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深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
Unit 2 Body language
n. 语言
n. 交际,交流

communicate v. 交流,表达
What’s the meaning of….?
= What does ….. mean?
southern adj. 南方的
leave sb. a message 给某人留言
be bored with = be tire of 对…
adj. 对某人、某事厌倦的
adj. 兼职的
adj. 衣着入时的,穿着考究

n. 女士
n. 叹气,叹息
n. 表情,神色
n . 外貌,外表
prep. 向,朝,对着
v. 使保持(在某位置)
adv. 以后,后来
v. 提醒,使想起
n. 颈,脖子
v. 使交叉,使交叠
v. 点头
v. 与某人握手;摇头
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v. 接受(建议,邀请等) acceptable adj. 可接受的
n. 意义,意思
n. 手势
n. (书面或口头的)信息,
boring adj.无聊的,令人厌倦的

get dressed 穿上衣服

n. 符号,手势
What’s the matter with…?
= What’s wrong with….?
express v. 表达
appear v. 出现
disappear v. 消失

remind sb. of 使某人想起

across prep. 横穿
nod to sb. 向某人点头
shake hands with sb. 与某人握
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试

shake one’s head. 摇头
adj. 确信,肯定 surely adv. 当然;无疑

1. take place
2. sit up
3. make a impression on sb.
4. remind sb about sth.

1. What body language are the boy and the girl showing?
show: 显示, 展示 show – showed – showed shown
【拓展】① (v) 给….看,出示.
show sb sth = show sth to sb 给某人看某物
e.g.: Please show me your photo. = Please show your photo to me. 请给我看一看你
② (n) 演出,节目,展览会。
e.g.: The show starts at 7:30 p.m. 演出在晚上7:30开始。

2. A well-dressed lady entered the office.
well - dressed: (adj) 衣着入时的,穿着讲究的
a well - dressed lady 一位穿着讲究的女士
【拓展】 dress: (v) 及物动词给…. 穿衣服,后常接人作宾语。
e.g.: The little girl is too young to dress herself. 小女孩太小了,不能自己穿衣服。
get dressed: 穿衣服 dress up: 盛装,打扮

3. People always choose Debbie instead of me.
instead of: 介词短语,代替。它后面常接宾语,宾语多由名词、代词、动词ing 形
e.g.: We'll ask Li Mei instead of Mary.
【辨析】instead of 与instead:
instead 代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后
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instead 在顺接句子中作“代替”讲,而在转折(或逆转)句子中作“然而”讲。
Lily isn't here. Ask Lucy instead. Lily不在这儿,去问Lucy吧.
instead of instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于 它后面常
接宾语,其宾语多由名词、代词、动词ing 形式充当。
I'll go instead of her. 我会替她去。

4. Her body language is making people feel welcome, so they go to her for help.
make sb do sth: 是某人做某事,make此处做使役动词,意为“使、让”。
make have let sb do sth: 让某人做某事。The moving story made us cry.
make sb sth done: “sthsb”是被动的完成某一动作。She can’t make herself heard
in Chinese.【拓展】make 的其他用法:
①be made to do sth: 被迫去做某事
I was made to stay at home yesterday.
② make sth to do sth: 制作某物五做某事。Make此处为实义动词“制作”。
They made a fire to keep warm.
③ make it + 形容词名词to do sth: 使做某事…..
The internet makes it easy to look up information. 因特网使查找信息变得容易。
④ make sb sth + 形容词: 使某人某物…..
Our teacher tries to make her class interesting.

5.A few months later, she left with a smile.
leave (v): 离开leave – left –left
【拓展】 leave: (v) 剩下,留下,通常用起过去分词作定语。
Is there any food left in the fridge? 冰箱里还有剩余的食物吗
leave + 地点名词:离开某地 He will leave his country two days later.
leave for + 地点名词:动身去某地 We’re leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.

