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2021-01-08 20:02




One of my best friends

Ben is my best friend。He loves sports very much。He is good at Math
and English。He is a good boy。He always helps other students。Now,he is
the tallest in our class。In 15 years time,he will be taller and heavier。
He will be goodlooking 。He will be 195 centimetres tall。He will weigh
76 kilograms。He will not wear galsses。He will possibly be a policeman
or a fireman。

He says that this only is a dream。He will try to make his dream e true。


My best Friend

Li Yan,my best friend,is my classmate。 She has big eyes。 Her long
hair is often plained。Sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her
more lively。

LiNan is very clever。She is good at her school subjects。 She has won
the school scholarship twice,I always take her as my model in study。 She
tells me that we should make good use of time。

Li Yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,Any student
in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help。 But she
doesn't like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is

I feel proud to have such a friend。


My new friend

In this chapter of the novel,Jane met her new friend-Helen。What Helen
said really impressed me a lot,driving me think deeply。

Life is too short to hate other people。We all have faults,but when
we die,only the pure flame of the spirt will be left。That's why I
never think of revenge,I never consider life unfair。I live in calm,
looking forward to the end。

Honesly speaking,I plained about my life or people around me now and
again,wodering why it was always unfair to me。However,think it over,
I should't have been so mean。Time flies。We need to expand the width
of life instead of wasting time to think about something meaningless。


My Best Friend

Hello! Everyone。 Ill introduce my best friend to you。 Her name is
Zhou Xun。 Her English name is Zoe。 I like her English name better。 Zoe
likes it, too。

Zoe is a lovely girl。 She is not tall。 She is very thin。 She has
a round face and two small eyes。 Her hair is short。 She often wears a
pink dress, because pink is her favorite color。 She always has a smiling
face, so everyone likes her very much。

Zoe is a clever girl。 Shes our monitor。 She works hard at school
everyday。 She likes to ask and answer the questions。 Her copybooks are
clean and tidy。 Her handwriting is very beautiful。 She is good at English
and math。 She is a top student in our class。

Zoe is a versatile girl。 She can play the piano。 She can draw pictures。
She can tango。 She can swim。 She can do everything very well。

Zoe has a big dog。 Its name is Xiao Xiong。 They are good friends。
I like it, too。

Do you like my best friend, Zoe?


My best friend

I have a good friend。 Her name is Wu Mi。She is thirteen years old,
But she is short。She has big eyes,a small mouth,a small nose and a round
face。It is very cute。She likes reading books and do manually。Her skillful
hands,can make a pleasant surprise。I like her very much,because we are
good friends。


My best friends

I have many friend。do you know who they are?are they my pet?no。
are they my classmates?no。 let me tell you:they are my favourit book。

I like books very much。i like reading science book,cartoonbook so
on。not only let me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how
to be a good person in the society,they give me great pleasure。

I love books!


my friend is changjie he looks tall ang thin he speas English very good。
And he speas a little China。But he likes sports。He can play football very
good。 We are good friends。

We often play together after school。


My name is Liu Xiaoling。I have a good friend 。 Her name is Liu Yun。
She lives in China 。 Her mather is a singer。 She likes swimming。 Her
father is a TV reporter。 He likes listening to mnsic。 Liu Yun likes piaying
the violin and riding her bike。 Every morning , she goes to school on
foot。 Every evening, she reads newspaper ai home。 Then she goes to bed
at nine。 This is my good friend Liu Yun。


Books are my best friends

When I was a child, I enjoyed reading books that were without words。
The pictures and the color affected me。 When I was a pupil, I liked reading
books about science。 The knowledge and the magic things attracted me。
When I was a student, I preferred to read novels。 They were full of action
and exciting。 The plots were interesting。

Now I still love books。 They make my life bee more and more wonderful。
Different kinds of books bring me different feelings。 They are my best
friends。 I can get knowledge from books。 I can read books whenever and
wherever I want。For the time being, I enjoy reading ics best。 Because
studying is hard and tiring, I feel relaxed when I am reading ics。 They
make me happy and bring me great joy。 Books are good for me。 They will
string along with me forever


I have a good friend。


She is a cute girl。 Her hair is long and straight。 Her eyes are big。
Her nose is small。 She is very thin。


