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2021-01-12 04:28
tags:考研英语, 研究生入学考试, 高等教育


哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权


1 道歉信
Directions: You have made an appointment with your American friends, Jack, to come to China for traveling in Great Wall.
But because of some reasons, you can’t accompany him. Now write an email to
(1)express your apology
(2)take measures
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Jack,
I, your Chinese friend, am cordially writing the letter to you for the purpose of expressing my sincere apology for my
missing our appointment.
I have always been cherishing our appointment. Unfortunately, I was on the point of packing luggage to prepare to pick
you up in Beijing when my phone rang, told that a traffic accident happened to my close friend, Tom. Because I was in his
neighborhood, I had to take care of him. As a result, I missed our appointment. But I have arranged my another friend, Mary,
to accompany you.
I feel deeply sorry again for any inconvenience and regret I have caused. I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Ming
我一 直很珍惜我们的约会。不幸的是,我正要收拾行李准备在北京接你,这时电话响了,告诉我我的密友汤姆
2 辞职信
Directions: You have worked in an education institution as a teacher for several years, but you need to resign this job because
of your individual reasons. Now write an email to your headmaster, Mr. Wang to
(1)tell him your decision
(2)give your reasons
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Mr. Wang,
I, an employee in our educational institution, am formally writing to you for the purpose of informing you of my intention
of withdrawing from my current position next week.
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I have always been cherishing this job as a teacher. However, I was about to prepare to go home after work when I
received an email from Peking University, saying that I was admitted to Peking University as a postgraduate studying literature.
Because I must spend 3 years in studying there, I had to resign this job I have always been cherishing since I engaged in.
I feel deeply sorry and make a apology for any inconvenience it might bring to you.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
我 一直以来都珍视这份作为一名教师的工作。然而,我正准备下班回家时,突然收到一封来自北京大学的电子
邮件,说我被北京大学录取为研究文学的研究生。因为我必须在那里学习3年,所以我不得不辞去这份自从我工 作
3 感谢信
Directions: When you traveled in America, you met a lot of troubles but an old couple, Mr. and Mrs. Steve, gave you a great
hand. Now write a letter to express your appreciations to them.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Steve,
I, a Chinese traveler who you helped in America, am cordially writing the letter to you for the purpose of expressing my
sincere gratitude for your help.
I have always been recalling what you devoted for me. I have arrived at England when I found that my wallet was lost.
Because there were no my relatives and friends there, I had to beg for help anywhere. But you gave me a great favor and
provide me with accommodations and help me communicate with ambassadors. The period I spent with you made me feel
warmly welcomed and transformed the experience into a beautiful and unforgettable memory and I will cherish it forever.
I feel obliged to thank you once more and I do hope that you could give me a chance to invite you to China so that I
could replay your friendship.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
我 一直会回想起你为我所做的一切。我刚到了英国,突然发现我的钱包丢了。因为那里没有我的亲戚和朋友,
所以我不得不在任何地方祈求帮忙。但是你给了我很大的帮助,给我提供住宿,帮我联系大使馆。我与你共度的 时

4 投诉信
Directions: Suppose you are a customer of a travel agency, you just returned from a tourist attraction. Now write an email to
a department concerned to
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哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权
[1]express your dissatisfaction
[2]give your reasons and requirement
Write neatly on ANSWER SHEET
Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, a customer of the travel agency in our region, venture to write the email to you for the purpose of expressing my
dissatisfaction about the services the travel agency during my vacation from Oct. 1st to Oct. 7th.
I must account for several reasons for my complaints. Firstly, the rooms reserved were not cleaned on a daily basis so
that I had to stand the unsanitary condition and sleep on the dirty sheet. Secondly, because of disappointing food, I suffered
from overpricing to fill my stomach in the local restaurants. Thirdly, the tour guide was too rude and impolite to communicate
with him friendly on any topic and he always forced us to buy useless products.
Thus, I wish to get some claims and hope that the department in charge enhances supervision to improve the quality of
service. I am looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
我是旅行社的客户, 冒昧地写信给您,目的是为了表达我对12月1日至12月7日在哈尔滨旅行期间接待的旅
行社的一些服 务的投诉。
我必须解释我不满意的几个原因。首先,房间没有每天清扫,以至于我不得不忍受不卫生的 条件,睡在脏床上。
第二,由于食物令人失望,我在当地饭店花费过高的价格购买食物。第三,导游太粗 鲁,不能被顾客接受。

