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2020-12-13 12:07


through,>in term ofvia thrive,>palmyfloushingprosperity
operate,>manipulate clash,>conflictcollisionencounter
offspring,>descendant publicize,>propagandize
inevitable,dispensable agree partly,>agree with reserve
detail,>specific proper,>apposite
explain,>interpret want to,>desire
obvious,>conspicuous big city,>metropolis
hurt,>vulnerable susceptible lawmaking,>legislation
use,>employutilize first,>primarily
value,>merit but,>nonethelessnevertheless provide,>lend,>offer
true,>accurate absorb,>assimilate
leading to,>contribute to conduce hand in,>render
undermine,>sapenervatedebilitate toresult in
more and more,>increasinggrowing get into chaos,>with chaos ensuing
hardly,>merely,>barely key,>pivotcrux
well-known,>outstanding sway,>vacillate
large,>miraculousmarvelous fanatic patriotism->jingoismchauvinism
although,>albeitnotwithstanding persuasive-
>thoroughsoundspecificcoin fact,>actuallyvirtually nvincing
want,>intend totend tobe inclined to consider,>take into account
because,>in that vague->gratuitousunwarrantedoversim-may be,>probably
to sum,>to summarizein conclusion absorb,>assimilate
explain,>interpretillustrate agree partly,>agree with reserve
custom,>conventiontradition although,>albeitnotwithstanding
arouse,>ignitestimulatespurmotivate think--
bias,>prejudicediscriminatetendency ospect
arouse,>ignitestimulatespurmotivate big city,>metropolis
limit,>stresshinderhamper but,>nonethelessnevertheless
key,>crucialvitalconsequential chance,>alternative
old,>ancient change,>alter
emphasis,>accentuate character->traitindividualityidiosyncras
devote to,>dedicate to ypersonality
child,>juvenile character->traitindividualityidiosyncras
clash,>conflictcollisionrencounter ypersonality
expect,>anticipate consider,>take into account join,>participate in
custom,>conventiontradition delegate,>representative
delegate,>representative bias,>prejudicediscriminatetendency
large,>miraculousmarvelous persusive
,>thoroughsoundspecificconvincing lawmaking,>legislation
consider,>take into account leading to,>contribute to conduce
vaguetoresult in
,>gratuitousunwarrantedo versimplifielimit,>stresshinderhamper
may be,>probably d
absorb,>assimilate more and more,>increasinggrowing agree
partly,>agree with reserve obvious,>conspicuous
although,>albeitnotwithstanding offspring,>descendant
arouse,>ignitestimulatespurmotivate old,>ancient
because,>in that operate,>manipulate
bias,>prejudicediscriminatetendency persuasive
big city,>metropolis ,>thoroughsoundspecificconvincing
but,>nonethelessnevertheless proper,>apposite
chance,>alternative provide,>lend,>offer
change,>alert publicize,>propagandize
sway,>vacillate character
,>traitindividua lityidiosyncrasypersothink--
>contemplatemuseme ditateretrospect
thrive,>palmyfloushingprosperity nality
child,>juvenile through,>in term ofvia
clash,>conflictcollisionrencounter to sum,>to summarizein
conclusion consider,>take into account true,>accurate
custom,>conventiontradition undermine,>sapenervatedebilitate
delegate,>representative use,>employutilize
detail,>specific vague->gratuitousunwarrantedoversimplified devote
to,>dedicate to value,>merit
emphasis,>accentuate want to,>desire
expect,>anticipate want,>intend totend tobe inclined to
well-known,>outstanding explain,>interpret
fanatic patriotism100个同义词替换精髓词汇
get into chaos,>with chaos ensuing 1. important =crucial (extremely
hand in,>render important),significant(amount or effect
hardly,>merely,>barely large enough to be important) hurt,>vulnerable
=universal, ubiquitous(if in fact,>actuallyvirtually something
is ubiquitous, it seems to be inevitable,dispensable everywhere)
join,>participate nt=ample(enough and usually
key,>crucialvitalconsequential extra), plentiful(enough for people's
needs key,>pivotcrux and wants)
=adhere, cling(hold on something x=intricate(if
something is tightly) intricate, it often has many small parts
t=ignore.(difference: neglect and details)
means someone has not paid enough 23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is
solitary, attention to something; ignore means no there is no one near
himher attention.) =minuscule(very small), minute,
=adjacent(twothings next to each =extol (stronger than
praise), other), adjoin(the same as adjacent) compliment(polite and
political) =woo(man woos woman, -
working=assiduous(someone old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you who
is assiduous works hard or does try to obtain it. FORMAL) things very
te=precise(precise is exact and ult=arduous (if
something is accurate in all details), exact(correct in arduous, it is
difficult and tiring, and every detail) involves a lot of efforts)
=obscure(unknown or known by
(soil)=barreninfertile(used to only a few people) describe the
soil is so poor that plants =peak, summit cannot be planted on it)
itor=rival, opponent(especially
in sports and politics) who is vulnerable is easily hurt
=condemn(if you condemn emotionally or physically)
something, you say it is very bad and =demonstrate (to
demonstrate a unacceptable) fact means tp make it clear to people.)
=perspective, standpoint(means =massive(large in size,
quantity, or looking at an event or situation in a extent), colossal(use
this word, you
particular way) emphasize something’s large),
=prestige(describe those who are tremendous(INFORMAL)
admired), reputation ,gigantic
=erect(you can erect something as
buildings, FORMAL), establish =shun(if someone shuns
=humiliate(do something or say something, she deliberately
avoid that something which makes something or keep away from it.) people
feel ashamed or stupid) =impartial(someone who is
in=grumble (complain impartial is able to give a fair opinion
or something in a bad-tempered way) decision on something.)
y=radical (very important and =assault (physically
attack great in degree), fundamental someone), assail (attack violently
e=alleviate (alleviate means you e=abhor(abhor means
you hate make pain or sufferings less intense or something to a extreme
extent for moral severe) reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!
=coerces into(coerce means you =devastate (it means
damage make someone do something she does something very badly, or
utterly destroy not want to),compel it.)
e=magnify(magnify means make =invariably(the same
as always, something larger than it really is) but better than always)
r=perpetual(a perpetual state ic=lamentable(very
never changes), immutable(something uncomfortable and disappointing)
immutable will never change or be =domain(a particular field of
changed) thought, activities or interest) se=startle(it means
surprise you =emerge(come into existence) slightly),
astound(surprise you to a large =entire(the whole of
degree),astonish(the same as astound) something)8
iasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), =moist(slightly wet),
damp(slightly fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)# wet), humid(very damp
and hot)! =tranquil(calm and peaceful),
=erroneous(incorrect or partly serene(calm and quiet)! correct)
ive=exorbitant(it means too ult=formidable
expensive that it should be) =convert(change into another
ous=lavish(impressive and very form)
expensive), sumptuous(grand and very l=quintessential(this
word expensive means represent a typical example of =tedious(if
you describe something)
something tedious, you mean it is boring l=cautious(very
careful in order and frustrating) to avoid danger), prudent(careful and
t=esteem(if you esteem someone, sensible)
you respect and admire himher. y=capacity, capability(the
same as FORMAL) ability)
=fret(if you fret about something, e=eccentric(if
some one is you worry about it) eccentric, she behaves in a strange way,
=chilly(unpleasantly cold), or
icy(extremely cold) hisher opinion is different from most
=boiling(very hot) people)
ous=perilous(very dangerous, =affluent(if you are
affluent, you hazardous(dangerous, especially to have a lot of money)
people's safety and health) = utilize (the same as use)
ys=currently s=skeptical(if you are skeptical
=unique(the only one of its kind), about something, you have
doubts on it.) distinctive; y=gratify (if you are gratified by
=cease(if something ceases, it something, it gives you pleasure
and stops happening or existing) satisfaction)
=component(the components of =fleeting, ephemeral(if
something something are the parts that it is made is ephemeral, it lasts
a short time) of)( h rship=fellowship
=consequence(the results or =enraged(extremely
angry) effects of something) =malodorous(used to describe
s=apparent, manifest an unpleasant smell)
on=derived fromcan see or =hideous(if something is
hideous, notice them very easily) it is very ugly or unattractive)#
=fairly tive=appealing(pleasing and
attractive), absorbing(something budget, make available, waste,
award absorbing can attract you a great deal)
e=miscellaneous(a Space exploration =space program, trips
miscellaneous groups consists of many to the moon, the international
space different kinds of things) station, planets, planetary voyages
er=disarray, chaos
y=frantically(used to describe Money = budgets, taxes,
resources, someone who behaves in a wild and
uncontrolled way) Problems = concerns, issues, worries,
=meteoric(ATTENTION: disasters, threats, threatening, war,