6. She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday.
remind: 提醒,使记起。
常用结构:remind sb of about sb sth: 使某人想起 某人 某事
remind sb + that从句: 提醒某人….
remind sb to do sth: 提醒某人做某事
something in a place:
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keep: 保持,保留 keep – kept – kept
①keep +形容词: 保持…(在某一状态) keep healthy 保持健康 keep warm保

②keep doing sth: 一直做某事,不间断地做某事
You shouldn’t keep thinking about it.
③keep on doing sth: 反复做某事The student kept on asking me the same question.
④keep… from doing sth: 阻止 防止…做某事
In order to keep the children from swimming in the sea, he keeps them staying at
home all day.

8. I can get another job like this.
【辨析】another, the other, others与the others:
another 另一个的,再一个的 = one more 或a different one
the other
others 另一些,再一些 = some of the rest 只从三个或三个以上的人或物中除
the others

. Yang came over at once and said, “You made a good impression on her,
come over意为“过来”。如:
Can you come over again tomorrow night? 我们明天晚上能再过来吗?
at once意为“立刻;马上”,与immediately 意思相近。其他表示这一含义的词
right now, right away, without delay等。如:
I decided what to do at onceright now right awaywithout delayimmediately.我当即
make a good impression on sb意为“给某人留下好印象”。也可以用
leave a goodbad impression on sb表示“给某人留下好坏印象”。如:
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另一个 = the second of the two 指两者中的另一个,是特指,常与
其余的,剩余的= all of the rest 只从三个或三个以上的人或物中除
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
It is important to makeleave a good impression on the interviewer.面试的时候给考
1. Why not go skating? 为什么不去滑冰呢?
2. Why don’t you go to Harbin? 你为什么不去哈尔滨呢?
3. What about How about going skating? 去滑冰怎么样?
4. You’d better go skating. 你最好去滑冰。
【拓展】① shall we + 动词原形…..:我们….好吗?
② let’s + 动词原形….:让我们…吧
③ you ought to should + 动词原形…:你应该….
④ would you like to + 动词原形…:你想…吗?

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
Swimming is her favourite sport. 游泳是她最喜欢的运动。
She likes singing and dancing. 她喜欢唱歌跳舞。
Thank you for helping us. 谢谢你帮助我们。
He left without saying good-bye. 他没有告别就离开了。
Finding work is difficult these days. 现在找工作可不容易。
He enjoys playing basketball. 他喜爱打篮球。
4. 与动词搭配的doing用法:
1 keep doing sth
一直作某事 Keep driving until you see the cinema, then turn left.
2 be busy doing sth
忙于做某事 He was busy doing his homework. 他正忙于写家庭作业。
3 spend time money (in) doing sth 花时间 金钱做某事
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He spends much time playing every day. 他每天花许多时间玩耍。
4 finish doing sth 完成某事
5 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 The boy enjoyed listening to music. 这个男孩喜
6 mind doing sth 介意做某事 Do you mind my opening the window? 你介意我
7 feel like doing sth 想要做某事
8 stop (keep, prevent) sb sth from doing sth 阻止某人某物做某事
stopped me from going out. 我爸爸不让我出去。
9 thank … for doing sth 为了某事而感谢某人 Thank you so much for inviting
me. 非常感谢你邀请我。
10 waste time money doing sth
浪费时间金钱做某事 Don’t waste time reading such books. 不要浪费时间读这
11 be worth doing sth 值得做某事 The teacher thought Tom was not worth
teaching. 老师认为汤姆不值得教。
12 can’t help doing sth
情不自禁(忍不住)做某事 She could not helping laughing after she heard the
13 give up doing sth 放弃做某事
14 be used to doing sth
习惯于做某事 My grandpa is used to living in the countryside. 我的爷爷习惯于
15 what about how about doing sth 做某事怎么样 What How about playing
football this afternoon? 今天下午踢足球怎么样?
16 have trouble doing sth
很费劲地做某事 We had a lot of trouble finding the book you wanted. 我们费劲
You should practise speaking English as much
17 practise doing sth 练习做某事
as possible. 你应当尽可能多地练习说英语。
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Can you finish writing in ten minutes? 你十分钟
I’m not feeling well. I don’t feel like eating.
My dad
The doctor told me to give up smoking. 医生
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
18 It is no use (good) doing sth 做……没用 It’s no good complaining. 抱怨是没
19 no + doing …禁止,不准
20 look forward to doing sth
盼望着做某事 I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 我盼望着收到你的来
21 pay attention to doing sth
注意做某事 You must pay attention to protecting the environment.你要注意保护环
22 suggest doing sth 建议做某事
23 avoid dong sth 避免做某事 The book tells you how to avoid getting ill while
24 do + some + doing do some cooking shopping cleaning washing reading
25 go + doing去做某事 go shopping fishing swimming skating boating
climbing the hill hunting hiking sightseeing
(去购物 钓鱼 游泳 滑冰 划船 爬山 远足 观光)
I suggest going there by train. 我建议乘火车
No parking! 不准停车!

