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教育教学理论知识时下最流行的英语俚语、短语 第五季

2021-01-02 03:35


More Chinese are preferring to late marriage, with an increasing number tying
the knot after reaching 25, according to statistics issued by the Ministry of Civil
Affairs on Wednesday.
The number of Chinese getting married between 20 and 24 years old made up the
largest proportion, accounting for 35.5 percent of last year's total marriage
registrations. The figure has decreased by about 1.1 percentage points annually.
Meanwhile, the 25-29 age bracket saw an increasing number of marriage registrations
last year, up by 0.8 percentage points from the previous year to 34.2 percent.
The legal age for marriage in China is 22 for males and 20 for females.

文中的late marriage就是“晚婚”的意思,也可以说成是marry at a late age。类似的表
达法还有late arrival 迟到、晚点;late spring 晚春;late work 晚期作品;the late 19th century
十九世纪末;late payment 逾期付款;late hour 深更半夜。
此外,文中还有一些表达法值得一学。第一段的tie the knot为习惯用法,意思是“结婚”、
“喜结良缘”;the Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部;还有第二段的marriage registration意思
More than 60 million students and teachers at China's 80,000 middle schools
experienced a space lesson by China's first teacher in space from more than 300
kilometers above Earth's surface on Thursday.
Female astronaut Wang Yaping carried out fundamental physics experiments
onboard the orbiting Tiangong-1 space module. She interacted with more than 330
students who gathered at a classroom of the High School Affiliated to Renmin
University of China in Beijing.

文中的space lesson就是“太空授课”的意思了。lesson就是“一节课”的意思,与 之
搭配的常见动词词组有:attend a lesson 去上课;conduct a lesson 授一堂课(=give a lesson);
have a lesson 有课(要上);prepare a lesson 备课;receive a lesson 上(某人的)课;skip a lesson
逃课。lesson还有“教训”、“经验”的意思,如absorb lessons 吸取经验(=draw lessons);
give somebody a lesson 给某人一个教训等。
Tourists at a beach in Sanya City were accused of contributing to the death of a
stranded dolphin by mistreating it, lifting it out of the water and posing with it in
photographs that were posted to the Internet.
Online pictures do not show anyone trying to stop the abuse.
Angry netizens condemned them for using a dolphin as a photography prop.
Some netizens said it shows Chinese tourists' uncivilized habits.

文中“stranded”是搁浅的意思,引申为“处于困境的”,如the stranded passengers 滞
文中netizen译为“网民”,是net(网) 和citizen(市民)组合而成的新兴词汇,类似
的表达有sitcom 情景喜剧 (situation 情景 + comedy 喜剧) ,brunch 早中饭(breakfast
早饭+ lunch 午饭) 和medicare 医疗保健(medical 医疗 + care 保健)等 。
Factories in Nanchang county in Jiangxi were the main source of toxic
preserved eggs incident
discovery. Other factories are still undergoing investigation.
Preserved eggs generally take about two months to create, using baking soda, salt,
and quicklime.
The plants were guilty of adding industrial copper sulphate to the eggs to speed
up the production schedule, halving the time to a month.


其中preserved可译为“腌制的”,如preserved food (腌制食品),类似的表达还
有smoked (烟熏的),salted (盐腌的),canned (罐装的)等。 文中的“copper
By this month, 180 dining spots in Shanghai's central Jing'an District had signed
up for the White-Collar Lunchproject, according to the Jing'an District
Commercial Commission.
It aims to provide affordable meals, priced at around 20 to 30 yuan on average,
for the district's 200,000 white-collar workers and create business opportunities for
restaurants facing a tough operating environment.
According to the Ministry of Commerce, during the first quarter of this year the
high-end dining industry in Shanghai saw a 20 percent fall in revenue, while Beijing's
has witnessed a 35 percent drop.

“white-collar lunch”解释为白领午餐,旨在为白领提供平价的午餐。
“sign up for”解释为报名参加,又如:sign up for training 报名参加培训、sign sb. up for
“affordable”是形容词,解释为支付得起的、不太昂贵的。例如:affordable fees 平价
收费、affordable products 价格实惠的产品。
A widely circulated series of photos of aspiring beauty queens reveals once again
just how obsessed Korean women are with plastic surgery.
All of the contestants have dark, long hair; fair, pale skin; big eyes and a perfect,
bright white smile. Their faces are oval with sharp, pointed chins that seem to have
undergone a certain procedure called
The photos may be the result of Photoshop, but they still show that the
contemporary concept of female beauty in South Korea is highly monotonous and
conforms to a single ideal.

“plastic surgery”解释为整容,也可以说成是cosmetic surgery。“plastic”原意为塑 料的、
塑形的,但在医学领域解释为整形的;“surgery”解释为(外科)手术,例如:unde rgo surgery
进行手术、heart surgery 心脏手术。
另外,最后一段中“monotonous”解释为单调的、无变化的,例如:monotonous work 单
调的工作、monotonous standard 千篇一律的标准。
Shenzhou X spacecraft carrying three Chinese astronauts is reported to have
docked with the Tiangong-1 space laboratory.
The team plans to spend just under two weeks at the space laboratory, in the
country's longest manned space mission.
While there, astronaut Wang Yaping, China's second woman in space, will beam a
lesson from the laboratory to students back on Earth.

