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2020-12-03 13:27



周次 第 6周,第 11 次课 2015 年 4 月 14 日
Unit 4 Being Creative Text B The Creative Personality
授课 教学
方式 时数
Students have to:
1. Revise the main idea
2. Tell what each paragraph is about, interpret some
difficult sentences, comprehend what is between the

3. Summarize the text by some useful expressions and
picture talking
4. as 引导的定语从句




1. Go on with the role-play. The students will work in pairs.
Each pair only has to finish one of the traits mentioned
by the author.
2. as 引导的定语从句

教学模Reading and
式 explanation
1. Comprehend the main idea of each paragraph.
2. Have a good command of some new words and
expressions and difficult sentences.

Exercises on Text Book
Recite paragraph 18

教 学 内 容(讲稿)
Unit 4 Being Creative Text B The Creative Personality
Extended Questions
▇ Extended questions (Paras. 3-4)
Q: Can you understand the requirement of his biological mother that the possible adoptive
parents should be college graduates?
A: I think I can understand her. Although she couldn’t keep him, she wanted to make sure that
her son should be brought by a well- educated couple. Steve Jobs’ biological mother was a
well-educated person, so she naturally attached importance to the educational background
of the possible adoptive parents.
▇ Extended question (Paras. 5-6)
Q: Why do you come to college?
A: This is an open question. Here are some suggested words and phrases that may be used to
prompt the students: ●my dream and ambition; ●my parents’ wish; ●learn skills;
● be trained for a profession; ●ensure a better future life; ●get higher degrees; ●go
abroad for further education, etc.
Q: Do you think a good college education is necessary for your future?
A: Answers may vary. Possible answers:
No, I don’t think so. There are so many successful people who are not college graduates,
such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Li Ka-shing (李嘉诚). Therefore, I don’t see the
necessity of a college education. As long as I work hard enough, I can succeed with my
Yes, I think so. A good college education is absolutely necessary. In fact, it is
indispensable if you want to ensure a promising future. Though the aim of a good college
education is not to teach you how to make a living, it does teach you how to give yourself
a boost up the ladder of knowledge and help you tap your potential. College education
helps you see what you are made for and what kind of person you are to become.
Q: Are you satisfied with the classes in your college?
A: No. I find many of the classes boring and useless. I do wish that I could just take courses
which interest me. I think I would learn better and more if I were given more freedom to
choose and learn what I’m interested in.
Yes. Although some classes may seem boring or may not seem to have practical value at

