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2020-12-26 08:00




the past, people spent their entire
lives doing one job. But nowadays, they
change their jobs frequently. Please give
the reasons and your suggestions.
nowadays thousands of employees move
from one job to another in rapid succession .
Conventional reasons people give for job
hopping include lousy bosses, miserable
salaries and hostile work environments. Yet
the fundamental reason has always been
hidden and thus ignored by the general
The job hopping frenzy can be attributed
mainly to the remarkable social changes
taking place nowadays. Neither employers
nor employees directly link long service
with loyalty now. Employers no longer think
that the number of employers an individual
has worked for provided the best measure of
loyalty. This means there is scope for
employees to switch jobs with relative ease
and take charge of their own progression and

development at their own pace.
It should be noticed that sometimes
employees choose to leave because they find
that the jobs or the workplaces are far from
what they have expected. The working hours
are not as promised, training or promotions
don’t come through, and managers may have
misrepresented pay offers. To narrow
expectations, HR managers should sample job
experiences before the interview to give job
candidates a more complete picture about
working in the company.
单词注释: distressing: adj. 使苦恼的,使
烦恼的;frenzy:n. 疯狂 traumatic: adj. 痛
苦的 progressive: adj. 稳步发展得,进步的
succession:n. 连续,连续性 irresistible:
adj. 不可抵抗的,不能压制的 lousy: adj. 非
常糟的,极坏的 irretrievable: adj. 不能挽
回的,不能复原的 miserable: adj. 少得可怜
的,极少的 come through: 传出,公布
hostile: adj. 有阻碍的,不利的
misrepresent: v. 歪曲,不如实地叙述

fundamental: adj. 根本的,基本的 sample:
vt. 取样,采样
are the main tasks of universities:
to offer students knowledge and skills
essential for their future career, or to
provide students with access to knowledge
itself? What do you think university
education should contain?
Universities around the world are now
facing the problem of how to efficiently use
their resources to serve a larger population
of students that are more culturally and
diversified. To solve the problem,
universities should be perfectly aware of
their main tasks: providing students with
easy access to knowledge and, at the same
time, encouraging them to make active
contribution to the advancement of human
Universities should, first of all, be
learning communities where knowledge is not

only disseminated but also advanced. As
full-fledged members of this community,
students should not be information
recipients who learn the knowledge in a
passive way. Instead, they should be
challenged to achieve their potential and,
indeed, to excel. Therefore, rather than
focus merely on knowledge dissemination and
transfer, universities should contrive to
provide learning conditions that encourage
students to remain curious, to value
diversity in opinions and perspectives, and
to think critically and communicate
effectively. In this way, students can gain
problem-solving experience and confidence.
Furthermore, universities will never
attain their goals if they tailor all their
courses or programs to meet the needs of
specific employers or occupational sectors.
Today’s social environment is more dynamic
and turbulent than ever before. Only those
graduates who possess certain personality

traits and can do well in diversified
situations can distinguish themselves from
other job applicants.
In order to fulfill the main tasks of
universities, university education should
contain amply opportunities for independent
learning which can cultivate students who
are more likely to adapt to the changing
society. Students can also learn to exercise
their autonomy more effectively and they may
clarify their own professional interests
while learning in an independent way.
单词注释:diversified: adj. 多样化的
excel: v. 超越,胜过他人 access to: 有权
使用 tailor: v.专门为…制作 advancement:
n. 前进,进步 dynamic: adj. 动态的
disseminate: v. 散步,传播 turbulent: adj.
动荡的 full-fledged: adj. 完全合格的
autonomy: adj. 自主,自主权
3. The culture of different countries are
becoming increasingly similar, so there is
no point for people to go traveling abroad

for they could have the same experience at
home. Do you agree or disagree?
Granted that cultures in various
countries start to resemble one another,
which is by no means to a large extent, it
is still worthwhile to travel to other
countries to appreciate what can only be
obtained on a foreign soil.
Superficially, the world’s culture is
merging faster than we expected or could
tolerate. That is partly why people get the
same experience no matter where they go. If
travel means to get on a plane, to stay in
some hotel, to go to some museums and to do
some shopping, then it could be quite alike
in all the major cities around the world. But
traveling should not be limited to this
narrow sense. It means much more and
therefore renders each trip a new
To travel is to get to know the local
people. People may wear the same kind of

