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2021-01-11 23:12



⒈It's not a number of years we live that matters. Our lives just add up to a series of moments.
We will never kown when or where they'll happen, but they stick with us, marking our souls
地发生,但它 们永远跟随我们,铭刻于我们的灵魂中。

⒉I 've spent my entire life studying the human body ,and I can say with scientific certainty that
what keeps us alive, more important than blood or oxygen or even love…Is hope.
我一生都在研究人体,我可以十分肯定地说,使我们存活的,比血和器官 甚至爱更重要的,

⒊Nothing can erase the pain of losing someone you love. You carry it with you for the rest of
your life, however long that might be. The best you can hope for is that over time, the wound
begins to heal. But no matter how strong we are, no matter how hard we fight…the scar always
stay with us.
失去挚爱的痛 是无法抹除的,它将伴随你的余生,无论你的生命有多长。你只能祈求时间的
流逝,能渐渐抚平伤口。但 无论我们如何坚强,无论我们如何挣扎,伤痛始终会留在身上。

sad and dreadful as death may be, it forces us to cherish every moment. Because the truth
is…Life is precious because it’s finite.

you are immortal, you have to be reminded of beauty. Days stretch into years, stretch
into centuries. Time can lose it’s meaning.
当你是不死之身 的时候,需要有人提醒你生活中的美。日复日,年复年,世纪复世纪,时间

however longyou live, even though that might prove a very, very long time…You must tell
yourself to live every day…every hour, as if it could be your last.
不管你活了多久,就算那真的可能是一段很长很长的 时光…你还是得告诉自己过好每一天…

the dead, allis forgotten. But all is not lost because they’re remembered by us. Some we
think of fondly, others less so. A few are remembered by many, and some by only a few.
对于 死了的人,一切都被遗忘。但这一切却并没有消失,因为我们还记得。一些人是我们忆
起仍深爱的,另一 些则不然。少数人活在众人的记忆中,而一些人只有少数人还记得。

generation likes to think they’re improving upon the last,that progress is inevitable, that
the future holds less misery and suffering than the past. But the truth is, somethings never
change. History has a way of repeating itself. It’s just most people don’t live long enough to see
每一代人都认为他们比上一代要进步,进步是必然的,未来比过去会少一些苦 难和折磨。但

may never understand those who kill so easily for spectacle. But perhaps that’s why we’
re so fascinated with rthem. We read about their exploits out of curiosity. Our fascination with
the macabre makes it all seem unreal.
也许我们 永远无法理解那些为炫耀而杀人的人,也许因为如此我们才会对他们如此着迷。我
们出于好奇阅读他们的 壮举,我们为死亡所吸引,让死亡看上去神秘莫测。

can train our bodies to forget. But not our minds. And one thing living forever teachesyou
is that your past, your secrets, mark you always, like it or not.
意,你的过 去和秘密总会伴随你终身。

matter howwe live or die, we all end the same, in silence. All of our hopes and dreams
inlife become mere echoes of a tale cut short. But if we’re lucky enough ,ourstories live on. Our
song finds voices in the hearts of those who remember usand loved us.
无论我们如何生活 或怎样死去,我们殊途同归,都归于寂静。生活中所有的希望和梦想,都
成为故事中断后的袅袅余音。如 果我们足够幸运,我们的故事得以保存,我们的歌会在那些

has been said that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken that we are only truly
gone when we’ve disappeared from the memories of those who loved us,meaning a great artist
never dies. As long as his books are read, his paintingsadmired, as long as our songs are sung, we
may each of us live forever.
死去。意味着 伟大的艺术家永存于世,只要有人读他的书,有人欣赏他的画作,有人唱他的
歌,我们每个人都能永恒于 世。

all have secrets. There’s nothing wrong with that. But we all need a confidante, a friend to
share our secrets with. In a way, the shared secret tells us who our real friends are. They’re the
people we entrust the most. < br>我们都有秘密,这并没有错,但我们都需要一个知己,一个可以分享秘密的朋友。某种方式
下,分 享的秘密可以辨别出哪些是真正的朋友,他们是最信任的人。

best impostors have many gifts. They can change their voice, their look, their manner. But
there’s a rule every impostor learns. The one truth we cannot hide is love.
骗人高手,有很多天赋。他们改变声音、相貌、举止,但 每个骗子,都会学会一点,爱是无

ting fully to the protection of another can often engender a kind of paradox. Indoing
so, we are tempted to put ourselves at risk…the very thing most likely tocause pain in those
whom we are trying so desperately to keep pain from. Overtime, however, one learns that the
choices of those we love are impossible tocontrol.
全心全意地保护一个人,通常会酿成大祸。为 了保护此人,我们也许会让自己深陷危险。至
于那些努力想摆脱痛苦的人来说,很可能会招致更大的痛苦 。但随着时光飞逝,人才会明白,

kill youis not what causes your heart to stop beating, it’s what prevents you fromliving.

