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2021-01-07 03:53
tags:单元测试, 英语, 高中教育



1.阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白

During my second year in high school, I got sick and missed a few days. When I 1 , I was
greeted with two essays due, three days of math and history homework, plus several tests 2
I went home from school that day exhausted, I had to stay up really late to finish them all.

The next day at school, I got a rude awakening: I'd totally forgotten to prepare for the 3
on Romeo and Juliet, which I' d take 4 my lunch hour! Worse still, I had 5 the in-
class discussion and all the notes. When lunch came, I went to the English room to face my
certain doom(厄运). All I could do was try to 6 on the questions I didn't know.

As it turned out, I didn't know the majority of the questions. I was just about to give 7
when my pencil accidentally fell and broke. Standing by the blackboard sharpening my pencil, I
8 down and there in full view lay the answer sheet for the test! What good fortune! I can kiss
good-bye to all my 9 of failing the test! My heart started beating, and my brain 10 .
Yes! Read over the answers-quickly! This was quickly followed by another voice, No! You'll get
caught! My mind turning back and forth, Yes! No! Yes! No! This went on for ten of the 11
seconds in my entire life.

Finally, I decided to finish the test on my own, without 12 ! I was satisfied with my
decision but pretty 13 I had failed the test.

The next day when I walked into the English room, my great joy of having been an 14
soul changed into a wave of doom as I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk. I knew
what awaited me. I stared at it a few seconds before I got up the 15 to turn it over.

You can only imagine my 16 when I feared that I had passed the test! I have never in my
whole life been so happy to see my 17 , a C.

My mom says the victories that 18 the most courage are won within. Now I know
19 what she means Now not only can my conscience(良心)rest easy, but I don't have to worry
about getting caught and meeting a sad 20 like Romeo and Juliet.

1. A. arrived

2. A. If

3. A. lecture

4. A. by

5. A. missed

6. A. depend

7. A. in

8. A. wrote

B. returned

C. appeared

D. finished

B. Because

C. Until

B. test

B. upon

B. agree

B. off

C. play

C. over

C. guess

C. out

D. Although

D. essay

D. toward

D. dropped

D. improve

D. away

D. looked

B. carried

C. lost

B. settled

C. calmed

9. A. boredom

B. tiredness

C. loneliness

D. worries

10. A. whispered

B. warned

C. persuaded

D. flashed

11. A. coldest

B. saddest

C. longest

D. fastest

12. A. suffering

B. checking

C. cheating

D. thinking

13. A. certain

14. A. open

16. A. anxiety

17. A. paper

18. A. take

20. A. film

B. regretful

C. annoyed

D. relieved

B. honest

C. optimistic

D. energetic

C. intention

D. encouragement

C. shock

C. rate

C. find

C. ending

D. appreciation

D. grade

D. gain

D. love

B. fear

B. credit

B. put

B. fact

15. A. wisdom

B. nerve

19. A. gradually

B. exactly

C. willingly

D. seemingly

【答案】 (1)B;( 2)D;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)
D;(10)A;( 11)C;(12)C;(13)A;(14)B;(15)B;(16)C;(17)D;
(18)A ;(19)B;(20)C;

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者生病之后 ,错过了一些课程,而担心不能
通过考试,在考试过程中经历了想要作弊到放弃作弊的心理过程,明白了 母亲说的那句

(1)考查动词。句意:当我 回来的时候,迎接我的是两篇要交的论文,三天的数学和历
史作业,还有几次考试。A. arrived”到达“;B. returned”返回“;C. appeared”出现“;D.

(2)考查状语从句。句意:虽然那天我放学回家的时候已经筋疲力尽了,但是为 了完成
作业,我不得不熬夜到很晚。A. If”如果“;B. Because”因为“;C. Until”直到“;D. Although”
尽管“。此处用although引导让步状语从句,意为尽管, 故选D。

叶》的考试。A. lecture”讲座“;B. test”测试“;C. play”戏剧“;D. essay”论文“。根据第一段
的”plus several tests“可知,此处还有《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的考试。故选test与前文呼应,

叶 》的考试,我要占用我的午餐时间!根据语义可知,故选C。

(5)考查动词。句意:更糟糕的是,我错过了课堂讨论和所有的笔记。A. missed”错过“;
B. carried”搬动“;C. lost”丢失“;D. dropp ed”推动“。根据语境可知,因为作者生病错过了很
(6)考查动词。句意:我所能做的就是试着猜那些我不知道的问题。A. depend”依靠“;B.
agree”同意“;C. guess”猜测“;D. improv e”改进“。根据语境可知,作者因生病没有太多的时
间复习,自然有很多题都不会,需要靠猜的,故选 C。

(7)考查介词。句意:我刚要妥协,我的铅笔不小心掉下来摔断了。作者正准备向猜 答
案妥协的时候,铅笔掉了下来,give in固定短语,” 让步“,故选A。

(8)考查动词。句意:我站在黑板旁削铅笔,低头一看,试卷就在眼前!A. wrote”写“;
B. settled”解决“;C. calmed”使冷静“;D. look ed”看“。根据语境可知,铅笔掉落之后,作者
在黑板前削铅笔,低头看到了试卷就在眼前,look down固定短语向下看,故选D。

(9)考查名词。句意:太幸运了!我再也不用担心考试不及格了。A. boredom”厌倦“;B.
tiredness”疲累“;C. loneliness”孤独“;D. worries”担心“ 。根据语境可知,作者看到了其他考

whispered”耳语“;B. warned”警告“;C. persuaded”劝说“;D. flashed”使闪光“。根据下
文”Yes! Read over the answers-quickly! …“可知,作者在脑海里出现了很多念头,仿佛在低声

(11)考查形容词。句意:这持续了我一生中最长的十秒钟。A. coldest”最冷的“;B.
saddest”最悲伤的“;C. longest”最长的“;D. fastest”最快的“。 根据语境可知,作者在和自己
做斗争,可想而知,这短暂的几秒钟让作者觉得这是其一生中最长的几秒, 故选C。

(12)考查动词。句意:最后,我决定自己完成考试,不作弊。A. suffering”遭受“;B.
checking”检查“;C. cheating”作弊“;D. thinking”思考“。作者经历了思想斗争之后,决定放
弃看 别人试卷的行为(不作弊),故选C。

(13)考查形容词。句意:我对我的决定很满意,但我确信我考试不及格。A. certain”必然
的“;B. regretful”遗憾的“;C. annoyed”烦恼的“;D. relieved”感到宽慰的“。根据语境可知,
作者固然对自己 不作弊的想法感到很满意,但考试必然不合格,故选A。

(14)考查形容词。句意:第二 天,当我走进英语教室的时候,当我看到我的试卷面朝下
躺在我的桌子上时,原本作为一个诚实的人的那 种巨大喜悦变成了一股厄运的浪潮。A.
open”开放的“;B. honest”诚实的“;C. optimistic”乐观的“;D. energetic”精力充沛的“。根据
上文可知,作者放 弃了作弊,选择做一个诚实的人,故选B。

(15)考查名词。句意:我盯着它看了几秒钟,才鼓起勇气把它翻过来。A. wisdom”智慧
“;B. nerve”神经“;C. intention”意图“;D. encouragement”鼓励“。get up the nerve固定短

(16)考查名词。句意:你可以想象当我担心我通过了考试时的震惊!A. anxiety”焦虑“;B.
fear”害怕“;C. shock”震惊“;D. appreciation”欣赏“。根据下文 可知,作者得到C的成绩之

(17)考查名词。句意:看到我的成绩是C,我从来没有这么高兴过。A. paper”纸“;B.
credit”信用卡“;C. rate”比率“;D. grade”成绩“。根据空后的a C可知,这是成绩等级,故

(18)考查动词。句意:我妈妈说最需要勇气的 胜利是发自内心的。A. take ”拿走“;B.
put”放置“;C. find”找到“;D. gain”获得“。take the courage固定短语,需要勇气,故选

(19)考查副词。句意:现在我完全明白她的意思了。A. gradually ”逐渐地“;B. exactly”确
切地“;C. willingly”情愿地“;D. seemingly”看起来“。故选B。

剧结局。A. film”电影“;B. fact”事实“;C. ending”结局“;D. love”爱“。作者在考 试经历了

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,状语从句等多 个知识点的考
查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻< br>辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。

2.阅读下面短文,从短文后 各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

My wife and I set out across a vast wasteland of sandy desert and just headed for some
mountains and canyons (峡谷) two miles away. There were no 1 in the desert and we
had no destination in mind. After about 4-5 miles, 2 in the canyons, we sat down for
lunch. We thought we heard our 3 echoing (回音) down through the canyon, but the
distant echoes didn't 4 .