She likes to help others。 She is a hard- working student。 She is good
at English and Chinese。


Her favorite season is summer, because she likes eating ice-creams
in hot days。


She has many hobbies。 She likes playing the piano, reading books and
singing songs。


We often play games together。 I hope we can be friends forever。



My best friend

My best friend is Xiao Yi。 She has short hair。 She has two big eyes
and a small mouth。 She is tall and thin。 She lives on the tenth floor
of a tall building。 There are five people in her family。

Xiao Yi likes to do sports。 She likes to play badminton and volley
ball。 Her favourite color is pink。 Her favorite food is fish and
vegetables, because they are healthy。 Her hobby is reading books and
riding a bike。 She often plays the puter or goes shopping on the weekend。
Sometimes we go to KFC together。 We go there by car。

I like my best friendXiaoYi。 We are good friends。


My best Friend

Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with。I also
have a best friend。We met in school,and we're in the same grade。

My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking。I learn
a lot from him。He helps me with math;I help him with English。We always
help each other。besides that,he's honest and reliable。I trust him
pletely and we share secrets all the time。

My best friend is also loyal and brave。Once when a bully teased me,
he came to my rescue right away。He always remembers my birthday and he
is fun to be with。He tells funny jokes and stories。He always makes me
laugh。Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me
up when I'm down。

