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2021-01-11 13:38


2021年1月11日发(作者:强之麟)一些幽有趣的英语故事,能提高我们阅读英语的兴趣,从而提高英语的阅读能力,今天小编在这里为大家分享一些 3分钟经典英语故事,欢迎大家阅读!

u3000u30003分钟经典英语 故事:The Wolf and the Donkey

u3000u3000A wolf once met a donkey on the road outside the village.


u3000 u3000"I'm going to eat you up," said the wolf.


u3000u3000"Certa inly," replied the donkey, thinking fast. "But please don't eat me out here on the road where everyone can see. I shall be so ashamed. Take me into the forest . Don't be afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck adn fasten it to my bridle. Then I will lead you to a quite spot I know."

u3000u3000“当然可以,”驴边回答,边 迅速地思考,“但是,别在这条路上吃,别人都能看见,我会觉得很丢人的。把我带到林子里去吧,别担心我会逃 跑,这样吧,把这根绳子的一头系在你的脖子上,另一头系住我的缰绳。然后我带你去一个我知道的安静之地。”

u3000u3000The wolf thought this was a good idea so he fastened the rope round his neck and knotted it firmly to the donkey's bridle.

u 3000u3000狼觉得这是个好主意。所以,就用绳子绕住自己的脖子,用绳子的另一端牢牢地系住驴子的缰 绳。

u3000u3000"Now I will go wherever you say," said the Donkey.

u3000u3000“现在你说去哪里,我 就去哪里。”驴子说。

u3000u3000"Show me the way to your quite spot," ordered the Wolf.

u3000u3 000“把我带到你说的那个安静之地好了。”狼吩咐道。

u3000u3000"Very well," said the Donkey, setting off down the road towards the village. As they came to the first houses the Wolf began to suspect that he had been tricked.

u3000u3000“好吧。”驴子说这向通往村子的路走去。当他们路经 第一片房子时,狼开始怀疑自己是否上当了。

u3000u3000"This is not the way to the forest ,"he said, tugging at his end of the rope. "This road goes to the village."< br>
u3000u3000“这不是通往森林的路。”说着,他使劲拉绳子的一端。“这是通往村子的 路。”

u3000u3000"Don't worry, "said the donkey cheerfully. "This is a short cut."

u 3000u3000“别急,”驴子高兴地说,“这是一条捷径。”

u3000u3000Th e donkey began to trot faster, then to gallop. The rope round the wolf's neck drew tight; in a very short time he was dragged right up to the donkey's door.

u3000u3000驴子开始小跑起来,后来,变成疾跑。狼博脖子上的绳子越拉 越紧,不一会儿他就被拽到驴子家的门前。

u3000u3000The master, his wife and their three sons all came running out to rescue the donkey. They were so angry that they would have killed the wolf there and then. Fortunately for the wolf, however, one of the sons threw a knife at him. The knife missed, but it cut the rope round his neck. The next moment all

the family could see a cloud of dust in the road as the Wolf fled to safety in the dark fo rest.

u3000u3000主人和妻子还有三个儿子都跑出来救驴子。他们很气愤,恨不 得马上杀死狼。然而,算狼走运,其中有一个儿子把刀子掷向他,匆忙中刀子错了位,把狼脖子上的绳子砍断了。 不一会儿,这家人看见,路上尘土飞扬,狼飞快地逃往森林深处。

u3000u30003分钟 经典英语故事:The Ostrich in Love

u3000u3000On Sunday the ostrich saw a young lady walking in the park. He fell in love with her at once. He followed behind her at a distance, putting his feet in the very places where she had stepped.

u3000u3000星期日,鸵鸟看到一位年轻的姑娘在公园里散步。他一见钟情,于是就远远地踏着 她的足迹一步一步地跟随在她身后。

u3000u3000On Monday the ostrich gathered violets, as a gift to his beloved. He was too shy to give them to her. He left them at her door and ran away, but there was a great joy in his heart.

u3000u3000星期一,鸵鸟为 他心爱的人采摘了紫罗兰作为礼物,可是他过于羞怯,没敢送给她。他把花放在她家的门口就跑开了,但心中充满 了巨大的喜悦。

u3000u3000On Tuesday the ostrich composed a song for his beloved. He sang it over and over. He thought it was the most beautiful music he had ever heard!

u3000u3000星期二,他为心爱 的人谱写了一首歌。他反复吟唱,觉得这是他听过的最美妙的音乐。

u3000u3000On Wednesday the ostrich watched his beloved dining in a restaurant. He forgot to order supper for himself. He was too happy to be hungry.

u30 00u3000星期三,鸵鸟在餐厅里看着心爱的人用餐,竟忘了为自己点菜。他高兴得连饿的感觉都没有了。< br>
u3000u3000On Thursday the ostrich wrote a poem to his beloved. It was the first poem he had ever written, but he did not have the courage to read it to her.

u3000u3000星期四,他写了一首诗给心爱的人。这 是他生平写的第一首诗,可他没有勇气念给她听。

u3000u3000On Friday the ostrich bought a new suit of clothes. He fluffed his feathers, feeling fine and handsome. He hoped that his beloved might notice.

u30 00u3000星期五,鸵鸟买了一身新衣服。它抖动羽毛,感觉自己既英俊又优雅,希望能引起心爱的人注意。

u3000u3000On Saturday the ostrich dreamed that he was waltzing with his beloved in a great ballroom. He held her tightly as they whirled around and around to the music. He awoke feeling wonderfully alive.

u3000u3000星期六,鸵鸟梦见自己和心爱的 人在一个豪华的舞厅里跳华尔兹。他紧紧拥抱着她,随着音乐一圈又一圈地旋转。醒来时,他感到精力充沛。
u3000u3000On Sunday the ostrich returned to the park. When he saw the young lady walking there, his heart fluttered wildly, but he said to himself, "Alas, it seems that I am much too shy for love. Perhaps another time will come. Yet, surely, this has been a we

ek well spent."< br>
u3000u3000星期日,鸵鸟又来到公园,当他看到年轻姑娘在散步时,一颗心狂跳起来。 但他自言自语道:“唉,对于爱情,我太羞怯了,可能还会有下一个机会。不管怎样,这个星期我过得真的很好。

u3000u30003分钟经典英语故事:Frau Trude

u3000u3000There was once a little girl who was obstinate(倔强的) and inquisitive, and when her parents told her to do anything, she did not obey them, so how could she fare well?

u3000u3000One day she said to her parents, "I have heard so much of Frau Trude, I will go to her some day. People say that everything about her does look so strange, and that there are such odd things in her house, that I have become quite curious!" Her parents absolutely forbade her, and said, "Frau Trude is a bad woman, who does wicked things, and if thou goest to her; thou art no longer our child."

u3000u3000But the maiden did not let herself be turned aside by her parent's prohibition, and still went to Frau Trude. And when she got to her, Frau Trude said, "Why art thou so pale?" "Ah," she replied, and her whole body trembled, "I have been so terrified at what I have seen." "What hast thou seen?" "I saw a black man on your steps." "That was a collier." "Then I saw a green man." "That was a huntsman." "After that I saw a blood-red man." "That was a butcher." "Ah, Frau Trude, I was terrified; I looked through the window and saw not you, but, as I verily believe, the devil himself with a head of fire." "Oho!" said she, "then thou hast seen the witch in her proper costume. I have been waiting for thee, and wanting thee a long time already; thou shalt give me some light." Then she changed the girl into a block of wood, and threw it into the fire. And when it was in full blaze she sat down close to it, and warmed herself by it, and said, "That shines bright for once in a way."









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