clothes, eat the same kinds of food and do
similar jobs, but they are different from
country to country. An ordinary Chinese
could hardly believe that a totally stranger
in America will dismantle his own bike and
replace your ruptured tyre with one of his
own if he has never been to that country.
Media reports and second-hand information
can never compare with your personal
interaction with the local people during
your stay there.
Apart from knowing the people,
traveling affords you incomparable
opportunities to appreciate the natural
beauties of a foreign country. Admittedly,
the Internet, satellite TV and multi-media
technology are bringing the world closer to
us. It is now easy to view exotic landscapes
on a screen in the comfort of your home;
virtue reality technology promises three
dimensional experiences at the touch of a
fingertip. However, is this vicarious

experience really satisfying? Hardly.
Travel brings us closer to nature, the
wonders of which can only be truly
appreciated first hand
There is hope that technology will one
day supply all the experiences we ever wish
to have which sounds exhilarating yet
perhaps also disconcerting—it reminds me
of the movie The Matrix Also people will
remain unique enough to excite our desire to
meet them in person.
单词注释:resemble: vt.像,类似
worthwhile :adj.值得做的,值得出力的
obtain :v.获得superficially :adv.浅薄地
tolerate : vt.忍受,容忍 render: vt.呈递,
归还dismantle: v.拆除rupture: v.破裂,裂开,
破裂incomparable :adj.无与伦比的,不能比较
的admittedly : adv.公认地,诚然landscape: n.
风景,山水画 v.美化virtue: n.德行,美德
dimensional: adj.空间的vicarious: adj.代
disconcerting:adj.令人不安的, 令人惊惶的

excite :vr.刺激,使兴奋
4. Intelligent robots will be more widely
used in the future. Is this a blessing or a
curse? What is your opinion?
Robots in science fictions and movies
are depicted as either our servants or our
enemies, but seldom our friends. Though I
don’t believe they will rebel against or
win a war against us, the using of robots
could lead to rather undesirable
As has happened when industrial
machinery was first introduced, the
extensive use of intelligent robots is
likely to cause vast unemployment. Numerous
workers, not only those working with their
hands but also those working with their
brains, will lose their jobs when robots
learn to handle their work. Other things
being equal, robots are preferred by
employers on account of their
reliability, cost effectiveness and the

unlikelihood of going on strikes. Assemble
lines and computers; for instance, have
already taken jobs from thousands of
employees. Thus, people in the future will
have to vie with robots in their quest for
a job.
Having said all that, it must be pointed
out that mankind will always find its way.
In a large sense, robots are just another
human invention, nothing more. There is no
sound reason that we would be overwhelmed by
this contrivance. The benefits robots can
bring are enormous. To begin with, robots
can be assigned to work in dangerous and
harsh environments. With their physical and
mechanical superiority over humans, robots
are suited for exploring deep oceans, the
moon and even human blood vessels, which
offers infinite possibilities for medical
treatment. Moreover, the reliability and
incorruptibility of intelligent robots are
invaluable in our fight against corruption.

To err is human, but rarely robots. Bribery
and peer pressure don’t work for robots.
As I see it, robots are not different
from other human inventions, which are never
perfect. Someone will always be adversely
affected, but the benefits far outweigh its
damages. Thus we should learn to adapt.
单词注释:fiction: n.虚构,编造,小说depict:
vt. 描述,描写 undesirable: adj.不受欢迎的
consequence: 靠性effectiveness: n.效力
unlikelihood: n.未必有,不可信overwhelm:
vt.彻底击败,击溃 contrivance: n.发明物
harsh: adj. (条件) 艰苦的,恶劣的
mechanical: adj.机械的,机械制的
superiority:n.优越 vessel: n.
incorruptibility :n.不腐败,淸廉
invaluable : adj.无价的,价值无法衡量的
corruption : n.腐败,贪污 bribery: n.贿
赂 peer pressure:同辈间的压力,同龄人间的
压力 adversely : adv.逆地,反对地
outweigh :vt.在(或价:值等)上超过 adapt:

5. Newspaper, radio, television and
computer each has its merits and drawbacks.
What is the most efficient means of
acquiring information? Give your reasons.
Modern people are blessed with so many
means of acquiring information that some of
us feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of
vast amount of information. Once so
promising, the Internet has not replaced all
other types of media because it is not
superior to others under all circumstances.
Efficiency depends on many factors.
Newspaper certainly requires the least
of its readers. So long as you can read you
can pick up a newspaper and enjoy. It can be
read in the office, on the bus or even in the
bathroom. It also offers in-depth report on
various events which can rarely be found on
radio or TV. Being printed on paper,
newspaper is friendly to eyes.
However, if one wants to see as well as
to read about the events, TV is the best

choice. After all, one sight is worth a
thousand words. Sometimes it is hard to
really comprehend something until one sees
it with his own eyes. Take last year's
tsunami for example. The TV coverage brought
the terror of the catastrophe to the hearts
of millions, prompting the international
community to take urgent relief measures.
Of course, computer is the most
efficient if one wants to search for
something that happened two weeks ago.
Unlike newspaper, radio or TV, which is
usually devoted to recent events, a computer
provides access to a wealth of information.
Virtually everything is accessible at the
touch of a fingertip.
Thus we see that different types of
media complement each other. Each has its
strength and weakness and is most efficient
in some way.
单词注释:acquire: vt. 获得,学到 overwhelm:
vt. 淹没,覆没 outpouring: n. 倾挥,流出

promising: adj.有希望的,有前途的 superior:
adj.较高的 circumstance: n. 环境,情况
various: adj.不同的,各种各样的 comprehend:
vt. 领会,理解 tsunami: n.海啸 catastrophe:
n.大灾难,大祸relief: n. (痛苦等的) 减轻
virtually: adv.事实上,实质上accessible:
adj.易接近的,可到达的fingertip: n.指尖
media: n.媒体complement: n.补足物 vt.补
助efficient: adj. (直接)生效的,有效率的
ys people can use computers to talk,
learn and communicate without leaving home.
There is a danger that it will cause more
isolation and a lack of communication among
people. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
Invented some 60 years ago, computers
have already transformed the way most of us
live. The advent of the Internet opens up the
possibility of communicating and
interacting via the computer. With more time
spent on computers and less with each others,
people start to fear the dehumanizing effect

of this wonderful human contrivance. This
inordinate concern is quite groundless.
One doesn’t necessarily become
isolated if he spends most of his time alone
using a computer. Isolation only occurs when
one is obsessed by his own affair and cares
nothing about anything else. Indeed, many
feel isolated and lonely in the midst of
crowds or even while talking to others
because they are trapped in their own world
or because others are in theirs. Alienation
of people is not caused by how little they
talk or meet each other but by the lack of
interest in our fellow creatures and the
world at large. Hence, computers actually
help to prevent isolation by bringing every
possible field of interest onto the screen.
Everything is at the touch of a
fingertip. You can broaden your interests
and enrich your life by accessing whatever
and whoever you are interested in.
As far as communication is concerned,

the using of computers is by no means
detrimental. In primeval times our
ancestors communicated by a simple system of
shouts and gestures. Then spoken and written
languages developed. We now prefer emails to
ordinary letters. Our mode of communication
is forever changing. Why should computers be
singled out as particularly deleterious?
What matters is not whether or not we
communicate in the orthodox or
traditional ways but the very fact that we
do communicate. Indeed, computer technology
facilitates the exchange of ideas and
information. The Internet keeps us linked to
each other all the time. Apart from the usual
emails, chat rooms and forums,
tele-conferencing is being employed daily
to enhance communication.
is made easy by
which promises infinite
possibilities ahead. Thus, communication
and isolation must not be defined in a narrow

sense. Problems arise not from
technological development but from people
themselves. Computer is but a tool, the
misuse of which it is not responsible for.
单词注释:transform: vt.改变 advent: n.出
现,到来 via: prep.通过,经由 dehumanize :
vt.使失掉人性, 使成兽性 contrivance: n.
发明 inordinate: 过量的 isolation : n.
分离 obsess: vt.迷住,使困扰 alienation :
疏远 detrimental: adj.有害的 primitive:
adj.原始的,远古的 ancestor: n.祖先,祖宗
deleterious: adj.有害的 orthodox: adj.正统
的,传统的 infinite: adj.无限的
7. Many people believe that we have
developed into a ‘throw-away society’
which is filled with plastic bags and
rubbish. Do you agree or disagree?
It is indeed true that everything comes
at a price. We are paying through the nose
in terms of environmental damage for the
conveniences we enjoy nowadays. The world is
becoming a throw-away society, where the

