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2020-12-12 04:42


Senior One高一词组
Unit 1---4
1. be into 对……极感兴趣
2. surf the Internet 网上冲浪
fond of 喜欢
4. a deserted island 一个荒岛
5. hunt for 搜索, 寻找
9. care about 关心, 关爱, 担心
sb. a line 给某人写信(指短信)
13. make oneself at home 别客气
14. in total 总共
17. international organization 国际组织
18. the number of ……的数量
19. come about 发生
20. end up with 以……告终
21. written(spoken) English 书面(口头)
22. more or less 或多或少
23. have difficulty in (doing sth.) 在……方面有困难
24. bring in 带来, 引进
25. a great many 很多, 许许多多
26. except for 除……外
27. stay up 熬夜, 不睡
28. get away from 远离
30. on the beach 在海滩上
31. get close to nature 接近自然
32. watch out 小心, 注意
34. life jacket 救生衣
35. see sb. off 到火车站、飞机场等为某人送行
36. combine…with 把……结合起来
down 席卷, 掠过
43. pull sb. up 把某人曳起来
44. get on one’s feet 站立起来
46. with a look of fright 面显惧色
47. travel agent 旅行社
48. a two--day trip 一个两天的旅行
50. in a second 很快
51. go through 通过, 经受, 仔细检查
52. all the time 一直
53. be on a flight 飞行
54. all alone 独自
55. develop a friendship 增进友谊
56. share happiness and sorrow 同甘共苦
57. make friends with 交朋友
58. on board 上飞机 (船)

59. fly all the way directly to 直飞
60. the majority of 大多数
61. a knowledge of English 英语知识
62. go on separate holidays 独自旅行
63. take exercise 进行体育锻炼
64. experience life 体验生活
65. host the 2008 Olympics 主办2008年奥运会
Unit 5---8
1. play a role 扮演角色
3. be afraid to 害怕做……
5. go wrong 做错路, 误入歧途; 出毛病
6. can’t help doing 忍不住, 情不自禁
8. primary school 小学
9. take one’s place 代替某人的位置
10. lock up 锁起来
11. run after 追赶
12. appear live on the air 出现在电视上
13. make comments on 在…方面做评论
14. think highly of 对……高度评价
15. win Oscar for the Best Actress 获奥斯卡最佳女主角奖
16. take off 脱掉(衣服); (飞机) 起飞; 成功, 成名
17. win sb. a job as a director 获得一份导演的工作
18. owe success to sb. 把成功归功于某人
20. in one’s own words 用某人自己的语言
21. make a good impression on 留下好印象
23.a little bit 稍微, 有点儿
24. keep silent 保持沉默
25. take a sip 喝一小口
26. follow the fashion 赶时髦
27. leave out 省去; 遗漏; 不考虑
28. stare at 盯着
29. make jokes about disabled people 嘲笑残疾人
30. a thank-you letter 一封感谢信
31. introduce…to… 把……介绍给……
32. apologise to sb. for… 因为……向某人道歉
33. drink to one’s health 为某人的健康干杯
34. the custom of toasting 敬酒的习惯
35. have good manners 有礼貌
36. serve sb. with a meal 招待某人吃饭
37. be based on 以……为基础
39. look like something out of fairy tale 看起来像童话里的东西
40. under attack 受到攻击
41. in ruins 变成废墟
42. in pieces 破碎了
43. bring…back to life 恢复生机
44. come true 实现
45. make one’s voice heard 使人听见自己的声音
47. the number of the visitors 旅客的数量
48. give in 投降
49. give up 放弃
50. pull down 拆毁
51. every four years 每四年
53. track and field 田径
54. have effects on 对……有影响
55. facial expressions 面部表情
56. stand for 代表, 象征
57. the host city 主办城市
58. compete for medals 角逐奖牌
59. in modern times 在现代
60. rank the third 位居第三
61. the best ever games最好的运动会
62. in preparation for 为……做准备
Unit 9---12
1. add to 增加
2. stay in touch with 保持联系
3. call for help 呼救
4. in case of emergency 在紧急情况下
