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2020-12-22 22:19


abandon vt. 放弃,沉溺
to give (oneself) over unrestrainedly
abandon:inhibition :: despair:hope

abash a. 害羞的
to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of
unabashed: embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement
embolden←→abash faze cow

abate v. 减轻,降低
to reduce in degree or intensity
abate : tax :: alleviate : distress
abate←→intensify promote

abbreviate vt. 缩写,使...简略,缩短 to make briefer; especially to reduce to a shorter form
intended to stand for the whole
abbreviate: sentence:: abridgment : essay abbreviate←→extend

abdicate v. 让位,辞职,放弃
to renounce a throne, high office, dignity, or function
abdicate : throne :: resign : office

aberrant a.脱离常轨的
deviating from the usual or natural type : ATYPICAL

abet vt. 教唆,帮助
to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose
abet←→thwart impede

abeyance n. 中止,暂搁,停止
temporary inactivity : SUSPENSION

abhor vt. 憎恶 (n. abhorrence) to regard with extreme repugnance
abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness

abiding a. 永久的,持久的,不变的

abject adj. ①凄惨的 ②怯懦的
cast down in spirit : SERVILE, SPIRITLESS


abjure vt. 发誓放弃
to abstain from : AVOID

abnegate vt. 放弃,舍弃,禁忌

abolitionism n. 废除主义,废奴主义
principles or measures fostering abolition especially of slavery
anarchist : government :: abolitionist : slavery
abolitionist←→persiste in slavery

arboretum n. 树园,植物园
a place where trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational

aboveboard a. 光明正大的,率直的
in a straightforward manner
surreptitious←→barefaced aboveboard

abrasion n. 表面磨损(v. abrade)
a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration
scuff : abrasion :: heat : vaporization

abridge vt. 删节,缩短,剥夺
to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : CONDENSE
abbreviate: sentence:: abridgment : essay
abrogate v.
to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL
abrogate←→embrace institute uphold

abscond v.
to depart secretly and hide oneself
abscond : depart :: pilfer:take
follow : shadow :: leave : abscond

absolve vt.赦免;解除(责任等)
to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt
exculpatory : absolve : :: motivational : stir
hortative : encourage :: exculpatory : absolve


abstain vi. 自制,戒绝,弃权,避免
to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self- denial from an action or practice
mandatory : comply :: forbidden : abstain

abstemious adj. 有节制的,节俭的
marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol
abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate { intransigence:control}
reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge

abstract a. 抽象的,不具体的;n. 摘要,提要
having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content

abstruse adj.深奥的
difficult to comprehend : RECONDITE
abstruse←→accessible patent

abuse n.v. 辱骂
to attack in words : REVILE
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
polemic : disputatious :: invective : abusive

accede v.同意
to express approval or give consent : give in to a request or demand

accelerate . 加速
to move faster : gain speed
expedite : process :: accelerate : pace

accessible a. 易接近的,可进入的,易受影响的,可理解的
capable of being understood or appreciated
abstruse←→accessible patent

accessory n. 附件
a thing of secondary or subordinate importance : ADJUNCT
accessory←→of primarily importance

accidental a. 意外的,偶然的
occurring unexpectedly or by chance
inventiveness : accidental :: effect : casual
safeguard : accident :: hedge : loss

acclimate vt.使习惯于新环境
to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation
acclimate←→make unfamiliar with


accolade n. 推崇备至,赞扬
an expression of praise
accolade←→cutting remarkspeak ill derogatedenounce

accomodate v. 容纳,留宿,使...适应
to provide with something desired, needed, or suited (as a helpful service, a loan, or lodgings)
obliterate:remove::accomodate:supply (不是convey:conduct)

accomplice n. 共犯,同谋
one associated with another especially in wrongdoing

accost vt.向人搭话
to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way accost:approach

accountability n. 有责任,有义务
an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions

accrete v. 共生,附着,增加
accrete : growth :: erode : destruction

accumulate . 积聚,堆积
to gather or pile up especially little by little : AMASS

accuse v. 责备,控告,谴责
to charge with a fault or offense : BLAME

acme n.顶点,极点
the highest point or stage

acquiesce v.勉强同意,默认
to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
intransigent:acquiesce::deferential:offend acquiesce:yield::capitulate :categorical
acquiesce←→defy resist←→acquiesce

acquisition n. 获得,添加物品
the act of acquiring

acquit vt. 开释,释放,完成,表现
to discharge completely

acrid a. 苦味的,辛辣的,尖刻的
sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : IRRITATING
acrid : gentleness :: forthright : guile

grating : sound :: acrid : odor
stridency : sound :: acridity : odor

acrimonious a. 严厉的,辛辣的,刻毒的
caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner
adamant a.强硬的,固执的
unshakable or immovable especially in opposition : UNYIELDING
adamant : flexibility :: refractory : control
impossible : execute :: adamant: moved

adapt vt. 使适应,改编
to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modification
adapt←→remain unchanged

addicted adj. 痴迷
to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively
inured : tolerance :: addicted : dependency

ad-hoc adv. 临时地,没有充分准备的
for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application

adjacent a. 毗连的,邻近的,接近的

adjourn vi. 延期,休会,换地方
to suspend a session indefinitely or to another time or place

adjudicator n. 评判员
one that act as judge

adjunct n. 附属物,附件,修饰语
something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it
adjunct:←→essential element

ad-lib v.
without restraint or limit
ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent

admission n. 许可,入会费,承认
the act or process of admitting
lottery : raffle :: ticket:admission

admonish v. 训诫,警告


to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
admonish : denounce :: punish : pillory {persuade:convince}
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation
pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove

adore vt. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱
to regard with loving admiration and devotion
abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness
adulate : fawn :: woo : adore
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration
fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness

adroit adj. 熟练的,灵巧的
having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations
loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly

adulate v. 谄媚,奉承
to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly
adulate : fawn :: woo : adorn
aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration
scorn : reject :: adulate : flatter :: disparage : ignore

adulterate vt. 掺杂
to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element
approximation imprecision :: purist : adulteration

adversary n. 敌手,对手
one that contends with, opposes, or resists : ENEMY

advertise vt. 做广告,通知
to announce publicly especially by a printed notice or a broadcast
advertising : commercial :: publishing : journal

advocate vt. 主张,提倡
to plead in favor of
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass

aerate v.
to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respiration
aerate : oxygen :: hydrate : water

aerial a. 空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的

of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere
aerial:air :: aquatic:water

aesthetics n. 美学
a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and
appreciation of beauty
aesthetics : beauty :: epistemology : knowledge

affable adj.易于交谈的,和蔼的
characterized by ease and friendliness

affected a. 假装的
assumed artificially or falsely : PRETENDED
posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant

affection n. 爱,情感,影响,病
tender attachment : FONDNESS
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration
embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference
scowl: displeasure :: kiss : affection{hurl : disgust}

affidavit n. 宣誓书
a sworn statement in writing made especially under oath or on affirmation before an authorized
magistrate or officer

affiliation n.入会,加入
to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch

affinity n.密切关系,吸引力
likeness based on relationship or causal connection
affinity←→aversion hideous

affliction n. 痛苦,苦恼,苦难
great suffering

affluent adj. 富裕的 n. 支流
having a generously sufficient and typically increasing supply of material possessions
impecunious←→wealthy prosperous affluent


agenda n.议程
a list or outline of things to be considered or done
program : concert :: agenda : meeting
repertoire : performance :: manifest : cargo :: agenda : meeting

aggrandize vt. 增加,夸大
to make appear great or greater : praise highly

aggravate vt. 使恶化,使更严重加重
to make worse, more serious, or more severe : intensify unpleasantly

aggregate . 聚集,集合,合计
to collect or gather into a mass or whole

aggrieve vt. 使委屈,使苦恼,侵害
to give pain or trouble to : DISTRESS

agony n. 极大的痛苦
intense pain of mind or body : ANGUISH, TORTURE
agonized : distress :: obsessed : concern
painful : agonizing :: important : paramount

airtight a. 密闭的,不透气的,无懈可击的
airtight: loophole::

alacrity n. 敏捷,轻快,乐意
promptness in response : cheerful readiness
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate
alacrity←→dilatoriness hesitance

albino n. 白公,白化病者,白化变种 (or albinism)
an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation
albino : pigment :: prairie : tree

alibi n.托辞,借口,辩解
an excuse usually intended to avert blame or punishment

align v.定位,对齐,排成一行,结盟
to bring into line or alignment


allay v. ①平息(愤怒等) ②缩小
to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : ALLEVIATE
allay←→increase the intensity of

allegiance n.忠诚,拥护
devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause
authoritativeness:pundits ::allegiance:partisans

allegory n. 寓意;寓言
the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about
human existence allegory : fiction

alleviate v.缓和,减轻
abate : tax :: alleviate : distress

alliterate v. 押头韵
the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface

allude vi. 暗示,提及
to make indirect reference; broadly : REFER
allude←→mention explicitly

aloft ad. 在高处,在上
at or to a great height
founder←→stay aloft

aloof a. 疏远的,冷淡的
removed or distant either physically or emotionally
politic : offend :: aloof : associate

alphabetical a.字母(表)的,ABC的
arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet
dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological

altruism n. 利他主义,不自私
unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others

amalgamate v. 合并,混合
to merge into a single body

amass v.积聚
to collect for oneself : ACCUMULATE

ambiguous a.模棱两可的;分歧的
doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness
ambiguous : clarity :: mendacious : truth
ambiguous : understand :: blatant : ignore

ambivalent a. 矛盾的,好恶相克的
a : continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite)
b : uncertainty as to which approach to follow

amble vi. 缓行,溜蹄
a leisurely walk
walk : amble :: talk : chat

ambrosial a. 特别美味的
something extremely pleasing to taste or smell
mellifluous : music :: ambrosial : food

ameliorate vt. 改善,改良,变好
to make better or more tolerable

amenity n. 适意,温和,礼仪
something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment
amenity : comfortable :: honorarium : grateful

amiable a. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的 being friendly, sociable, and congenial
inimical←→friendly amiable amicable

amicable a. 友善的,和平的 characterized by friendly goodwill : PEACEABLE
inimical←→friendly amiable amicable

amiss a. 有毛病的,出差错的
in a faulty way : IMPERFECTLY

amorphous adj.
having no definite form : SHAPELESS
amorphous : shape :: errant: course


amphibian n. 两栖动物,水陆两用飞机,水陆两用车
any of a class (Amphibian) of cold-blooded vertebrates (as frogs, toads, or salamanders)
intermediate in many characters between fishes and reptiles and having gilled aquatic larvae and
air-breathing adults

amplify vt. 扩大,详述,使增幅
to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity) : INCREASE

amplitude n.广大;充足;振幅
the quality or state of being ample : FULLNESS

anaerobic a.厌氧的. anaerobe n.厌氧微生物
living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free oxygen
anaerobic←→living in oxygen

analgesic n.镇痛剂, a.止痛的
insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness
analgesic : pain :: anesthetic : sensation
aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs
pain : analgesic : sensation : anesthetic
pain : analgesic :: symptom : palliative

analogy n. 类似,相似,类比,类推
a : resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : SIMILARITY
b : comparison based on such resemblance

analysis n. 分析
separation of a whole into its component parts

anarchist n. 无政府主义者
one who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power anarchist : government ::
abolitionist : slavery
anarchist : rebel :: apologist : defend

anathema n. 诅咒
the denunciation of something as accursed

ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗
one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a

anecdote n. 短故事,轶事
a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident anecdote:
amusement:: lecture: instruction :: caption: illustration

anesthetic a.麻醉的 ,麻醉剂的.
lacking awareness or sensitivity
analgesic : pain :: anesthetic : sensation a
septic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs
pain : analgesic : sensation : anesthetic

anew ad. 重新,再
in a new or different form

angle n. 角,角落 ;夺取、追逐
to turn, move, or direct at an angle

anhydrous a. 无水的
free from water and especially water of crystallization

animation n. 活泼,生气,卡通制作
possessing or characterized by life : ALIVE
lassitude←→vim animation

annals n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报
a record of events arranged in yearly sequence
dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological

annoy vt. 使苦恼,骚扰
to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts
mawkish: sentimental :: peeve : annoy
testy : annoy :: tractable : control

annul v. 宣告无效,取消
to declare or make legally invalid or void
annul←→make legal

anodyne n. 止痛药
something that soothes, calms, or comforts

anomalous a. 不规则的,反常的
inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected : IRREGULAR, UNUSUAL

anomaly : paradigmatic :: blemish : flawless
anomalous←→typical conformity to norms

anonymous a.匿名的
not named or identified
anonymous : identify :: nonchalant : excite

antagonize vt. 使成敌人,敌对,反对
to incur or provoke the hostility of

antennae n. 天线,触须,触角
one of a pair of slender movable segmented sensory organs on the head of insects, myriapods, and
{antennae : butterfly}

anterior a. 前面的,在前的
coming before in time or development

anthology n.诗集,文选
a collection of selected literary pieces or passages or works of art or music
compendium : summary :: anthology : collection

antic adj 古怪的,笨拙的
characterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity
facetious : speech :: antic : behavior

anticipatory adj. 1 预想,预期的 2 占先的,先发制人的
to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to

antidote n. 解毒剂,解药
a remedy to counteract the effects of poison
antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation
remedy: disease:: antidote: poisoning

antipathy n. 憎恶,反感
settled aversion or dislike : DISTASTE

antique a. 旧式的,过时的
existing since or belonging to earlier times : ANCIENT

antiseptic n. 杀菌剂,防腐剂
opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay;
oil : lubricate :: antiseptic : disinfect

antonym n. 反义字,反义语,对语
a word of opposite meaning

anvil n. 铁砧
a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped
hammer : anvil :: pestle : mortar

apathy n. 漠然,冷淡
lack of feeling or emotion : IMPASSIVENESS
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic

apex n. 顶点,最高点
the highest or culminating point

aphorism n. 格言
a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment : ADAGE
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffuse
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature

apocalyptic adj 预示灾祸的,启示的
forecasting the ultimate destiny of the world : PROPHETIC

apocrypha n.
writings or statements of dubious authenticity

apologist n.辩护士(尤指卫护基督教教义的辩护者)
one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something
saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend
apologist←→critic detractor

