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2020-12-25 17:36





面是yjbys小编整 理的儿童节的由来英语版本,并附上中文解释,


the international children’s day had its origin in turkey in 1920
and later in the world conference in geneva, switzerland,which
54 representatives from different countries gathered together
to convene the first world conference for the wellbeing of
children in 1925.

it is not clear as to why june 1 was chosen as the international
children’s day: one theory has it that the chinese consul-
general in san francisco gathered a number of chinese
orphans to celebrate the dragon boat festival in 1925, which
happened to be on june 1 that year, and also coincided with
the conference in geneva.

为“让孩子们更幸福全球会议。< br>
美国的总领事曾 在旧金山领着一些中国孤儿仔庆祝端午节。那一年
的端午节刚好是6月1日,发生地时间与之前的日内瓦 会议相符。


children, also known as june 1 international children’s day, the
annual june 1, the world of children’s festivals. november 1949,
the women’s international democratic federation council
meeting held in moscow. china and other countries and
representatives of countries and anger exposed the imperialist
reactionaries kill and poison children. in order to protect the
world’s children to survival, health and education, to improve
the lives of children. the meeting decided in the annual june 1
international children’s day.

the international children’s day is celebrated in numerous
countries, usually on june 1 each year.

儿和妇女被押往集中营,另外有9 0名儿童被押往波兰的一个集中营

义战争贩子虐杀、毒害儿童,保障儿童 的权利,1949年11月在苏

目前世界上不少国家将 6月1日定为儿童的节日,称为国际儿童节。
然而,在欧美国家,儿童节的日期各不相同,而且往往很少 举行社



in the people’s republic of china, children’s day is celebrated
on june 1 and is formally known as the june 1 international
children’s the people’s republic of china was first
established in 1949, the state council designated a half-day
holiday for all primary schools on june 1. this was later made
into a full day’s break in 1956 with the announcement by the
state council to make june 1 children’s day a one-day holiday.

每年的6月1日,世界大多数国家都要举 办各种形式的活动,来纪


children’s day is celebrated on april 4 each year. the practice
is still observed by the public after the handover in 1997,
though this festival has not been a public holiday before the
handover. however, the celebration of the international
children’s day on 1 june is increasingly popular in recent years.

香港儿 童节的日期仍然是中华民国时期定下的4月4日。但香港回
归后,庆祝六一儿童节也渐渐开始流行了起来 。

年 被定为6月第二个周末(6月14日)。


october 1 is the day which singapore officially celebrates
children’s day, a similar event celebrated every year is youth
day which is celebrated on the first sunday of july each year.

澳大利亚: 每年7月第一个周日

australia celebrates children’s day on the 1st sunday in july
every year. children’s day is a registered trade mark.


this is a national holiday in japan celebrated on may 5th.
started in 1948. the holiday is believed to have begun in china.
in japan it is often celebrated by giving children kites and
hanging streamers. in japan, the children’s festival was
originally called the boy’s festival while the girls had the doll

韩国: 5月5日

children’s day is celebrated on may 5. in 1923, bang jung-
hwan, a social educator, suggested that may 1 should be
established as children’s day, and he made it public via
campaigns. there was no children’s day before that. in 1946,
the children’s day was just moved to may 5.
















childrens day is celebrated in many parts of the is a
day to highlight the dignity of children and their need for
love,care,and respect,and instill in the children a sense of
independence and national is also a day to honor
adults that have contributed to improving the lives of children.

in august 1925,some 54 representatives from different
countries gathered together in geneva,switzerland to convene
the first world conference for the wellbeing of children,during
which the geneva declaration protecting children was
proclamation made a strong appeal for the spiritual
needs of children,relief for children in poverty,prevention of
child labor,reassessing the way that children are educated and
other issues related to the welfare of children

around the world.

after the conference,various governments around the world
designated a day,different in each country,as childrens day,to
encourage and bring joy to children as well as to draw the
attention of society to childrens issues.

universal childrens day is on november proclaimed by
the un general assembly in 1954,it was established to
encourage all countries to institute a day,firstly to promote
mutual exchange and understanding among children and
secondly to initiate action to benefit and promote the welfare
of the worlds children.

many countries like china chose to celebrate the international childrens day on june 1,which has been
established in november 1949 at the international democratic womens league council held in
day,which is also called the first of june,is explained as an international memorial day
that exists upon the purpose of securing lives and rights of children and encouraging their happiness
and health.

