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2020-12-23 03:23


Jody Hubbard is a diet and nutrition expert who travels around the
state to speak in middle and high schools. She primarily speaks to students
in health classes, but sometimes the school will arrange for her to speak
to several different groups of girls. Her biggest concern is the emphasis
American culture places on thinness and the negative way that affects
girls today. Jody has a Ph.D. in nutrition, but, more important, she has
personal experience. Her mother taught her to diet when she was only 8
years old. Jody has created several different presentations, which she
gives to different types of audiences and she tries to establish an
emotional connection with the students so that they will feel comfortable
asking questions or talking to her privately. She shows them pictures and
images from popular culture of beautiful women and explains how computers
are used to make the women look even more thin and
are in real life. She describes how the definition of beauty has changed
over the years and even from culture to culture. She then talks about
health issues and the physical damage that can occur as a result of dieting.
Finally, she addresses self-respect and the notion that a person's sense
of beauty must include more than how much a person weighs. Sometimes Jody
feels that she succeeds in persuading some students to stop dieting; other
times she feels that she fails.


1. nutrition [nu?trn] n. 营养,营养学;营养品

“nu trition”在文中指“营养”或“营养学”。认识该单词有利于帮助学

2. arrange [re?nd?] v. 安排;排列;整理;协商

境合理判断该单 词的含义。该单词考频较高。

3. emphasis [?emf?s?s] n. 重点;强调;加强语气

该单词为常考词汇。在学术性议论文中经常出现,往往指“强调 ”某事。注

4. negative [?neɡ?t?v] adj. 负的;消极的;否定的 n. 否定;负数 v. 否


5. affects [bu?st ] n. 感情 v. 影响;喜欢

章的含义要结合语境分 析。


1. more important 更加重要

2. personal experience 个人经验

3. establish an connection with 与…建立联系

4. self-respect 自重,自律

5. succeed in 成功;在…方面成功


乔迪·哈伯德 是一位饮食营养家,她经常到本州各所初高中学校去做演讲。
最开始她是在健康课上给学生们讲,但是有 时候学校会安排她给几类特殊的女学
生讲。她最大的担忧是美国社会对瘦的重视以及这对现在女学生带来 的负面影
开始让 她节食。乔迪制作了好多种不同的演讲稿,分发给不同类型的观众,她努
力和学生们建立起情感共鸣,这 样她们就可以毫无顾忌地问她问题,和她私下进
行交流了。她给学生们看时下流行女性的照片,并向她们 解释人们是如何使用电
脑处理这些照片使她们看上去比实际生活中更美。她向人们解释美的定义随着时< br>间推移发生了怎样的变化,甚至各个国家的人对美的看法都不同。她还说到了节
食会导致的健康问 题和身体损伤。最后,她说到了自我尊重,并强调一个人的美
感远不止由其体重决定。乔迪有时候感觉自 己在说服别人停止节食方面很成功,

你永远不可 能听懂你读不懂的文章,要解决听力问题,首先需要解决阅读问
题,今天我们一起来精读2017年六级 听力的一篇短文吧!


Psychological research shows we consistently underestimate our
mental powers. If you think this does not apply to you, then here is a
simple test to show you’re wrong. Write down the names of all the American
states you can remember. Put the list away, and then set yourself the same
task a week later. Provided you have not cheated by consulting an atlas,
you will notice something rather surprising. The two lists will contain
roughly the same number of states, but they will not be identical. Some
names will have slipped away, but others will have replaced them. This
suggests that somewhere in your mind you may well have a record of
virtually every state. So it is not really your memory letting you down,
just your ability to retrieve information from it.

We would remember a lot more if we had more confidence in your memories
and knew how to use them properly. One useful tip is that things are more
likely to be remembered if you are in exactly the same state and place
as you were when you learn them. So if you are a student who always reviews
over black coffee, perhaps it would be sensible to prime yourself with
a cup before the exam. If possible, you should also try to learn
information in the room where it is going to be tested.

When you learn is also important. Lots of people swear they can absorb
new information more efficiently at some times of the day than at others.
Research shows this is not just imagination. There is a biological rhythm
for learning, though it affects different people in different ways. For
most of us, the best plan is to take in new information in the morning
and then try to consolidate it into memory during the afternoon. But this
does not apply to everyone, so it is essential to establish your own rhythm.
You can do this by learning a set number of lines of poetry at different
times of the day, and see when most lines stick. When you have done this,
try to organize your life so that the time set aside for learning coincides
with the time when your memory is at its best.

Avoid learning marathons—they do not make the best use of your mind.
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off
gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also
gives a memory boost to the learning.