all, I believe that they can be helpful and useful in my future work and life. This is exactly
what Steve Jobs means by saying “connecting the dots.” We shouldn’t judge the quality or
usefulness of a class by our personal interest. All the classes are arranged and offered
systematically according to scientific principles and academic norms. Tackle all the
courses with equal care and attention, and you will find them worthwhile and rewarding.
▇ Extended questions (Para. 8)
Q: Did you ever take classes which were not required? If you did, did you find them
fascinating and helpful?
A: Answers vary. Possible answers:
No, I have never taken any classes which are not required though the idea flashes through
my mind sometimes. My schedule is very tight and I’m not particularly bright. I always
feel fully occupied with the required courses.
Yes. I took a course in Japanese by following my curiosity and intuition because I was
once fascinated by the beautiful voice and graceful manners of a Japanese woman at a
house-warming party given by a friend of mine. I said to myself then and there:
“Wouldn’t it be fun to learn and speak a bit of Japanese?” Later, I found a chance to have
some Japanese classes. Though I only learned the most basic rules of the language, I
found them interesting and quite helpful in my life. Now I can better appreciate Japanese
culture and its movies and TV shows.
▇ Extended questions (Paras.12-13)
Q: Do you think that his reaction after his being fired from Apple shows his outstanding
resilience and charisma?
A: Yes, I do think so. If I got fired from a company which I started, I would very possibly
become bitter and resentful. Steve Jobs knew clearly what he loved to do and didn’t mind
starting over in the same area. Indeed, the bend in a road is not the end of the road unless
you refuse to take the turn. I admire him for his resilience and charisma as well as his
courage and ability to defy adversity. It seems to me that successful people are always
prepared to fail more, and they are more persistent than others. It is the quality of their
character rather than their expertise alone that makes them successful.
Q: If you should comment on the second story of Steve Jobs with a Chinese saying or proverb,
what would it be?
A: I think I can comment on the story with the Chinese saying: “塞翁失马,焉知非福,” which
literally means: “When the old man on the frontier lost his horse, who could have guessed
it was a blessing in disguise.” Indeed, misfortune may sometimes be a blessing in disguise.
For Steve Jobs, being fired from Apple was actually a blessing in disguise. After leaving
Apple, he stuck to his faith and persisted in doing what he loved to do, which brought
about even bigger successes. Also, he met the amazing woman who later became his wife.
So, a loss sometimes spells a gain.
▇ Extended questions (Para.18)
Q: Do you think that you have the courage to follow your heart and intuition?
A: Answers vary. Possible answers:
No, I don’t think so. In fact, I think most of us don’t have the courage to follow heart and
intuition. Ever since our birth, we have learned lots of rules and conventions from our
parents and teachers. We are used to following them blindly without thinking seriously
about what we really want to become. Even when we have desires and dreams, we may
not have the courage to pursue them for fear of failure. So we tend to let the noise of
others’ opinions drown out our own inner voice. However, I really admire people like
Steve Jobs who have the courage to follow heart and intuition. Their courageous spirit is
what makes them outstanding.
Yes, I think so. I understand that one can live only once in this world and life is short,
indeed. I should not waste it living someone else’s life. To make my life meaningful,
colourful, and unique, I have to do something that I’m interested in and have faith in
myself. So following the call from my heart and intuition will enable me to have enough
motivation, confidence and perseverance in doing what I love to do, especially in times of
▇ Extended questions (Paras.19-20)
Q: What is meant by the phrase “stay hungry, stay foolish” according to your interpretation?
A: Answers may vary, but most students would most probably accept the following points:
a) Be eager to learn and remain intellectually curious all your life.
b) Be open to new ideas and thoughts and never be trapped by dogma or conventions.
c) Never feel satisfied with what you have learned or achieved.
d) Always feel hungry for knowledge and success and never rest on your laurels (吃老本).
e) Remain humble and modest no matter how successful you may be.
f) Always be wise enough to know what you really are and have the courage to follow your
curiosity and intuition.
g) Never assume that you’re the smartest guy in the world and be always ready to learn
from others.
Section C Voicing Your Views
▇ Work in groups of threes or fours and have a group discussion on “Characteristics
of Creative People in My Eyes.” You can base your discussion on your own
understanding of the personality traits of creative people like Steve Jobs. Then share
your views with the whole class. The following words and expressions may be of some
ive attitude to life keen on exploring unknown fields
and curious open to new ideas
nate about work be tolerant of different things
imagination be persevering and never give up easily
d to traditions and conventions
Answers for reference:
Possible answers may include the following points:
? Creative people are optimists and have a positive attitude towards life;
? They are smart and curious about the things around them and like to follow their
curiosity and intuition;
? They are passionate about their work and love what they do;
? They are people of rich imagination and they can work out imaginative solutions to
? They are rebellious and not tied to traditions and conventions;
? They are keen on exploring unknown fields;
? They are open to new things and new ideas;
? They are tolerant of different ideas;
? They are persevering in pursuit of inventions and never give up easily in the face of
Text B
Key Words:
strategy n. insight n. superior a.
current a.
regard n.
distinguish vt.
objective a.
humble a.
criticism n.
outstanding a.
painful a.
manner n. [C usu. sing] rather fml the way or method in which sth. is done or happens [一
e.g. 1. The manner in which the decision was announced was extremely regrettable.
2. I’m a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner.
strategy n. a particular plan for gaining success in a particular activity, e.g. in a war, a
game, or a competition, or for personal advantage (为在某一方面取得成就而制定的)策略,
e.g. 1. We have worked out a new strategy for increasing our sales in Europe.
2. Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling
insight n. [C (into)] a sudden, clear, but not always complete understanding [常与into连用]
e.g. 1. With a flash of insight, she found the solution to the problem.
