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2021-01-07 07:36


教研室: 教师姓名:
课程名称 新视野大学英语 授课班级
授课内容 Unit Five 授课学时 6 periods
教学目的 1. To grasp the main idea of the text
2. To develop reading skills—reading for major details.
3. To master the key language points and grammatical structures
4. To be familiar with the problem-solution pattern
Key sentence patterns
Be infected with; in place of; suffer from; hand out; regardless of;
Guard against; wipe out; distract sb. From; sign up for;

被动语态 非限定性定语从句
Structured writing
a general point supported by a problem-solution pattern

1. Lead-in Activities
2. Vocabulary Enrichment
3. Text structure Analysis

1. Language Points
2. Text Discourse
3. Memory
1. Reading Skill: Reading for Major Details
2. Grammar: the Attributive Clause.
3. Guided Writing
1. Assignment

主要采用任务型教学法:让 学生在课前了解一些关于艾滋病的蔓延

1. Self-study with the help of the website.
2. Ex. VII, VIII and IX. In the text book
3. Translation and after-class reading
4. Preview of Section A ,Unit 6
笔记本电脑, MP3

Lecture Notes
Periods 1-2 (90mins)
Section A The Battle Against AIDS
I Lead-in Activities (30mins)
1. Background Information

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a disease which
destroys the natural method the body uses to protect against other diseases. It is a
disease caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), but AIDS is different
from HIV in that the former usually causes death while HIV may lead to AIDS. HIV
is spread in three ways :(1) contact with infected blood; (2) sex; (3)mother to child.
AIDS usually develops in four stages: In the first stage, there is only infection by HIV
and antibody (抗体) production; (2) In the second stage, the lymph nodes (淋巴结)
enlarge(肿大); (3) In the third stage, an infected person may begin to have such
signs(症状) as tiredness, fever and night sweats; (4) In the last stage, AIDS is
diagnosed when a person develops certain uncommon, life-threatening illness.

the federal government
The federal government in the United States is a national republic whose members
are elected to hold office for a limited period of time by citizens over 18 years of age.
This republic has an elected president who is head of the nation as well as head of
the federal or national government.

a state government
A state government is the political structure that includes an area of land, citizens,
and an elected governing body with the right to control and change all powers within
the state that are not given by constitution to the federal government. Fifty state
governments exist in the United States.
2. Questions for discussion
1) Show the Ss some pictures and let them talk to each other about the topic on the screen.

2) show Ss the video of the Special Report given by George W. Bush on Global AIDS Act and
lead Ss to have the fast reading of the following text.
II Vocabulary Enrichment (50mins)

1. acquire: vt. 1) 获得;取得
She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study.
Some people go back for their education to acquire another degree or diploma to
impress the society.
acquire: vt. 2)拥有;得到
Some smoking and alcoholic drinks are an acquired taste and are not in born.
词 语 辨 析 acquire, obtain, gain, Get,
acquire 表示通过努力或积累 而获得才智、经验、能力、荣誉、财富,强调的是
通过逐步的、持续的、缓慢的过程来获得某物,已经获 得就永久保持。
obtain 为正式用语多指凭努力或恳求“得到”或“找出”某物,强调愿望得以实现。
gain 为正式用语,指通过努力或拼搏得到利益或有价值的东西。
get 为口头用词,含义丰富,指通过某 种手段或方法拥有某种东西,既可以指积
2. immune: a. 1) (常against, from, to与连用)免疫的;免受伤害
immune from taxation [taxes] 免税
be immune to all pleas 不容申辩
immune: a. 2) (常与from, to连用)被豁免的
The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police.
immune from criminal prosecution.免于刑事诉讼
3. infect: vt. 1)传染;使感染
One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other children.
If your eyes are infected, you must go to an oculist.
infect: vt. 2)感染;影响
Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.
he infected the whole class with her laughter. 她的笑声感染了全班同学。
4. constitute: vt. 1)构成:构成…部分或成分;组成
Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves constitute good
7 days constitute a week
constitute: vt. 2)制定;建立;设立;任命
The new government constituted new traffic regulations
The mayor constituted Mr. Bush as the chairman of the parliament.
5. alarm: n. 惊慌;警报
raise the alarm 发出警报
They heard the fire alarm. 他们听到了火警警报。
alarm: vt. 使惊慌,使恐慌
My mother was alarmed when I fell over. 当我跌倒的时候,我妈妈很惊慌。
We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。

