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2021-01-11 07:20
tags:精品文档, 高中英语, 同位语



(separate appositive clause)”。分隔同位语从句也是英语中比较常见的一
种语言现象,现 将分隔同位语从句简单归纳一下。
一、 被状语隔开:
1、 条件状语:
I had the feeling---if one can actually receive feeling from Oliver Barrett Ⅲ
---that he meant to give me the money. 假如一个人确实能够从奥利弗·巴雷特三
2、 程度状语:
We have no idea at all that he has gone.我们一点儿都不知道他已经走了。
After that they gave their father the bags of gold and there is no doubt at all
they all lived together happily ever after. 接着,他们把那几袋金子给了父亲,毫
It was most surprising that the mother wasn’t surprised at the news at all that
her son was knocked down by a car on his way to school.儿子在上学的路上被车
3、 方式状语:
We’ve just heard a warning on the radio that a hurricane is likely to come . 我


4、 范围状语:
There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested
in spelling . 学生家长有一个普遍的看法,那就是不再注重拼写了。
Though Mrs. Bussman knew this story quite well, she thought there was a
chance in a million that she might be right . 尽管巴斯曼太太对这件事很熟悉,但
There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that
everyone agrees on what constitutes a benefit to an individual . 科学家和医学工
作者都有这样一种不正确的假定,凡是能够给个人带来好处 的事情,每个人的
There is a widespread belief among bioengineers that it will one day be
possible to create life under laboratory conditions. 生物工程师大都认为,有朝一
Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that
after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that
not all programs are eq ual.尽管无论从大的和小的方面看都有足够的证据表明
课外活动能够产生积极的效果,但是要认识到 并非所有的活动都效果等同,这
5、 时间状语:
What they really value among the gifts that we bring to them is intoxicating
liquor, which enables them, for the first time in their lives, to have the illusion, for
a few brief moments, that it is better to be alive than dead . 他们喜欢的是我们给


他们的令他们头重脚轻的烈性酒,因为这能使他们平生以来第一次产生短暂而< br>美好的幻觉,使之以为生比死好。
We heard the news last night that the Queen of England was on a three-day
visit in China. 我们昨晚听到这个消息:英国女王正在对中国进行为期三天的
6、 对象状语:
Don’t give the impression to your students that you are making a judgement
on them every time you give them a classroom test . 不要让学生认为,每次对他
His arrival was a signal to the children that their bedtime would be delayed .
It seemed to the bachelor as though some one had had a bet with her that she
could not repeat the line aloud two thousand times without stopping . 单身男人觉
Danby left word with my secretary that he would call again in the afternoon.
7、 地点状语:
There was a saying among people that something was as “dead as a doornail” .
There’s this opinion from outside China that Shanghai should not be
considered for hosting the Expo because Beijing has already won the bid for the
2008 Olympics .国外有这种看法,认为上海不应该申办世博会,因为北京已经
赢得了2008年的 奥林匹克运动会的主办权。


Tiger once expressed his wishes in an advertisement that he could play
anywhere he wanted . 泰格曾在一次广告中表达了他的愿望,希望能在他喜欢
There was a rule in our school that any boy who damage his desk with a
pencil or a knife would be beate in front of the whole school or would have to pay
five dollars . 我们学校有个规定,如果哪个男生用铅笔或小刀损坏了书桌,他
Thomas isn’t an eye doctor, but there’s no doubt in her mind that sitting too
close to the television is bad for your vision. 托马斯不是一位眼科医生,但她心
Oddly enough I had no doubt in my mind that they would be glad to see me.
He got a message from Mr. Brown that his father could not see him that
evening. 他从布朗先生那儿得到口信儿,说他父亲晚上不能见他。
When the people in the court heard this, there was no doubt in their minds that
the St. Evremonde family had done much wrong. 法庭上的人听到这个消息时,
There’s a feeling in her that she’ll be chosen to attend the meeting on behalf of
her company. 她心中有种预感,要被选中代表公司出席这次会议。
In 1809, the year of his birth, there was still a strong feeling in the United
States that the theater was sinful—and that the actors who appeared on stage were
wicked, too. 1809年,也就是他出生的那一年,美国还有一 股强烈的情绪,认


二、 被定语隔开:
Far from the truth are the words given by the observer that John was not
murdered . 约翰不是被谋杀的,目击者所说的这些话远远不符合事实。
The night before Mother’s Day there were broad hints passed across the
table from the two older children that tomorrow morning I would be happily
surprised by what they had gotten me as presents .母亲节前的那个晚上,坐在桌
子对面的两个大点儿的孩子明显地暗示,次日 早上我会对他们送我的礼物感到
I kept the mirror, and as I became a man, I grew to understand that this was
not just a child’s game but a metaphor for what I might do with my life ----that I
am a fragment of mirror whose whole design I do not know . 我一直珍藏着这块
镜片,长大后我渐渐明白了,它不仅仅是小孩儿的游戏,而且也隐含着 深刻的
There is the feeling of relief, that we are not being kidnapped or robbed .
He wondered if her visit to Helen might be intended as a veiled thrust at
him---a symbolic resentment of the fact of life that they could not have a child of
their own . 他不知道她对海伦的探望是不是暗含对他的讥讽----- 对他们不能有
Then came a word from our boss that we all be present at his office right
Is there any limit to the time that I can stay here? 我呆在这儿的时间有没有


There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road
conditions need to be improved. 私家车的流行所带来的一个新问题就是路况需
The manager has a decision to make whether they should borrow money from
the bank. 经理要决定是否从银行借钱。
三、 被谓语隔开:
The story goes that William Tell did kill the ruler with that arrow .故事讲的
A story goes that Elizabeth of England liked nothing more than being
surrounded by clever and qualified noble men at court. 有个故事说的是,英格兰
Several years later, word came that Napoleon himself was coming to inspect
his soldiers . 几年后,有消息传来,说是拿破仑要亲自来视察士兵。
Word came that I was wanted at the office . 有人传话过来,办公室有事找
Chances are that the more you indulged in it and were encouraged in it, the
more creative you are today . 很有可能,你越是热衷于此,并因此受到鼓励,
Word came that another irrigation station would soon be completed in our
village . 有消息说我们村儿很快就要再建一个提灌站。
I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it
will not be a normal baby. 我觉得这样做(指克隆人)太令人震惊了,因为可以










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