17.Fate can be cruel. A minute here, a minute there, and lives can be lost. But fate also gifts us
moments of impossible grace…Moments in time when we come together and connect in a way
that is profound…Chance occurrences so precious that they almost make one believe in the
divine, that there is someone out there looking after us.
命运也许残酷,这里一分钟,那里一分钟,生命也就消逝了。但 命运也会赠予我们不可思议
的恩典…那就是我们意义深远地相遇相知的某一刻…这种偶然极其珍贵,几乎 要让我们相信

one ment can take many forms…A hearfelt apology, a grand gesure, a silent prayer, or
something more complex, more gray, more difficult to decipher. And while it’sture that no
amount of atonement can ever change the past. It does have thepower to heal us, to restore
relationships and connections we thought were lostforever.
赎罪有许多 种方式,一句诚挚的道歉,一个善意的举动,一次无声的祈祷或是以某种更复杂、
更阴暗、更加难以理解 的方式。虽然无论如何赎罪,都不会改变它曾经造成的伤害,但它仍
会治愈我们,让我们找回曾以为永久 失去的情感以及联系。

truth is, each of us is related. It’s just a question of how far back you trace your familytree.
Deep down, all of us have shared blood in our veins.
事实上,我们每个人都是有血缘 关系的。问题是要在你的家谱里,往回推算多远,在内心深

are told that those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it, while those who dwellin
the past would love nothing more than to repeat it over and over again. But memories, like
photograghs, have a way of fading with time. Some memories areso powerful that they never
fade…Memories which become more powerful every time we remember them…Thus making
our present lives seem a little more faded.
人们常说忽略过去的人,注定会 重蹈覆辙,而沉浸在过去的人,则只爱重蹈覆辙,一遍又一
遍。但记忆就像照片,会随着时间褪色。有些 记忆非常强大,永不褪色…每想起一次,那些
记忆就会更清晰一点。因此也让我们现在的生活,显得更加 黯淡。

s privacy is a thing of the past .In the future ,everything about us will be available with
the touch of a button –Who’s fallen in love, who’s gotten sick, who’shaving an affair. Maybe
it’s a good thing –A future without secrets. Of course,those of us with a few more years value
our privacy. We’ve made our mistakes and survived them. It’s not that we want to keep these
secrets from y, we’re keeping them from ourselves.
也许隐私已经是过去式了,在未来,我们的一切只要按一 个小小的按钮就能显现—谁热恋了,
谁病了,谁出轨了。也许是个好事,没有秘密的未来。当然,我们这 样有很多年历史的人珍
视我们的隐私,我们犯过错,但挺过来了。我们不是想对他们保密,通常是我们自 己想淡忘秘

person who has lived long enough has something in their past that must be forgotten,
amoment when they’ve failed, or when they simply went right instead of left, and that simple
choice changed their life for the worse, so we cover it up and forget. But deep down, we know it
will come back to haunt us. < br>每个活得足够长的人都有一段已经被遗忘的过去,曾经失败的瞬间或者踏错方向的时候,还
有让人 生跌入谷底的那个选择。于是我们掩盖这些记忆,将它们抛之脑后。但我们都明白,
总有一天它们会回来 困扰我们。

23.A great alienist once told me. That we must face those moments we choose to by
confronting our fears are we able to grow, to change, and to be able to face our next.
一位伟大的 精神病学家曾跟我说,我们必须面对我们选择遗忘的时刻。只有直面我们的恐惧,
才能成长、改变,才能 勇敢面对下一次挑战。

say memories make us who we are, that the past defines us, but we can’t forget to
grow,evolve, because sometimes a memory can be so powerful that we get stuck in it, frozen in a
有人说是记忆成就了现在的我们,过去造就了我们,但我们不能忘记去成 长、去进步,因为

21. For most of us, it’s an inconvenience, a trial to be endured or avoided. But there are a select
few who seek it out, who use it as a tool to create something so beautiful that it transcends this
world and makes them immortal
对我们大多数人 来说,痛苦会带来不便,我们都竭尽全力避免它。但也有少数人追求痛感,
他们利用疼痛创造美丽,美到 超越这个世界,并使他们永垂不朽。

are moments in all of our lives when we are compelled to ask ourselves, how far are we
willing to go for what we want? How much are we willing to risk, to sacrifice, to endure? Because
it’s one thing to yearn for something…But quite another to find the strength to achieve it.
我们生命中有些时刻会让我们扪心自问:为了追寻你要的东西,你愿意 付出多少?我们愿意
冒多大的风险,去牺牲,去忍耐?因为渴望是一回事,而得到去实现的力量却是另一 回事。

of us can make it through this life without suffering some kind of pain. Having lived
through my fair share, I can tell you the most difficult to endure is loneliness.

is a game and one that we must play. No matter how careful we are, there is simply no
way to go through this life unscathed. But, fortunately for us, it’s a game we don’t have to play
生活就是游戏,一个我们非玩不可的游戏。不论我们如何小心,都不 可能毫发无损地过一辈









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