apophasis n. 『修』故抑其词,以求婉达
apophasis : claim :: oxymoron : paradox
apophasis:claim:: caprice:deliberate

apoplectic adj.中风的,易怒的
greatly agitated

apostasy n. 背教,脱党
renunciation of a religious faith
apostasy : faith :: recantation : heresy


apostrophe n书写中撇号(')(表示省略或所有格)
a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case, or the plural of
letters or figures
apostrophes : word :: ellipsis : sentence

appall vt. 使胆寒,使惊骇
to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay
appall←→embolden nerve

apparel vt. 使穿衣,装饰
to put clothes on : DRESS
gaudy : apparel :: grandiloquent : speak
tonsorial:hair:: sartorial:apparel

appeal vi. 求助,诉请,要求
to make an earnest request
remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant :appeal

appealing a. 引起兴趣的,动人的 having
appeal : PLEASING

appease vt. 安抚,缓和,平息,满足
to bring to a state of peace or quiet : CALM
vex←→pacify appease soothe

appetite n. 食欲,欲望,爱好
an inherent craving
voracity←→lack of appetite

applause n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许
approval publicly expressed
mirth : laughter :: approval : applause

applicant n. 申请者,请求者
one who applies remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant :appeal

appoint vt. 任命,指定,命令
to name officially
appoint:official::cast : actor

apposite adj. 适当的,恰切的.
highly pertinent or appropriate : APT


appreciable a. 可感知的,可评估的
capable of being perceived or measured appreciable←→imperceptible

apprehension n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕
suspicion or fear especially of future evil : FOREBODING
apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration

apprentice n. 学徒,生手
an inexperienced person : NOVICE

approbation n. 认可,嘉许
praise : approbation :: demur : objection
censure :blameless :: approbation: reprehensible

appropriate a. 适当的
especially suitable or compatible : FITTING
meet←→inappropriate unsuitable
apt←→extremely inappropriate

appropriate v. 盗用
to take or make use of without authority or right

approve vt. 赞同,核准,证实
to have or express a favorable opinion of
mirth : laughter :: approval : applause

approximate a. 大约的,近似的 nearly correct or exact
paraphrase : verbatim :: approximate : precise
stickler : approximation imprecision :: purist : adulteration

apt a.易于...
unusually fitted or qualified : READY
apt←→extremely inappropriate

aquatic a. 水生的,水中的,水上的
growing or living in or frequenting water
aerial:air :: aquatic:water

aqueduct n. 高架渠,渡槽
a conduit for water
aqueduct : water :: pipeline : gas :: vessel : blood


aquifer n. 含水土层((含水量足以成为井水或泉水))
a water- bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand, or gravel

arboreal adj. 树木的
of, relating to, or resembling a tree
arboreal : trees :: sidereal : stars

archaic a.古老的
of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time : ANTIQUATED
evanescent :permanence :: archaic :currency

archipelago n. 群岛,多岛海
an expanse of water with many scattered islands
range : mountain :: chain : link :: {archipelago : island }

archetype n. 原型
the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies :
PROTOTYPE; also : a perfect example
harbinger:presage::archetype: exemplify

archive n. 档案文件
a place in which public records or historical documents are preserved
archive : manuscript :: arsenal : weapon

arctic a. 北极的,极寒的
bitter cold : FRIGID

ardor n. 热心,热情
extreme vigor or energy : INTENSITY
assuage:sorrow ::dampen:ardor

argot n. 隐语,暗语,暗号
an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group
argot←→standard language common verbalism

arid a.干旱的
excessively dry
marsh:sodden :: desert:arid arid←→damp

armory n. 纹章,纹章学,军械库,兵工厂
a place where arms and military equipment are stored
pantry : food :: armory : weapons


arrest vt. 拘捕,妨碍,吸引,阻止
to make inactive

arresting adj. 引人注意的; 醒目的; 有趣的
catching the attention : STRIKING, IMPRESSIVE
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting

arrhythmic a. 无节奏的
lacking rhythm or regularity

arrogance n.傲慢,自大
a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous
mean : prodigality :: meek : arrogance

arsenal n. 兵工厂,军械库
a : an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment
b : a collection of weapons
archive : manuscript :: arsenal : weapon

articulate vt. 以关节连接,接合,明白地说
to give clear and effective utterance to : put into words
ratiocination : thinking : articulation: talking

artifacts n. 史前古器物
something created by humans usually for a practical purpose; especially : an object remaining
from a particular period

artifice n. 巧办法,诡计
false or insincere behavior

artless adj. 朴质; 率直; 拙劣
free from guile or craft : sincerely simple
blemish :impeccable :: guile :artless

ascendant n. 运星,运道,支配力,优势

governing or controlling influence : DOMINATION
ascendant←→having no influence

ascent n. 上升,上坡路
an upward slope or rising grade : ACCLIVITY

ascetic adj. 禁欲的n. 苦行者
austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
glutton : overindulgence :: ascetic : self denial

aseptic adj. 无菌的,洁净的
preventing infection
aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs

askew adj. 歪斜的v. 歪斜,弯曲 out of line : AWRY

asperity n.粗鲁,艰苦
roughness of manner or of temper : HARSHNESS
asperity :optimistic ::??
asperity←→mildness of temper

aspiration n.渴望,热望
a strong desire to achieve something high or great
audacious:trepidation ::laconic:aspiration

assert vt. 主张,声明,断言
to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively
calumny:assertion:: perjury :testimony

assess v.估价,评价
to determine the importance, size, or value of
assess : value :: plumb : depth

asset n. 资产,有用的东西
the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the
payment of debts

assiduous adj.勤勉的,专心的
marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application

assuage vt. 缓和,减轻,镇定
to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses) : EASE

assuage: sorrow ::dampen: ardor
gall←→calm assuage

assume vt. 假定,承担,摆架子
to take to or upon oneself : UNDERTAKE

astounding a. 令人惊骇的
causing astonishment or amazement indelible : forget :: astounding : expect

astute a. 机敏的,狡猾的
having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity

asunder ad.分开,化为碎片
into parts

asymmetrical adj. 不匀称的,不对称的,不均匀的
not symmetrical
circular : asymmetrical : protean : rigid

asylum n. 庇护,收容所
an inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors : SANCTUARY

atone v. 赎罪,补偿
to supply satisfaction for : EXPIATE

atrocious adj.残忍的,凶恶的 (n. atrocity)
extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel : BARBARIC
atrocious : bad :: momentous : important

attenuate v.变薄,变弱
to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : WEAKEN
attenuate : force :: decelerate : speed
attenuate : thickness :: cool : temperature enervate : vitality debilitate : strength
collapse : volume :: attenuate : thickness
debase : value :: attenuate : force

auction n.拍卖
a sale of property to the highest bidder

audacious adj. 大胆的,愚勇的
intrepidly daring : ADVENTUROUS
audacious: trepidation ::laconic: aspiration

circumspect←→audacious reckless direct encounter

audible a. 听得见的
heard or capable of being heard
audible : stentorian :: discernable : obvious

augur n. 占兆官,占卜师,相命者
to foretell especially from omens
augur : predict :: pundit : opine
intercessor : mediate :: augur : prediction
pundit: opinion :: augur: prediction
worship : sacrifice :: prediction : augury

auspicious adj.吉兆的;幸运的
affording a favorable auspice : PROPITIOUS
auspicious←→boding ill

austere a.朴素的,(人)正经的;(经济)紧缩的
markedly simple or unadorned
abstemious : indulge :: austere : decorate

authenticity n. 确实性,真实性
not false or imitation : REAL, ACTUAL
authenticity : fraudulent :: sincerity : hypocritical
genuine : authenticity :: honest : trust

authority n. 权威,专家,威信
power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
authoritative : acceptance :: conspicuous : attention
authoritativeness:pundits ::allegiance:partisans
contumacious : authority :: reactionary hidebound conservative : change innovation novelty

avarice n.贪婪
excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain : GREEDINESS, CUPIDITY
avarice : money :: gluttony : food
stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy

aversion n.嫌恶,憎恨
a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from
aversion :disinclination :: adulation : admiration


avid adj.热切的,贪婪的
characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit
reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm

awash a. 与水面齐平的,被浪冲打的
covered with water : FLOODED

awe n. 敬畏
an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the
sacred or sublime
redoubtable : regard awe :: despicable : scorn contempt disregard

awkward a. 笨拙的
lacking dexterity or skill
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward
svelte←→paunchy and awkward

awl n. 锥子,尖钻
a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes (as in leather or wood)

awning n.雨篷,遮阳篷
a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place (as over the deck or in front of a door or window)
as a shelter

awry adj. 扭曲的,走样的.
in a turned or twisted position or direction : ASKEW

babble vt.唠叨;说话不清 to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds
babble:sense:: parrot::originality
babble←→express succinctly

backdrop n. 背景幕,背景
a painted cloth hung across the rear of a stage
placebo:painkiller:: backdrop :vista

backset n. 倒退,逆流,涡流

badge n. 半自动防空警戒管制组织,徽章,标记
a device or token especially of membership in a society or group
chevron: badge :: caisson: cart

badger vt. 纠缠
to harass or annoy persistently
badger : bother :: belabor : mention

badinage n. 打趣,嘲弄
playful repartee : BANTER
badinage←→serious conversation

bait n.饵;引诱物

baleful adj. 邪恶的,恶意的
deadly or pernicious in influence

balk n. 障碍,错误,失败vt. 阻止,突然停止,退缩
to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle : BLOCK
balk←→move ahead willingly

balky a. 停蹄不前的
refusing or likely to refuse to proceed, act, or function as directed or expected

ballad n. 民谣
a narrative composition in rhythmic verse suitable for singing
ballad : stanza :: novel : chapter

ballet n. 芭蕾舞
a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere
instrumentalist : symphony :: dancer : ballet

balm n. 香油,药膏
a soothing restorative agency
antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation

bamboozle v. 欺骗,隐瞒
to deceive by underhanded methods : DUPE, HOODWINK

ban n. 禁令
to prohibit especially by legal means ban : protect

banal a.陈腐的
lacking originality, freshness, or novelty : TRITE

baneful adj.有害的,致祸的
productive of destruction or woe : seriously harmful

banish vt. 驱逐,消除
to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance
evict: residence:: banish: country

banister n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏
a handrail with its supporting posts

barb n. 尖锐而严厉的批评
a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment
barb : caustic :: pan : harsh

barefaced a. 公然的,无耻的,无面具的
b : lacking scruples

bargain n. 交易,买卖,物美价廉的东西
to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract : HAGGLE
debate : issue :: bargain : price

baroque . (艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过份雕琢的
characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance

barter n. 物物交换,实物交易
to trade by exchanging one commodity for another
correspond : letters :: barter : commodities
jog : exercise :: barter : trade

base a. 卑鄙的,低级的
being of comparatively low value and having relatively inferior properties
debase : value :: attenuate : force
sublime←→base common

baseboard n. 护壁板,脚板
a molding covering the joint of a wall and the adjoining floor
veneer : furniture :: baseboard : wall

bathetic adj. 平凡的,陈腐的,顿降的
exceptional commonplaceness : TRITENESS

bedeck vt. 装饰,修饰
to clothe with finery : DECK

bedlam n. 混乱,骚乱,疯人院
a place, scene, or state of uproar and confusion
tumultuous : bedlam :: active : hive

belabor vt. 冗长的解释,痛打
to explain or insist on excessively
badger : bother :: belabor : mention

beleaguer vt. 使困扰,使烦恼,围攻

belie v. ①掩饰,②证明为假
to show (something) to be false or wrong

belittle vt. 轻视,使渺小
to speak slightingly of : DISPARAGE

belletristic a. 文学研究的,纯文学的

bellicose adj. 好战的,好斗的
favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
imperious : servile :: bellicose : peaceable

belligerence n. 交战,好战性,斗争性
an aggressive or truculent attitude, atmosphere, or disposition

bemoan vt. 惋惜,认为遗憾,哀叹
to express deep grief or distress over

bend vi. 弯曲,屈服
to make submissive : SUBDUE,COMPROMISE
bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant :: dissolve : insoluble

benediction n. 祝福

the invocation of a blessing

beneficent a. 仁慈的,慈善的,善行的
doing or producing good; especially : performing acts of kindness and charity
beneficent : harm :: tenacious : yield
philanthropist: beneficence :: comedian: humor

bequest n. 遗赠物,遗产,遗赠
something bequeathed : LEGACY

beseech v.
to request earnestly : IMPLORE

besmirch v.

betray vt.背叛;辜负;泄漏
to deliver to an enemy by treachery

bibliophile n. 爱书者,藏书家
a lover of books especially for qualities of format; also : a book collector
bibliophile : books :: gourmet : food {calligrapher: handwriting}

bigot n. (宗教,政治等的)盲信者,顽固者
a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
bigot : tolerance :: turncoat : constancy
bigot:: dedication:: rage: anger
bigoted : advice :: conservative : change
posturer : unaffected :: bigot : tolerant
bigot: tolerant: provincial: cosmopolitan{servile: domination}

bit n. 钻头
the jaws of tongs or pincers
bit : drill :: blade : razor

blackout n.(幕间或剧中)灯暗;临时眩晕;删除;新闻封锁)
a blotting out by censorship : SUPPRESSION

bland a. 温和的,乏味的,冷漠的


blandishment n.奉承
something that tends to coax or cajole : ALLUREMENT
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede
blandishment : coax :: medal : honor prevarication : deceive

blase adj. 1 对享乐 [人生] 等厌倦的
apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment
miser : munificent : zealot : blase

blaspheme . 亵渎

blast n.一阵(风);v. 爆破
a violent gust of wind blast : whiff :: gush : trickle

blatant adj.
completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner : BRAZEN
ambiguous : understand :: blatant : ignore
blatant : arresting::odious : disgusting
blatant←→inconspicuous unimpressive unobtrusive

blazon vt. 以家徽装饰,宣布
to publish widely : PROCLAIM
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface
blazon : adorn :: pillar : support

bleach vt. 漂白
to remove color or stains from

blemish v. 损害,玷污n. 瑕疵,缺点
to spoil by a flaw
blemish: impeccable :: guile: artless

blender n. 混合的人,混合器,搅拌器
an electric appliance for grinding or mixing

blight n. 植物枯萎病 v.
a disease or injury of plants resulting in withering, cessation of growth, and death of parts without

blimp n. 软式小型飞船,顽固的保守分子
a nonrigid airship

bliss n.狂喜
complete happiness
dislike : loathing :: pleasure : bliss

blunder v.犯大错 n.愚蠢之举
a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness
protocol : blunder :: bumper : damage

blunt a. 钝的,坦率的,麻痹的

blurb n. 大肆宣传
a short publicity notice
blurb : notice :: gloss : explanation

bluster vt. 风狂吹,咆哮,汹涌 to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats
blustering : speak :: swaggering : walk
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster : loud :: prate : aimless
boding n. 凶兆,前兆,预感
an omen, prediction, or presentiment especially of coming evil : PORTENT ,FOREBODING
auspicious←→boding ill

boggle vi. 犹豫,踌躇,吃惊,搪塞
to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples

boisterous adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的
noisily turbulent : ROWDY

bolster n. 枕垫v. 支持,鼓励
a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing
bolster : support :: tackle : hoist

bombast n. 夸大的言辞
pretentious inflated speech or writing
nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast
bombast←→down to earth language understated unpretentious

bonhomie n. 好性情,温和,和蔼
good-natured easy friendliness
congenial: bonhomie::??
bonhomie:good natured::??