六一儿童节的来历英语版|位置:>> 六一儿童节的来历英语版发帖时
间:2016-05-07 17:00 , 散文吧 | 1条回复, 635次阅读本文目录小编
望 大家喜欢,快来阅读吧。


regarding the international children day, it iwidelcelebrated on
june 1. children dahad itorigin in the world conference for the
wellbeing of children in geneva in 1925. the june 1 date haa
chinese-usa origin - and nothing to do with communiin 1925,
the chinese consul-general in san francisco gathered a number
of chinese orphanto celebrate the dragon boat festival. this, of
course, coincided with the conference mentioned above. june
1 somehow died out in the usa, onlto be revived a couple of
yearago. however, each countrchoseitown dato commemorate


六一儿童节(又称儿童节,international children day)定于每年的6< br>月1日,是保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,为了
改善儿童的生活,为了反对虐杀 儿童和毒害儿童的节日。目前世界
除。1951年6月1日,国 际儿童节定名。6月1日不但是六一国际

children da(also known achildren day, international children
day) scheduled for june 1st of each year, ito protect the world
of children right to survival, health and education, to improve
the liveof children, in order to oppose the children and
poisoning children festival. at present, mancountriein the
world will be june 1st achildren festival, so we usuallcall for the
international children day, children day. in march 30, 1950, the
old children daapril 4th waabolished. in june 1, 1951, the
international children day. june 1st inot onlthe international
children day, or international milk day .


children day.

世界上的许多国家就有儿童节。1925年,在瑞士日 内瓦召开的关于
英国、美国 、日本等国积极响应,先后建立了自己国家的儿童节,
英国规定每年的7月14日为儿童节,美国规定5 月1日为儿童节。
节3月3日 。我国在1931年也曾经规定4月4日为中国儿童节。

mancountrieof the world have children day. in 1925, the
international conference on child welfare held in switzerland
geneva, international children association initiative to create a
happchildren day, the united states, britain, japan and other
countrieto respond positively, haestablished itown national
children day, britain in jul14th of each year for the children day,
the united stateset ma1st athe children day. japan children
daiverspecial, children damen and women, men and children
dama5th, female children damarch 3rd. in 1931 china had set
april 4th athe children dain china.

19 49年国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科举行会议,会中通过了保障全
世界儿童权利,反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿 童的决议,为纪念1942年6

in 1949 the international democratic women federation held a
meeting in moscow,

, will pasthe protection of children rightaround the world,
against children and poisoning children resolution, to
commemorate the 1942 nazi germanin june wathe czech village
of lidice massacre all babies, decided to june 1st athe
international children day.

自 从1949年确立6月1日为国际儿童节以后,世界各国纷纷废除原
来的儿童节,而统一为“六一国际儿 童节”。我国中央政府1949年
12月宣布:以“六一国际儿童节”代替原来的“四四儿童节”,并规 定

since established in 1949 june 1st athe international children
day, all the countriein the world have abolished the original
children day, and the reunification of the international children
day . china central government in 1949 december announced:
the international children day instead of four four children day ,
and providechildren a daoff or seven days.

世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日, 尤其是在社会主义
会公众性的 庆祝活动.往往有人误解为只有社会主义国家才将6月1
日定为儿童节,事实上,美国的一些组织也开始 考虑将儿童节定在6

mancountriein the world will be june 1st achildren festival,
especiallin socialist countries. in europe and the united states,
children dadate each are not identical, and there ioften little
celebrations. some people are often misunderstood
aonlsocialist countriewill be in june 1st athe children day, in
fact, some organizationin the united statehave begun to
consider the children dain june 1st.