文中的space laborato ry就是“空间实验室”的意思。laboratory(经常简写作lab)
就是“实验室”、“实验 楼”。我们常见的类似用法还有如:biology laboratory 生物实
验室;chemistry laboratory 化学实验室;physics laboratory 物理实验室和language
laboratory 语音实验室(语音室)等。
另外,文中的dock with就是“对接”的意思,也可以写作be joined together (in
A 15-minute walk after each meal could prevent older people developing type-2
diabetes, a study has found.
The post-meal walks control blood sugar as well as one long walk, research by
George Washington University suggested.
Elevated blood sugar after meals could increase the risk of type-2 diabetes, so
resting after eating

文中的type-2 diabetes就是“二型糖尿病”的意思。二型糖尿病占糖尿病患者90%< br>以上。肥胖、高热量饮食和缺乏运动是二型糖尿病的主要致因。
此外,文中第二段的post- meal walks意思就是“饭后行走”。前缀post- 表示“在……
之后”,类似的例子如postgraduate 研究生(在本科毕业之后);postwar 战后;postscript
后记、跋(在正文文稿之后);post-impressionism 后印象主义。
A US judge has sentenced a Chinese national, Xiang Li, to 12 years in prison
for selling more than $$100m of pirated US software.
Mr Li is accused of stealing software from 200 US manufacturers and selling it
for a fraction of their prices.
He was arrested in the US Pacific territory of Saipan in June 2011 and pleaded
guilty earlier this year.
US officials have said that this is the first time a Chinese national had been
prosecuted in the US for such crimes.

文中的pirated software就是“盗版 软件”的意思。pirate原意为“海盗”,在这里
就是指“盗版者“、”盗印者”。知识产权(in tellectual property)现在正越发受到关
监狱(近义词:jail、gaol);be accused of 被指控;be arrested 被捕;plead guilty
认罪;prosecute 提起公诉;release 释放。
Various kinds of street vendors are helping the city become more dynamic; and
more and more white-collar workers are now part of this group of small retailers.
According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, about 79.2 percent of 1,891
interviewees said they saw white-collar workers setting up street stalls. Besides, 68.1
percent said they supported this initiative.
About 35 percent of interviewees come from big cities, 29.5 percent, from
mid-sized cities, 19.8 percent, from small cities, 11.5 percent, from counties and 3.8
percent, from the countryside.

“set up a street stall”解释为摆地摊,“stall”解释为书报亭、货摊。相关的词
组有:market stall 大排档、shop stall 商业档位。
“white-collar worker”是指白领一族,其他的还有:blue-collar worker 蓝领一族、
gold-collar worker 金领一族、grey-collar worker 灰领一族。
They look chic and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem
unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called Strawberry
The term was coined by a Taiwan writer in one of her books about office rules. It
refers to the post-60s generation of office workers, who grew up in a protected
environment and got easily dented–just like strawberries–by life's lightest knocks.
This expression is now finding its way into the mainland, and refers to young workers,
of only child families, who have been active in the workforce for just a year or two.

“Strawberry Generation”解释为草莓族,是指刚刚参加工作一两年的独生子女 一代。
“generation”解释为一代,比如:Sandwich Generation 三明 治一代。“coin”通常作名
词使用,解释为硬币、钱币。此处作为动词使用,解释为创造(新词), 比如:coin new words
创造新词、coin money 发大财。
The death toll in the deadly BRT bus fire in Xiamen has risen to 48, and more
than 30 were injured.
The BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) bus caught fire at about 6:20 p.m., said an official
from the municipal government. The fire broke out when the bus was 500 meters
away from the Jinshan bus stop.
Some witnesses said they heard explosions about ten minutes after the fire broke
A nurse at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University said the hospital has
admitted 17 of the injured, including three to the intensive care unit, according to the
Xinhua report.
文中“BRT”的意思是快速公交车,即为快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit),是一种
介于快速轨道交通(Rapid Rail Transit,简称RRT)与常规公交(Normal Bus Transit,
简称NBT)之 间的新型公共客运系统。这是一种大运量交通方式,通常也被人称作“地面上
的地铁系统”。trans it的基本含义是“运输”,在此处意为“公共交通运输系统”,如mass
transit 公共交通,transit line运输路线。
Residential and commercial areas and metro stations in downtown Shanghai
suffered more than one hour of blackout this Wednesday night due to a massive
power outage, authorities said.
Some commuters of Metro Line 2 were trapped inside the train while customers
of department stores in part of Jing'an, Huangpu and Putuo districts were trapped in
elevators due to the power failure.
No one was reported injured and it was unclear how many people were affected
in the incident.
文中的massive power outage的意思就是“大面积停电”。文中的blackout和power
failure(相当于power cut)也是“停电”、“断电”的意思。
这里的power不译为“力量”,它是“电力”的意思。相关的词组如power board 接
线板;power cable 输电电缆;power grid 电力网;power plant 发电厂;power pole 电
线杆;power point 电源插座等。
Three Chinese astronauts will blast off in the Shenzhou X spacecraft this month
for a two- week mission to make final preparations for the construction of a space
laboratory next year.
China Central Television reported yesterday that the spacecraft, mounted on top
of a Long March 2F rocket, had been wheeled to a launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite
Launch Centre in Inner Mongolia, with the mission scheduled for the middle of this
The entire mission will last about 15 days, or two days longer than the maiden
flight to Tiangong I last year.

