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2021-01-12 03:27
tags:销售/营销, 经管营销, 专业资料




txt>姓名: 联系电话:成绩: 说明: 1、本试题适用于**********有



though they were already late ,they (宁愿停下来

欣赏美丽的景色)than just go on .

agreement was reached in the discussion between the
two parties ,as (任何一方都不放弃自己的立场).

pills 本来可以治愈那位癌症病人的),but he didn’t

follow the doctor’s advice and take them regularly .

to you .

war left the family scattered all over the world ,and it was
thirty years (他们才得以重聚)。

is no denying that (越仔细越好)in dealing with this


when i reached my thirties 读书是不能被忽视的)

(使研究人员感到惊讶),the outcome of the

experiment was far better than they had expected.

,my ,i can’t find my key; (我一定是把它忘在哪了)

(宁愿加入你们去做义工)than go to the beach for a


___ __________________________________________________ _
____(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to

leave them and strike out on his own though he is in his late

12. before you take any action, please remember to


13. he assured his friend that under no circumstances


14. most educators advise that kids
__________________________________________ (不要沉溺于


15. business major as he is, he has
___________________________________ (从未考虑过从事推销


16. how long does a jacket like this last me?


17. the theory he advanced has proved
__________________________________( 对许多多传统概念是


18. the manager _______________________________________
(本可以亲自参加会议), but he was

called away for some urgent business abroad.

19. both research and practical experience have shown that a


20. much _______________________________________ (我感
到遗憾), i was unable to finish the

work on time.


说明: 1、本试题适用于**********有限公司cet-6英语测试试题。


rather stop for the beautiful view //would rather stop
to enjoy the beautiful view

side refused to soften /give up their positions//neither
side would like to give up their position

have cured the cancer patient

/very kind of you to give me so much help

they were able to reunited

never be too careful //can not be too careful

i realize that reading can not be neglected //did i realize
that reading is not neglected

the researchers’ surprise

9.i must have left it somewhere

rather join you as a volunteer

11. their only son has never thought

12. weigh your decision against its possible consequences.

13. would he break/breach his promise//commitment to pay
back the money.

14. should not be addicted to computer games. // should not
indulge themselves in computer games // should not abandon
themselves to computer games.

15. never considered working as a salesman.

16. it depends on how often you wear it

17. a challenge to many traditional concepts

18. could have attended the meeting in person (by himself)

19. a balance diet is essential to health

20. regretted as i felt


姓名: 联系电话:成绩: 说明: 1、本试题适用于**********有限公



1. with the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk
__________________________________________ (说服他不买

2. ________________ (保持幽默感有助于) reduce stress and
promote creative thinking in today’s appetitive society.

3. when confronted with the evidence,
_________________________________________ (他只得坦白本

4. when people say, “i can feel my ears burning,” it means
they think

_______________________________ _______________________
_________________(肯定是有人 在说她们的坏话).

5. she has decided to go on a diet, but finds
______________________________________ (很难抵抗冰淇淋的

6. he designed the first suspension bridge ,
which______________________ (把美观与功效完美地联合起来).

7. it was very dark, but mary seemed
to_________________________________________ (本能地懂得

8. i don’t think it advisable that parents_______________ (剥夺
孩子们的自由) to spend their spare time as they wish.

9. older adults who have a high level of daily activities have
more energy and_______________ (与不那么活跃的人相比灭亡率

10. your resume should attract a would-be boss’s attention by
demonstrating_______________(为什么你 是某个特定职位的最佳

11. we can say a lot of things about those ______________ (毕
生致力于诗歌的人): they are passionate, impulsive, and unique.

12. mary couldn’t have received my letter, ______________ (不

13. nancy is supposed to ______________ (做完化学测试) at
least two weeks ago.

14. never once ______________ (老两口互相争吵) since they
were married 40 years ago.

15. ______________ (一个国家未来的繁荣在很大水平上有赖于)
the quality of education of its people.

16. but for mobile phones, ___________________ (我们的通信

17. in handling an embarrassing situation,
___________________ (没有什么比幽默感更有帮助的了).

18. the foreign minister said he was resigning,
___________________ (但他 0拒绝进一步诠释这样做的原因).

19 . human behavior is mostly a product of learning,
___________________ (而动物的举动首要寄托本能).

20. the witness was told that under no circumstances
___________________ (他都不应该对法庭扯谎).


说明: 1、本试题适用于**********有限公司cet-6英语测试试题。


1. him into stopping buying a car.

2. keeping a sense of humor helps to

3. he had to confess his crime.

4. someone must be talking about them behind their back.

5. it hard/difficult to resist the temptation of ice- cream.