origin of children day.
< br>国际儿童节的设立,和发生在二战期间一次著名的屠杀有关。1942
年6月,德国法西斯枪杀了 捷克利迪策村16岁以上的男性公民140
余人和全部婴儿,并把妇女和90名儿童押往集中营。村里的 房舍、
第二次世界大战结束后 ,世界各地经济萧条,成千上万的工人失业,
过着饥寒交迫的生活。儿童的处境更糟,有的得了传染病, 一批批
了悼念利迪策村和全 世界所有在法西斯侵略战争中死难的儿童,
1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科举行理事会 议。为了
生活,会议决定以利 迪策村屠杀时的6月的第一天为国际儿童节。

the establishment of the international children day, and during
the second world war massacre of a famourelevant. in 1942
june, the german fascist shot of the czech village of lidice men
over the age of 16 citizenand all more than 140

babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration
camps. the village houses, buildingwere burned, a village it
waruined bthe german fascists. after the second world war, the
world economic recession, tenof thousandof
workerunemployed, lived a life suffer hunger and cold.
children are worse, some got infectioudiseases, batch to die;
some were forced to aa child, suffering, life and life inot
guaranteed. to mourn lidice village and the world all the
victimof fascist aggression in children, in 1949 november, the
international democratic women federation council meeting
held in moscow. in order to protect the world children right to
survival, health and education, to improve the liveof children,
the first daof the conference decided to lidice village massacre
of june athe international children day. then
mancountrieagreed, especiallthe socialist countries.

会公众性的庆祝活动。因此有人误 解为只有社会主义国家才将6月1

mancountriein the world will be june 1st achildren festival,
especiallin socialist countries. in europe and the united states,
children dadate each are not identical, and there ioften little
celebrations. so it imisunderstood aonlsocialist countriewill be
in june 1st athe international children day.

为了保障全世界儿童的权益,1 949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会
的儿童节与国际儿童节 统一起来。

in order to protect the world of children rights, in 1949
november, the international democratic women federation held
in moscow board decided, in june 1st each year athe
international children day. after the founding of new china, the
central people government on december 23, 1949, the china
children daand international children datogether.


first put forward the international children datime

提出了“国际儿童节”的概念。< br>
1925 august waheldin swisgeneva international conference on
child welfare, first put forward the concept of international
children day .

这次大会有54个国家的爱护儿童代表,聚集在瑞士 日内瓦举行“儿
童精神上应 有的享受、贫苦儿童的救济、儿童危险工作的避免、儿
童谋生机会的获得,以及怎样救养儿童等问题,均 有热烈讨论。

thiconference ha54 countrierepresentativegathered of caring
for children, international conference on the well- being of
children in geneva, through the geneva declaration protection
of children. the declaration, for children mental due to enjoy,
poor children, children work to avoid dangerourelief, children
opportunitieto earn a livelihood, and how to save the children
and other issues, are discussed.

自此次大会后,一方面藉以鼓 舞儿童,让儿童感到幸福、快乐,另

since the meeting, hand to encourage children, let children feel
happy, happy, on the other hand also to cause social attention
and care, governmenthave regulation children day .


china children day

学校 一般会为此组织相关的集体活动。1949年12月23日中央人民
政府政务院规定 六一国际儿童节 为中国儿童的节日,并宣布废除国
节是1932年的4月4日。1931年, 上海中华慈幼协会 发起建议,
希望政府规定每年 4月4日为儿童节。随后,教育部制定了儿童节
纪念办法,并于隔年的4月4日实施。目前,香港特别行 政区在约
玩具礼物给小朋友, 或陪小孩出外吃大餐或游玩。台湾地区仍以4

from the beginning of 1949, the people republic of china in
june 1st each year for the establishment of the international
children day. the school will organize relevant collective
activities. the government administration council of the central
people government in december 23, 1949 stipulatethat the
international children day for chinese children festival, and
announced the abolition of the kmt government in 1931
introduced in april 4th for the child festival provisions. china
ithe first children dain 1932 april 4th. in 1931, the shanghai of
the salesian society initiated proposals, hope that the
government in april 4th each year for children day.
subsequently, the ministrof education to develop a wato mark
children day, and in the implementation of the following april
4th. at present, the hongkong special administrative region in
the convention, children daireserved for the april 4th. more
civil wato celebrate the gift to send toyto children, or to
accompanchildren to eat or play. the taiwan region istill in april
4th for the annual children festival.









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