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2021-01-05 15:29


学员编号: 年 级:六年级 课 时 数:
学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:
星 级
T U2L1基础知识梳理

1、 掌握本课所学的词汇,包括一词多义及词性转换等。
2、 掌握本课所学的重点句型,学会用简单的英语问路。


批注:这里用网上最近比较热的词汇“交通新规”来导入今天的话题:交通。对知道的学生进行一个交通新规 的完整补

1. 1. traffic n. (uncountable 不可数名词)交通,运输
e. g. There wasn't much traffic on the roads. 马路上的车辆不是很多。

批注: 习惯用法:traffic lights 交通信号灯 heavy traffic 交通拥堵,重交通
traffic j am 交通堵塞 traffic signs 交通标志
traffic safety 交通安全

2. Straight a. 直的,正直的
e. g. a long, straight road 一条长长的笔直的马路。
They sat down in a straight line. 他们坐成一条直线 。
Her hair is blonde and very straight. 她有一头直直的金发。
ad. 直,直接
e. g. Go straight ahead and you'll see the post office on your right. 向前直走,你会看到一个邮局在你的右边。
She was looking at me. 她直直地看着我。
early get up early ;
an early train
late be late for class
come late for school
deep dive deep into the sea
a hole deep large
hard a hard question;a hard stone
work hard study hard
rain hard
straight a straight line
go straight along here

3. ahead a. & ad. 向前(的),在前(的)
e. g.) The man on the watch cried out:
词组:ahead of 在 .. 前面,先于 ahead of time 提前
e. g. London is about five hours ahead of New York
traffic accident 交通事故
traffic rules 交通规则 at the traffic lights 在红绿灯处
批注:补充一些关于ahead 的常用词组: go ahead 向前走,去吧,干吧,说吧
e. g. —Would you mind my opening the windows? —我开开窗好吗?
—Not at all. Please go ahead. —当然可以。开吧!
—Can I watch TV? —我可以看电视吗?
—Sure, go ahead. — 当然可以。看吧!

4. block n. 街区,一大块
e.g. a block of wood 一块木头
I live two blocks from the school. 我住在离学校两个路口的地方。
Turn left after two blocks. 走过两个街区后往左拐。
批注: vt. 妨碍,阻塞
e.g. A heavy snow block the main road. 一场大雪阻塞了主要公路。

5. within prep. 在…里面(近义词) in, inside (反义词) without 超出…之外,outside
e. g. She returned within an hour. 她不到一小时就回来了。

within walking distance 步行就能到达 within driving distance 开车就能到达
within reach 在附近(距离不远)
e. g. He always puts the dictionary within his reach. 他总是把词典放在手边。

6. distance n. 距离;远离
e. g. We can see Jinmao Building from the distance. 我们从远处就可以看到金茂大厦。
The distance between Beijing and Tokyo is 2100 kilometres. 北京到东京的距离是2100 千米。
批注:补充习惯用语:in the distance(far away) 在远处
e. g. Church bells rang in the distance. 教堂的钟声在远处响起。keep one's distance 保持距离,尽量远离
e. g. The neighbours tend to keep their distance. 邻居们总是试着保持距离。
long distance call 长途电话
派生词: distant a. 遥远的,远的
e. g.) She is a distant cousin of mine. 她是我的远房表妹。
It snows all the year round in that distant little village.

7. pleasures 快乐,愉快;乐事
e. g.) “你愿意和我们在一起吗?”“谢谢,非常愿意。”

DDD (direct distance dialing) 长途直拨电话
It's my pleasure to talk with you. 和你交谈很愉快。
Did you take the trip for business or for pleasure?
批注:派生词:please v. 取悦,请 e. g. It's difficult to please everybody. 很难做到人人满意。
pleased a.

高兴的 e. g. They were all very pleased with the news. 他们听到那消息都很高兴。
pleasant a. 令人愉快的,舒适的 e. g. What pleasant weather! 多么宜人的天气啊!

8. cross n. 十字架,十字架形物件,交叉路(X或 +)
e. g.) My homework got a lot more ticks than crosses. 我的作业得到的勾比叉多。(cross 为名词)
v. 交叉,横过,越过
(e.g.) Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时要当心。
批注:派生词:: across prep. 穿过,横过 ad.横过
(e. g.) Can you swim across the river? 你能游到河的对岸吗?
The foreigner lives in the house across the street. 那个外国人住在街道对面的房子。

9. along prep. 顺着,沿着
e. g. We walked along the road. 我们沿着路走。
Go along Park Street and turn left at the traffic lights. 沿着Park大街走,在红绿灯处左转。
批注:词组:all along 始终,一直 = all the time
e. g. I knew the truth all along. 真相我始终是清楚的。

10. opposite a. 相对的,对立的,对面的
e. g. Put the wardrobe in the corner opposite the door.把衣柜放在对着门的那个角落里。
I live in the house opposite. 我住在对面的房子里。
批注:opposite 还可以做介词 表示“在…的对面”
e. g. ) Put the piano opposite the sofa. 把钢琴放在沙发对面。
习惯用法: in the opposite direction 在相反的方向

11. direct vt. 指示,指挥,命令,给…指路
e. g. Can you direct me to the airport? 你能告诉我去机场怎么走吗?
Do you know how to direct the way in English?你知道怎样用英语来指路吗?
a. 笔直的,直接的,坦白的 e. g. ) He gave the teacher a direct answer. 他给了老师一个直接的答案。
批注:这里需要补充direct 的相关词性转换:
Direction n. 方向
e. g. He walked in the opposite direction. 他朝相反的方向走去。
I'm lost. Can you give me directions, please? 我迷路了。你可不可以教我怎么走?
director n. 导演,经理,主管,指导者
e. g.) Ang Lee has become one of the greatest directors in the world today.
Ang Lee 已经成为当今世界上最著名的导演之一。
Indirect a. 间接的
e. g.)