bonus n. 奖金,红利
something in addition to what is expected or strictly due
bonus:employee:: {decoration:soldier}


boon n. 恩惠

boor n. 粗野的人,不懂礼貌的人,农民
a rude or insensitive person
insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp

bootless a. 无用的,无益者
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence
interesting : intriguing :: bootless : futile

bore vt. 使烦扰,钻孔
to make a hole by or as if by boring
die : shaping :: drill : boring
entrancing←→disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore

bottleneck n.瓶颈口,(喻)交通易阻塞的狭口;妨碍生产流程的一环
{bottleneck: indefinite}

bough n. 大树枝
a branch of a tree; especially : a main branch

box vi. 拳击
to fight with the fists : engage in boxing
box: fight :debate :argue

bracing adj. 增加气力的,令人振奋的,提神的,使心神清爽的
giving strength, vigor, or freshness

bracket n. 支架,括弧,托架
an overhanging member that projects from a structure (as a wall) and is usually designed to support
a vertical load or to strengthen an angle
buttress: wall :: bracket : shelf

brackish a. 有盐味的,可厌的
brackish : repulse

braided adj. 编织成的,梳成辫子的,编成缏的;束
made by intertwining three or more strands
grooved : striated :: braided : stranded

brake n. 刹车,阻碍,丛林

to retard or stop by a brake
divert : shunt :: retard : brake

brash a. 性急的,仓促的,无礼的,傲慢的
done in haste without regard for consequences
frivolous : gravity :: brash : discretion

brassy a. 似黄铜的,厚脸皮的
being shamelessly bold
furtive←→open forthright brassy

brattish adj. (指小孩) 讨厌的; 宠坏的; 不听话的; 不礼貌的
an ill-mannered annoying child
tightfisted : parsimonious :: brattish : mischievous

bravura adj. 雄壮华丽的,气势磅礴的
marked by an ostentatious display of skill
bravura : performance :: resplendent : appearance

brazen a. 黄铜制的,厚颜无耻的
marked by contemptuous boldness

breach v. 毁坏,泄密 n.
to make a breach in

breezeway n. 有屋顶的通路
a roofed often open passage connecting two buildings (as a house and garage) or halves of a
breezeway : building:: stairway : floor

brevity n.简短,简洁
shortness or conciseness of expression
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram

bribe v. & n. 贿赂,收买
to induce or influence by or as if by bribery
bribe : incorruptible :: affect : insensible

bridle v. 限制,阻止
to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle
bridled←→without restraint


brisk a. 敏锐的,凛冽的,活泼的
keenly alert : LIVELY

bristle n. 硬毛 v. 气势汹汹,直立,发怒,充满
to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance (as in response to a slight)

brittle a. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的
easily broken, cracked, or snapped
manifest : perceive :: brittle : break

broach v. ①开瓶 ②提出(问题)
to open for the first time
broach←→close off

bromide n. 溴化物(镇静药用),平庸的人或物
a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion
equivocation : misleading :: bromide : hackneyed

browbeat vt. (用神情、言词) 威吓; 严词厉色地斥责
instigator:incite::bully : browbeat

bruit vt. 散播
to noise abroad : REPORT
bruit←→keep secret

buck n. ①雄鹿 ②美元 v. (马)跳跃,反对,吹牛,闲聊
to refuse assent : BALK
buck←→assent to

bucolic adj. 乡村的,牧羊的
relating to or typical of rural life
palatial : hovel :: city : bucolic

budge vi. 移动,微微一动,放弃
to give way : YIELD

buffoon n.丑角,缺乏教养之人
a ludicrous figure : CLOWN
ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag

bully n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸
one habitually cruel to others who are weaker
instigator:incite: bully : browbeat underdog←→bully


bumper n. 缓冲器,满杯,丰收
a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage
protocol : blunder :: bumper : damage

bumptious a. 瞎自夸的,瞎自大的,傲慢的
presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive : OBTRUSIVE
dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness
impetuous : vacillation hesitation :: bumptious : humbleness

bung n. (桶口等的) 塞子
the stopper especially in the bunghole of a cask

bungle . 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造,失败
to act or work clumsily and awkwardly
bungle←→bring off

buoy vt. 使浮起,支撑,鼓励 SUPPORT, UPLIFT

buoyant adj.易浮的,快乐的.
a : capable of floating
bend : rigid :: submerge : buoyant :: dissolve : insoluble

burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展
to grow and expand rapidly : FLOURISH

burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏
the act or process of burying
inter : burial :: obliterate : removal

burlesque n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧
mockery usually by caricature
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
doggerel : verse :: burlesque : play

burnish v. 擦亮,磨光
to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing
numb : insensible : burnish : lustrous

burrow n. (兔子等)所掘的地洞,v. 挖洞
to construct by tunneling

ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern

buttress n.扶墙,拱壁
a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building
strut: wing :: buttress: wall
buttress: wall :: bracket : shelf

buttress v.支持
to furnish or shore up with a buttress; also : SUPPORT, STRENGTHEN

bygone n. 过去的事,往事
gone by : PAST; especially : OUTMODED

byline n.
a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article, or book giving the writer's name
article : byline :: movie : credits

cabal n. 徒党,秘密结社,(尤指政治上的)阴谋
the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or
usurpation especially in public affairs
cabal : association :: plot : plan

cacophony n. 刺耳的声音
harsh or discordant sound : DISSONANCE
cacophony : sound :: malodor : scent
cacophonous←→dulcet euphonious

cadge v.行乞,乞求

caisson n. 弹药箱,弹药车,潜水箱(水中工程用)
a usually 2-wheeled vehicle for artillery ammunition attachable to a horse- drawn limber
chevron: badge :: caisson: cart

cajole v. (以甜言蜜语)哄骗
to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance : COAX
blandishment : cajole :: obstacle : impede

calamitous a. 多灾难的,不幸的
being, causing, or accompanied by calamity

calcify vi. 变成石灰质,钙化
to make inflexible or unchangeable calcification←→flexibility

calibrate vt. 测定口径,校准,查看刻度,划刻度
to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of

measure : dimensions : calibrate : diameter :: gauge : pressure :: plumb : depth calibrated←→

calligrapher n. 书法家
one who writes a beautiful
hand bibliophile : books :: gourmet : food {calligrapher: handwriting}

callow adj.(鸟)未生羽毛的,(人)未成熟的。
lacking adult sophistication : IMMATURE
frank : secretiveness :: callow : maturity
callow←→behaving with adult sophistication

callus n. 皮肤的硬结,胼胝,(植物伤口的)愈合组织
a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark

calorie n. 卡路里
the amount of heat required at a pressure of one atmosphere to raise the temperature of one gram
of water one degree Celsius that is equal to about 4.19 joules
power:watt::heat:calorie::decibel:sound::volt: electricity

calumniate v. 诽谤,中伤( adj. Calumnious)
to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about
corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood
calumny: assertion:: perjury :testimony

cameo n. 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳
a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer
serving as background
peccadillo:offense ::cameo : sculpture

candidate n. 候选人,投考者
one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office, membership, or award
roster : personnel :: slate : candidate
ballot : candidates::??

candor n. 坦白,直率
unreserved, honest, or sincere expression : FORTHRIGHTNESS

canon n. 教会法规,圣典,准则
(1)the authentic works of a writer
(2)a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council
religion : devoutness canon:orthodoxy


cantankerous adj.脾气坏的,好争吵的
difficult or irritating to deal with

canvas n. 帆布,画布,油画
a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting
canvas:painter :: marble:sculptor

canvass v.游说
to seek orders or votes : SOLICIT
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass

canyon n. 峡谷,溪谷
a deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern

capitulate v. (有条件地)投降。
to cease resisting : ACQUIESCE
acquiesce:yield::capitulate :categorical

caprice n.异想天开
a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action
caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied
apophasis:claim:: caprice:deliberate

caption n. 说明,字幕,标题
the part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or

captivate vt. 迷住,迷惑
to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait and with an irresistible appeal

careworn a. 疲倦的,饱经忧患的
showing the effect of grief or anxiety

caricature n. 讽刺画,滑稽模仿
exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics
brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature
caricature : presentation
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram

pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature

carouse vi. 痛饮,畅饮
to drink liquor deeply or freely
roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw

carp vi. 吹毛求疵,挑剔
to find fault or complain querulously
caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious
complain : carp :: drink : guzzle

cartographer n. 绘制地图者
one that makes maps
cartographer : map :: tailor : clothinglexicographer : dictionary

cast n. 演员阵容,投掷,性质
the set of actors in a dramatic production
letter : signature :: playbill : cast

castigation n.
to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
castigation: disapproval ::misbehave : crime
castigation :reproof ::denunciation: denialglorification: merit
peccadillo : sin :: admonishment : castigation

catalyze vt. 催化

cataract n. 大瀑布,奔流,洪水,白内障
WATERFALL; especially : a large one over a precipice

catastrophe n. 大灾难,大祸
a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin
catastrophe : mishap :: humiliation : embarrassment

categorical adj. 无条件的,绝对的
acquiesce:yield::capitulate :categorical
categorical←→qualified conditional

cater vi.迎合,投合
to supply what is required or desired

catholic a.天主教的,宽宏大量的,一般的,普遍的
COMPREHENSIVE, UNIVERSAL; especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests


caustic adj.腐蚀性的,刻薄的
marked by incisive sarcasm
barb : caustic :: pan : harsh
caustic : eat away :: desiccant : dry
caustic←→palliating genial

caveat n.警告; 防止误解的说明
a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices
overture:introductory ::caveat:warning

cavern n. 巨穴,洞窟
CAVE; especially : one of large or indefinite extent
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern

cavil v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵
to raise trivial and frivolous objection
cavil : criticize :: probe : investigate
caviler : carping :: libertine : licentious
encomiast : eulogize :: quibble : cavil
nitpick : criticize :: cavil : object
nitpicker : criticize :: preacher : sermon :: quibbler :cavil

cavort vi. 腾跃
to walk or move in a spirited manner :PRANCE
dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly

cede vt. 放弃
to yield or grant typically by treaty

celebrity n. 名声,名人
the state of being celebrated

cement n.水泥;胶粘剂
to unite or make firm by or as if by cement

censor vt. 检查,审查,删改
to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable
censorship : communication :: preservative : decay
censorship : information :: sanitation : disease
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate

censorious a. 受批判的,挑剔的
marked by or given to censure


censure n.v. 责难,非难
to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy
lamentable: pity :: reprehensible: censure
remonstrance: dissuade:: reprehensible: censure
censure: blameless:: approbation: reprehensible

census n. 户口普查
a count of the population
census : population :: inventory : stock

centrifuge n. 离心分离机
a machine using centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities, for removing
moisture, or for simulating gravitational effects
centrifuge : separate :: colander : drain

ceremony n. 典礼,仪式,礼节
a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention
affidavit: statement ::wedding: ceremony

cessation n. 中止,(短暂的)停止
a temporary or final ceasing (as of action) : STOP

chaff n. 谷壳,糠,揶揄
the seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities

chagrin n. 懊恼
disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure

chamber n. 室,房间,枪膛 a. 室内的
a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity

chameleon n. 变色龙,善变的人,轻浮的人
any of a family (Chameleon ) of chiefly arboreal Old World lizards with prehensile tail, independently
movable eyeballs, and unusual ability to change the color of the skin
salmon : ichthyologist :: chameleon : herpetologist

champion vt. 保卫,拥护
to act as militant supporter of : UPHOLD, ADVOCATE

charade n. 看手势猜字谜游戏

a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action

charlatan n. 吹牛者
one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability : FRAUD, FAKER

chasm n. 深渊,大差别,代沟
a deep cleft in the surface of a planet (as the earth) : GORGE
cleft : chasm :: cut : gash

check n.支票 ;阻止 to block the progress of
jolt : move :: check : stop

chef n. 厨师
a skilled cook who manages the kitchen (as of a restaurant)

cherubic a. 天使的,无邪的,可爱的
innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy

chevron n. 山形袖章,回文状雕饰
a sleeve badge that usually consists of one or more chevron-shaped stripes that indicates the
wearer's rank and service (as in the armed forces)
chevron: badge :: caisson: cart

chiaroscuro n.(绘画中的)明暗对照法;用明暗对照法绘的图画
the interplay or contrast of dissimilar qualities
chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy [filigree : delicacy ]

chic adj. 漂亮的,时髦的
smart elegance and sophistication especially of dress or manner : STYLE

chicanery n.欺诈,欺骗
deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry : TRICKERY
chicanery : clever :: tactlessness : truthful
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination

chide . 斥责,责骂
to voice disapproval to : reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner : SCOLD
chide : pillory :: humor : mollycoddle

chip n. 晶片,薄片,碎片
a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off

choke vt. 窒息,阻塞,噎,抑制

to check normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or
adulterating available air
smother : choke ::??

