve the quality of life. Teachers should use
sincere feelings to nourish the hearts of students, to help students overcome the psychological
barriers, enhance students' self-confidence in learning, so that students learn in a relaxed, pleasant
2 teaching evaluation of life
2.1对学习态度的评价评价学生是否遵守上下课的时间,是 否尊重教师的劳动,做到认
真听讲,不做与学习无关的事。学生能否积极参与教学的全过程,认真做学习 笔记,勤于思
Evaluat ion of 2.1 on learning attitude evaluation whether students abide by school time, respect
teachers work, do not listen to the teacher carefully, doing nothing to do with learning. The whole
process of the students can actively participate in teaching, to make study notes, diligent in
thinking, active to speak; whether students have the flexibility of exploring mathematical
problems, willing to try a variety of methods to solve the problem; in mathematics activities with
curiosity, desire to explore, and full of creative, have a strong desire to succeed.
The 2.2 task of evaluation
分为课前预习和完成课业两个方面。课前预习评价学生能否认真完成预习 笔记,带全学
习用具,包括书、本等;课前要把当堂教学用具齐放在桌面上;完成课业评价学生是否按时 、
Completed two lessons for previewing and. Pre-class assessment whether students finish preparing
notes, with the whole learning tools, including books, book; the classroom teaching aid lit on the
desktop to complete homework before class; evaluate whether students on time, accurate finish
after class practice exams and homework carefully, according to the time on homework, etc..
Evaluation of 2.3 of mathematical thinking
对数学思考的评价要关注学生在面临各种问题情境时, 能否从数学的角度去思考问题,
能否发现其中所存在的数学现象并运用数学方法解决问题,要关注学生在 数感与符号感、空
间观念、统计意识、推理能力、应用数学的意识等方面的发展情况,面对现实问题时, 能主
On the evaluation of mathematical thinking of students to pay attention to in the face of all kinds
of problem situation, whether to think about the problem from the angle of mathematics,
mathematics can be found the phenomenon which and the use of mathematical methods to solve
the problems, the development must pay attention to the student in the number sense and symbol
sense, the concept of space, statistical consciousness, reasoning ability, consciousness of Applied
Mathematics and so on, face the reality problem, can from the angle of mathematics, mathematics
thinking method to solve the problem of strategy initiative to try, with statistical concept.
The life 3 classroom teaching
新课程理念下的教学,要尊重学生的个性差异 。倡导“自主、探究、合作”的生命化学习
这样每个学生方式,学生才能在教学中逐步形成自己对数学知 识的理解和有效的学习策略。









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