meteoric is only used to describe someone famine, poverty, education,
homelessness, achieves success quickly) drugs, global warming
ry=mundane(very ordinary and Here = on earth, in our own
countries, not at interesting or unusual) closer to home, in developing
countries, e=notwithstanding(FORMAL) foreign aid,
=optimal(used to describe the best 人类
level something can achieve) The human race Humanity
=acute(severe and intense) Humankind
evable=inconceivable(ifyou 在当代
deem something inconceivable, you think In contemporary society In
present-day it very unlike to happen ^ society In this day and age
=perplex(something perplex 解决
someone means it confuses and worries Tackle Address Resolve combat
himher because heshe does not 破坏
understand it) Destroy impair undermine =avenue(away of
getting 影响
something done) Impact influence implications
=distinguished(used to 危险
describe people who are successful in Hazard dangers
their career) 明显的
t=archaic(extremely old and Apparent evident
extremely old-fashioned) 从事
te=embellish(embellish means Carry out Conduct perform make
something look more attractive via 积极的,好的
decorating it with something else) Beneficial advantageous
le=feasible(if something is 消极的,坏的
feasible, it can be done, made or achieved) Baneful detrimental
=consequently, accordingly 好处和坏处
=infrequent (doesn’t happen often Advantages and
disadvantages =rapacious(greedy and selfish) Strengths and
weaknesses The upside Governments :nations, countries, and the downside
authorities, politicians Pros and cons Boons and banes
Spend :allocate, give, allot, provide, Prevalent pervasive
A host of A multitude of A vast
number of (名词复数)
A great deal of A vast amount o f(不可
需要Require Call for
各位朋友你们好,又是本人发表笔记的时候了。这 增进Enhance improve
次发表的笔记是《考研英语词汇大纲同义替换归 贫穷的impoverished
纳》,接近180类常用或者常见的同义替换归纳(主 保护preserve
和考研英语词汇大纲,绝对没有超纲词(除非是报 污染contamination
1、 完美的,极好的Faultless perfect fabulous
2、 有助于:advantage avaid aid to attribute
to be beneficial to benefit profit
3、 使兴旺:thrive flourish booming boost
revive revitalize
4、 预见:expect anticipate foresee predict
forecast envisage envision
5、 污染:contaminate taint foul poison
6、 少量的:a handful of a fraction of a bit of
a little of
7、 大量的:a mass of a great many a good
many of many a a majority of a handsome
number of a substantial number of a
8、 构想出:device formulate contemplate
9、 巩固:cement strengthen consolidate
10、 建立建造:found construct erect
11、 基本的:basic fundamental essential
elementary coincidence with in sympathy with 12、 促进:promote
step up further prompt 28、 赞成:approve of consent to be in
favor of develop boost mushroom hasten propel agree to
subject to
spur 29、 丢脸:be ashamed of disgrace oneself of 13、 归因于:blame
sth on sth owe sth to sth 30、 情况:picture shape circumstance
attribute sth to put sth down to due to condition
14、 引起,激起:give rise to prevoke induce 31、 明显
的:manifest apparent advident breed arouse excise stir up
trigger explicited obvious
prompt evoke generate present incur 32、 启迪,点
燃:enlighten illuminate ignite spell invite 33、 相同的:identical
same homogenous of 15、 杰出的;优秀的;显著的:eminent a kind
extroordinate exceptional distinguished 34、 依靠~~: rest on
depend on hinge on outstanding excellent conspicuous subject
predominant remarkable noticable marked 35、 认为,声
称:contend claim assert hold marvelous prominet striking
illustrious maintain submit enforce profest figure 16、 非
常、很:awfully in the extreme endorse allege regard as look as
esteem as exceedingly pretty rather extremely 36、 影响,后
果:implication effect affluence terribly notably 37、 停止,中
止:end suspend stop put to the 17、 最终:eventually finally
consequently in end
the event in the long run ultimately at length 38、 过分
的:inappropriate undue excessive 18、 利用:employ exploit make
use of take extravagant
advantage of make the best of harness avail 39、 执行:enforce
execute exercise oneself of embrace tap 40、 详尽说明:exhaust
19、 时代:epoch area era time 41、 奇怪的:strange
extraordinary 20、 被广泛地接受: be widelyextensively 42、 激增:explode
soar hike skyrocket acceptedacknowledgedestablished 43、 使入
迷,吸引:engage entrance fascinate 21、 消耗:expenditure drain
wastage intrigue be obsessed with charm attract consumption
expense depletion 44、 顾客:client customer regular patron 22、 昂
贵的:expensive costly exclusive 45、 杂志期刊:periodical
magazine extravagant 第三期
23、 遭遇:confront encounter 46、 渴望:pine for desire ache
47、 心胸狭窄的:petty small-minded 心胸开
第二期 阔的:liberal
各位不好意思,今天忙着搞毕业论文,迟了发第二48、 危险:peril danger
hazard (v) | perilous 期~~~道歉啊~~~ dangerous risky hazardous
49、 同情:v: pity sympathize commiserate | 24、 提供:extend
accord offer feed (with) adj: commiserative compasionate
pitiful furnish (with) provide administate sympathetic
25、 事实上:as a matter of fact in effect in fact 50、 烦
恼:plague annoy bother disturb in point of fact practically
actually 51、 恳请恳求:plead petition for 26、 考虑:allow for take
into account make an 52、 誓言:pledge promise
allowance for take into consideration 53、 投资:plough money into
doing sth invest 27、 与~一致:answer to conform to comply 54、 损
害:prejudice harm damage do harm with in accordance accord
with in to impair
55、 最重要的:premier important 82、客观的、公正的:impartial
just objective 56、 可能:presumably possibly 83、表达感谢:express
my gratitude to sb be 57、 劝说:persuade prevail on sb to do obliged
to sth
58、 先前的:preceeding previous former 84、获得、得到:obtain
get extract retrive (取
prior 回)
59、 因~骄傲:take pride in be proud of 85、理由:plead that~~~~
occasion reason 60、 日益增长的:progressively gradually 86、居
民:inhabitant occupant resident increasingly 87、忙于做某事:be
occupied in be engaged in 61、 准备:make provision for prepare for
88:公开的:overt open
62、 为了:in order to for the purpose of at a 89 、宽
恕:overlook 、 forgive
attempt to in the interest of 90 、总的,全部的:overall、forgive
63、 易受~影响的:be prone to be susceptible to 91、克服,战
胜:overcome tackle conquer be subject to 92、激怒:outrage
irritate aggravate sb rage 64、 无根据的:invalid uninformed
futile at sth
65、 人类:humanity human beings mankind 93、情感类词语:
66、 可怕的:formidable fearful awful 悲伤:grief 愤怒irritation
快乐job 憎恨hatred
terrible scary 痛苦(从小打到):grief < agony < anguish , misery
67、 虚弱的:feeble fragile 94、破坏:destruction rape spoiling 68、
严重的:grave sever serious raging 95、草率的:hasten、 reckless
intense 96、值得:rate、 deserve 、 merit 、 claim
69、 阴郁天空:bleak gloomy grim 97、容易的:readily、 easy
70、 不愉快的:grim unpleasant sad 98、乐意的:willing 、
readily 、 ready 、 be
第四期 99:不愿意的:reluctant、 be hesitatant to
71、慷慨的:liberal generouos lavish
Advantage: benefit, positive aspect, handsome strength, 好处 72、责
怪:accuse sb of ~~ charge sb of sth lay
the blame on sb Disadvantage: weakness, drawback, 73、骤增:leap
skyrocket soar sharply negative aspect, fault不利
increase descent
Casual: arbitrary, unplanned, 74、给予:extend give flurish (with)
provide unexpected, 随意的 feed sb with load sb with
75、消遣:loaf around kill the time occupation Effective:
efficient, effectual, fruitful,
productive, valid多效的 76、正式提出:lodge a complaint with sb lay
charge against sb Criticize: reproach, blame, 批评 77、使~成为必
需:necessitate entail
78、大约:about around in the neighbourhood Flaw: weakness,
defect 缺点
of approximately next to
Ability; capability, power, caliber能力 79、然而:however
nevertheless but 、
nonetheless in spite of notwithstanding Dishonest: deceptive 不诚
实的 80、名人:notable celebrity personality public
figures Fair: equitable, equal, impartial, 公平
的 81、怀着:nourish feeling of (hatred) harbour
Success: achievement, feat 成功
Reason: factor, contributor, origin,
原因 同义词的积累对于阅读最大的好处就
是让你真正明白正确答案的标准和特征,同 Result: outcome, consequence,
Result from: arise from, originate 法,考官给考生制造难度的最常见方
法就是from, be due to, thanks to, 由于,因为 换表达形式,但是不改变意
或者正话反说或者反话正说等等出题人常 Give rise to: contribute to,
lead to, 用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同学们列出所result in, cause,
breed, create, incur导致
Disaster: catastrophe 灾难 背完的单词如何能够灵活的输出,我
Pollute: contaminate 污染
Poisonous: toxic 有毒的
Decrease; fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward, minimize,
写作中就能够多样的表达,让语言的变化性 Increase: rise, go up, surge,
grow, 上
升 和生动性能够提高,比如很多同学说到“重
Growing: increasing, rising, 上升的
说法,比如变成“self- evident”或者
原文和让你答题的选项之间常常不会是原aquatic = marine 封不动的说法,
考官给考生制造难度的最常assess = evaluate 见方法就是换表达形式,但是不
改变意思,at bay = under control 同义词替换或者正话反说或者反话正说等at
least = at the minimum 等出题人常用的“伎俩”,因此以下开始给同attain =
reach 学们列出所有新托福词汇的同义词归纳。 attributed = credited
available = acceptable
accommodate = allow for
accompany = join beneficial = hazardous accounts for = explains
broad = general accelerated = speeded up
acceleration = speeding up
cases = situations adapted = modified
capable of using = able to use adjacent = nearby
capital = money adorn = decorate
classic example = representative example advocating = recommending
common = shared affords = provides
compelled = forced allocates = designates
compelling = powerful alternative = different
complex = elaborate alternative = option
components = elements anticipated = expected
components = parts anxious = eager
conceiving of = imagining apparent = obvious
consequently = therefore apparently = seemingly
conspicuous = noticeable devoid of = scant of constant = continued
devoid of = lack of constitutes = consists of devote = dedicate(2)
contexts = settings dictate = determine(2) convert = transform(2)
conveys = communciates diligent
critical = important diligent = careful(2)
diligently = carefully
dim = decrease debatable = questionable
diminish = remove debate = argue