choleric adj. 易怒的,暴躁的
easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger : hot-tempered
choleric←→difficult to provoke

choreography n. 舞蹈,舞蹈编排
the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet
choreography: dance ::plot: story

chronic a.长期的,慢性的,惯常的,经常的
always present or encountered; especially : constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling

chronicle n. 年代记,记录,编年史
a usually continuous historical account of events arranged in order of time without analysis or

chronological a. 按年月顺序的
of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time
dictionary : alphabetical :: annals : chronological

churlish adj. 脾气暴躁的,粗野的
marked by a lack of civility or graciousness : SURLY

cinder n. 煤渣,灰烬
the slag from a metal furnace : DROSS

cipher n.暗号,密码;
a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning
cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise

circuitous a. 迂回的路的,迂曲的,绕行的
not being forthright or direct in language or action
immaterial:relevance :: circuitous:directness

circumference n. 圆周,周围,胸围
the perimeter of a circle
border:country:: circumference:circle

circumlocutory a. 委婉曲折的,迂回的
the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea
circumlocutory←→direct encounter

circumspect adj.慎重的;小心的

careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences : PRUDENT
circumspect←→audacious reckless

circumvent vt. 绕行,陷害,包围,智取
to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem
circumvention←→direct encounter

cistern n. 贮水器,水槽,水箱
an artificial reservoir (as an underground tank) for storing liquids and especially water (as
cistern : liquids :: landfill : refuse

citation n. 引用,引证,引用文,传票
an official summons to appear (as before a court)
summons : citation ::??

civility n. 礼貌,端庄

clandestine adj.秘密的
marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy : SURREPTITIOUS
clandestine : secretly :: overt : openly

clarion n. 尖音号角,a. 清澈响亮的
loud and clear
clarion←→soft and undistinct

clarity n. 清楚,透明
the quality or state of being clear : LUCIDITY
ambiguous : clarity :: mendacious : truth
consensus : factionalism :: clarity : confusion
equivocation : clarity :: prevarication : truth
equivocation : truth :: euphemism :offenseobfuscation : clarity
misunderstood : clarify :: erroneous : retract
ramshackle : soundness :: garbled : clarity

clasp n. 扣子,钩,紧握
a device (as a hook) for holding objects or parts together
lathe: shape :: clasp: fasten

cleft n.裂缝
a usually V-shaped indented formation : a hollow between ridges or protuberances

cleft : chasm :: cut : gash

clement adj.仁慈的,温和的
inclined to be merciful : LENIENT

cliche a. 陈腐的
a trite phrase or expression
hodgepodge:uniformity :: cliche:original

cling vi. 粘紧,附着,紧贴,坚持
to hold together

clique n.
a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially : one held together by common interests,
views, or purposes
clique : intimates :: flock : sheep

clog n. 障碍,重物 v.障碍,阻塞
something that shackles or impedes : ENCUMBRANCE
clog : drainage :: stalemate : negotiations

closet n. 壁橱,小室 a. 秘密的,空论的
a cabinet or recess for especially china, household utensils, or
clothing pantry : food :: closet (wardrobe) : clothes

clot n. 凝块,群
a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood
clot: dissolved ::crowd: dispersed

cloudburst n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨
a sudden copious rainfall
gust : wind :: cloudburst :: rainfall

clout n. 权力,势力 PULL, INFLUENCE

cloying adj.
excessively sweet or sentimental
garrulous : talkative :: cloying : sweet
loquacious : talkative :: cloying : sweet

clumsy a. 笨拙的,不雅观的,粗陋的
lacking dexterity, nimbleness, or grace

coagulant n. 凝结剂
something that produces coagulation

coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve

coalesce v.合并,联合,结合
to unite into a whole : FUSE

coarse a. 粗略的
not precise or detailed with respect to adjustment or discrimination

coax vt.用巧言诱哄
to manipulate with great perseverance and usually with considerable effort toward a desired state or
blandishment : coax :: medal : honor prevarication : deceive
equivocation : coax :: explanation : enlighten

coda n. 终结句,乐章结尾部,完结部
a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata

coeval adj.
of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration
congruent : dimension :: coeval : age

cogent adj. 有说服力的
appealing forcibly to the mind or reason : CONVINCING
cogent : convince :: repugnant : repel

cognizant a. 已认识,既知道,晓得
knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience
incognizance : knowledgeable :: penury : wealthy

colander n. 滤器,漏勺
a perforated utensil for washing or draining food
centrifuge : separate :: colander : drain

collapse vt.使倒塌 vi. n.倒塌
to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely
collapse : implode ::divide :sunder
collapse : volume :: attenuate : thickness

collude v. 串通,共谋
collude : cooperate :: smuggle : convey

colonnade n. 柱廊

a series of columns set at regular intervals and usually supporting the base of a roof structure
colonnade : pillar :: queue : person

coma n. 昏迷状态
a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison
coma : unconsciousness :: delirium : confusion

combustible a. 易燃的,燃烧性的,易动激情的
capable of combustion
impervious : friable :: nonflammable : combustible

comely n. 清秀,美丽,合宜
having a pleasing appearance : not homely or plain

commencement n. 开始
an act, instance, or time of beginning
cease←→inaugurate commencement

commencement n. (大学的)毕业典礼
the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas

commend vt. 委托给,推荐,嘉奖
to mention with approbation : PRAISE
execrable←→commendable laudable

commensurate adj. 同样大小的,相称的
equal in measure or extent : COEXTENSIVE

commentary n. 注释,评论,批评
an explanatory treatise

commercial n. 广告节目
an advertisement broadcast on radio or television
advertising : commercial :: publishing : journal

commitment n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助
(1)an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date
(2)the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled
crime : misdemeanor :: commitment : decision
dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment conviction

committed adj.在…方面]受约束的,受束缚的[in] 献身于 [主义、主张] 的,致力于
profligate : solvent :: mercurial : committed

commodious adj.宽敞的
comfortably or conveniently spacious : ROOMY
taut:commodious:: extraordinary:purlieu
commodious←→constricted (cramped)

commonsense a. 具有常识的
sound and prudent but often unsophisticated judgment

commotion n.骚动,动乱
an agitated disturbance : TO-DO
squall :commotion :: flash : illumination

compendium n. 简要,概略
a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge : ABSTRACT
compendium : summary :: anthology : collection

compensate . 偿还,补偿,付报酬
to offset an error, defect, or undesired effect

complaisance n. 彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺
disposition to please or comply : AFFABILITY

complaisance n. 彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺
disposition to please or comply : AFFABILITY
complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit

compliant a. 顺从的,适应的
ready or disposed to comply : SUBMISSIVE
compliant : servile :: trusting : gullible
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield

compliment vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维
expressing or containing a compliment
apologize: contrite :: compliment: impressed

comply vi. 顺从,答应
to conform or adapt one's actions to another's wishes, to a rule, or to necessity
mandatory : comply :: forbidden : abstain

composed a. 镇静的,沉着的
free from agitation : CALM; especially : SELF- POSSESSED

compress vt. 压缩,压榨
to reduce in size or volume as if by squeezing
compression←→increase in volume distention←→compression

compromise n. 妥协,折衷,折衷案,和解
to come to agreement by mutual concession
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction
implacable: compromise :: honest : swindle
intransigent←→open to compromise

compunction n. 良心的责备,后悔,悔恨
anxiety arising from awareness of guilt

concatenate v. 连结,连锁
to link together in a series or chain

concede v. 承认(为正确),让步
to grant as a right or privilege
concede←→refuse to grant

concentrate . 集中,专心,浓缩
a. to bring or direct toward a common center or objective : FOCUS
b. to make less dilute
concentrate←→dilute solution

concerted a. 商议好的,协定的,预定的
mutually contrived or agreed on
concerted←→individually devised

concerto n. 协奏曲
a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements

conciliate v.
APPEASE : to cause to subside : ALLAY especially : to buy off (an aggressor) by concessions
usually at the sacrifice of principles
sop : conciliatory :: subsidy : supportive

conciseness n. 简明; 简洁

marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail
synopsis : conciseness :: distillate : purity

concord n.和睦,公约
a state of agreement : HARMONY

concur vi. 意见相同,一致,互助
to act together to a common end or single effect

condemn vt. 判刑,责备,谴责,声讨,处刑
to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation
extol←→condemn impugn detract

condescending a. 谦逊的,故意屈尊的,叫人领情似的
showing or characterized by condescension : PATRONIZING
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery

condign a. 相当的,适宜的
condign←→undeserved unmerited

condone vt. 赦,宽恕
to pardon or overlook voluntarily; especially : to treat as if trivial, harmless, or of no importance

conducive adj. 有助于…的
tending to promote or assist
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate

confederacy n. 联盟,邦联
a league or compact for mutual support or common action : ALLIANCE

confess . 承认,坦白,忏悔,供认
to disclose one's faults; specifically : to unburden one's sins or the state of one's conscience to
God or to a priest
recantation : error :: confession : crime

confidant n. 心腹朋友,知己
one to whom secrets are entrusted

confidante n. 知己的女友
CONFIDANT; especially : one who is a woman


confident a. 有信心的,有把握的
characterized by assurance; especially : SELF-RELIANT self
confident : timid :: open : shy

confine vt. 限制,闭居,禁闭
something that restrains
loose : confinement : :: disabuse : misconception

conform vt.使遵守 vi.一致
to be similar or identical; also : to be in agreement or harmony incongruent :
conform :: recalcitrant : obey

confront vt. 使面对,对抗,比较,使对质
to face especially in challenge : OPPOSE

congeal v. 凝结,凝固
to make viscid or curdled : COAGULATE
congeal←→melt disintegrated
congeal←→fail to solidify

congenial a. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的 SOCIABLE, GENIAL congenial:bonhomie
dour←→congenial genial

congruent a.全等的
superposable so as to be coincident throughout
congruent : dimension :: coeval : age
incongruent : conform :: recalcitrant : obey

conjecture n.v. 推测,臆测
inference from defective or presumptive evidence
conjecture←→restrain from the speculation

connoisseur n.
EXPERT; especially : one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art and is
competent to act as a critical judge
connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine

conquest n. 战胜,征服,战利品
the act or process of conquering
inexorable : dissuasion :: indomitable : conquest

conscientious a. 有责任心的,负责的,本着良心的

governed by or conforming to the dictates of conscience : SCRUPULOUS

consensus n. 一致,交感,,团结
group solidarity in sentiment and belief
consensus : factionalism :: clarity : confusion
law : criminality :: consensus : factionalism

conservative a.保守的 n.保守的人
tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions : TRADITIONAL
bigoted : advice :: conservative : change
contumacious : authority :: reactionary hidebound conservative : change innovation novelty

conservatory n.温室,音乐学院 a. 保存性的,有保存力的
a school specializing in one of the fine arts
conservatory : music :: {seminary : theology } :: observatory : astronomy
observatory:astronomy :: conservatory:music

conserve n. 蜜饯,果酱 vt. 保存,保全
to keep in a safe or sound state

considerable a. 相当的,可观的,重要的
worth consideration : SIGNIFICANT
restive: calmness :: piddling :considerable

consignment n. 委托
the act or process of consigning
consignment : invoice

console n.悬臂,肘托;控制台 vt. 安慰,藉慰
to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of : COMFORT
embarrass : shame :: console : comfort

consolidate vt. 巩固,使联合,统一
to join together into one whole : UNITE

consonance n. 一致,调和,和音
harmony or agreement among components

conspicuous adj.显著的,显而易见的
obvious to the eye or mind
authoritative : acceptance :: conspicuous : attention
conspicuous : see :: transparent : understand
conspicuous: sheltered::??


constellation n. 星座,星群
the configuration of stars.
constellation : star ::chord: note{ queue : person}

constitute vt. 构成,组成,任命
to appoint to an office, function, or dignity

constrained a. 被强迫的,拘泥的,不舒服的
to appoint to an office, function, or dignity

consultation n. 请教,咨询,协议会
COUNCIL, CONFERENCE; specifically : a deliberation between physicians on a case or its

contagious a. 传染性的,会蔓延的,会传播的
communicable by contact : CATCHING
sprain: injure :: cold :contagion contagious←→incommunicable

contaminate vt. 弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污
to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association
hedge : loss :: quarantine : contamination :: safeguard : accident

contemplate vt. 注视,沉思,打算
to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on

contempt n. 轻视,轻蔑
the act of despising : the state of mind of one who despises : DISDAIN
measly : contemptibly :: puny : weakly
paragon : admire :: pariah : contempt
redoubtable : regard awe :: despicable : scorn contempt disregard
wince : pain :: smile : pleasure :: pout : displeasure :: sneer : contempt

content a. 满足的,满意的,意义的
feeling or manifesting satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment conviction
gripe : discontent :: praise : admiration

contentious adj. 好辩的,喜争吵的
exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes

contingent a. 或许发生的,附随的,暂时的
likely but not certain to happen : POSSIBLE

contradictory a. 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的
involving, causing, or constituting a contradiction
paradox : contradictory :: epigram : wise

contravene v. 违反,违背,反驳,反对
to oppose in argument : CONTRADICT

contravene v.违背(法规,习俗等)
to go or act contrary to : VIOLATE

contrite a. 悔悟了的,后悔的,痛悔的
grieving and penitent for sin or shortcoming
apologize: contrite :: compliment: impressed

contrived adj. 做作的,不自然的
contrived : design::??