5 推荐信
Directions: Suppose you have made some Chinese paper cuttings recently, now write an email to your American friend, Tom,
to help you sell then on American online stores.
(1)introduce these Chinese paper cutting
(2)thank him
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Tom,
I, your Chinese friend, recently made some Chinese paper cuttings and am writing the letter to you for helping me sell
these Chinese paper cuttings on American online stores.
China has a lot of traditional handicrafts while I reckon that paper cutting is worth recommendation to foreigners who
are interested in Chinese culture. Paper cutting, having a history of over 1000 years, is a kind of folk artworks with diverse
colors and patterns and often used for decorating windows with distinctive ethic characteristics. Besides, paper cutting
symbolizes Chinese traditional cultures and brings festival atmosphere. Specifically, as the name indicates, paper cutting is
made of paper, which is cut into various shapes such as “two Chinese dragons playing with a pearl”, “peacock showing off
its beautiful tail” and so on.
I will appreciate it very much if you could spare time to help me sell them on American online stores and I am looking
forward to your reply.
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哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权
Li Ming
我是你的中国朋友,最近做了一些中国剪纸,我写信给 你,是为了你能帮我在美国网上商店卖这些中国剪纸。
中国有很多传统的手工艺品,而我认为剪纸对那 些中国文化感兴趣的外国人是值得推荐的。剪纸有着1000多
年的历史,是一种色彩和图案各异的民间 艺术品,常被用来把窗户装饰成具有鲜明民族特色。此外,剪纸象征着中
国传统文化,带来了节日气氛。 具体地说,如它的名字指示,剪纸是由纸制成的,它被切割成各种形状,如“二龙戏
珠”,“孔雀开屏” 等等。

