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2021-01-08 08:41
tags:商务英语, 计划/解决方案, 实用文档




demand [ di5mB:nd ] (n.) 1. request for payment请求偿付

[例] First demands were issued to all late payers.

2. need for products and services at a certain price需求

[例] We are having difficulty meeting demand.

demand management (n.) series of activities to recognize and manage all
the demands for products需求的监督和调节

[例] They decided to carry out demand management to get information
from consumers.

demotivated (adj.) not interested失去动力的

[例] The depression of economy demotivated them at last.

denationalize (v) to put a government-owned company or industry back
into private ownership 私营化

[例] Sooner or later, China’s communication sector will be completely

[同义词] privatize

department (n.) part of an organization部门

[例] The employment manager would like to talk to some of the company’
s supervisors and department heads.

[同义词] branch, division, subdivision

deposit (n.) placed in a bank account存款

[例] Once your deposit in our bank exceeds 50,000 USD, the monthly 20
USD account maintenance fees will be exempted.

deposit account account earning interest有息存款,储蓄存款

[例] We require 7 days’ notice of withdrawal on this deposit account.

2. money paid in advance in order to reserve a product押金

depot (n.) warehouse仓库

[例] The goods are temporally stored in the depot near the port.

depreciate (v.) reduce the value of assets in the accounts over a certain

[例] We depreciate business equipment over 5 years.

[同义词] devalue, devaluate

depreciation (n.) reduction in the value of an asset贬值

[同义词] devaluation, deflation

deregulate (v) to free an industry , an organization, etc from price control,
especially by a government 撤消管制

[例] to deregulate the food market

deskilling (n) the losing of skills by workers through unemployment , lack
of training , etc.失去技能

[例] The great depression caused many companies to lay off their workers
which would result in deskilling of staff.

desktop (n.) desktop computer 台式电脑

dispatch see: dispatch

devalue (v.) reduce the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)

[例] The war inside the country severely hurts the consumers’ confidence
and devalues its currency in the international financial market.

[同义词] depreciate, devaluate

devaluation (n.) the deduction in the value of a currency against other

[同义词] depreciation, deflation

differentiate (v.) to make something different or highlight the difference
between two things区别

[例] It is hard to differentiate the one from the other.

[同义词] distinguish, set apart,separate

differentiation (n.) making sure that a product has distinguishing features

[例] Line 1 and Line 2 have little differentiation.

price differential (n) the difference in prices charged for the same product
in different shops, or for different products in a range 差价

[例] The price for this air-conditioner is the lowest in Shanghai, and if you
can find lower price for it within 15 days, we will refund the price differential to

direct (v.) manage, be in charge of管理,指挥。

[例] He directs our sales operation.

[同义词] namage, control, run

director (n.) person appointed by shareholders to help manage a
company 主管,董事

managing director UK [US Chief Executive Officer] 执行总裁

direct flight flight without transfer 直航

direct mail (n.) selling a product by sending information through the post

[例] We have to wait for 2 days if we send it by direct mail.

direct selling (n.) selling directly to a customer without going through any

[例] Direct selling can save a lot of money.

directory (n.) reference book containing listings目录

[例] a telephone directory, a trade directory

discount1. (n.) percentage reduction in a full price打折

[例] You can have 5% discount as a VIP customer.

2. (v.) reduce the full price打折

[同义词] rebate

disintegration (n) the breaking up of a company or group of companies 解

[例]At last , the merger of these two big companies comes to

dismiss (v.) remove from employment, sack (inf)解雇

[例] You are dismissed for your poor performance and bad working

[同义词] discharge

dismissal (n.) act of dismissing解雇

[例] These rules are formal-such as the procedure for dismissal.

[同义词] discharge

dispatch 1. (n.) sending goods to a customer送货

[例] dispatch department

2. (v.) send goods to customers送货

display1. (n.) show/exhibition of goods展览

[例] There was a display of the latest research at the trade fair in Frankfurt.

2. (v.) show, exhibit展览

dispute1. (n.) a disagreement争论

[例] We hope the matter in dispute will soon be settled.


distribute (v.) send out goods from the manufacturer to the end user分销

[例] The distributing line of the company is very advanced and

distribution (n.) act of sending goods from the producer to another person
or organization分销

[例] Have you prepared for the distribution of the goods?

distributor (n.) person or company which sells goods for a manufacturer

[例] We are the sole distributors.

diversify (v.) extend into new business areas多元化

[例] Although we are a chemicals company, we diversified into publishing.

[同义词] vary, variegate

diversification (n.) act of diversifying多元化

[例] The superior leaders of the company believe the diversification will
bring larger market and more profits.

divest (v.) to sell assets出售

[例] We cannot divest all assets.

dividend (n.) percentage of profits paid to shareholders红利

[例] The size of the dividend payment is decided by the board of the

[同义词] bonus

dividend per share (n) the amount of money paid by a company to its
shareholders divided by the total number of shares issues 每股股息

[例] After the reshuffle of the company, there is a huge rise in dividend per

share .

division (n.) main part of a large organisation部门

[例] The job des cription indicates where the job is to be carried out in
terms of location, plant, division, department, and section.

documentation (n.) a collection of documents referring to a subject文件资

[例] We have noted your instructions about documentation and will do

dog (n.) term used in Boston Matrix to describe a product with low market
growth and low market share(波士顿距阵中)市场占有率低、增长率慢的瘦狗产

donate (v.) to present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute捐赠

[例] TOSHIBA donated $$ 5 m to Cambridge Univ.