contumacious adj. 违抗的,不服从的
stubbornly disobedient : REBELLIOUS
contumacious : authority :: reactionary hidebound conservative : change innovation novelty

convalesce vi. 渐渐康复,渐愈
to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness
recidivism : relapse :: rehabilitation : convalesce

convenience n. 方便,便利的事物,无忧虑
something (as an appliance, device, or service) conducive to comfort or ease
opportune : convenience :: impermanent : transience

convention n. 大会,协定,惯例
usage or custom especially in social matters
overdose: prescription ::indiscretion: convention
eccentric:conventional:: doyen:uninitiated
ossify←→transcend conventions

convergent a. 趋集于一点的,会聚性的,收敛的
tending to move toward one point or to approach each other : CONVERGING
convergent←→moving apart


convert vt. 使改变信仰,兑换,倒置 n. 皈依者,改宗者
to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another
veer : direction :: convert : belief

convey vt. 传达,运输,转移
to transfer or deliver to another
collude : cooperate :: smuggle : convey
splint: immobilize:: duct: convey

conviction n.确信,信服,深信
a strong persuasion or belief
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment conviction

conviction n. 定罪
the act or process of convicting of a crime especially in a court of law
mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction

convoke v.
to call together to a meeting

convoluted adj. 旋绕的,费解的
convoluted : complexity :: ephemeral : transience

convulsion n. 骚动,痉挛
an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles
convulsion : contraction :: frenzy : emotion

coop n. 小屋,鸡笼,捕鱼笼
a cage or small enclosure (as for poultry)
corral:horses :: coop:chickens

copious adj.丰富的
present in large quantity : taking place on a large scale

coquette n. 风骚的女人,爱卖弄风情的女子,玩弄男人的女人
a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men

cord n. 绳索,束缚,木料计量单位
a unit of wood cut for fuel equal to a stack 4 x 4 x 8 feet or 128 cubic feet
ream : paper :: cord : wood

cordon n. 哨兵线,非常警戒线,饰带

a line of persons or objects around a person or place
levee: river:: cordon: crowd

cornucopia n.象征丰收的羊角(羊角装饰器内装满花、果、谷物等以示富饶)
an inexhaustible store : ABUNDANCE
cornucopia←→lack pittance

coronation n.加冕,加冕礼
the act or occasion of crowning; also : accession to the highest office
coronation : reign :: wedding : marriage
wedding : marriage :: coronation : reign

corporeal a. 肉体的,有形的,物质的
having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body: as a : not spiritual b : not immaterial
or intangible : SUBSTANTIAL
corporeal←→intangible disembodied

corral vt. 占有,围住 n. 畜栏
a pen or enclosure for confining or capturing livestock
corral:horses :: coop:chickens

corroborate vt. 使坚固,确证 to support with evidence or authority : make more certain
corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood
corroboration←→lessening of certainty

corrosive a. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的,蚀坏的
tending or having the power to corrode
etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive

cosmopolitan n. 四海为家的人,世界主义者,无国家偏见的人
having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing
bigot: tolerant::provincial: cosmopolitan{servile: domination}

cosset v.
to treat as a pet : PAMPER

coterie n. (有共同兴趣的)小团体,小圈子
an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose
coterie : group::??

countenance n. 面容,表情 v. 支持,赞成
to extend approval or toleration to : SANCTION


counterfeit n. 赝品,伪造品
made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive : FORGED
sophism : reasoning :: counterfeit : money

counterpart n. 副本,复本,配对物,相应物
one of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument : DUPLICATE

couplet n. 对句,对联
two successive lines of verse forming a unit marked usually by rhythmic correspondence, rhyme, or
the inclusion of a self-contained utterance : DISTICH

court n.法院,法庭;庭院 vt. 献殷勤,追求,招致危险
to seek the affections of; especially : to seek to win a pledge of marriage from
cour←→repel intentionallyrepulse intentionally snub
spurn←→court ,crave, embrace

courtesy n. 礼貌,谦恭,允许
a : courteous behavior
b : a courteous act or expression

coven n. (尤指十三个) 女巫的集会
an assembly or band of usually 13 witches retainer : retinue :: witch : coven

covetous adj. 贪婪的,贪心的
marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions
troubled:distraught :: covetous:rapacious

cow v.恐吓,吓倒,威胁
to destroy the resolve or courage of
embolden←→abash faze cow

cowardice n. 懦弱
lack of courage or resolution

cower vi. 畏缩,退缩,抖缩
to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays
fear : cower :: anger : rant

craft n. 技艺,手艺,诡计
skill in planning, making, or executing : DEXTERITY

cramp a. 狭窄的,难解的 CONFINE, RESTRAIN
commodious←→constricted (cramped)


crass a.粗糙,粗厚的;愚钝的;极度的,非常的
having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination

craven adj.懦弱的,畏缩的
lacking the least bit of courage : contemptibly fainthearted
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward
craven : hero :: parsimonious : spendthrift
craven : heroic :: volatile : constant

craving n. 渴望,热望
an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing
terror : fear :: craving : desire
spurn←→court ,crave, embrace

credence n. 信用,祭器台,供桌,凭证
mental acceptance as true or real

creek n. 小溪,小河,小湾
a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river
hill : mountain :: creek : river

crescendo n.
a gradual increase; specifically : a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage

crest n.鸡冠, 顶饰; crestfallen 冠毛垂倒,(喻)垂头丧气的
the top of a wave
crest : wave :: summit peak : mountain

crestfallen adj. 挫败的,失望的
feeling shame or humiliation : DEJECTED

criteria n. 标准
a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based

cronyism n. 任人唯亲
partiality to cronies especially as evidenced in the appointment of political hangers- on to office
without regard to their qualifications
nepotism : relative :: cronyism : friend

croon v.
to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially : to sing in a soft intimate manner
adapted to amplifying systems
croon : sing :: murmur : speak
crop n. 农作物,产量,平头

a plant or animal or plant or animal product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit
or subsistence : COLLECTION

crouch v.
to bend or bow servilely : CRINGE

crown vt. 使成王,加冕,居...之顶
to place a crown or wreath on the head of; specifically : to invest with regal dignity and power
inaugurate : president :: install : official :: crown : king

crucial adj.严重的;极重要的
important or essential as resolving crisis : DECISIVE
relevant:crucial :: perceptible:obvious

crude a. 天然的,未成熟的,粗糙的,粗鲁的
marked by the primitive, gross, or elemental or by uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity

crutch n. 拐杖,支撑,帮助
a support typically fitting under the armpit for use by the disabled in walking
crutch : walk :: glasses : see

crux n. 十字架形,关键,难题
an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome
crux←→peripheral element

cryptic a. 秘密的,神秘的,含义模糊的
having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning : MYSTERIOUS
cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise
cryptic:perplex:: cryptic←→self explain
cryptic←→self explanatory

cuisine n.烹调
manner of preparing food : style of cooking; also : the food prepared
connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine

culpable adj.该受谴责的
meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame

cultivated a. 耕耘的,栽植的,有教养的

cumbersome a. 讨厌的,麻烦的,累赘的

unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk
cumbersome←→easy to handle

cunning a. 狡猾的,巧妙的,可爱的
characterized by wiliness and trickery

curative a.治病的,有治病效力的
relating to or used in the cure of diseases : tending to cure
curator n. (博物馆、图书馆等的) 馆长,主持
one that has the care and superintendence of something; especially : one in charge of a museum,
zoo, or other place of exhibit
ranger : forest :: curator : museum

cursory adj.粗略的,草率的
rapidly and often superficially performed or produced : HASTY
cursory←→painstakingly thorough

curt adj. (言词、行为)简略而草率的
sparing of words : TERSE
curt: words ::parsimonious: resource

curtail vt.截短,缩短;削减
to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part
curtail : period :: enervate : energy protract←→curtail

cyclone n. 飓风,暴风
a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, advances at a
speed of 20 to 30 miles (about 30 to 50 kilometers) an hour, and often brings heavy
rain snow : precipitation :: hurricane : cyclone

cynical a. 愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的,冷嘲的
having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic; especially : contemptuously distrustful of
human nature and motives
ingenue: sophistication:: cynic : trustfulness

dabble vi. 玩水,泼溅,涉猎
to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest
dabble←→dedicate devote

daft adj.

daguerreotype n. (早期)银板照相

an early photograph produced on a silver or a silver-covered copper plate; also : the process of
producing such photographs

dally vi. 戏耍,玩弄,赋闲
a : to act playfully; especially : to play amorously
b : to deal lightly : TOY

damp n. & a. 潮湿(的);v. 打湿
tint : suffuse : damp : quench
sere←→lush damp

dander n. 生气,头皮屑
DANDRUFF; specifically : minute scales from hair, feathers, or skin that may be allergenic

dandy n.花花公子,好打扮的人
a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance
miser:hoard::dandy:preen :: sycophant:fawn ::pundit:opinion

dank adj.阴湿的
unpleasantly moist or wet
dank : moisture::??

dapper adj.衣冠楚楚的,干净的
a : neat and trim in appearance
b : excessively spruce and stylish

dappled a. 斑纹的,花的
marked with small spots or patches contrasting with the background
striated : groove :: mottled dappled : spot

daredevil n. 铤而走险的人,不怕死的人
a recklessly bold person
prudence : daredevil :: sagacity : simpleton
daredevil:??? :: malcontent: dissatisfaction

dart vi. 疾走,突进
to move suddenly or rapidly fall
descend : plummet :: move : dart

daunt v. 使胆怯,使畏缩
to lessen the courage of : COW, SUBDUE
dauntless : trepidation :: footloose : attachment
daunt←→embolden make resolute

dauntless←→craveneasily discouraged pusillanimous

dawdle . 游手好闲,混日子
to move lackadaisically

deactivate vt. 解除动员,复员,使无效,使不活动
to make inactive or ineffective

deaden vt. 使减弱,消除
to impair in vigor or sensation : BLUNT

deadpan a. 无表情的脸
marked by an impassive matter-of-fact manner, style, or expression

dearth n. 缺乏,粮食不足,饥谨
an inadequate supply : LACK

debase v.贬低,贬损
to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character
debase : value :: attenuate : force

debilitate vt. 使衰弱
to impair the strength of : ENFEEBLE
attenuate: thickness :: debilitate : strength

debunk v.揭穿真相,暴露
to expose the sham or falseness of

debut n.初次登台,初次露面
a first appearance
debut:←→farewell performance

decadence n. 衰落,颓废
the process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent

decant vt. 轻轻倒出,移入其他容器
to pour out, transfer, or unload as if by pouring
subterfuge:deceive:: decant:pour


decibel n. 分贝(音量的单位)
a unit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds on a scale from zero for the average least
perceptible sound to about 130 for the average pain level
decibel : sound :: volt : electricity :: watt : power :: lumen:light

decipher vt. 译解,解释
a : to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity
b : to interpret the meaning of

decode vt. 解码,译解
to convert (as a coded message) into intelligible form
tacit : infer :: encoded : decode

decorum n.礼仪 propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance
miscalculation:judgment :: gaffe:decorum

decrepit adj. 衰老的,破旧的
wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age

dedication n. 奉献,致力,献辞
a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose
bigot ::dedication ::rage: anger
dabble←→dedicate devote

default n. & v. 拖欠,违约,欠缺,默认,缺省
a failure to pay financial debts
default : pay :: yield : resist

deference n. 敬意,尊重
respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; also : affected or ingratiating regard for another's
defer : leader :: admire : hero
deferential : offend :: scornful : respect
intransigent:acquiesce:: deferential : offend

deficiency n. 缺乏,不足
an amount that is lacking or inadequate : SHORTAGE

defile v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道
a narrow passage or gorge

precipice : steepness :: defile : narrowness

defoliate . (使)落叶
to deprive of leaves especially prematurely
defoliate: tree:: insecticide: insect

defraud vt. 欺骗 to deprive of something by deception or fraud

deft adj. 灵巧的,熟练的(deft)
characterized by facility and skill
craven : admirable :: deft : awkward

defuse vt. 放松,抚慰,减轻
to make less harmful, potent, or tense

defy vt. 藐视,挑衅,使落空
to challenge to do something considered impossible : DARE

dehydrate vt. (使)脱水(n. dehydration)
to remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in
which they form water
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration
dehydrate : water :: wither : vitality :: fade:brightening
fatigue : rest :: dehydration : water

deject vt. 使沮丧,使灰心
to make gloomy
mollify : anger :: hearted : dejection

deleterious adj. (对身心)有害的,有毒的
harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way

deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的
to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully
apophasis:claim:: caprice:deliberate
hasty←→characterized by deliberation

delicacy n. 细软,精致,精美的食品,娇气

the quality or state of being dainty : FINENESS

delinquent n. 行为不良的人,流氓
offending by neglect or violation of duty or of law

delirium n.精神错乱,发狂
a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations
coma : unconsciousness :: delirium : confusion
delude vt. 迷惑,蛊惑
to mislead the mind or judgment of : DECEIVE, TRICK

deluge n.大洪水,豪雨
a. an overflowing of the land by water b : a drenching rain
rain : deluge :: wind : hurricane
droplet: deluge :: pebble : landslide

delve . 探究,查考
to make a careful or detailed search for information

demagogue n. 煽动者,群众煽动者
a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
{demagogue : instruct }

demise n.死亡 vt. 让渡,遗赠,转让

demography n. 人口统计学
the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density, distribution,
and vital statistics
demography : population :: meteorology : weather

demolition n. 破坏,毁坏,毁坏之遗迹
the act of demolishing; especially : destruction in war by means of explosives
recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition

demoralize vt. 使道德颓废,使堕落,挫折锐气
a : to weaken the morale of : DISCOURAGE, DISPIRIT
b : to upset or destroy the normal functioning of
c : to throw into disorder

demur v.表示异议,反对
to take exception : OBJECT

praise : approbation :: demur : objection

demystify vt. 使非神秘化
to eliminate the mystifying features of

den n. 兽穴,洞穴
the lair of a wild usually predatory animal

denigrate vt. 使变黑,玷污,诋毁
to cast aspersions on : DEFAME

denouement n.(小说的)结尾,结局
the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work
joke : punch line :: plot : denouement

denounce v. 指责,揭发
to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil
admonish : denounce :: punish : pillory {persuade:convince}
castigation :reproof ::denunciation :denial glorification : merit

denude v.脱去,剥蚀,剥夺
to strip of all covering or surface layers

denunciation n. 谴责,告发
an act of denouncing; especially : a public condemnation

depart vi. 离开,出发,去世,违反,放弃
to go away : LEAVE
abscond : depart :: pilfer: take

depict vt. 描述,描写
to represent by or as if by a picture

deplete vt. 耗尽,使衰竭
to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value

deplore vt. 悲悼,哀叹,悔恨
a : to feel or express grief for
b : to regret strongly

deploy v.[军]展开,调度,部署
to extend (a military unit) especially in width

deportation n. 驱逐,放逐
the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial
deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling

depose vt. 免职,废,作证
to testify to under oath or by affidavit

deposit vt.使淤积
a natural accumulation (as of iron ore, coal, or gas)
deposit←→process of eroding

depravity n. 堕落,腐败,邪恶
a corrupt act or practice
doldrums:energy :: depravity:virtue

deprecate vt. 声明不赞成,抨击,反对
deprecate : value :: restrict: diameter
depreciation: value::ossification : flexible

depreciate v. 贬低,贬值
to lower the price or estimated value of
fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger
imperious : fawn :: swagger : self depreciate
imperiousness : fawn :: self depreciatory : swagger

depress vt. 使沮丧,压低,降低,使萧条
to press down
depressant : mood ::???