文中的blast off就是“(火箭)发射升空”的意思。文中还有一些与火箭发射相关 的词
汇、词组,如:astronaut 宇航员;Shenzhou X spacecraft 神舟十号飞船;Long March 2F rocket
长征2F火箭;launch pad 发射台;Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre 酒泉卫星发射中心;maiden
flight 处女航、首航;Tiangong I 天宫一号。
The TV and online adverts in England will outline the risk to children of people
lighting up in cars and homes from Wednesday.
Research suggests the effects of passive smoking on children costs the NHS
?23m a year by causing 300,000 GP visits and 9,500 hospital admissions.
Most of those patients were suffering from breathing-related problems although
smoke was also blamed for diseases of the ear and other illnesses.
The adverts are a re-run of the campaign held last year.

文中的passive smoking字面意思是“被动吸烟”,即“二手烟”,也可以说成是
second-hand smoking。被迫吸二手烟的人就是passive smoker。passive的意思是“被动
的”,相对于active(积极的),语法中我们学到的“被动语态”,英文就叫做passive voice。
另外,文中第一段的light up,是动词短语,意思是“点燃、点亮”,联系上下文,
Cellphones and social networking may be killing off the old civilities and good
graces, but a new generation of etiquette gurus is rising to make old-fashioned
protocols relevant to a new generation.
Their goal is to help young people navigate thorny, tech-age minefields, like
invitation on social networking sites and online dating, not to mention actual
face-to-face contact with people.
Perhaps the fastest growing area of social advice is what's been termed
“netiquette”. There are online tutorials on using emoticons in business e-mails, being
discreet when posting on social networks and re-posting too many micro blog

“netiquette”解释为网络礼仪(=network et iquette),是指互联网使用者在网上对其他人应
有的礼仪。文中的相关词汇还有:social networking sites 社交网站、online dating 在线交友、
business e-mails 公务邮件、post 发帖、re-post 转发。
The expiry of China's home appliance subsidy policy is unlikely to have a major
impact on the nation's white goods
buying habits to seek even greener products, said a leading industry executive.
Emerging energy-saving technologies will unleash huge demand for higher- end
products. Customers' growing desire to go green will drive companies to address
energy- saving issues and boost demand for high-quality key components such as
compressors and frequency conversion technologies.

文中的home appliance subsidy policy即为“家电补贴政策”。下文中的white goods,
字面意思是“白色商品”,即指“大型家用电器”,相当于home appliance。
“energy- saving”(节能的)、“environment-friendly”或“environment- boon”(有
You may witness public transport rage everywhere during the rush hour, people
are just complaining or arguing about trivial matters like overcrowdedness or
someone's foot being stepped on.
Public transport rage describes the phenomenon that many passengers on public
transport easily fly into a rage during rush hour. Commuters who are usually calm and
well-behaved will argue or even physically fight each other in order to grab a seat.
The stress caused by rushing to work and being held up in traffic jams contributes to
these outbursts.

“public transport ra ge”解释为“公交狂躁症”,“rage”解释为狂怒、大怒,既是
名词,又是动词。常用的词组有: rage against somebody 对某人大发雷霆、rage at
something 因某事大发脾气。
文中的重要词汇有:overcrowdedness 过度拥挤、rush hour 高峰时段、commuter 乘
公交的上班族、grab a seat 抢座、traffic jams 堵车。
The Public Health Bureau under the Taichung City Government yesterday busted
two distributors allegedly selling toxic starch to a total of 32 downstream food
makers in Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan, according to bureau officials.
The health bureau has already retrieved up to 30,000 kilograms of toxic starch
from downstream clients and seized 2,800 kilograms at the distributor's plant.
The bureau will move to investigate such food items as crystal dumplings and
sticky rice cakes to see if they contain toxic starch.

文中的toxic starch就是“毒淀粉”的意思。toxic的意思是“有毒的”,它的同义词 是
poisonous;toxic-还可以做前缀和词根,用于元音字母前,如toxicant “毒药”;toxication “中
毒症状”和intoxicated “喝醉的;麻醉的”等。
另外,文中的bust作为动词,译为“粉碎”、“搜查”。bust也可以做名词,意思是“半身像”。retrieve的意思是“追回”、“挽回”;而seize在文中解释为“扣押”、“没收”、 “查封”。











本文更新与2021-01-02 03:35,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/493826.html

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