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2021-01-08 12:23
tags:少儿英语, 幼儿教育


长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ / ?:/ /i:/ /U:/
短元音 / ?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/
/e?/ /a?/ /??/

轻辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/
浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/
轻辅音 /?/ / h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/
浊辅音 /?/ / r/ /dz/
鼻音 /m/ /n/ /?/

双元音 /??/ /e?/ /??/
/??/ /a?/
/d?/ /dr/

半元音 / j/ / w/
边音 / ?/
1) [i:] 发音字母:ee ea e ie ei /i:/ 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与
three tree green sheep meet beef see
eat tea meat leave teacher team mean speak clean please
he she me
2) [?] 发音字母: i y e 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部提高,嘴形扁平。
sit picture it is list six pig big build miss
many twenty happy dictionarydecide delicious
3) [ ? ] 发音字母: bag hand and ant happy hat map black back glad flag man /?/ 嘴张大,嘴角
4) [e] 发音字母: ea e a head bread sweater breakfast heavy pleasure
elephant remember sell lesson better bed desk hotel yes
many any /e/ 嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。
5) [?:] 发音字母:ir ur ear er or/ ?:/ 嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起。
girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird
turn burn murder nurse turtle purple Thursday
learn early earth heard
term her
work worker word world
6) [?] 发音字母: er or o a e ur ure/?/ 嘴唇微微张开,舌身平放,舌中部稍抬起,口腔自然放松发声。
teacher under remember player father mother farmer after
doctor actor forget
together tomorrow today lesson welcome policeman
around about ago elephant away banana China
student children open different
7) [ɑ:] 发音字母: ar a
car farm card arm garden ask
fast class last glass aunt
8) [? ] 发音字母: u o ou oo
up supper lunch fun run hunt cup bus
come mother dose brother love above
blood flood
9) [?: ] 发音字母: al ar au or our oor/?:/ 嘴唇收的小而圆,并向前突出,舌身往后缩。
all small wall talk tall ball call walk
warm quarter
daughter autumn
short horse for forty sport door floor store
four your
door floor
10) [?]发音字母: o a /?/ 口腔打开,嘴张大,舌头向后缩,双唇稍收圆。
orange hot lost lot fox box hop lot not
want what wash watch
11) [u:] 发音字母: oo o u/u:/ 嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量外缩。
too zoo food school room goose tooth
who do two to shoe whose
true truth blue full ruler
12) [?] 发音字母: oo ou u o/?/ 嘴唇张开略向前突,嘴形稍收圆并放松些,舌头后缩。
look good foot book wood
should could would
put full pull push
woman wolf
13) [e?] 发音字母: a ay ai ey ea/e?/ 由[e]和[i]两个单音组成,[e]重读,[i]轻读,口型由半开到合。字母A就
name cake late gate plane April
play say may way day away
4) [a?] 发音字母: i y igh/a?/ 由两个单音组成,前音重读后音轻读,口型由开到合。与字母I的发音相同。
bike fine find hi nine five rice write like
my try fly by
light night high
15) [?? ] 发音字母:oy oi/??/ 由[?]和[i]两个单音组成,前重读后轻读,双唇由圆到扁,口型从开到合,
boy toy
toilet oil noise
16) [a?] 发音字母: ou ow /a?/ 由[a]和[u]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[u]轻读,
16) [a?] 发音字母: ou ow /a?/ 由[a]和[u]两个单音组成,[a]重读,[u]轻读,口型由大到小。
house out about ground count sound blouse around mouse
flower down now cow how town brown
17) [??] 发音字母: o ow oa /??/ 由[?]和[u]两个单音组成,发音也是一个过程,口型由半开到小,与字母O的发
home cold go no phone host ghost
know yellow below throw blow show row
boat coat goat









本文更新与2021-01-08 12:23,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/502275.html
