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annex英语名言警句 励志 [朋友的英语名言警句]

2021-01-09 23:20
tags:少儿英语, 幼儿教育


英语名言警句 励志 [朋友的英语名言警句]

一个懂你泪水的朋友胜过一群 只懂你笑容的朋友。关于朋友的英语名言警句有哪些呢?
今天小编为你分享的是朋友的英语名言警句的内 容,希望你会喜欢!
1) The making of friends who are real friends, is the best token we have of a man’s success in
life. 能交到真正的朋友是人生中最成功的事。
2) The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them. 对朋友爱得越深, 奉承得就越
少。 The smell of coin is often the knell of friendship. 铜臭味浓往往是友谊的不祥之兆。The 、
true friendship seeks to give, not take; to help, not to be helped; to minister, not to be ministered
unto. 真正的友谊追求的是给予, 而不是索取; 是帮助别人, 而不是被人帮助; 是为人服务,
3) To prepare a friend, three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and
assist him in his necessities. 维护朋友, 有三件事情要做到:当面要尊重他, 不在场时要表扬
他, 苦难时要帮助他。
4) Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice. 选择朋友要像选书那样, 数量要少,
5) My friend is not perfect—nor am I—and so we suit each other admirably. 朋友不会十全
6) For a congenial friend a thousand toasts are too few; in a disagreeable conversation one
word more is too many. 酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。
7) A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend, as a woman makes herself beautiful
for her lover. 士为知己者用,女为悦己者容。
8) A brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a brother. 兄弟不一定是朋友,
9) Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with a part of another; people
are friends in spots. 友谊是两者思想的结合, 志趣相投才能成为朋友。
10) Be true to your word, your work, and your friend. 人应遵守诺言, 忠实自己的工作和
11) Long together share sb.’s joys and sorrows together, in order to have friends with
complete mutual understanding长期在一起同甘共苦共患难,才能有莫逆之交。 --西塞罗
12) Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.
13) A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友难,失朋友易。
14) A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之时方知友。
15) A friend indeed is a friend in need.患难见真情和患难之交才是真正的朋友.
16) A friend is a second self. 朋友是第二个自我。
17) if you would be loved, love and be lovable. 想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱。
——Benjamin Franklin
18) Don’t ask others to also do not allow others to do the dirty things, as a principle of
friendship既不请求别人也不答应别人去做卑鄙的事情,为友谊的一项原则。 --西塞罗
19) Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere
love and learn how to win others’heart through appropriate ways.---Socrates, Ancient Greek









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