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2021-01-12 23:50
tags:英语作文, 销售/营销, 经管营销



【篇一:小学英语作文:我的周末 my weekend】

小学英语作文:我的周末 my weekend

i think everyone likes weekend. because its time for relax and
fun. now i want to talk about my weekend.

i often spend saturday for fun. such as playing basketball with
my friends, watching movies and tv shows, having a trip with
family and so on. and i always spend sunday for homework
and have some rest. sometimes i visit my grandparents with
my parents. its very interesting to visit them. 我想每个人都喜欢
周末,因为这是放松和玩耍的时间。现在我想谈谈我的周末。 星期
六我通常 用来玩,比如和朋友打篮球,看电影和电视节目,和家人
旅行等等。星期天我通常用来做作业和休息。有 时候我会和父母去




地在微信上获取信息, 和朋友保持联系,分享身边的新鲜事, 把它当
作电话来沟通,节省话费。也可以随时在上面表达自己的 心情和想法,
上传(upload)图片让朋友更加了解你身边的情况; 展示自己的作
品等。 但它也有它的不足,例如它会占用你过多的时间,微信上也
可能有假的信息或不健康的信息,有可能会泄 露自己的私人信息等。

请你以 wechat in our life 为题写一篇短文。





express our feelings or thoughts;upload pictures or photos;
provides a platform(舞台) for ordinary people to show their
abilities; give away(泄露); advantages(优点)

wechat in our life

in recent years, wechat has been more and more popular.
actually, it has become part of our life. it seems that everyone
uses wechat now. it is so popular among people because it
has many advantages.

first, everyone can easily use it, it does not need much skills.
second, we can express our feelings and thoughts at any time
and anywhere if we have a phone, then our friends can know
us well. if we are sad, we can easily get help comfort from
others. third, we can get the latest information quickly and
easily, which let us know quickly what is going on around us .
so it is very useful. what’s more, it provides us a platform to
show our abilities. when we get prizes, or sing a good song, or
draw a good picture, we can just upload them and let our
friends know. when we go to a new place or make some
delicious food, we can also share them with others. and we
can use it as a telephone to talk with our families, how
fantastic! so everyone love it.

but it also has some bad effects on our study if we spend too
much time on it. and if we put our private information on it, it
may give away to others, so it may be dangerous to us.

so we should be careful while using it. all in all, if we make
good use of it, i think it has more advantages than

2). 现 在,越来越多的青少年学生拥有手机,你觉得学生应该将手
机带到学校吗?请你依据下面信息提示,写一 篇题为“should
students have a mobile phone at school?”的短文。


1. 明确你的观点

2. 阐述你的理由

3. 给学校提出一两点建议


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 词数:不少于80。

now more and more students have mobile phones. some of
them even bring mobile phones to school. in my opinion,
students shouldn’t have a mobile phone at school. i can’t find
any advantages in bringing them to school. some students use
mobile phones to send messages to others in class. some use
mobile phones to play games and others even take photos of
students and teachers and post them online without asking
permission. all these habits are bad for students’ study.

3). 现在越来越多的人在网上购物(shopping online),网购已成
为流行趋势,网购的利弊 也成为人们讨论的焦点。请参考下面的信

1. 方便。可以在家买东西,不受时间限制;

2. 有很大的商品信息,可以买到当地没有的商品;

3. 价格较便宜;

4. 买货容易退货难;

5. 实物和图片有差距;



网店:online shop; 实物:material object; 货比三家shop
around 保护私人信息:protect your privacy;保持理智:stay
rational ;支付宝:ali-pay;打折:discount 要求:




4. 80字左右, 开头、过渡和结尾已给出,不计入总字数。

now shopping online is more and more popular in the world.
it’s a new way of shopping. it has lots of advantages. the most
important is convenient. you can shop whenever you like
because the online shop are open 24 hours a day. it is often to
buy goods and it is also easy to find the things that you can’t
buy in the shop . besides, it’s cheaper . but “ every coin has
two sides.” so is internet shopping. you can’t see the material
objects or check their quality. usually the pictures are more
beautiful than the goods. so when we get the goods and don’t
like them, they sometimes are not easy to give back. what’s
more , it’s not safe to pay through the internet.

in my opinion, we shouldn’t buy things through the internet,
seeing is believing.

4). 对于每个人来说, 健康的生活方式至关重要,但是现在有许多
的青少年不重视他们的生活习惯,这严重 影响了他们的健康。请你
根据以下内容提示,以“have a healthy lifestyle”为题写一篇英语短


1. 众所周知,健康很重要;

2. 许多青少年不注重健康问题,如长时间看电视、上网聊天、玩游

3. 不良生活习惯带来的危害;

4. 你的看法。





as we all know, health is very important. but many teenagers
don’t pay any attention to their health. they spend too much
time watching tv, playing games and chatting on the internet.
as a result of that, they get nearsighted and their bodies
become much weaker. what’s worse, they will lose the chance
to communicate with others face to face because they never
go out. and this may have a bad effect on their mental health.

in my opinion, they should spend less time in front of the tv or
the computer. instead, they should go out to play some sports,
visit some friends and have a healthy lifestyle.

5). “垃圾不落地,深圳更美丽”,垃圾可以回收利用,是可 再生资
(减少污染,回收利用, 美化环境等)谈起,号召政府和人们行动




3. 80字左右,开头已给出,不计入总字数。

every day we produce waste and it does harm to our
environment. in order to protect the environment, we should
sort waste.

there are many advantages of waste sorting. first of all, it can
help reduce the pollution. waste sorting can also make it easier
to recycle waste. besides, it can beautify the city.









本文更新与2021-01-12 23:50,由作者提供,不代表本网站立场,转载请注明出处:https://www.bjmy2z.cn/gaokao/512471.html
