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2020-12-22 23:00




1、银行工作特别烦忙,所以,相对与每 一个人来说,口试时间是
意一定不要把自我介绍内容搞成品行评 语,那样是最糟糕的,要能够
硬的编造一些东西来使自己 适合 这个工作,要让真实的自己,真实
的最good morning,m dear teahers,m dear professors.i am ver
glad to be here for our intervie.m name is song onghao,i am
22 ears old .i e from luoang,a ver beautiful aient it.m
undergratuade period ill be aplished in hang'an universit in
jul ,201X;and no,i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to
tongji universit. generall speaking ,i am a hard orking
student espeiall do the thing i am interested in. i ill tr m
best to finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as
sophomore, i found eb design ver interesting, so i learned it
ver hard . to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith m pesonel
puter for half a month.,and i am the first one in m lass ho
第 1 页 共 18 页

on his home. forthermore,i am a person ith great perserverene.
during the das preparing for the first examination,i insist
on running ever da, no matter hat the eather as just
oning to this,i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the
end. ell ,in m spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and
hinese hess. also english is m favorate.i often go to english
orner to pratise m oral english on ever thursda,and rite
positions to improve m itten abilit .but i kno m english is
not good enough ,i ill ontinue studing. ok, that is all,thank
ou for our attention.
想问一下10年4月的英语口试 都需要做什么准备
英语口试自我介绍 – 搜搜问问
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个人的对话;这个主要看个人的 口语能力和两个人的配合。

三,就是有一副图,让你根据图说出自己的想法和观点;我记 得
书包。然后让自己阐述, 我当时说的是减负的观点。也不知道到底是
呵呵,希望能给你点帮助吧· 公共英语三级口语孩是不太好过的,加油吧。如果有相当的实
力,再有个比较有默契的搭档,应该也 没什么的~~~
good morning,m dear teahers,m dear professors.i am ver
glad to be here for our intervie.m name is zhang hua and i am
22 ears old .i e from luoang,a ver beautiful anient it.m
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undergratuade period ill be aplished in hang'an universit in
jul ,201X;and no,i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to
tongji universit.
generall speaking ,i am a hard orking student espeiall
hen doing the things i am interested in. i ill tr m best to
finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i
found eb design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard .
to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith m personal puter for
half a month,and i am the first one in m lass ho on his home.
forthermore,i am a person ith great perserverene. during the
das preparing for the first examination,i insisted on running
ever da, no matter hat the eather as just oning to
this,i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end.
ell ,in m spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and
hinese hess. also, english is m favorate.i often go to
english orner to pratise m oral english on thursdas,and rite
positions to improve m ritten abilit . hoever,i kno m english
is not good enough ,so i ill ontinue studing.
ok, that is all,thank ou for our attention.
m hometon------luoang
i am from luoang,a beautiful it in henan provine.
it is famous as the apital of nine dnasties and enjos the
honor that luoang peon is the best in the orld.
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luoang plaed a ver important role in hinese histor,so it
has a profound ultural bakground,and man great heritagesites
have been ell reverved,suh as longmen grotto, one of the
three grottoes in hina ang hite horse temple, being regarded
as the radle of hinese buddhism.
luoang peon is orld-famous. ever ear, man tourists travel
to luoang to see the beaut of peon .the people in m hometon
are friendl and of ouse e'll ele the travellers from all over
the orld.
i like m hometon ver muh.
hello everone, m name is han zekai . this is reall a
great honor to have this opportunit, and i believe i an make
good performane toda. no i ill introdue mself briefl. i am 23
ears old,born in shanxi provine, and i am a senior student
at taiuan normal universit. m major is phsi. and i ill reeive
m bahelor degree after m graduation in june. in the past four
ears, i spent most of m time on stud. i passed et4 and
aquired basi theoretial and pratial knoledge of language.
i guess ou ma be interested in h i hoose this . i ould
like to tell ou that this is one of m lifelong goals. if i an
ork here,i ill ork hard. as to m harater, i annot desribe it
ell, but i kno i am optimisti and onfident. sometimes i
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prefer to sta alone, reading and listening to the musi, but i
am not lonel, for i like to hat ith m lassmates about almost
everthing. m favorite pastime is to pla basketball, to pla
ards or to surf online. from life at universit, i learn ho to
balane stud and entertainment.
i am an outgoingbo, so muniation ith other people is m
strongpoint. i am independent and onfident. i an use three
“t” to desribe mself: responsibilit, honest and reativit. i
like hallenging ork.i like sports suh as jogging, ling,
plaing football et. i have the speialt in partile performane,
singing, and so on. i also find it interesting reading books
even the simplest game has several barrier and targets,
to sa nothing of our life. it is beause the hallenges in m
life that i an make progress step b step. the biggest
hallenge at the beginning of m high shool life is m grade—a
ver serious problem. but one i stepped into jnfl, i realize i
ould ahieve more. as others as still bus getting to kno the
ne environment. i started faing ever hallenge and tr to solve
them. i hanged the attitude toards stud, orreted the behavior
in the lass, even adjusted m diet struture. i orked on there
第 6 页 共 18 页