After a few minutes, high on the canyon wall we heard someone else 5 clearly in the
distance. So I 6 a little up and saw a man shouting to us. He seemed 7 .

We continued to climb up a few hundred 8 to where he was. He was a retired
policeman from California. He and his wife were 9 an ATV (全地形车) for miles across the
mountains just like we were doing. He 10 down into our canyon on a steep slope (斜坡)
that no ATV should have been on.

His wife, recognizing the danger, 11 got off just before he drove it over a small ledge
and 12 it in a tree. The car had its 13 several feet off the ground, hanging in a
bush. He was 14 and only his pride was wounded.

Together we 15 a risky and complex plan to saw (锯), tie and land his ATV into some
logs that would stop it from 16 off the next bigger ledge. Then we built a road back up
the ledge. The 17 took a couple of hours.

He didn't know 18 where he was, but he would follow his tracks back to his truck. They
were so relieved that we had 19 them from walking out of the desert. They just wanted
to 20 and talk a while over lunch before heading home.

1. A. shelters

2. A. dusty

3. A. actions

4. A. match

5. A. singing

6. A. climbed

7. A. gentle

8. A. blocks

9. A. riding

10. A. looked

11. A. truly

12. A. removed

13. A. doors

14. A. safe

B. trails

B. active

B. succeed

B. talking

B. hopeful

B. feet

B. testing

B. flew

B. freely

B. landed

B. seats

C. bases

C. deep

C. cheering

C. cheering

C. rude

C. trees

C. wiping

C. headed

C. sincerely

C. ruined

C. wheels

D. schedules

D. upset

D. conversation

D. escape

D. quarreling

D. slipped

D. desperate

D. miles

D. balancing

D. jumped

D. wisely

D. fixed

D. windows

D. foolish

B. experiences

C. pleasures

B. struggled

C. dashed

B. confident

C. grateful

15. A. put forward

B. tried out

16. A. rising

18. A. briefly

19. A. saved

20. A. survive

B. getting

B. finally

B. calmed

B. escape

17. A. discussion

B. rescue

C. went through

D. carried out

C. rolling

C. accident

C. exactly

C. protected

C. respond

D. setting

D. disaster

D. actually

D. warned

D. relax

【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)D;(4)A;(5)B;(6)A;(7)D;(8)B;( 9)
A;(10)C;(11)D;(12)B;(13)C;(14)A;(15)D;(16)C; (17)B;

【解析】【分析】本文 是一篇记叙文,作者与妻子驾车在沙漠里旅游,在谷底野餐时他们
发现另一对夫妇跟他们一样也在驾车旅 行,但男子把车开到了陡坡的树上,急需援救。

(1)考查名词。句意:沙漠里没有小路,我们也没有目的地。A. shelters”庇护所“;B.
trails”路“;C. bases”基础“;D. schedules”时间“表。根据下文”in the desert and we had no
destination in mind“可知,沙漠里没有路,作者夫妇心里也没有目的地。故选B。

(2)考查形容词。句意:在峡谷深处走了4-5英里后,我们坐下来吃午饭。A. dusty”灰尘
覆盖的“;B. active”活跃的“;C. deep”深的“;D. upset”不安的“。根据上文”After about 4-5

致。A. actions”行动“;B. experiences”经历“;C. pleasures”愉快“;D. conversation”对话“。根
据下文”echoing(回音)down through the canyon“可知,作者觉得他们的谈话在峡谷回音。

致。A. match”匹配,符合“;B. succeed”成功“;C. cheering”欢呼“;D. esc ape”逃走“。根据
下文可知,他们听到的不是回音,而是真的有人在谈话。此处的意思是,远处的回 音与他

(5)考查动词。句意:几分钟后,我们听到远处有人在说话。A. singing”唱歌“;B.
talking”谈论“;C. cheering”欢呼”;D. quarreling“争辩”。根据下文“clearly in the distance”可

(6)考查动词。句意:所以我爬了一点,看到一个人对我们喊。A. climbed“攀爬”;B.
struggled“挣扎”;C. dashed“猛冲”;D. slipped“滑动”。根据上文“high on the canyon wall we

(7)考查形容词。句意:他似乎很绝望。A. gentle“温和的”;B. hopeful“有希望的”;C.
rude“粗鲁的”;D. desperate“绝望的”。根 据下文可知男子把车开到了陡坡的树上需要救

(8)考查名词。句意:我们继续向上爬了几百英尺才到他所在的地方。A. blocks“街区”;
B. feet“英尺”;C. trees“树木”;D. miles“英 里”。根据常识可知,作者从谷底向上爬了几百英

做的那样。A. riding“骑”;B. testing“测试;C. wiping擦;D. balancing”平衡“。根据下
文”for miles across the mountains“可知,此人和他的妻子正驾驶全地形车穿过山脉行驶数英

A. looked”看“;B. flew”飞翔“;C. headed”前往“;D. jumped”跳跃“。根据下文”down into our
canyon on a steep slope“可知,他从我们所在的峡谷陡坡上朝下开。head down固定短语,

(11)考查副词。句意:他的妻子意识 到了危险,明智地在他把车开过一块小岩石架,落
在一棵树上之前下了车。A. truly”真地“;B. freely”自由地“;C. sincerely”真诚地“;D. wisely”
明智地“。根据下文”got off just before he drove it over a small ledge“可知,发现危险后,此人

(12)考 查动词。句意:他的妻子意识到了危险,明智地在他把车开过一块小岩石架,落
在一棵树上之前下了车。 A. removed”去掉“;B. landed”降落“;C. ruined”毁灭“;D. fixed”修
理“。根据下文”it in a tree可知,此人的车落在了一棵树上。故选B。

(13)考查名词。句意:汽车的轮子离地几英尺高,挂在灌木丛中。A. doors门;B.
seats座位“;C. wheels”车轮“;D. windows”窗户“。根据常识可知,车落到树上,自然是车

(14)考查形容词。句意:他很安全,只是自尊心受到了伤害。A. safe”安全的“;B.
confident”自信的“;C. grateful”感激的“;D. foolish”愚蠢的“。根据下文”and only his pride
was wounded.“可知,此人很安全,只是自尊心受到了伤害。故选A。

(15)考查动 词短语。句意:我们一起执行了一项危险而复杂的计划,把他的ATV锯下
来,绑好,并把它降落在一些 木头上,防止它从下一个更大的平台上滚下来。A. put
forward”提出“;B. tried out”试验“;C. went through”经历“;D. carried out”实施“。根据下
文”a risky and complex plan“可知,他们一起实施了一项危险而复杂的计划。故选D。