[同义词] give, bestow

domestic (adj.) referring to the home market国内的

[例] Large domestic market encourages us to explore overseas markets.

[同义词] internal

dominant (adj.) most prominent as in position of market (市场)领导地位的

[例] In these newer markets the firm is dominant.

down payment a partial payment made at the time of purchase, with the
balance to be paid later头期款购买时的部分付款。

down market (n. adj adv) cheap, low end of the market 低端市场(的)

down-time/downtime (n.) time when factory machines are not producing

[例] The downtime of the machine is too long. We’d better call the
technician to maintain it.

downturn (n.) a tendency downward, especially in business or economic

[例] There is a terrific downturn in retail sales six years ago.

DP (n.) (=Data Processing) the use of data by computers数据处理

drawer (n) one that draws, especially one that draws an order for the
payment of money 开票人

[例] The cheque was bounced to the drawer because there was not
enough money in his account.

drawee (n) the party on which an order for the payment of money is drawn

[例] The drawee refused to accept the cheque because there was no
signature in it.

drill (n.) disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and

perfecting a skill or procedure训练

[例] easy and short drills

drive1 (n.) energy内驱力,冲劲

[例] His drive was worn out in the long run.

[同义词] vigour

2.(v.) urge forward催使,促进

[例] New technological solutions are needed to tackle the problem and to
help drive businesses forward to improve their productivity and output.

[同义词] propel, push, impel

due (adj.) owed应付的,到期的

[例] This debt became due last week.

dull (adj.) (of business or market)sluggish; flat 不景气的

[例] The business of this company is dull this year.

duplicate (n) an exact copy of a document such as a letter, a report, a
receipt , and invoice etc.副本

[例] Keep the duplicate for your reference.

[同义词] copy

duty-free (adj.) exempt from customs duties 免税的

[例] duty-free merchandise


earnings (n. pl) salaries, profits, dividends, interest received收入

[例] The meager earnings can hardly make a living for me.

economic (adj.) 1. providing enough money, profitable赚钱的,有利润的

[例] This project doesn’t make economic sense.

2. referring to state of the national economy经济的

[例] There is an economic crisis.

economic efficiency (n.) the ratio of outputs to inputs经济效益

[例] The economic efficiency is higher this year than last year.

economic sanctions (n) measures taken to force a country to obey
international law, by stopping or reducing trade with that country. 经济制裁

[例] The UN decided to life the long-term economic sanctions on Iraq.

economical (adj.) money-saving节约的

[例] an economical car

[同义词] thrifty

economics (n. pl) the study of macro and micro economics经济学

economist (n.) person who specializes in the study of economics经济学

economise (v.) save money by spending less节约

economies (n. pl) savings积蓄

[例] We need to introduce some economies.

economy (n.) financial organization of a country经济体制

[例] a free market economy

economy class the cheapest class of a air travel经济舱

economy of scale 规模经济

edge (n.) advantage优势

[例] a competitive edge

effective (adj.) able to produce the right results有效的,给人深刻印象的

[例] The new pricelist will become effective from January. an effective

[同义词] efficient, effectual, efficacious

efficiency (n.) ability to do the right thing效率

[例] This machine has a good efficiency.

efficient (adj.) able to produce the right results quickly效率高的

[例] The new type of machine is efficient to produce products.

[同义词] effective, effectual, efficacious

(be) eligible for qualified or entitled to be chosen有资格的

[例] They are eligible for the grant from the government.

embezzle (v) to take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of
a trust 挪用公款

[例] The GM is charged with embezzling funds from the company’s

employ (v.) take on or use a person as a paid worker雇佣

[例] During the year we employed an average of 65.

[同义词] engage, hire

employee (n.) person taken on as a paid worker雇员

[同义词] worker

employer (n.) person or organization that takes on paid workers雇主

[同义词] boss, director

employment (n.) work, job (s)工作

enclose (v) to put something in an envelop, usually as well as a letter 附

[例] Enclosed is the receipt for the order.

endorse (v.) write one’s name on, to accept背书,认可

[例] Please cable us as soon as your application for import license has
been endorsed.

[同义词] approve, sanction, ratify

endorsement (n.) acceptance背书。

[例] Our products have met with wide endorsement.

endow (v) to provide with property, income, or a source of income 资助,

[例] This research project is endowed by an international charity.

enduser (n.) person who actually uses a product or service最终用户

[例] We should carry on a survey among our product’s end users to
collect the feedback.

engage (v.) to take a person on as a paid worker; employ雇佣

[例] Congratulations, Chris! Our company engages you.