diminish = reduce decade = a period of ten years
disassemble = broke up decimate = destroy
discard = abandon delegate
discarded = threw away delicate = dainty
discern = observe delight
discernible demand
demolition =destruction(2)
disintegrated dense = think
disoperation dependable = reliable
disperse = scatter(2) deposit = accumulate
disposition = temperament deposit = laid down
dissemination = spread(5) desert = abandon(2)
distinction = difference(3) determining
distribution = dispersion(3) devise = create(4)
diversity = variety
documented = recorded endeavor = attempt domestic = home endeavor =
enterprise draft endeavors = enterprises drafted engage in = participate
in = involve
dramatic = striking engross = absorb(3)
draw = attract enlarge = broaden drawn = attracted enlist = obtain(3)
duplicate = copy enrich = enhance dweller = resident enroll to one =
enterprising = innovative
entire = complete eager = enthusiastic(3)
environment = setting earn = require
environment = substance earned = acquired
equipped = furnished(2)
elaborate = detailed
erode = diminish eliminate = remove(2)
erroneous = wrong(2)
embed = implant(3)
escalate = expand(2)
emerge = arise
escalate = grow emergence = arise
estimate = approximate emergence = appear
euphoria = extreme happiness(2) emergent = developing(2)
euphoric = extreme happy encompass = include(2)
eventually = latter(2)
encompass = involve
eventually = ultimately endangered
evident = apparent endangered ? abundant
evident = obvious
evolve = develop(3)
exacerbate = worsen
examined = required
exceedingly = extremely(2)
exceptionally = unusually
exert = reflect(2)
exhausted = tired
expedience = advantage
expend = reach
expend = use(2)
explicitly = clear
explicitly = clearly 剑5 第一套
Passage 1 exposure = disclosure 第二段
compile v.编辑,编纂 extant ? extinct
write ? compile ? compose
concentrate v.集中,关注 extant = remaining
pay attention ? concentrate ?
extant = existing concentration ? keep your mind on ? keep
your eyes on ? take noticenote ? attentive
extant = living ? attention span
convey v.传达,传递 extend = reach express ? convey ? communicate ?
say ? get
something over ? put something into extent = magnitude = scale =
wordsfind the words to say
第三段 extol = praise
define v.定义……
extract = remove from(2) meaning ? sense ? significance ? definition
? connotation ? define
extracted = removed(2) circumscribe v.限制,约束
To limit power, rights, or abilities [= extraordinary = exceptional
restrict]: writhe ? twitch
conquer v.征服 denounce v.谴责,指责
defeat ? overwhelm ? annihilate ? rout ? voiceexpressshow etc your
disapproval ? bring somebody to their knees ? conquer condemn ?
denounce ? deplore
hold back ? stifle ? suppress ? 第三段
overcomeconquer unfold v.展开
第五段 open ? unwrap ? unfold ? unroll
station v.驻扎,静坐 pose v.带来,提出
send ? pack off ? dispatchdespatch ? send ask
in ? send out ? be posted ? be stationed balk v.畏缩不前,犹豫
第六段 To not want to do or try something, file v.把文件或资料归档
because it seems difficult, unpleasant, or keep ? store ? keep something
on file ? file frightening
? keep a recordkeep records question v.质疑
rival v.对抗,与……抗衡 question ? interrogate ? cross-examine ?
competitor ? rival ? the competition carry out door-to-door
inquiries ? be 第八段 helping police with their inquiries ascertain v.确
定 第四段
check ? check out ? make suremake anticipate v.预测
certain ? double-check ? verify ? confirm ? expect ? think ?
ascertain 第五段
fluster v.使不安,使紧张,使困惑
Passage 2 To make someone nervous and confused 第一段 by making them
hurry or interrupting obey v.遵守,遵从 them:
obey ? comply with ? abide by ? keep to ? 第六段
stick to the rules ? conform to ? observe ? discharge v.放电,释放
respect ? toe the line ? go by the bookdo If a piece of electrical
equipment something by the book discharges, or if it is discharged, it
sends 第二段 out electricity
administer v.控制,施加 evolve v.演变,进化
To manage the work or money of a develop ? evolve
company or organization 第七段
simulate v.模拟 evoke v.引发,引起
To make or produce something that is not remind somebody of ? make
somebody real but has the appearance or feeling of think of ? bringcall
to mind ? be a being real reminder ? bring back memoriestake emit v.释
放出,发出……的声音 somebody back ? evoke ? evocative ? come send out ?
give out ? give off ? emit ? flooding back
radiate ? castthrow 第八段
make a soundmake a noise ? go ? with ? merge v.合并,混合
go off ? emit ? let out combine ? be a mixture of something and
writhe v.因剧痛而蠕动,扭动身体 something ? bring together ? blend ?
fidget ? can't keep still ? squirm ? wriggle ? mingle ? merge
unite ? team up ? get together ? combine ? speed ? accelerate ?
quicken your pace ? join forces ? come together ? amalgamate ?
gaingather momentum
merge 第三段
surrender v.投降,放弃 nurture v.培育,形成
admitaccept defeat ? give in ? surrender ? nurture ? foster
concede decline v.下降
第九段 go downcome down ? falldrop ? forgo v.放弃 decrease ?
decline ? reduction ? cut ? do withoutgo without ? deny yourself ?
plummetplunge ? taper off ? dwindle ? abstain ? forgo slide ? take a
dictate v.听写,控制,指挥 第五段
tell ? order ? ask somebody to do overstate v.夸大
something ? demand ? insist ? dictate exaggerate ? blow something
(up) out of elucidate v.阐明,说明,解释 all proportion ? make too much
of ? To explain something that is difficult to overrated ?
overemphasize ? overstate ? be understand by providing more
melodramatic ? lay it on
information 第六段
apply v.适用,应用
apply ? claim ? request ? approach ? put in Passage 3 for ?
applicant ? claimant
第二段 oppose v.反对
starve v.使……挨饿 be againstbe opposed to ? oppose ? not
starving ? starve ? hungry ? not get enough agree with something ? not
believe in to eat ? half-starved ? underfed ? something ? anti- ?
hostile ? antagonistic
malnourished 第七段
exaggerate v.夸大,夸张 melt v.融化
exaggerate ? blow something (up) out of melt ? dissolve ? thaw ?
melt down ? all proportion ? make too much of ? molten ? condense ?
overrated ? overemphasize ? overstate ? be diminish v.消失,减少
melodramatic ? lay it on To become or make something become
associate v.与……相连 smaller or less [= reduce]: link ? associate ?
make a connection ? 第十段
establish a link experience v.经历
be connectedbe related ? be linked ? happen to ? experience ? go
through ? live associated ? havebe something to do with through ? know
? be bound up with somethinggo hand in postpone v.推延,延迟
hand postpone ? put off ? delay ? be cure v.治愈 pushedmovedput
back ? put something cure ? remedy ? antidote on iceput something on
the back burner ? restrict v.限制,约束 procrastinate
limit ? restrict ? setimposeput a limit ? 第十一段
keep tokeep within ? confine ? fix buy v.买,争取(时间)
accelerate v.加速,加快 buy ? get ? purchase ? snap up ? pick up ?
go faster ? speed up ? pick upgather splash out on ? acquire
avoid v.避免 taper v.逐渐变细,变尖
avoid ? stay awaykeep away ? steer clear getgrow thinner get
narrower ? taper
of ? make a detour 第七段
relish v.欣赏,品味
revel in ? get a kick out of ? relish ? gloat ?
wallow in ? take pleasure in ? delight in
剑5 第二套 despise v.鄙视,轻视
Passage 1 hate ? hate somebody's guts ? can't stand ? 第一段
detest ? loathe ? despise ? abhor
patent v.申请专利
To obtain a special document giving you Passage 2
the right to make or sell a new invention第一段
or product tempt v.引发
第二段 attract ? tempt ? seduce
mould v.铸造,塑造 dub v. 称作
form ? mould ? shape call ? christen ? dub
engineer v.设计,加工 第二段
orchestrate ? stage-manage ? engineer ? rely v.依靠,依赖
contrive To trust or depend on someone or revert v.返回 something to
do what you need or expect start again ? go back torevert to ? slip
them to do [? reliable, reliance]: back into puncture v. 戳破,化解
第四段 make a hole in ? pierce ? puncture ? punch abandon v.放弃,抛
弃 ? drill a hole
give up ? quit ? abandon ? drop ? leave it at 第五段
that trigger v. 引发,触发
amass v.累计,积累 set off ? triggerspark ? precipitate
accumulate ? amass ? gain amuse v. 使愉快,开心
manufacture v.制造 make somebody laugh ? crack somebody make ?
produce ? manufacture ? up ? raise a laugh ? have somebody in mass-
produce ? churn outturn out ? hystericsstitches ? amuse
create ? fashion ? build ? construct ? 第七段
assemble track v. 追踪
第五段 follow ? tail ? besit on somebody's tail ? outline v.列举
shadow ? tracktrail ? hound ? stalk ? outline ? sketch out stalker
第六段 accompany v. 伴随
govern v.受……限制 with ? together ? along with ? come with ?
govern ? run ? rule ? be in power ? be in accompanying
government ? hold office 第八段
extract v.抽取,提取 tuck v. 隐藏,蜷缩
find out ? get something out of ? get put ? slide ? tuck ? insert
information ? extract ? worm something 第十段
out of ? drag something out of milk v. 挤奶,猎取
delay v.拖延,延迟 To take milk from a cow or goat
第十一段 delay ? hold-upholdup ? bottleneck
distort v. 扭曲,歪曲 第八段
engage v.参与,参加 twist ? misrepresent ? distort ? falsify ? put
words into somebody's mouth ? cook the To be doing or to become involved
in an books ? rewrite history activity
foster v.促进,加强
Passage 3 promote
第一段 第九段
dominate v.统治,在……中拥有重要的位置 inaugurate v.创立
dominate ? monopolize ? monopoly ? To open a building or start an
organization, stranglehold ? have totalcomplete control event etc for
the first time:
第十段 ? hold sway
第二段 estimate v.估计
renew v.重新开始,使复活,使更新 guess ? estimate ? guesswork ?
continue ? start again ? go on ? go back speculation ? speculative ?
oppose v.反对,抵制 toreturn to ? resume ? take something up
again ? pick uptake up where you left off ? be againstbe opposed
to ? oppose ? not reopen ? renew agree with something ? not believe in
