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2021-01-12 13:13
tags:面试, 求职/职场, 实用文档


3 应聘英自我介绍

nae is ________ I graduate fr ________ senir high shl and ar in
________ There are ________ peple in fail father rs in a puter pan And
ther is a huseife I a the ungest ne in fail
In spare tie, I lie t read nvels I thin reading uld enlarge nledge As fr
nvels, I uld iagine hatever I lie suh as a ell-nn sientist r a ung-fu aster In
additin t reading, I als lie t pla P gaes A lt f grnups thin plaing P gaes
hinders the students fr learning But I thin P gaes uld tivate e t learn
sething suh as English r apanese favrite urse is English beause I thin it is
interesting t sa ne thing via different sunds I ish English uld be iprved in
the next fur ears and be able t spea fluent English in the future
I a I as brn in I graduate fr senir high shl and ar in English I started
learning English sine I as 12 ears ld parents have a lt f Aerian friends
That’s h I have n prble uniating ith Aerians r thers b speaing English

In spare tie, I lie t d anthing relating t English suh as listening t English
sngs, athing English vies r TV prgras, r even attending the ativities held b
se English lubs r institutes I used t g abrad fr a shrt- ter English stud
During that tie, I learned a lt f dail life English and sa a lt f different

I thin language is ver interesting I uld express ne substane b using
different sunds S I ish I uld stud and read re English literatures and
enlarge nledge


nae is There are 4 peple in fail father is a heistr teaher He teahes heistr in
senir high shl ther is an English teaher She teahes English in the universit
I have a unger brther, he is a unir high shl student and is preparing fr the
entrane exa

I lie t read English str bs in free tie Seties I surf the Internet and dnlad the
E- bs t read Reading E- bs is fun In additin, it als enlarges vabular rds
beause f the advaned tehnlg and the vivid aniatins

I hpe t stud bth English and puter tehnlg beause I a interested in bth f the
subets abe ne da I uld bine bth f the and appl t researh in the future


nae is I a fr There are peple in fail father rs in a puter pan He is a puter
engineer ther rs in a internatinal trade pan She is als a bus an I have a lder
sister and a unger brther sister is a unir in Natinal Taian Universit She ars
in English brther is an eleentar shl student He is 8 ears ld
Beause f father, I lve surfing the Internet ver uh I pla the n-line gae fr abut
2 hurs ever da I ish I uld be a puter prgra designer in the future And that is
h I a appling fr the eletrnis prgra in ur shl


Fr a iddle lass fail, I as brn in Hsin ing, Tainan n tber 10th, 196 father is a
ivil ffiial at Tainan it Gvernent ther is a huse ife gd at ing Althugh I a the
nl hild f parents, I a b n ans a spiled ne n the ntrar, I have been expeted t
be a suessful an ith advaned eduatin I stud hard at shl Besides texts
nledge, urnalis is favrite; henever reading, heart is filled ith great and
“Being gd is ust; suessful, hever, is plus” Father adpts the idea f his father
Espeiall in ilitar servie, I realized it re preisel Peple said: ilitar servie aes a
b t an, I agree that
I realized the iprtane f English and began t stud diligentl hen I as
eighteen I did nt start in earl age, but I hpe that I uld pass the test f
General English Prfiien Test And this is best ish at the ent


After pleting ilitar servie, I have been ling fr a hallenging gal fr e t ahieve
And I fund that the Interediate f General English Prfiien Test fits ne
ahieveent prperl

I graduated fr Taipei erial unir llege, ared in business adinistratin Instead f
spending uh tie in plaing, I devted self t studies and paid attentin t all
eaningful things happened in dail life B the a, I learned a lt fr r ang, the
prfessr f business lass He is gd friend till n an ften gives se apprpriate
suggestins tard prble nfusin

father is, in the sae a, a gd nsultant t e As he said: I a in pr eduatin, little
fr u; t larif, hat he have given is far bend his rds, I d thin s I as brn in a
untr f Ping Tung untr, faring is ur areer f generatins There are fur peple in
fail, ther is huseife and brther is a student f an Agriulture llege

I a ptiisti and ative, and I a nfident that I an pass the test Than u fr ur
preius t read autbigraph


1、Gd rning/afternn/evening, nae is It is reall a great hnr t have this
pprtunit/hane t intrdue self I uld lie t anser hatever u a raise, and I hpe I an
ae a gd perfrane tda

上午好/下午好/晚上好!我的名 字叫……。今天有机会进行自我介绍

2、I a &sh;ears ld, brn in prvine/Beiing, nrtheast/sutheast/suthest…… f
hina, and I a urrentl a freshan(大一新生)/sphre(大二 学生)/unir(大
三学生)/senir(大四学生) student at apital Institute f Phsial Eduatin

我今年……岁,出生在……省 /北京,它位于中国的东北/东南/西
南……等部。我目前是首都体育学院大一/大二/大三/大四的学 生。

3、 ar is sprts training f basetball/vellball/ftball/badintn/pingbang/tennis/

训练 专业。在我毕业以后,我将会获得学士学位。

4、In the past 1/2/3 ears, I spend st f tie n stud I have passed ET3/4/6 and I
have aquired basi nledge f sprts training bth in ther and in pratie

在过去的1 /2/3年中,我把大量的时间用在学习上。我已经通过了大
学英语2/3/4/6级。而且,我已经从 理论和实践二方面对运动训练专

、Besides, I have attended several sprts eetings held in Beiing I a als the
vlunteers f hina Tennis pen, hinese Badintn asters…… Thrugh these I
have a deepl understanding f ar—sprts training

除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。我还是中国网球公< br>开赛,羽毛球大师赛……的志愿者。通过这些,我对运动训练专业有

6、I have lts f interest, suh as singing, daning, draing and s n


7、Than u!