My best friend is really one of a kind。I hope we'll stay friends

偶然低头,发现一枚黄叶扑入怀中,秋天来了。真没注意它是如何 来的。叶片碧黄,仿佛有蜡质浸过,叶心倒有参差的绿色,棕色的叶脉很美,又像一株小小的树,画在
叶 子上,叶柄捏手里,舍不得丢弃。闻一下,还有那种说不上来的味道。这是秋天呀,才想起来,邻居一楼的石榴果 ,仿佛确实摘除了。山也远了,天也亮了,树的色彩
多起来,空气使人喜欢上呼吸。没有觉得秋天到来, 是我走入了秋天。绿色不那么逼眼,阳光变得妩媚,草儿更显得丛丛簇簇,水清了,水静了,路上人们稍显臃肿, 走
路的样子,更加有劲道。只是,那阳光里的剪影,越发生动形象。真谈不到更喜欢哪个季节呢。既然有 四季,各有各的道理。每个季节,就是每种心情,无非人们用季节
或者时间,把矫情的自己找到理由,于 季节来说,人家自是美的。春天可以料峭,春天可以和煦。秋天也会丰润,秋天当属肃杀。就像今晨撞入我怀中的 秋叶是美丽的,
我喜欢每个季节的每一天只要你包容,只要你欣赏,每个季节,你都会记着它的好。上周 去了个温晴的地儿,暖得让人仿佛永远呆在夏天的尾巴上,单单扯天扯地的垂柳,
也足以叫人夜夜相梦了 。哪儿都有绿,绿得丰富,绿得层次,哪儿都有阳光,不炽热,不凄惨的阳光,并且,哪儿都是和和融融的一派。 只要低洼,就有泉水,只要有泉
水,就会汇流成河,只要有河,又无时无刻不把那些垂柳倒映着,只要有 垂柳,哪儿不是安闲游弋、打水、聊天的人呢?这水呀,也真有灵气,团团围拢了老城,又被新
城簇拥的 楼房围着,这就是很幸福的地方了。这还是秋天吗?说让我忘了秋天,真不过分。夕阳下,小河边,柳枝依依,灯 光点点,微风不见,三两成群,不由得,爱上
这座老城。哪儿都可以去一次再不去,这里的话,不由得再 去。所以,不愿用什么黄色定义秋天。那是用模具教育的方法。秋自有秋的美,尤其这个老城的秋天我并不鼓动你前去,也不愿告诉你它的名字。最美的相识,应该是偶然的不期而遇。最美的地方,应该属于爱它、懂它 的人的心里。所以,一个地方的美,只有特殊的季节,特殊
的人和特殊的理解。所以,有幸此秋去了那里 。人很贪婪。总愿意憧憬这样的场景:和最相爱的人,在最美丽的时节,怀着最美好的心情,去了最令人回味的地 方。反过
来一想,这真是个悲剧,如果果真能够如此,那岂不害了自己?因为哪种情景更能胜过这种情景 呢?于是,各种不同的失望,接踵而来了。所以,路过的意义,不在外物,
而在内心。不论人也好,景也 好,时光也好,心中有最好的话,那么就永远不会失望的。当然,我所说的老城,倒不必和哪个人相跟着前去,自 己就好。对于哪个季节也
不苛求,树上柳绦垂垂就行,有风没风,随他去吧生活,不止眼前的苟且,还有 诗和远方。高晓松如是说。远方是什么?远方就是你梦想中的天堂,远方就是你向往的目
标。小时候家里 穷,每天只能吃地瓜、萝卜还有掺了菜叶的饼子。那时候,一顿白面馒头就是我的远方,记得第一次可以放开肚皮 吃白面馒头的时候,我曾经拍着鼓胀的
肚皮,满足的对母亲说:“娘,以后要是能够顿顿吃上这样的馒头 ,撑死也甘心了。”那句话让母亲的眼圈红了很久。远方就一定是美好的吗?未必!也许经过长途跋涉,
最终你发现,梦中的远方并非想象中的那么美好,就像诗人海子所说:“远方除了遥远,什么也没有。”但失望的 你千万不要后悔,因为如果没有对远方的追寻,你怎能知
道梦中远方的真实样子呢。就如我,自从在小县 城参加工作安家落户以来,一直向往着大城市的生活,觉得那里才是自己大展宏图、生活幸福的远方。然而当自己 走进大
城市以后才发现,“长安米贵,居大不易”啊!拥挤的交通,激烈的竞争,快节奏的生活让我一时 茫然无措。虽然梦想中的远方让我失意,但如果没有比较,如何让我对过
去的小城市频频回首,留恋它生 活的悠闲自在呢。所以,既然选择了远方,便不要后悔,因为我毕竟追寻过。远方在招摇,让你无数次魂牵梦绕。 是追寻,还是坚守?如
果你选择了追寻,那就别再犹豫,就如汪国真所说:“既然选择了远方,便只顾风 雨兼程。”不由想到了那个在北大受了处分的讲师俞敏洪,当年的他拉着一辆三轮车从北
大出走,寻找自 己的远方,先是筹措自己留学的学费,然后又经营自己庞大的新东方培训帝国,生命在行走追寻中拥有了一个又一 个让人惊心动魄的远方。他曾经把自己
比作蜗牛,说有两种动物能到达金字塔的顶端,一个是雄鹰,一个 是蜗牛。说雄鹰有远方我们都会信,而恰恰是俞敏洪这个蜗牛有了一个博大的远方。是啊,追寻远方的
