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2020-12-04 13:30


you like to say something about test-oriented education vs quality-oriented education(
Test- oriented education has caused a great deal of tragedies. Students are treated as “Exam
machines” rather than alive human beings with feeling. Quality-oriented education may offer an
effective education.

foreigners find that the practice of “one-child” policy goes against the basic principles of human
rights .Do you think it’s a good policy Why or why not (< br>一些外国人发现“独生子女”政策违反人权主

I think it’s a good policy in China. In my opinion, the China’s one child policy is a population control
success. Many people know that China is a overpopulation country and it is the most people
country in the world. this policy is the society care and economy care for the people is lack in

one is more important: acquiring academic achievements or seeking work experience

In my opinion, acquiring academic achievements is indispensable part in my life, because I enrich
my knowledge, learn to do research. But seeking work experience is more important for me. I think
I should put my knowledge into my work.

do you think of blind date
They don’t know each other, but they have the same goal—in order to get married. That is funny
and uncredible . Maybe it is a chance to make a friend or become a stranger.

’s your opinion about human cloning

I am against the human cloning, because we are suppose to be unique and different in each way. It
isn't natural and i also do not like the fact about test tube babies.

you explain the saying: In wine there is truth
(你能解释格言: 酒后吐真言)

In wine there is truth. ( 酒后吐真言。 ) Wine in, truth out. ( 三杯下肚, 真话出口。 )
Out of the mouths of babies and drunks comes the truth.

you tell something about the possible causes for generation gap
One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose
their own life-styles. The speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the
gap between generations.

us something about DINK family and nuclear family
DINK family means double income no kids family. Nuclear family means a family have parents and
one or two children, but they don't live with grandpa and grandma.

you explain the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away
It means fruit can keep healthy.
you tell me the importance of being healthy

Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy
body, we can do nothing. Being health, we can gain beauty , create fortune and do a lot of
meaningful things.

on a diet has become a fashion for women. Some say it is worthwhile to go on a diet in the
modern society. Other say it is meaningless for dieters to gain beauty at the expense of their
health. What is your opinion
也有人说这样为了 美而不惜损伤健康为代价是不值一提的,你认为呢)

I think it is meaningless for dieters to gain beauty at the expense of their health. Health is more
important than beauty, and we can gain beauty and health by doing physical exercise.

people say if you are healthy, you are happy; others think if you are rich, you are happy. What
do you think happiness is
As a popular saying goes: “Health is better than wealth.” Good health enables one to enjoy life and
achieve what one hopes for. On the other hand, a person in poor health cannot achieve much,
even if they are well educated. Therefore, health is of great importance to us.

the father or the mother be the head of the family What roles do the mother and father play in
China And what about sons and daughters Who is the boss in our family
(父亲或母亲 谁应该是一家之主在中国的家庭中父母都起到什么样的作用呢儿女又应该是怎么样的地位呢
在我们的家庭 中谁应该是主人呢)
Father or mother be the head of the family is both ok. Father is mountain, mother is river. In my
family, my mother is the boss. There are two reasons: one is my father’s salary credit card is
managed by her. The other is my father wants to prove he is a good husband.

do you think of the Chinese tradition that all children should take their father’s surname Should
sons and daughters have equal inheritance rights
Most children’s surnames are after their fathers, not their mothers, which is another origin of the s
exism in our society. We should like to say that “men and women are equal” is not only a wish or a
slogan, but the truth. One cannot acquire both service and respect. Similarly, women will not obtai
n their inheritance
rights without people’s support. But more importantly, women should never stop
making efforts to achieve contributions to the society.

one do you prefer: international marriage or marriage within the same nationality

I prefer marriage within the same nationality, because I think marriage within the same nationality
will be perfect. International marriage has lots of difficulties, such as language, culture and so on.
parents decide their children’s marriage What are the advantages of an arranged marriage

The parents shouldn’t decide their children’s marriage .The children have their own life style.
Maybe an arranged marriage will gain their parents’ bless. Their parents will give them much
support. In some degree ,they are fix to each other.

people be allow to get divorced If not, how should they resolve their problem Why are divorce
rates constantly increasing in China, and what could be done to stop this increase
离婚吗如果不可以,应如何解决他们的问题为什么在中国离 婚的比率在不断增加,应该怎样做能有所控制

People should be allow to get divorced. If not, they should think over their marriage completely.
They should remember each other’s goodness, their responsbility to resolve their problem. The
rising divorce rate in China be attributed to spousal incompatibility , disparities in education
levels , changing social attitudes and the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation .
Keeping an open line of communication will keep the openness in the marriage.

people believe one’s personality is related to one’s blood type, do you think so
Yes, I think so. Everyone has something different from others .It is his personality .Sometimes , it’s
related to one’s blood type.

you have a lot of friends How important are friends to you
Yes, I do. Friends are very important to me. Friends can provide emotional support, something that
is part of the foundation of healthy adulthood. Friends can solve problems together, imitate each
other, and pass on knowledge.

is your hero in this world And Why What do you think a hero should be like Hardworking,
handsome, intelligent, skillful, beautiful, creative, caring, kind, rich, determined, neat, or else
I am my own hero. Why should anyone else be our hero We did more for ourselves than anyone
else. We chose everything about ourselves. So I am my own hero, and nothing can change that.