6. take over 接管, 接收
7. break down 毁掉, 坏掉
9. on the go 忙碌, (整天)奔忙
10. remind about sth.使某人想起…
11. have fun 取乐
12. come up with a peaceful solution 提出和平解决的办法
14. in danger 处于危险中
15. make sure 保证, 弄清楚
16. die out 灭绝
17. the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法
18. take turns doing sth. 轮流做某事
19. keep sb. from doing sth.止某人做某事
20. do as what sb. says 按某人说的去做
21. take measures 采取措施
22. be used to the environment 习惯与四 周的环境
23. adapt to the change 适应变化
24. devote oneself to 献身于, 专注于
26. lead to 导致
27. make a great difference 很大的影响
28. at present 目前
29. set free 释放
30. live in the wild 野生
31. during festivals 在节日期间
33. have much in common 有很多共同之处
35. be known throughout the world 闻名于世
36. open one’s ears to … 专心听
37. a two-room house 两居室的房子
38. make the first record 出第一张唱片
41. satisfy one’s inner desire 满足内心的欲望
42. express true feelings 表达真实的情感
43. feel easy 感到舒
44. a variety of 多种多样, 各种各样
45. as ifthough 好像
46. if only 要是……就好了
7. a series of 一系列
48. a boy with a scar on his forehead 前额有疤的男孩
49. learn about 了解, 知道
51. come across 偶然遇见, 碰上
52. fight against 同……做斗争
53. believe in 信任, 信仰
54. share the same goals 有共同的目标
55. compare…with… 和……作比较
5. keep up with 赶上
8. make choices about 在…方面做出选择
9. be good for 对……有好处
10. offer advice about 在…方面提供建议
a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食
weight 减肥
13. keep fit 保持健康
15. gain weight 增肥
16. now and then 不时, 时而
…into pieces 把…切成一片片
18. roll up 卷起来
19. make a list 列一个清单
20. have a fever 发烧
21. become part of 成为……的部分
22. dress up 打扮, 盛装
23. make a decision 做决定
24.a seven-day festival 一个七天的节日
25. get together 聚在一起
27. play a trick on 捉弄某人
30. take in 欺骗
31. solve the mystery 揭开迷团
33. accept the invitation 接受邀请
34. after all 毕竟
35. call on 拜访(某人)
36. try on 试穿
37. day and night 日日夜夜
38. pay off 还清
41. earn a lot of money 赚很多钱
42. act out 表演出来
43. come up with 想出, 找到
44. advantages and disadvantages 利弊
45. conduct a number of experiment 做了很多实验
46. get charged 充电
48. fix…to… 把……固定在……
49. conduct the electricity 导电
50. sense of smell 嗅觉
51. end in a tie 以平手结束, 打平
52. in tears 泪流满面
53. test on 在……身上做试验
56. there is no doubt 毫无疑问
57. be about to…when 即将, 将要
58. around the corner 即将来临
59. increase to 增加到
en to do 预示着要,威胁说要……
61. blow away 吹走
62. die down 变弱, 消失, 平息
63. at the top of one’s voice 高声, 放声
64. drop out 掉出, 退出; 辍学
65. self rescue 自救
66. be thankful for 感激……
67. struggle to one’s knees 挣扎着站起来
68. on hands and knees 爬着,匍匐着, 伏在地上
69. come to terms with (甘心)忍受
70. hold no promise 没有前途
1. in relation to 同……有关
4. be surrounded by 被……包围
5. the same size as 同……一样大
6. lie on 位于 (接壤); 位于…的河畔
7. a mild sea climate 温和的海洋性气候
9. make electricity 发电
10. take possession of 夺取, 占领
an agreement with 同…达成协议
13. refer to 关于; 提到,涉及; 查阅
marked with标记,标号
16. go sailing 去航海
17. go camping 去野营
18. on the coast 在海岸线上
19. make use of 利用, 使用
21. bring in 带来, 引进
22. in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代
23. international exchange 国际交流