(16)考查动词。句 意:我们一起执行了一项危险而复杂的计划,把他的ATV锯下来,绑
好,并把它降落在一些木头上,防 止它从下一个更大的平台上滚下来。A. rising”上升“;B.
getting”得到“;C. rolling”滚动“;D. setting”设置“。根据上文”land his ATV into some logs that
would stop it from“可知,作者他们让车落到一些原木上,以便阻止车从下一个更 大的悬崖

(17)考查名词。句意:营救工作花了几个小时。A. discussion”讨论“;B. rescue”营救“;C.
accident”事故“;D. disaster”灾难“。根据下文”took a couple hours“可知,营救花了几个小

briefly”简略地“;B. finally”最后“;C. exactly”确切地“;D. actually”实际上“。根据下文”but
he would follow his tracks back to his truck“可知,那人不能确切地知道自己身在何处,但他

saved”拯救“;B. calmed”冷静“;C. protected”保护“;D. warned”警告“。根据下文”them from
walking out of the desert“可知,这对夫妇如释重负,是作者使得他们免于步行走出沙漠之
苦。save sb. from固定短语,“把某人从……拯救出来;使某人免于……”。故选A。

(20)考查动词。句意:他们只是想放松一下,在回家前吃午饭时聊聊天。A. survive”幸
存“;B. escape”逃跑“;C. respond”回答“;D. relax”放松“。根据下文”and talk a while over
lunch before heading home“可知,这对夫妇只是想放松一下, 在回家前吃午饭时聊聊天。

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词, 副词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一
篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根 据上下文的逻辑关系,进行

3.阅读下面 短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白

A Welcome Gift

Dario and his mother loved their new apartment. The living room was large enough for their
piano. That night, the two of them 1 side by side at the piano. They played jazz music to
celebrate their new home. The loud 2 filled the room and made them feel very happy.

The next morning, 3 , their happiness disappeared. Someone had left a 4 under
their door during the night. One of their neighbors had written to complain about the sound of
the piano. Dario's mother asked the building superintendent (管理员) if he knew anything about
it. But he said that they were all 5 people and he couldn't imagine any of them had done
that. Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their 6 and apologize
for their playing.

They both loved the 9 . Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared
desserts 10 their guests. They decorated the apartment with streamers (彩带) and party

Finally, the day of the party 11 . Some guests brought presents. Others brought flowers.
Some even brought desserts to 12 . One woman, Mrs. Gilbert, 13 Dario's mother
with a book of piano music by Chopin.

heard you playing the other night,she said. sounds woke me out of bed. I
14 that you might play like this every night. So I wrote a short note. I hope you don't think I
disliked the playing.

Dario's mother smiled at Mrs. Gilbert.

music at night.

pointed to the book she had given them.

the evening.

we won't play so loud or late!Dario said. He was already looking forward to
19 the new music. More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his
mother's face. It gave him a feeling of 20 and made him feel that they were home at last.

1. A. sat

2. A. voice

4. A. note

5. A. proud

7. A. blame

8. A. party

10. A. to

12. A. order

B. stood

B. ring

B. poster

B. rich

B. instruct

B. concert

B. with

B. sell

C. lay

C. music

C. bill

C. lucky

C. relatives

C. question

C. show

C. for

C. passed

C. share

D. walked

D. cry

D. instead

D. report

D. nice

D. audience

D. visit

D. play

D. from

D. finished

D. advertise

D. served

D. worried

D. owe

D. loud

D. afraid

D. writing

D. sympathy

3. A. therefore

B. however

C. otherwise

6. A. neighbors

B. friends

9. A. experience

B. idea

11. A. continued

B. arrived

C. performance

D. action

13. A. treated

B. presented

C. helped

14. A. promised

B. admitted

C. agreed

15. A. give

16. A. realize

17. A. sweet

18. A. brave

B. send

B. strange

B. sorry

C. offer

C. funny

C. happy

B. remember

C. understand

D. accept

19. A. changing

B. practicing

C. recording

20. A. equality

B. freedom

C. warmth

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)D;(8)A;( 9)
B;(10)C;(11)B;(12)C;(13)B;(14)D;(15)D;(16)A; (17)D;

【解析】【分析】本文 是一篇记叙文,有一对喜欢弹奏钢琴的母子搬到了新公寓,有一天
晚上他们弹奏到很晚,影响到其他邻居 ,他们感觉到抱歉,所以办了一个聚会邀请邻居,

(1)考查动词。句意:Dario和妈妈并排坐在钢琴旁。A. sat”坐“;B. stood”站“;C. lay”躺
“; D. walked ”走路“。根据下文“side by side at the piano”可知,他们应该是坐在钢琴旁边弹

(2)考查名词。句意:吵闹的音乐充满了整个房间。A. voice”声音“;B. ring”铃声“;C.
music”音乐“;D. cry”哭泣“。根据上文中的“They played jazz music”可知,这里应该是吵闹的

(3)考查连词。句意:然而第二天幸福消失了。A. therefore”所以“;B. however“然而”;C.
otherwise “否则”;D. instead“而不是”。根据上文中的“made them feel very happy”以及下文
的“their happiness disappeared”可知,此处应为转折关系. 。故选B。

(4)考查名词。句意:有人晚上在他们的门下面留有一张纸条。A. note“纸条”;B.
poster“海报”;C. bill“账单”;D. report“报告”。根据下文中的“One of their neighbors had
written to complain about the sound of the piano”可知,这里指一张便条,故选A。

(5)考查形容词。句意:他们人都非常好。A. proud“骄傲的”;B. rich“富有的”;C. lucky
“幸运的”;D. nice“好的”。根据下文中的“he couldn't imagine any of them had done that”可
知,主人公想向管理员咨 询,哪一位邻居可能是那位留言的抱怨者,可管理者也并不能指

(6) 考查动词。句意:Dario建议给邻居写一封道歉信。由上文邻居抱怨钢琴的声 音可

(7) 考查动词。句意:也许我们可以一个一个的去拜访他们。A. blame“责备”;B.
instruct“指导”;C. question“ 质疑”;D. visit“拜访”。根据“we could go”和“in person”可知,这

(8) 考查名词。句意:办一个聚会邀请邻居们参加怎么样。A. party“聚会”;B. concert“音
乐会“;C. show”展示“;D. play”玩“。邀请邻居此题为线索题且为原词复现,根据下文中的
“party lights”和“the day of the party”可知,他们是想举办一个聚会。故选A。

(9)考查名词。句意:他们都喜欢办聚会这个想法。A. experience”经历“;B. idea”观点,
想法“;C. performance ”表演“;D. action”行动“。母子打算办派对,这是一个打算,一个主

(10)考查介词。句意:他们发送邀请,并准备了甜点。“prepare sb for sth”固定短语,
“为某人准备某物”这里指母子办派对,为招待客人们准备了甜点. 故选C。

(11)考查动词。句意:聚会的这一天到了。A. continued”继续“;B. arrived”到达“;C.
passed ”通过“;D. finished“完成”。根据上文中的“Some guests brought presents”可知,他们

(12)考查动词。句意:一些邻居带了甜点来分享。A. order“点餐,命令”;B. sell“卖”;C.
share“分享”;D. advertise“做广告”。根据语境,因为 是参加聚会,所以一些邻居带了甜点

(13)考查动词。句意:Mrs. Gilbert送给他的妈妈展示一本肖邦的音乐书。A. treated“对
待”;B. presented“展示”;C. helped“帮助”;D. served“服务”。根据本句话的意思:Mrs.
Gilbert送给了Dario的妈妈一本音 乐书,能表达出“送”这个动作的,就是present“呈现…,