2. The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth’s
superior a. of high quality 上等的,优秀的
e.g. 1. This home-made car is technically superior to imported model.
2. A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local
current a. belonging to the present time; of the present day 现时的,当前的
e.g. 1. The aim is to reduce current pollution levels in the Black Sea.
2. His current work centers upon the study of methodology in teaching.
distinguish vt. [not in progressive forms; (from)] recognize differences (between) [不用进
e.g. 1. Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
2. It is not easy to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.
humble a. not considering oneself or one’s ideas to be as important as other people’s 谦
e.g. 1. Taylor is described by his students as a humble and modest man.
2. He fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits, but he remains humble in
他参加过许多战役, 立下了汗马功劳,但他仍然很谦虚。
outstanding a. much better than most others; very good 优秀的,显著的,杰出的
e.g. 1. That was quite an outstanding performance; we all enjoyed it so much!
2. Given the opportunity, she might well have become an outstanding artist.
regard n. respectful attention; consideration; a particular point or aspect 重视;考虑;方面
e.g. 1. One must show proper regard for the law.
2. There were armed people about, people with little regard for human life.
a. not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; fair 客观的,公正的,无偏见的
e.g. 1. Scientists need to entertain an objective attitude when doing research.
2. He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening.
criticism n. [C; U] (an) unfavourable judgment or expression of disapproval 批评;指责
e.g. 1. You must learn to accept fair criticism even if it makes you unhappy sometimes.
2. This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
painful a. unpleasant, causing sb. to feel upset; causing pain, esp. physical pain 使痛苦的;
e.g. 1. The chairman said that it was painful to dismiss Tom, but they just had no choice.
2. A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.
. with into ...
k of sth.
… from …
gard to
at rest
(go) hand in hand
on the sidelines
take chances
in this that regard
fall away
h.’s sake; for the sake of . strive for sth.
integrate ... with into ... combine two or more things so that they work together 使…与…
e.g. 1. The school integrates maths lessons with computer studies.
2. He didn’t integrate successfully into the Italian way of life.
at rest not moving 静止不动的
e.g. 1. The insect looks like a dead leaf when it is at rest.
2. The waves of the sea are never at rest.
trial and error a way of getting satisfactory results by trying several methods and learning
from one’s mistakes 反复试验(法)(以得出最佳效果)
e.g. 1. Many children learn to use computer programs just by trial and error.
2. They didn’t know how to put in a central heating system, but they managed it by
trial and error.
他们不知道怎样安装集中供暖设备, 但是经过反复试验终于安装好了。
(go) hand in hand (be) closely connected 密切相关
e.g. 1. Economic development should go hand in hand with environmental protection.
2. Insularity and self-containment, it is argued, go hand in hand.
in the thick of sth. involved in the busiest or most active part of sth. 处在…的深处;在…
e.g. 1. I managed to get there on time in the thick of the rush hour traffic.
2. They are in the thick of reforming the educational system.
on the sidelines watching the events and activities that are going on but not actually getting
involved in them 作为旁观者,不参与
e.g. 1. You can’t just wait on the sidelines and hope things will improve.
2. As a journalist, I am on the sideline during the political crisis.
distinguish … from … recognize and understand the difference between two or more things
or people 把…与…加以区别
e.g. 1. The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.
2. Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light
and dark.
take chances take a chance do sth. that involves risks; take a risk in the hope of a
favorable outcome 冒险;碰运气
e.g. 1. There are a lot of people in the movie industry who are afraid to take chances and
do new things.
2. Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow.
without regard to regardless of 不顾,不管
e.g. 1. He was driving without regard to speed limits.
2. Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without regard to
color or sex.
in this that regard fml relating to sth. that has just been mentioned 〖正式〗在这[那]方面
e.g. 1. Something is wrong with the new computing system again; there is much to be
done in this regard.
2. The struggle in this regard, open and secret, between the two countries has never
ceased for a minute.
dry out be used up 用尽;枯竭
e.g. 1. Since natural resources will dry out sooner or later, we must develop energy-saving
2. Your heart will never dry out because you stay in love.
fall away (of a feeling) disappear, usually suddenly 消失
e.g. 1. All our doubts fell away when he showed up all of a sudden.
2. His grandeurs were stricken valueless; they seemed to fall away from him like
rotten rags.
for sb.’s sth.’s sake; for the sake of sb. sth. in order to help, improve, or bring advantage
to sb. or sth. 为…的好处着想
e.g. 1. They tried to keep their marriage together for the sake of the children.
2. She called on us merely for the sake of courtesy.
strive for sth. make a great effort to achieve sth. 为获得某物而努力,力求
e.g. 1. People by nature strive for freedom.
2. Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
Section B Difficult Sentences
1. These traits are integrated with each other in a dialectical manner. (Para. 2)
1) What is the meaning of the sentence?
These different qualities are combined within creative people in a dialectical way.
2) Please translate the sentence into Chinese.
2. The important thing is that they know how to control their energy, which is not ruled by
the calendar, the clock or an external schedule. (Para. 3)
1) What is the meaning of the italicized part of the sentence?
…the use of their energy is not decided by the calendar, the clock or any other
arrangement of time.
2) Please translate the sentence into Chinese.
重要的是,他们知道如何掌控自己的精力,而人的精力并不是由 日历、时钟或外
3. Another way of expressing this dialectic is the contrasting poles of wisdom and
childishness. (Para. 4)
1) What is the meaning of the sentence?
Another example of how these creative people can have different traits is that they can
be very wise and yet very childish at the same time.
2) Please translate the sentence into Chinese.
4. Their respect for the area in which they work makes them aware of the long line of
previous contributions to it. (Para. 9)
1) What is the meaning of the italicized part of the sentence?
They understand that the contributions made by people before them are what made
their work possible today.
2) Please translate the sentence into Chinese.
5. It’s not predictable that it’ll go well. (Para. 10)
1) What is the meaning of the sentence?
It cannot be seen in advance whether they will succeed or not.
2) Please translate the sentence into Chinese.

