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2021-01-06 17:56
tags:英语考试, 外语学习


1. In the early in industrialized countries of Europe the process of industrialization-with all the
far-reaching changes in social patterns that followed-was spread over nearly a century, whereas
nowadays a developing nation may undergo the same process in a decade or so。 在工业化国
家,在欧洲早期工业化的进程与所有的社会 形态意义深远的随访,持续了近一个世纪,而如
2. The American economic system is organized around a basically private enterprise, market
oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their
money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most。 美国经济体系是围
绕着基本的私营 企业、市场为导向的经济中,消费者很大程度上决定了什么应该被制造,他们
花费的钱在市场上的产品和 服务,他们最想要的
3. Pollution is caused either by man′s release of completely new and often artificial substances
into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance, such as oil
from oil tankers into the sea. 污染造成的人可以通过′释放全新的而且经常 人工物质
4. The kinds of evidence for the roundness of the world that led finally to it s general acceptance
included such data as the shape of the shadow of the earth on the moon during an eclipse of the
moon, the fact that as one sails from port on a ship the building of the port gradually seem to sink
below the surface of the water and most convincing, the fact that it is possible to sail all around the
world and return to the starting point of the voyage . 对于世界,最终导致它的圆度的证 据,
环游世界,并 返回所有的航程的起点
5. Apart from the enormous outflow of funds from the oil? Consuming countries, a more basic
concern is the capability of the major exporters of crude oil to achieve a continuing production
target roughly doubling output every ten years to meet the required oil demand if present trend
continues. 除了资金大量外流的油?消费国,更关注 的是基本的原油主要出口国的能力,
实现持续的生产目标产量大约每十年翻一番,以满足所需的石油需求 ,如果目前的趋势继续
6. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cut ting out
unnecessary buying, excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily
lives.? 污染和浪费是一个问题每个人都 可以帮助解决被截婷买了不必要的,多余的消
7. It is now possible to add or subtract two large numbers in one to two micro seconds, and to
multiply or divide them in ten to twenty microseconds, so that a computer can perform as much
arithmetic in a quarter of an hour as an efficient clerk with pencil and paper might reasonably hope
to achieve in a lifetime. 7。现在可以添加或减去一到两个微型秒两个大号码,并乘以或
除以十到二十微秒他们,使一台计算机可 以执行的一刻钟内尽可能多的算术与作为一种高效
8. The implications of this line of reasoning are inescapable: the movement of traffic through the
streets of a town cannot be understood without taking into account the activities which take place
in the buildings which line them; to get at the roots of the traffic problem we must approach it
through the social and e economic factors which determine the ways in which activities and
buildings are arranged in our towns. 这种推理的影响是不可避免的:交通通过一个小镇的
街头运动不能 没有考虑到的活动,参加哪一行建筑,并将它们放置理解,来获得的交通问题,
我们必须根它的做法城镇 通过社会和经济因素在我们的电子安排的决定的方式是活动和建
9. As the century developed, the increasing magnitude and complexity of the problems to be
solved and the growing interconnection of different disciplines ma de it impossible, in many cases,
for the individual scientist to deal with the hug e mass of new data, techniques and equipment that
were required for carrying out research accurately and efficiently.? 9。在本世纪的发展,不断
增加的 幅度和有待解决的问题的复杂性和不同学科的发展马得无法互连,在许多情况下,个
别科学家处理拥抱E 的新数据,技术和设备的质量这是开展研究所需的准确和有效。?