(14) 考查动词。句意:我担心你可能每天晚上都会这样弹奏。A. promised“许诺”;B.
admitted“承认”;C. agreed “同意”;D. worried“担心”。根据下文中的“You might play like this
every night”可知,这里应该是Mrs. Gilbert当时很担心每天晚上都会这么吵。故选D。

(15) 考查动词。句意:我觉得我们应该欠你一个道歉。A. give“给”;B. send“发送”;C.
offer“提供”;D. owe“欠”。owe sb. an apology“应该向某人道歉”。故选D。

(16) 考查动词。句意:我们弹得时候没有意识到这么晚了。A. realize“意识到”;B.
remember“记得”;C. understand“理解”;D. accept“接受”。根 据语境可知,这里表示Dario

(17) 考查形容词。句意:这些音乐不是大声的音乐。A. sweet“甜蜜的”;B. strange“奇怪
的”;C. funny“ 滑稽的”;D. loud“大声的”;根据上文“I like what you play!Just not so loud at
night. ”说明Mrs. Gilbert 不喜欢那么吵的音乐,因此她送了 Dario的妈妈一本比较安静的音

(18) 考查形容词。句意:我们很开心在晚上弹奏。A. brave“勇敢的”;B. sorry“抱歉”;C.
happy“ 高兴的”;D. afraid “害怕”。根据上文“These songs are beautiful music,”说明Dario
的妈妈很喜欢这些音乐,所以we will be happy to play them. 故选C。

(19)考查动词。句意:他总是期待练习新的音乐。A. changing“改变”;B. practicing“练
习”;C. recording“记录”;D. writing“写”。 根据语境可知,因为是新音乐,所以Dario很期

(20)考查名词。句意:这使他充满温暖感。A. equality“平等”;B. freedom“自由”;C.
warmth “温暖”;D. sympathy“同情”。根据下文中的“made him feel that they were home at

查,是 一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关
系,进行分析推理,从 而选出正确答案。

4.For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.
Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

After my public lectures on evolution, someone in the audience asks,
People want to know if humans are getting taller, smarter, better looking or more athletic. My
answer is truthful but 1 : We're almost certainly evolving, but we don't know in what
2 or how fast.

We've seen some evolution in our species over the past few millennia, but it was detected by
reconstructing history from DNA sequences. For example, we know that during the past 10,000
years, several populations of humans — those keeping sheep, cows or goats for milk— gained the
ability to digest dairy products. This quality was 3 in our earlier ancestors who, after
babyhood, never encountered milk. And in the past 3,000 years, Tibetans have acquired
4 adaptations that allowed them to develop well in their high-altitude, low-oxygen home. But
these well-documented changes are limited to particular populations, so the 5 for recent
evolution of our entire species, remains not much.

The authors of
ever, but we're doing it to ourselves. Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans argue that humans have
7 evolution — not just in our own species but virtually in all species:
are increasingly in charge. We are the primary drivers of 8 . We will directly and indirectly
determine what lives, what dies, where, and when. We are in a different phase of evolution: the
future of life is now 9 .

According to the authors, we've replaced natural selection with what they call 10
the biggest fishes is 11 those smaller fishes.

Yet while there's no doubt that we're changing the planet, the claim that we're completely
changing evolution on the planet 12 . Let's take those fish that are evolving to reproduce
smaller and younger for example. This 13 has been documented in many species that we
eat, but this is just a minuscule fraction (极小的一部分) of the 30,000 known species of fish.

The authors speak with 14 assurance about how our species is evolving in response to
nearly everything. When they claim, for example, our ingestion (摄取) of drugs and exposure to
chemicals mean that 滥用) the word
15 .药理
学的) environment, but change alone is not evolution.

1. A. instructive

2. A. direction

3. A. beneficial

4. A. unproved

5. A. study

6. A. disagree

7. A. delayed

8. A. unbalance

9. A. in our hands

10. A. destructive

11. A. by means of

13. A. problem

14. A. strong

15. A. environment

B. disappointing

B. region

B. adaptable

B. changeable

B. evidence

B. support

B. overdone

B. disaster

B. out of order

B. unnatural

B. at the cost of

B. mistake

B. baseless

B. technology

C. decisive

C. frequency

C. unique

C. genetic

C. interest

C. follow

C. neglected

C. change

C. in peace

C. in favor of

D. conflicting

D. condition

D. useless

D. mysterious

D. implication

D. approve

D. controlled

D. disturbance

D. out of control

D. for the protection of

C. adventurous

D. emotional

12. A. makes no sense

B. makes great impression

C. calls attention

D. comes to an end

C. phenomenon

D. obstacle

C. sensitive

C. exposure

D. persuasive

D. evolution

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)D;(4)C;(5)B;(6 )A;(7)D;(8)C;(9)
A;(10)B;(11)C;(12)A;(13)C;(14) B;(15)D;

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了《自我进化》一书的进 化论观点——人类不
仅控制了我们自己物种的进化,实际上也控制了所有物种的进化,但作者对这一观点 的根

(1)考查形容词。句意:我的回答是真实的但也是令人失望 的:我们几乎可以肯定地在
进化,但我们不知道朝着什么方向或以多快的速度。A. instructive“教育性的”;B.
disappointing“令人失望的”;C. decisive“决定性的;D. conflicting相矛盾的”。根据冒号后的

化, 但我们不知道朝着什么方向或以多快的速度。。A. direction“方向”;B. region“地区”;C.
frequency“频率”;D. condition“状况”。上 文说听众想知道人类是否会进化得越来越高、越
来越聪明、越来越好看或是运动能力越来越强,但我的回 答是令人失望的,这说明我们不
知道人类朝哪个方向进化(言外之意,也可能朝着相反的方向进化),故 选A。

(3)考查形容词。句意:在我们早期的祖先中,这种能力是没用的,他们在婴儿时 期之
后,就再也没有喝过牛奶。A. beneficial“有益的”;B. adaptable“适合的”;C. unique“独特
的”;D. useless“无用的”。 上文说那些饲养绵羊、奶牛或山羊的人类获得了消化乳制品的能
力,但在我们早期的祖先中,这种能力是 没用的,因为他们在婴儿时期之后,就再也没有

(4)考查形 容词。句意:在过去的3000年里,藏族人获得了遗传的适应能力,使他们能
够在高海拔、低氧的家园 发育良好。A. unproved“未证实的”;B. changeable“不定的”;C.
genetic“遗传的”;D. mysterious“神秘的”。藏族人能够在高海拔、低氧的环 境下生存,这种

(5)考查名词 。句意:但这些有据可查的变化仅限于特定的种群,所以我们整个物种最
近进化的证据仍然不多。A. study“研究”;B. evidence“证据、迹象”;C. interest“兴趣”;D.