ithout exhaustion beause i kno hat i as fighting for and
believe in i an make it. as a result, i made a real progress
in the first examination, hih not onl
impressed m teahers and parents, but also me. i beame the
50 top of the students in the shool and onl to month ago, i
as a student ranked around 500 students. then i stik to keep
it and gain the opportunit of introdution mself to the
meantime, ho to hange an immature girl into responsible is
hallenge. so i joined into the petition of students’
union. ith full prepared, i beame the vie ministr of sports
setor. m olleagues and i organized tie the basketball
petition, hih more than to-eek. unlike the sports meeting,
this ativit totall held b us students; even it as the first
time to hold so there as no former experiene for us. publiit,
registration, organization, supervision, heering dane, voting
mvp and finall the XXrds eremon. all the step annot be
areless. but e made it. apart from this speial ativit there
as also tie shool sports meeting, i, ith the help of teahers
and m outstanding olleagues, as responsible for the judgment
ork. the orks in students’ union is a great hallenge, and
beause of it i’d be more responsible, effiient and
第 7 页 共 18 页

the third hallenge is assoiate ith m english, i took part
in a ontest of elebrit english speehes imitation. it’s the
first time i joined an english ontest, even the first time i
must speak alone in front of man people. ou an imagine ho
nervous i am! i got up earl half an hour to prepare it everda.
deliberating ever pause and emphasis, pratiing ever posture
and ee ontat. fluen of ause, one i thought i’d never forget
it lifelong! the important moment finall ame, ith full
reparation and self-onfidene, i finished it. the result is
satisfing, the 10 top of the petitor. i didn’t have
interests in english –frankl speaking-until i join in this
ontest, that’s h i hoose foreign language as m major subjet
in ollege. in a ord, i am not afraid of hallenge, even illing
to fae it. ma the ne life in universit is another different
one, and i think i’m read for it. thank ou.



