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2021-01-03 09:37



英语面试口语:关于空中小姐职务关于空中小姐职务 would
like to become a stewardess,wouldn't you?你愿意当一名空中小姐,对
吗?,i would like to very much.是的,我很想做一名空中小姐。
14英语面试口语训练:开场语情景对话1 :a: may i come in?i: yes,
please.a: how are you doing, madam? my name is wujing. i am coming to
your company for an interview as requested.i: fine, thank you for coming.
mr. wu, please take a seat.
面试口语:你认为自己的选择正确吗?do you feel you made the right
choice?你认为自己的选择正确吗?absolutely.当然。my education really
prepared me for my career in this field.我所受的教育以及让我做好了进入
面试口语:18个刁钻问题巧回答18 great awe to some of the toughest
job interview questioome job interviewe ask tough questio to trip you up or
to get you to reveal information you may be trying to conceal.
you talk about your merits?你能谈谈你的工作业绩吗?
please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.现在请
英语面试口语:开幕词lesson 1 opening remarksdialogue a (i
=interviewer主试人a =applicant应征者)a: excuse i see
1 opening remarksdialogue a(i =interviewer主试人a =applicant
应征者)a: excuse i see mr.
面试英语口语:介绍个人信息anny:what is your name, please?请
问,你叫什么名字?sunlin:my name is sunlin.我叫孙林。anny:how old
are you?你多大了?sunlin:i am twenty-five yea old.25岁。
英语面试口语:关于薪酬待遇ing salary,i leave that to
yon but feel certain that i can earn at least rmb 4,000 yuan per month. 关于
英语面试口语:关于个性、性格what kind of peonality do you think
you have?你认为你具有哪种性格?i'm quite active and energetic.i approach
things enthusiastically and i don't like leaving things half done.我积极而充
面试口语:如何回答你善于团队合作吗alternative and related questio:
相关问题:are you a team player?你善于团队合作吗?in what ways are
you a team player?你如何说明自己善于团队合作?do you prefer working
on your own or as part of a
英语面试口语:工作经验 you got any experience in
advertising?你有广告方面的经验吗? you have any sales experience?
你有销售经验吗? you have any practical experience as a secretary?
最新关于兼职英语面试口语(i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受试
人)dialogue ai:did you do any part-time job when you studied at your
univeity?a:yes,i worked as a tutor for a middle school student.
面试口语:上大学时你最喜欢什么课which college classes did you like
the best?why?上大学时你最喜欢什么课?为什么?i like business strategy
英语面试口语:叙述个人能力叙述个人能力911.i am a good
accountant and have a thorough knowledge of the english language.本人是
面试口语之工作经验 you have any practical experience as a
secretary?你有秘书工作的实践经验吗?,i have been working in the
public relatio section of a company in the past two yea.是的,我在过去的
英语面试口语: 工作目标有时候面试中招聘者会提问应聘者有关工
作目标的问题,目的就是了解应聘者做事的风格,以及 应聘者对这份
答问题时并不 一定面面俱到,因为在实际当中会碰到自己计划中所没
英语面试口语:关于所谋之职 will you start to work if you are
employed?如果你被录用,你什么时候可以上班? we decide to hire
you,we will notify you by mail.如果我们决定雇用你,就写信通知你。
实习面试的基本问题和解答指南实习面试,既是一个 机会,以突出
习目标的最佳 选择。您觉得准备和实习的实习预见到可能会问的问题
面试口语:你曾做过的最无聊的工作是什么what is the most boring
job you've ever had?how did you do at it?你曾做过的最无聊的工作是什么?