Unit 2 Body language 单元测试

姓名 分数
I. 词汇运用 (每小题1分,共15分)
i. 根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(每小题1分,共8分)
( ) 1. The house faces towards the river.
A. in B. to C. at
( ) 2. His appearance attracts many people.
A. look B. height C. action
( ) 3. She is well-dressed when she goes out..
A. in good clothes B. in simple clothes C. unpopular
( ) 4. At first I didn't find Jack. Later, I found him in the library.
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A. Quickly B. After sometime C. Suddenly
( ) 5. Larry is bored with too much homework.
A. is afraid of B. is tired of C. isn’t unhappy with
( ) 6. When are you going to leave?
A. set off B. put off C. take off
( ) 7. The car accident took place at 6:30 P.M. yesterday.
A. held B. lost C. happen
( ) 8. Learning a language needs time and effort.
A. returns B. remembers C. requires
ii. 选择恰当的词汇或短语完成句子。(每小题1分,共7分)
( ) 9. A________ is a movement of hand, held that expresses something.
A. signature
A. singer
B. gesture
B. designer
C. lecture
C. actor
( ) 10. A(n) _________ is someone acting in a play or show.
( ) 11. If you feel _________ , it means you feel unhappy because of being alone
or without friends?.
A. tired B. surprised C. lonely
( ) 12. China is a country a long history.
A. with B. has C. have
( ) 13. – My mother makes me a lot of extra homework every weekend.
– Oh, I am so sorry to hear that.
A. to do B. do C. does
( ) 14. A__________ lady means a lady who wears nice clothes.
A. patient B. cheerful C. well-dressed
( ) 15. We ________ hands ________ each other and sat down.
A. shake; with

II. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)
( ) 16. The magazines are ________ easy that the children can read them well.
A. such B. so C. too

( ) 17. Be careful when you come _______ the street,because the traffic is very
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B. shook; with C. shook; for
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
at the moment.
A. across B. behind C. between
( ) 18. I __________ the hospital at eight o’clock this morning.
A. got B. reached to C. arrived at
( ) 19. --- _________ eye contact is very important during a conversation.
--- Yes. It is a kind of body ________.
A. Making; invention B. Make; language C. Making; language
( ) 20. --- I'm very interested in ________ basketball.
--- Me too. But I don't have time ______ every day.
A. playing; to play B. play; to play C. playing; playing
( ) 21. --- Can you tell me how to make a good impression ________others?
--- Smile often. That is the ________to success.
A. on; model B. in, key C. on; key
( ) 22. --- What’s the _________with you?
---I _______in the exam.
A. matter failed B. question; failed C. matter, sighed
( ) 23. --- I am very _______ with my job now. What should I do?
--- Why don't you _______ for a few months?
A. boring; rest B. bored; to rest C. bored; rest
( ) 24. – Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight?
– I’d like to, I have lots of homework to do.
A. and B. or C. but
( ) 25. -- What should I do if I __________ with you?
--- You should _______your head.
A. will agree; nod B. agree; nod C. agree; lose
( ) 26. --- Do you mind _______ your bike to me?
--- Of Course not. But you have to return _________before 5 o’clock.
A. to lend; it B. to lend; one C. lending; it
( ) 27. --- I don't want to ________her advice because I think it is useless.
--- You're right. I ________ think so.
A. accept; also B. receive; also C. accept; too
( ) 28. Tom likes playing the guitar and he enjoys dancing _________.
A. however B. either C. as well
( ) will you come to my house? I can’t wait _______ you.
A. meeting B. to meet C. met
( ) 30. 2. No one enjoys _______ at.
A. laughing B. to laugh
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C. being laughed
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试

