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2021-01-07 13:09



earned his bread by writing novels.


ear n one's bread (or living): 谋生 活句:I earn my daily bread by working in a supermarket. 我在超级市场工作以维持生计。

s make the man.
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"动词make的原意是“做”,在口语 中有“成为”的意思。例句:If you work hard, you will make a good athlete. 如果你肯努力, 你将成为一个好运动员。"

's fold up the futon.

< br>把被子叠好。

"fold意为“折叠”,fold up意为“叠好”、“叠整齐”。futon原本是日文,现在英文中也逐渐使用,意为“被子”。"

left the light on.


left (l eave)是“保持某种样子”、“保持某种状态”的意思,表达“电灯一直开着”、“发动机一直开着”、“窗 户一直开着”也可以用这种句型。

's why we hit it off.


词组 hit it off 的意思是两个人彼此适合,很要好,很合得来。例句:He is indeed swell, we hit it off. 他的确和棒,我们很要好。

is really the salt of the earth.

她没 有一点坏心眼。

古人认为,盐是珍贵的天赐之物,可以防止腐烂。固定搭配t he salt of the earth就用来形容那些没有坏心的人。例句:I admit that he is not so capable. But he is the salt of the earth.我承认他不是很有能力,可他是个没有坏心的人。

is a man of ex-plays.


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以前曾经犯过罪,或曾经被判刑的人,就被称作ex-convict,简称ex- con。所以,“他是个有前科的人”还可以直接说成,He is an ex-con.

who would search for pearls must dive below.


戏剧作家约翰-德莱顿(John Drydon)的名言,字面的意思是,谁要寻找珍珠必要深入水下(欲 采珍珠需潜深水)。与中文中的表达“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”有一些相似的意思:想要得到别人得不到的东西,就 要敢于进入别人不敢进入的领域。一个相似的用从句表达的句子:He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 爬梯必须从底层开始,或者用 中文中现成的那句话,千里之行始于足下。

28.I've been learning English off and on for 12 years.

< br>

汉语“断断续续”的概念一般 都是用off and on 这一短语来表示的。Off and on 在句中一般作状语,相当于一个副词 ,可放在动词之前,也可放在动词之后。除了可以用来表示“断断续续”的概念,还可以用来表示“有时……有时 ”或“一会儿……一会儿”之类的意思。例句:The light is on and off. 这个灯有时亮,有时又不亮了。The ache in the tooth is off and on. 牙疼时断时续。

29.I'm occupied.


词occupy最常用的意思是“ 使用,占据,占领”。由动词occupy的过去分词演化而来的形容词occupied也就有了“被使用的, 被占据的,投入精力做……事”等相应的意思。I'm occupied也就成为口语中经常用到的一句话,意思相当于“我脱不开身”“我正忙着”等。例句:The WC is occupied. 厕所正有人用着。She keeps her time well occupied. 她把时间排得很满。

we calculate on their help?


"calculate on就等于count on,意思是指望,把……估算在内。再如:We cannot calculate on having fine weather for the sports meeting.我们不能指望有好天气开运动会。"

Summer Holiday is still a long way off.


a long way off作为习语中的一个固定表达,既可是表示时间上离现在很远(far in the future),也可以表示距离上离此地很远(at a long distance),所以生活中还会经常用到这个句子:The town is a long way o ff.那个镇子还远着呢。需要注意的是,介词off绝不可以丢掉。

32. I apologize if I seem forward.

如果我有 所冒犯,我道歉。

Forward 在这里的意思可不是"向前",而是"鲁莽,无礼,冒失,胆大妄为"的意思,例如:a rude, forward child 一个粗鲁冒失的孩子。

could not make both ends meet.


"make (both)ends meet: earn what it costs to live 收支相抵u3000再如:However much money you earn,it's still difficult to make ends meet.不管你挣多少钱,若要收支平衡仍有困难。"

your eyes.


很容易理解的一句英文,feast作为动词,最常用的意思就是,盛宴款待 。字面意思“款待你的眼睛”就等于中文里的那个成语“大饱眼福”。

me updated.