第三段 something ? anti- ? hostile ? antagonistic
adopt v.接受,采纳 institute v.建立
adopt ? foster ? guardian ? in care To introduce or start a system,
rule, legal publicize v.出版 process etc
advertise ? promote ? publicize ? market ?
hypehype up ? plug ? sell ? push ?
剑5 第三套 announce ? report
promote v.促进,加强 Passage 1
A段 help ? encourage ? promote ? aid ? benefit
argue v.争辩,坚决主张,认为 ? advancefurther ? be conducive to ?
something a boost ? be favourable forto argue ? quarrel ? fight ?
have a fight ? fall 第六段 out with ? be at each other's throats ? clash
exploit v.探索 B段
claim v.宣称,表示 use ? exploit ? make use of ? take
advantage of ? play on ? capitalize on claim ? maintain ? assert ?
confirm ? testify deposit v.储存,堆积,放置,存放 ? swear ? certify ?
insist ? protest ? deny
expand v.扩充,扩展 put ? place ? leave ? abandon ? position ?
plant a bombexplosives etc ? plant ? lay ? get bigger ? grow ?
expand ? swell up ? set down ? deposit stretch
seal v.盖戳 C段
acknowledge v.认可,承认 block up ? plugplug up ? seal
restrict v.限制 accept ? recognize ? acknowledge
observe v.注意到,观察到 limit ? restrict ? setimposeput a limit ?
notice ? can seecan tell ? I see ? spot ? become keep tokeep
within ? confine ? fix
第七段 awareconscious ? catch somebody's eye ?
detect ? note ? observe ? perceive replenish v.补充,添加
launch v.发起,进行 refill ? replenish ? top up
start ? begin ? get down to ? start on ? set D段
aboutset to work ? proceed to do something ? divert v.转移,使转向
settle down to ? launch into ? embark onupon not draw attention ?
draw attention away from ? come togrow toget to ? get cracking ?
divertdistract attention ? put somebody off ? involve v.包括,涵盖,
使……参与进来 keep a low profile
involve ? drag somebody into ? bring in E段
D段 rest v.休息,存留在
bypass v.绕过…… rest ? take a rest ? relax ? take a break ? lie To
go around a town or other busy place rather down ? put your feet up ?
laze ? take it easy ? than through it: chillchill out
foster v.促进 concur v.同意,赞同
promote agree ? be in agreement ? be of the same E段 opinion ? share
the view that ? subscribe to ? evaluate v.评估,评价 concur
judge ? assess ? evaluate ? critique affect v.影响
solve v.解决 have an effect ? have an impact ? affect ? take
solve ? work outfigure out effect ? make a difference ? impact
F段 stimulate v.刺激,激发
perpetuate v.延续,保持 To encourage or help an activity to begin or
continuecarry on ? maintain ? perpetuate ? develop further
keep up ? preserve upset v.使……不安
outline v.罗列,列举 upset ? hurt ? hurt somebody's feelings ?
summary ? outline ? overview ? rundown ? distress
precis ? synopsis F段
indicate v.表明,暗示 devise v.设计,制定出
point ? indicate ? gesture attowards ? point out invent ? create ?
come up withthink up ?
devise ? make up ? conceive ? dream up ? coin
Passage 2
A段 Passage 3
erode v.腐蚀,侵蚀 引子
wear away ? erode ? corrode ? rustrust away perform v.表演,执行
scour v.用力擦洗,冲刷 perform ? appear ? be in something
brush ? scrub ? sweep ? scour A段
B段 vanish v.消失,突然不见
deposit v.沉积,堆积 disappear ? vanish ? become extinct ? put in ?
deposit extinction ? die out ? cease to exist
accumulate v.累计,聚集 ignite v.点燃,引发
accumulate ? build up ? pile up ? mount up ? set fire to
somethingset something on fire ?
collect ? gather light ? torch ? ignite
C段 B段
indicate v.表明,暗示 launch v.建立,发布
point ? indicate ? gesture attowards ? point out start ? launch ?
open ? initiate ? spark off ? set
in motion ? getstartset the ball rolling ? get something into
practice ? deliver the things moving ? (let's) get this show on the
goodscome up with the goods
road E段
coin v.创造 back v.支持
invent ? create ? come up withthink up ? To support someone or
something, especially devise ? make up ? conceive ? dream up ? coin by
giving them money or using your influence encompass v.包含,涵盖 reckon
cover ? encompass ? embrace ? span think ? believe ? feel ? figure ?
reckon ? capture v.捕捉,占领,再现 consider ? regardsee ? think of
capture ? round up ? take somebody prisoner ? somebodysomething aslook
recapture somebodysomething as ? take the view mimic v.模仿 thatbe
of the opinion that ? be imitate ? do an impressionimitation ? mimic ?
recognizedacknowledged as
a take-off of somebodysomething spot v.发现
C段 notice ? can seecan tell ? I see ? spot ? become peak v.达到全
盛 awareconscious ? catch somebody's eye ? To reach the highest point
or level: detect ? note ? observe ? perceive
rear v.培养,养育,培育 camouflage v.伪装
To look after a person or animal until they are disguise ?
fully grown [= raise]: extract v.提取,抽取
imply v.暗示 find out ? get something out of ? get suggest ? imply ?
say ? implication ? undertone information ? extract ? worm something out
of solve v.解决 ? drag something out of
solve ? findcome up with a solution ? resolve F段
? put right ? cure ? remedy ? sort out ? sort ? boost v.促进,加强
iron out help ? encourage ? promote ? aid ? benefit ? materialize v.
变为现实 advancefurther ? be conducive to ? give happen ? come true ?
be realized ? be fulfilled something a boost ? be favourable fort
? materialize differentiate v.区别开
opt v.选择 can tell the difference ? can tell decide on ? settle
on ? plump for ? opt somebodysomething apart ? distinguish ? align v.
与……同列,与……结盟 differentiate ? drawmake a distinction ? To
publicly support a political group, country, discriminate
or person that you agree with exacerbate v.恶化
D段 make things worsemake it worse ? to make Characterize v. 描绘,
描述……的特征 mattersthings worse ? aggravate ? exacerbate Describe
somethingsomebody as ? ? compound ? to add insult to injury
characterize somebodysomething as ? label ? filter v.过滤
portrayrepresent ? depict ? paint a pictur To remove unwanted
substances from water, joke v.开玩笑 air etc by passing it through a
special make a jokecrack a joke ? tell a joke ? joke ? substance or
piece of equipment: wisecrack categorize v.将……分类
implement v.实施 sort ? categorize ? classify ? be grouped ? class
carry out ? execute ? implement ? put ? grade
emerge v.开始出现 bound up with somethinggo hand in hand appear ?
become visible ? come into fuel v. 加燃料
viewcome into sight ? come out ? emerge ? increase ? strengthen ?
heighten ? add to ? raise loomloom up ? reappear ? fuel
G段 C段
Lip- read v. 观察人的嘴唇动作来理解话意 ensure v. 保证,确保
To understand what someone is saying by make suremake certain ?
insureensure ? see watching the way their lips move, because you
thatsee to it that
cannot hear them exploit v. 开拓, 开发
encapsulate v.涵盖,概括 use ? take advantage of ? exploit ?
manipulate ? To express or show something in a short way can wrapwind
somebody around your little [= sum up] finger
transcribe v.记录,用音标记下……的语音 integrate v. 成整体,结合
copy ? copy out ? copy down ? transcribe If two or more things
integrate, or if you
integrate them, they combine or work together
in a way that makes something more effective
demonstrate v. 示范, 证明
剑5 第四套 prove ? show ? demonstrate ? confirm ? Passage 1
support ? back up ? bear out ? substantiate ? A段 validate ?
promote v. 促进, 发扬,提拔 penetrate v. 穿透, 渗透, 刺入
help ? encourage ? promote ? aid ? benefit ? enter ? penetrate ?
seep in ? permeate
advancefurther ? be conducive to ? give repatriate v. 遣返
something a boost ? be favourable forto expel ? deport ?
extradite ? repatriate ? boom v. 发出)轰轰声 exilesend into exile ?
boomboom out ? roar ? thunder ? blareblare
out ? blastblast out Passage 2
isolate v. 隔离, 孤立, 绝缘 第一段
separate ? keep somebody apart ? isolate ? cut analyze v. 分析, 分解
somebody off from ? segregate ? segregation ? examine ? look
carefullyclosely ? takehave a apartheid ? in quarantine look at ?
analyze ? study ? check ? check over ? prevail v. 流行, 盛行, 获胜
inspect ? go throughgo over ? look over ? win ? come out on top ?
prevail ? carry the day scrutinize
? win the day 第二段
B段 insist v.坚持, 强调
undermine v. 破坏 To keep doing something, especially spoil ? ruin ?
mess up ? undermine ? screw up ? something that is inconvenient or
annoying: sabotage ? throw a spanner in the works ? pour 第三段
cold water on disagree v. 不一致, 不赞同
associate v. 联系, 交往 disagree ? not agree ? not see eye to eye ?
take link ? associate ? make a connection ? establish issue with ?
differ ? agree to disagree ? dissent
a link consult v.商量, 咨询
be connectedbe related ? be linked ? ask somebody's advice ? seek
advice ? associated ? havebe something to do with ? be getobtain
advice ? consult
第四段 come about ? crop up ? come up ? be coming shelter v. 掩蔽,,
躲避 up ? turn up ? arise ? strike
shelter ? give somebody shelterrefuge ? fluctuate v. 变动, 波动
asylum keep changing ? vary ? fluctuate ? be in fluxbe 第五段 in a
state of flux
solidify v. 凝固,巩固 exceed v.超越, 胜过
harden ? solidify ? set ? freeze ? stiffen be more than ? exceed ?
outnumber ? be up ? exert v. 尽(力), 施加(压力等) pass
To work very hard and use a lot of physical or impact v. 碰撞, 冲
mental energy:overcome v. 战胜, 克服 have an effect ? have an
impact ? affect ? take hold back ? stifle ? suppress ? effect ? make a
difference ? impact
overcomeconquer increase v. 增加, 增大
第六段 increase ? step up ? expand ? broaden ? extend create v. 创造,
产生 ? intensify
invent ? create ? come up withthink up ? differ v.不一致, 不同
devise ? make up ? conceive ? dream up ? coin different ? not like ?
not the same ? contain v. 包含, 容纳, 容忍 vary ? differ ? contrast
with ? be a include ? contain ? among ? range from departure from ?
something to 第三段
第八段 evolve v. 发展,进展,进化
expand v.膨胀,扩张,发展 develop ? evolve
get bigger ? grow ? expand ? swell up ? stretch reserve v. 储备, 保