amount of garbage is increasing daily.
Of course, disposable items have to be
used under some circumstances. Indeed, it is
imperative to use disposable needles and
syringes in hospitals to prevent contagion
among patients. It would also be preferable
if throw-away plates and spoons are used in
restaurants out of sanitary consideration.
At present those low-cost disposable plates
and spoons are far from comfortable and
biodegradable. Even so, they are used on a
huge scale in China and many other
Yet, disposable items are not only used
in the medical and catering industry. They
are virtually everywhere. There was a time
when things were built to last, when
durability was highly regarded. Today,
people don’t want to use the same thing all
the time even if it is in perfect order. We
have become less sentimental or nostalgic,
which reveals itself not only in our

discarding of old things but also in our
reduced reluctance to abandon old friends.
To many, everything is dispensable.
Recycling seems the only way to prevent
the total inundation of the planet by the
garbage produced over generations. People
are unlikely to give up their conveniences
easily. The demand of goods will increase
inexorably, putting more strain on garbage
disposal. Therefore, recycling offers the
best hope. Not only miraculous but also
essential is the idea of turning wastes into
treasures. It is estimated that 60 percent
of rubbish can be recycled quite
economically. With improved technology,
recycling will make more economical and
environmental sense in the days to come.
The throw-away society, as some call it,
is mainly the result of technological
development and our change of attitude. The
conviction that nothing will last is
reinforced by the constant changes brought

by technology. Without going into the rights
and wrongs of this attitude, I am convinced
that recycling is essential to the survival
of mankind in the future.
单词注释:pay through the nose支付高昂的
价格 syringe n.注射器 disposable adj.可
任意使用的 imperative n.命令,诚命;需要
命令的,强制的contagion n.传染,传染病,
蔓延 preferable adj.更可取的,更好的
sanitary adj.(有关)卫生的,(保持) 清洁的
biodegradable adj.能生物分解的catering 提
供饮食 durability n.经久,耐久sentimental
adj.感伤性的7 感情脆弱的nostalgic adj.
乡愁的,怀旧的discard vt.丢弃,拋弃
reluctance n.不愿,勉强dispensable adj.
不是必要的,可有可无的inundation n.泛滥;
洪水inexorably adv.无情地,冷酷地disposal
n.处理,处置miraculous adj.奇迹的,不可
思议的conviction n.深信,确信;定罪
reinforce vt.加强,增援,补充
8. Some people believe that damage to the
environment is an inevitable consequence of

the improvement of living standards. What is
your opinion?
The city where I live is increasingly
teeming with high-rise apartment buildings.
As can be expected, trees are cut down to
make room for those constructions. People
are daily plagued by air and noise pollution
as a result of the booming economy. As things
now stand, we are paying too dear a price for
the development.
Even the most developed countries are
troubled by environmental issue. In fact,
the more developed a nation is, the severer
the problem. To sustain a prosperous economy,
factories and companies have to be in full
operation and the workforce putting in long
hours. Industrial wastes cost a lot to be
disposed of. The huge energy consumption
depletes the natural resources at an
unsustainable rate. There is every sign that
the environment must be sacrificed to some
extent for the sake of world economy.

However, we are making a blunder by equating
economic prosperity with better living
A better life should be a life closer to
nature. What we are now working so hard for
is a mass-produced, standardized, seemingly
comfortable life. It is true that we can now
have computers, cars and larger houses, but
something more valuable is being lost. We
can no longer breathe clean air, have a quiet
walk in the woods or even look at the stars
because they are being obscured by smog and
artificial light at night.
Hence, we need to curb the frantic pace
of development in order to protect the
environment and ironically to improve the
quality of life. Our science and technology
should be directed to creating harmony
between mankind and nature. A better
environment means much more than material
comforts. Besides, by slowing down a little
bit, people’s lives become less stressful.

To have a better life,we need to take it
The currently environmental damage is the
consequence of our misguided conception
that material wealth is tantamount to a
better life. Environmental protection will
not stand in the way of our pursuit of a
really better life.
单词注释:teem v.充满;大量出现 plaguevt.
折磨,使苦恼 booming adj.急速发展的 '
severe adj.严重的 deplete vt.耗尽,使衰竭
unsustainable adj.无法支撑的, 无法维持的
blunder n.大错,失误equate vt.使相等,
视力平等.等同 standardized adj.标准的;定
型的 artificial adj.人造的 frantic adj.
狂乱的,疯狂的 ironical adj.讽刺的,用反
语的 misguided adj.被误导的,误人歧途的
tantamount adj.等价的
9. Are famous people treated unfairly by the
media? Should they be given more privacy, or
is the price of their fame an invasion into
their private lives?

