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2021-01-11 14:49


白雪公主的继母-恶毒的皇后从魔镜中得世上最美丽的女 人是白雪公主,妒火中烧,派猎人将
白雪带到森林中杀掉.猫人不忍心,偷偷放了白雪公主.森林深处七 个善良的小矮人收留了白
雪公主,她和森林里的小动物们一起快乐地生活....下面就是小编给大家带 来的《白雪公主》


Once there was a was sitting at the was snow outside in the
garden-snow on the hill and in the lane,snow on the hunts and on the trees:all things were white
with snow.

The Queen was making a coat for a little said,
this cloth,white as the I shall call her Snow-white.

Some days after that the Queen had a child was white as Queen
called her Snow- white.

But the Queen was very ill,and after some days she -white lived,and was a
very happy and beautiful child.

One year after that,the King married another new Queen was very beautiful;
but she was not a good woman.

A wizard had given this Queen a glass could was on the wall in the
Queen' s day the queen looked in the glass to see how beautiful she she
looked in the glass,she asked:
glass spoke and said:

Year went -white grew up and became a little day the Queen looked
in the glass and said,me,glass upon the wall,who is most beautiful of all?And the glass
said,-white is most beautiful of all.

When the Queen heard this,she was very said,-white is not more
beautiful than I is no one who is more beautiful than I am.

Then the Queen sat on her bed and cried.

After one hour the Queen went out of her called one of the servants,and
said,-white into the forest and kill her.

The servant took Snow-white to the forest,but he did not kill her,because she was so
beautiful and so said, s house,because
the Queen is angry and she will see the Queen sees you,she will make some other man kill









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