elapse v.(时间)过去, 消逝 reservebook ? reservation ? booking
passgo by ? elapse ? the passagepassing of assure v. 断然地说, 确
告, 保证
time promise ? assure ? give somebody your 第十段 word ? swear ?
vow ? guarantee ? scan v. 扫描,浏览, commit to ? pledge
skim ? scan ? have a look at 第四段
complete v.完成 maximize v. 最大值, 最佳化
finish ? have done something ? complete ? get increase ? raise ? put
up ? jack up ? something finished ? be through ? conclude push updrive
upforce up ? boost ?
doubletriplequadruple ? maximize
Passage 3 ripen v. 成熟
第一段 To become ripe or to make something assist v. 援助, 帮助 ripe
help ? givelend a hand ? assist ? do something 第五段
for ? do somebody a favour ? help out ? do delay v.耽搁, 延迟
somebody a good turn ? do your bit ? come to
somebody's aidassistance ? give helpassistancesupport
occur v. 发生, 出现
happen ? take place ? there is ? be ? occur ?
conventional historical past accepted common regular routine
mainstream ordinary
early first old ancient primitive previous former remote 模仿:
simulate imitate virtual create reproduce copy pretend
fake mock counterfeit 人工的:artificial synthetic fabricate contrive

低: reduce cut decrease halve lessen moderate trim concise curtail
未来: future what’s next prospect forthcoming
worldwide international cosmopolitan metropolitan ubiquitous around
the world
发展: develop evolve advance grow improve progress
找: find discover come across encounter hit on observe recognize
Spot uncover
要求: demand request claim need call for
下降: decline drop fall recession depression slump
意义重大:significant important milestone impact implication 普遍的、
prevalent usuall prevailing popular fashionable glamourous 反对:
objection challenge disapproval opposition pretest 商
业: commercial financial economic business mercantile pecuniary
障碍: obstacle bar barrier block obstruction snag hurdle 不可避
免:inevitable unavoidable certain destined doomed fated sure 军事
的:military arm weapon army warlike belligerent
角色: role function job position duty post task contribution
recent modern current now nowadays today new novel present
Up to date
困难: handicat hardship adversity dilemma perplexity plight 表示:
describe operate explain clarify demonstrate elucidate expound
interpret account for
大约: about around some or so approximately
关于: in regard to in terms of with respect to considerating 根据:
according to based on in the light of in terms of by from how 事实
上:actually as a matter of fact effectually in effect in fact
practically 调节,适应: adjust adapt to gear to accommodate go with
match suit 反对(和前面的不同):against opposing averse contradictory
同时: meanwhile simultaneously synchronously
吸引: attractive alluring fascinating inducing tempting 可能: be
likely to be tempted to tend to incline to prone to 导致: cause lead to
result in bring on trigger engender 分类: classify assort categorize
线索: clue hint implication
控制: control dominate manage monitor supervise
摧毁: v. destroy damage ruin wreak devastate
n. devastation catastrophe tragedy destruction 做: do be under way
carry out commit conduct implement 足够: enough adequate ample
评价: evaluate appraise assess judge
期待: expect anticipate wish long for look forward to 好: good
fabulous fantastic marvel miraculous terrific 拥有: have belong to hold
own possess
重要: important critical crucial essential fundamental foremost
significant vital
知道: know appreciate be aware of be conscious recognize understand
主要的: mainly basically chief essentially primarily principally 多:
many abundant considerable numerous substantial a raft of a wealth of 现
在: now currently presently at present
明显的: obvious apparent clear distinct evident manifest overt 仅仅:
only merely solely no more than exclusively
计划: program project scheme plot
可能: possible potential promise probable likely
相关: relate to associate with connect to correlate with link with
送: send convey transmit
展示: show demonstrate prove reveal unravel
加入: take part in involve in participate in
很: very awfully badly considerably excessively extraordinarily
ely greatly highly radically significantly to the extreme
8: shared 代 common
duals,characters, folks替换 huge fruits 替换get many
(people ,persons) benefits )
2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),10:for my part ,from my own
promising(有希望的),perfect, perspective 替换 in my opinion
pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good
11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more
and more( 注意没有growingly这种形
3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, 式。所以当修饰名词时用
ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,increasinggrowing.修饰形容词,
可以有be less impressive替换 用increasingly.
army of college students indulge themselves in playing games,
enjoying has gained growing romance with girlsboys or killing
time is increasingly popular
passively in their dorms. When it with the advancement of sth.
approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records
are less if anything, 或little or nothingimpressive. 替换
4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a 13..beneficial, rewarding替
换helpful, multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)
r,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换many.
注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,
ingly,extremely, intensely 替many后一定要有词。
Eg. Many individuals, if not most,
necessary, hardly inevitable ... harbor the idea that….同
理 用most, if
替换 unnecessary, avoidable not all ,替换most.
appeals to sb, sth exerts a 5: a slice of, quiet a few ,
tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb some
take interest in sb. be interested in
6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude
e one's attention替换attract that,hold the view that, it
is widely
one's attention. shared that,
,demension,sphere代aspect it is universally acknowledged
indicative of ,be suggestive of ,be
fearful of代 indicate, suggest ,fear 7:affair ,business ,matter 替换
rise to, lead to, result in, trigger 27. interaction替换
communication 替换cause.
on sth替换 be against , 22. There are several reasons
behind sth disagree with sth 替换..reasons for sth
name only a few, as an example替
替换want. 换 for example, for instance attention
into 替换pay 30. next to virtually impossible,替换
attention to nearly almost impossible
in mind that 替换remember
26. enjoy, possess 替换have(注意
? 高频形容词:

1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty -stricken
2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀
的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good =
conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental
= baneful =undesirable

6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy
= robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing =
extraordinary = miraculous
9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye- catching 10. 有活
力的:energetic = dynamic = vigourous =animated 11. 流行的: popular =
prevailing = prevalent = pervasive ? 高频动词:

1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance = promote = strengthen = optimize 2.
引起:cause = trigger = endanger
3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4.
拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop =
cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate =
stimulate = spur 7. 认为: think = assert = hold = claim = argue 8. 完
成:complete = fulfill = accomplish = achieve

9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold
10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease
= alleviate = relieve = lighten ? 高频名词:
1. 影响:influence = impact
2. 危险:danger = perils =hazards
3. 污染:pollution = contamination
4. 人类:human beings= mankind = humane race
5. 老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior
citizens 6. 幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being
7. 老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers 8. 教
育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing

9. 青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents 10. 优
点:advantage = merits = superiority = virtue
11. 责任: responsibility = obligation = duty = liability 12. 能力:
ability = capacity = power = skill
13. 职业: job = career = employment = profession

14. 娱乐: enjoyment = pastimes = recreation = entertainment
15. 孩子: children = offspring = descendant = kid
? 高频短语:
1. 充满了:be filled with = be awash with = be inundate with = be
saturated with
2. 努力:struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts
3. 从事: embark on = take up = set about = go in for

4. 在当代: in contemporary society = in present- day society= in this
day and age 5. 大量的: a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a
vast amount of
一、And 并列关系

(and)in addition and similarly likewise as well as
besides furthermore also moreover too not only ... but
even besides this,that
二、Sequence 顺序 (then)
first initially second etc. to begin with then next
earlier,later following this,that
三、Consequence 结果 (so)
前面是后面的结果 也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了
as a result thus so therefore consequently it follows
that thereby eventually in that

case admittedly
四、Contrast 转折 (but )
表对前面论述的转折 一般后面才是作者观点

however on the other hand despite in spite of though
although but on the contrary otherwise yet instead of
rather whereas nonetheless in contrast
五、Certainty 确定 (of course)
强烈的确定 后面是作者的坚定论点

obviously certainly plainly of course undoubtedly
六、Condition 条件 因为 (if )
if unless whether provided that Given that for so
that whether depending on
七、Time 时间 (when )

before since as until meanwhile at the moment when
whenever as soon as
just as
八、Summary 总结 (in a word)
in conclusion in summary lastly finally to sum up to
conclude to recapitulate 重述
in short in a word
九、Example 举例 (for example)

for example for instance just as in particular such as
namely 也就是
十、Reason 原因 ( because)
since as so because (of) due to owing to the
reason why in other words leads to