24. be harmful to 对……有害
friendly to 对……友好
26. depend on 依靠, 依赖
27. the shortage of
30. get ripe 成熟
31. a variety of 各种各样, 多种多样
poor soil 在贫瘠的土壤中
33. at the right time 在合适的时间
34. sow seeds 播种
35. go against 违反, 反对
37. remove weeds 除草
39. tongue twister 绕口令
40. intend to 打算做……
43. make fun of 取笑
44. an amusing story令人发笑的故事
45. roar with laughter 大笑
46. even if 即使, 尽管
47. entertain the audience with 用……逗乐观众
48. a flow of fun 延续不断的乐趣
50. quarrel over small matters 争论小事
51. be on good terms with 同某人关系好
52. in the other direction 在另一个方向
53. drive off 把车开走; 赶走
54. shout at sb. 冲某人大喊
55. for a moment 一会儿
56. in surprise 惊奇地
57. look on…as 把……看作
58. be angry with sb. for sth .因某事生某人的气
59. get confused 搞糊涂
60. communicate with 与某人联系, 通信
61. vary from culture to culture 因文化的不同而不同
62. look directly into someone’s eyes 直视
63. rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把头靠在手上
64. get through difficult situations 摆脱困境
65. tear down 拆毁, 推翻
66. feel down 闷闷不乐
67. nothing better tha没有比……更好
68. hold up 抬起, 举起
69. make a face 做鬼脸
70. in order 按顺序
73. be divided into 被分成
74. take off in a rocket 坐火箭起飞
76. alien creatures 外星人
77. outer space 太空
Unit1 Making a difference
1.热衷于 be on fire for
2.与…相似,近似 be similar to
3.从事于… work on
4.与…订婚 be engaged to
6.梦想,梦到 dream of
7.做讲座 give lectures
8.在二十世纪七十年代早 in the early1970’s
9.结果是,证明是,原来是 turn out (to be)…
10.对…感到满意 be satisfied with
11.与众不同 make a difference
12.相信 ,坚信 believe in
13.颠倒,相反,反过 the other way around
14.(时间)消逝,过去 go by
15.畅销货 best seller
Unit 2 News media
1.与……有联系或关系 relate to
2.在各方面,到处 on all sides
3.使报纸保持均衡 keep the newspaper balanced
4.条理地;有组织地 in an organized way
5.适应新生活 adapt to a new life
6.对…表示注意 draw ( one’s) attention to
7.尊敬,钦佩… look up to
8.时事,当前发生的大事 current affairs
10.倘使…将会怎样 what if
11.面对困难 face difficulties
12.对…有隐 be addicted to
14.让他们的心声被听到 make their voices heard
15.用…武装 be armed with
Unit 3 Art and architecture
1.一些家具 some furniture
2. 现代的公寓房 a modern flat
3. 一幢公寓楼 a block of apartments
4. 个人的风格 personal style
5. 借鉴了自然界的例子take examples from nature
7. 根据不同的风格建 in different styles
8. 违背了人们的审美标go against the people’s feeling of beauty
11. 更接近自stand much closer to nature
14.鸟巢对于鸟就象房子对于人 A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man
16. 用…做装饰… decorate… with…
Unit 4 A garden of poems
1.把…结合成一整体,汇总 bring together
2. 玩耍,灵活地运用 play with…
3.突出,超出… stand out
4. 缺少押韵的词… absence of rhyme
5.英年早逝 die at an early age
6. 和…对比 in comparison with
7.形成 come into being
8.召唤;派人…去请 send for
9.渡过,通过(考试) get through
10.查找单词的含义 look up the meaning of…
11.借着蜡烛的光 by the light of a candle
12.分辨,区别 tell apart
13.发疯,发狂 go insane
14.投稿,奉献给,对…有助 contribute to
Unit 5 The British Isles
1.组成,构成 consist of
3.充分展示,利用 make the most of
4.联合起来,组织起来 hold together
5.位于欧洲西海岸沿岸lie off the west coast of Europe
7.在某一处 at one point
8.一般来讲,大体地 in general
10.一个欧洲国家 a European country
12.认为… consider… to