动词update,升级,更新。中文的直译是“让我保持更新的状态”,就是在要求别人把某件事的最新进展告 诉你。反过来,如果是你要告诉别人某件事的最新进展,你就可以说:Let me update. 注意,前 面一句用的是动词的过去分词,作为形容词使用;后面一句用的是动词原形。

we have an accord?


名词accord,英文的解释是“Agreement; a settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions.”即,一致,协定,共识。因此,I am in accord with your opinion就等于I agree with you。

37.I'll lay my hands on him sooner or later.


词组lay one's hands on,找到,攻击。例句:He's gone with the keys again, just wait till I lay my hands on him.他又把钥匙拿走了,等我收拾他。

has my full co nfidence.


名 词confidence有两个主要的意思:对自己的信心,自信(A feeling of assura

方式就是“(旗子)fly at half-mast”。中文的说法是人作主 语;英文的表达是旗子作主语,直接用fly作动词。

's a matter of leverage.


名词leverage的本意是“杠杆的作用”,这里使用的是它的比喻意,即,做事情的时 候,想让一头敲起(想让一件事情满足要求),就需要把另一头压下(就要牺牲另一些需求),英文的解释是“T o affect as if by leverage”。所以,这句口语用中文里的那句“甘蔗没有两头甜 ”来诠释恰倒好处。

're square.


作为形容词,square有一个意思,就是“公平的,结 清的”。例句:I saved your life, you saved mine, we're square. 我救你一命,你救我一命,我们扯平了。

ran her stockings.


这个一个固定搭配,r un one's stockings,指某人的袜子破了。千万不要和run with one's st ockings弄混,后者的意思是,穿着丝袜跑步。如果多了一个with,意思可就大相径庭了。
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I ask for quarter?

能不能 请你高抬贵手?

名词quarter在这句话中并不是我们所熟悉的“四分之 一”的意思,英文对此的解释是“Mercy or clemency, especially when displayed or given to an enemy”,即,(特别是针对敌人的)宽容,怜悯,仁慈。因此,相应的短语ask for quarter或beg for quarter就是“请求高抬贵手,请求手下留情,请求饶命”等意思。例句:He has got no quarter from the competitors. 竞争对手们对他毫不留情。



很简单的两个词,也是很地道一个英语表达。其中,tight 并不是指被子盖得严,而是指早期人们睡的稻草床上的鬃绳绷得紧。过去,稻草的垫子就铺在纵横交错的鬃绳上, 鬃绳起到弹簧的作用。这些鬃绳要定期的进行绷紧,否则鬃绳则变的松松垮垮,很不舒服。来自于一首美国儿童中 流行的形成于19世纪的儿歌:"Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."(晚安,好觉,别让虫子吵你觉)。按照牛津字典的解释,tight 的意思就是soundly(熟睡的)。还有一首相似的儿歌“Good night, sleep tight. Wake up bright in the morning light. To do what's right with all your might.”

put the cart before a horse.
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cart的意思是马车,字面意思是, 把马车放在马的前面。这是一个习惯用法,相当于汉语中的成语“本末倒置”“颠倒黑白”之类。

you kidding me?

你 在耍我?

kid作为名词,最熟悉的意思是“小孩子”;而作为动词,最常用 的意思则是“哄骗,欺骗,耍弄”(To mock playfully; tease; To deceive in fun; fool)。

59.I blew the whistle on the whole thing.

我把整 件事都抖落出来了。

用来形容“病来如山倒”或“祸不单行 ”之类的坏事时,也可以使用这句短语。

are you always all thumbs?


单词thumb,拇指,拇指被认为是十个手指中最不灵活的。所以由此意引申,词组be all thumbs,英文的解释是“Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy”,即,缺乏身体协调的能力、技巧,缺乏优雅的风范,笨拙 的,用“苯手笨脚”这个成语正合适。这个词组还可以写成,be all fingers and thumbs。例句:I was all fingers and thumbs this morning, and could hardly button up my shirt.今天早上我笨极了,差点连衬衫都扣不上了。

eps announced his return.

