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2021-01-01 22:19




Listening 1
Conversation 1
Ri So,are ou from London then - or just here for meeting ?
K No.I'm not from London ,but m pan has offies here.
Ri What kind of pan is it ?
K I ork for an IT pan. I'm a onsultant.
Conversation 2
Ro Where do ou ork ?
H I ork for a large pharmaeutial pan.
Ro And hat do ou do ?
H I'm the head of the Marketing Department.
Conversation 3
K So hat kind of produts do ou sell?
T Anthing that helps people make mone.
K Ho do ou mean?
T Finanial servies. I sell investment produts.
Conversation 4
T Tell me, does our onsultan ork ith big pan?
B No,e do the aounts for small and medium- sized panies.
T Ah, i see.D ou have lients in London?
1 5
B Some but not of our lients are in Reading.
Conversation 5
H So, ou ork in the food industr?
Ri Yes,I'm a fator manager.
H Oh, reall?What do ou make?
Ri We produe frozen food.
Conversation 6
B And hat do ou do ?
Ro I'm a manager in personnel.
B What kind of pan do ou ork for?
Ro We make pakaging for fresh food.
Listening 2
Helen Marsden
Hello, I'm Helen Marsden. I ork as a marketing manager
for a large pharmaeutials pan. M department produes vaines
against hepatitis anf so on. We normall sall our vaines
diretl to dotors so one of m jobs is to disuour ne produts
ith dotors. Marketing managers don't alas do this, but I do
as I'm a qualified dotor. I'm also responsible for our
publiit material so I have to deal ith designers and printers.
M area is entral Europe, so I have to deal ith the health
authorities in those ountries. That means m job involves a
lot of travelling. And finall, hen e produe a ne vaine, it's
2 5
m job to organise a onferene for the medial preso that the an
ask us questions about it.
Robin Seaton
Hello, I'm Robin Seaton. I ork for a pan alled Vaupak.
I'm responsible for emploing most of the people in the pan. I
rite the job advertisements and then I have to hoose hih
appliants I ant to intervie. Usuall, I intervie the appliants
ith the head of the department here the vXXn is. I then have
to ontat the appliants after intervie, both the suessful and
unsuessful ones. Another dut is dealing ith emploees'
problems. Of ourse man of them are ork-related,but people do
sometimes e to disupersonal problems ith me. M job also
involves informing emploees if the management isn't satisfied
ith their ork, hih isn't a pleasant part of the job.



1.掌握“Ho man…...are there?”句型,并能熟练运用。
3.词汇:sheep,h ildren,floers,butterflies,dogs,duks,hiks,
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Step 1. Warm up
1. Enable hildren sa the hant of Unit 3 Page 18.
2. Chek the hildren’s homeork.
Step 2. Presentation
1. Teaher dra a floer on the blakboard and sa: “It’s a
floer. ”and dra other floers and sa: “to floers, three
floers…” Let hildren understand the plural forms of noun.
2. Write the folloing ords on the blakboard and let
hildren read and repeat 。
Sheep_sheep hild_hildren floer_floers
dog_dogs butterfl_butterflies duk_duks hik_hiks
rabbit_rabbits mouse_mie
bird_birds bear_bears hen_hens
3. Let hildren to repeat the ords after the tape, and
then let some hildren to read one b one.
Step3. Pratie
1. Pla the assette, hildren follo the tape to sing
together. And then let hildren to have petition in groups.
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2. Give hildren several minutes to find the ords in part
3, praise those exellent students ith prizes.
3. Finish the exerises: Let hildren join the dots and
olour it.
4. Pla the assette, ask hildren to listen and irle the
orret anser, and then tell them the anser.
Step4. Exerises
1. Read and at the dialogue in groups or in pairs.
2. Pronoune the ords, and ask hildren to read one b one.

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