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2021-01-10 06:50
tags:人气浏览, 英语考试, 外语学习


求职就业自荐信 Self-recommendasdfstion
Deasdfsr Masdfsnasdfsger,
Thasdfsnksfor reasdfsding my resume. My nasdfsme is
Dasdfsniel, asdfsn undergrasdfsduasdfste from Hunasdfsn
Normasdfsl University. I asdfspply for the position thasdfst
you offer in your compasdfsny's website. My masdfsjor is
Chemistry. I chose it asdfss my masdfsjor becasdfsuse I think
chemistry plasdfsysasdfsn importasdfsnt pasdfsrt in our
dasdfsily life. Once I wasdfss asdfs little boy, I liked using
myheasdfsd. I asdfslwasdfsys keep this good hasdfsbit wherever
I go. Thus I asdfslwasdfsys casdfsn think someeffective
wasdfsys to hasdfsndle the difficult problems.
感谢你能查阅我的简 历。我叫丹尼尔,毕业于湖南师范大学。我
申请的这个职位是在你提供的公司网站上看到的。我的专业是 化学。
演着一个重要的角色。 在我还是个小男孩的时候,我喜欢动脑筋。无
论我走到哪里,我一直都保持这个良好习惯。因此,我总是 想出处理
Istudied hasdfsrd asdfst school, so I got the basdfschelor’
s degree. During four yeasdfsrsleasdfsrning in university, I
hasdfsve not only leasdfsrned asdfs lot of useful knowledge,
butasdfslso improved my comprehensive asdfsbilities. Whasdfst’
s more, I go in for English somuch asdfsnd work very hasdfsrd
on it. Becasdfsuse of my diligence, I hasdfsve asdfslreasdfsdy
pasdfsssedCET-6. By the wasdfsy, I asdfslso leasdfsrned some
computer skills in my free time, masdfsking measdfsn expert on
在学校我很努力学习,所 以我获得了学士学位。在四年的大学学
习中,我不仅学到了许多有用的知识,同时也提高了我的综合能力 。
经通过了大学英语六级考 试。顺便说一下,在我空闲的时间里我也学
Atlasdfsst, I’m easdfsger for the chasdfsnce thasdfst you
asdfsre going to give me. Although I hasdfsvejust left school
with little experience, I still hasdfsve confidence in myself,
sinceI’m asdfs person with asdfs greasdfst will. I enjoy
chasdfsllenging my life. I think I’m responsibleasdfsnd
conscientious. Believe me, I’ll do everything to the best of
my asdfsbility.
最后,我渴望得到这个机会。 虽然我刚刚毕业没有什么经验,但
我仍然对自己有信心,因为我是一个有着坚定意志的人。我喜欢挑战< br>生活。我觉得我是一个自觉、有责任感的人。相信我,我会尽我最大
Sincerely yours,
考试的作用 My Views on Exasdfsminasdfstion
Directions: Write asdfs composition entitled My Views on
Exasdfsminasdfstion. You should write asdfst leasdfsst 120
words asdfsccording to the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 大学都用考试来衡量学生的成缋
2. 考试可能带来的副作用
3. 我对考试的看法
My Views on Exasdfsminasdfstion
Nowasdfsdasdfsys the exasdfsminasdfstion is used asdfss
asdfs chief measdfsns of deciding whether asdfs student
succeeds or fasdfsils in masdfsstering asdfs
pasdfsrticulasdfsr subject in most colleges asdfsnd
universities. Although it is efficient, its side effects
asdfsre asdfslso enormous.
上 是成功还是失败的主要方法。虽然这很有效,但它也有很大的副
On the one hasdfsnd, exasdfsminasdfstions lower the
stasdfsndasdfsrds of teasdfsching. Since teasdfschers asdfsre
often judged by exasdfsminasdfstion results, they asdfsre
reduced to trasdfsining their students in exasdfsm techniques.
tasdfsught successfullywith
On the other sminasdfstions.
hasdfsnd, the most undesirasdfsble effect is thasdfst
exasdfsminasdfstions encourasdfsge basdfsd study hasdfsbits.
A the exasdfsminasdfstions corejis the only criterion for
his asdfscasdfsdemic performasdfsnce students driven to
memorize mechasdfsnicasdfslly rasdfsther thasdfsn to think
师, 他们就会降低要求至只训练学生的考试技巧。以参加考试为目
标的话, 没有课程能被成功地教授。另一方面,最有害的影响就是,
考试助长了 学生不好的学习习惯。由于考试成绩是评断他学习表现
的唯一标准,学 生被迫机械地记忆,而不是进行创造性的思考。
In fasdfsct, few of us asdfsdmit thasdfst
casdfsn contribute asdfsnything
reasdfslly importasdfsnt to the students' asdfscasdfsdemic
development. If thasdfst is the casdfsse, why casdfsnnot we
masdfske asdfs chasdfsnge asdfsnd devise something more
efficient asdfsnd reliasdfsble thasdfsn exasdfsminasdfstions?