Advantage : benefit, positive aspect, strength, 好处 Disadvantage:
weakness, drawback, negative aspect, fault不利 Casual : arbitrary,
unplanned, unexpected, 随意的 Effective : efficient, effectual, fruitful,
productive, valid多效的 Criticize : reproach, blame, 批评

Flaw : weakness, defect 缺点

Ability capability, power, caliber能力

Dishonest : deceptive 不诚实的

Fair : equitable, equal, impartial, 公平的

Success : achievement, feat 成功

Reason : factor, contributor, origin, 原因

Result : outcome, consequence, implication结果
Result from: arise from, originate from, be due to, thanks to, 由
于,因为 Give rise to: contribute to, lead to, result in, cause, breed,
create, incur导致 Disaster : catastrophe 灾难

Pollute : contaminate 污染

Poisonous : toxic 有毒的

Decrease fall, drop, plunge, decline, step back, downward,
minimize, abate下降 Increase: rise, go up, surge, grow, 上升

Growing : increasing, rising, 上升的
stiff unchanged little change 僵硬的,一成不变的

tremendousappreciablyremarkablecrucial 巨大的,明显的,程度大的
imately 将近- nearly, almost
tion percentage 比例

involved (in) involve in involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与
considering , in regard to despite although 有鉴于、考虑到,
尽管 [v] 引入,引导,引诱 inductive [n] 归纳 >< deduce
deductive推断 e destiny chances

e 开采完,耗尽 exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放
exploit x 错综复杂的 complicated sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复
杂的 ty能力,容量 competence (竞争)能力 ability 能力(笼统的)
11.确保,保障:Secure-security ensure (insure) guarantee 押金

merely only

13.a vast array of 系列 a great variety of 花样,品种 a great rang
系列 of ide 杀虫 suicide 自杀 homicide murder杀人
e assume (responsibility) suppose 16.授权,委托:authorize
commission 佣金 entitle 头衔 + ment =right (权利) se buy

18. ethnic 种族的 ethic 伦理,道德的 + s =[n ]
19. modify change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n]
20. insightknowledge learning understanding knowing
ain拘泥,限制 restrict 限制 limit
22. circumstance 环境(社会) surroundings environment 环境(环保)背
景 background 后台 settings后台,布景 context 上下文(文章中)
ous 臭名昭著的 flagrant臭的>
24.移民:immigrant (进来) emigrant(出去)migrant
25.兴旺,繁荣;prosperous thriving booming(人口,行业)flourishing
26.神圣的:divine heavenly holy sacred 27.有毒的:poisonous toxic
( in-, non- 无毒的)

28.致命的:deadly fatal lethal mortal
29.类似于:look like resemble
30. chronic长期的,慢性的— long-term 长期的

31.网恋:virtual love cyber love
32.网友:on- line net cyber friend
上网(聊天)chat on line go on-line cyber café网吧
-evolution 进化 revolute- revolution 革命,旋转 involve-
involution 卷入,涉及 34. indicator predictor 表示诠释,预测

te demonstrate displayexhibitbetray
36. therapist expert specialist 37. 优点,长处,美德:advantage
merit virtue length 38. commonest frequent

39. 未开发的,初级的:rudimentary underdeveloped 40. 退
化:degenerate -tion [n] ->generate 生产,制造 degrade ->grade 等级
deteriorate 恶化,每况愈下
41. 分类:category-categorize class-classify uence后果->影
响 subsequence紧跟其后 sequence=order秩序 frequency 频率

冲突(民族,种族)crash 飞机坠毁
44. substitution=> substitute sth for sb replace ative=>
46.孤立:isolate alienateinsulate隔绝, 排外,孤立->be alien
toinsulate (-ior) 绝缘,隔(体)

47(缺点,不足之处:defect flaw failing disadvantage drawback 48.
创新的,发明的,新颖的,创新的:inventive (-tion) innovative (-tion)
creative (-tion)
ingenious (ity)novel (-ty) =>[n]creativerevolutionary (易错拼
写:environment convenient)
49(neutral 中立的,中性的 negative 否定,消极,阴性的 positive 肯
50(ambiguous->ambiguity 模棱两可的,暧昧的obscure
icate 沟通,传达,通报
odate 1供...食宿,2=adapt to 适应,调整,3=hold 容纳,4

ment 1 ~ to sth. 奉献 2 责任,义务
54(contribute to 导致 ~ result in account for (占据)导致
54.缺乏的,不足的:inadequate insufficient deficientlack (of)
short (of) 55.强调:emphasize stress highlight focus on concentrate
on 明显的:apparently 显而易见的patently 道貌岸然的

56.对…怀疑:(be) skepticalskeptical dubious suspicious (aboutof)
57.缺点,缺陷:drawback fault defect imperfection failing
weakness shortcoming flaw

58.臭命昭著的:notorious->notoriety flagrant smelly odorous
59.机构,组织:association structure organization 60.超过:exceed
61.岩浆:molten rock lava magma
62.语言:linguist ~学家 lingual和~有关的 bilingual双语
63.多种多样的:diversity variety breed species breed:[n]品种,[v]

t 方言 accent 腔调
65.开始的,初步的:begin launch initial (-ly) [v] 首字母,开始的
开始,发动>initiative 原创性= origin
66.贫穷:poor in poverty impoverished( 被剥夺财产的)

67.杰出:eminence (-t) prominence (-t)unusual
genetic defect ~缺陷 anatomy解剖 conceive构思,怀孕

69.辅助性:alternative 补充性 therapist
70.演绎,推理:deduce->deductive inferential >< induce 引导,引入,
归纳-> induction 归纳 71.令人困惑的:bewildering puzzling perplexing

ize辅助 subsidy 补助,补贴 subsidiary 74.a factor in sth
depend on sth preferred by choice
de to how
present century modern society great
term of 按照,在…方面,关于with regard to, in spite of 不
顾,尽管 80. small-scale 小范围 marginal 边缘处的

81. physical medical
ation agreement 谈判,洽谈 商定,协议
ent accommodation 公寓 住房
l (love) simulate 模拟的(网恋) 模拟
rophe disaster 大灾难 灾难,不幸

te invent 革新,创新 发明,创造
sculpture craft 雕刻,雕塑 工艺

tant expensive 过度的,极高的 费用大的,昂贵的
89. be participant in take part in participate in
to take care of
employment dual-worker 双职工(家庭)
te predict 指示,表明,象征 预料,预言

A major contributor to be central to 来源,起点 是…的主要,中心原
因 therapist 专家,能手;知识丰富的 某个专科的专家
to be associated with 相联系(带来…的好处)
ed equitable 平等的

ap disabledprimitive 残疾的,落后的
98. could not-and cannot has always been unable to by from
t advantage
ntial influence greater likelihood on define

ered desirable effectiveness
rade (in) disguise 伪装
ificant didn’t seriously 不重要不严重的
t examine 审核,检查
106(caliber criterion 标准
107(no-one know>< notorious 无人知晓><臭名昭著的 108(dissatisfy
argue 不满意厌恶,讨厌

ism negative blue >< optimistic 悲观的,忧郁的>< 乐观的
sfactory hardly be looked upon
fy define
… into become

sh knock down dismantle 毁坏,拆毁(建筑物) 敲,打
ion move 迁移 移动
charge sb for 向某人…猛攻,充电,负责,付费,控诉
te split 分开,使隔绝,提取 分,劈开
ationattraction (-e:[v]) 迷住,吸引住
require unnecessary 不需要 不必要
decipher 译解(密码),解释
drawback= disadvantage 耽误,延迟 欠缺,弊端
ation organization 机构,关联 组织
current nowadayspresent 最近的 现代的 当今的现在
ive burst explosive release 强烈的爆发 爆炸性的释放
ized identified 承认,识别,认可 识别,鉴别 to
focus on 针对,目标,打算 集中