(6)考查动词。句意:《自我进化》的作者们不同意这种观点。A. disagree“不同意”;B.
support“支持”;C. follow“跟随”;D. approve“赞成”。根据下文可 知,他们声称我们不仅比
以往任何时候都进化得更快,这说明他们不同意上面提到的那种观点(我们不知 道人类朝

(7)考查动词。句意:胡安 ·恩里克兹和史蒂夫·古兰认为,人类不仅控制了我们自己物种
的进化,实际上也控制了所有物种的进化 。A. delayed“推迟”;B. overdone“过火”;C.
neglected“忽视”;D. controlled“控制”。根据下文可知,无论是好是坏, 我们都在日益掌控

(8)考查名词。句意:我们是推动变革(进化)的主要力量。A. unbalance“不平衡”;B.
disaster“灾难”;C. change“变化”;D. disturbance“干扰”。 根据上文可知,人类不仅控制了我
们自己物种的进化,实际上也控制了所有物种的进化,所以我们是推动 变革(进化)的主

中。A. in our hands“在我们手中、在我们控制下”;B. out of order“混乱”;C. in peace“和平
地”;D. out of control“失去控制”。根据上文可知,我们将直 接和间接地决定生或死,这说

然选择。A. destructive“毁灭性的”;B. unnatural“非自然的”;C. adventurous“爱冒险的”;D.
emotional“感动人的”。与“natural selection”相对的应该是unnatural selection,故选B。

(11)考查介词短语。句意:捕捞最大的鱼类有利于那些较小的鱼类。A. by means of“凭
借”;B. at the cost of“以……为代价”;C. in favor of“支持,有利于”;D. for the protection
of“对于……的保护”。根 据上文可知,过度捕捞减少了许多鱼类的平均尺寸,这是因为捕捞
最大的鱼类有利于那些较小的鱼类(避 免大鱼吃小鱼的情况发生,让较小的鱼类长得更

(12)考查动词 短语。句意:尽管我们正在改变这个星球是毫无疑问的,但声称我们正在
彻底改变这个星球的进化却毫无 意义。A. makes no sense“毫无意义”;B. makes great
impression“留下深刻印象”;C. calls attention“引起注意”;D. comes to an end“结束”。根据下
文举的鱼的例子可知说我们正在彻底改变这个星球的 进化是毫无意义的,故选A。

(13)考查名词。句意:这种现象在我们食用的许多鱼类中 都有记载,但这只是已知的
30000种鱼类中的一小部分。A. problem“问题”;B. mistake“错误”;C. phenomenon“现象”;
D. obstacle“障碍”。 根据上文可知,让我们来看看那些正在进化的鱼,它们会繁殖更小的
鱼,此处指的就是正在进化的鱼会繁 殖出更小的鱼这种现象,故选C。

(14)考查形容词。句意:作者毫无根据地肯定了我们 的物种是如何进化来应对几乎所有
的事情的。A. strong“强大的”;B. baseless“无根据的”;C. sensitive“敏感的”;D.
persuasive “有说服力的”。根据下文的举例可知,《自我进化》的作者的肯定没有根据的,

孩子 的大脑正在快速进化时,他们滥用了进化这个词。A. environment“环境”;B.
technology“技术”;C. exposure“曝光”;D. evolution“演变 、进化”。根据下文可知,我们的
孩子的大脑可能会随着新的药理学环境而快速变化,但变化本身并不是 进化,因此他们滥

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词, 形容词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇科普
类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步 根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推

5.阅读下 面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处

Barry White, Jt., a fifth grade English teacher at Ashley Park PreK-8 School, has a personalized
handshake as greetings with every one of his students every day.

The students know that when they 1 the school gate we do our 'good mornings' and
then it's time to 2
pumped up 4 . we start doing the moves, which brings them 5 and cheers them
up for a high-energy 6 .

Each handshake is different, using custom moves inspired by the student's personality.

trouble sometimes for being late because she'd wait on the 9 .

two students and then it became contagious (有感染力的) , he 11 .
12 to them, so I said, Come on, everyone! Come on! Then it was my 13 class, then it
was kids from other classes. Now I have third graders wanting to do it too.

His administration loves the 14 which White brings to his students each day.
handshakes 15 his own authentic building relationships with 16 . When I walk
into my teachers' rooms, I see the 17 of those strong and trusting relationships. When
kids know their teacher 18 , they are attentive, engaged and driven to be 19 .
That's the culture we are 20 ,校长) Meaghan Loftus.

1. A. get to

2. A. leave

3. A. greetings

4. A. or

5. A. relief

6. A. meeting

7. A. third

8. A. nod to

B. search for

C. break into

D. knock at

B. try

B. helping

B. and

B. envy

B. quarrel

B. fourth

C. stop

C. but

C. sorrow

C. class

C. fifth

D. go

D. for

D. excitement

D. food

D. sixth

D. knock into

C. servings

D. treating

B. smile at

C. wait for

9. A. headmaster

B. teacher

11. A. added

12. A. owed

13. A. former

15. A. deny

C. handshake

D. administration

10. A. discussing

B. classifying

C. confirming

D. making

B. shouted

C. repeated

D. responded

B. took

B. full

C. meant

C. empty

C. chance

D. lent

D. boring

D. enthusiasm

D. expect

D. members

D. cares

D. helpful

14. A. challenge

B. justice

B. represent

C. admit

16. A. students

B. colleagues

C. parents

18. A. doubts

B. hesitates

C. intends

C. gentle

17. A. confidence

B. patience

C. influence

D. pressure

19. A. successful

B. polite

20. A. analyzing

B. building

C. describing

D. changing

【答案】 (1)A;( 2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)D;(6)C;(7)B;(8)C;(9)
C;(10)D;( 11)A;(12)C;(13)B;(14)D;(15)B;(16)A;(17)C;
(18)D ;(19)A;(20)B;

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一名五年级英语老师Barry White每天都要和每一位< br>学生进行个性化的握手问候。每一次握手都是不同的,使用的是受学生个性启发而定制的
动作。握 手代表了Barry White与学生之间建立的真实关系。而当孩子们知道他们的老师关
心他们的时 候,他们就会变得专注、投入并努力取得成功。

(1)考查动词短语。句意:学生们知道, 当他们到达校门口时,我们会说'早上好',然后
就该走了。get to“到达”;B. search for“寻找”;C. break into“闯入”;D. knock at“敲”。根
据下文“the school gate”可知是到达校门口,故选A。

走了。离开”;B. try“尝试”;C. stop“停止”;D. go“出发”。故选D。

greetings“问候”;B. helping“帮助”;C. servings“服务”;D. treating“招待”。根据上文“his

(4)考查连词。句意:我总 是充满活力,我们开始做动作,这给他们带来了兴奋,让他
们在高能量的课堂上振奋起来。A. or“或者”;B. and“并且”;C. but“但是”;D. for“为了”。根

(5)考查名词。句意: 我总是充满活力,我们开始做动作,这给他们带来了兴奋,让他
们在高能量的课堂上振奋起来。A. relief“宽慰”;B. envy“嫉妒”;C. sorrow“悲伤”;D.
excitement“激动”。根据下文“cheers them up”可知给他们带来了兴奋。故选D。

(6)考查名词。句意:我总是充满活力,我们开 始做动作,这给他们带来了兴奋,让他
们在高能量的课堂上振奋起来。A. meeting“会议”;B. quarrel“吵架”;C. class“班级,课
堂”;D. food“食物”。根据上文可知是在学校,因此是课堂。故选C。

(7)考查数词。句意:他解释说:去年,我和一个四年级的 学生握了握手。A. third“第
三”;B. fourth“第四”;C. fifth“第五”;D. sixth“第六”。根据下文“fourth grade”可知是四年

(8)考查动词短语。句意:四年级的那个女孩每天早上上学前都会等我。A. nod to“向……
点头”;B. smile at“向.......微笑”;C. wait for“等待”;D. knock into“撞上”。根据下文“she'd

headmaster“校长”;B. teacher“老师”;C. handshake“握手”;D. administration“管理”。根据
上文“I started with one simple handshake last year with one of my...”可知是在等待握手。故选

(10)考查动词。句意:今年我开始在课间休息时和孩子们握手。A. discussing“讨论”;B.
classifying“分类”;C. confirming“确定”;D. making“制造”。make handshakes固定短语,握

added“补充”;B. shouted“叫喊”;C. repeated“重复”;D. responded“回答”。故选A。

(12)考查动词。句意:我知道这对他们有多重要,所以我说,大家加油!A. owed“亏
欠”;B. took“带走”;C. meant“意味着”;D. lent“借出”。故选C。

(13)考查形容词。句意:然后是我的全班同学,然后是其他班的同学。A. former“从前
的”;B. full“完全的”;C. empty“空的”;D. borin g“无聊的”。根据上文可知握手在班级里传