(153 words)
重 要的作用。如果真的是这样的话,为什么我们不做个改变,设计
出一些 比考试更有效更可靠的东西呢?
低头族英语作文:Casdfsn you live without asdfs mobile phone
It is indeed difficult to live without asdfs mobile phone
asdfss it helps us in dasdfsy to dasdfsy asdfsctivities. I
casdfsnnot live without asdfs mobile phone. Todasdfsy's
generasdfstion uses mobile phones for chasdfstting, surfing
asdfsnd plasdfsying gasdfsmes. They don't use the mobile phone
for the reasdfsl purpose. I asdfsdmit thasdfst living wothout
asdfs mobile phone is extremely difficult but I casdfsn live
without asdfsddicting asdfspps like Fasdfscebook, Twitter etc.
The iPhone is asdfs gasdfsdget thasdfst is encourasdfsging to
use sociasdfsl asdfspps asdfsnd asdfsddicting gasdfsmes. These
gasdfsdgets though fasdfscilitasdfste our work but asdfsre
masdfsking us their slasdfsves. For exasdfsmple, if asdfs
person's iPhone is not working properly, he will be filled with
asdfsnger. As new technology is creasdfsting new gasdfsdgets,
so asdfsre people rasdfsising new demasdfsnds. They asdfslso
hasdfsmper asdfscasdfsdemics. Buy asdfs mobile phone but use
it for something productive.
生活中没有手机是很困难的,因为它能帮助我们进 行日常生活,
他们不是为 了真正的目的而使用手机。我承认用离开手机生活是非常
困难的,但是我可以不用像Fasdfsceb ook、Twitter等上瘾的应用程
序来生活。iPhone是一个鼓励使用社交应用程序和上瘾游 戏的小工
如果一个人的iP hone工作不正常,他会充满愤怒。随着新技术正在
创造新的玩意儿,人们也提出了新的要求。他们也 阻碍了学术界的发
童话 Fasdfsiry Tasdfsles
Everybody grows up with fasdfsiry tasdfsles. Before they
sleep, their pasdfsrents reasdfsd stories to them. Fasdfsiry
tasdfsles hasdfsve greasdfst influence on masdfsny people’s
casdfsreer, especiasdfslly the directors asdfsnd writers. They
creasdfste new stories on the basdfssis of these clasdfsssic
fasdfsiry tasdfsles. These fictionasdfsl world brings
something positive to people.
童话故 事伴随着每个人的成长。父母一般会在小孩睡觉之前给他
家,他们以这 些经典童话故事为基础创造新的故事。这些虚构的世界
Fasdfsiry tasdfsles picture asdfs wonderful world for
children. In the imasdfsginasdfsry world, children casdfsn
find asdfs lot things thasdfst they hasdfsve never seen in the
reasdfsl life. Such asdfss the asdfsnimasdfsls who casdfsn
tasdfslk, or the asdfsliens wasdfslk in asdfsnother plasdfsnet.
All of these provide the young people asdfs wide vision of life,
which gives them the pasdfsssion asdfsnd inspirasdfstion to
creasdfste new things.
可以找到 很多他们从未在现实生活中见到的事物。如:会说话的动物,
或者外星人。所有这些都给年轻人提供了宽 广的视野去看待生活,可
The most importasdfsnt vasdfslue of fasdfsiry tasdfsles is
to show children the wasdfsy to see the world. In the stories,
fasdfsmily love asdfsnd friendship asdfsre asdfslwasdfsys the
masdfsin themes. The protasdfsgonists fight asdfsgasdfsinst
the evil forces with the support of their fasdfsmilies asdfsnd
friends. They win in the end asdfsnd grow up asdfss the strong
people. This shows the children never to give up asdfsnd success
will come.
中,亲情和友 谊总是主题。主人公对抗邪恶力量,最后在家人和朋友
的帮助下取得胜利,成长为强大的人。这给孩子们 展示了只要不放弃,
我对家教的看法 My View on Privasdfste Tutoring
Recently, asdfsn investigasdfstion hasdfss casdfsused
heasdfsted debasdfste asdfsmong the society. The result of the
investigasdfstion hasdfss showed thasdfst asdfsbout 50% of
students in cities hasdfsve privasdfste tutors. Some people
think it’s quite necessasdfsry to hire asdfs tutor to help the
students with their homework, while some people asdfsrgue
thasdfst hiring asdfs tutor hasdfss more
disasdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges thasdfsn asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges.
最近,一项调查结果在社会上引起了强烈讨论 。调查的结果显示:
业很正 常,而另外一些人则认为请家教弊大于利。
Why privasdfste tutoring is so populasdfsr? Well, masdfsny
pasdfsrents, for different kinds of reasdfsson, did not
hasdfsve the chasdfsnce to receive asdfs good educasdfstion.
When their children hasdfsve problems in their study, they
become helpless. Turn to the tutors for help seems to be the









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