词 语 辨 析 Alarm, fear, dread
alarm 指由于危险的突然出现而产生的惊慌失措或恐惧。
The explosion caused the alarm. 那次爆炸引起了恐慌。
fear 比较广义。 The knight felt no fears in the battle. 那武士在战斗中毫不畏惧。
dread 指由于预知某一不愉快的事情或令人害怕的事情而产生的恐惧。例如:
He has a dread of losing his job. 他害怕丢掉工作。
6. represent: vt. 表现;描写;描画;代表;象征
This painting represents a storm. 这幅画描绘暴风雨。
We chose a committee to represent us. 我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。
The bald eagle represents the United States. 秃鹰象征了美国
7. infect with: 传染, 感染
Your chances of being infected with SARS will increase if you fail to guard against
some risk factors.
8. suffer from : 忍受, 遭受
The child suffers from measles
Her schoolwork suffered from all her social activities
9. keep sth. around : 把……放在周围
It is advisable for you to keep some specific medicines around so as to meet your
urgent needs. 你最好备一些特效药物,以便应急。
10. wipe out : 消灭, 垮台;毁灭
The common lotion wipe out the mark.
Bloody conflicts between the two countries arose from the old scores both sides
failed to wipe out.
11. distract from :
The noise in the street distracted me from my reading.
My attentions are distracted from my study.
III. Text structure Analysis (10mins)
Introduction (paras.1~7)
The South Carolina AIDS Education Network has developed several techniques
useful to battle against AIDS since the discovery of AIDS.
Combat Approaches (paras. 8~13)
1. Speak to your community in a way they can hear.
teenagers to educate their peers.
3. Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage
Conclusion (para.14):
Everyone must become an educator and learn to live.