(14)考查名词。句意:他的上级喜欢怀特每天给他的学生带来的热情。A. challenge“挑
战”;B. justice“正义”;C. chance“机会”;D. enthusiasm“热情”。根据上文“White told ABC
News of his enthusiastic”可知怀特很热情。故选D。

(15)考查动词。句意:巴里的握手代表了他与学生们建立真实的关系。A. deny“否认”;
B. represent“代表”;C. admit“承认”;D. expect“期待”。故选B。

(16)考查名词。句意:巴里的握手代表了他与学生们建立真实的关系。A. students“学
生”;B. colleagues“同事”;C. parents“父母”;D. members“成员”。根据上文可知巴里是和学

响。A. confidence“自信”;B. patience“耐心”;C. influence“影响”;D. pressure“压力”。根据
下文“of those strong and trusting relationships”可知是看到了关系的影响。故选C。

(18)考查动词。句 意:当孩子们知道他们的老师关心他们的时候,他们就会变得专注、
投入并努力取得成功。A. doubts“怀疑”;B. hesitates“犹豫”;C. intends“打算”;D. cares“关

(19)考查形 容词。句意:当孩子们知道他们的老师关心他们的时候,他们就会变得专
注、投入并努力取得成功。A. successful“成功的”;B. polite“有礼貌的”;C. gentle“温和的”;
D. helpful“有帮助的”。根据上文“attentive, engaged and driven to be”可知学生会取得成功。

(20)考查动词。句意:这就是我们正在建立的文化。A. analyzing“分析”;B. building“建
造”;C. describing“描述”;D. changing“改变”。故选B。

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,连词, 数词,固定短语等多个知识点的考
查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根 据上下文的逻辑关


On the Iraq-Syria border, a pack of wild dogs circled a group of American soldiers for food. The
1 of the pack was a gray-and-white dog. The soldiers 2 him Nubs. Nubs was shaking
and 3 able to stand. Marine major Brian Dennis looked closer and saw that there was a
knife wound 4 his chest.

Dennis couldn't 5 seeing the dog suffer. He and his men immediately treated the wound,
and gave Nubs oral medicine. Nubs pulled through but was still 6 The next day, the team
had to leave. Ten days later, Dennis's unit was back and so was Nubs. He was still 7 , but
the men fed him and played with him.

Before long the unit once again 8 an outpost (前哨) 70 miles away. Nubs, slowly but 9
tracked them far into the trackless wasteland until the men lost 10 of him. Two days later,
beyond Dennis's 11 , he saw Nubs just outside the outpost. The dog had 12 him
across 70 miles of frozen desert to meet the friend who had saved his life. From then on Nubs
and the men slept in the same place, and ran around in the same ruins.

Until a(n) 13 came down from above that they should not be allowed to have pets,
Dennis decided to make sure the dog 14 continue to live the good life. So he quickly
15 $$4,000 from his family and friends to fly Nubs to 16 .

A month later, when Dennis and the dog were 17 in California, at first Nubs didn't
recognize the guy. 18 within seconds, the dog flew into Dennis's arms, 19 up again
and again to lick his friend's face.

A little care and concern in the middle of war will not save a 20 world. But small stories,
like the story of a soldier and a dog, hold a promise of a harmonious world.

1. A. guider

2. A. called

3. A. mostly

4. A. in

5. A. help

6. A. in vain

7. A. weak

8. A. made up

9. A. aimlessly

10. A. touch

12. A. saved

13. A. signal

14. A. need

15. A. rose

16. A. Britain

B. leader

B. said

B. certainly

B. on

B. stand

B. in danger

B. sad

C. major

C. told

C. barely

C. at

C. admit

C. in surprise

C. alive

D. helper

D. spoke

D. clearly

D. behind

D. avoid

D. in pain

D. alone

D. took over

D. carefully

D. control

D. followed

D. order

D. should

D. aroused

D. Syria

B. returned from

C. left for

B. determinedly

C. unhappily

B. footprint

B. shown

B. project

B. would

B. arose

B. America

C. sight

C. found

C. plan

C. might

C. raised

C. Iraq

11. A. imagination

B. ability

C. understanding

D. power

17. A. reunited

18. A. So

19. A. jumping

20. A. peaceful

B. recalled

B. And

B. climbing

C. restored

C. But

C. cheering

D. reminded

D. Then

D. bringing

D. violent

B. competitive

C. fantastic

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6 )D;(7)A;(8)C;(9)
B;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)D;(14) B;(15)C;(16)B;(17)A;

跟随在后面,当 上级规定部队不允许养宠物的时候,Dennis以把狗送到了美国,一年之
后,他们在加利福尼亚相见 了,这只狗非常亲热的添着Dennis的脸。

(1)考查名词。句意:在伊拉克和叙利亚 的边界,一群狗围着一队美国士兵正在寻找食
物。领头是一只灰白相见的狗,此处是指领头的狗。A:g uider“指导者,导游”;B:
leader“领导者,领袖”;C:major“主修科目,专业 ”;B:helper“助手,帮手”。故选B。

(2)考查动词。 句意:士兵们把这只 领头的狗叫这Nubs。A:called“称,叫”;B:
said“说”;C:told“告诉”; D:spoke“讲话”。call sb /sth sth 固定短语,“把某人或某人唤

( 3)考查副词。A:mostly“主要地,多半地”;B:certainly“当然”;C:barely“ 仅仅,勉
强,几乎不”;D:clearly“清楚地,清晰地”。 Nubs浑身颤抖几乎不能站立。 Dennis走向前

(4)考查介词。句意:胸部有一处刀伤。in the chest固定短语,“在胸部”. 故选A。

(5)考查动词。句意:Dennis不能忍受看见Nubs所受的痛苦。Den nis和他的队友立刻治
疗他的创伤,给他吃了一些口服药。A:help“帮助”;B:stand“ 忍受”;C:admit“承认”;
D:avoid “ 避免”。Dennis不忍心去看,故选B。

(6)考查介词短语。句意:尽管Nubs度过了难关,但是他仍然很痛苦。A:in vain“白费
地,徒劳地”;B:in danger“处在危险中”;C:in surprise“惊奇地”;D:in pain“痛苦”。根据

仍然 很弱,Dennis和他的队友喂了他还陪他一起玩儿。A:weak“虚弱的”;B:sad“悲伤
的 ”;C:alive“活着的”;D:alone “单独的”。故选A。

(8)考查动词 短语。句意:不久之后,Dennis和他的团队不得不再次去七十英里外的前
哨。A:made up“ 弥补,编造,化妆”;B:returned from“从.....地方回来”;C:left for“动身
去”;D:took over “接管,接收”。此处表示动身去某个地方,故选C。

(9)考查副词。句意:Nubs走 得很慢,但很决然地跟着他们走了很远,走到了人迹罕至
的不毛之地。A:aimlessly“漫无目 的地”;B:determinedly“决然地,断然地”;C:
unhappily“ 不高兴地”;D:carefully “ 仔细地,小心地”。故选B。

(10)考查名 词。句意:Nubs走到了人迹罕至的地方,直到士兵们消失在他的视野里。
A:touch“ 接触,触觉”;B:footprint“足迹,脚印”;C:sight“视野,视力”;D:control “控

(11)考查名词。句意:超出了Dennis 的想 象,Nubs出现在了前哨的外面。A:
imagination“想象,设想”;B:ability “能力”;C:understanding“理解力”;D:power“力量,
(12)考查动词。句意:这只狗跟随着他穿越了七十英里的冰冷的的荒漠来见曾经救过他一命的老朋友。A:saved“挽救,节省”;B:shown“显示”;C:found“发现”;D: followed