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1、银行工作特别烦忙 ,所以,相对与每一个人来说,口试时间是
比较短的。太原浦发连续两界的口试都是以自我介绍为主要内 容。
意一定不要把自我介 绍内容搞成品行评语,那样是最糟糕的,要能够
突出自己的特点和上风,可以在口试前好好分析一下自己 ,找出自己
硬的编造一些东 西来使自己 适合 这个工作,要让真实的自己,真实
的最好的自己展现在口试官眼前。个人建议,再往 口试前可以找人坐
在对面练习一下 自我介绍 ,可以发现题目。我在口试时,就由于自
我介绍太 官方化 而感觉自我介绍像中学时老师的评语。呵呵 。还
现自己是个忌讳。由于,我们 一界有这样的例子,自以为很能力很
椅子拖出声音,离开时轻放回 椅子,把门关好,记得说 上午好 下午
好 和 再见 。不要表现的太激动,最好不要主动和对面的 口试官握
建议,也不要太学 生气和孩子气。
6、 再等待口试时也要留意,浦发银行很留意自己形象,其客户
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以上很多看似空话,但都是比较轻易忽视的,希看你们都 能如愿
今年浦发的招生广告比以往覆盖面都广很多很多, 竞争也会激
或对自己产生怀 疑,对于成功来说机遇的成分也是很大的;进选了
的,也不要沾沾,呵呵。在实习的过程中还有考核,假 如发生比较严
另外,我还得说的是,再实习结束后有很多人感觉失 看,以为与
作,与学校本就不 同,多劳多得这一定理同样适用于工作,积极的工
求职路上的第一关 简历筛选。
历。还有就是,我们在实习时也 经常会有抱怨,有时也对浦发有过失
同的,但是都会是围绕 个人金融中心 业务来的。什么是 个人金融中
心 呢?呵呵,就是个人的银行业务,大学生实习工作的 中心就是营销
生的任务很少 ,重在宣传。
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总之,我个人还是比较喜欢浦发的, 也很感谢它。究竟,在地处
得都是一贯被以为 有实力 的,也不见得你比那些你以为有希看的人
pesonel statementgood morning,m dear teahers,m dear
professors.i am ver glad to be here for our intervie.m name
is song onghao,i am 22 ears old .i e from luoang,a ver
beautiful aient it.m undergratuade period ill be aplished in
hang'an universit in jul ,201X;and no,i am tring m best for
obtaining a ke to tongji universit. generall speaking ,i am a
hard orking student espeiall do the thing i am interested in.
i ill tr m best to finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen
i as sophomore, i found eb design ver interesting, so i
learned it ver hard . to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith
m pesonel puter for half a month.,and i am the first one in m
lass ho on his home. forthermore,i am a person ith great
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perserverene. during the das preparing for the first
examination,i insist on running ever da, no matter hat the
eather as just oning to this,i ould onentrate on m
stud and sueeded in the end. ell ,in m spare time ,i like
basketball, tennis and hinese hess. also english is m
favorate.i often go to english orner to pratise m oral
english on ever thursda,and rite positions to improve m itten
abilit .but i kno m english is not good enough ,i ill ontinue
studing. ok, that is all,thank ou for our attention.
想问一下10年4月的英语口试 都需要做什么准备
英语口试自我介绍 – 搜搜问问
大概时间 在30分钟内,因为内容也不多嘛,具体时间也要看自己
和搭档在考试的过程中的发挥,口语考试时间没 有一个准确的规定,
第 12 页 共 18 页


个人的对话;这个主要看个人的 口语能力和两个人的配合。

三,就是有一副图,让你根据图说出自己的想法和观点;我记 得
书包。然后让自己阐述, 我当时说的是减负的观点。也不知道到底是
呵呵,希望能给你点帮助吧· 公共英语三级口语孩是不太好过的,加油吧。如果有相当的实
力,再有个比较有默契的搭档,应该也 没什么的~~~
good morning,m dear teahers,m dear professors.i am ver
glad to be here for our intervie.m name is zhang hua and i am
22 ears old .i e from luoang,a ver beautiful anient it.m
undergratuade period ill be aplished in hang'an universit in
第 13 页 共 18 页

jul ,201X;and no,i am tring m best for obtaining a ke to
tongji universit.
generall speaking ,i am a hard orking student espeiall
hen doing the things i am interested in. i ill tr m best to
finish it no matter ho diffiult it is. hen i as sophomore, i
found eb design ver interesting, so i learned it ver hard .
to eaver a home for mself, i staed ith m personal puter for
half a month,and i am the first one in m lass ho on his home.
forthermore,i am a person ith great perserverene. during the
das preparing for the first examination,i insisted on running
ever da, no matter hat the eather as just oning to
this,i ould onentrate on m stud and sueeded in the end.
ell ,in m spare time ,i like basketball, tennis and
hinese hess. also, english is m favorate.i often go to
english orner to pratise m oral english on thursdas,and rite
positions to improve m ritten abilit . hoever,i kno m english
is not good enough ,so i ill ontinue studing.
ok, that is all,thank ou for our attention.
m hometon------luoang
i am from luoang,a beautiful it in henan provine.
it is famous as the apital of nine dnasties and enjos the
honor that luoang peon is the best in the orld.
luoang plaed a ver important role in hinese histor,so it
has a profound ultural bakground,and man great heritagesites
第 14 页 共 18 页