III. 完型填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分)
Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble?
One day, two ______ (31) were walking along the road to school when they saw an
old woman carrying a large basket of pears. They thought the woman looked very
______ (32). They went up to her and said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we
will help carry your basket.”
“Thank you,” ______ (33) the woman, “you are very kind. You see I’m weak and
ill.” Then she told them that she was now going to market to ______ (34) the pears
which grew on the only tree in her little garden.
“We are all going to the ______ (35).” said the boys. “Let us have the basket.” And
they took hold of it, one each side. They walked ______ (36) with the heavy basket,
but happily.
The other day, I saw a little girl stop and ______ (37) a piece of orange peel (皮),
which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶), “I wish ______ (38) would throw that on
the sidewalk,” said she. “Someone may step on it and fall.”
Perhaps some may say that these are not ______ (39) things. That is right. But such a
little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a feeling heart. We must not
wait for the ______ (40) to do great things. We must begin with little things of love.
31. A. boys B. girls C. men
32. A. bored B. tired C. pleased
33. A. asked B. told C. replied
34. A. bring B. buy C. sell
35. A. town B. market C. garden
36. A. weakly B. quickly C. slowly
37. A. take out B. pick up C. cut off
38. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody
39. A. little B. good C. great
40. A. pay B. time C. advice

IV. 阅读理解 (每小题1.5分,共30分)
On May 23, Shenzhen introduced tough new rules in order to discourage the “Chinese
style of crossing the road”. “Chinese people cross roads without thinking about traffic
lights, so long as they are part of a crowd,” said a post on Sina Weibo.
A CCTV news program showed that in only an hour, more than 600 people jumped
red lights when crossing a road in Shijiazhuang, Hebei.
Many people say that they jaywalk(乱穿马路) because the red light lasts too long.
Such an opinion is supported by a research team at Tongji University. The team did
research on people’s waiting times at different road crossings for three years. They
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found that Chinese people would wait for 70 to 90 seconds(秒) before they lost their
patience. “People are likely to ignore(忽视) the light when the waiting time is longer
than they can bear,” said Ni Ying, a member of the research team.
However, a survey on Sina Weibo suggested that people jaywalk mainly because they
ignore rules. “I always obey traffic rules. Time is important but safety should come
first,” someone wrote on his Weibo.
Many countries give out punishments to jaywalkers. In Singapore, the maximum can
be three months in prison. Some Chinese cities have started taking some actions, too.
For example, the first three people in a jaywalking group will be fined 50 yuan in
But calling on people to respect rules is more important. To completely solve the
problem, everyone should realize the importance of obeying the traffic rules.
41. Which of the following is the “Chinese style road crossing”?
A. To cross a road slowly.
B. To follow the basic traffic rules.
C. To wait for the traffic light to turn green.
D. To cross roads without looking at traffic lights.
42. What does the phrase “the team” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A. A CCTV news program. B. A research group at Tongji University.
C. A post on Sina Weibo. D. A daily newspaper.
43. How long will Chinese people wait for to cross the road before they lose patience?
A. About five minutes. B. Less than one minute.
C. Less than one and a half minutes. D. More than ten minutes.
44. Why do people jaywalk according to the survey on SinaWeibo?
A. Because people don’t pay much attention to rules.
B. Because there are too many people on the road.
C. Because the red light lasts too long.
D. Because people have less patience.
45. The writer suggests that we should __________ to solve the problem of
A. punish the jaywalkers B. reduce (减少) the time of red lights
C. ignore the traffic rules D. call on people to obey the traffic rules
Imagine one day, the water taps in your house stop running. You have to buy water
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from shops. And still there isn’t enough for everyone. Your mother has to save the
family’s shower water to do other things. Would you be able to stand that kind of life?
Probably not. But that’s what kids in Yemen are experiencing. Experts said Yemen is
going to be the first country in the world to run out of water. According to a report, the
capital, Sanaa, will run out of drinking water as early as 2025.
Because of the shortage, the government often cuts the water supply. Hannan, an
18-year-old from Lahej, told the Times: “In a good week we’ll have a water supply all
week. But then the following week there will be water only for a day or two.”
Hannan said only rich people have enough water to use. They can buy water from the
shops or from the water truck. Private companies own the trucks. They travel around
the city every day to sell water – at very high prices.
“A lot of people can’t afford it,” she said.
The average person in Yemen uses 100 to 200 cubic meters of water per year. That is
far below the international water poverty line of 1,000 cubic meters.
The government is thinking of making use of seawater. But it will cost a lot and it
may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.
purpose of the text is to _______.
A.tell us what life is like in Yemen
B.draw our attention to water shortage
C.remind us how important water is
D.show us ways of solving problems
underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refers to _____.
A.buying water from shops
B.drinking dirty water
C.suffering from water shortage
D.washing clothes with used water
described _____.
A.what her life is like
B.how beautiful Lahej is
C.how people use water fully
D.how heavy the traffic in Lahej is
Yemen Government _____.
A.has found a practical solution
B.only cares about rich people
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C.may try to make use of seawater
D.can do nothing about the water supply
can infer from the text that _____.
A.Sanaa will run out of water in 10 years
B.Hannan is a teenager from a rich family
C.the capital of Yemen is developing fast
D.private companies make a lot of money

