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2021-01-08 16:16
tags:英语考试, 外语学习


不习惯美式发音,平时少听 native speakers 讲话,少听录音带,词汇量和知识面跟不
口语不好也会影响听力?! 当然会! 托福的听力很大一部分是对话, 都是一些日常用
语, 如果口语不好当然听不懂。所以,托福听力材料也是最好的口语学习材料。要想提高听
力, 光死听死没有用的, 还要注意分析听力原文。 学习口语表达方法, 多阅读, 多方面结
合才能 有正在的提高。 潇潇语言实验室 现推出 托福口语听力篇 ,希望对大家有点帮
助。每集都 是根据历届的托福真题编写。 有编号的句子都是托福听力原文, 一些补充例句也
是托福原文。 每集的句子摘自同一套托福听力题。
学习英语靠得是平时得认真积累,别放弃呀! -潇潇
1. I picked up the receiver, dropped the coins in the slot, and dialed the
number I wanted.
Slot - 缝隙。这里是指投币口。 Receiver 就是电话的听筒。
2. Virginia's going to take all her required courses this year.
Required courses - 必修课 required 是 require 的过去分词。在这里作为形容词来
用, 意思是 被要求的 ,也就是学校要求学生必修的课。
选修课是 elective. e.g. I have 9 required courses and 3 electives this
我这个学期有 9 门必修课, 3 门选修课。
I hope I can take a few electives next term.
3. Not only is Cheryl a good swimmer, but she's also a promising musician and a
great photographer.
Not only did I forget my train ticket, but I also forgot my passport.
Not only was Ellen there, but Wanda and Dale came too.
Not only …but also.不仅。。。。而且。。。
Not only + 倒装语序, but also + 陈述语序
4. My pen's out of ink. - 我的笔没有墨水了。
Be out of something = 用完了一样东西
The bookstore is out of lined notebook paper.
Lined 是指纸张有线条的。
类似的结构 run out of something.
I just ran out of supplies.( 托福原句 )
举一反三: We are running out of money/water/time. 我们的钱 /水 /时间就快用完
5. The students completely filled the classroom.
Fill 是装满 的意思,这里是指学生挤满了课室。
6. Peter blames himself for what happened.
Blame oneself for something - 因为某事责怪自己。
Who's to blame?- 这要怪谁?
He's to blame. 这要怪他。
You're to blame. =It's all your fault. 这都是你的错。
Don't blame yourself. You are not to blame. (It's not your fault.) 不要责怪你自
己。这不 是你的错。
7. The controller made a mistake and overcharged Amy for her tuition.
Charge 是收费 的意思, overcharge 是 收多了钱 。
I got short-changed. 是指别人找钱找少给我了。
8. Have the driver let you off at the intersection. - 叫司机在交叉口处让你下车。
Let you off 意思是 让你下车 ,中国学生很容易按照中文来翻译,
off the
bus语法上是没有错误的, 但是现实中常常不这么罗嗦。 学习英文应该多注意英文的表达方
这个例句还有一个托福经常考的结构: Have somebody do something: 让某人做某事。
类似的常考结构: get somebody to do something. 不过这个结构的侧重点是自己不干,
9. I've almost finished typing my homework paper. Finish doing something= 做完一
件 事情。在口语中也说 be done with sth./doing something.
I am done with typing my homework paper.
10. Has my unabridged dictionary arrived yet?
Abridge- 删节 ,削减 ,精简 unabridged 是指未经过删节的,原版的。
Abridged novels 就是简写版小说
11. A: How did you ever move that desk upstairs to your room?
B: It was very heavy, but I got my roommates to help me with it
B :那个桌子很重,但是我叫我的舍友帮我搬。
How did you ever do something?
通常用来问别人时究竟怎么把一件比较难办的事情办成的。 在这里不是 曾经
的 意思,只是用来加强语气。
Get my roommate to help me with it. 这里有两个结构:
Get somebody to do something: 叫某人做某事 (托福常考结构 )
Help somebody with something :帮助某人做某事 学习英文要时刻注意总结固定的搭配









本文更新与2021-01-08 16:16,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/502806.html
