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2021-01-08 07:51
tags:英语学习, 外语学习


Office supply 办公用品供应
Housekeeping department 总务部门
Bulk order 大订单
Business day 营业日
Standing agreement 长期的合同
Billing address 送订单的地址
Make an order 预定
Go through (生意)成交
In stock 库存

accumulated depreciation :备抵折旧
asset :n.资产
balance sheet :资产负债表
contributed capital :实缴股本
fixed asset :固定资产
liability :n.负债
notes payable :应付票据
prepaid expense :预付款项
retained earnings :保留盈余
stockholders' equity :股东权益

A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单
Agt. = Agent 代理商
AI = first class 一级
AM = Amendment 修改书
A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇
Amt. = Amount 额,金额
A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知
A.P. = account payable 应付账款
A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买
a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费
A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款

标的物 Subject matter
招标通告 call for bid
招标通知 tender notice
招标文件 bid documents
招标条件 general conditions of tender
招标截止日期 date of the closing of tender
招标方 tenderer
投标 submission of tenders
投标方,投标商tenderer, bidder
投标邀请书 Invitation to Bid
投标押金,押标金 Bid Bond
投标文件 tender documents
做标,编标 work out tender documents
投标书 Form of Tender
投标评估 evaluation of bids
be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid
我们拟参加……的投标。We wish to tender fro…
We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.
资格预审 prequalification
询价 inquiry
询价请求,询价单 Requisition for Inquiry
报价 quotation
报价表格 Form of Quotation
提交报价 submission of quotation
升价,提价 escalation
不适当的(如用电话)或不负责任的报价将被拒收。An inadequate(e.g. by
telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the
标底 base price limit on bids
报标 bid quotation
评标 evaluation of tender
议标 tender discussion
决标 tender decision
开标 bid opening
中标 has/have won the bidding in …
中标者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer
未中标者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中标函 Letter of Acceptance
Market share 市场份额 business line (scope of business)营业范围
Business volume (sale volume)营业额 by product 副产品 chain debts
Premium wage 奖励工资 complete plant 成套设备 financial statement
Clearance sale 清仓 甩卖 finished process goods (semi-manufactured
goods)半成品 economic restructuring 经济改组
Clause 条款 rock bottom 最低的 例如:rock bottom price 最低价
delivery note 送货单
trade deficit 逆差 trade surplus 顺差 date of availability 可到职
letter of application 求职申请信 letter of recommendation 推荐信
Foreign funded enterprises 外资企业 state owned enterprises 国有企
业 private enterprises 私有企业
Defense expenditures 国防开支 labor saving节省劳动力的 ballot
rigging 选举舞弊
(anti)Dumping (反)倾销 debt ridden 负债累累的 death duty 遗产税
For the attention of sb 由某人亲启(信函) fictitious bill 空头支票
favorable condition 有利条件 initial capital(fund) 创业基金、资金
flow chart 流程图 作业图
Hand bill =leaflet 传单 trail period 试用期 internships 实习期
royalty 版权税 专利费 initial payment 首付 比如买房子的首付
economic indicator 经济指标
Opportunity cost 机会成本 premature consumption 超前消费 job title
Listed company 上市公司 livelihood 生计 谋生之道 monetary unit 货
denomination 面值 appreciate (货币)升值 depreciate = devalue(货币)
贬值 night shift 晚班 夜班
investment trust 投资信托公司 industrial dispute 劳资纠纷 first
hand 第一手资料 secondary data 二手资料
interest free 无息的 housing allowance 住房补贴 housing loan 住房
money spinner 摇钱树 赚钱的生意 haggle 讲价 砍价 union 工会 hand
fee/ charge 手续费
opportunity cost 机会成本 trade price 批发价 retail price 零售价
refund of duty 退税 (in)eligible product (不)合格产品 froth (bubble)
market segment 市场细分 market report 市场报告 pay day 发薪日 pay
slip 工资条 工资单
e commence 电子商务 binding force 约束力 heavy tax 重税 tax free 免









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