Green is an important color in nature. It is the color of grass and the leaves on
trees. It is the color of most growing plants, too.
Sometimes, the word green means young, fresh and growing. Sometimes, it
describes something that is not yet finished or plants that are not ripe.
For example, a greenhorn is someone who has no experience, who is new to a
situation. In the fifteenth century, a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns
had not yet developed. A century or so later, a greenhorn was a soldier who had not
yet had any experience in war (战争). By the eighteenth century, a greenhorn had the
meaning it has today--a person who is new in a job.
About one hundred years ago, greenhorn was a popular expression in the
American west. Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of
the big cities in the e ast. The greenhorn didn’t have the skills that he would need to
live in the hard, rough country.
Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.
The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds.
A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow
quickly and well. You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her
garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.
The Green Revolution (革命) is the name which was given some years ago to the
development of new kinds of rice and other grains. The new plants produced much
larger crops. The Green Revolution was the result of hard work by agricultural (农
业的) scientists who had green thumbs.
51. According to the passage, a greenhorn means________ now.
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A. a young cow or ox whose horns have not yet developed
B. a soldier who has not had any experience in war
C. a person who is new in a job
D. a man who doesn’t have the skills to live in the country
52. The meaning of the underlined word “ripe” in the second paragraph is
A.未完成的 B. 成熟的 C. 青涩的 D. 老练的
53. Which of the following about the Green Revolution is NOT right?
A. If there weren’t the Green Revolution, we would have no rice to eat.
B. The expression “the Green Revolution” appeared several years ago.
C. Because of the Green Revolution, we have more kinds of rice and other grains.
D. Agricultural scientists with green thumbs started the Green Revolution.
54. We can know from the passage that _______.
A. all growing plants is green
B. green is the most important color in nature
C. a person with a green thumb can make plants grow well
D. the expression “a green thumb” has a history of two hundred years
55. The main idea of the passage is ________.
A. a greenhorn B. a green thumb
C. the Green Revolution D. the word “green” and its story
What should you take in with you when you take an exam? Pen, pencil, eraser,
ruler…, and don’t forget a bottle of water!
According to a study at the British Psychological ( 心理学的) Society Annual
Conference held in London, students who bring water into exams may improve their
grades by up to 10 percent.
Scientists at the University of East London and the University of Westminster, UK,
did a study on 447 students. The students were studying for different degrees (学历)
at the University of East London. Only 25 percent of them entered the exam hall with
something to drink.
Scientists then compared their exam results with their normal schoolwork grades.
They found that all those who had brought drinks with them got better grades by
between 2 and 10 percent.
It is unclear why drinking water improves exam results. But scientists say having
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深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
enough water in our bodies and not feeling thirsty could have a helpful effect on our
brains. Drinking water may also cut down on anxiety ( 焦虑), which has a bad effect
on exam performances, according to Chris Pawson, PhD, of the University of East
“Whatever the explanation, it is clear that students should try hard to stay hydrated
(含水的)with water during exams,” he said.
So next time, when you are going to have a big exam, try bringing a bottle of water
with knows – it may help you pass the exam!
much may the students improve their grades most if they bring water into
A.By2%. B.By8%. C.By10%. D.By25%.
many students in the study got better grades?
A.About112 students who brought drinks or water into their exams.
B.All the447 students who come from the University of East London.
C.About300 students who took part in the study.
D.About10 percent of the students who studied different subjects.
underlined phrase “cut down on” probably means _______.
A.increase B.bring C.reduce D.change
ing to the passage, how does water help students in exams?
a. It is good for their brains.
b. It makes students smarter.
c. It helps students stay cool.
d. It helps students stay awake.
A.a b B.a c C.b c D.c d
can you probably read the article?
A.Fashion magazine.