deprivation n. 剥夺,剥夺官职,免职
the state of being deprived : PRIVATION; especially
deprivation←→surfeit {fecundity}

deracinate vt. 根除,灭绝,使孤立 UPROOT

derelict n. 遗弃物,被遗弃的人,玩忽职守者
a destitute homeless social misfit : VAGRANT, BUM
derelict←→pillar of society

: removal from an office, dignity, or benefice

deride vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑
to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule
patronize : condescension :: deride : mockery
pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster : loud :: prate : aimless
smirk:smugness:: sneer:derision
ridicule : derision::??

derivative adj. 派生的,无创意的
lacking originality : BANAL

derogatory a. 贬损的
expressive of a low opinion : DISPARAGING

descendant n.后代,后裔
one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype

desecrate vt. 供俗用,亵渎,污辱
to violate the sanctity of : PROFANE

desert vt. 放弃,遗弃,逃跑
to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return

desiccate vt. 使干,干贮 (adj. Desiccated)
to preserve (a food) by drying : DEHYDRATE
abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration
caustic : eat away :: desiccant : dry
desiccate : moisture :: detoxify : poison

despair vi. 绝望
to lose all hope or confidence
abandon: inhibition :: despair: hope

despicable a. 可鄙的,卑劣的
deserving to be despised : so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation
redoubtable : regard awe :: despicable : scorn contempt disregard
venerable: reverence :: despicable: scorn

despondent adj. 失望的,意气消沉的
feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression


dessert n.甜点心
a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) served at the end of a meal
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata

detach vt. 分离,分遣
to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without violence or damage

deter vt. 制止,使断念,威慑
to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting
intrepid:deter ::rapt : distract

detestable a. 嫌恶的,可憎的,可厌恶的
arousing or meriting intense dislike : ABOMINABLE

detract . 减去,贬低
to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something
extol←→condemn impugn detract

detritus n. 碎石
a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away : DEBRIS
detritus←→valuable mass

deviation n. 背离
noticeable or marked departure from accepted norms of behavior

devise vt. 设计,发明,图谋,遗赠给
to form in the mind by new combinations or applications of ideas or principles : INVENT

devoted a. 投入的,深爱的
characterized by loyalty and devotion
devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious
fanatic : devoted :: prude : proper
elegiac : sorrow :: devotional : reverence
dabble←→dedicate devote

devout a. 虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的
devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises
religion : devoutness:: canon: orthodoxy

dexterous a. 灵巧的,用右手的
mentally adroit and skillful : CLEVER

diabolic adj. 恶魔 (一样) 的,魔鬼性格的
of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil : DEVILISH

diagnose . 诊断
to recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms

diaphanous adj.(布)精致的,半透明的
characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through

diaphanous adj.(布)精致的,半透明的

diatribe n. (口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说
a bitter and abusive speech or writing
diatribe : abuse :: burlesque : mockery
lullaby:song :: diatribe:discourse

didactic adj.教诲的、说教的
designed or intended to teach
didactic : teach :: hortatory : urge :: ::exhortative:urge

diehard n. 顽固分子
strongly or fanatically determined or devoted

diffident a. 无自信的,客客气气的,羞怯的
hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self- confidence
expansive←→reserved diffident

digit n. 数字,位数,指头 :
any of the divisions in which the limbs of amphibians and all higher vertebrates terminate, which are
typically five in number but may be reduced (as in the horse), and which typically have a series of
phalanges bearing a nail, claw, or hoof at the tip
fang : tooth :: finger : digit

dignity n. 尊严,高贵
quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed

digress v. 离题,把(话题)离开
to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument
digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant
digressive : topic subject :: stray : group
stray : group :: digress : subject


dilapidate . (使)荒废,(使)毁坏
to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin dilapidated←→restored

dilate vt.使膨胀;使扩大
to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent : DISTEND, WIDEN dilate←→contract

dilatory a. 拖拉的
characterized by procrastination : TARDY
dilatory : procrastinate :: malcontent : complain
alacrity←→dilatoriness hesitance
precipitate←→retard dilatory

dilettante n. 半瓶醋,业余爱好者
a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : DABBLER
dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence

diligent a. 勤勉的,用功的
characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort :PAINSTAKING

dilute v. 冲淡,稀释
to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture
slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength concentration

din n. 喧闹声,嘈杂声
a loud continued noise; especially : a welter of discordant sounds

dingus n. ((俚))新发明品; 新玩意儿
an ornamental attachment ordecoration : DOODAD

dingy adj. 肮脏的,褪色的
dingy : glisten :: slippery : adhere

diocesan a. 主教管区的
a bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese
diocesan←→ ecumenical

dire a. 可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的
dirge n.
a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially : one intended to accompany funeral or
memorial rites

disabuse v. 打消(某人)的错误念头,纠正

to free from error, fallacy, or misconception
disabuse : fallacy :: cure : disease
loose : confinement : :: disabuse : misconception

disaffected adj.(政治上)不满的,叛离的
discontented and resentful especially against authority :REBELLIOUS
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment conviction
officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel

disaggregate vt.释放;排出 n.释放
to separate into component parts

disagreeable a. 不愉快的,厌恶的,不为人喜的
causing discomfort : UNPLEASANT, OFFENSIVE
disagreeable : hateful :: harmful : lethal

disarm vi. 放下武器,缓和
to deprive of means, reason, or disposition to be hostile

disavow vt. 否认,否定,抵赖
to deny responsibility for : REPUDIATE

discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃,解雇
to get rid of especially as useless or unpleasant

discerning adj. 有洞察力的,眼力好的,眼光敏锐的
showing insight and understanding : DISCRIMINATING
palatable : savory :: discernible : manifest

discharge vt. 卸下,放出,解雇,放电,履行
to dismiss from employment

disclaim . 放弃,弃权,拒绝
to renounce a legal claim to

discography n. (按作曲家、演奏家或演唱家分类之) 音乐唱片分类目录
a descriptive list of phonograph records by category, composer, performer, or date of release
list:discography:: tool:hoe

discommode v. 使失态,慌张
to cause inconvenience to : TROUBLE

discommode←→convenience pacificate ease mollify

discompose vt. 使不安,使烦乱,使烦恼
to destroy the composure of

discord n. 不调和,不和
lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)

discourse n.演讲;论文
a : formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thought on a subject
b : connected speech or writing
c : a linguistic unit (as a conversation or a story) larger than a sentence lullaby:song ::

discrepancy n. 不同,矛盾
an instance of being discrepant

discretion n. 慎重,辨别力,考虑,处理权
the quality of being discreet : CIRCUMSPECTION; especially : cautious reserve in speech frivolous
gravity :: brash : discretion
foolish : discretion :: impecunious : money
overdose:prescription ::indiscretion:convention

discretionary adj.随意的,自由裁量的
left to discretion : exercised at one's own discretion

discriminate . 区别,差别待遇
to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of
epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching
liken : similarity :: discriminate : difference
sentinel : watchful :: epicure : discriminating

discursive adj. 散漫的,无层次的
moving from topic to topic without order : RAMBLING
discursive←→keen on title

disdain v. 轻视、鄙视
a feeling of contempt for what is beneath one : SCORN
snub : disdain :: double cross : disloyalty


disengage vt. 使自由,解放,解开
to release from something that engages or involves

disgorge v. 呕出,(水)流走
to discharge by the throat and mouth : VOMIT

disgruntle vt. 使不高兴
to make ill-humored or discontented ? usually used as a participial adjective

disguise vi.隐瞒,掩埋 n.假装
to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity
padding : damage :: disguise : recognition

disgust n. 厌恶,嫌恶
marked aversion aroused by something highly distasteful : REPUGNANCE
blatant : arresting :: odious : disgusting
odious : disgust :: menacing : fear
scowl: displeasure :: kiss : affection{hurl : disgust}
entrancing←→disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore

dishevel vt. 使蓬乱,使头发凌乱
to throw into disorder or disarray

disinclination n. 不起劲,不感兴趣,厌恶
a preference for avoiding something : slight aversion
aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration

disinfect vt. 消毒
to free from infection especially by destroying harmful microorganisms
oil : lubricate :: antiseptic : disinfect

disinterested a. 无私欲的,廉洁的,公平的
free from selfish motive or interest : UNBIASED

disjunctive a. 可分的,分离的,分隔的
marked by breaks or disunity
nominal : significance :: disjunctive : unity

dismantle vt. 拆除...的设备,分解,去除覆盖物
to take to pieces; also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of

disparage v. 贬抑,轻蔑
to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about
scorn : reject :: adulate : flatter :: disparage : ignore
champion←→disparage extol←→disparage

disparate adj. 迥然不同的,不可并论的
containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements

dispassionate adj. 平心静气的
not influenced by strong feeling; especially : not affected by personal or emotional involvement

dispatch v. n. 迅速
promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission

disposal n. 处理,排列,支配,布置,废料
systematic destruction; especially : destruction or transformation of garbage
recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition

disquiet n.v. 担心,焦虑
to take away the peace or tranquillity of : DISTURB, ALARM disquiet←→put at ease

disrupt vt. 使分裂,使瓦解
to throw into disorder
saboteur : disrupt :: apologist : defend

dissect . 解剖,切细
to analyze and interpret minutely

dissemble v. 隐藏、掩饰(感受,意图)
to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense
dissemble : honesty :: snub : politeness
dissemble : information :: masquerade : feeling
ingenuous : dissemble :: raffish : preen :: polite : snub

disseminate vt. 散播,传播,宣传
to spread abroad as though sowing seed
disseminate:information:: foment:discontentment

dissension n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧
DISAGREEMENT; especially : partisan and contentious quarreling


dissent vi. 持异议,不同意
to withhold assent

dissertation n. 论文
an extended usually written treatment of a subject; specifically : one submitted for a doctorate

dissipate vt. 散失,驱散,浪费 (dissipation)
husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate

dissociate . 分离,游离,分裂
to separate from association or union with another

dissolute adj.放荡的,无节制的
lacking restraint; especially : marked by indulgence in things
libertine : dissolute :: sycophant : obsequious
ludicrous : buffoon :: dissolute : libertine :: humorous : wag
voluble: speech:: licentious: dissoluteness

dissolve . 溶解,解散
to cause to pass into solution
clot:dissolved ::crowd:dispersed
coagulant : thicken :: solvent : dissolve

dissonance n.不和谐(的音调)
lack of agreement; especially : inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's
actions and one's beliefs

dissuade vt. 劝阻
to advise (a person) against something
remonstrance:dissuade:: reprehensible:censure
remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant :appeal

distention n. 膨胀
the act of distending or the state of being distended especially unduly or abnormally

distillation n. 蒸馏
the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation

synopsis : conciseness :: distillate : purity

distinction n. 区别
the quality or state of being distinguishable
nuance : distinction :: hint : suggestion
repute←→lack of distinction

distinguished a. 卓著的,著名的
marked by eminence, distinction, or excellence eminent←→undistinguished

distort vt. 扭曲,歪曲
to twist out of the true meaning or proportion brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature

distract vt. 转移,分心,使发狂
to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time
intrepid: deter ::rapt : distract

distraught adj. 心神狂乱的
agitated with doubt or mental conflict
troubled: distraught :: covetous: rapacious

ditch n. 沟
a long narrow excavation dug in the earth
ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern

ditty n. 小调,小曲
an especially simple and unaffected song
fable : tale :: ditty :song

diurnal adj.
of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime

diverge vi. 分歧,岔开
to move or extend in different directions from a common point : draw apart
ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent
diverge : apart :: traverse : across

divert vt.使转向 vi.转移
to turn from one course or use to another : DEFLECT
divert : shunt :: retard : brake

divestiture n. 剥夺,脱衣
the act of divesting

divulge vt.泄漏(秘密等);宣布,公布
to make known (as a confidence or secret)
divulge←→keep secret

doctrine n.教义,主义;学说
a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief : DOGMA
doctrine : heretical :: course : errant

dodder vi. 摇摆,蹒跚
to progress feebly and unsteadily
dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly

doff vt. 脱,丢弃,废除
to remove (an article of wear) from the body

dogged a. 顽固的,顽强的
marked by stubborn determination
dogged←→easily discouraged

doggerel adj. 歪诗的,打油诗
loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; also
triviality or inferiority
doggerel : verse :: burlesque : play

doggo adv. ((俚)) (一动不动地) 隐藏着
in hiding
doggo :instability::??