[同义词] hire, employ, take on

end-product (n) the final article produced by the manufacturing process

[同义词] finished goods

enter (v.) go into进入(市场)

[例] We entered the market in 1980.

enterprise (n.) a business organization企业

entitle (v.) to give a right to授权

[例] We feel we are entitled to make this request.

[同义词] qualify, authorize, empower

entitlement (n.) a person’s right权利

[例] He has the entitlement to sell the house.

environmentally-friendly (adj) of activities , products, production
processes, etc that do not harm the environment 环保的

[例] Our products are environmentally- friendly , so they are welcomed by
our customers.

[同义词] green

holiday entitlement (n.)the right to have holiday休假权利

[例] in the UK holiday entitlement generally ranges from three to six weeks
per year

entrant (n.) one that enters a market市场进入者

[例] This firm is a new entrant showing tremendous potentials.

entrepreneur (n.) person who starts and runs a company/business企业家

[例] Entrepreneur needs special innovative spirit and acute business
sense to win the final success.

entrepreneurial (adj.) have the very spirit of an entrepreneurial, such as
creativeness and taking risk to run the enterprises etc. 企业家(精神)的

[例] entrepreneurial flair


environment (n.) surroundings环境

[例] To be classed as a work accident, the accident must take place in the
work environment.

equity (n.) right to receive dividends on the shares owned in a company

[例] Assets plus liabilities equals owner’s equity.

equity capital amount of a company’s capital owned by the shareholders

[例] The two main shareholders owned almost all the company’s equity

equities ordinary shares普通股

[例] How many equities have you got?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) 企业资源计划

estimated demand (n.) rough or approximate calculations of demand估测

[例] What about the estimated demand of portable computers in this city?

ETA (estimated time of arrival)估计到达时间 ETA of our goods is 12th

evaluate (v.) calculate the value of something评估

[例] The training and development manager plans, organizes and
evaluates training programmes.

evaluation (n.) calculation of value评估

exchange rate =rate of exchange relation in value between kinds of
money used in different countries汇率

[例] What is the exchange rate between US dollar and RMB?

exhibit1. (n.) goods or services displayed at a fair or trade show展览

[例] The exhibit of mobile phones has drawn special interest of young

2. (v.) display products or services at a show展览

exhibition(n.) show of goods展览会

expand (v.) get bigger扩张,发展

[例] The market is expanding.

[同义词] stretch, spread, enlarge

expansion (n.) increase in size扩展

[例] The firm is planning for rapid expansion of its market.

[同义词] enlargement, amplification

expect (v.) wait for sb. for a talk , discussion etc.找某人

[例] Jack, Mr. Casson is expecting you in his office!

[同义词] await

expenditure (n.) amount of money spend花费

[例] Capital expenditure is the money we have spent on fixed assets.

[同义词] spending, expense

expenses (n. pl) money paid for covering extra costs费用

[例] The fee did not include travel expenses.

experienced (adj.) skilled or knowledgeable as the result of active
participation or practice 有丰富经验的

[例] She was an experienced chef.

[同义词] practiced, versed, familiar

expertise (n.) particular knowledge or skill专门技术

[例] One of the advantages of using an employment agency is that it offers
expertise in an area where the employer is not regularly in the market.

expire (v.) to come to an end; terminate到期

[例] My passport expires in a month.

[同义词] terminate

exposure1.(n.) publicity given to a product or company 公开,曝光

2. (n.) total audience number reached by an advertisement知道某广告的

[例] Have you counted the exposure reached by that attractive

Euro (n) (from 1999) the currency of the European Economic and
Monetary Union 欧元


factor (n.) thing which is important要素

[例] Price is an important factor when deciding our strategy.

[同义词] element, component

factoring (n.) business of buying debts at a discount打折扣购买债务的业

facilities (n. pl) equipment or buildings used in the production process设

[例] The club has many convenient facilities.

fail-safe system (n.) a system which is almost totally protected against
crucial accidents自动保险体制

[例] We should check if the fail-safe system works well

family business家族企业

fashionable (adj.) trendy时尚的

[例] Nike is a fashionable brand of sportswear.

fast –moving consumer goods (n) cheap, everyday items that are
bought and used up quickly 快销消费品

[例] You cannot set batteries a so high price, they are fast-moving
consumer goods and you will lose long-established market.

faulty (adj.)( of product) having defects (产品)有瑕疵的

[例] sorry for our faulty pilot products

[同义词] defective, imperfect

feasibility study (n.) investigation of a project to see if it is worth pursuing

[例] Feasibility study is always done before the project is formally carried

fee (n.) money paid for service provided by a professional person such as
a lawyer or a doctor对职业性服务的报酬

[例] The commission fees are usually higher in the foreign bank than
those local bank.

[同义词] payment, reward, remuneration

feedback (n.) information about the results of an activity, given to a person
so that changes can be made反馈

[例] After the session we will give you feedback on your performance so
that it can be improved.

fiduciary1.(n) one, such as an agent of a principal or a company director,
that stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain
obligations to others 受托人

[例] The solicitor acted as fiduciary .

2. (adj.) of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another 信托的









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