General Intrdutin
I a a third ear aster ar in autatin at Shanghai ia Tng Universit, P R hina ith
treendus interest in Industrial Engineering, I a riting t appl fr aeptane int
ur PhD graduate prgra
Eduatin bagrund
In 199, I entered the Naning Universit f Siene ≈ Tehnlg (NUST) --
idel nsidered ne f the hina’s best engineering shls During the flling
undergraduate stud, aadei rerds ept distinguished ang the hle departent I
as granted First lass Prize ever seester,In 1999, I gt the privilege t enter
the graduate prgra aived f the adissin test

At the perid f graduate stud, verall GPA(377/40) raned tp % in the
departent In the send seester, I beae teaher assistant that is given t talented
and atured students nl This ear, I n the Aer Shlarship as the ne and nl
andidate in departent, hih is the ultiate alade fr distinguished students
ended b universit Presentl, I a preparing graduatin thesis and tring fr the
hnr f Exellent Graduatin Thesis

Researh experiene and aadei ativit
hen a sphre, I ined the Assiatin f AI Enthusiast and began t narr dn
interest fr future researh ith the tl f penGL and atlab, I designed a siulatin
prgra fr transprtatin sheduling sste It is n idel used b different researh
grups in NUST I assued and fulfilled a seage analsis ≈ dispse pret fr
Naning seage treatent plant This as first pratie t nvert a labratr idea t a
erial prdut
In retrspet, I find self standing n a slid basis in bth ther and experiene, hih
has prepared e fr the PhD prgra future researh interests inlude: Netr
Sheduling Prble, Heuristi Algrith researh (espeiall in GA and Neural netr),
Suppl hain netr researh, Hbrid sste perfrane analsis ith Petri nets and Data

Saple 9: BA口语复试自我介绍

一、第一句话(first rd)见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很
复杂。可以是一 个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。
千万不要一句“srr, English is pr”常见的开头有:1 Gd rning! a I intrdue
self 2 I a glad t be here fr this intervie First let e intrdue self I’ peter hite,
N is …(北大清华等学校参加面试 的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编

二、作自我介绍——成长经历(aing a self-intrdutin ——develping histr)
有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的 个人
力的线索。判断你是否 适合读BA。你可以先介绍一下成长的经历,
出生地和毕业学校等内容。在这一部分要介绍的有些特色, 让老师在
系管理的第一个挑 战吧!I e fr ******,the apital f *******Prvine I
graduated fr the ******* departent f *****Universit in ul ,1997 (很简单
超的口语。u n, there is a saing that “The greatness f a an lends a glr t a
plae” I thin the it reall deserves i t另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,适合
把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母给了你哪些方面良好的影响。 不
要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员。可以这么说:ust lie father, I a
pen-inded ,qui in thught and ver fnd f histr Frequentl I exhange ideas ith
fail during super In additin , during llege ears, I as ne the hairan f the
Student Unin These r have urged e develp ative and respnsible haraters

在这里给出描述个人品质常用词汇的中英对照,可以参考。able 有
才干的,能干的 adaptable 适应性强的 ative 主动的,活跃的
aggressive 有进取心的 abitius 有雄心壮志的 aiable 和蔼可亲的
aiable 友好的 analtial 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的aspiring
有志气的,有抱负的 audaius 有冒险精神的 apable 有能力的,有才
能areful 办理仔细的 andid 正直的 petent 能胜任的nstrutive 建设
性的 perative 有合作精神的 reative 富创造力的dediated 有奉献精
神的 dependable 可靠的 diplati 老练的,有策disiplined 守纪律的
dutiful尽职的 ell-eduated 受过良好教育的effiient 有效率的 energeti
精力充沛的 expressivit 善于表达faithful 守信的,忠诚的 fran 直率
的,真诚的 generus 宽宏大量的genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的
hurus 有幽默 ipartial 公正的 independent 有主见的 industrius 勤奋
的ingenius 有独创性的 tivated 目的明确的 intelligent 理解力强的
learned 精通某门学问的 lgial 条理分明的 ethdial 有方法的dest 谦
虚的 betive 客观的 preise 一丝不苟的 puntual 严守时刻的 elasti
实事求是的 respnsible 负责的sensible 明白事理的 sprting 光明正
大的 stead 踏实的 ssteati有系统的 purpseful 意志坚强的
seet-tepered性情温和的teperate 稳健的 tireless 孜孜不倦的