dogma n. 教条
something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet

doldrums n. (海洋上的)无风带,情绪低沉
state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump
doldrums: energy :: depravity: virtue

dolorous adj. 悲哀的,忧愁的
causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief

dolt n. 呆子,笨蛋,傻瓜

: marked by
a stupid person

domination n. 支配,控制,管辖
supremacy or preeminence over another
gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination
impervious : damaged :: indomitable : subdued
inexorable : dissuasion :: indomitable : conquest

domineering adj. 盛气凌人的,跋扈的,作威作福的
inclined to domineer

don vt. 穿上
to put on (an article of clothing)

donor n. 捐赠人
one that gives, donates, or presents something
legacy : predecessor :: gift : donor

doodle n.v.
an aimless or casual scribble, design, or sketch
draw:doodle :: travel:ramble

dour a. 不爱讲话的,沉沉的,严厉的
dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness
dour←→congenial genial

downpour 暴雨
a pouring or streaming downward;especially : a heavy rain
downpour: flooding ::wind :erosion
wind : erosion :: downpour : flooding

doyen n. 老资格,首席
a : the senior member of a body or group
b : a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in
some field of endeavor
eccentric:conventional:: doyen:uninitiated

draconian adj. 严峻的,苛刻的
palmy : prosperity :: draconian : severity
draconian←→indulgent mild

drawl . 懒洋洋地说,做作而慢慢地说
to utter in a slow lengthened tone
inch : move :: drawl : speak p

pontificate : pompous :: scoff : derisive :: drawl : slow :: bluster : loud :: prate : aimless

dreary a. 沉闷的
having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest : GLOOMY, DISMAL

drivel vi. 淌口水,说傻话
to utter in an infantile or imbecilic way
nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast

drizzle n.v.
a fine misty rain

droll adj.
having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality
grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh

droplet n. 小滴
a tiny drop (as of a liquid)
droplet: deluge :: pebble : landslide

drudgery n. 苦差事,苦工
dull, irksome, and fatiguing work : uninspiring or menial labor
drudgery←→rewarding work

dryad n. 森林的精灵

dubious a. 可疑的,不确定的
questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality
disaffected : contentment :: dubious : commitment conviction

dulcet adj.(声音)悦耳的,美妙的
pleasing to the ear
cacophonous←→dulcet euphonious

dull a. 钝的,无趣的,呆滞的,阴暗的
lacking brilliance or luster

dullard n.笨蛋
a stupid or unimaginative person

dupe n. 傻瓜,易受骗的人
one that is easily deceived or cheated : FOOL
reverent : idolater :: trusting : dupe

dwelling n. 住处
a shelter (as a house) in which people live
deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling
potable : beverage :: habitable : dwelling

dyspeptic a. 消化不良的,胃弱的,患胃病的

eaglet n. 小鹰
a young eagle eaglet: bird

earnest a.认真的,诚恳的
characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind

earplug n. 耳栓
device of pliable material for insertion into the outer opening of the ear (as to keep out water or
deaden sound)
earplug : noise :: shield : impact

earshot n. 听力所及之范围,声音所及的距离
the range within which the unaided voice may be heard
earshot : hear :: ken : see

earsplitting a. 震耳欲聋的
distressingly loud or shrill
earsplitting : voice::??

ebullience n. 沸腾,热情,热情洋溢
the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings : EXUBERANCE

eccentric a. 古怪的,反常的,不同圆心的
deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways
hero : admirable :: eccentric : unconventional
eccentric:conventional:: doyen:uninitiated

echelon n.[军]梯队;组织系统中的等级
an arrangement of a body of troops with its units each somewhat to the left or right of the one in the

rear like a series of steps

eclat n. 辉煌的成就; 喝采; 名声
brilliant or conspicuous success

eclectic n. 折衷主义者,折衷派的人
selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles

eclipse n. (日,月)蚀,名声缺落,失势
a falling into obscurity or decline; also : the state of being eclipsed
eclipse : prestige :: enervation enfeeble : vigor

ecumenical adj. ,一般性的,普遍性的
worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application ecumenical : generality :: entire : integrity

edifice n. 大厦,大建筑物
BUILDING; especially : a large or massive structure
tower: edifice::rampart: barrier

efface v. 擦掉,抹去
to make (oneself) modestly or shyly inconspicuous
alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface blazon←→efface

effervesce vi. 冒泡,沸腾,兴奋
to show liveliness or exhilaration
effervesce←→be flat

effete adj. 衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的
having lost character, vitality, or strength

effluvia n. pl. 臭气(effluvium的复数形式),没用的副产品
a by-product especially in the form of waste
effluvia←→desired products

effulgent adj.光辉的,灿烂的
radiant splendor : BRILLIANCE
bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence

effusive a. 感情横溢的,流出的
characterized or formed by a nonexplosive outpouring of lava
gush:effusive:: rage: irate
emotion: effusive:: liberty: licentious{ manner: grandiose}

egocentric adj.自我中心的,利己的
concerned with the individual rather than society

elaborate a. 精细的,详尽的,精心的
marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness
fawn: imperiousness :: equivocate: directness :: elaborate : sketchy

elastic a. 有弹性的,能伸缩的,可通融的
capable of being easily stretched or expanded and resuming former shape : FLEXIBLE
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch
elastic: expand:: viable: live

elated adj. 得意洋洋的振奋的
marked by high spirits : EXULTANT

eleemosynary a. 施舍的,慈善的,接受接济的
of, relating to, or supported by charity

elegant a. 优雅的,端庄的,高雅的
of a high grade or quality : SPLENDID
insolent←→polite {elegant}

elegy n.
a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead
satire : ridicule :: elegy : sorrow
elegiac : sorrow :: devotional : reverence

elephantine a. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的
having enormous size or strength : MASSIVE

elevate vt. 举起,提拔,鼓舞
to raise in rank or status : EXALT

elicit vt. 引出,抽出,引起
to draw forth or bring out
evoke←→fail to elicit

elitism n.精英论,优秀人士统治
leadership or rule by an elite

ellipsis n

the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make
a construction grammatically complete
apostrophes : word :: ellipsis : sentence

elliptical a.椭圆的;省略的 , 朦胧的,含糊的
of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style)

elongate v.延长,伸长
to extend the length of

elucidate v.
to give a clarifying explanation
obfuscate←→elucidate illuminate explain clearly

emanate vi. 散发,发出,发源
to come out from a source

emancipate v. 解放,解除
to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially

embargo n. 禁
a legal prohibition on commerce
embargo : commerce :: quarantine : contact

embark vi. 乘船,着手,从事,上飞机
to make a start
conclude←→embark on

embarrass vt. 使困窘,使局促不安,阻碍
to place in doubt, perplexity, or difficulties
catastrophe : mishap :: humiliation : embarrassment
embarrass : shame :: console : comfort
unabashed : embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement

embed vt.埋
to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix

embolden v.给……壮胆,鼓励
to instill with boldness or courage
appall←→embolden nerve
embolden←→abash faze cow

: to free from bondage
embrace n. 拥抱
close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of affection : HUG
embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference
abrogate←→embrace institute uphold
eschew←→embrace, greet , welcome
spurn←→court ,crave, embrace

encompass v. 围绕,包围
to form a circle about : ENCLOSE

emigrate . (使)移居,(使)移民
to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere
repatriate : emigration :: repeal : ratification

eminence n. 卓越;显赫;(此处喻指高处)
one that is eminent, prominent, or lofty: as
a : an anatomical protuberance (as on a bone)
b : a person of high rank or attainments
c : a natural elevation
master : experience :: luminary : eminence
maven: experience:: luminary: eminence

emphasis n. 强调,加强,重要,强语气
special consideration of or stress or insistence on something
underscore : emphasis :: brand : ownership

emulate vt.与…竞争;效法
strive to equal or excel
emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary

enact vt. 制定法律,扮演,颁布
to establish by legal and authoritative act; specifically : to make (as a bill) into law

enamel n. 珐琅,瓷釉
a hard calcareous substance that forms a thin layer capping the teeth
enamel : tooth :: bark : tree

enclosure n. 附件,围墙,围绕
something that encloses
stockade : enclosure :: pillar : support

encomium n. 赞颂,颂辞

glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise;
encomiast : eulogize :: quibble : cavil
encomium←→harsh criticism

encompass 1. 围绕,包围 2. 包含,含有
to form a circle about : ENCLOSE obsolete : to go completely around

encounter n. v. 相会,相遇,遭遇
to come upon face-to-face
circumlocutory←→direct encounter

encumbrance n. 阻碍,妨害物,累赘
something that encumbers : IMPEDIMENT

encyclopedia n. 百科全书
a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular
branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically often by subject

endorse vt.签名于(票据)等的背面vt.确认;赞同;支持
to approve openly especially : to express support or approval of publicly and definitely rider :
bill :: endorsement : policy
endorse←→oppose publicly

enduring a. 持久的,忍耐的
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch
ephemeral : enduring :: inanimate : living
transitory : endure :: immutable : change transitory←→enduring

enervate vt.使衰弱
to lessen the vitality or strength of
curtail : period :: enervate : energy
eclipse : prestige :: enervation enfeeble : vigor
enervate←→fortify strengthen

enfeeble vt. 使衰弱
to make feeble : deprive of strength
eclipse : prestige :: enervation enfeeble : vigor

enfranchise vt. 给予自治权,给予选举权,解放
to endow with a franchise: as
a : to admit to the privileges of a citizen and especially to the right of suffrage b : to admit (a

municipality) to political privileges or rights
engender vt. 产生,引起
to cause to exist or to develop : PRODUCE

engross vt.全神贯注于
to take or engage the whole attention of : occupy completely
attentive : officious :: refined : snobbish { absorbed:engrossed}

enigmatic a. 阴阳怪气的,谜一般的,高深莫测的
of, relating to, or resembling an enigma : MYSTERIOUS
enigmatic←→broadly known { wildly accepted}
enigmatic←→ readily understood

enlighten vt. 授予...知识,启发,教导,开导
a : to furnish knowledge to : INSTRUCT
b : to give spiritual insight to
equivocation : coax :: explanation : enlighten

ennoble vt. 授予爵位,使高贵
to make noble : ELEVATE

ennui n. 倦怠,厌倦
a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction : BOREDOM
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic
ennui←→energy enthusiasm
ennui←→keen interest

enslave vt.奴役
to reduce to or as if to slavery : SUBJUGATE

ensuing adj. 随后的,接着的
to take place afterward or as a result

entangle vt. 使纠缠,卷入,使混乱
a : to wrap or twist together : INTERWEAVE

enthusiasm n. 狂热,热心
a : strong excitement of feeling : ARDOR
b : something inspiring zeal or fervor
ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic

enthusiasm : mania :: suspicion : paranoia
reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm ennui←→energy enthusiasm

entice vt. 诱骗,引诱,怂恿
to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : TEMPT
command : entreaty :: goad : enticement

entrance vt. 使出神,使入迷
to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture
entrancing←→disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore
unprepossessing←→entrancing winsome

entrap vt. 骗入,诱捕,使陷入
to catch in or as if in a trap
vigilant :entrapped :: exacting : satisfied

entreaty n. 恳求,哀求
an act of entreating : PLEA
command : entreaty :: goad : enticement

entry n. 登录,条目,报关手续,入口,进入
a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index)
journal : entries :: run : performance

enumerate vt. 列举,计算,枚举,数
to specify one after another : LIST

enunciate v. 发音,(清楚地)表达
a : to make a definite or systematic statement of

envision vt. 想象,预想
to picture to oneself

ephemeral adj. 朝生暮死的,生命短暂的
lasting a very short time
convoluted : complexity :: ephemeral : transience
ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch
ephemeral : transience :: permanent : perpetually
repellent : attract :: ephemeral : endure
ephemeral:longevity:: grandiose:humility
ephemeral←→permanent perpetual

epic 史诗;英勇的;超出正常范围的
extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope


epicure n. 美食家
one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine
epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching
sentinel : watchful :: epicure : discriminating

epigram n. 警句,讽刺短诗
a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often
ending with an ingenious turn of thought
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram
paradox : contradictory :: epigram : wise

epilogue n. 收场白,尾声
a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work; the final scene of a play that
comments on or summarizes the main action; the concluding section of a musical composition :
dessert : meal :: epilogue : play :: coda : sonata
terminus: stop :: epilogue: story

epistemology n. 认识论
the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits
and validity
aesthetics : beauty :: epistemology : knowledge

epitomize vt. 摘要,概括
to serve as the typical or ideal example of

equable adj. 稳定的,(脾气)温和的
marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality

equipoise n. 平衡,均衡
a state of equilibrium

equity a. 公平的,公正的
justice according to natural law or right; specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism
illiteracy : education :: inequity : redistribution

equivocal adj.
a : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse
b : uncertain as an indication or sign
equivocation:clarity :: prevarication : truth
equivocation : coax :: explanation : enlighten
equivocation : misleading :: bromide : hackneyed

equivocation: truth:: euphemism :offense obfuscation :clarity



fawn: imperiousness:: equivocate: directness

grandstand : impress :: equivocate : deceive

equivocation: truth:: metaphor: description
waffle←→speak unequivocally

erect vt. 使竖立,使直立,树立,建立

erect a. 直立的,竖立的,笔直的
characterized by firm or rigid straightness in bodily posture
slouch←→stand erect

erode v. (受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀
to diminish or destroy by degrees
accrete: growth :: erode : destruction downpour:flooding::wind:erosion
wind : erosion :: downpour : flooding
deposit←→process of eroding

errant a. 周游的,错误的,不定的
traveling or given to traveling
amorphous : shape :: errant: course
doctrine : heretical :: course : errant

erratic a.反复无常的,古怪的
having no fixed course : WANDERING

erudite adj.博学的,饱学的 possessing or displaying erudition : LEARNED
erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect
erudite←→smattering of knowledge ignorant unlettered

escalate v.(战争等)升级,扩大,上升
to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope

eschew v.避开,戒绝
to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds : SHUN

eschew←→embrace, greet , welcome

esoteric adj.秘传的,神秘的
designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone
esoteric←→common accepted
esoteric←→generally known

espouse vt. 支持,赞成,嫁娶
to take up and support as a cause : become attached to

esteem n. 尊敬,尊重
to set a high value on : regard highly and prize accordingly stigma←→mark of esteem

estimable a. 可尊敬的,可估计的
worthy of esteem

estrange vt. 使疏远,离间,使离开
to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection,
or friendliness : ALIENATE

estrange vt.使疏远
to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection,
or friendliness : ALIENATE

etch n. 腐蚀剂 a chemical agent used in etching
etch: corrosive :: glue : adhesive

ethereal a. 轻的,象空气的,天上的
a : lacking material substance : IMMATERIAL, INTANGIBLE
b : marked by unusual delicacy or refinement ethereal←→materialponderous

ethics n. 道德规范
the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation

logic : reasoning :: ethics : behavior

eulogize vt. 称赞,颂扬
to speak or write in high praise of : EXTOL
encomiast : eulogize :: quibble : cavil
panegyric:eulogize :: lampoon:satirize

euphemism n. 婉言,委婉的说法

the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest
something unpleasant
equivocation : truth :: euphemism :offense obfuscation : clarity
euphemism : offend :: invulnerable : injure
euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffuse

euphonious a. 音响好的,悦耳的,和谐的
pleasing to the ear
cacophonous←→dulcet euphonious

euphoria n. 安乐感,陶醉,陶醉感
a feeling of well-being or elation

evade . 规避,逃避,躲避 to avoid answering directly : turn aside
evade:answer:: goldbrick:work

evanescent adj.短暂的,瞬息的
tending to vanish like vapor
evanescent : disappear :: pliant : yield
cacophonous←→dulcet euphonious

evasive a. 逃避的,回避的,托辞的
tending or intended to evade : EQUIVOCAL inclemency : evasion

everlasting a. 永恒的,持久的,无止境的
lasting or enduring through all time : ETERNAL countless innumerable myriad untold : number ::
everlasting interminable : duration

evict vt. 逐出,赶出,驱逐
to force out : EXPEL
deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling
evict: residence:: banish: country harbor←→evict

evoke vt. 唤起,引起
to call forth or up
evoke←→fail to elicit

exacerbate vt. 恶化,增剧,激怒,使加剧
to make more violent, bitter, or severe

exacting a. 苛求的,吃力的
tryingly or unremittingly severe in making demands
vigilant :entrapped :: exacting : satisfied ::wary : gulled

exaggerate . 夸大,夸张
to enlarge or increase especially beyond the normal : OVEREMPHASIZE
anger : tirade :: exaggeration : hyperbole
exaggeration : caricature :: brevity : epigram
malicious : ill will :: exaggerating : hyperbole
pithiness : aphorism :: exaggeration : caricature

exalt n. 提升,提高,得意洋洋
to elevate by praise or in estimation : GLORIFY

exasperate vt. 使恼怒,激怒,恶化
a : to excite the anger of : ENRAGE
b : to cause irritation or annoyance to

exceptional a. 例外的,异常的,特别的
deviating from the norm
prosaic←→exceptional imaginary exciting

excerpt n.摘录,节录; 引用(from)
to select (a passage) for quoting : EXTRACT

exclamation n. 惊呼,惊叹词
a sharp or sudden utterance

excoriate v. 撕去皮,严厉批评
to censure scathingly
excoriate←→extol praise lavishly

excrete vt.排泄,分泌
to separate and eliminate or discharge (waste) from the blood or tissues or from the active

exculpate vt. 使无罪,分辩,辩解,开脱
to clear from alleged fault or guilt
exculpatory : absolve : :: motivational : stir
hortative : encourage :: exculpatory : absolve

excursive a. 游览的,离题的,散漫的
constituting a digression : characterized by digression
digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant

execrate v.憎恶,咒骂
to declare to be evil or detestable : DENOUNCE
execrable←→commendable laudable


execute vt. 执行,实行,制成,处死
to carry out fully : put completely into effect
impossible : execute :: adamant: moved
vagary : predict :: impossibility : execute

exemplary a. 可仿效的,可做模范的
a : serving as a pattern
b : deserving imitation : COMMENDABLE
emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary
exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame redoubtable : regard

exempt a. 免除的 vt. 使免除,豁免 n. 免税者,被免除义务者
free or released from some liability or requirement to which others are subject
exempt : liability : pardon : penalty

exert vt. 发挥,运用,施以影响
to bring to bear especially with sustained effort or lasting effect

exhaust vt. 用尽,耗尽,抽完,使精疲力尽
to consume entirely : USE UP

exhilarate vt. 使高兴,使愉快
a : to make cheerful

exhortation n.劝告,规劝
language intended to incite and encourage
exhortation : motivate :: invective : discredit
exhortation : motivate:: persiflage:incite
exhortative:urge::didactic:teach { risible:ridicule}

exodus vt.大批离去
a mass departure : EMIGRATION

exonerate v. 免除责任,确定无罪
to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship

exorbitant adj.过份的,过度的
exceeding in intensity, quality, amount, or size the customary or appropriate limits
exorbitant : moderation :: perfidious : loyalty

exotic a.外来的,异国的
introduced from another country : not native to the place where found

expansive a. 易膨胀的,易扩张的,健谈的
characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk : OPEN
expansive←→reserved diffident
expansive←→taciturnwithdrawn limited

expedite vt. 加快,促进,派出 a. 畅通的,无阻碍的,迅速的,方便的
to accelerate the process or progress of :speed up
expedite : process :: accelerate : pace

expedition n. 远征,探险队,迅速
efficient promptness : SPEED
expedition←→foot dragging

explicit adj.清楚明确的
fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to
meaning or intent

exponent n. 说明者,支持者
a : one that expounds or interprets
b : one that champions, practices, or exemplifies
exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass

expurgate v. 净化,删去
to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous; especially : to expunge
objectionable parts from before publication or presentation
vendor : purvey :: censor : expurgate

extant adj. 现存的,传世的
currently or actually existing

extenuate vt. 减轻,使人原谅
to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses : MITIGATE
moderate : intensify :: extenuate : seriousness

exterminate vt. 扑灭,消灭,根绝
to get rid of completely usually by killing off

extinct a.绝种的;熄灭了的

no longer existing

extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭;消灭
to cause to cease burning : QUENCH

extol v. 赞美
to praise highly : GLORIFY
deprecate←→extol excoriate←→extol praise lavishly extol←→censure extol←→disparage
extol←→condemn impugn detract extol←→malign

extort vt. 勒索,敲诈,强要
to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power : WRING
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation extort : obtain

extraneous adj.外来的,无关的
a : not forming an essential or vital part
b : having no relevance

extravagant adj.奢侈的 无节制的
a : spending much more than necessary

extricate v. 拯救,救出
to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty

extrovert n. 『心理』性格外向的人
a gregarious and unreserved person
extrovert:outgoing:: perfectionist::exacting

exuberant a. 繁茂的,丰富的,非凡的
joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic

exude . (使)流出,(使)渗出
to undergo diffusion

exultant adj. 愉悦的
filled with or expressing great joy or triumph : JUBILANT


fabricate vt.制造;装配,伪造
CONSTRUCT, MANUFACTURE; specifically : to construct from diverse and usually standardized

facetious adj. 轻浮的,好开玩笑的
joking or jesting often inappropriately : WAGGISH
facetious : speech :: antic : behavior

facilitate vt. 帮助,使容易,促进 to make easier : help bring about

faction n. 小派系,内讧
a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self- seeking : CLIQUE
consensus : factionalism :: clarity : confusion

faint a. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的
lacking strength or vigor : performed, offered, or accomplished weakly or languidly

fainthearted a. 懦弱的,无精神的,胆小的
lacking courage or resolution : TIMID

fallacy n. 错误的观念或信念,谬见,谬论
a : a false or mistaken idea
b : erroneous character : ERRONEOUSNESS
disabuse : fallacy :: cure : disease

falsehood n. 谎言,虚假
absence of truth or accuracy
corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood

falter vt. 支吾地说,迟疑
a : to hesitate in purpose or action : WAVER
b : to lose drive or effectiveness
falter : act :: stammer : speak

fantasy n. 幻想,白日梦
imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque
characters nicety : precision :: illusion : fantasy


farce n. 闹剧,胡闹
ridiculous or empty show
farce : performance :: limerick : poem

fascinate vt. 令人入神,使着迷
to be irresistibly attractive
fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness

fast n. 绝食,斋戒
the act to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods
fast : eat :: respite : labor

fast ad. 很快地,紧紧地,彻底地
in a firm or fixed manner
fast←→loosely attach

fasten vt. 拴紧,使固定,强加于,集中于
to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing
lathe: shape :: clasp: fasten

fastidious adj.难取悦的,挑剔的
showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care
devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious

fathom n. 英寻(=1829米),v. 领会,理解
to penetrate and come to understand
erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect
occult←→bare patent readily fathomable

fatigue n.
weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress
fatigue : rest :: dehydration : water
guilt : expiation:: fatigue : repose
indefatigable←→soon tired

fatuous adj. 愚昧而不自知的
complacently or inanely foolish : SILLY

fawn n.未满周岁的小鹿,v.巴结,奉承
to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner

adulate : fawn :: woo : adorn
condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn
imperiousness : fawn :: self depreciatory : swagger
fawn : hauteur :: self depreciate : swagger
fawn: imperiousness :: equivocate: directness :: elaborate : sketchy
miser: hoard:: dandy :preen :: sycophant :fawn ::pundit :opinion
obsequious : fawn :: compliant : yield
parsimonious : spend : peremptory : fawn
reprobate : misbehave :: sycophant : fawn

faze vt. 打扰,折磨,使狼狈
to disturb the composure of : DISCONCERT, DAUNT
embolden←→abash faze cow

feckless a. 没精神的,软弱的,无用的

fecund a. 多产的,丰饶的,肥沃的
fruitful in offspring or vegetation : PROLIFIC


feeble a. 微弱的,衰弱的,无效的
a : markedly lacking in strength
b : indicating weakness

fender n.挡泥板,护舷的垫子等
a device in front of locomotives and streetcars to lessen injury to animals or pedestrians in case of
fender : collision

feral a. 野生的,凶猛的
not domesticated or cultivated : WILD

fertilize vt. 施肥,使丰饶,使受精
to make fertile
fertilize : grow :: immunize : resist

fervid a. 热的,热心的
marked by often extreme fervor

fervor n. 热诚,热心
intensity of feeling or expression

ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic
fervor : zealot :: improvidence : spendthrift
zealotry←→lack of fervor

fetid a. 有恶臭的
having a heavy offensive smell

fetter n. 脚镣,束缚
to restrain from motion, action, or progress

fiasco n. 大失败,惨败
a complete failure
fiasco←→a notable success

fictitious adj. 假的、虚构的
of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : IMAGINARY

fidelity n. 忠实,诚实,忠诚,保真度
the quality or state of being faithful

figurative a. 比喻的,形容多的,修饰丰富的
a : representing by a figure or resemblance : EMBLEMATIC
b : of or relating to representation of form or figure in art

filibuster n.v. 妨碍议事,阻挠
the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative

filigree n. 金银丝做的工艺品
ornamental openwork of delicate or intricate design
chiaroscuro : contrast :: tapestry : intricacy [filigree : delicacy ]

filly n. 小雌马,小姑娘
a young female horse usually of less than four years
filly : horse :: pullet : chicken

filter vt.过滤 n.滤纸
a porous article or mass (as of paper or sand) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out
matter in suspension
winnow : chaff :: filter : impurities

finesse n. 技巧、计谋、手段
skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering


finicky a. 过分注意的,过分周到的,过分讲究的
extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards
fluent: glib :: meticulous: nitpickfinicky

flaccid n. 软弱,没气力
not firm or stiff; also :
lacking normal or youthful firmness

flagging a. 下垂的,衰弱的,委顿的 LANGUID, WEAK
flagging←→thriving flagging←→vibrant

flamboyant a. 辉耀的,华丽的,火焰似的
marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior

flamboyant adj. 艳丽的,炫耀的
marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior

flange n. 边缘,轮缘,凸缘,法兰
a projecting edge of cloth used for decoration on clothing

flannel n.法兰绒;法兰绒衣服
outer garments of flannel; especially : men's trousers
flannel : cloth :: linen : fabric{ limerick:poem }

flatter vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴
to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest
flatter : praise :: loquacious : talkative
sabbatical: leave :: flattering: infatuation
scorn : reject :: adulate : flatter :: disparage : ignore
sycophant : flattery :: extortionist : intimidation
toady : flatter::??

flaw n. 瑕疵,v. 生裂缝
a defect in physical structure or form
glitch : flaw :: peccadillo : error sin offense
impeccable : flaw :: ingenuous : guile

flax n. 亚麻,麻布,亚麻织品
any of a genus (Linum of the family Linaceae, the flax family) of herbs; especially : a slender
erect annual (L. usitatissimum) with blue flowers commonly cultivated for its bast fiber and seed
clay : porcelain :: flax : linen


fledge vi. 长羽毛
to acquire the feathers necessary for flight or independent activity

flexible a. 易曲的,灵活的,可通融的,能变形的,柔软的
capable of being flexed : PLIANT
adamant : flexibility :: refractory : control
limber : flexibility :: spindly : frailty
static : move :: pliable : inflexible

pliant a. 易曲折的,柔软的,柔顺的
easily influenced : YIELDING
evanescent : disappear :: pliant : yield

flinch v.畏缩,退缩
to withdraw or shrink from or as if from pain : WINCE; also : to tense the muscles involuntarily in
anticipation of discomfort
grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh

flint n. 打火石,燧石,极硬的东西
a massive hard quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel
pestle : grind :: flint stone : sharpen

flippancy n.无礼,言语尖刻
unbecoming levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters

flirt vi. 调情,玩弄,摆动,轻率地对待
to behave amorously without serious intent
flirt : decency ::??

flock n. 群,一群人,大量
a group of birds or mammals assembled or herded together
clique : intimates :: flock : sheep

flounder vi. 挣扎,折腾,挣扎着前进
to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually

flourish vi.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺

to grow luxuriantly : THRIVE
flourish←→waste away

flout vn.嘲弄,愚弄,轻视
to treat with contemptuous disregard : SCORN
flout: disregard :: taunt: challenge

fluctuate vi. 变动,上下,动摇
to shift back and forth uncertainly
pristine : decay :: stable : fluctuation

fluent a. 流利的,流畅的
a : ready or facile in speech
b : effortlessly smooth and rapid : POLISHED
fluent : glib :: humorous : wry
fluent: glib :: meticulous: nitpickfinicky

flush a. 丰足的,齐平的,,泛滥的,满盈的
to pour liquid over or through; especially : to cleanse or wash out with or as if with a rush of
galvanize : stimulate :: irrigate : flush

fluster a. 慌乱,狼狈,混乱,激动
to put into a state of agitated confusion : UPSET

foible n.小缺点,小毛病
a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior : WEAKNESS
squabble : dispute :: foible : failing
tiff:squabble ::foible:failing

foil v. 阻挠,n. ①花剑,②金属薄片
a thin piece of material (as metal) put under an inferior or paste stone to add color or brilliance
foil : metal :: veneer : wood

folly n.愚笨,愚蠢;傻念头
a foolish act or idea

foment vt.引发
to promote the growth or development of : ROUSE, INCITE
conducive : foment :: tonic : invigorate
disseminate:information:: foment:discontentment
quell←→foment instigate rouse










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