Periods 3-4 (90mins)
I Language points (45mins)
1. to be diagnosed as (with) AIDS (L.1) 诊断出是(患)艾滋病
The little boy was not well today, he was diagnosed with a bad cold. 这小男孩今天不舒服,他
2. to be infected with (L.3) 感染了……疾病
You will be infected with SARS if you fail to guard against some risk factors. 如果你忽视了
3.to constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS (L.6) 成为数量增长最快的
The online courses have constituted a real challenge to the regular courses. 远程课程对常规
4. to be slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS (L.8) 在实施防治艾滋病
The American education is observably slow in the pupils’ mathematics training.
5.In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged. (L. 9)
政府行动不力, 而许多地方性组织却应运而生了。
In place of , sth(else)sb (else ) dodoes … 与某物或某人相比, 另一物或另一人却…
应用: a.与其他人多彩的人生相比, 他在失望,甚至沮丧中走过了他47年的人生旅途。
In place of others’ colorful lives, he lived his 47 years’ life in disappointment and even
应用:b. 与前任领导的肤浅相比,现任的领导在处理问题时能够切中要害。
In place of the former leader’s shallowness, the present leader happened to be one of those
who can get to the essence of things.
6. to combat the growing number of AIDS cases (L.12) 防止爱滋病病例数量的增加
We must combat our bad habits of eating and drinking. 我们要与不良的饮食习惯作斗争。
7. to suffer from a lack of money (L.13) 缺乏资金
Her schoolwork suffered from all her social activities.
8. to keep sth. around (L.21) 把……放在周围
It is advisable for you to keep some specific medicines around so as to meet your urgent needs.
9. to speak to your community in a way they can hear (L.31) 以社区居民能接受的方式与他
He carefully explained his plan in a way that made sense to his listeners.
10. to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS (L.36) 说明防止感染艾滋病的方法
The report can be used to illustrate how valuable the data is.
11.As a result, such books actually have more effect in the communities where they are used
than government publications. (L. 38)
Sth. Sb. has does /is more… than… 某物或某人比其他物或人更……
应用: a.与他的妻子相比,他更多地沉湎于往事的回忆中。
He dwelt more on the memories of their past life than his wife.
应用:b. 她比她的姐姐们更实际。
She was more realistic than her sisters.
12.to establish an “AIDS Busters” program (L.42) 设立一个称为“艾滋病克星”的项目
His paper has established him as one of the most important figures in modern mathematics.
13.to represent the only safe measure (L.55) 代表唯一的安全措施
Their actions represent a violation of the agreement.
14. to be distracted from (doing) sth. (L.58) 使(做)某事受到干扰
He did not allow anything to distract him from his research .
15.This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win.(L. 59)
这是一场不宣而战的战争, 我们每个人都必须参加,我们只有这样才能取得胜利。
. is a(n)… that who which prep. + which…(从句) 某人或某物是……
应用a. 幸福的家庭是一个每位成员给与的多而索取得少的家庭。
The happy family is one in which each member gives more to others than take from others.
应用b. 最杰出的领导者是那些能够把无序变为有序。
The greatest leaders are the ones who can make order from the confusion .
II Text Discourse (30mins)
Part I (Para.1-2) Phenomenon description (现象法)
A serious disease named as AIDS was diagnosed in the U.S.A in the late 1870s; and since then
it has been a big threat to the America society.
Details: Since then, AIDS has killed more than 204,000 Americans — half in the past few years
alone. Another 185,000 of the one million infected with the HIV virus are also expected to
die.(Para. 1)
Nearly half of those diagnosed with the virus are blacks and Latinos. Women and youth in rural
Southern communities now constitute the fastest growing segment of people with AIDS. (Para.
Part II (para.3-6) Deduction (演绎法)
In contrast to the government’s inactivity, some local organizations have made efforts to fight
against AIDS creatively
General statement:
To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs (of the network)
operate out of a beauty shop.(Para. 4)
Specific statements:
1). The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and
shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry. She also keeps books
and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for their
2) Recently, the network began helping hair stylists throughout the Southeast set up similar
programs in their shops.(Para. 6)
Part III . (Para.7-13) Listing(列举法)&Problem-solution-evaluation (问题解决法)
The organization has generalized some practical methods which are useful to other similar
1) Speak to your community in a way they can hear.(Para.8)
2) Train teenagers to educate their peers. (Para. 10)
3) Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status. (Para.
Problem- solution-evaluation(问题解决法)
Method 1:
Speak to your community in a way they can hear.
The problem:
Many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and
expecting people to read it.
The solution:
To solve this problem, ask people in the community who can draw well to create low-literacy
AIDS education publications.(Para.8)
These books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of “sad faces” and “happy faces” to illustrate
ways people can prevent AIDS. They also show people who look like those we need to
educate, since people can relate more when they see familiar faces and language they can
understand. (Para.9)
The evaluation:
As a result, such books actually have more effect in the communities where they are used than
government publications, which cost thousands of dollars more to produce. (Para. 9)
Method 2:
Train teenagers to educate their peers.
The problem:
AIDS is spreading fastest among teenagers in the rural South. (Para.10)
The solution:
The stylists have established an “AIDS Busters” program which trains youth from 8 to 26 to go
into the community and teach “AIDS 101” to their peers.
The evaluation:
They make it simple and explain the risk of catching AIDS to friends their own age much better
than an adult can. They also play a vital role in helping parents understand the types of peer
pressure their children experience. (Para. 10)
The whole Part III: Problem-solution-evaluation (问题解决法)
The problem:
No one way of winning the war against AIDS exists.(Para.7)
The solution:
Speak to your community in a way they can hear. (Para.8)
Train teenagers to educate their peers. (Para. 10)
Redefine “at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage status.
(Para. 11)
The evaluation:
These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis but until there is a cure for AIDS,
education represents the only safe measure to guard against the virus. (Para.13)
Part IV (Para.14) Induction(归纳法)
Fighting against AIDS entails everyone’s involvement and forces each of us to be an educator
and learn to live.
III Memory (15mins)

1. To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs operate
out of a beauty shop.
2. They also play a vital role in helping parents understand the types of per pressure
their children experience.
3. We simply cannot let people continue to die because we don’t feel comfortable
talking about AIDS.