听脚步声就知道他回来了。< br>

这是一句很生动、很地道的英文表达。announce,正式的宣布,宣告。 可以是宣布一个晚宴的开始,announce dinner;可以是宣告婚期,announce marriage;还可以是广播电台的节目,announce program。而在这个句子中,announce对应的英文的解释是“To proclaim the presence or arrival of”,即,显示、展现某种状态。例句:Numart's drawings for the "Daily Sentence" have announced his talent. numart为“每日一句”画的图片显示了他的才华。

't try to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds!


固定搭配run with the hare and hunt with the hounds或者hold with the hare and run with the hounds字面意思是“跟着兔子跑,跟着狗打猎”,相当于汉语中的“ 两面讨好”。注意:这个表达中,hare使用的单数,hound使用的复数,这是一个固定的表达,我也不知 道为什么。^_^u3000例句:I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。u3000还记得two- faced 吗?参考3月20日的每日一句“I don't like the two-faced person. 我不喜欢两面派的人。”“两面派”和“两边讨好”还是有小小的不一样的,注意区分。

battery went dead.

电池 没电了。

电池没电,最形象、最生动、也最准确的表达方式。类似的说法还有 :The battery goes dead.

69.I don't like the two-faced person.

我不喜欢两面派的 人。

形容词two- faced一般指当面一套、背地又一套的行为伎俩,绝对是个贬义词。有首英文歌《Shape of My Heart》的歌词说“I'm not a man with too many faces. The mask I wear is one”就是说,我不是一个有很多面孔的人,我是个真诚的人。例句:He's a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.u3000他是个两面三刀的人,他懂得怎么向领导阿谀谄媚。

is on his high horse these days.


词组 be on one's high

horse 指的是趾高气扬、目空一切、盛气凌人的那种状态,用中文的“嚣张”来表达比较贴切。例句:Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. This is "When the cat's away, the mice will play".u3000乔这几 天很不可一世,正应了那句“猫不在家,耗子成精”(“山中无老虎,猴子称大王”)。

your cards on the table!

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这个短语也写作lay one's cards on the table,意思是"Be open and honest, reveal one's position or intentions, to be completely straightforward and open; conceal nothing",和汉语中经常使用的“摊牌”非常相似。例句:John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford. 约翰亮了底牌,告诉了她,他们付得起多少钱。

your cards on the table!


这个短语也写作lay one's cards on the table,意思是"Be open and honest, reveal one's position or intentions, to be completely straightforward and open; conceal nothing",和汉语中经常使用的“摊牌”非常相似。例句:John laid his cards on the table and told her how much they could afford. 约翰亮了底牌,告诉了她,他们付得起多少钱。

left the light on.


left (l eave)是“保持某种样子”、“保持某种状态”的意思,表达“电灯一直开着”、“发动机一直开着”、“窗 户一直开着”也可以用这种句型。

't lose your head.


词组lose one's head是“不知所措”的意思。相反,a cool head 则是指冷静、不易激动。

is a skeleton in the c upboard.


句子的原 意是,壁橱中有架骷髅。据说,当年这个习语产生的时候,指的是那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱 中,不让外人知道。从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密。后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton。现在,这个句子还有个转义:家家有本难念的经。u3000u3000例如:Many old families have a number of skeletons in their closets which they are loath to discuss. 许多古老的家族中有很多秘密,他们不愿谈及这些话题.

intend to have a ball at the amusement park.

< br>我们打算到游乐场玩个痛快

have a ball的意思是“寻乐; 痛快地玩”。作为名字,ball有“舞会”的意思,这句话中“玩个痛快”就是“舞会”这个意思的引申。例句 :Did you have a ball last weekend? 上周末你参加舞会了么?/上周末你玩得痛快吗?

intend to have a ball at the amusement park.


have a ball的意思是“寻乐;痛快地 玩”。作为名字,ball有“舞会”的意思,这句话中“玩个痛快”就是“舞会”这个意思的引申。例句:Di d you have a ball l

ast weekend? 上周末你参加舞会了么?/上周末你玩得痛快吗?

ody's business is nobody's business.