Press freedom allows journalists to
report nearly everything. But nothing
receives more press coverage than the famous:
movie stars, top athletes, models and so on.
This kind of inordinate attention intrudes
upon their private lives and should be
People, including celebrities, have the
right to keep their private life private,
which should be respected by nosy reporters.
It is their right not to tell you what kind
of food they are eating or what books they
are reading. They have the right to remain
silence. Who they are dating is their own
business and they can choose whether or not
to divulge that information. When they are
not inclined to be interviewed or photoed,
they should be left alone. The tragic death
of Princess Diana reveals once again how
much damage those nosy paparazzi can cause.
There are many famous people being molested
by incessant media attention.

The famous are often the victims of
sensationalism and tabloid journalism. They
are being used to attract more audience and
to boost the sales. The stories about
celebrities may have no newsworthiness in an
objective sense but usually cater to popular
tastes. People are naturally curious and
particularly love to read about and see the
rich and the famous. They like to find in
them what is lacking in their own ordinary
lives. They want to experience some
vicarious pleasure and excitement of their
trendy life. The intrusion upon the privacy
of the rich is profit-driven on the side of
mass media and a touch of voyeurism on the
side of common readers.
There are, however, some people who do
seek the limelight. They pride themselves on
the amount of attention they get and would
even create some scandals to get on the
headlines. There is no need to protect their
privacy. But for the vast majority, the

famous or the common, privacy should not be
intruded upon.
单词注释:inordinate adj.过量的intrude
v.侵犯divulge v.透露
paparazzi n.狗仔队incessant adj.不断的
sensationalism n.耸人听闻的手法,哗众取
宠tabloid n.小报 vicarious adj.间接感
受到的 trendy adj.流行的 voyeurism n.窥
探癖 limelight .公众焦点、 scandal n.丑

10. Surveillance cameras are now installed
in many shops and supermarkets to prevent
shoplifting. But many people are against
this because they think it is a disregard of
privacy. What are your views about this?
Troubled by shoplifting and various
forms of sabotage, shop owners around the
world are taking measures to guard their
stores. Security guards are posted at
entrances and exits; people are assigned to
monitor surveillance cameras. But the
omnipresence of those cameras is under

growing criticism—it is seen as an
intrusion upon one’s privacy. It is now
hard to do things unobserved. Wherever you
go, there is always some possibility that
you are being watched and even recorded. It
is quite embarrassing to be caught sneezing
on camera for instance. And many people feel
uneasy before a camera,let alone a hidden
one. The fact that our every move is being
monitored makes people nervous. What we do
and how we act should be our own business so
long as they are legal. Unsolicited filming
is a violation of our privacy.
However, that claim is one-sided. If
possible, it would be better not to have
electronic surveillance. But as things now
stand, it has become a necessary nuisance.
It is ineffective and costly to use human
surveillance, which was used up till now and
commonly accepted. No one would criticize
the watchful eyes of a shop assistant or
grandly assert their right not to be

monitored. Yet most people cannot tolerate
video cameras. In fact, there is no
justification for that. How can we deny
the shop owners,right to watch the customers
on their premises? They are entitled to
protect their properties and should be
allowed to any lawful means to do so.
The downside of video surveillance is
often negligible. What is embarrassing in a
social context remains so with or without
overhead cameras. People should behave
themselves in public places such as
supermarkets. It is not the right place to
have an intimate moment with your lover not
because there are cameras but because it is
a public place. Actually, aside from its
role in combating crimes, video
surveillance often does service to ordinary
citizens. Many a time was a distraught
customer given his lost keys because the
whole thing was caught by the camera. And
many lives were saved when some elderly

people were struck by heart attacks and
would have been left unattended to, had it
not been for the sweeping gaze of a
surveillance camera.
As I see it,video surveillance is
another tool against crime and capable of
being misused. But those cameras are
necessary. By and large, they work against
the criminals rather than the public.
单词注释:surveillance n.监控 shoplifting
n.冒充顾客在店里偷窃 sabotage v.蓄意破
坏 assign v.指派,分派unsolicited adj.
不请自来的 nuisance n.让人讨厌的东西
premises n.经营场所 intimate adj.亲密的
distraught adj.心急如焚的









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