10. But even today, in spite of the high standard of living which has become general in the more
fortunate West, the majority of people in the world still spend nearly all their time and energy in a
near-ending struggle with nature to se cure the food and shelter they nee 10。但是,即使在今天,
在生活 的高标准,已成为西方普遍比较幸运的,尽管人们在世界上大多数人仍然花与自然几
乎所有的时间和精力 本身治愈的食物在接近结束的斗争和住所的东东
11. The progress of science depends upon many concerned with the application o f the working
laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man's control over his
environment, thus leading to the development of new technique, processes and machines. 11。科
学的进展取决于许多关注纯科学中的应用 规律的合作,生活的实际事务,并加强人类的环境
12. Thus we may be faced with a society having two basic groups in industrial organization: one
consisting of those who understand, through their education and training, the complicated
techniques necessary to control the complex industrial and organization environment that has
developed; the other consisting of those who carry out the decision of this organizing group. 1 2。
成谁该集团决 定进行本组织。
13. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend
to increase the supply offered by seller? producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit
more consumers to buy the product? 13。如果,另一方面,在降低生产某种商品导致其成本,
那么这就有可能增加卖方 提供的供给?生产者,这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消费
14. Electricity produced by water falling over a dam is energy from the sun because the sun's heat
had to raise up the water by evaporation before it could fall back to the earth as rain and run down
the rivers? 14。大坝产生的电力比由落水是因为太阳的能量来自太 阳的热量就提高了水的蒸
15. Only a small percentage of them will have the educational background adequate to cope with
the effective use of these new techniques, and we have too, the general problem of a low average
level of education which prevents effective communication on this subject? 15。其中只有一小部
分将有足够 的教育背景,以应付新技术的有效利用这些,我们有太多,这个问题的一般性问
题的平均水平低教育沟通 以防止有效?
16. For very many years London has been a business centre with hotel accommodation mainly for
visiting businessmen together with other well to do travelers and completely inadequate for the
swarms of short-stay tourists landing at Heathrow or disembarking at Dover? 16。对于多年来,
合作 良好,成群的旅客和做的完全不够的短期逗留的游客?
17. But many questions remain unanswered regarding the effect of irrigation a nd drainage on the
quality of ground-water, and the possibility of maintaining the ground-water level below the zone
of the plant roots while bringing to the surface the water necessary for irrigation? 17。但许多问题
仍然没有答案 有关灌溉的影响一水次排水地面上的质量,灌溉区的可能性,维持植物的地上
水含量低于根而带来的表面 对水的必要吗?
18. The introduction of the brain element into manufacturing is likely to increase the productivity
per man to such an extent that we can look forward to an era where there should be a plentiful
supply of goods and a reduction in the hours necessary to produce them 引进的生产要素进入
大脑可能会增加人的生产力,每到这样的程度,我们可以期待一个时代,应该有充足 的商品
19. He tried to discover how it was that an industrial system which created great wealth
nevertheless forced nearly one? third of the population of the riche st city in the world to live in a
state of chronic want 他试图发现它是怎么说的工业体系,创造了巨大的财富,然而迫使近
吗 ?慢性三分之一人口的富豪圣市在世界上生活在一个国家想要
20. Some families would be delighted, no doubt, to have a robot slave doing all the downstairs
housework after they were in bed at night, while others would prefer to have it done in the
morning, but this would be entirely a matter of choice ? 20。有些家 庭会很高兴,毫无疑问,有
一个机器人奴隶所做的一切家务后,晚上楼下是在床上,而其他人则倾向于将 它早上做的,
21. In some cases, it has been found more economical to have the powerhouses located near the
center of consumption and supply them with oil and gas fuel by pipe lines, than to have the
powerhouses at the oil field or gas field and send the electric energy over long transmission lines
21 。在某些情况 下,它已经发现有更经济的消费中心附近,位于强国和供应石油和气体燃
料通过管道线他们,比有在油田 或天然气田的动力源泉,并传送电能以上长的输电线路
22. Moreover, demographers see the continuing shift south and west as joined by a related but
newer phenomenon: More and more, Americans apparently are looking n ot just for places with
more jobs but with fewer people, too 22。此外,人口学家看到不断转向南 部和西部的关系,
但加入了一个新的现象:越来越多的美国人显然是希望少的人只明灯的地方更多的就业 机会
23. A feature of modern industrial society is the amount of time which must be spent in education
in order to enable person to equip him or herself with the skills necessary for employment within
the complex technological and social systems that characterize this society23。一个现代工业社会
24. The explosion of technology is already freeing vast numbers of people from their traditional
bondage to nature, and now at last we have it in our power to free mankind once and for all from
the fear which is based on want24 他的特点和社会制度,或者自己与技能,以便在复杂的技术
工作。爆炸的是该技术已摆脱传统束缚的广大 人民的性质,而现在我们终于有这方面我们有
25. Money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any I Know of It serves directly to assist
a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home market and so
making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices25。花在广告上的花 费,以及任何









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