Directions: Suppose your American friend, Tom, needs to hand in an assignment about describing a Chinese traditional festival.
Now write a reply to
[1]help him introduce a Chinese traditional festival
[2]invite him to China
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Tom,
I am glad to receive your letter and am happily invited to write the reply to help you describe a Chinese traditional
Totally, China has a lot of traditional festivals such as mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, spring festival etc. while
I reckon that the lantern festival is well worth introduction. The lantern festival, being the 15th day in the first month of lunar
calendar, symbolizes the end of Spring Festival and is characterized by the reason for having a big feast with friends and
relatives to enhance friendship and consolidate family tie. Besides, the main tradition is to appreciate various lanterns on the
trees or beside the river and enjoy the beauty of fireworks, which gives you the atmosphere of booming and happiness.
I do hope that my description will bring some help to you and I sincerely invite you to China to have a lantern festival.
My family are looking forward to your arrival.
Li Ming
我很高兴收到你的来信,也很高兴地被你邀请写一封回 信来帮助你描述一个中国传统节日。我最想介绍的是中
总的来说,中国有很多传统节日,如中秋节、端午节、春节,我认为元宵节是值得介绍的。元宵节是农历的第< br>一个月第十五天,源于西汉时期,象征着春节的结束,其特点是与亲朋好友举行盛大的宴会。此外,顾名思 义,主
要的传统是欣赏在树上,在河边等处的各种各样的灯。重要的是,我们可以品尝用糯米粉做成的甜 馅饺子,这通常被
6 求职信
Directions: You just get a piece of information on the campus internet that Students’ Union will recruit 5 campus reporters.
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哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权
Now write a letter to
(1)apply for the job
(2)give your advantages
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, one of students in our university, am cordially writing the letter to apply for the position of campus journalist you
advertised on the campus website.
I am one of the most suitable persons for this position. Firstly, to briefly introduce myself, I am a freshman of the English
Department specializing in English Journalism and having a good knowledge about interview and am sensitive to hot news.
Additionally, I engaged in reporter-related work in Senior High and accumulated rich experience in the field of news edition.
Most importantly, I have fallen in love with news work and have a patient and insistent heart to do it excellently.
I will appreciate it very much that you could give me a chance for interview at your earliest convenience. I am looking
forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
我是这个职位最合适的人选之一。首先,简单介绍一下我自己,我是英语系新闻专业的新生,对采访有很好的< br>了解,对热门新闻很敏感。此外,我曾经从事过新闻工作者的相关工作,积累了丰富的新闻编辑经验。最重 要的是,
7 申请信
Directions: America and China are organizing an activity about exchanging students to study in their respective country. Now
write a letter to the Department Concerned to apply for an America student to study in your home.
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, a Chinese student, am cordially writing the letter to express my strong interest in willingly accepting an American
child to study and live in my family and would like to apply as one of qualified candidates.
I have a dream of studying with a foreigner together and do hope that you could give me an opportunity to achieve my
dream. Firstly, I have a good knowledge of English and can communicate with him. Secondly, I am expert at Chinese history
and culture and tell some Chinese historic stories before sleeping. Thirdly, my home is near the school and we can go to school
on foot. But, I have a small request that you could arrange a male student for me.
I will appreciate it very much if you could help me find an appropriate person. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
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哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权 我是一名中国学生,热诚地写这封信,表达我强烈的兴趣,愿意接受一个美国孩子学习和生活在我的家庭,并
我有一个与外国人一起学习梦想,并希望你能给我 一个机会来实现我的梦想。首先,我有很好的英语知识,可
以和他交流。其次,我精通中国历史文化,睡 前能讲一些中国的历史 故事。第三,我家在学校附近,我们可以步行
上学。但是,我有一个小小的要求 ,你最好为我安排一个男生。
Directions: American college students are holding a summer camp with Chinese college students. Now write an email to
[1]apply for becoming a member of the summer camp
[2]give your reasons and request
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Sir or Madam,
I, a Chinese student, am cordially writing the email to express my strong interest in the summer camp activity you will
hold in America and would like to apply as a member of qualified candidates.
I have a dream of taking part in a foreign camp campaign and do hope that you could grant me an opportunity to attain
my dream. Firstly, to briefly introduce myself, I am a sophomore, majoring in physics. Besides, I have a good knowledge of
oral English and can communicate with other members fluently in any topic. What’s more, I am expert at Chinese history and
cultures and meanwhile I could spread Chinese traditional cultures and introduce external educational notions to China. But
I have a small request that you could arrange a room for me with a foreign student.
I would be most grateful if you could let me participate in it and I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
尊敬的先生或女士: < br>我是一名中国学生,热诚地写这封信,表达我对你将组织的美国夏令营的浓厚兴趣,并申请作为一名合格的 候
我有一个参加外国夏令营活动的梦想,并希望你能给我一个机会来实现我的 梦想。简单地介绍一下我自己,由
于我是一名英语专业,我有很好的英语知识,并能流利地与其他国家的 人交流。另外,我在中国历史和文化方面的
有专长,可以为外国人讲一些历史故事,并为中国引入一些外 部的学习理念。但是我有一个小小的要求,就是你能
8 建议信
Directions: Your American friend, Tom, will come to China to learn Chinese. Now write an email to
(1)express your welcome
(2)give some advice about learning Chinese
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear Tom,
I, your Chinese friend, am gladly writing the email to you for expressing my warmest welcome your coming to China to
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哈尔滨李海斌 请尊重版权
learn Chinese and meanwhile am also honored to come up with my advice how to learn Chinese well.
Totally speaking, Chinese is easy to learn for learners. For one thing, listening is of great importance for every learner
and therefore we might download some Chinese cartoons and watch them every night, taking notes and imitating some
language. For another, in order to improve your oral Chinese, we might make more Chinese friends and frequently invite them
to hold parties to talk about life, dream or marriage.
I do hope that you will find my suggestions available in the process of learning Chinese. I am looking forward to your
Li Ming
我是你的中国朋友,我很乐 意写电子邮件给你,表达我最热烈的欢迎你来中国学习汉语,同时也很荣幸能为你
提出一些如何学好汉语 建议。
总的来说,汉语对学习者来说是很容易学习的。一方面,听力对于每一个学习者来说都是非常重 要的,因此我
们可以每天晚上下载一些中国动画片并观看它们,做笔记并模仿一些语言。另一方面,为了 提高你的汉语口语,我
Directions: Your sister, Zhang Wei, will go to university and now write an email to
(1)express your congratulations
(2)give some advice about campus life
You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write the address (10 points)
Dear sister,
I am gladly to hear that you have been admitted to the university and cordially writing the letter to you for expressing
my warmest congratulations and would like to give some advice about university life.
Generally speaking, university life is full of joys but I want to give you several suggestions to enrich your campus life.
For one thing, studying is of great importance for every student and therefore we might make the best of every lecture and
take notes carefully to make preparations for the future job. For another, in order to cultivate your extracurricular capacity,
we had better actively join in various activities that students’ union hold/launch.
I do hope that my suggestions will bring some benefits for you and may you have a happy university life.
Li Ming
一般来说,大学生活充满了欢乐,但我想给你几点建议,丰富你的校园生活。一方面,学习对每个学生来 说都
是非常重要的,因此我们可以充分利用每一堂课,认真记笔记,为将来的工作做准备。另一方面,为 了培养你的课
Directions: The city you lived have the problem of traffic jams. Now write an email to a department concerned to give some
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本文更新与2021-01-12 04:28,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/510743.html


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