你是怎么对待的?i don't really think i've ever had a boring job,but if i have
to choose one,it would probably be the winter
which school are you attending?你在哪个学校上学?applicant:i am
attending hebei univeity of technology.我在河北工业大学上学。
精选外企面试用英语口语q: what peonality traits do you admire? 你
欣赏哪种性格的人?a: i admire a peon who is)honest, flexible and easy-
going. 诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。a: (i like) people who possess
the can do spirit. 有实际行动的人。
面试 口语大全最新面试在求职过程中,可以说是压力最大的一个环
节。面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,如果能 回答得从容不迫、简明扼要,
英语面试口语: 关于应聘原因关于应聘原因 do you come
here for a job?你为何到此处来找工作? you for your interest in
this do you coider youelf qualified for
英语口语面试:关于工作职位 you able to take this job?你能
担负这种工作吗? your present and former employe give you
recommendatio?你现在及前任雇主都会给你写推荐函吗? job is
not in naijing.
口语面试英文自我介绍good morning, dear teache. i am very glad to
be here for your interview. my name is xx.i am 21 yea old. i come from
dafang, a small town of guizhou province.
结婚 了么?这种问题,下面我们一起来看看遇到这种问题用英语怎么回
答~具体请看下文求职面试英语口语范 文。lily: are you married?shu yun:
yes, ive just : how long have you been
最新面试口语:5大尴尬交际错误不要犯everyone tries to network,
but few people do it well, often making the same basic what
not to do when youre trying to expand or leverage your
英语面试口语:电话求职电话求职 i help
you?这里是联富公司,请问找谁?,this is david jones.喂,这里
是戴维琼斯百货公司。 trade i help you?这里是克莱斯
面试英语口语:商讨入职时间的问题常用口语句i'm respoible for
managing staff enrolling procedures.我负责员工入职手续的力理。we will
give you induction training upon your entry.你入职后,我们会对你进行入
面试口语:要做好这份工作什么是不可或缺的what do you think it
takes to be successful in this position?你认为要做好这份工作,什么是不
可或缺的?i believe exteive experience in marketing and public relatio is
essential to succeed in the position.
英语面试口语—关于教育背景(Ⅲ) you in a leading
position when you were a college stu- dent?你读大学时有没有担任过学生
干部?,i was president of student union of our univeity.有,我曾担
否和招聘的职位有关,或者应 聘者从以往的工作中吸取到了哪些有用
的经验。即便过去的工作和现在应聘的职位无关,也不能说是什么 都
面试口语:关于接待员职务关于接待员职务761.i came about your
advertisement for receptionists in the newspaper last week.我是来应聘你们
面试常用英语口语对话q: can you sell youelf in two minutes? go for
it. (你能在两分钟内自我推荐吗?大胆试试吧!)a: with my qualificatio
and experience, i feel i am hardworking, respoible and diligent in any project
i undertake.
面试口语:如何回答工作习惯与方式1. if i spoke with your previous
boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?对策:
emphasize your skills, and don't be overly negative about your weaknesses.
面试英语 口语:面试陈述一定要有针对性当被问到以前的工作经验
时,你可能会千篇一律的重复简历上的那段话。 这样就丧失了针对
时突出和 工作相契合的部分,增加面试成功的机率。
关于语言能力的英语面试口语关于语言能力 you speak a
foreign language?你会讲外语吗? you read and write english?你阅读
和写作英语能力如何? did you begin to learn english?你从何时
英语面试口语开幕词dialogue a(i =interviewer主试人a =applicant应
征者)a: excuse i see mr. john watt,the manager?i: it's
can i do for you?a: i have come at your invitation for an to
meet you,mr. watt.
英语面试口语:询问面试结果1) i am just calling to follow up on the
status of the sales manager position.我打电话只是想问一下销售经理这个
职位的招聘情况。2) we haven?t made any decision yet.我们还没有做任
英语面试口语:性格和爱好1) what kind of character do you think you
have?你认为自己是什么性格的人?2) are you introverted or extroverted?你
内向还是外向?3) what kind of peon would you like to work with?你喜欢和
什么样的人一起工作呢?4) -how do
英语面试口语:关于医药代表职务关于医药代表职务 you
tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us?能
否请你告诉我你为什么要到我们这儿来当医药代表?851. i like this kind
of work, and your company is one of the most
英语面试口语:关于姓名年龄's your name?你叫什么名
字?'s your surname?你姓什么?'s your family name?你姓什
么?'s your given name?你的名是什么?'s your full name?你
最新面试口语:十招帮你躲过职场雷区in today's workplace, there
are more ways to damage your career than ever before. an errant tweet. an
erroneous facebook post. a heated email exchange.