众人负责 等于无人负责

集体行动的逻辑,所有人都负责一个项目,实际上没有人能够承 担责任。一个英文寓言和绕口令,就是关于everybody, somebody, anybody和nobody的故事。最后的结果可想而知:everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. 每个人都在指责某些人,任何人都能完成的事情反而没有人做。There're 4 people named everybody, somebody, anybody and was an important job to be done, and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could've done it, but nobody did it. Somebody got angry that because it was everybody's job. Everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done.

's no sense flogging a dead h orse.


flog a dead horse,字面意思是,鞭打死去的马,驱使死马,引申意即为“白费力气,做无用功”。 例句:I've already made up my mind.There's no sense flogging a dead horse. 我已下定决心,不必再白费口舌了。

question is another cup of tea.


another cup of tea,原意是“另一杯茶”,引申为“另一回事”。 例句:Even if you read French easily,you'll find it's another cup of tea to make conversation in French.即使你觉得阅读法语不难,你也会发现用法 语对话完全是另一回事。

's just letting off ste am.


let off steam,字面意思是让蒸汽蒸发,引申为“发泄强烈的感情,发脾气”等。例句:Don't take what she says too much to heart,she's just letting off steam.别把她的话往心里去,她只是发泄一下而已。

d cut di amond.


钻石是最坚硬的物质,按照字面意思理解,“钻石对钻石”即“硬碰硬”,经常用来形容双方实力相当, 互不相让。

is running out.


"run out 有“用光,用完”的意思。例句:1、用完;耗尽:Our supplies finally ran out. 我们的供给终于耗尽了。2、逐出;强使离去;驱逐:We ran him out of town.. 我们把他驱逐出镇子。"

's the business? The business is slow.

生意好吗? 生意状况不太好。

生意不太好时可以说The business is slow;生意活络时,则说The trade is brisk,或者 The Market is brisk。

of the devil and he appears .


"词组speak of,谈及,说到。字面意思是,谈论着魔鬼,魔鬼就出现了。可以直接翻译成汉语中的那句习语:说曹操,曹操

到。在口语中,还可以简单地说成Speaking of the devil。英文中还有一个类似的表达:To mention the wolf's name is to see the same."

86.I'd like to take it with a grain of salt.


词组take something with a grain of salt原来表示的是,一些食物,不加盐就不能吃。 它的转义即是,有些话,不加分析就不能轻易相信。例句:You must always take what he says with a grain of salt. He's born liar.他说的话你可不能全信。他是个说谎不带脸红的人。

you have matches?


"名词match本意是“火柴”,这里用的就是词的本意。但问这句话的人也可能在询问你是否需要帮助。 火柴是很小的一样东西,如果你手负重物,可能连小小的火柴也拿不出来呢。可以设想一下场景:当你一手拿着一 杯酒,两只手都占着,忽然一个人问你“You have matches?”,你就要想一想,人家是真的要 抽烟所以向你借火柴,还是只是开玩笑地问你是不是需要帮忙。这是口语中经常听到的一句话,如果别人是想帮忙 ,你可千万别误以为人家真的是向你要火柴。"

boy is a boy, two boys half a boy.

一个和尚挑水喝,两 个和尚抬水喝

这是一句典型的中英套译,完整的表达是,One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 即,一个和尚挑水持,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。表达的意思是,不能齐心合力,人越多越难以办成。

sy costs nothing.

礼 多人不怪

中文的其他表达方式还有:彬彬有礼,惠而不费;谦虚恭敬,不用分 文。

die is cast.

骰子已 经掷下。指事情已经决定,再也不能改变

公元前49年,罗马执政官庞培和元 老院共同谋划进攻恺撒。当时恺撒的领地于意大利本土交界处的河流名为鲁比肯河(Rubicon)。恺撒率领 军队悍然渡河与庞培决一死战。渡河时他说,“The die is cast.”即,骰子已经掷下,表明决 心已下,义无反顾。过河之后他还下令烧毁了渡船,逼得士兵毫无退路,只好勇往直前,最终打败了敌人。这个故 事留下的另一个习语即是“burn the boats”,类似汉语中的“破釜沉舟”。









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