(13)考查名词。句意:从上面 下达了一条命令,(所有士兵)都不得养宠物。A:
signal“信号,符号”;B:project “工程,项目”;C:plan“计划,安排”;D:order“命令”。 此

(14)考查情态动词。Dennis必须确 保这只狗会继续过着幸福的生活。A:need“需要”;
B:would“会,将会”;C:migh t“也许”;D:should “应该”,根据语境可知这只狗本来都是

(1 5)考查动词。句意:Dennis很块地从他的家人和朋友那里募集了4000美元。从下文
看是让狗 去一个好的地方,缺少钱,所以应为募集钱。A:rose“升起,上升”;B:arose“出
现,引 发”;C:raised“举起,使上升,募集,募捐,饲养”;D:aroused “唤醒”。故选C。

(16)考查名词。根据下文中的加来福尼亚California可 知,就是把狗送往了美国。故选

(17)考查动词。句意:一个月之后,当N ubs和Dennis在加利福尼亚再次相聚的时
候.......。A:reunited“使相聚, 使结合”;B:recalled“回想起,记起”;C:restored“修复,恢
复健康”;D: reminded “提醒,使想起”。故选A。

(18)考查连词。句意:当Nubs和 Dennis刚相见的时候,Nubs认不出了Dennis,但是一
小会儿的功夫,Nubs就冲进了 Dennis的怀抱。A:So“因此”;B:And“和,并且”;C:
But“但是”;D:The n “然后,接着”。此处表示转折的意思。故选C。

(19)考查动词。句意:狗一次又 一次的跳起来,去添着Dennis的脸。(在和他亲热)。
A:jumping“跳,跳起 ”;B: climbing“爬,攀登”;C:cheering“欢呼,活跃”;D:
bringing “带来”。故选A。

(20)考查形容词。句意:在战争中一个小小的关怀和关心不能挽救 一个暴力的世界,但
也能给人一个和谐世界的希望。A:peaceful“和平的,安静的”;B:c ompetitive“有竞争力
的”;C:fantastic“极好的,奇异的”;D:viole nt “暴力的”。故选D。

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,介词,情 态动词,固定短语等多个知
识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步 根据上下文

7.阅读下 面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处

Nearly seven years ago, I hitchhiked (搭顺风车) across Canada. It was an exciting experience,
which allowed me to look into the 1 of humanity.

Once, I was dropped off in front of a(n) 2 woman, who had pulled over because
her 3 had broken down. I approached to make sure she was 4 . She assured me
she was fine and that her husband was on his way with a truck. So I went back to my 5 ,
standing about 150 metres away. Her husband arrived. And 6 they had picked up the
broken-down car, the old couple 7 to bring me back to their place for lunch. I
8 agreed.

But our 9 was very funny. I could not-for the life of me- figure out what her husband
was 10 . He spoke English, but his strong accent made it 11 to understand. Every
time he spoke to me, I'd have to 12 ,
said this, his wife would 13 :
But we had a good time together.

This old couple's random 15 was just what I enjoyed about hitchhiking. You have non-
stop social interactions(互动) that are authentic but only in a 16 time. A person becomes
an important part of your life for an hour or two and then they 17 . However, the beauty
of these 18 being so kind never gets old.

Each meeting I had was 19 into my little treasury (宝库) of memories that has begun to
20 with time. But together, they paint a broader picture of harmony in this country.

1. A. weakness

B. origin

2. A. elegant

3. A. bike

4. A. okay

6. A. until

7. A. offered

8. A. roughly

10. A. doing

11. A. easy

13. A. step in

15. A. survey

16. A. long

B. healthy

B. car

B. alive

B. when

B. applied

C. beauty

C. dirty

C. truck

C. injured

C. before

D. chain

D. elderly

D. motorbike

D. awake

D. because

D. proudly

D. communication

D. embarrassing

D. require

D. look forward

D. check

D. fixed

D. agree

D. strangers

D. broken

D. spread

5. A. climbing

B. walking

C. camping

D. hitchhiking

C. managed

D. helped

C. plan

B. unwillingly

C. happily

9. A. teamwork

B. ending

B. suffering

C. doubting

D. saying

B. impossible

C. normal

C. ask

C. hold on

C. ignore

B. call in

12. A. remind

B. note

14. A. translate

B. accept

B. kindness

C. permission

D. occupation

B. pleasant

C. short

C. succeed

C. couples

C. inserted

C. settle

17. A. disappear

B. stay

18. A. tourists

B. drivers

19. A. knocked

B. divided

20. A. deepen

B. fade

【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)B ;(4)A;(5)D;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)
D;(10)D;(11)B;(12 )C;(13)A;(14)A;(15)B;(16)C;(17)A;
(18)D;(19)C;( 20)B;

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,介绍了作者在搭顺风车横穿加拿 大途中的一次

(1)考查名词。句意:这是一次令人兴奋的经历,让我看到了人性的美丽。A. weakness”弱
点“;B. origin”起源“;C. beauty”美丽“;D. ch ain”束缚“。根据下文内容可知,作者主要在文

停了下来。A. elegant”优雅的“;B. healthy”健康的“;C. dirty”脏的“;D. elderly”上了年纪的

了下来。A. bike”自行车“;B. car”汽车“;C. truck”卡车“;D. motorbike”摩托车“。根据下文

(4)考查形容词。句意:我上前确认她安全的。A. okay”安全的“;B. alive”活着的“;C.
injured”受伤的“;D. awake”醒着的“。根据后句内容可知,作者出自关心上前确认老人安全,

(5)考查名词。句意:于是我又继续搭便车,站在150米开外的地方。A. climbing”爬山“;
B. walking”步行“;C. camping”露营“;D. hitchhiking”搭乘“。根据上文可知,作者是在搭乘顺
风车旅行,所以在确认老人安全后就 去路边等顺风车,故选D。

until”直到……为止“;B. when”当……时“;C. before”在……之前“;D. because”因为“。故选B。

offered”提议“;B. applied”应用“;C. managed”管理“;D. helped”帮助“。根据下文中的

(8)考查副词。句意:作者非常高兴地答应了。A. roughly”粗糙地“;B. unwillingly”不情
愿地“;C. happily”高兴地“;D. proudly”骄傲地“。故选C。

(9)考查名词。句意:但是我们的交流很有趣。A. teamwork”团队合作“;B. ending”结局
“;C. plan”计划“;D. communication”交流“。根据 下文可知,作者和老人的丈夫的对话很有趣,

(10)考查动词。句意:我无论如何也猜不透她丈夫在说什么。A. doing”做“;B. suffering”
遭受“;C. doubting”怀疑“;D. saying”说“。根据下文的可知,

(11)考查形容词。句意:他说英语,但他浓重的口音使人听不懂。A. easy”容易的“;B.
impossible”不可能的“;C. normal”正常的“;D. embarrassin g”令人尴尬的“。根据下文内容可
知,作者听不懂老人说的话,由此推断老人浓重的口音让人们不可能 明白他在说什么。故选

(12)考查动词。句意:每次他跟我说话,我都会问:对不起,你说什么?A. remind”提醒“;
B. note”注意“;C. ask”问“;D. require”要求 “。根据可知,老

(13)考查动词短语。句意:每次我这么说,他的妻子都会插话。A. step in”插话“;B. call
in”召集“;C. hold on ”继续“;D. look forward”盼望 “。根据语境可知,当作者听不懂老人说的

(14)考查动词。句意:然后翻译她丈夫的话。A. translate”翻译“;B. accept”接受“;C.
ignore”忽略“;D. check”核实“。根据语境可知,当 作者听不懂老人说的话时,老太太就插话,给

