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2021-01-11 22:58
tags:手抄报, 端午节, 英语




自从端午节那天从姥姥家回来之 后,我的嘴角一直含着一缕笑意。
妈妈问我在笑什么,我在笑什么呢?这得从端午节那天的经历说起。< br>
Since the day of the Dragon Boat Festival from Grandma's
back, my mouth with a ray of smile. My mother asked me what I
was laughing, what was I laughing? It was from the experience
of the Dragon Boat Festival..

在一个小山村,以前我最讨 厌去那儿了,因为通往村子的是一条黄土
路,机车加速行驶过去,铺天盖地的黄土落满头发,运气不好还 吃一
坐在一起磕牙(聊天) 。大小伙坐在一起打牌、玩麻将。整个村子给人
的感觉是贫穷、懒惰、闲散。而端午节那天尤其如此。这 种想法在我
准备等待黄土的 袭击。

The day of the Dragon Boat Festival in the mother under,
I pull a face to grandma's house. Grandma's house in a small
village. I used to hate the most go there, because the road
leading to the village is a loess, locomotive speed driving
in the past, the deluge of loess fall full of hair, bad luck
also eat a mouth of the dust. Rainy days muddy more needless
to say. The village after the old lady put a small bench to
sit together on the teeth (chat). The size of the group
sitting together playing cards, playing mahjong. The whole
village has given people the feeling is poor, lazy, idle. The
Dragon Boat Festival especially so. This idea is rooted in my
mind. Get off to the village, I have my hair wrapped with a
scarf, be ready waiting for Loess attack.









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