1. consistently adv. 一贯地;一致地

2. underestimate v. 低估 (overestimate v. 高估)

3. provided conj. 如果;假如

4. atlas n. 地图册;地图集

5. roughly adv. 大约;大致

6. identical adj. 完全同样的

7. virtually adv. 几乎;差不多

8. sensible adj. 明智的;理智的;合理的 (sensitive adj. 易生气的)

9. prime adj. 主要的;首要的 n. 盛年 v. 使(某人)做好准备

10. absorb v. 吸收;理解;掌握

11. consolidate v. 使加强;使巩固

12. marathon n. 马拉松赛跑

13. preliminary adj. 初步的;开始的


1. apply to 适用于;应用于

2. slip away 悄悄溜走

3. retrieve from 取回;索回

4. biological rhythm 生物节律

5. set aside 省出;抽出

6. coincide with 符合;与……相一致

7. make the best use of 充分利用


心理学研究表明,我们总是低估 自己大脑的能力。如果你认为这并不适用于
你,那么这里有一个简单的测试来证明你是错的。写下你能记 住的所有美国州的
量的州的名字,但它们 并不完全相同。有些名字会被遗忘,但有其他名字来取代
他们的位置。这表明,在你的脑海中,你很可能 有几乎所有州的记录。所以并不

更多 的东西。一个有用的建议是,如果你和你在学习这件事的时候处于完全相同
的状态和位置,那么这件事就 更有可能被记住。所以,如果你是一个经常喝黑咖
啡复习的学生,那么在考试前喝杯咖啡来让自己做好准 备可能是明智的。如果可

什 么时候学习也很重要。很多人发誓他们在一天中的某些时候比其他时候能
更有效地掌握新信息。研究表明 ,这不仅仅是想象。学习是有生物节律的,尽管
这个节律通过不同的方式影响不同的人。对我们大多数人 来说,最好的计划是在
早上吸收新信息,然后在下午努力把它巩固到记忆中。但这并不适用于每个人,< br>所以建立自己的节奏很重要。你可以通过在一天的不同时间学习几行诗来看看什
么时候大多数诗都 能被记下来。当你这样做的时候,试着安排你的生活,以便留

好处 :休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。

式还是朗读翻译。大部分院 校的大部分专业都是以问答方式为主,也就是考官提
出一个问题,考生用英语进行作答。这类形式当中有 很多常考话题,比如自我介
绍,兴趣爱好,性格特征,介绍家乡家庭,介绍本科院校,以及你的研究生规 划
类话题等。那 么这些话题我们应该如何准备?从哪个切入点进行作答?最后又该落
到什么落脚点上?我们就先来仔细地 说一说。

无论对于什么问题,首先,听懂是第一步,但是考官的问题如果很长,语速< br>又很快我们怎么能够听懂呢?其实我们不必把考官问题中的每个单词都听懂,而
是能够抓住问题中 的关键词即可。比如考官问题为:Would you like to say
something about your family?这时我们其实只要能够听懂family,就知道考
官问的什么了,作答方向也就确定了 --介绍你的家庭。所以我们在听问题时要学

那 确定了问题之后,我们要从几方面去进行作答呢?首先,不要急于回答问
题,最好先说一句“Thank you for your question.”或者“I would like to
answer this question.”虽然这句话没有什么实际的意义,但是起到了一个过< br>渡的作用,把考官的问题和你的作答很好的连接在了一起,也可以给你几秒钟的
时间去整理答题思 路,同时,考官也会觉得这名考生不会很急躁,性格比较沉稳。
在此之后,就可以正式进入到作答环节了 。在回答任何问题时,要先给出考官你
明确的观点句。比如考官问题:What do you usually do on your weekend? 这
时你要先给出你的观点,如:I usually read booksdo some sportsgo
travelling. 开门见山的把你的观点陈述出来。接下来就可以开始举例子去进行
论证或者列举原因进行阐述,为了能够 让大家更好的理解,我们还是以上面的爱
好为例,可以举你为什么喜欢这个爱好,这个爱好带给你一些什 么好处,比如放
松身心relax my physical and mind,缓解压力relieve the pressure等等原
因都可以说。但是需要注意的一 点就是:举例子的时候例子一定要短小精悍,要

接 下来,也是最关键的一点就是,在举例完毕或者原因陈述完毕之后,要把
最后的落脚点落在考研上。比如 ,刚才我们举了兴趣爱好的例子,怎么能够把回
答的落脚点落到考研上呢?我们可以这么说:这个爱好也 能够让我更好的投入到
研究生学习当中,能够帮助我平衡学习上的压力。总之最终能够与考研结合起来< br>就ok了。

all,thank you for your listening.等总结性的语言即可。这样才算是完整的









本文更新与2020-12-23 03:23,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/486813.html