21 When you look for a job, what factors do you think are the most important Good pay,
convenient location, interesting work, friendly co-workers
(在你找工作时, 您认为什么因素是最重

We're not looking for job security and a high- paying salary. Other things are more important in our
decisions: job satisfaction, the people you're working with and so on. We're looking for more of a
balanced lifestyle, where that line between careers and social lives blurs into one. It's a movement
of saying, I want to be happy.

22 What did you ideal job Do you have any experience of job-hunting
To become an excellent armyman is my ideal job. I believe it's a good thing that new generations
is bringing our new values and attitudes to the workplace. Young workers need to understand their
true value in the workplace.

23 Do you think a beautiful appearance is very important in finding a job or a husbandwife
Have you considered taking plastic surgery What’s your attitude towards people taking plastic
(你认为在找工作或者是找伴侣时漂亮的外表是很重要的吗 你考虑过做整形手术吗对于人们做

I think a beautiful appearance is very important in finding a job or a husband haven’t considered
taking plastic think my appearance is suppose the people to take plastic surgery for a more
beautiful appearance.

24 Nowadays, stars make much more money than average people, some think they deserve it,
while others think they earn too much. What is your opinion
(现今,明 星们比一般人能赚很多钱,
有的人认为那是他们应该得到的,有的人认为这多于他们来说赚的太多了。你 的观点是什么)
I think they earn too much. The average person doesn’t make a million dollars in their lifetime,
working 40 hours a week for 50 years, not to mention working several months making 1 movie that
pays them sometimes several million dollars.

25 Many people travel during the Labor Day or the nation Day. And this make scenic spots
crowded with people. Do you think it is a good idea that people choose to take their time off
differently Why
(很多人在劳 动节,国庆节期间外出旅游,这造成了自然景点人员拥挤,你认为大家选
择不同时间去旅游是个好的意见 吗为什么)

That is a good idea. People in China choose to travel during Golden Week holiday and scenic spots
packed with a lot of people. If people can make travel arrangements at different times, the tour
peak may be weaken.

26 Say something about the disadvantages of living in the city.
处 )
Big money is followed by high cost of living and closely followed by high Crime, large transport
network is followed by traffic jams, wide range of entertainment is followed by sleep stress and so

27 Talk about the most desirable personal qualities in a teacher.
First, the teacher's personality should be attractive. Second , a teacher to have a capacity for
sympathy. Third, teachers should be honest. Fourth, every teacher should be a bit of an actor. They
should be able to make the lessons with imaginative performances that keep students involved.
Fifth, teachers must be quick to adapt to any situation and be able to improve. Finally, a teacher
should always want to go on learning.

28 Are women holding up half the sky in China Do you think women have been treated as
equally as men Give your reasons.(中国的妇女能撑起半边天吗你认识女人拥有和男人一样的地位吗说
Chinese women are good representatives of women everywhere. Chinese women are friendly,
helpful and active. They are better than the men! But actually, they were not always equal, such as
job seeking.

29 Family and career; which is more important to you Why
I think family just likes a boat when you are in the sea and career just likes the fish which around of
your boat. Boat is much more important for us. Boat will take you and protect you.

30 Which one do you prefer: receiving higher education at home or studying abroad
Though many students are crazy about going abroad to receive their higher education, I think
studying home is preferable. Study home, you can stay with your family and old friends and you
can enjoy the kind of friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of
in a foreign university. So pursuing higher education at home is a more realistic choice.

31 Why did you choose to study in your field

The more that I learned about my field, the more excited I became about my chosen field. In my
undergraduate research, I have the opportunity to talk with practicing engineers and I become
interested in learning more about my field.

32 What’s your plan after graduation Explain why
Choose my career. Choose where I live and with whom I surround myself. Choose with whom I fall
in love—and with whom I don’t. Choose how I take care of my health. Choose my spiritual life.
Choose how and how much I give back to society by helping others.

33 What reward would you like to obtain for the effort you have made in your study Please give
us the reason.

Besides the higher education, I would like to obtain the effective skills and the newest
knowledge .Because I want to keep pace with the society, and put my efforts in my work field.

34 What do you think of people who lie

I always believe that things may change. How would you know somebody lies to you Just because
they want to cheat you. Maybe they have got something they don’t want you know about. I may
not feel good when being told a lie, but I am able to understand them after knowing the reason.

35 What types of relationships do you keep with the people you have contact with
Generally, to my friends, we respect each other. We are happy to talk with each other .We help
each other when we’re in trouble .We trust each other .To my relatives , I always try my best to let
them happy. We miss each other very much.