Periods 5-6 (90mins)
I Reading Skill- Reading for Major Details (45mins)
For this unit as you find in your students' book, we focus on the major details of
From the students’ book we learn that when we are reading a paragraph, we
should first try to identify and then try to separate the major detail from the small or
less important details.
Here are some ways to help you locate the major detail.
1. Learn to read for the main idea. If you identify the main idea easily, the facts
to support that idea will stand out.
2. Know that all facts and details are not equal in importance. Look only for the
facts that relate to the main idea.
Here are some examples:
Example 1
The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients when they enter the shop and
shows videos on AIDS prevention while they wait for their hair to dry. She also keeps
books and other publications around so customers can read them while waiting for
their appointments. It's amazing how many people she has educated on the job. (Para.
5, Passage A)
Main Idea: The shop owner joined in the AIDS educational programs.
Major Detail: The owner hands out AIDS information to all her clients.
Example 2
Like many other hunters, the Kung has been described as a leisured and even an
“affluent” society. They do not have or need many material possessions and in many
cases the search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming. One
anthropologist has reckoned their average work day as six hours and that adults spend
about two and a half days or between 12 and 19 hours a week in food-getting. Men
may hunt for a period and then rest for several weeks; women gather enough food for
three days at a time, and may then visit neighboring camps or entertain, as the men do
their leisure-time.
Main Idea: The Kung has been regarded as a leisured and even “affluent”
Major Detail: They do not have or need many material possessions and the
search for food is neither exhausting nor time-consuming.
Example 3
In the spring of 1983, a committee at the Medard H. Nelson Elementary School in
New Orleans decided it was time to take the mystique(神秘性) out of computers for
their 621 students. They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes
for teachers, parents and students. Almost everyone was enthusiastic about the results;
a few students became so interested that they formed a computer club. The principal
is very pleased with this experiment and plans to buy more equipment as soon as
funds become available.
Main Idea: The elementary school has equipped the children’s education with
Major Detail: They ordered six Apple II computers and set up computer classes
for teachers, parents and students.
Example 4
In the last five years, the number of studies on infant cognition has tripled. The men
and the women who attended the conference were asked to assess(评估)what has been
learned, and to develop some guidelines(指导)for future research. But the more they
talked, the further apart the brain scientists seemed from the psychologists, the vision
specialists from the linguists. While each group had made progress in its own area,
they were far from reaching any common ground, and further yet from finding
answers to such a basic question as: How are babies affected by experience?
Main Idea: Scientists in different areas were still far away from reaching any
common ground in spite that more work had been done on the subject of infant
Major Detail: They even failed to find answers to such a basic question as: How
are babies affected by experience?
Example 5
Culture itself must be transmitted, and the most effective way is through the family.
Parents teach their children the ideas and traditions they obtained from their own
parents. For this reason the family became increasingly important; the practical
applications of cultural traditions, such as hunting for food, rearing children and
tending the sick, may have been the obvious methods to use when more than one
family came together in a joint activity.
Main Idea: Parents play a vital role in cultural transmission.
Major Detail: Parents teach their children the ideas and traditions they obtained
from their own parents.
Example 6
Montagner has developed a system for observing and classifying the gesture language
of children. He has also tracked down some of its origins. In addition, his long-term
observations of children have given him a sense of the normal and abnormal
developmental timetable for the emergence of specific types of gestures and body
language. By now he can calculate how many of a young child’s gestures belong to
certain categories of behavior and can then derive a series of significant ratios.
Main Idea: Montagner has contributed a lot to the study of the gesture
language of children.
Major Detail: Montagner has developed a system for observing and classifying
the gesture language of children.
II Grammar (15mins)
定语从句 (attributive clause) 非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句
由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as 和 which可代整个主句,相当于and
this或and that。As一般放在句首,which在句中。
1) As we know, smoking is harmful to one's health.
2) The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.
关系代词that which 修饰物时可以互换,但在下列情况中有区别
All that glitters is not gold.闪光的东西不都是金子。
It was the largest map that I ever saw.那是我所看见过的最大的地图。
Larry told her the story of the young airman which I narrated at the beginning of
this book.
Beijing, which was China’s capital for more than 800years, is rich in cultural and
historic relics.
This is the one of which I am speaking.这就是我所讲的那个。(介词之后)
III Guided Writing (10mins)
Population Explosion

A method presented in a general statement:
China launched the “One couple, one child” family planning policy.
The problem: the world is faced with the problem of population explosion.
The solution: China considers it indispensable to control the excessive population
The evaluation: succeeded in bringing down the country’s birth rate
Reference model:
The world is faced with the problem of population explosion. There were only
300 million people in the year 1 A. D. The population crisis is acknowledged as a
major obstacle in the path of worldwide efforts to raise levels of living, and even as a
threat to world peace.
As a country that sustains more than 22 percent of the world’s population with
only 7 percent of the world’s cultivated land, China considers it indispensable to
control the excessive population growth. Therefore, China launched the “one couple,
one child” family planning policy in the late 1970s, and succeeded in bringing down
the country’s birth rate from he then 30 per thousand to 16.5 per thousand in 1997.
IV Assignments and Unit Sum-up (10mins)
1. Recite the appointed words, proverbs and sentences
2. Translation and after-class reading
3. Discuss the ways of preventing AIDS









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