6. made a perfect combination of beauty and function

7. know which way to take instinctively

8. (should) deprive children of their freedom

9. a lower death rate compared with relatively inactive people

10. why you are the best candidate for a certain position

11. who have devoted their whole life to poetry// devoting their
whole life to poetry

12. or she would/should have answered it /replied last week

13. have completed/finished her chemical experiment/ the
chemical experiments

14. have the old couple quarreled with each other

15. the prosperity of a nation in the future depends/relies, to a
great extent, on

16. our communication would not have been so efficient and

17. nothing is more helpful than a sense of humor

18. but (he) refused to make further explanation (for doing
so)/to further explain why

animal behavior depends mainly /is mainly dependent
on/upon their instinct(s)

20. should he lie to the court




堂上给各位学员重点强调的未来一段 时间大学英语六级作文的命题
进而考出考生真正的英语语言应用能力。比如“why is it unwise to
jump into conclusions upon seeing or hearing?”很像辩论赛的
“seeing is believing”,要透露出的信息其实就是“seeing is not
believing ”,扩展开来就是要通过大脑去分析。如最近火热的文章和
马伊利,表面上看起来是真爱,但是结果却令 人叹息。所以得到文
章结论。同理的还有“it is unwise to put all eggs in one basket.”。
而“it is unwise to judge a person by appearance.不要以貌取人”。
其实不管怎样出题,快速形成自己的观 点,联系社会现实和考生自


why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance.

there is a chinese saying goes like this: men cannot be judged
by their looks. i cannot agree with this point of view any more.

on the one hand, though a charming appearance will leave a
good impression on others, one’s look can seldom reflects his
or her qualities, capacities and ethics. we cannot say those
who are good-looking are more capable and more cultivated
than those who are average-looking or ugly-looking. there are
so many people who do not have good appearances have
made great

achievements for the progress of mankind, such as stephen
william hawking who are even crippled. on the other hand, our
appearances are decided by our genes, which are inborn, while
our qualities can be cultivated as we grow. we can eich our
minds by learning, but which cannot be reflected on the

to summarize, judging people by appearance is unwise.
therefore i suggest that we should focus on one’s inner world
rather than their appearance.


as old people always put it, never judge a book by its cover.
however, in most cases, we judge a person just by external
appearances. for example, sometimes when we walk down the
street at night, we choose to avoid people who are acting
tough and loud. in this way we tend to make wrong decisions,
because judging someone by appearance can be deceptive.

in dairy life, we try to stay away from people who are called
the bad guy because they dress a certain way. but we may
miss an opportunity to make a good friend, because
judgments based on external appearances prevent us from
getting to really know a person. if we take the time to get to
know the person, we might become friends.

therefore, in my opinion, judging people just by appearance is
superficial and often unfair. after all, we dont know what
circumstances the person might be facing or who the person
really is. please embrace everyone you meet and not judge him
just by appearances.


why is it unwise to jump into conclusions upon seeing or

living in an age when the adolescents are lack of the
necessary guidance and supervision, we can

never fail to figure out the fact that teenagers are become
especially self-conscious. under this circumstance, the
youngsters are more likely to believe in what they have
listened or seen instead of thinking twice before drawing their
conclusions, which is pathetically and undoubtedly considered
controversial or even ueasonable.

the reasons why i insist on the viewpoint that we should never
directly and irresponsibly come to conclusions only by
listening or seeing mainly lie in the following two aspects. to
begin with, it is a invariable law to every existence in the world
that nothing will stay still even for just one are the
things happening around us. what we see or listen may be just
some particular period of the development of things, which
proves unstable and changeable. in addition, the perspectives
we conclude just through seeing or listening are usually one-
sided. drawing conclusions rashly is not objective enough to
make our statements persuasive.

to sum up, it is unwise for us to define any thing as what we
assume or imagine at first sight. only by our serious thinking
and accurate analyzing can we come up with more rational and
reasonable conclusions.


it is unwise to put all eggs in one basket.

as a common saying goes, “it is unwise to put all eggs in
one basket. ”placing all eggs in one basket means focus all
our attention on one thing and fix all our hope on one thing.
however, it is wrong and reasonless.

why placing all eggs in one basket is wrong ? placing all eggs
in one basket tends to reduce the odds of success. by
focusing on one thing , people will surely improve their
efficiency and proficiency. however, they will also overlook
other resources and possibilities,thus,the likelihood of
success will be lower. take jack, one of my best friends, as a
case in point: he started to hunt for jobs in his senior year.
compared with other students who chose different kinds of
jobs, he aimed at state-owned firms alone. unfortunately,
getting a decent job in state- owned firms is really hard for him.
at last, when others got a job, he was still on the way to his
interviews. suppose he choose jobs in a wider range and
“place all eggs in different baskets”, he could have gotten a
job much easier. putting all eggs in one basket in unwise, a
truth which is applicable to many situations.

as a college student,we should endeavor to master more
skills, accumulate different experience and make friends with
diverse people.



步骤仍然 是不变的,即从文章整体意义把握、所填词项词性分析、
所填词项语义分析和上下文逻辑语义分析等主要 三个方面考虑。


本篇文章围绕债券展开。首段通过举例指出了国债 的好处。但即使
着他们。第一 个问题为是否必须在到期日前都持有债券?那答案其
实是否定的,并且作者通过正反两个例子指出了债券 价值通常与当
这也就带来了第 二个问题:如何评定风险。作者在文末指出其实债
券的市场风险越大,利率也越大。投资者只有在潜在回 报非常高的

本文话题或许对于有些考生来说有些陌 生,但是正如前面所述,通
判 ,想要做对题目应该也不是件难事儿。


36.a advantages

37.k insured

38. c bother

39. l major

40. h features









本文更新与2021-01-12 03:27,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/510660.html


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