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2021-01-07 10:52
tags:学习英语, 英语学习, 外语学习



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一、 不懂及时提问
中国人常有个毛病,就是在公共场合之下,听不懂也不敢举手 发问。经验告知,听不
懂就听不懂,你一定要抱着非问个水落石出才罢休的精神去学习,不然的话那真是 白白浪
话,那就下课时 单独去问老师吧!再不然就问学长或是同学也可以。
所谓“工欲善其事, 必先利其器”,学语言一定要随身携带字典,遇到不懂的地方就赶快
翻一翻、看一看,这样才会进步,有 这么一个说法:一个人用不用功,看他的字典脏不脏
就知道了,翻得越勤,表示他是一个学而不倦的人。 另外你平常没事坐电车时也可以背背
看电影最好的办法就是挡上字幕,想要听懂电影上的人讲什么,明星在演什 么、说什
再去查字典或 是问老师,多听就会渐入佳境了,而且还可以顺便纠正自己的发音。
四、 适当远离同胞
不 要老和同胞粘在一块儿,只要和同胞在一起就会有依赖性,毕竟讲国语当然比讲外
语轻松多啦,你应该让 自己随时处在只有外国人的环境之中,让自己没机会讲中文,那时
就算你讲不出知该如何表达,你还是得 说外语,没有任何的退路,所以你便会逼自己想尽
各种方法,将你所学的精华在最短的时间之同发挥出来 ,这样才能有最好的学习功效。
五、 逮住机会就说

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不是到处讲八卦,是讲外语!一逮到机会可以说外语就不要客气,能多和外国人 做实
地演练就尽量说,可以通过各种各种关系认识在中国的外国留学 生,然后找机会闲聊,哪
的话要比他 说的多,而且必须用外语,否则就是周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵。
She thought that he meant what were the aspects of things to her, and replied
shyly ——
trees have inquisitive eyes, haven't they?——that is, seem as if
they had. And the river says,——'Why do ye trouble me with your looks?' And you
seem to see numbers of tomorrows just all in a line, the first of them the biggest
and clearest, the others getting smaller and smaller as they stand farther away;
but they all seem very fierce and cruel and as if they said, 'I'm coming! Beware
of me! Beware of me!' …… But you, sir, can raise up dreams with your music,
and drive all such horrid fancies away!
He was surprised to find this young woman——who though but a milkmaid had
just that touch of rarity about her which might make her the envied of her housemates
——shaping such sad imaginings. She was expressing in her own native phrases—
—assisted a little by her Sixth Standard training——feelings which might almost
have been called those of the age——the ache of modernism. The perception arrested
him less when he reflected that what are called advanced ideas are really in great
part but the latest fashion in definition——a more accurate expression, by words
in logy and ism, of sensations which men and women have vaguely grasped for
Still, it was strange that they should have come to her while yet so young;
more than strange; it was impressive, interesting, pathetic. Not guessing the
cause, there was nothing to remind him that experience is as to intensity, and
not as to duration. Tess's passing corporeal blight had been her mental harvest.
Tess, on her part, could not understand why a man of clerical family and
good education, and above physical want, should look upon it as a mishap to be

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alive. For the unhappy pilgrim herself there was very good reason. But how could
this admirable and poetic man ever have descended into the Valley of Humiliation,
have felt with the man of Uz——as she herself had felt two or three years ago
——'My soul chooseth strangling and death rather than my life. I loathe it; I
would not live alway.
It was true that he was at present out of his class. But she knew that was
only because, like Peter the Great in a shipwright's yard, he was studying what
he wanted to know. He did not milk cows because he was obliged to milk cows, but
because he was learning to be a rich and prosperous dairyman, landowner,
agriculturist, and breeder of cattle. He would become an American or Australian
Abraham, commanding like a monarch his flocks and his herds, his spotted and his
ring-straked, his men-servants and his maids. At times, nevertheless, it did
seem unaccountable to her that a decidedly bookish, musical, thinking young man
should have chosen deliberately to be a farmer, and not a clergyman, like his
father and brothers.
Thus, neither having the clue to the other's secret, they were respectively
puzzled at what each revealed, and awaited new knowledge of each other's character
and mood without attempting to pry into each other's history.
Every day, every hour, brought to him one more little stroke of her nature,
and to her one more of his. Tess was trying to lead a repressed life, but she little
divined the strength of her own vitality.
At first Tess seemed to regard Angel Clare as an intelligence rather than
as a man. As such she compared him with herself; and at every discovery of the
abundance of his illuminations, and the unmeasurable, Andean altitude of his,
she became quite dejected, disheartened from all further effort on her own part
He observed her dejection one day, when he had casually mentioned something
to her about pastoral life in ancient Greece. She was gathering the buds called









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