面试英语口语:个人信息1) what is your name,please?请问,你叫
什么名字?2) can you tell me what your full name is, please?能把你的全名
告诉我吗?3) how do you spell your full name?你的全名怎么拼写?4) i was
born on june 22,1980.
最新英语面试口语: 关于地址和籍贯 do you live?你住哪
里?'s your address?你的住址是哪里?'s your present address?
你现在的住址是哪里?'s your permanent address?你的永久性住址
是哪里?38.i live at 238 zhongshan road,apt.
名企面试口语常见50问1 你為什麼選擇念〔歷史〕系?2 你在同一
化,可能會產生嚴重的水土不服現象 嗎?你的適應能力、應變能力如
何?3 對於明知施行後會引起反彈的政策,你仍能貫徹到底嗎?4 如果時

面试口语:如果和上司意见不一致会提出来吗do you speak up if
your point of view diffe from that of your superio?如果和上司的意见不一
致,你会提出来吗?i'm not a yes peon and i don't refrain from expressing
my opinio,but i'm careful about how to express
英语面试口语:关于个人能力what is your greatest strength?你的最
大长处是什么?i manage my time perfectly so that i can always get things
done on time.我极懂分配时间,因此总能准时完成任务。
英语面试口语秘籍what will my respoibilities be?我要负责什么?who
will i report to?我向谁汇报工作?who will report to me? how experienced
are they?我负责管理哪些人?他们的工作情况怎样?what do you expect me
to do in the fit 6
外贸业务员英语面试口语范文模板1: so, tell me a litter about
: porfessional life, last job, accomplishment, education and
leadship rolesan:i'm boartree.i graduated from boartree univeity this year,
my major is international economic
是philip wong ,来此应征海外业务代表。我的背景和工作经验使我足
以胜任这份业务代表的工作,我在台湾念大学,主 修行销,1985年,
最新关于语言能力英语面试口语(i=interviewer主试人 a=applicant受
试人)dialogue ai:do you speak a foreign language?a:yes,i speak it
well.i:can you read and write english well.a:i speak the language better
than i read and write.
英语面 试口语:自我介绍以下是两篇英语口语自我介绍,很简洁,
讲述了自己的兴趣爱好,性格特点,让我们一 起看看下文英语面试口
语:自我介绍~范文一:hello everyone, my name is lee. this is really a
great honor to have this opportunity, and i believe i
面试口语:你能多快开始工作q:if we offer you a position and you
accept it, how soon thereafter can you begin to work?给你一个愿意接受的
职位,你多快能开始工作?a:after giving my current employer two weeks'
参考关于姓名与年龄的英语面试口语(i= interviewer主试人 a=
applicant应试者)dialogue ai:good down please.a:thank
you.i:can you tell me what your full name is,please?a:my full name is
yuming liu.
14面试英语口语:关于工作经验关于工作经验 you got any
experience in advertising?你有广告方面的经验吗? you have any
sales experience?你有销售经验吗? you have any practical
experience as a secretary?你有秘书工作的实践经验吗?122.