V. 语法填空 (每小题1分,共10分)
Volunteering is a simple way to help others, but it is also a powerful way to help
yourself. You will get good feelings from donating your time, and it’s possible for you
61._________(develop) new and meaningful relationship with people around you.
Besides, volunteering is good for your health, 62.__________(include) your mental
health, A new research, based on more than 1000 people 63.___________ the ages 51
and 91, has 64._________(discover) 40 percent of those who volunteered for at least
15 17
B.Text book. C.Travel guide. D.Newspaper.
深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试
200 hours a year are 65._________ (little) possible to develop high blood pressure
than those who never did. The research also never did. The research also shows
volunteering can cut a sudden 66.__________ (die) by 47 percent.
Sometimes volunteer work 67.__________(seem) boring and unimportant. But the
benefits are particularly proved among older adults. Sitting for too long can cause
poor health. Volunteering is 68.___________ simple way to stop from the sitting and
add your amount of movement every day. Some scientist believe 69.___________ is
even more important than regular exercise. Volunteering also gives you a sense of
satisfaction because doing good deeds release(释放) good 70.___________(chemical)
in your body.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

VI. 作文 (共15分)
2. 很明显,贯穿人类历史,人们经常使用肢体语言;’

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深圳牛津八年级下unit2 Body language 知识点和测试

Unit 2 Body language 单元测试参考答案
1 – 5 BABAC
6 – 8 BAA
9 – 13 BCCAB
14 – 15 CC
16 – 20 CBCBB
21 – 25 BBCCA
26 – 30 ACBCB
31-35 ABCCA
36-40 CBACB
41-45 DBCAD
46-50 BCACD
51-55 CBACD
56-60 CACBD
61. At 62. his 63. joined 64. for 65. articles
66. an 67. years 68. visited 69. soldiers 70. first
People usually communicate with others by spoken words. However, body
language is widely used in our daily life. Have you ever used body language to
communicate with others? I think the answer is sure. You will surely smile to him or
her if you meet a good friend again after a long time.
Smile is one kind of body language. And it is clear that through human being’s
history, people use body language to communicate with others frequently. For
example, when you find your friend is sad, you’ll give him a smile to cheer him up
and at that moment the smile is better than any words.
In a word, body language is as important as spoken language.

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本文更新与2020-12-17 17:11,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/483621.html


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