(15)考查名词。句意:这对老夫妇随意的善意正是我喜欢搭便车旅行的原因。A. survey”
调查“;B. kindness”仁慈“;C. permission”允许“;D. occupation”职业“。根据上文可知,老人

long”长的“;B. pleasant”令人愉快的“;C. short”短的“; D. f ixed”确定的“。根据下文中的
可知,作者在路上遇到的人们只是在短时间内有着交集。故选C。< br>
disappear”消失“;B. stay”逗留“;C. succeed”成功“;D. ag ree”同意“。根据语境可知,作者路
上遇到的人们在同行一段时间后会彼此分手,离去,继续走自己 的路。故选A。

(18)考查名词。句意:然而,这些陌生人的善良之美永远不会变老。A. tourists”旅游者“;
B. drivers ”司机“;C. couples”夫妻“;D. strangers”陌生人“。作者在搭乘顺风车旅行的时候基
本上 遇到的都是陌生人。故选D。

(19)考查动词。句意:我把每次的相遇都加入到记忆的宝 库中,随着时间的流逝,这些记
忆已经开始褪色。A. knocked”敲“;B. divided”分开“;C. inserted”加入“;D. broken”打破“。
作者非常 珍惜旅途中的邂逅,把每次的相遇都加入到记忆的宝库。故选C。

(20)考查动词。句意 :随着时间的推移,记忆的宝库慢慢褪色了,但是,这些美好的回忆共
同描绘了更广阔的、和谐的图景。 A. deepen”加深“;B. fade”褪色“;C. settle”解决“; D.

【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词, 形容词,副词,连词,固定短语等多个知识点的考
查,是一篇人生感悟类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息 的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻

< br>8.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处
的最佳 选项。

Susie Coodall finally was discovered and rescued. She was a volunteer in the 1 Golden
Globe Race accompanying sailors through the 2 every June. On Wednesday morning,
Goodall was 2, 000 miles west of South America when her boat was like a drunken man in a
strong wind and a broken bar knocked her 3 unconscious. But soon after that she
4 and at once rang the alarm through her emergency system and a series of troubling 5
which had recorded her happenings during the journey, were 6 on her Facebook at once.

Chile's Maritime Center received her 7 and soon ordered a ship to change is
8 to rescue Goodall. Meanwhile, all Goodall could do was wait-trying to keep her boat 9
in the waving South Pacific and pumping out water that was 10 into the damaged
cabin(船舱), which made her 11 her present situation

When the Chilean ship finally 12 Goodall, lowering down a small boat to save her
seemed 13 because up to 13 feet waves will 14 the boat at any time. 15 ,
crew members on board 16 another way- lowered a long thick rope from the ship, and
17 Goodall from her ship to safety. As luck would have it, the chosen method
18 worked.

Goodall arrived at the Chilean port without any delay. On her Facebook, Goodall wrote:
were the hardest and loneliest days I've ever had. Actually, all I wanted was a break with to
19 to the busy daily life. But I might as well 20 home instead of giving up.

1. A. final

2. A. tour

4. A. awakened

5. A. updates

6. A. put

7. A. call

8. A. system

9. A. dry

10. A. leaking

12. A. rescued

13. A. fast

14. A. swallow

15. A. Besides

16. A. changed

17. A. pulled

18. A. hardly

19. A. answer

20. A. drive

B. previous

B. voyage

B. slept

B. questions

B. gathered

B. warming

B. course

B. tidy

B. flying

B. abandoned

B. proper

B. lift

B. Otherwise

B. kept

B. probably

B. access

B. ride

C. monthly

C. trip

C. shouted

C. fantasies

C. posted

C. signal

C. subject

C. still

C. flowing

C. passed

C. hit

C. Instead

C. grasped

C. usually

C. damage

C. walk

D. annual

D. scene

D. cried

D. thoughts

D. released

D. reply

D. policy

D. steady

D. dropping

D. spotted

D. push

D. Also

D. described

D. fetched

D. really

D. contribution

D. sail

3. A. permanently

B. totally

C. temporarily

D. seriously

11. A. curious about

B. worried about

C. satisfied with

D. disappointed with

C. impossible

D. uncomfortable

B. recommended

C. admired

【答案】 (1)D;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)A;(6)C;(7)C;(8)B;(9)
D;( 10)A;(11)B;(12)D;(13)C;(14)A;(15)C;(16)B;(17)A;

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,Susie Coodall是一名航海志愿者,在航海过程中遇

(1)考查形容词。句意:她是每年六月参加金球奖航海比赛的志愿者。A. final”最终的“;
B. previous”先前的“;C. monthly”每月的“;D. annual”每年的“。根据下文的every June可

(2)考查名词。句意:她是每年六月参加金球奖航海比赛的志愿者。A. tour”旅行“;B.
voyage”航行“;C. trip”短途旅行“;D. scene”场景“。根据语境可知,此处举办的是航海比

(3)考 查副词。句意:周三早上,她在以西2000英里的南美,船就像一个醉汉在强风
中,破碎木条的袭击使 她暂时昏迷。A. permanently”永久地“;B. totally”总共地“;C.
temporarily”暂时地“;D. seriously”严肃地“。根据下文”But soon after that she ___4___“可

报。A. awakened”觉醒“;B. slept”睡觉“;C. shouted”叫喊“;D. cried”哭泣“。根据下文的”at
once rang the alarm through her emergency system“可知她做了一系列自救的动作,所以她已

(5)考查名词。句意:她的脸书上立刻出现了一系列报道她航行的更新。A. updates”更新
“;B. questions”问题“;C. fantasies”幻想“;D. thoughts”想法“。根据语境可知,脸书上实时

(6)考查动词。句意:她的脸书上立刻出现了一系列令人不安的更新。A. put”放置“;B.
gathered”聚集“;C. posted”发布“;D. released”释放“。根据语 境可知,Goodall的援救信息

救古道尔。A. call”呼叫“;B. warming”变暖“;C. signal”信号“;D. reply”回复“。根据上文
的”rang the alarm“可知,智利方面接收到了她发出的信号。故选C。

救古道尔。A. system”系统“;B. course”航向“;C. subject”主题“;D. policy” 政策“。根据语境

(9)考查形容词。句意:与此同时,Goodall唯一能做的就是让自己的船在波浪翻滚的南太平洋中保持平稳。A. dry”干燥的“;B. tidy”整齐的“;C. still”安静的“;D. steady”平稳的“。

(10)考查动词。句意:把漏的水抽到受损的船舱里。A. leaking”泄露“;B. flying”飞行“;
C. flowing”流淌“;D. dropping”推动“。根据上文 可知,在Goodall航行过程中遇险一定是船

(11)考查动词短语。句意:这令她担心自己现在的处境。A. curious about”对……好奇“;
B. worried about”担心“;C. satisfied with”对……满意“:D. disappointed with”对……失望“。根
据语境可知 ,Goodall所处的处境很危险,难免会担心自己的境地,故选B。

(12)考查动词。句意:当这艘智利船最终发现Goodall时。A. rescued”援救“;B.
abandoned”抛弃“;C. passed”通过”;D. spotted“发现”。根据下文可知,智利船发现了

(13)考查形容词。句意:降低一条小船去救她似乎是不可能的。A. fast“快的”;B.
proper“恰当的”;C. impossible“不可能的”;D. uncomfortab le“不舒服的”。根据下文可知,
(14)考查动词。句意:因为高达13英尺的海浪会随时吞没这艘船。A. swallow“吞咽”;B.
lift“上升”;C. hit“打击”;D. push“推”。根据语境可知,海浪高达13英尺的,随时吞没这条

的绳子。A. Besides“另外”;B. Otherwise“否则”;C. Instead“反而”;D. Als o“也”。根据上文可









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