英文面试口语:举出三项最令你自豪的成绩can you name three
accomplishments you are most proud for?你能举出三项最令你自豪的成绩
吗?yes,from when i worked for acb chips.能,那是我在abc芯片公司时的
电话面试口语技巧介绍面对突如 其来的电话面试你该怎么办?你是
面试英语口语:小组面试时问题应该这么答when it comes to the
content of your respoes, you should awer as you would in any other
interviewing scenario. the trick is to communicate with each peon on the
英语面试口语:关于地址和籍贯 hometown is tianjin.我的家乡
是天津。 is your domicile place?你的户籍在哪里? domicile
place is nanjing.我的户籍在南京。
英语面试口语大全:关于应聘原因 do you come here for a
job?你为何到此处来找工作? you for your interest in this
do you coider youelf qualified for thisjob?谢谢你对本公司的
面试口语:面试中最糟的错误hiring manage don't want to hear a lot
of things during an interview -- confessio of a violent past, a cell phone ring,
a toilet flush. yet job seeke have committed these interview gaffes and woe,
according to
英语口语面试:教育背景1) what degree will you receive?你将拿到什
么学位?2) i will receive a bachelo degree.我将获得学士学位。
最新面试口语:初入职场菜鸟必备1. don't fake it until you make it.不
要不懂装懂many new worke try to appear more knowledgeablethan they
really are. they don't ask questio. they think they need to have awe to be
valuable to their organizatio,
1)do you have any work experience in this field?你有这个行业的工作经验
吗?2)what kind of jobs have you had?你做过哪些工作?3)what's your
respoibility at your present work
关于应聘原因英语面试口语why do you come here for a job?你为何
到此处来找工作?thank you for your interest in this do you
coider youelf qualified for this job?谢谢你对本公司的兴趣,为何你认为
自己符合这职位的资格?i speak fairly
面试英语口语:接受职位1. i am rejoiced to tell you that you are
employed.很高兴通知你,你被录用了。2. i am calling to let you know
that you are selected to fill the position of project manager.我是想通知你,
英文面试口语:在什么样工作环境下感觉最好in what kind of work
environment are you most comfortable?你在什么样的工作环境下感觉最
好?i function best in a positive but competitive environment.在积极又充满
英语面试口语:关于导游职务 do you want to be a tour guide?
你为何想当导游呢?799.i want to be a tour guide because i like to travel and
i also like meeting various kinds ofpeople.我想当导游是因为我喜欢旅
经典英语面试口语之家眷 you got married?你结婚了
吗? you married?你结婚了吗?,sir.i'm married.是的,先生,
我结婚了。 is no hurry for that.i think i'll try to earn enough for that.
英语面试口语:薪金期望关于待遇问题 ,合理地进行自我报价有以
还是供过于求。3.个人的 经验和能力将是薪酬定位的决定性因素。
“离职和应聘原因”面试口语范文如今跳槽已是一个很普遍的 现象,
就是你要说出现在应 聘的这个公司能为你提供原公司不能提供的方
面,包括个人发展(development)、机会(o pportunity)、工作环境(working
面试口语:英语表达能力 you speak a foreign language?你会讲
外语吗? you read and write english?你阅读和写作英语能力如
何? did you begin to learn english?你从何时起学英语的? did
you study english?你为什么学英语?5.
英语面试口语参考: 关于到任时间 could you start working?
你何时能开始工作?450.i can start tomorrow if you like.如果需要,我可
精选口语面试的 自我介绍评委老师们:大家好!翁去八百载,醉乡犹
在;山行六七里,亭影不孤。我来自风景秀丽的琅琊 山脚下滁州市的一
化熏 陶,善解人意。十八岁的我自信、洒脱,有着良好的交际能力。
面试口语自我介绍的诀窍如果觉得自己 实在找不到特别的优势,
出自己呢?应聘者自我介绍要 能够在非常短的时间内,引起面试官对你

英语面试口语: 关于个人技能关于个人技能 you any
experience with a computer?你有使用电脑的经验吗? you use a
computer?你会操作电脑吗? you take shorthand?你会速记吗?254.
can you dictate?你会笔录吗?255.
面试口语: 关于所谋之职关于所谋之职 you able to take this
job?你能担负这种工作吗? your present and former employe
give you recommendatio?你现在及前任雇主都会给你写推荐函
吗? job is not in naijing.
英语导游面试口语指导英语导游面试口语指导:key sentences(重点
句子) 798. why do you want to be a tour guide?你为何想当导游呢?799.i
want to be a tour guide because i like to travel and i also like meeting
various kinds of people.