三、作自我介绍——职业发展(aing a self-intrdutin ——areer
develpent)这是很关键的一部分,也是B A考官会重点考察的一部分。
业发展中的一个必然选择,而不是 因为找不到工作。你可以用这些句
型: 1、In the past ears, I’ve red at IB as a sftare engineer In r, I fund
uniatin and anageent is ver iprtant I alas believe that ne ill easil lag behind
unless he eeps n learning S I hse BA! if I a given a hane t stud BA in this
faus Universit, I ill stare n effrt t aster a gd and f uniatin and anageent sill
发现交流和管理非常的重要 。我一直认为一个人很容易落后,如果不
持续学习的话,所以我选择了BA!如果我有机会在这个著名的 大学

Saple 10: 复试英自我介绍

Gd rning prfessrs, First f all, please all e t express appreiatin fr the
pprtunit that u give e t in this intervie

nae is ***, English nae Felix I’ve gt undergraduate eduatin in Beiing
Freign Studies Universit, aring in *** in Shl f English and Internatinal
Studies The ar fr further eduatin that I pursue here in Peing universit is

During the fur ears in BFSU, I’ve been given the traditinal eduatin n bth
English Litera and Dipla, hih ultivated e t vie the rld in an internatinal

I’ve been freign teahers’ assistant fr abut three ears and learnt t uniate ith
the and understand their a t thin and at This experiene gives e uh deeper
understanding f different ultures

I served as vlunteers fr an events held b the gvernent and ther rganizatins,
suh as Frtune Glble Fru 200 and Eur-Asian nferene rganized b the inistr f
uniatins Thans t thse experiene, I used nledge in real freign affairs and
inreased abilities in related aspets

N atter h uh the life in BFSU brught t e, I’ve been thining fr reall a lng tie
abut studing sething else after graduatin as the life-lng diretin f stud and
prfessin After analizing all the fatrs that intrigue e and inspire e, I’ve hsen
a ar hih ntains the fatrs f bth passin and ratinalit This ar is edia anageent

I reall appreiate it if u uld nsider appliatin If I uld have the hnr t stud here,
I prise that I uld never fail ur expetatin I’ll tr best t stud and learn as uh as
I uld, s as t ae ntributin t the siet and ur untr


Saple 11:简介版自我介绍
Hell, everne! nae is innie I’ a 1 ears ld girl I live in the beautiful it f Rizha
I’ an ative, lvel, and lever girl In the shl favrite subet is ath Perhaps sene
thins it’s diffiult t stud ell But I lie it I believe that if u tr ur best, everthing
an be dne ell
I als lie sprts ver uh Suh as, running, vlleball and s n I’ ind- hearted If u
need help, please e t eI hpe e an be gd friends!

Fr: http://hxen/englishstud/zs/2009-04-09/72770htl

Gd rning !
It is reall hnr t have this pprtunit fr an intervie,
I hpe i an ae a gd perfrane tda I’ nfident that I an sueed
N i ill intrdue self briefl
I a 26 ears ld,brn in shandng prvine
I as graduated fr qingda universit ar is eletrniand i gt bahelr degree after
graduatin in the ear f 2003
I spend st f tie n stud,i have passed ET4/6 and i have aquired basi nledge f
ar during shl tie
In ul 2003, I began r fr a sall private pan as a tehnial supprt engineer in
QingDa itBeause I’ apable f re respnsibilities, s I deided t hange b
And in August 2004,I left QingDa t Beiing and red fr a freign enterprise
as a autatin sftare test engineerBeause I ant t hange ring envirnent, I’d lie
t find a b hih is re hallenging rver trla is a glbal pan, s I feel I an gain the
st fr ring in this ind f pan ennvirnent That is the reasn h I e here t pete fr
this psitin
I thin I’ a gd tea plaer and I’ a persn f great hnest t thers Als I a able t r
under great pressure
That’s all Than u fr giving e the hane

自我介绍(self- intrdutin)
1Gd rning I a glad t be here fr this intervie First let e intrdue self nae is
***, 24 I e fr ******,the apital f *******Prvine I graduated fr the
******* departent f *****Universit in ul ,2001In the past t ears I have
been preparing fr the pstgraduate exainatin hile I have been teahing
*****in N****iddle Shl and I as a head-teaher f a lass in unir grade tN
all hard r has gt a result sine I have a hane t be intervie b u I a
pen-inded ,qui in thught and ver fnd f histrIn spare tie,I have brad
interests lie an ther ungstersI lie reading bs, espeiall thse abut
*******Frequentl I exhange ith ther peple b aing ents in the fru n lineIn
additin ,during llege ears,I as ne a Net-bar tehniianS, I have a parativel gd
and f netr appliatinI a able t perate the puter ellI a sillful in searhing fr
infratin in InternetI a a ftball fan fr earsItalian tea is favriteAna,I feel
great pit fr ur untr’s tea I alas believe that ne ill easil lag behind unless he









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