…to lead to 连接导致,通向
128. inadequate (diet) deficiency (in trace minerals) 不充分,不适
当的 缺乏,不足 fundamental 基础的,基本的

catch 捕捉,抓住
lethal 致命的
s on running on 成功
be related by 有关系的

obtained in be derived in 获得,流行,通用 由…产生,起源于
-income wealthy 高收入的富裕的
alike be similar to 相同的,相似的
te show 显示,指出,象征
138. eliminate lessen >< 消除 减少

139. not risen significantly stagnate 停滞不前的 wage
工资:总称 蓝领的
gain 创造,造成 获得,增加
efficiently increased productivity 有效率的 上升的生产率
y financial 经济
stration management 144.(be) sympathetic understand 同
情的,赞同 理解 uce involve 引入 卷入

different >< exist 死亡><存在

out of date be developed
reduce 减少

r hurdle
position top post
做:do=exercise, practice, perform
(做法:behavior=exercise, practice, performance)
对…有益处:be good for.=do good to
=be beneficial to
=be advantageous to
=be conducive to 对…有害处:be harmfulbad for
=be detrimental to
=be disadvantageous to
=be pernicious to
集中精力于:focus on=A devote oneself to
dedicate oneself to
commit oneself to
=B engage oneself in
employ oneself in
认为:think =A argue, assert, contend, claim
=B maintain, note
=C hold the viewpoint that
hold the standpoint that
hold the perspective that
=D harbour an ideaopinion that
embrace a view that (观点:viewpoint~ standpoint~perspective )
反对:be against=reject, object, oppose
=be opposed to
=become hostile to
支持:support=take sides with
=lend support to
=sing high praise of
导致:lead to=trigger
=result in, bring about, contribute to
=give rise to, give birth to, be responsible for (归咎于:be ascribed
to=be attributed to)
看到,see,~读到(read)~学到(learn)=接触到make contact with=have
access to=be accessible to
=暴露于be exposed to=gain exposure to
=A 及物动词组 promote, advance, enhance, reinforce
名词 promotion, advancement, enhancement, reinforcement
=B 不及物动词 rocket, boom, flourish, prosper
有:负面含义:suffer, run high risk of
正面含义:boast, embrace
中性含义:face=be faced with=be possessed of
面临~面对:be faced with=be encountered with=be poised on the brink
破坏:destroy, damage=A decompose, destruct
=B endanger, threaten
=C impair, decimate, deteriorate
=D exercisepracticeperform damagedanger…upon
阻碍:limit=A restrict, restrain, constrict, constrain
=B obstacle, barricade
=C smother, curb
=D hinder, impede
下结论:make a conclusion=A draw a conclusion that
reach a conclusion that
arrive at a conclusion that
=B hammer a conclusion that
crystallize a conclusion that
使用:use=employ, apply, adopt,=resort to
解决:solve=A address
B deal with
Cope with
减轻:reduce=A lessen, lighten, lower
=B mitigate, alleviate
=C decrease, degrade
形容词替换集锦 难的:difficult=troublesome=burdensome=thorny 不可或缺
的:necessary=indispensable=inevitable=irreplaceabl e=unavoidable
重要的:important=crucial, critical, essential, vital
=be importance=be of cruciality=be of criticality= be of
essentiality=be of vitality
巨大的:large=enormous, tremendous, considerable, appreciable 正确
的,correct,=仔细的(careful)=arduous=assiduous 有道理
的:reasonable=rational and plausible
吸引人的:attractive=inviting and appealing
足够的:adequate and sufficient
很多~许多:A a wealth of
a flood of
vast arrays of
B a tremendous(enormousconsiderableappreciable) amount(numbersum)
更~越来越:more and more
=A 更+ 具体名词,比如钱~人数等, a growingincreasingclimbing
numberamountsum of
抽象名词,比如影响~重要性,growingincreasingclimbing =B 更+形容词
growinglyincreasinglyclimbingly =C 更+动词 to a larger extent
日常生活:daily lives=day-to-day lives
=everyday lives
因素:cause, reason=factor, determinant
联系:relationship(relate A to B)
=connection(connect A to B )
=association(associate A to B) 优
=favorable aspectsrespectsperspectives
=undesirable aspectsrespectsperspectives
disadvantage=detriment=inferiority=defect=deficien cy
=unfavorable aspectsrespectsperspectives
=undesirable aspectsrespectsperspectives
在…方面:in …ways=in …aspectsrespectsperspectives
用…方法:in…ways=in…fashion=in …manner
of=necessary to
without=free from
about=concerning=related to
traditional, historical, past. accepted, common, regular, routine,
mainstream, ordinary
first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote
virtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitate
synthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit,
curtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slash
whats next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcoming
international, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous,
widespread, around the world
evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourish
discover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note,
observe, recognize, spot,
request, claim, need, order, require, call for
decrease, degeneration, 0drop, fall, recession, depression,
reduction, slump, worsening
importance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication,
point, purport, vital
common, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective,
general, popular
chanllenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest, query,
question, remonstration
bar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction,
problem, snag, hurdle
business, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniary
unavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, sure
armed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlike
function (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position,
duty, post, task, contribution
modern, current, now, nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel,
present, up-to-date
handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma,
perplexity, plight, trouble
describe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound,
illustrate, interpret, account for
synthetic, fabricated, contrived, fake, mock, bogus, counterfeit,
traditional, historical, past; accepted, common, regular, routine,
mainstream, ordinary
request, claim, need, order, require, call for
decrease, degeneration, drop, fall, recession, depression, reduction,
slump, worsening
evolve, advance, grow, improve, progress, flourish
handicap, hardship, adversity, challenge, complication, dilemma,
perplexity, plight, trouble
first, old, ancient, primitive, previous, former, remote
discover, come across, encounter, hit on, expose, notice, note,
observe, recognize, spot, uncover
what's next, prospect, approaching, expected, destined, forthcoming
describe, operate, explain, clarify, demonstrate, eludicate, expound,
illustrate, interpret, account for
unavoidable, certain, destined, fated, inescapable, sure
armed, belligerent, army, weapon, warlike
commercial challenge, complaint, disapproval, opposition, protest,
query, question, remonstration
bar, barricade, barrier, block, blockage, check, obstruction,
problem, snag, hurdle
common, usual, prevailing, widespread, systematic, collective,
general, popular
curtail, cut, decrease, halve, impair, lessen, moderate, trim, slash
function (provide, support, weaken, smooth, solve), job, position,
duty, post, task, contribution
modern, current, now, nowadays, today, contemporaneous, new, novel,
present, up-to-date
virtual, create, reproduce, pretend, imitate
importance, milestone, impact, justification, gist, implication,
point, purport, vital
business, economic, financial, mercantile, profitable, pecuniary
international, cosmopolitan, global, universal, ubiquitous,
widespread, around the world
解决:solve, resolve, deal with, cope with, handle, tackle
消除:get rid of, eradicate, eliminate
依赖:rely on, depend on, count on
十分:very much, immensely, hugely, largely, greatly, enormously,
损害:damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair
给予:give, offer, render, impart, provide
发展:develop, cultivate, foster
优势:advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength
缺陷:disadvantage, detect, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness
Context: setting, circumstances, environment
Spectacular: stunning, impressive, magnificent, dazzling,
Habitat: home, locale, environment, surroundings
Infect: contaminate, pollute, taint, poison
Cite: quote, mention, refer to, allude to
Better: improvement, advancement, progress
Convert: change, alter, transform, renovate
Functional: operational, serviceable
Fascinate: captivate, charm, enthrall, entice, allure
Undertake: take on, assume, carry out
Designate: title, entitle, term, call
Identify: recognize, pinpoint, detect, ascertain
Senior: leading, chief, primary, superior, major
Incorporate: include, absorb, integrate, unite
Multifarious: diverse, varied, various, miscellaneous, diversified
Avenue: method, approach, methodology
Underlie: lie beneath, bring about, trigger, cause, inspire
Domain: area, field, sphere, province, realm, territory
Orientation: direction, positioning, placement, location









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