13.凭借第一印象来判断 judge a person on the basis of first impression
14.科学依据 scientific proof
Unit 6 Life in the future
1.对… 作出预测 make forecasts about
2.瞥见 catch a glimpse of
3.确保安全 ensure safety
4.先进的电脑系统 an advanced system
5.与…保持联系 keep in touch with
6.智能卡 smart cards
7.注意 pay attention to (doing)
8.处理;对付 deal with
9.(梦想)变成现实 Dreams) come true
10.为…作好充分的准备 be well prepared for
11.储备着;就要到来 in store
12.时尚潮流 the trend of fashion
13.在当代社会 in contemporary society
14.陪伴某人 keep sb. company
15.远程教育 distance education
16.终生学习者 lifelong learners
17.不只是 more than just
18.以 …惊人的速度 at an amazing speed
19.编制程序去做 be programmed to do…
Unit 7 Living with disease
1.感染上… become be get infected with
3.通过下列途径 via the following routes
5.疾病监测员 a disease detective
6.出生即面临死亡 be born dying
8让某人活下去 keep sb alive
9.通过血液传播 spread through blood
11.缺少适当的医疗保健 a lack of proper health care
13.冒险一试,碰运气 take a every chance take chances
14.不受…的影响;没有…的 be free from
15.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do
16.使某人振奋 cheer sb up
17.拥抱某人 give sb a hug
18.碰到困难 meet with difficulty
19.与疾病作斗争 struggle with the disease
20.在贫困地区in poor areas
22.采集血样 take samples of my blood
23.相反地 on the contrary
24.患了重病 suffer from a serious disease
Unit 8 First aid
1.进行急救 give first aid
2.紧急时分分秒秒都很重要 Seconds counts in an emergency
3.记住 keep in mind
4.保持镇静 stay keep calm
5.在路上;即将到来 on the way
7.着火;开始燃烧 catch fire
8.翻转;倒转 roll over
9.为向…表示敬意;为…纪念 in honor of
10.假使;以防 in case of
12.止血 stop the bleeding
13.阻止…干某事 revent… from doing sth.
14.吐出 spit out
16.上下颠倒 upside down
17.对…有很大益处 do a lot of good to
18.陷入恐慌 get in into a panic
19.察觉;意识到 be conscious of sth.
Unit 9 Saving the earth
1.参加会议 attend a meeting
3.对…感到满意的 be content with
4.愿意去做… be content to do…
5…的指南介绍 an introduction to…
6.接近的方法;到达的权利或机会 gainhave access to…
7.强调.的重要性 stress the importance of
8.与…协调;与…一致 in harmony with…
9.结束;制止 put an end to…
10.擦洗…的内部;去除;消灭 wipe out
11.保护某人免遭… defend sb from…
12.保卫某人抵御... defend sb against
13.建议(某人)去做某事 advise doingsb to dothat sb do…
14.清洁的饮用水 clean drinking water
15.在农村地区 in rural areas
16.保暖;取暖 stay warm
17.对…的需求 the need for…
18.采取行动take actionstepsmeasures
19.对…有害 be bad fordo harm to…
20.有很大影响 make a big difference
21.传遍世界 spread across the world
22.做记录 take notes of
Unit 10 Frightening nature
3.发现一个错误 spot a mistake
4.近在手边;在附近;即将到来的 at hand
5.从…逃出来 flee from
7.催促力求强烈要求某人做某事 urge sb to do
8.与…的同时 in the meanwhile
9.接连打击;冲击;漫游;闲逛 knock aboutaround
10.突然地;冷不防 all of a suddenat once
11.使他毛骨悚然 make her hair stand on end
12.一连几个小时 for hours on end
15.低声地;悄声地 in whisper
16.需要勇气 call for courage
18.注意到 draw one’s attention to
19.平静下来 calm down
20.…被吓得要死 be scared to death
21.惊慌地 in a panic
Unit 11
1.有…共同之处 have…in common
2.有…要发生,即将到来 have…in store
3.是……的所在地 be home to
4.开始创建 get started
6.进入,踏进 set foot in
7.开公司 run a company
8.对……有影响 have (an) effect on
9.依赖,依靠 rely on
10.恢复生气,活跃起来 come to life
11.提出(主意、计划等) put forward
12.目的是做某事 aim at doing sth.