▇ Comprehension questions

Para. 1

Q: What word can sum up the personalities of creative people?
A: It’s “Complexity.”
Q: In what way are creative people different from ordinary people according to the author?
A: Creative people have many contradictory personalities. Instead of possessing the
personality traits that are normally found only in different people, they possess these
opposite traits all in themselves.
Q: Why does the author begin his article by mentioning how long he has been studying
creative people?
A: Because it lends a ring of authority to what comes next in the passage.
▇ Comprehension questions

Paras. 2-3

Q: Why does the author say creative people know how to control energy?
A: Because they can work long hours with concentration when necessary, but they are not
always active. They rest often and sleep a lot to “recharge their batteries.”
Q: How do creative people get the ability to control their energy?
A: Their ability to control energy is not ruled by the calendar, the clock or an external
schedule. It is learned by trial and error as a strategy for achieving their goals.
Q: Have you noticed any rhetorical devices used in the sentence “When necessary, they can
focus it like a laser beam; when not, creative types immediately recharge their batteries”?
What are they?
A: Yes. Two figures of speech are used here: the phrase “focus it like a laser beam” is a simile
while “recharge their batteries” is a metaphor.
▇ Comprehension questions

Paras. 4-6

Q: What is meant by the phrase “the contrasting poles of wisdom and childishness”?
A: The phrase means that creative people can be very intelligent and insightful on the one
hand and, on the other hand, they may be immature both emotionally and mentally
Q: What do later studies show about the relation between IQ and creativity?
A: With a lower IQ, one is not likely to do creative work, but this does not follow that the
higher your IQ is, the higher your creativity becomes.
Q: What does convergent thinking involve?
A: It involves solving well-defined, rational problems that have one correct answer.
Q: What does divergent thinking involve?
A: It involves solving problems that have no agreed-upon solution. In other words, divergent
thinking involves the ability to generate a great quantity of ideas; flexibility, or the ability
to switch from one perspective to another; and originality in picking unusual associations
of ideas.
Q: What is the relation between divergent thinking and convergent thinking?
A: I think they are closely related. To be creative, we must combine the two. Divergent
thinking leads us to original ideas, and convergent thinking allows us to tell a good idea
from a bad one.
Q: Do you think divergent thinking is an inborn trait?
A: Well, though it may be true that some people are born with more inclination to divergent
thinking, I think it is mainly through learning and training that we can acquire or develop
the ability to think divergently.

▇ Comprehension questions (Paras. 7-8)
Q: In what way science is similar to art?
A: Science is similar to art in that they both involve a leap of imagination into a world that is
different from the present, and they are both concerned with the creation of a new reality.
Q: What are the personality traits of creative people the author discusses in Para. 8?
A: They are extroversion and introversion.

▇ Comprehension questions

Paras. 9-10

Q: Why are creative people humble and proud at the same time?
A: On the one hand, creative people are aware of the contributions made by people before
them, so they are humble. On the other hand, they are not interested in past
accomplishments because they usually focus on future projects and current challenges. In
this respect, they may be regarded as proud.
Q: Why are creative people both rebellious and conservative?
A: Because creative people know clearly that being only traditional leaves an area unchanged
while taking chances without regard to tradition rarely leads to novelty. So they are both
rebellious and conservative.
Q: Is it necessary to take risks if you want to be creative? Why?
A: Yes. Taking risks is absolutely necessary if you want to do something creative. This is
because in innovation you cannot play safe games and you are not sure if you can truly

▇ Comprehension questions

Paras. 11-12

Q: Why are passion and objectivity equally important to creative work?
A: Because passion keeps us going while we are doing a difficult task, and being objective
adds quality and credibility to our work.
Q: Why do inventors have “a low threshold of pain”?
A: Because their openness and sensitivity often expose them to suffering and pain. They feel
pain easily when they are not satisfied with their work.

▇ Comprehension questions

Paras. 13-14

Q: What invites criticism and attacks according to the author?
A: It’s eminence. Being the one who is taking the lead in one’s field leaves one open to public
attention and criticism.
Q: How would a creative person feel when he or she cannot work?
A: He or she would feel a sense of loss and emptiness.

▇ Comprehension questions

Para. 15

Q: What is the most important quality in creative individuals?
A: The ability to enjoy the process of creation for its own sake.
Q: What would poets, economists or physicists do if they did not have this trait?
A: Poets would write commercial jingles; economists would work for banks where they can
earn more money; physicists would stop doing basic research and join industrial









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