二、重要句型Important Sentences structures
1. 1. Excuse me. How can I get to the Shanghai Library? 对不起,请问到上海图书馆怎么走?
Excuse me. Where is the Shanghai Library?
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Shanghai Library?
Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Shanghai Library?
Excuse me. Which is the way to the Shanghai Library?
Excuse me. Can you tell me how 1 can get to the Shanghai Library?
get to 到达= arrive atin, reach
批注:辨析:get to,arrive,reach
reach 和 arrive都是比较正式的用法,都可以表示到达某地。 reach是及物动词,可直接跟宾语,而arrive 是不及物
动词,后面要跟介词in或at. arrive in 指到达较大的地方或较长久居住的地方
arrive at 指到达较小的地方
或到达时间。 get to 最通俗,可与 arrive,reach 换用。
2. How far is it? (离这儿)有多远?
far ad.& a. 远的(地)[反]near 附近的(地)
e.g.) I don't want to drive very far. 我不想把车开得太远。
词组:far from 远离(远远不)
e.g.) on the way back home, my car broken down on a road far from a town.
He is far from well. 他并不健康。far away 遥远的(远远的)
e. g. ) I live far away from my school. 我住的地方离学校很远。
批注:辨析:how far, how long
how long表示“有多久时间”,问的是时间; 而how far表示“有多远”,问的是距离。
( e. g. ) —How long did you stay here? —你在这儿呆了多久?
—About two hours. —大约两小时

—How far is it from Beijing to Bangkok? —从北京到曼谷有多远?
—It's about 3300 kilometres. — 大约 3300 公里。

—How far is it from your home to school? —从你家到学校有多远?
—It's about twenty minutes' walk.—大约20分钟的步行路程。

3. Take the second turn on your left. 在第二个路口向左转。
该句中的take指的是 to use a particular form of transport or a particular road in order to go somewhere 有“采用,乘,搭,
e. g. ) take the No. 65 bus 乘 65 路公车 take the footbridge 走天桥
take the subway 走地下通道(英国用法)
take the zebra crossing 走斑马线

take the elevated highway 走高架
批注:这里可以回顾一下乘坐交通工具的几种用法复习一下。By bustrainferryplane,
take a taxibustrainferryplane.

4. But I didn't know how to say that in English. 但是我不会用英文说(那些话)。
批注:辨析: say, speak, talk, tell
speak“说”、“讲”、“演讲”, 做及物动词时,宾语常是表示语言的词。该词着重强调个人的 说话能力。另外,说某种语
e. g. ) Do you speak French? 你说法语吗?

talk“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”,与 speak 的意义相近。一般用做不及物动词,指一般的谈话或交谈,而不如speak正规
的“演讲 ”、“发言”,须跟宾语时,与to、with、about等介词连用。与“某(些)人交谈”是talk强调 的重点。
e. g.) Look! Our teacher is talking to (with) the parents. 瞧!我们的老师正在和家长们谈话。

say一般着重讲话的内容,指有连贯性的说话,通常用做及物动词。 说的具体内容是say一词强调的重点。
( e. g. ) I don't understand what he said. 我不明白他所说的(内容)。Kate saw a card on her table,it

tell指把一件事 情传达给别人或讲述一件事情、一个故事等。常用做及物动词。着重强调把某事讲给某人听是
该词的主要 用法。因此其后可以接人也可以接物。
( e. g. ) My mother often tells me a story in the evening. 妈妈晚上常给我讲故事。

比较say it in English 用英语说 .... (it不能省略) speak English 说英语
talk in English 用英语交谈 tell the storynews in English 用英语讲故事新闻

I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)
1. A very helpful woman gave me to the police station. (direct)
2. Luckily, I have a very boss. (understand)
3. What is the _________ of this word? (mean)
4. Many _________ go to England to learn English. (foreign)
5. You mustn't run the road. (cross)

II. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)
1. She was looking at me. (straight)
2. We went _________ in the hills. (cross)
3. We can see the Oriental Pearl Tower from the . (distant)
4. 4.I wear sandals on my . (foot)

III. Rewrite the following sentences. (按要求改写下列句子)
1. The bus goes to the Shanghai Library. (改为一般疑问句)
_________ the bus ________ to the Shanghai Library?
2. The Bund is about half an hour's walk from here. (对划线部分提问)
is the Bund from here?
3. It took him half an hour to walk to the Bund. (对划线部分提问)
__________________ did it take him to walk to the Bund?
4. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Zhangjiang High-tech Park? (保持上下句意思一致)
Excuse me, can you tell me to Zhangjiang High-tech Park?

I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.
1. directions 2. understanding 3. meaning 4. foreigners 5. across
Il. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.
1. straight 2. across 3. distance 4. feet
III. Rewrite the following sentences.
1. Does... go 2. How far 3. How long 4. the way
score:____________ (17小题,共17分)

批注:这里可以通过让孩子回家后跟父母分享今天所学到的知识,提醒父 母要遵守交通规则来进行总结,一方面增加孩

Step 1. 思考回忆所学知识点,并将所学知识点列在下面
words: direct, opposite, along, cross, pleasures, distance, within, block, ahead, Straight, traffic
重要句型Important Sentences structures

Step 2. 错题回顾










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