过 程不会一帆风顺,远方不只有遥远,还需要有朝着目标不断奋进的毅力。远方在召唤,可是远方又太遥远。你可以 选择坚守自己脚下的土地,把远方作为自己梦中的伊
甸园。你也可以选择义无反顾的追寻,无论远方是芳 草地还是沙漠荒滩。无论你做出何种选择,都没人会嘲笑你,但你要牢记:如果选择了远方,你一定要风雨兼程。 人
生大概就是这样子的。我常常自己劝自己,自己给自己解释,把心放宽,今天先把今天过好!明天再说 明天的事!这朵白云,水中浮萍,断线的风筝随风去吧!随缘去吧!
不去多想它!胡思乱想也是没用的! 生命就是要不停地奔跑,不停地追求!从离开学校到广东插队已了,从来还没有给郭老师过过生日。他退休后就去 美国一直工作,整
整九年。今年春4月回国定居了。我想给老师过生日半年前就有这个念头了。我在学校 是初中体操队的队长。郭老师对我倍加呵护培养。直到我插参加工作到如今一直关
注我的成长。老师的谆 谆教导,老师的爱护,老师的培养使我终身都难忘。有时想起来泪眼汪汪。他给予我的太多太多,而我却没有给老 师一丁点回报,总感觉愧对老师!
我没有挣大钱来回报老师,我只有给老师几句贴心的话,给老师过个生 日来以表达我对老师的祝福和问候!我只有用这种办法回报老师了。在这里写出来就觉得心里踏实
了一当 我写这些时泪珠从我的脸上滑落下。不知为什么?往事如一幕幕电影在我眼前翻过。恩师对我的培养使我终生收益 !怎能忘记!前半个月就和体操队的,兵乓球队
的校友们商量给恩师过生日。他们积极响应,其中有些校 友还上班那。最后定在星期提前一天给老师过生日吧。我打电话让我们班的团支书毛宪珍买鲜花。我班篮球队的< br>吕瑞华提议买蛋糕俗气了,买大寿桃吧,“我来买吧!”体操队的白莉开车来,就让她接送老师。到甘肃白 银探亲,有幸去了坐落该市景泰县的黄河石林。站在最高处,俯
视整个景区,一边是奇特的绿地,一边是 无垠的荒漠。黄河和石林山水相依,绿地和荒漠隔河相望。一个温柔,一个粗暴;一个婉转,一个豪放。黄河水, 在这儿奇观般
地绕出了一个塞上江南——老龙湾。依山傍水的龙湾村,阡陌纵横,整齐的田地里,种着一 行行果树。车子缓缓地绕着盘山公路下行,不长的旅程,竟然有22道弯。跟
着弯回路转,黄河和龙湾村 ,越来越明晰地出现在咱们面前,山峰,也越来越高。咱们干脆下车步行,这才发现,这儿的山峰,峭壁如削,山 壁却不是坚固石头,而是由
黄土和砂砾堆积而成的。真没想到,这看似松懈的砂砾岩,竟然能堆积出八九 十米乃至一二百米高的山柱来。咱们得用力仰头,才干艰难地看到它的山尖。
身边的黄河水,浩浩荡荡 地向前方奔腾。不知不觉,咱们走进了一处峡谷。这儿就是景区的中心地带——石林。走进峡谷,像回到了远古, 忘了今夕何夕,身在何处。站
在平整宽广的谷底,觉得自己也成了这石林中的一个石柱。阳光,从谷顶泻 下,铺在满是砂砾的路上。天上,通明的蓝里,挂着一弯淡淡的月痕,月亮像刚刚从远古升起,
还带着那 遥远的娴静和缥缈。 散步峡谷,看着两头活灵活现的石柱,不能不赞叹大自然的巧夺天工。风和水,在这儿造就 了一个亘古的传奇。西天取经、木兰远征、观
音大士、大象吸水、孔雀开屏、屈原问天……望着一幅幅绘 声绘色的画面,我忍不住想学那屈原问天,问一问,石林中的鸟与兽、神和仙。是谁曾在这儿排兵布阵,那一座座数不过来望不到边的山丘,是不是撒豆成兵的奇观呢?大地为布,黄土为墨。是谁曾在这儿任意挥洒,他 该怀着怎样的心境,才干挥洒出这样一幅凄凉辽远的画卷?
问观世音菩萨,你为何在这儿打坐?佛祖,你 因何把这儿的山石抚摸?问孔雀,你在这儿打开绮丽的茸毛,是为谁?遽然,也想问问自己,你因何而来?是谁安 排下这旷
古一见……思索间,路,逐渐宽广,继而恍然大悟。高高的山峰不见了,替代的,是一座座近乎 圆形的山丘。这山丘,座座相连,连绵不绝,一眼望去又简直寸草不生,
让人心中顿然生出一种悲凉之情 。俯身抓一把土,竟然悄悄一捏就粉碎了。那不远处的山,挺拔着,是那种能够企及的高,我俄然产生了一种上去 逛逛的激动。所以,出
发了。山,看起来是硬的,踩上去却有些柔软,用力一踩,就是一个浅浅的坑,但 是再一用力,便又滑了下来。就这样,上一步溜半步,颇费了一番曲折,方登上山顶。
山顶却异常平整, 且山山相连。我从这座山头跑上那座山头,一口气跑了十几架山。站在山顶,眺望群山崎岖,不由心境激荡。这儿 没有秦关汉月的况味,没有唐诗宋词
的韵致,更没有雄姿英才的豪情。这儿是纯洁的一方六合,是纯洁的 一隅。面临几百万年前的砂土、鹅卵石,还有一望无际的山丘,真想纵身跃上一匹白马,纵横驰骋,
仗剑 天边









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