have been ell reverved,suh as longmen grotto, one of the
three grottoes in hina ang hite horse temple, being regarded
as the radle of hinese buddhism.
luoang peon is orld- famous. ever ear, man tourists travel
to luoang to see the beaut of peon .the people in m hometon
are friendl and of ouse e'll ele the travellers from all over
the orld.
i like m hometon ver muh.
hello everone, m name is han zekai . this is reall a
great honor to have this opportunit, and i believe i an make
good performane toda. no i ill introdue mself briefl. i am 23
ears old,born in shanxi provine, and i am a senior student
at taiuan normal universit. m major is phsi. and i ill reeive
m bahelor degree after m graduation in june. in the past four
ears, i spent most of m time on stud. i passed et4 and
aquired basi theoretial and pratial knoledge of language.
i guess ou ma be interested in h i hoose this . i ould
like to tell ou that this is one of m lifelong goals. if i an
ork here,i ill ork hard. as to m harater, i annot desribe it
ell, but i kno i am optimisti and onfident. sometimes i
prefer to sta alone, reading and listening to the musi, but i
am not lonel, for i like to hat ith m lassmates about almost
第 15 页 共 18 页

everthing. m favorite pastime is to pla basketball, to pla
ards or to surf online. from life at universit, i learn ho to
balane stud and entertainment.
i am an outgoingbo, so muniation ith other people is m
strongpoint. i am independent and onfident. i an use three
“t” to desribe mself: responsibilit, honest and reativit. i
like hallenging ork.i like sports suh as jogging, ling,
plaing football et. i have the speialt in partile performane,
singing, and so on. i also find it interesting reading books
even the simplest game has several barrier and targets,
to sa nothing of our life. it is beause the hallenges in m
life that i an make progress step b step. the biggest
hallenge at the beginning of m high shool life is m grade—a
ver serious problem. but one i stepped into jnfl, i realize i
ould ahieve more. as others as still bus getting to kno the
ne environment. i started faing ever hallenge and tr to solve
them. i hanged the attitude toards stud, orreted the behavior
in the lass, even adjusted m diet struture. i orked on there
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ithout exhaustion beause i kno hat i as fighting for and
believe in i an make it. as a result, i made a real progress
in the first examination, hih not onl
impressed m teahers and parents, but also me. i beame the
50 top of the students in the shool and onl to month ago, i
as a student ranked around 500 students. then i stik to keep
it and gain the opportunit of introdution mself to the
meantime, ho to hange an immature girl into responsible is
hallenge. so i joined into the petition of students’
union. ith full prepared, i beame the vie ministr of sports
setor. m olleagues and i organized tie the basketball
petition, hih more than to-eek. unlike the sports meeting,
this ativit totall held b us students; even it as the first
time to hold so there as no former experiene for us. publiit,
registration, organization, supervision, heering dane, voting
mvp and finall the XXrds eremon. all the step annot be
areless. but e made it. apart from this speial ativit there
as also tie shool sports meeting, i, ith the help of teahers
and m outstanding olleagues, as responsible for the judgment
ork. the orks in students’ union is a great hallenge, and
beause of it i’d be more responsible, effiient and
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the third hallenge is assoiate ith m english, i took part
in a ontest of elebrit english speehes imitation. it’s the
first time i joined an english ontest, even the first time i
must speak alone in front of man people. ou an imagine ho
nervous i am! i got up earl half an hour to prepare it everda.
deliberating ever pause and emphasis, pratiing ever posture
and ee ontat. fluen of ause, one i thought i’d never forget
it lifelong! the important moment finall ame, ith full
reparation and self-onfidene, i finished it. the result is
satisfing, the 10 top of the petitor. i didn’t have
interests in english –frankl speaking-until i join in this
ontest, that’s h i hoose foreign language as m major subjet
in ollege. in a ord, i am not afraid of hallenge, even illing
to fae it. ma the ne life in universit is another different
one, and i think i’m read for it. thank ou.

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