Unit 12
2.使某人记起某事 remind sth.
3.打下……基础lay the foundation of…
4.着手做某事 set out to do sth.
5.努力做某事 in one’s efforts to do sth.
7.带某人上船 take board
9.囚禁某人 keep a prisoner
11.阐明…使……显得清楚throw light on
12.引起某人的注意 attract one’s attention
13.高8英尺 eight feet in height
Unit 13
1.翻转,倒过来turn…upside down
2.提出,想出come up with
4.召来,请来call in
5.范围从……一直到……range from…all the way to…
7.毁坏,出毛病,受挫break down
8.对…有效,对…有become available to…
9.利用take advantage of
11.对……反应敏感be sensitive to…
13.对……有贡献,有助于contribute to…
Unit 14
1.把某人关进监狱put sb. in prison
2.发表演说give a speech
4.被法律所禁止be forbidden by law
6.为……树立榜样set an example to sb
9.诺贝尔和平奖the Nobel Prize for Peace
12.以……开始start with
13.表明,吐露give a voice to
Unit 15
1.不时地,时不时地 every now and then
2.渴望 get the itch for
3.让某人看一眼……give sb. a glimpse of
6.厌烦……,不喜欢…… get tired of
7.四天的节日 a four- day festival
8.坐落在…… be located in
9.去游泳,去洗澡 take a dip
10.进行锻炼,训练 work out
11.复印……make photocopies of
13.轻装旅行 travel light
Unit 16
2.带起,剥夺走 take away
3.一系列的 a series of
4.打死 shoot…to death
6.徒然,枉然 in vain
9.与……达成协议 make agreements with
13.轮流,反过来 in turn
14.对……有影响 have an effect on
15.出售;减价 on sale
Unit 17
2.为……做出贡献 make a contribution to
4.达到目标 reach one’s goal
6.适应,调整 adjust to
10.参与 participate in
11.参加……的比赛 compete in
12.角逐,竞争 compete for
Unit 18
2.顾虑到,顾及,为…做准备allow for
3.被困住,被陷住 get stuck
4.冲破,脱离,与…断绝关 break away from
5.与……有联系 be connected to
7.意识到,认识到 be aware of
8.与……相似 be similar to
111.以这么快的速度 at such a high pace
Unit 19
3.在……看来 in the eyes of…
4.可怜;怜have mercy onshow mercy to…
5.向某人宣判 pass judgment on sb.
6.还是做某事的好,不如做某事 maymight as 6.还是做某事的好,不如做某事 maymight
as well do sth.
11.任…摆布,由…掌握at the mercy of
12.跪下 go down on one’s knees
Unit 20
1.追溯到 date back to
2.侧卧 lie on one’s side
3.一件衣服 a piece of clothing
7.竖起;使(车、马)停止 pull up
8.用……的话,以……的观in terms of
9.有名望,威望高 of high status
10.充当,担任 serve as
12.属于……,是……的 belong to
13.挖出 dig up









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