36 What are the reasons that lead to the differences between man and women
Men and women act and think differently. Men are physically different from women. They hunt,
build, protect and provide. Women shop! A woman is clever enough to let men think they are the
best. Men are dumb enough to believe it.
37 What are the things that you think you already know about the United States Are there many
differences between China and the Unites States
I know something about cultural and technical about the United States. A comparison of perinatal
care in the . and China is presented. The outcomes in the two cultures are different due to the
different focus on caring concepts, the strengths of a nursing philosophy, and the emphasis on the
nursing role in maternal care.

38 What kind of role do parents play in children’s growing
Teachers, friends, guides, maybe all the good roles. In a word, parents can devote everything they
can to bring their children up. They are great.

39 How do you understand the saying “Not every teacher is a parent, but every parent is a
Parents teach their children through what they say and what they don’t say. Through what they do
and what they don’t do. Through their attitude, mood, and values. Teaching may be overt or covert.
But teaching is going on all the time. So parents play lots of roles, included teacher. But teachers
cann’t take place of parents.

40 Due to the one-child policy, the child nowadays in China is the center of the family. What do
you think of the situation
Sometimes, the child was called “prince” and “princess”, but we cann’t judge them without their
performance. After the quake, lots of children give their love and concern to the people injured in
the quake. We are proud of them. Maybe they have some disadvantages, but we should find their
goodness and encourage them to be better. That’s the most important.

41 What are some of the differences between your life of being a university student and a
postgraduate student

42 How do you evaluate success
Success is journey, not the destination. It is not evaluvated on how much money,houses,materials
you have. It depends on how you behave or treat others with above things you have in life.

43 What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life
The most important accomplishment in my life so far is realizing who I really am and not pretend to
be someone I am not. Most people believe that accomplishments consist of succeeding in making
big bucks, or being than others. Sure, these can give you satisfaction for a little while,
though they do not last. The best thing you can do is to be the real you every day.

44 Is honesty still the best policy
Truth is always the best policy. As my mother used to say,
need a good memory to remember your lies.

45 What do you think of the saying “we can live without a brother, but not without a friend”

46 How do you define an ideal environment for the future of human beings
My ideal environment is one that follows the laws of nature. It is clean and sustainable. I believe
that as a global culture, we must be aware of our footprint on the earth.

47 What kind of measure should be taken to prevent our environment
We must take action to prevent our environment from being further destroyed. The pollution
should be controlled and new clean technology ought to be developed. There are some simple
things everybody can do that can help: carry a recycle plastic and tins, walk or take the bus instead
of driving, turn the lights off when you leave the room...think about the little things you can do and
watch them add up to a cleaner planet!

48 What is the importance of sport in ordinary everyday life
Sports can make our health, because health is the first a good health body is necessary. So sports
play a important role in our life. Sports also can teach us how to live and how to make a new life.
Team sports are full of challenges that a team must overcome together. Being a team player means
that one should work well with others. So sports is a wonderful section of our life.

49 Would you like to have a part-time job Why What are some ways to find a part-time job
Yes, l’d like to. Taking a part-time job, students can learn how to get along with people and know
the society better by taking a part- time job. And taking a part-time job provides the students with a
valuable opportunity to put what he has learned from books into practice. Finally, students can
make some money, which helps to unload their families' financial burden. There are many ways to
find a part-time job, such as searching job online.

50 What are your values on money and happiness
Some people think that money is the source of happiness. With money, one can buy whatever he
enjoys. With money, one can do whatever he likes. I think that money is essential to life and we
cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can't buy happiness.
Happiness is not something that can be measured by money.

51 Why so the Chinese people highly value their children’s education

52 What can we learn from the great people

53 Do you think that some people do not have a hobby just because they are too busy Explain

54 What are good manners in your opinion
Good manners means good behaviour in social communication. One’s manners not only show
what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also tend to show
what his nature is. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble.

55 How do you think high technology, such as the invention of cell phones, computers and
internet, influence our life
High technology makes our life more convenient, speedy and effective. It renders our life easier
and more pleasant.

56 What kind of relationship is best for students and teachers

57 Please talk about your teachers who have influenced your life. Tell us briefly how the
teachers influenced you.

58 How does the pressure from academic competition influence Chinese students and their

59 What book do you like the best Please give us a brief introduction.
I like Harry Potter Potter is a heptalogy of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The books are
about the adventures of Harry Potter, together with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. Since
the release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997, which was retitled Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer's Stone in the United States, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and
commercial success worldwide. The success of the novels has made Rowling the highest-earning novelist in
60 What qualities do you like to see in people Why

61 Talk about the saying: the failure is the thumb of success

62 What do you think that the e-mail will replace the traditional letter

63 Talk about the saying: Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水

64 Please talk disadvantage of living in the big city









本文更新与2020-12-04 13:30,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/477359.html


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