面试英语口语:应聘 空中小姐的英语面试成为一名空中小姐可是很
多女孩子的梦想。可是越是在意,在面试的时候也容易紧张 。下面是
一则空姐面试会话,希望能对你有所帮助。a-applicant i-intervieweri:
you would like to become a stewardess, wouldn't you?a: yes, i would
最新面试口语:20个细节暴露你的弱点dont come a half an hour
early. it makes me feel pressure to finish what im doing. 5 minutes early is
more than enough。
英语面试口语:关于销售员职务关于销售员职务740.i came in awer
to your advertisement for a salespeon.我是来应征贵公司所招聘的售货员
面试口语:还有工作的你是如何来参加面试的you said earlier that
you were still working for abc have you managed to attend
this interview while still e mployed?刚才你说目前还就职于abc公司,你
是如何在工作中抽出时间来参加这场面试的?i took a day off.
英语面试口语:About Part-time Job关于业余工作 you do a
second job in addition to your full-time job?除了专职工作以外,你有没有
从事第二职业? you take on any part-time work in your leisure time?
面试培训之关于个人能力的英语面试口语 is your greatest
strength?你的最大长处是什么?236.i manage my time perfectly so that i
can always get things done on time.我极懂分配时间,因此总能准时完成
expressio 基本句型表达1) then you may think that i am not fit for this job
according to my educational background.你可能认为我的教育背景并不适
最新毕业生英语面试口语: 关于工作成就 you talk about
your merits?你能谈谈你的工作业绩吗? please tell me something
about your achievements in your work unit.现在请你谈谈你在工作单位的
关于面试英语口语:开场白1) may i come in?我可以进来吗?2) how
are you doing, m. smith?你好,史密斯女士。3) excuse me. may i see m.
smith?对不起,我可以见史密斯女士吗?4) miss wu? will you come in
please? take a seat.吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。
面试口语:为何选择来我们公司应聘about your reaso for
applicationa: why are you interested in working with this company?b: i
am interested in working with your company because i know you is one of
the largest computer companies in our country
英文面试口语:上一个雇主对你的评价如何what was your last
employer's opinion of you?上一个雇主对你的评价如何?my last boss said i
was an extremely accurate,compulsive and follow-thorugh peon on every
assignment and always met my given deadlines.
英语面试口语:在职业介绍所在职业介绍所 you think you
can get a job for me?您能帮我找个工作吗? you please fill out this
form?请填这张表。's this form for?这张表是做什么用
的? is for registration.作为登记用。
优秀英语面试口语之教育背景1) what degree will you receive?你将拿
到什么学位?2) i will receive a bachelo degree.我将获得学士学位。
面试英语口语:个人信息常用口语句let me introduce myself fit.先让
我做下自我介绍。my name is li ming.我的名字叫李明。my present
address is 115 jiankang road.我现在的住址是健康路115号。i was born
on march 9th, 1988.我出生子1988年3月 9日。
最新面试口语:十句电影台词彻 底搞定面试官一句精彩的引用可以
英语面试口语之面试结束basic expressio 基本句型表达1) do you
have any questio you want to ask?你有问题要问吗?2) when will i know
your decision?我何时能知道你们的决定?3) how can we get in touch with
you?我们怎样才能和你取得联系呢?4) i can
职场英语口语训练之面试结果im just calling to follow up on the
status of the peonnel manager.我打电话来是想问一下人事经理的招聘情
关于工作成就英语面试口语dialogue a(i=interviewer主试人
a=applicant受试人)i:would you talk abut your merits?a: i have been
working as an editor for nearly three yea.i have edited twenty-one scientific
and technical booksnearly five million
开场语英语面试口语训练情景对话1 :a: may i come in?i: yes, please.a:
how are you doing, madam? my name is wujing. i am coming to your
company for an interview as requested.i: fine, thank you for coming. mr. wu,
please take a seat.
英语口语面试常见问题:工作习惯1. if i spoke with your previous
boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?对策:
emphasize your skills, and don't be overly negative about your weaknesses.
关于地址和籍贯的英语面试口语大全 do you live?你住哪
里?'s your address?你的住址是哪里?'s your present address?
你现在的住址是哪里?'s your permanent address?你的永久性住址
是哪里?38.i live at 238 zhongshan road,apt.
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全2017面试口语:你 怎样看待在小公司工作14面试英语口语:如何
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